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Matt Dray matt-dray

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matt-dray / app.R
Created July 16, 2024 09:20
Quick demo Shiny app with {bslib} using select inputs and checkbox
n <- 5
scheme <- paste("Scheme", 1:n)
mitigator <- paste("Mitigator", LETTERS[1:n])
combos <- tidyr::crossing(scheme, mitigator)
nrows <- nrow(combos)
dat <- combos |>
lo = runif(nrows),
hi = pmin(lo + runif(nrows, 0.25, 0.5), 1),
matt-dray / responsive-facet-height.R
Created June 28, 2024 14:07
{ggplot2} plot-height determined by facet row count: halve the height of the output if the second facet row is missing
# Calculate how many plots will be produced
count_plots <- function(df, var) {
# Plot faceted chart, save with height dependent on plot count
write_responsive_facets <- function(
var = "species",
plot_count = count_plots(df, var),
matt-dray / nara-grid.R
Last active June 25, 2024 08:04
Messing about with sprites on a grid with {nara}
# {nara} by Mike Cheng:
# Kenney by Kenney:
# Read png tiles
tile_paths <- list.files(
pattern = ".png$",
full.names = TRUE,
recursive = TRUE
matt-dray / compare-sheet-names.R
Last active June 21, 2024 15:43
Extract spreadsheet sheet-names from multiple workbooks into a list of vectors and compare between all pairs
# 1. Generate temporary Excel files ----
# Make a temporary spreadsheet with named sheets
make_temp_xlsx <- function(sheet_names) {
wb <- openxlsx2::wb_workbook()
for (sheet in sheet_names) wb <- wb |> openxlsx2::wb_add_worksheet(sheet)
temp <- openxlsx::temp_xlsx()
openxlsx2::wb_save(wb, temp)
matt-dray / storage_read_json.R
Created June 20, 2024 13:16
Sketch for function in the style of `AzureStor::storage_read_*()` but for json/json.gz
#' Convenience Function: Read a (Zipped) JSON File from an Azure Container
#' @param container A blob_container/storage_container object. Probably
#' generated by [connect_to_container].
#' @param file Character. Path to file within the container named by
#' `container`.
#' @return A list.
#' @export
matt-dray / generate_num_format.R
Created May 28, 2024 19:54
Quick function to split a number and convert it to an Excel-style numFmt
generate_num_format <- function(number = 8634567.890) {
num_val <- number %/% 1
num_dp <- number %% 1
num_split <- strsplit(as.character(number), "\\.")[[1]]
n_dp <- nchar(num_split[2])
num_commas <- scales::number(as.numeric(num_val), big.mark = ",")
fmt_out <- gsub("[[:digit:]]", "#", num_commas)
matt-dray /
Created May 24, 2024 14:21
Quick step-by-step to tag and release via GitHub
  1. On the repo homepage, click the text 'Releases' in the right-hand section.
  2. Click the 'Draft a new release' button (upper-right).
  3. Click the 'Choose a tag' button (upper-left). This is going to 'tag' this point in the Git history with the version number.
  4. Type in the box the version you're releasing, e.g. 'v0.1.1'.
  5. Click '➕ Create new tag: v0.1.1 on publish' that appears under the box.
  6. Click 'Generate release notes', which will autoname the release with the tag autofill the notes with a bullet per PR since the last release
  7. Click 'Publish release' button (lower-right) to publish the release and add the tag to the version history.
  8. Return to the repo's homepage, where you'll see that the version number has incremented under the 'Releases' section.
matt-dray /
Last active May 17, 2024 12:02
Notes for a 'GitHub Etiquette' talk


  • GitHub etiquette
  • GitHub in a small team
  • GitHub: what works for us
  • A loose GitHub playbook
  • GitHub is a team sport


matt-dray /
Last active June 5, 2024 16:03
Steps to create an exported dataset in an R package with {usethis}
  1. In your package project, run usethis::use_data_raw("demo-data") to set up a data-raw/ folder with a demo-data.R file inside.
  2. Write a script in demo-data.R to produce the data object (e.g. demo_df).
  3. Insert and run the line usethis::use_data(demo_df) in demo-data.R, which will save the data object to a data/demo_df.rda file.
  4. Run usethis::use_r("demo-data") to create a corresponding R/demo-data.R file where you can document the data.
  5. In R/demo-data.R, quote the name of the data object (i.e. "demo_df") and put {roxygen2} code above it (probably at least @title, @description and maybe @format, which might contain a \describe{} block to explain the content of your object, itself containing an \item{} to describe each column if it's a data.frame).
  6. Run devtools::document() to generate the man/ pages for the data.
  7. Run devtools::load_all() to reload your package and make demo_df available in your session.
  8. Once pushed, users can attach the package and acc
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