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matt0galloway / instructions.txt
Created October 5, 2022 05:52 — forked from jitheshkt/instructions.txt
Installing SSL on WSL2 Apache
# The idea is, we don't install certificates on WSL, instead we install them on
# Windows and point the path at WSL Apache/Ngnix configuration file.
# We use mkcert to generate certificates.
# Install mkcert on Linux. Even though we don't generate certificate here,
# I am installing this only to check the constant is properly set or not.
# If you're Linux Ninja like my friend Bombay, you could do it without
# This package for sure.
version: "2"
image: linuxserver/emby
container_name: emby
- PUID=998
- PGID=100
- TZ=America/Denver