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Created November 6, 2015 05:46
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Amida Lottery in Haskell (Sample Code)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List
import Data.Tuple
type PermutationGroup = [Int]
type Cycle = [Int]
type Transposition = (Int,Int)
type CoxeterGenerator = [Transposition]
main = getLine >>= putStrLn . show . solve . (map read) . words
solve :: PermutationGroup -> CoxeterGenerator
solve pg = (concatMap transCoxeter)
$ (map (sortTuple (\x y -> x < y)))
$ (concatMap transTranspositions)
$ getCycles pg
getCycles :: PermutationGroup -> [Cycle]
getCycles pg = loop [1..(length pg)] []
loop [] cycles = cycles
loop left cycles = loop (left \\ cyc) (cyc : cycles)
cyc = getCycle pg [] (head left)
getCycle :: PermutationGroup -> Cycle -> Int -> Cycle
getCycle pg cyc next
| elem next cyc = cyc
| otherwise = getCycle pg (cyc++[next]) (pg!!(next-1))
transTranspositions :: Cycle -> [Transposition]
transTranspositions [c] = []
transTranspositions cs = zip cs (tail cs)
sortTuple :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a,a) -> (a,a)
sortTuple f t@(a,b) = if f a b then t else swap t
transCoxeter :: Transposition -> CoxeterGenerator
transCoxeter (a,b)
| a == b = []
| abs (a-b) == 1 = [(a,b)]
| otherwise = (a,a+1):(transCoxeter (a+1,b)) ++ [(a,a+1)]
-- test code
amida :: CoxeterGenerator -> Int -> Int
amida cg n = loop (reverse cg) n
loop [] n = n
loop ((a,b):px) n
| a == n = loop px b
| b == n = loop px a
| otherwise = loop px n
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