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Last active June 21, 2024 15:43
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Extract spreadsheet sheet-names from multiple workbooks into a list of vectors and compare between all pairs
# 1. Generate temporary Excel files ----
# Make a temporary spreadsheet with named sheets
make_temp_xlsx <- function(sheet_names) {
wb <- openxlsx2::wb_workbook()
for (sheet in sheet_names) wb <- wb |> openxlsx2::wb_add_worksheet(sheet)
temp <- openxlsx::temp_xlsx()
openxlsx2::wb_save(wb, temp)
# Make multiple spreadsheets, some sheet names vary
list(LETTERS[1:3], LETTERS[1:3], LETTERS[1:4], LETTERS[1:5]),
# Get the full paths to these temporary files
files <- list.files(tempdir(), ".xlsx", full.names = TRUE)
# 2. Compare all pairs of vectors, return differences ----
# Compare between all vector pairings, identify differences
compare_listed_vectors <- function(l) {
pairs <- expand.grid(names(l), names(l)) # assuming l is named
pairs <- pairs[with(pairs, which(Var1 != Var2)), ] # don't compare self
for (i in seq(nrow(pairs))) {
vec1 <- pairs[i, 1]
vec2 <- pairs[i, 2]
diffs <- setdiff(l[[vec1]], l[[vec2]])
diffs <- if (length(diffs) == 0) list(NULL) else list(diffs)
pairs[i, "diffs"] <- list(diffs)
setNames(pairs, c("vec_a", "vec_b", "diffs")) # a data.frame
# 3. Compare vectors ----
# List of sheet names, elements named after the file
l <- lapply(files, readxl::excel_sheets) |> setNames(basename(files))
# Output a data.frame with listcol of differences
# Clean up temp files
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