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Last active July 1, 2021 15:40
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Comparison of different approaches to summing dict values with 'sparse' keys.
"""Comparison of different approaches to summing dict values with 'sparse' keys.
Sparse here means the keys of all dicts are drawn from a common set but only a few
keys (compared to the total number) are present in each.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import timeit
from string import ascii_lowercase
from itertools import product
from collections import Counter
def sparse_series_from_dict(data, index):
index_map = {k: i for i, k in enumerate(index)}
data_indices = [index_map[k] for k in data.keys()]
sorted_data_indices, sorted_data_values = zip(
*sorted(zip(data_indices, data.values())))
sparse_index = pd.core.arrays.sparse.IntIndex(len(index), sorted_data_indices)
return pd.Series(
pd.arrays.SparseArray(sorted_data_values, sparse_index, fill_value=0),
def series_from_dict(data, index):
series = pd.Series(data, index=index)
series.fillna(0, inplace=True)
return series
def sum_inplace(iterable, total=0):
for val in iterable:
total += val
return total
def sum_update(iterable, total):
for val in iterable:
return total
def print_results_string(results_dict, key, num_iter):
times = np.array([t / num_iter for t in results_dict[key]])
print(f"{key:>20} times: min = {times.min():.2f}s, max = {times.max():.2f}s")
seed = 20210610
num_events = 10000
max_num_officers_per_event = 6
num_repeats = 7
num_iter = 1
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
# make list of three a-z character keys of same length as officer index
keys = list(''.join(t) for t in product('abc', ascii_lowercase, ascii_lowercase))[:1428]
# simulate random appointment footprint dictionaries with non-negative time requests of
# [1, max_num_officers_per_event] officers chosen randomly without replacement
dicts = [
k: np.exp(rng.standard_normal())
for k in rng.choice(
keys, replace=False, size=rng.integers(1, max_num_officers_per_event + 1))
for _ in range(num_events)
# mapping functions and initial values for summations
func_init_and_sum_funcs = {
'Counter': (
lambda d: Counter(d),
lambda: Counter(),
lambda s1, s2: s1 == s2,
(sum, sum_inplace, sum_update)
'Series': (
lambda d: series_from_dict(d, index=keys),
lambda: pd.Series(0, index=keys),
lambda s1, s2: (s1 == s2).all(),
(sum, sum_inplace)
'SparseSeries': (
lambda d: sparse_series_from_dict(d, keys),
lambda: sparse_series_from_dict({keys[0]: 0}, keys),
lambda s1, s2: (s1 == s2).all(),
results = {}
for label, (func, init, equaity_func, sum_funcs) in func_init_and_sum_funcs.items():
ref_sum = sum((func(d) for d in dicts), init())
for sum_func in sum_funcs:
the_sum = sum_func((func(d) for d in dicts), init())
if not equaity_func(ref_sum, the_sum):
combination = f"{sum_func.__name__}({label})"
results[combination] = timeit.repeat(
lambda: sum_func((func(d) for d in dicts), init()),
print_results_string(results, combination, num_iter)
results["DataFrame.sum"] = timeit.repeat(
lambda: pd.DataFrame({i: d for i, d in enumerate(dicts)}, index=keys).sum(axis=1),
print_results_string(results, "DataFrame.sum", num_iter)
results["SparseDataFrame.sum"] = timeit.repeat(
lambda: pd.DataFrame(
{i: sparse_series_from_dict(d, keys) for i, d in enumerate(dicts)},
print_results_string(results, "SparseDataFrame.sum", num_iter)
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