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Created December 13, 2023 16:16
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Sketching out block diagonal kernel implementation in GPJax for Kennedy & O'Hagan calibration framework
from import Iterator
from dataclasses import dataclass
from cola import PSD
from cola.ops import BlockDiag, LinearOperator
from gpjax.base import static_field
from gpjax.kernels import AbstractKernel
from gpjax.kernels.computations.base import AbstractKernelComputation, Kernel
from gpjax.kernels.computations import DenseKernelComputation
from gpjax.typing import Array, ScalarFloat
from jaxtyping import (
def partition(array: Array, block_sizes: list[int]) -> Iterator[Array]:
index = 0
for block_size in block_sizes:
yield array[index : index + block_size]
index += block_size
if index < array.shape[0]:
yield array[index:]
class BlockDiagonalKernelComputation(AbstractKernelComputation):
def gram(
kernel: "BlockDiagonalKernel",
x: Num[Array, "N D"],
) -> LinearOperator:
return PSD(
for block_kernel, x_block in zip(
partition(x, kernel.block_sizes),
def cross_covariance(
self, kernel: Kernel, x: Num[Array, "N D"], y: Num[Array, "M D"]
) -> Float[Array, "N M"]:
# Assume y only correlated with x in first block
return kernel.block_kernels[0].cross_covariance(x, y)
class BlockDiagonalKernel(AbstractKernel):
block_kernels: list[AbstractKernel] | None = None
block_sizes: list[int] | None = static_field(None)
compute_engine: AbstractKernelComputation = static_field(
def __call__(
x: Num[Array, " D"],
y: Num[Array, " D"],
) -> ScalarFloat:
raise NotImplementedError
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