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Last active November 11, 2015 06:56
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Encode and Decode to Text from Punched Card (Sample Code)
Decode and Encode to Texts from Punched Card
This Program Use IBM 80-column punched card formats.
Bad this program has allowed any columns.
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import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Data.List (elemIndices, transpose)
import Data.Traversable (sequence)
import Data.Char (toUpper, isDigit)
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Array
type PunchedIndices = [Int]
type PunchedCard = [String]
chars :: [((Int,Int), Char)]
chars = zip (concat [[(a,b) | b <- [4..12]]| a <- [1..3]])
punch2char :: PunchedIndices -> Maybe Char
punch2char [] = Just ' '
punch2char [1] = Just '&'
punch2char [2] = Just '-'
punch2char [n] = Just (head $ show (n - 3))
punch2char [a,b] = lookup (a,b) chars
punch2char _ = Nothing
char2punch :: Char -> PunchedIndices
char2punch '&' = [1]
char2punch '-' = [2]
char2punch c
| isDigit c = [(read [c]) + 3]
| Just (a,b) <- lookup c (fmap swap chars) = [a,b]
| otherwise = []
encode :: Char -> String -> PunchedCard
encode punchSymbol = makePunchedCard . fmap (char2punch . toUpper)
makePunchedCard :: [PunchedIndices] -> PunchedCard
makePunchedCard pis = transpose $ left : (fmap punchColumn pis)
left = "/|||||||||||||"
column = (listArray (0, 13) " _")
punchColumn pi = elems $ column // (zip pi (repeat punchSymbol))
decode :: Char -> PunchedCard -> String
decode punchChar punchCards = fromMaybe errorMessage (sequence text)
text = fmap (punch2char . elemIndices punchChar) $ transpose punchCards
errorMessage = "error: error points is "
++ (unwords $ map show $ elemIndices Nothing text)
main = do
[cmd,(p:_)] <- getArgs
texts <- getContents
case cmd of
"encode" -> putStrLn $ unlines $ fmap (unlines . encode p) $ lines texts
"decode" -> putStrLn $ decode p $ lines texts
_ -> putStrLn ("error:" ++ cmd ++ " command is not much")
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