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Forked from ponsea/hoge.scala
Last active January 20, 2018 08:32
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import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap
// import
object Main extends App {
// val file = Source.fromFile("", "utf-8")
// val lines = file.getLines.dropWhile(l => l.trim.isEmpty)
val lines = List(
f"- 2018年01月18日 木曜日 19:00",
"- これはテストです1",
f"- 2018年01月19日 金曜日 19:00",
"- これはテストです2",
"- これはテストです3",
f"- 2018年01月18日 木曜日 19:00",
"- これはテストです4"
val result: DiaryConvert = lines.foldLeft(DiaryConvert()) { (d, l) =>
case class DiaryConvert(currentKey: String = "",
acc: TreeMap[String, StringBuilder] = TreeMap.empty[String, StringBuilder]){
val dateTimeSep = """- (\d{4})年(\d{2})月(\d{2})日 .曜日 (\d{2}:\d{2})""".r
private def parseKey(line: String): Option[String] = line match {
case dateTimeSep(year, month, day, time) =>
Some(s"$year-$month-$day $time")
case _ => None
private def adder(key: String, line: String): DiaryConvert =
DiaryConvert(key, acc.+(key ->
acc.getOrElse(key, new StringBuilder).append(f"$line%n")))
def parseLine(nextLine: String): DiaryConvert =
parseKey(nextLine) match {
case Some(newKey) => DiaryConvert(newKey, acc) // key change
case None => adder(this.currentKey, nextLine) // add
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