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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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(ns example-component-ring.component
(:require [com.stuartsierra.component :as component]
[monger.core :as mg]
[example-component-ring.handler :refer [app]]
[ring.adapter.jetty :refer [run-jetty]]))
;; データベースコンポーネント
(defrecord Database [connection]
(start [this]
(if connection
(do (println ";; Starting database")
(let [conn (mg/connect)]
(assoc this :connection conn)))))
(stop [this]
(if (not connection)
(do (try (mg/disconnect connection)
(catch Throwable t
";; Error when stopping database"))
(println ";; Database stopped")
(assoc this :connection nil)))))
;; データベースコンポーネントの作成用関数
(defn create-database []
(map->Database {}))
;; requestにDatabaseコンポーネントを追加するミドルウェア
(defn wrap-app-component [f db]
(fn [req]
(f (assoc req :db db))))
;; ミドルウェアを適用したringハンドラを返す関数
(defn make-handler [db]
(wrap-app-component app db))
;; HTTPサーバコンポーネント
(defrecord HttpServer [port server database]
(start [this]
(if server
(do (println ";; Starting HTTP server")
(let [server (run-jetty (make-handler database)
{:port port
:join? false})]
(assoc this :server server)))))
(stop [this]
(if (not server)
(do (try (.stop server)
(catch Throwable t
(print ";; Error when stopping HTTP server")))
(println ";; HTTP server stopped")
(assoc this :server nil)))))
;; HTTPサーバコンポーネントの作成用関数
(defn create-http-server [port]
(map->HttpServer {:port port}))
;; システム作成用関数
(defn create-system [config-options]
(let [{:keys [port]} config-options]
:database (create-database)
:http-server (component/using
(create-http-server port)
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