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Last active March 13, 2017 06:09
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get field name of case class and get type checked new value. (scalameta 1.6.0, paradise 3.0.0-M7)
package scalaworld.macros
package com.folio.account.macros
import scala.collection.immutable.Seq
import scala.meta._
* annotation for case class.
* It generates `FieldNameAndValuePorter` obect in comanion obect, that have these methods for each case class field.
* `def fieldName(value: TypeOfField): (String, TypeOfField) = (fieldName, value)`
* @example
* {{{
* @FieldNameAndValuePorter
* case class Mofu(foo: Int, bar: String)
* obect Mofu {}
* ==> ("foo", 1)
* ==> type error Int is not String
* }}}
class FieldNameAndValuePorter extends scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation {
inline def apply(defn: Any): Any = meta {
def createPorterObject(paramss: Seq[Seq[Term.Param]]): Defn.Object = {
val porters = { param =>
val fieldName = Term.Name(
val fieldType = param.decltpe.getOrElse(abort(s"${} does not have type"))
val argName = Term.fresh("value")
val returnType = Type.Name(fieldType.syntax)
q"""def $fieldName($argName: $fieldType):(_root_.scala.Predef.String, $returnType) = (${fieldName.value}, $argName)"""
q"""object FieldNameAndValuePorter { ..$porters }"""
defn match {
// companion object exists
case Term.Block(Seq(cls @ Defn.Class(_, name, _, ctor, _), companion: Defn.Object)) =>
val porterObject = createPorterObject(cls.ctor.paramss)
val newCompanion = companion.copy(
templ = companion.templ.copy(
stats = Some(porterObject +: companion.templ.stats.getOrElse(Nil))
Term.Block(Seq(cls, newCompanion))
// companion object does not exists
case cls: Defn.Class =>
val porterObject = createPorterObject(cls.ctor.paramss)
val companion = q"object ${Term.Name(} { $porterObject }"
Term.Block(Seq(cls, companion))
// something wrong
case _ =>
abort("@FieldNameAndValuePorter must annotate a object.")
package scalaworld.macros
import org.scalatest.FunSuite
object Mofu
case class Mofu(wan: Int, nyan: String, gau: Double, oh: String)
class FieldNameAndValuePorterMain extends FunSuite {
test("mofu") {
// ("wan",2)
// ("nyan", "nyaa")
// compile error gyan not defined
// println(Mofu.MacroPorter.gyan(3))
// compile error wan is not string
// println(Mofu.MacroPorter.wan("waon"))
obect MofuSql {
def update(columnAndValues: Map[Any, String]): Future[Unit] = {
object MofuMain {
val (wanValue, nyanValue) = parseSomeRequest()
// voilerplate
"wan" -> wanValue,
"nyn" -> nyanValue, // typo!
"gau" -> "gaugau" // type unsafe (String is not Double)
// macro (typo safe, value is type checked)
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なるほど・・! が更新されてるのか不明ですが _root.~ で参照しているっぽいのでダメそうですかね・・(◞‸◟)

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