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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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stuartsierra.component & ring & c3p0 pooled db connection.
(ns picture-gallery.component
(:require [com.stuartsierra.component :as component]
[picture-gallery.handler :refer [app]]
[ring.adapter.jetty :refer [run-jetty]])
(:import [com.mchange.v2.c3p0 ComboPooledDataSource DataSources]))
(defn pool
(let [cpds (doto (ComboPooledDataSource.)
(.setDriverClass (:classname spec))
(.setJdbcUrl (str "jdbc:" (:subprotocol spec) ":" (:subname spec)))
(.setUser (:user spec))
(.setPassword (:password spec))
(.setMaxIdleTimeExcessConnections (* 30 60))
(.setMaxIdleTime (* 3 60 60)))]
{:datasource cpds}))
(defrecord Database [db-spec connection]
(start [this]
(println "Starting Database...")
(assoc this :connection (pool db-spec)))
(stop [this]
(DataSources/destroy (:datasource connection))
(println "Database stopped.")
(assoc this :connection nil)))
(defn create-database [db-spec]
(map->Database {:db-spec db-spec}))
(defn wrap-app-component [f db]
(fn [req]
(f (assoc req :db db))))
(defn make-handler [db]
(wrap-app-component app db))
(defrecord HttpServer [database port http-server]
(start [this]
(println "Starting HTTP server...")
(let [http-server (run-jetty (make-handler (:connection database))
{:port port
:join? false})]
(println (str "You can view the site at http://localhost:" port))
(assoc this :http-server http-server)))
(stop [this]
(.stop http-server)
(println "HTTP server stopped.")
(assoc this :http-server nil)))
(defn create-http-server [port]
(map->HttpServer {:port port}))
(defn create-system [{:keys [port db-spec] :as config-options}]
:database (create-database db-spec)
:http-server (component/using
(create-http-server port)
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