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Last active June 22, 2024 16:56
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Build a dungeon from isometric cubes with {isocubes} and {r.oguelike} and explore it interactively thanks to {eventloop}
# Using {isocubes}, {eventloop} and {r.oguelike} to move a cube around an
# isometric 'dungeon'
# Matt Dray, June 2022
# Builds to a later Gist that includes an enemy:
# Move actors -------------------------------------------------------------
# Based on keypress, move player-character cube
.move_player <- function(room, kp = c("Up", "Down", "Left", "Right")) {
player_loc <- which(room == "@")
enemy_loc <- which(room == "E")
if (length(player_loc) == 0) {
player_loc <- enemy_loc
room[player_loc] <- "."
room_y_max <- nrow(room)
if (kp %in% c("Up", "Down", "Left", "Right")) {
if (kp == "Up") move_to <- player_loc - 1
if (kp == "Down") move_to <- player_loc + 1
if (kp == "Right") move_to <- player_loc + room_y_max
if (kp == "Left") move_to <- player_loc - room_y_max
if (room[move_to] != "#") player_loc <- move_to
room[player_loc] <- "@"
.move_enemy <- function(room, dist) {
en_loc <- which(room == "E")
player_loc <- which(room == "@")
n_rows <- nrow(room)
ind <- c(
n = en_loc - 1,
s = en_loc + 1,
e = en_loc + n_rows,
w = en_loc - n_rows
tiles <- c(
n = room[ind["n"]],
s = room[ind["s"]],
e = room[ind["e"]],
w = room[ind["w"]]
dist <- c(
n = if (tiles["n"] %in% c(".", "@")) dist[ind["n"]],
s = if (tiles["s"] %in% c(".", "@")) dist[ind["s"]],
e = if (tiles["e"] %in% c(".", "@")) dist[ind["e"]],
w = if (tiles["w"] %in% c(".", "@")) dist[ind["w"]]
direction <- sample(names(dist[dist == min(dist)]), 1)
en_loc_new <- ind[names(ind) == direction]
room[en_loc] <- "."
room[en_loc_new] <- "E"
# Get distance map --------------------------------------------------------
.initiate_distance_map <- function(room) {
dist <- room
dist[which(dist != "#")] <- 0
dist[which(dist == "#")] <- Inf
matrix(as.numeric(dist), nrow(dist), ncol(dist))
.get_neighbours <- function(room, current) {
n_rows <- nrow(room)
if (room[current - n_rows] != "#") { current - n_rows },
if (room[current - 1] != "#") { current - 1 },
if (room[current + 1] != "#") { current + 1 },
if (room[current + n_rows] != "#") { current + n_rows }
.get_distance_map <- function(room) {
dist <- .initiate_distance_map(room)
start <- which(room == "@")
frontier <- start
visited <- c()
while (length(frontier) > 0) {
current <- frontier[1] # set first tile of frontier as current
frontier <- frontier[!frontier == current] # remove current tile from frontier
visited <- append(visited, current) # mark current as visited
neighbours <- .get_neighbours(room, current) # get vector of neighbour indices
neighbours <- neighbours[!neighbours %in% visited]
for (neighbour in neighbours) {
if (!neighbour %in% visited) { # only assign distance to unvisited neighbours
dist[neighbour] <- dist[current] + 1 # assign distance, one more than parent
frontier <- append(frontier, neighbours) # add neighbour to the frontier
# Print map ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Print the dungeon to the viewer
.print_isodungeon <- function(room) {
dungeon_h <- room
dungeon_h[which(dungeon_h == ".")] <- 1
dungeon_h[which(dungeon_h %in% c("#", "@", "E"))] <- 2
dungeon_h <- matrix(as.numeric(dungeon_h), ncol = ncol(room))
dungeon_c <- dungeon_h
dungeon_c[which(dungeon_c == 1)] <- "#000000"
player_loc <- which(room == "@")
enemy_loc <- which(room == "E")
if (length(player_loc) == 0 | length(enemy_loc) == 0) {
dungeon_c[which(room == "@")] <- "#86DC3D"
dungeon_c[which(room == "E")] <- "#86DC3D"
} else {
dungeon_c[which(room == "@")] <- "#0000FF"
dungeon_c[which(room == "E")] <- "#FFFF00"
dungeon_c[which(dungeon_c == 2)] <- "#964B00"
coords <- coords_heightmap(dungeon_h, col = dungeon_c)
cubes <- isocubesGrob(
max_y = ncol(dungeon_h) + 0.1 * ncol(dungeon_h),
fill = coords$col,
xo = 0.7
# Setup eventloop ---------------------------------------------------------
# Loop through keypresses and player movement
explore_isodungeon <- function(event, mouse_x, mouse_y, frame_num, fps_actual,
fps_target, dev_width, dev_height, ...) {
if (!is.null(event)) {
if (event$type == 'key_press') {
kp <- event$str
cat("Pressed", event$str, "\n")
room_mat <<- .move_player(room_mat, kp)
distance_mat <<- .get_distance_map(room_mat)
enemy_loc <- which(room_mat == "E")
if (length(enemy_loc) == 1) {
room_mat <<- .move_enemy(room_mat, distance_mat)
# Run eventloop -----------------------------------------------------------
# Install required packages if not already installed
# remotes::install_github("coolbutuseless/isocubes")
# remotes::install_github("coolbutuseless/eventloop")
# remotes::install_github("matt-dray/r.oguelike")
# install.packages("purrr")
# Attach required packages
# Prepare procedural dungeon-room_mat matrix using {r.oguelke}
room_mat <- r.oguelike::generate_dungeon(n_col = 20, n_row = 15)
room_mat[sample(which(room_mat == "."), 1)] <- "@"
room_mat[sample(which(room_mat == "." & room_mat != "@"), 1)] <- "E"
# Prepare a breadth-first distance map to player character
distance_mat <- .get_distance_map(room_mat)
# Run loop
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