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Last active July 8, 2021 06:17
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Recreating Mary Eleanor Spear's plots of the supply of United States Cotton in the 1940s
# Royal Statistical Society's Mary Eleanor Spear #CottonViz challenge
# Matt Dray, June 2021
# The canonical location for this code is now:
# Read more about this in the accompanying blog post:
# Challenge details:
# Open graphics device ----------------------------------------------------
# Open a PNG graphics device
"~/Desktop/cottonviz.png", # set your own save location
width = 20,
height = 12.2,
units = "cm",
res = 1200
# Data and global parameters ----------------------------------------------
# Replicate data as a dataframe
cotton <- data.frame(
Year = 1942:1948,
`US consumption` = c(11160, 9993, 9693, 9423, 10072, 9374, 7833),
Exports = c(1480, 1139, 2007, 3613, 3545, 1968, 4785),
Stocks = c(10657, 10744, 11164, 7326, 2530, 3080, 5283),
`Total supply` = c(23297, 21876, 22864, 20362, 16147, 14422, 17901),
check.names = FALSE # allows for spaces in variable names
# Constants: general
CEX <- 0.8 # font size
YDIV <- 1000 # division for y-axis
BLACK <- "black" # easy to supply off-black instead
WHITE <- "white"
XTICK_LEN <- 0.02 # x axis tick length
YTICK_LEN <- 0.03
# Constants: lineplot (LP)
LP_YLIM <- c(0, 12) # y-axis limite
LP_WIDTH <- 3 # width of lines
LP_YTICK_SEQ <- seq(2, 10, 2) # y tick locations
LP_YLAB_SEQ <- seq(0, 12, 2) # y label locations
# Constants: barplot (BP)
BP_YLIM <- c(0, 25)
BP_YTICK_SEQ <- seq(5, 20, 5)
BP_YLAB_SEQ <- seq(0, 25, 5)
BP_SPACE <- 0.5 # space between bars
BP_HATCH_ANGLE <- 45 # hatchmark angle
BP_HATCH_HI <- 25 # hatchmark density
# Set plotting parameters
mgp = c(0, 0.2, 0), # gap to tick labels
mar = c(3, 2, 4, 1), # margins
mfrow = c(1, 2), # plot layout
ann = FALSE, # annotation
cex.axis = CEX, # axis font size
family = "Routed Gothic" # font family
# Line plot ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Dummy x-y scatter plot
x = cotton$Year,
y = cotton$`US consumption` / YDIV, # data
axes = FALSE, # no axes
pch = "", # expunge axes/points
ylim = LP_YLIM, # y-axis min/max limits
xaxs = "i", # set 'absolute origin'
yaxs = "i"
# Manual x-axis
side = 1,
at = 1942:1948,
labels = c(1942, paste0("'", 43:48)), # i.e. 1942, '43, '44, etc
tck = XTICK_LEN, # tick length
col = WHITE, # i.e. axis isn't visible
col.ticks = BLACK # i.e. axis ticks are visible
# Manual y-axis (just ticks)
side = 2,
at = LP_YTICK_SEQ, # no ticks needed for origin/max
labels = FALSE,
tck = YTICK_LEN,
col = WHITE,
col.ticks = BLACK
# Manual y-axis (just labels)
side = 2,
at = c(0.2, LP_YTICK_SEQ, 11.8), # origin/max labels above/below tick
labels = LP_YLAB_SEQ,
las = 1,
tck = 0,
col = WHITE,
col.ticks = BLACK
# Manual secondary y-axis (just ticks)
side = 4,
labels = FALSE,
tck = YTICK_LEN,
col = WHITE,
col.ticks = BLACK
# Y-axis label: horizontal at top of axis
mtext("Millions of Boles", side = 3, cex = CEX - 0.1, adj = -0.07)
# Bounding box around plot boundary
# Generate lines and labels for each group iteratively
function(type, lty, x, y, label) {
lines(cotton$Year, cotton[[type]] / YDIV, lty = lty, lwd = LP_WIDTH)
text(x, y, label, cex = CEX)
type = c("US consumption", "Exports", "Stocks"),
lty = c("solid", "longdash", "dashed"),
x = c(1946.5, 1943.7, 1946.2),
y = c(11, 3.2, 6.8),
label = c("U. S. Consumption", "Exports", "Carry – over\nstocks")
# Add arrows from labels to lines
x0 = c(1945.4, 1944.2, 1945.5), # arrow origins
y0 = c(10.8, 3.2, 7.1),
x1 = c(1945, 1944.4, 1945.2), # arrowheads
y1 = c(9.6, 3, 6.8),
angle = 12,
length = 0.07
# Bar plot ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Convert dataframe structure for passing to barplot()
cotton_transpose <- t(cotton)[2:4,] / YDIV
colnames(cotton_transpose) <- c("", paste0("'", 43:48))
# Barplot layer with hatching only (allows for crosshatching)
axes = FALSE, # suppress axes
xaxt = "n", # suppress x-axis bar labels
ylim = BP_YLIM,
space = BP_SPACE, # space between bars
border = WHITE, # border around bars
col = BLACK,
density = rep(c(BP_HATCH_HI, 0, BP_HATCH_LO), 7), # line 'closeness
angle = 360 - BP_HATCH_ANGLE # top-left to bottom-right
# Barplot layer with features
axes = FALSE,
ylim = BP_YLIM,
space = BP_SPACE,
col = BLACK,
density = rep(c(BP_HATCH_HI, BP_HATCH_MID, BP_HATCH_LO), 7),
angle = BP_HATCH_ANGLE, # bottom-left to upper-right
add = TRUE # add as layer on top of existing plot
# Manual y-axis (just ticks)
side = 2,
tck = YTICK_LEN,
labels = FALSE,
col = WHITE,
col.ticks = BLACK
# Manual y-axis (just labels)
side = 2,
at = c(0.4, BP_YTICK_SEQ, 24.6),
tck = 0,
labels = BP_YLAB_SEQ,
las = 1,
col = WHITE
# Manual secondary y-axis (just ticks)
side = 4,
labels = FALSE,
tck = YTICK_LEN,
col = WHITE,
col.ticks = BLACK
# X-axis label: horizontal at top of axis
mtext("Millions of Boles", side = 3, adj = -0.09, cex = CEX - 0.1)
# The first label is at the origin
mtext("1942", side = 1, line = 0.2, adj = -0.06, cex = CEX)
# Bounding box around plot boundary
# Apply labels iteratively
function(x, y, xleft, ybottom, xright, ytop, label) {
rect(xleft, ybottom, xright, ytop, col = WHITE, border = NA)
text(x, y, label, cex = CEX)
xleft = c(4.4, 4.3, 3.2),
ybottom = c(14.4, 10.4, 6.4),
xright = c(6.6, 6.7, 7.8),
ytop = c(15.6, 11.6, 7.6),
x = 5.5,
y = c(15, 11, 7),
label = c("STOCKS*", "EXPORTS", "U. S. CONSUMPTION")
# Margin labels -----------------------------------------------------------
# Main title
text = "Distribution of United States Cotton",
outer = TRUE, # outer plot margin
side = 3, # i.e. top
line = -3, # relative to outside to plot limit
cex = CEX + 0.5,
family = "Hussar Bold Condensed",
font = 2 # bold
# 'Subtitle' for line plot
outer = TRUE,
side = 3,
line = -1,
adj = 0.06, # nudge
cex = CEX,
font = 3 # italic
# 'Subtitle' for bar plot
outer = TRUE,
side = 3,
line = -1,
adj = 0.68,
cex = CEX,
font = 3
# Caption: source
text = "Source: U. S. Department of Agriculture",
outer = TRUE,
side = 1, # bottom
line = -1,
adj = 0.02,
cex = CEX
# Caption: stocks asterisk
text = "*END OF SEASON, JULY 31",
outer = TRUE,
side = 1,
line = -2,
adj = 0.94,
cex = CEX - 0.2,
# Caption: US cotton
text = "U. S. Supply of U. S. Cotton",
outer = TRUE,
side = 1,
line = -1,
adj = 0.97,
cex = CEX
# Close graphics device ---------------------------------------------------
# Saves device contents, will be PNG given original png() call
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