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Created October 15, 2017 02:38
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A simple python script that runs a monte carlo simulation of the remaining games in a Major League Soccer season. This is pretty coupled to the database I use, and some shim objects I wrote for that database - but the approach should be clear though.
import copy
import database
from log import Log
from output import Output
import numpy as np
def calculatePPG(data):
# This expects data in a form of
# {'MIN': {'Points': 8.0, 'PPG': 0.8888888888888888, 'GP': 9.0}, 'TOR': {'Points': 16.0, 'PPG': 1.7777777777777777, 'GP': 9.0}}
for team in data:
data[team]['PPG'] = data[team]['Points'] / data[team]['GP']
return data
def calculateThreshold(homePPG, awayPPG):
# This calculates and returns a dictionary of thresholds for home wins
# and draws.
# Determine counts based on comparative PPG
if (homePPG == awayPPG):
home = 58.0
draw = 26.0
away = 33.0
elif (homePPG > awayPPG):
home = 481.0
draw = 229.0
away = 171.0
home = 433.0
draw = 278.0
away = 246.0
# Calculate and return randomness thresholds
threshold = {}
threshold['home'] = home / (home + draw + away)
threshold['draw'] = (home + draw) / (home + draw + away)
return threshold
def dataInit(database):
# This initializes the nested dictionary that records the simulation output
data = {}
data['CLB'] = loadStats(database, 11)
data['DC'] = loadStats(database, 12)
data['CHI'] = loadStats(database, 13)
data['COL'] = loadStats(database, 14)
data['NE'] = loadStats(database, 15)
data['DAL'] = loadStats(database, 16)
data['SJ'] = loadStats(database, 17)
data['KC'] = loadStats(database, 18)
data['LA'] = loadStats(database, 19)
data['NY'] = loadStats(database, 20)
data['POR'] = loadStats(database, 42)
data['SEA'] = loadStats(database, 43)
data['VAN'] = loadStats(database, 44)
data['MON'] = loadStats(database, 45)
data['RSL'] = loadStats(database, 340)
data['HOU'] = loadStats(database, 427)
data['TOR'] = loadStats(database, 463)
data['PHI'] = loadStats(database, 479)
data['ORL'] = loadStats(database, 506)
data['MIN'] = loadStats(database, 521)
data['NYC'] = loadStats(database, 547)
data['ATL'] = loadStats(database, 599)
data = calculatePPG(data)
return data
def loadGames(database):
# This should be passed from outside, so we just get records once
sql = ("SELECT g.ID, h.team3ltr AS Home, a.team3ltr AS Away "
"FROM tbl_games g "
"INNER JOIN tbl_teams h on g.HTeamID = h.ID "
"INNER JOIN tbl_teams a on g.ATeamID = a.ID "
"WHERE YEAR(g.MatchTime) = 2017 "
"AND g.MatchTypeID = 21 "
"AND g.MatchTime > NOW() "
"ORDER BY g.MatchTime ASC")
# log.message(sql)
rs = database.query(sql, ())
if (rs.with_rows):
records = rs.fetchall()
return records
def loadStats(database, teamid):
# This calculates a given team's GP, Points, and PPG values.
# It is part of the initialization step.
sql = ("SET @GP = 0;"
"SET @Pts = 0;"
"SELECT HTeamID, HScore, ATeamID, AScore, @GP:=@GP+1 AS GP, "
"IF(HScore=AScore, "
"@Pts:=@Pts+1, "
"IF(HTeamID= %s, "
" IF(HScore > AScore,@Pts:=@Pts+3,@Pts), "
" IF(HScore > AScore,@Pts,@Pts:=@Pts+3) "
")) AS Points "
"FROM tbl_games "
"WHERE YEAR(MatchTime) = 2017 "
" AND MatchTime < NOW() "
" AND (HTeamID = %s OR ATeamID = %s) "
" AND MatchTypeID = 21")
records = database.multiquery(sql, (teamid, teamid, teamid))
stats = {}
for game in records:
stats['GP'] = game[4]
stats['Points'] = game[5]
return stats
def simulateGame(log, data, home, away):
# Calculate thresholds
threshold = calculateThreshold(data[home]['PPG'], data[away]['PPG'])
# Random number
result = np.random.random(1)[0]
# Return H/D/A based on random number
if (result <= threshold['home']):
# Home win
data[home]['Points'] += 3
elif (result <= threshold['draw']):
# Draw
data[home]['Points'] += 1
data[away]['Points'] += 1
# Away win
data[away]['Points'] += 3
# Increment games played
data[home]['GP'] += 1
data[away]['GP'] += 1
# Recalculate PPG
data = calculatePPG(data)
return data
def simulateSeason(log, database, output, gamelist, initial):
# Initialize starting data
standings = copy.deepcopy(initial)
# For each game in the list, simulate the result and update standings
for game in enumerate(gamelist):
standings = simulateGame(log, standings, game[1][1], game[1][2])
# Store final points totals for all teams in CSV file for later analysis
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Log
log = Log('logs/model_v2_170605.log')
# Database
# Load initial standings
initial = dataInit(database)
# Initialize output file
# This is after the standings init because the first line of output is to
# write the team abbreviations (array keys) as the header row.
output = Output('output/model_v2_170605.csv', initial)
# Get list of games
schedule = loadGames(database)
# Simulate all season
for i in range(10000):
log.message('Season ' + str(i))
simulateSeason(log, database, output, schedule, initial)
# Shut down
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Is it possible to show us what your data looks like? I am really interested in learning from your work. Thanks!

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