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Created August 28, 2015 10:19
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from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from itertools import chain
from peewee import Model
executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=5)
def _query_on_executor_meta(name, bases, attrs, executor):
"""A metaclass that adds async database methods to a `peewee.Model`.
The metaclass leaves the normal database methods untouched and adds methods
of the form '<normal method name>_async`. All async methods run on an
executor and return a `Future`.
assert Model in bases
class_methods = {'create', 'create_or_get', 'create_table', 'delete',
'drop_table', 'filter', 'get', 'get_or_create',
'insert', 'insert_from', 'insert_many', 'raw', 'select',
'sqlall', 'table_exists', 'update'}
instance_methods = {'save', 'delete_instance', 'dependencies'}
for method_name in chain(class_methods, instance_methods):
def async_method(self_or_cls, *args, method_name=method_name, **kwargs):
orig_method = getattr(self_or_cls, method_name)
return executor.submit(orig_method, *args, **kwargs)
if method_name in class_methods:
async_method = classmethod(async_method)
attrs[method_name + '_async'] = async_method
return type(name, bases, attrs)
class AsyncModel(Model, metaclass=_query_on_executor_meta, executor=executor):
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