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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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Combination of list items, v2

This is an attempt to build a visualization pattern showing combinations among items in a single list. It is inspired by a device I remember from printed maps, showing distances between cities - usually printed in an unused corner.

This pattern currently works best for combinations that are direction-agnostic. In this example, the datasete illustrates how often a group of soccer players appeared together over the course of a single season. For bi-directional combinations a different strategy may be needed, or perhaps a more nuanced design at each intersection.

// Basic parameters
var i; // counters
var _s32 = (Math.sqrt(3)/2); // constant ratio of hexagon's internal to external radius
var nodeSize = 20; // size of an individual node - this may become auto calculated
var nodeText = 12;
// need to add a label size bsaed on data label lengths
var dx = nodeSize * 1.5; // column spacing value
var dy = nodeSize * _s32; // row spacing value
var w = 600; // total plot width
var h = 600; // total plot height
// need to refactor the margin calculations...
var margin = { // this is meant to provide a margin around the plot
top: nodeSize,
right: nodeSize * 1.5,
bottom: nodeSize * 1.5,
left: 100
var svgContainer; // overall plot container
var label, labels, labelText; // plot labels
var hexagon, hexagons; // plot data appears in hexagons
// create container
svgContainer ="#combinations")
.attr("width", w)
.attr("height", h);
// load data, build visualization
d3.json("crew96.json", function(error, data) {
if(error) {
alert("Error loading json file:\n" + error.statusText);
} else {
// build node labels
// draw hexagon grid
// Functions
buildHexagons = function(data) {
var colorRange = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([9,29]) // games played together
.range([255,0]); // color being mapped
hexagons = svgContainer.append("g")
hexagon = hexagons.selectAll("path")
.attr("data-combination",function(d,i) {
return d.source+" ";
.style("fill", function(d) {
console.log(d.value + " => " + (colorRange(d.value)));
return "rgba(" + Math.floor(colorRange(d.value)) + "," + Math.floor(colorRange(d.value)) + "," + Math.floor(colorRange(d.value)) + ",0.75)";
if(d.value === 10) {
return "rgba(192,192,128,0.5)";
} else {
return "rgba(255,192,192,0.5)";
.attr("d", function(d,i) {
col = margin.left + ( Math.abs(d.source - * dx );
row = ((Math.abs( + Math.min(d.source, * Math.sqrt(3) * nodeSize +;
return setHexagonPoints(col,row,nodeSize);
return d.value + " games played together";
buildLabels = function(data) {
labels = svgContainer.append("g")
labelText = labels.selectAll("g text")
return (i*dy*2) + dy + nodeText/2;
.attr("font-size",nodeText )
.text(function(d) {
}); // label text
label = labels.selectAll("path")
.append("path") // label drawing
.style("fill", "rgba(255,226,90,0.5)")
return i;
.attr("d",function(d,i) {
var startY = i * nodeSize*_s32*2 + ( - nodeSize*_s32);
var path = "M 0 " + startY + " ";
path += "H " + (margin.left + dx - nodeSize) + " ";
path += "L " + (margin.left + dx - nodeSize/2) + " " + (startY + ( _s32*nodeSize ) ) + " ";
path += "L " + (margin.left + dx - nodeSize) + " " + (startY + ( _s32*nodeSize * 2) ) + " ";
path += "H 0 ";
return path;
return d.value + " games played";
buildListeners = function() {
$("g.hexagons path").mouseout(function() {
// reset all labels
$("g.labels").children("path").each(function() {
$("g.labels path").mouseout(function() {
// reset all labels
$("g.hexagons").children("path").each(function() {
$("g.hexagons path").mouseover(function() {
// highlight the labels for the relevant combined node
var cl = $(this).data("combination").split(" ").sort();
for(var x in cl){
// cl[x] = +cl[x];
var needle = $("g.labels").children("path")[+cl[x]];
$(needle).attr("class","label active");
$("g.labels path").mouseover(function() {
// highlight the hexagons for the relevant label
var needle = $(this).data("node");
var haystack = $("g.hexagons path");
for (var x = 0; x < haystack.length; x++) {
var candidate = haystack[x].attributes["data-combination"].value.split(" ").map(Number);
// need to be able to read the candidate's data-combination attribute
if(candidate.indexOf(needle) >= 0) {
haystack[x].attributes["class"].value = "cell active";
} else {
console.log("not here");
haystack[x].attributes["class"].value = "cell";
setHexagonPoints = function(x,y,size) {
var hexPoints = "";
hexPoints += "M " + (size + x ) + " " + (0 + y ) + " ";
hexPoints += "L " + (size/2 + x ) + " " + (size*_s32 + y ) + " " ;
hexPoints += "L " + (-size/2 + x) + " " + (size*_s32 + y ) + " " ;
hexPoints += "L " + (-size + x ) + " " + (0 + y ) + " " ;
hexPoints += "L " + (-size/2 + x) + " " + (-size*_s32 + y) + " " ;
hexPoints += "L " + (size/2 + x ) + " " + (-size*_s32 + y) + " " ;
hexPoints += "L " + (size + x ) + " " + (0 + y ) + " " ;
return hexPoints;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
<title>Node Combinations Graph - Color</title>
<script src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type='text/css' />
<div id="combinations"></div>
<script src="hexagons.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
svg {
font: 10px sans-serif;
.label {
/* opacity: 0.5; */
.label {
opacity: 0.5;
.label:hover {
opacity: 1;
stroke: red;
stroke-width: 2px;
.active {
opacity: 1;
stroke: red;
stroke-width: 2px;
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