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Last active December 30, 2015 17:14
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Dynamic Network Visualization
{"name":"EDS Transition","group":2},
{"name":"OA Stats","group":2},
{"name":"SFX Menu","group":2},
{"name":"Digital Preservation","group":2},
{"name":"EDS Transition","group":2},
{"name":"OA Stats","group":2},
{"name":"SFX Menu","group":2},
{"name":"Digital Preservation","group":2},
{"name":"EDS Transition","group":2},
{"name":"OA Stats","group":2},
{"name":"SFX Menu","group":2},
{"name":"Digital Preservation","group":2},
{"name":"EDS Transition","group":2},
{"name":"OA Stats","group":2},
{"name":"SFX Menu","group":2},
{"name":"Digital Preservation","group":2},
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var plot = function(thing) {
console.log('Plotting ' + thing);
d3.json("dynamic-" + thing + ".json", function(json) {
// Debug what's coming in as JSON
var force = d3.layout.force()
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$("ul.toggles li input").click(function() {
var theValue = $(this).attr("value");
console.log('Click ' + theValue);
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<title>Dynamic Networks | d3.js Force-Directed Graph</title>
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<label for="p2">Chomsky Fundraising</label>
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