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Last active July 19, 2024 17:57
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Alexa Smart Home Skill Adapter for Home Assistant
Copyright 2019 Jason Hu <awaregit at>
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import os
import json
import logging
import urllib3
_debug = bool(os.environ.get('DEBUG'))
_logger = logging.getLogger('HomeAssistant-SmartHome')
_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if _debug else logging.INFO)
def lambda_handler(event, context):
"""Handle incoming Alexa directive."""
_logger.debug('Event: %s', event)
base_url = os.environ.get('BASE_URL')
assert base_url is not None, 'Please set BASE_URL environment variable'
base_url = base_url.strip("/")
directive = event.get('directive')
assert directive is not None, 'Malformatted request - missing directive'
assert directive.get('header', {}).get('payloadVersion') == '3', \
'Only support payloadVersion == 3'
scope = directive.get('endpoint', {}).get('scope')
if scope is None:
# token is in grantee for Linking directive
scope = directive.get('payload', {}).get('grantee')
if scope is None:
# token is in payload for Discovery directive
scope = directive.get('payload', {}).get('scope')
assert scope is not None, 'Malformatted request - missing endpoint.scope'
assert scope.get('type') == 'BearerToken', 'Only support BearerToken'
token = scope.get('token')
if token is None and _debug:
token = os.environ.get('LONG_LIVED_ACCESS_TOKEN') # only for debug purpose
verify_ssl = not bool(os.environ.get('NOT_VERIFY_SSL'))
http = urllib3.PoolManager(
cert_reqs='CERT_REQUIRED' if verify_ssl else 'CERT_NONE',
timeout=urllib3.Timeout(connect=2.0, read=10.0)
response = http.request(
'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(token),
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
if response.status >= 400:
return {
'event': {
'payload': {
if response.status in (401, 403) else 'INTERNAL_ERROR',
_logger.debug('Response: %s',"utf-8"))
return json.loads('utf-8'))
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Baz-ace commented Mar 6, 2023

Sorry I’m not the right person to help you, I’m also completely stuck, the region is one area I went astray on!

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I'm also stuck on this same point. None of the suggested regions appear to have the "smart home" skill. Everything else works and the lambda code can interact with home assistant when I run a test. I just can't get the Alexa skill to integrate with the lambda code. Has anybody figured this out?

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Baz-ace commented Mar 20, 2023

I'm also stuck on this same point. None of the suggested regions appear to have the "smart home" skill. Everything else works and the lambda code can interact with home assistant when I run a test. I just can't get the Alexa skill to integrate with the lambda code. Has anybody figured this out?

Make sure you use the Ireland region!

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I'm also stuck on this same point. None of the suggested regions appear to have the "smart home" skill. Everything else works and the lambda code can interact with home assistant when I run a test. I just can't get the Alexa skill to integrate with the lambda code. Has anybody figured this out?

Make sure you use the Ireland region!

Thanks for your reply. I have tried all suggested regions. I've attached a screenshot of the Ireland region as an example. The only available trigger is the "Alexa" trigger. Neither the "Alexa Smart Home" or "Alexa Skill Kit" options appear. It is like this for all suggested regions.
Screenshot 2023-03-20 at 8 06 58 AM

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nonkronk commented Apr 1, 2023

For those who are using Cloudflare's free tier behind your IP and are having difficulty getting it to work, try disabling Bot Fight Mode.
I know it's not ideal, but it's the only way I could get it to work for my setup. Maybe anyone have any suggestions?


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Crayzme commented Apr 1, 2023

What would it cost to get one of you to remote build me a virtualbox for this? I can’t use HA cloud

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I'm also stuck on this same point. None of the suggested regions appear to have the "smart home" skill. Everything else works and the lambda code can interact with home assistant when I run a test. I just can't get the Alexa skill to integrate with the lambda code. Has anybody figured this out?

Make sure you use the Ireland region!

Thanks for your reply. I have tried all suggested regions. I've attached a screenshot of the Ireland region as an example. The only available trigger is the "Alexa" trigger. Neither the "Alexa Smart Home" or "Alexa Skill Kit" options appear. It is like this for all suggested regions. Screenshot 2023-03-20 at 8 06 58 AM

I don't know why it was not doing this when I first posted, but selecting the Alexa iot skill in a supported region now gives me additional options. After selecting the skill, I can select between Alexa Smart Home or Alexa Skill Kit. Selecting Alexa Smart Home seems to do the trick.

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I'm at a loss. This has worked - and not worked - and worked - etc - according to the results of the Lambda tests. I have fiddled with so many things and it seems completely random when it works and not. I rarely get two successful tests in a row (but I did a couple times). When it doesn't work, I typically get "Task timed out after 3.01 seconds". When it does work, I've been able to see the devices/entities I expose in the configuration.yaml file in the logging details, so I know it's communicating w/ my HA. Yet, no matter the situation, Alexa never discovers these exposed entities.

I'm using CloudFlare's Free Tunnel and have allowed WAF (Web Application Firewall) rules that allow unfettered communication between about a dozen Amazon ASNs as well as any traffic originating from HA.

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ben-kenney commented Jun 2, 2023

I've also setup my HA using cloudflare. This integration was working very well for me for a while but has recently stopped working, complaining about an SSL error.

The lambda test result now gives me this:

"errorMessage": "HTTPSConnectionPool(host='MY.HA.URL', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/alexa/smart_home (Caused by SSLError(SSLCertVerificationError(1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1091)')))",

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For those who are using Cloudflare's free tier behind your IP and are having difficulty getting it to work, try disabling Bot Fight Mode. I know it's not ideal, but it's the only way I could get it to work for my setup. Maybe anyone have any suggestions?


I found I had to do this a few months back when I changed ISP providers and I was messing with CloudFlare settings at the same time. Think this could be many peoples problem but maybe that setting is off as default and I turned it on myself!?

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ElVit commented Nov 17, 2023

For those who are using Cloudflare's free tier behind your IP and are having difficulty getting it to work, try disabling Bot Fight Mode. I know it's not ideal, but it's the only way I could get it to work for my setup. Maybe anyone have any suggestions?

I found I had to do this a few months back when I changed ISP providers and I was messing with CloudFlare settings at the same time. Think this could be many peoples problem but maybe that setting is off as default and I turned it on myself!?

Thanks for the hint. Same problem here.
But instead of "Bot Fight Mode" I had enabled a "WAF" (Web Application Firewall).
I had blocked all connections instead of Germany.
But since the Alexa requests are coming from Ireland they were always blocked.
Now after adding Irland to my white list it’s working again 😃.

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enspiro commented Nov 20, 2023

i am trying to add a user agent in the post request. For that i have added this below.
Unfortunately it is not working as expected.

User_Agent = "python-urllib3/1.26.9"

http = urllib3.PoolManager(
    cert_reqs='CERT_REQUIRED' if verify_ssl else 'CERT_NONE',
    timeout=urllib3.Timeout(connect=2.0, read=10.0)

response = http.request(
        'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(token),
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        'User-Agent': User_Agent

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stalsma commented Nov 21, 2023

I've been fighting this for what seems like two days now. Lots of good comments here, that pointed me in the right direction. Figured I would document what worked for me, in hopes that it helps someone save some time.

Specifically, I'm running a Docker instance on Synology, and my only public IP is IP6. Amazon servers will only resolve IP4, so I need a IP4->IP6 proxy. This is pretty simple (, both work, but they provide a port that is NOT 443 for the proxy address. Everything worked until account linking, which always failed after logging in to HASS. As noted above, the connections for Alexa account linking have to be made over SSL AND over port 443.

I finally got the Alexa account to link by:

  1. setup a cloudflare tunnel (gives me the public IP4 addr) that
  2. tunnels to a CNAME entry maintained by DDNS (Synology's built-in service supports IP6)
  3. CNAME IP resolves to my NAS IP directly (router forwards port 443 is to NAS)
  4. A reverse proxy (Synology Login Portal) translates the incoming address (https://my-cloudflare-domain:443) to http://localhost:8123.

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Many thanks for the script, it is working for me since a while now without any issues.
Would it be possible to use the share for Assist information and also the alias settings from there in the future?

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So I had similar issues like so many people here and also in some forums around the web. My internet provider at home only assigns a public IPv6 to me and so everything I tried using reverse proxy and other services like didn't work.
I found a user in a german forum ( who helped me to analyse the problem for over 3 days and we ultimately found a solution which works pretty nicely for me and which might also be helpful for others.

To solve the need for a public IPv4 I rented the cheapest vServer I found, which I got from Ionos and which costs 1€/month.
This server has both a public IPv4 (to communicate with AWS) as well as a publich IPv6 (to communicate with me).
I installed a tool called 6tunnel, which is super easy to configure: 6tunnel 443 443
This tool now takes all the requests sent to it on port 443 and forwards them to my reverse proxy on the same port.
My reverse proxy takes the request and forwards it to my HomeAssistant at port 8123, so I didn't even have to change that.

And it works! I know that this is a similar solution like proposed by stalsma before me but with this vServer I even have the flexibility to host my reverse proxy there, if I'd want to.

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after following the instructions to a letter, my issue was in cloudflare (its always dns isnt it?). i had "bot fight mode" (Security->Bots) turned on. and it was blocking any attempt at connecting the app, as well as the lambda test. as a work around under WAF -> Tools, i added AS16509 (make sure to hit enter after you type it in) as a ip access rule to allow access. seems to work, but be kinda hacky.

Man, you killed the riddle!

I had the same problem and was having trouble for over 2 weeks. It was Bot Fight and WAF. All I had to do was add the rule in waf tools releasing the Amazon ASN and everything went well. Thank you very much. Everything working perfectly. For those who don't know how to identify the ASN that is trying to connect to the Amazon instance, just go to the CloudFlare panel > Security > Events and check the connection attempts to your instance.

God bless you! :)

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For those who use this lambda for quite some time - you might use outdated python runtime in AWS , just got this notification :

We are ending support for Python 3.8 in Lambda on October 14, 2024. This follows Python 3.8 End-Of-Life (EOL) which is scheduled for October, 2024 [1].

As described in the Lambda runtime support policy [2], end of support for language runtimes in Lambda happens in several stages. Starting on October 14, 2024, Lambda will no longer apply security patches and other updates to the Python 3.8 runtime used by Lambda functions, and functions using Python 3.8 will no longer be eligible for technical support. Also, Python 3.8 will no longer be available in the AWS Console, although you can still create and update functions that use Python 3.8 via AWS CloudFormation, the AWS CLI, AWS SAM, or other tools. Starting February 28, 2025, you will no longer be able to create new Lambda functions using the Python 3.8 runtime. Starting March 31, 2025, you will no longer be able to update existing functions using the Python 3.8 runtime.

We recommend that you upgrade your existing Python 3.8 functions to the latest available Python runtime in Lambda before October 14, 2024.

You can change it to Python 3.12 - still works with no issues .
Lambda > Functions > Your lambda name
Go to Code > Runtime settings > Edit

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Hi! This code is working very fine to me. I am using the CloudFlare Add-On for Home Assistant.
The only concern is that, in the first call, the skill takes almost 10 seconds to run the command but the subsequent calls takes about 1 to 3 seconds.
Is it possible to keep, at least, one connection established using the urllib3.PoolManager to speed the first call?

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I am not quite sure, why this isn't working for my setup.
My domain has a CNAME alias pointing to a DynDNS service. Neither the direct use of the DYNDNS url works, nor the domain.
Log look like this:

"errorMessage": "HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/alexa/smart_home (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f20acbc4040>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name or service not known'))",

IPV6 ping failed in Cloudshell as network is not reachable... what?

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I am not quite sure, why this isn't working for my setup. My domain has a CNAME alias pointing to a DynDNS service. Neither the direct use of the DYNDNS url works, nor the domain. Log look like this:

"errorMessage": "HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/alexa/smart_home (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f20acbc4040>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name or service not known'))",

IPV6 ping failed in Cloudshell as network is not reachable... what?

It is not possible to use IPv6 inside Amazon Skills. You must use IPv4.

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Oh... okay. So I expect, that in my case, I need to set up a separate proxy server for ipv4 requests tunneling everything to my ipv6 address, don't I? My ISP doesn't provide me a public IPV4 due to CG-NAT / Ds lite... It is plausible....

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Oh... okay. So I expect, that in my case, I need to set up a separate proxy server for ipv4 requests tunneling everything to my ipv6 address, don't I? My ISP doesn't provide me a public IPV4 due to CG-NAT / Ds lite... It is plausible....

Had the same issue, check my solution a few posts up.

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