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Created March 18, 2020 14:16
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Really simple example showing how to create a basic local HTTP server in Swift
import Foundation
import Cocoa
private enum Constants {
static let crlf: Character = "\r\n"
Derived from a number of literature online, but primarily:
class LocalServer {
// MARK: - Subtypes
struct Request {
enum Method: String {
case get = "GET", post = "POST"
let method: Method
let body: Data
// MARK: - Properties
private let serverSocketFd: Int32
private var serverSocket: CFSocket!
private let runLoop: CFRunLoop
var onRequest: ((Request) -> String?)?
// MARK: - Init
init(port: Int) {
// Socket setup: creates an endpoint for communication, returns a file descriptor
serverSocketFd = socket(
AF_INET, // Domain: specifies protocol family; set to TCP
SOCK_STREAM, // Type: specifies communication semantics; set to IPv4
0 // Protocol: 0 because there is a single protocol for the specified family
guard serverSocketFd != -1 else {
fatalError("Failed to create socket for server.")
// Tell OS we want to bypass socket reuse wait time, and use it right now:
var enable = 1
let enableFlagByteSize = MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: enable)
if setsockopt(serverSocketFd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &enable, socklen_t(enableFlagByteSize)) < 0 {
fatalError("Setting socket reuse (setsockopt(SO_REUSEADDR)) failed")
// Construct local address structure
var serverAddress = sockaddr_in()
serverAddress.sin_family = .init(AF_INET)
serverAddress.sin_port = in_port_t(port).bigEndian // htons is not availble in Swift; google: 'htons in swift'
serverAddress.sin_addr.s_addr = in_addr_t(INADDR_ANY).bigEndian // same as: inet_addr("")
// Bind socket to local address.
// bind() assigns the address specified by serverAddress to the socket
// referred to by the file descriptor serverSocketFd.
let bindResult = withUnsafePointer(to: &serverAddress) {
[serverSocketFd] in
$0.withMemoryRebound(to: sockaddr.self, capacity: 1) {
guard bindResult != -1 else {
fatalError("Failed to bind socket to local address.")
// Start listening for incoming requests
let maxPendingConnections = 10
let listenResult = listen(serverSocketFd, .init(maxPendingConnections))
if listenResult == -1 {
fatalError("Failed to start listening for incoming connections")
// Lastly, have the runloop notify us when there's an incoming connection:
runLoop = CFRunLoopGetCurrent()
var ctx = CFSocketContext()
class WeakReference {
weak var value: LocalServer?
init(_ value: LocalServer) { self.value = value }
} = Unmanaged.passRetained(WeakReference(self)).toOpaque()
ctx.release = {
info in
guard let info = info else { return }
let optionalCFSocket = CFSocketCreateWithNative(
nil, // allocator
serverSocketFd, // socket fd
cfSocket, callbackType, addressData, data, info in
guard let info = info else { return }
let server = Unmanaged<WeakReference>.fromOpaque(info).takeUnretainedValue()
guard let cfSocket = optionalCFSocket else {
fatalError("Failed to create CFSocket.")
serverSocket = cfSocket
let serverSocketSource = CFSocketCreateRunLoopSource(nil, cfSocket, 0)
CFRunLoopAddSource(runLoop, serverSocketSource, .commonModes)
deinit {
private func handleIncomingRequests() {
// Open socket for incoming request
let clientSocketFd = accept(serverSocketFd, nil, nil)
guard clientSocketFd != -1 else { return }
defer { Darwin.close(clientSocketFd) }
// Respond:
let request = parseStreamIntoRequest(socket: clientSocketFd),
let responseBody = onRequest?(request)
let response = constructResponse(with: responseBody)
send(clientSocketFd, response, response.utf8.count, 0)
} else {
send(clientSocketFd, "", 0, 0)
private func constructResponse(with body: String) -> String {
let crlf = String(Constants.crlf)
let header = [
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK",
"Server: Mirror",
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *",
"Content-Length: \(body.utf8.count)",
].joined(separator: crlf)
return "\(header)\(crlf)\(crlf)\(body)"
private func parseStreamIntoRequest(socket: Int32) -> Request? {
var isFirstLine = true
var possibleMethod: Request.Method?
var possibleContentLength: Int?
// Parse stream line-by-line
var bytesReadSoFar = 0
let byteIterator = AnyIterator<UInt8> {
var byte: UInt8 = 0
if read(socket, &byte, 1) == 1 {
bytesReadSoFar += 1
return byte
return nil
let crlfBytes = Array(Constants.crlf.utf8)
var bytesMatchingSoFar = 0
while true {
let currentLineBytes = byteIterator.prefix(while: {
if $0 == crlfBytes[bytesMatchingSoFar] {
bytesMatchingSoFar += 1
if bytesMatchingSoFar == crlfBytes.count {
bytesMatchingSoFar = 0
return false
} else {
bytesMatchingSoFar = 0
return true
let line = String(bytes: currentLineBytes, encoding: .utf8)?
.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
else { return nil }
if isFirstLine {
isFirstLine = false
// Status line
let parts = line.components(separatedBy: " ") // [ method, path, status? ]
guard parts.count == 3 else { return nil }
possibleMethod = Request.Method(rawValue: parts[0])
} else if line.isEmpty {
// After this is where request data begins
} else {
// Header
let keyAndValue = line.split(separator: ":", maxSplits: 1)
guard keyAndValue.count == 2 else {
return nil
let key = keyAndValue[0], value = keyAndValue[1].trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
if key.lowercased() == "content-length" {
possibleContentLength = Int(value)
if line.isEmpty { break }
guard let method = possibleMethod else { return nil }
method == .post,
let contentLength = possibleContentLength
var data = Data(count: contentLength)
var bytesRemaining = contentLength
while bytesRemaining > 0 {
let offset = contentLength - bytesRemaining
let bytesRead = data.withUnsafeMutableBytes {
read(socket, $0.baseAddress! + offset, bytesRemaining)
if bytesRead <= 0 { return nil }
bytesRemaining -= bytesRead
return Request(method: method, body: data)
return Request(method: method, body: .init())
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