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Created January 16, 2017 12:34
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* Angular Material Design
* @license MIT
* v1.1.1
(function( window, angular, undefined ){
"use strict";
"use strict";
angular.module('ngMaterial', ["ng","ngAnimate","ngAria","material.core","material.core.gestures","material.core.layout","material.core.meta","material.core.theming.palette","material.core.theming","material.core.animate","material.components.autocomplete","material.components.backdrop","material.components.bottomSheet","material.components.button","material.components.card","material.components.chips","material.components.checkbox","material.components.colors","material.components.content","material.components.datepicker","material.components.dialog","material.components.divider","material.components.fabActions","material.components.fabShared","material.components.fabSpeedDial","material.components.fabToolbar","material.components.gridList","material.components.icon","material.components.input","material.components.list","","material.components.menuBar","material.components.navBar","material.components.panel","material.components.progressCircular","material.components.progressLinear","material.components.radioButton","","material.components.showHide","material.components.sidenav","material.components.slider","material.components.sticky","material.components.subheader","material.components.swipe","material.components.switch","material.components.tabs","material.components.toast","material.components.toolbar","material.components.tooltip","material.components.virtualRepeat","material.components.whiteframe"]);
"use strict";
* Initialization function that validates environment
* requirements.
DetectNgTouch.$inject = ["$log", "$injector"];
MdCoreConfigure.$inject = ["$provide", "$mdThemingProvider"];
rAFDecorator.$inject = ["$delegate"];
.module('material.core', [
* Detect if the ng-Touch module is also being used.
* Warn if detected.
* @ngInject
function DetectNgTouch($log, $injector) {
if ( $injector.has('$swipe') ) {
var msg = "" +
"You are using the ngTouch module. \n" +
"Angular Material already has mobile click, tap, and swipe support... \n" +
"ngTouch is not supported with Angular Material!";
* @ngInject
function MdCoreConfigure($provide, $mdThemingProvider) {
$provide.decorator('$$rAF', ["$delegate", rAFDecorator]);
* @ngInject
function rAFDecorator($delegate) {
* Use this to throttle events that come in often.
* The throttled function will always use the *last* invocation before the
* coming frame.
* For example, window resize events that fire many times a second:
* If we set to use an raf-throttled callback on window resize, then
* our callback will only be fired once per frame, with the last resize
* event that happened before that frame.
* @param {function} callback function to debounce
$delegate.throttle = function(cb) {
var queuedArgs, alreadyQueued, queueCb, context;
return function debounced() {
queuedArgs = arguments;
context = this;
queueCb = cb;
if (!alreadyQueued) {
alreadyQueued = true;
$delegate(function() {
alreadyQueued = false;
return $delegate;
"use strict";
.directive('mdAutofocus', MdAutofocusDirective)
// Support the deprecated md-auto-focus and md-sidenav-focus as well
.directive('mdAutoFocus', MdAutofocusDirective)
.directive('mdSidenavFocus', MdAutofocusDirective);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdAutofocus
* @module material.core.util
* @description
* `[md-autofocus]` provides an optional way to identify the focused element when a `$mdDialog`,
* `$mdBottomSheet`, `$mdMenu` or `$mdSidenav` opens or upon page load for input-like elements.
* When one of these opens, it will find the first nested element with the `[md-autofocus]`
* attribute directive and optional expression. An expression may be specified as the directive
* value to enable conditional activation of the autofocus.
* @usage
* ### Dialog
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-dialog>
* <form>
* <md-input-container>
* <label for="testInput">Label</label>
* <input id="testInput" type="text" md-autofocus>
* </md-input-container>
* </form>
* </md-dialog>
* </hljs>
* ### Bottomsheet
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-bottom-sheet class="md-list md-has-header">
* <md-subheader>Comment Actions</md-subheader>
* <md-list>
* <md-list-item ng-repeat="item in items">
* <md-button md-autofocus="$index == 2">
* <md-icon md-svg-src="{{item.icon}}"></md-icon>
* <span class="md-inline-list-icon-label">{{ }}</span>
* </md-button>
* </md-list-item>
* </md-list>
* </md-bottom-sheet>
* </hljs>
* ### Autocomplete
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-autocomplete
* md-autofocus
* md-selected-item="selectedItem"
* md-search-text="searchText"
* md-items="item in getMatches(searchText)"
* md-item-text="item.display">
* <span md-highlight-text="searchText">{{item.display}}</span>
* </md-autocomplete>
* </hljs>
* ### Sidenav
* <hljs lang="html">
* <div layout="row" ng-controller="MyController">
* <md-sidenav md-component-id="left" class="md-sidenav-left">
* Left Nav!
* </md-sidenav>
* <md-content>
* Center Content
* <md-button ng-click="openLeftMenu()">
* Open Left Menu
* </md-button>
* </md-content>
* <md-sidenav md-component-id="right"
* md-is-locked-open="$mdMedia('min-width: 333px')"
* class="md-sidenav-right">
* <form>
* <md-input-container>
* <label for="testInput">Test input</label>
* <input id="testInput" type="text"
* ng-model="data" md-autofocus>
* </md-input-container>
* </form>
* </md-sidenav>
* </div>
* </hljs>
function MdAutofocusDirective() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: postLink
function postLink(scope, element, attrs) {
var attr = attrs.mdAutoFocus || attrs.mdAutofocus || attrs.mdSidenavFocus;
// Setup a watcher on the proper attribute to update a class we can check for in $mdUtil
scope.$watch(attr, function(canAutofocus) {
element.toggleClass('md-autofocus', canAutofocus);
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.core.colorUtil
* @description
* Color Util
.factory('$mdColorUtil', ColorUtilFactory);
function ColorUtilFactory() {
* Converts hex value to RGBA string
* @param color {string}
* @returns {string}
function hexToRgba (color) {
var hex = color[ 0 ] === '#' ? color.substr(1) : color,
dig = hex.length / 3,
red = hex.substr(0, dig),
green = hex.substr(dig, dig),
blue = hex.substr(dig * 2);
if (dig === 1) {
red += red;
green += green;
blue += blue;
return 'rgba(' + parseInt(red, 16) + ',' + parseInt(green, 16) + ',' + parseInt(blue, 16) + ',0.1)';
* Converts rgba value to hex string
* @param color {string}
* @returns {string}
function rgbaToHex(color) {
color = color.match(/^rgba?[\s+]?\([\s+]?(\d+)[\s+]?,[\s+]?(\d+)[\s+]?,[\s+]?(\d+)[\s+]?/i);
var hex = (color && color.length === 4) ? "#" +
("0" + parseInt(color[1],10).toString(16)).slice(-2) +
("0" + parseInt(color[2],10).toString(16)).slice(-2) +
("0" + parseInt(color[3],10).toString(16)).slice(-2) : '';
return hex.toUpperCase();
* Converts an RGB color to RGBA
* @param color {string}
* @returns {string}
function rgbToRgba (color) {
return color.replace(')', ', 0.1)').replace('(', 'a(');
* Converts an RGBA color to RGB
* @param color {string}
* @returns {string}
function rgbaToRgb (color) {
return color
? color.replace('rgba', 'rgb').replace(/,[^\),]+\)/, ')')
: 'rgb(0,0,0)';
return {
rgbaToHex: rgbaToHex,
hexToRgba: hexToRgba,
rgbToRgba: rgbToRgba,
rgbaToRgb: rgbaToRgb
"use strict";
MdConstantFactory.$inject = ["$sniffer", "$window", "$document"];angular.module('material.core')
.factory('$mdConstant', MdConstantFactory);
* Factory function that creates the grab-bag $mdConstant service.
* @ngInject
function MdConstantFactory($sniffer, $window, $document) {
var vendorPrefix = $sniffer.vendorPrefix;
var isWebkit = /webkit/i.test(vendorPrefix);
var SPECIAL_CHARS_REGEXP = /([:\-_]+(.))/g;
var prefixTestEl = document.createElement('div');
function vendorProperty(name) {
// Add a dash between the prefix and name, to be able to transform the string into camelcase.
var prefixedName = vendorPrefix + '-' + name;
var ucPrefix = camelCase(prefixedName);
var lcPrefix = ucPrefix.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + ucPrefix.substring(1);
return hasStyleProperty(name) ? name : // The current browser supports the un-prefixed property
hasStyleProperty(ucPrefix) ? ucPrefix : // The current browser only supports the prefixed property.
hasStyleProperty(lcPrefix) ? lcPrefix : name; // Some browsers are only supporting the prefix in lowercase.
function hasStyleProperty(property) {
return angular.isDefined([property]);
function camelCase(input) {
return input.replace(SPECIAL_CHARS_REGEXP, function(matches, separator, letter, offset) {
return offset ? letter.toUpperCase() : letter;
var self = {
isInputKey : function(e) { return (e.keyCode >= 31 && e.keyCode <= 90); },
isNumPadKey : function (e){ return (3 === e.location && e.keyCode >= 97 && e.keyCode <= 105); },
isNavigationKey : function(e) {
return (NAVIGATION_KEYS.indexOf(e.keyCode) != -1);
COMMA: 188,
ENTER: 13,
SPACE: 32,
PAGE_UP: 33,
END: 35,
HOME: 36,
UP_ARROW : 38,
TAB : 9,
CSS: {
/* Constants */
TRANSITIONEND: 'transitionend' + (isWebkit ? ' webkitTransitionEnd' : ''),
ANIMATIONEND: 'animationend' + (isWebkit ? ' webkitAnimationEnd' : ''),
TRANSFORM: vendorProperty('transform'),
TRANSFORM_ORIGIN: vendorProperty('transformOrigin'),
TRANSITION: vendorProperty('transition'),
TRANSITION_DURATION: vendorProperty('transitionDuration'),
ANIMATION_PLAY_STATE: vendorProperty('animationPlayState'),
ANIMATION_DURATION: vendorProperty('animationDuration'),
ANIMATION_NAME: vendorProperty('animationName'),
ANIMATION_TIMING: vendorProperty('animationTimingFunction'),
ANIMATION_DIRECTION: vendorProperty('animationDirection')
* As defined in core/style/variables.scss
* $layout-breakpoint-xs: 600px !default;
* $layout-breakpoint-sm: 960px !default;
* $layout-breakpoint-md: 1280px !default;
* $layout-breakpoint-lg: 1920px !default;
'xs' : '(max-width: 599px)' ,
'gt-xs' : '(min-width: 600px)' ,
'sm' : '(min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 959px)' ,
'gt-sm' : '(min-width: 960px)' ,
'md' : '(min-width: 960px) and (max-width: 1279px)' ,
'gt-md' : '(min-width: 1280px)' ,
'lg' : '(min-width: 1280px) and (max-width: 1919px)',
'gt-lg' : '(min-width: 1920px)' ,
'xl' : '(min-width: 1920px)' ,
'landscape' : '(orientation: landscape)' ,
'portrait' : '(orientation: portrait)' ,
'print' : 'print'
return self;
"use strict";
.config( ["$provide", function($provide){
$provide.decorator('$mdUtil', ['$delegate', function ($delegate){
* Inject the iterator facade to easily support iteration and accessors
* @see iterator below
$delegate.iterator = MdIterator;
return $delegate;
* iterator is a list facade to easily support iteration and accessors
* @param items Array list which this iterator will enumerate
* @param reloop Boolean enables iterator to consider the list as an endless reloop
function MdIterator(items, reloop) {
var trueFn = function() { return true; };
if (items && !angular.isArray(items)) {
items =;
reloop = !!reloop;
var _items = items || [ ];
// Published API
return {
items: getItems,
count: count,
inRange: inRange,
contains: contains,
indexOf: indexOf,
itemAt: itemAt,
findBy: findBy,
add: add,
remove: remove,
first: first,
last: last,
next: angular.bind(null, findSubsequentItem, false),
previous: angular.bind(null, findSubsequentItem, true),
hasPrevious: hasPrevious,
hasNext: hasNext
* Publish copy of the enumerable set
* @returns {Array|*}
function getItems() {
return [].concat(_items);
* Determine length of the list
* @returns {Array.length|*|number}
function count() {
return _items.length;
* Is the index specified valid
* @param index
* @returns {Array.length|*|number|boolean}
function inRange(index) {
return _items.length && ( index > -1 ) && (index < _items.length );
* Can the iterator proceed to the next item in the list; relative to
* the specified item.
* @param item
* @returns {Array.length|*|number|boolean}
function hasNext(item) {
return item ? inRange(indexOf(item) + 1) : false;
* Can the iterator proceed to the previous item in the list; relative to
* the specified item.
* @param item
* @returns {Array.length|*|number|boolean}
function hasPrevious(item) {
return item ? inRange(indexOf(item) - 1) : false;
* Get item at specified index/position
* @param index
* @returns {*}
function itemAt(index) {
return inRange(index) ? _items[index] : null;
* Find all elements matching the key/value pair
* otherwise return null
* @param val
* @param key
* @return array
function findBy(key, val) {
return _items.filter(function(item) {
return item[key] === val;
* Add item to list
* @param item
* @param index
* @returns {*}
function add(item, index) {
if ( !item ) return -1;
if (!angular.isNumber(index)) {
index = _items.length;
_items.splice(index, 0, item);
return indexOf(item);
* Remove item from list...
* @param item
function remove(item) {
if ( contains(item) ){
_items.splice(indexOf(item), 1);
* Get the zero-based index of the target item
* @param item
* @returns {*}
function indexOf(item) {
return _items.indexOf(item);
* Boolean existence check
* @param item
* @returns {boolean}
function contains(item) {
return item && (indexOf(item) > -1);
* Return first item in the list
* @returns {*}
function first() {
return _items.length ? _items[0] : null;
* Return last item in the list...
* @returns {*}
function last() {
return _items.length ? _items[_items.length - 1] : null;
* Find the next item. If reloop is true and at the end of the list, it will go back to the
* first item. If given, the `validate` callback will be used to determine whether the next item
* is valid. If not valid, it will try to find the next item again.
* @param {boolean} backwards Specifies the direction of searching (forwards/backwards)
* @param {*} item The item whose subsequent item we are looking for
* @param {Function=} validate The `validate` function
* @param {integer=} limit The recursion limit
* @returns {*} The subsequent item or null
function findSubsequentItem(backwards, item, validate, limit) {
validate = validate || trueFn;
var curIndex = indexOf(item);
while (true) {
if (!inRange(curIndex)) return null;
var nextIndex = curIndex + (backwards ? -1 : 1);
var foundItem = null;
if (inRange(nextIndex)) {
foundItem = _items[nextIndex];
} else if (reloop) {
foundItem = backwards ? last() : first();
nextIndex = indexOf(foundItem);
if ((foundItem === null) || (nextIndex === limit)) return null;
if (validate(foundItem)) return foundItem;
if (angular.isUndefined(limit)) limit = nextIndex;
curIndex = nextIndex;
"use strict";
mdMediaFactory.$inject = ["$mdConstant", "$rootScope", "$window"];angular.module('material.core')
.factory('$mdMedia', mdMediaFactory);
* @ngdoc service
* @name $mdMedia
* @module material.core
* @description
* `$mdMedia` is used to evaluate whether a given media query is true or false given the
* current device's screen / window size. The media query will be re-evaluated on resize, allowing
* you to register a watch.
* `$mdMedia` also has pre-programmed support for media queries that match the layout breakpoints:
* <table class="md-api-table">
* <thead>
* <tr>
* <th>Breakpoint</th>
* <th>mediaQuery</th>
* </tr>
* </thead>
* <tbody>
* <tr>
* <td>xs</td>
* <td>(max-width: 599px)</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>gt-xs</td>
* <td>(min-width: 600px)</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>sm</td>
* <td>(min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 959px)</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>gt-sm</td>
* <td>(min-width: 960px)</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>md</td>
* <td>(min-width: 960px) and (max-width: 1279px)</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>gt-md</td>
* <td>(min-width: 1280px)</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>lg</td>
* <td>(min-width: 1280px) and (max-width: 1919px)</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>gt-lg</td>
* <td>(min-width: 1920px)</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>xl</td>
* <td>(min-width: 1920px)</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>landscape</td>
* <td>landscape</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>portrait</td>
* <td>portrait</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>print</td>
* <td>print</td>
* </tr>
* </tbody>
* </table>
* See Material Design's <a href="">Layout - Adaptive UI</a> for more details.
* <a href="">
* <img src="" width="100%" height="100%"></img>
* </a>
* @returns {boolean} a boolean representing whether or not the given media query is true or false.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="js">
* app.controller('MyController', function($mdMedia, $scope) {
* $scope.$watch(function() { return $mdMedia('lg'); }, function(big) {
* $scope.bigScreen = big;
* });
* $scope.screenIsSmall = $mdMedia('sm');
* $scope.customQuery = $mdMedia('(min-width: 1234px)');
* $scope.anotherCustom = $mdMedia('max-width: 300px');
* });
* </hljs>
/* @ngInject */
function mdMediaFactory($mdConstant, $rootScope, $window) {
var queries = {};
var mqls = {};
var results = {};
var normalizeCache = {};
$mdMedia.getResponsiveAttribute = getResponsiveAttribute;
$mdMedia.getQuery = getQuery;
$mdMedia.watchResponsiveAttributes = watchResponsiveAttributes;
return $mdMedia;
function $mdMedia(query) {
var validated = queries[query];
if (angular.isUndefined(validated)) {
validated = queries[query] = validate(query);
var result = results[validated];
if (angular.isUndefined(result)) {
result = add(validated);
return result;
function validate(query) {
return $mdConstant.MEDIA[query] ||
((query.charAt(0) !== '(') ? ('(' + query + ')') : query);
function add(query) {
var result = mqls[query];
if ( !result ) {
result = mqls[query] = $window.matchMedia(query);
return (results[] = !!result.matches);
function onQueryChange(query) {
$rootScope.$evalAsync(function() {
results[] = !!query.matches;
function getQuery(name) {
return mqls[name];
function getResponsiveAttribute(attrs, attrName) {
for (var i = 0; i < $mdConstant.MEDIA_PRIORITY.length; i++) {
var mediaName = $mdConstant.MEDIA_PRIORITY[i];
if (!mqls[queries[mediaName]].matches) {
var normalizedName = getNormalizedName(attrs, attrName + '-' + mediaName);
if (attrs[normalizedName]) {
return attrs[normalizedName];
// fallback on unprefixed
return attrs[getNormalizedName(attrs, attrName)];
function watchResponsiveAttributes(attrNames, attrs, watchFn) {
var unwatchFns = [];
attrNames.forEach(function(attrName) {
var normalizedName = getNormalizedName(attrs, attrName);
if (angular.isDefined(attrs[normalizedName])) {
attrs.$observe(normalizedName, angular.bind(void 0, watchFn, null)));
for (var mediaName in $mdConstant.MEDIA) {
normalizedName = getNormalizedName(attrs, attrName + '-' + mediaName);
if (angular.isDefined(attrs[normalizedName])) {
attrs.$observe(normalizedName, angular.bind(void 0, watchFn, mediaName)));
return function unwatch() {
unwatchFns.forEach(function(fn) { fn(); })
// Improves performance dramatically
function getNormalizedName(attrs, attrName) {
return normalizeCache[attrName] ||
(normalizeCache[attrName] = attrs.$normalize(attrName));
"use strict";
.config( ["$provide", function($provide) {
$provide.decorator('$mdUtil', ['$delegate', function ($delegate) {
// Inject the prefixer into our original $mdUtil service.
$delegate.prefixer = MdPrefixer;
return $delegate;
function MdPrefixer(initialAttributes, buildSelector) {
var PREFIXES = ['data', 'x'];
if (initialAttributes) {
// The prefixer also accepts attributes as a parameter, and immediately builds a list or selector for
// the specified attributes.
return buildSelector ? _buildSelector(initialAttributes) : _buildList(initialAttributes);
return {
buildList: _buildList,
buildSelector: _buildSelector,
hasAttribute: _hasAttribute,
removeAttribute: _removeAttribute
function _buildList(attributes) {
attributes = angular.isArray(attributes) ? attributes : [attributes];
attributes.forEach(function(item) {
PREFIXES.forEach(function(prefix) {
attributes.push(prefix + '-' + item);
return attributes;
function _buildSelector(attributes) {
attributes = angular.isArray(attributes) ? attributes : [attributes];
return _buildList(attributes)
.map(function(item) {
return '[' + item + ']'
function _hasAttribute(element, attribute) {
element = _getNativeElement(element);
if (!element) {
return false;
var prefixedAttrs = _buildList(attribute);
for (var i = 0; i < prefixedAttrs.length; i++) {
if (element.hasAttribute(prefixedAttrs[i])) {
return true;
return false;
function _removeAttribute(element, attribute) {
element = _getNativeElement(element);
if (!element) {
_buildList(attribute).forEach(function(prefixedAttribute) {
* Transforms a jqLite or DOM element into a HTML element.
* This is useful when supporting jqLite elements and DOM elements at
* same time.
* @param element {JQLite|Element} Element to be parsed
* @returns {HTMLElement} Parsed HTMLElement
function _getNativeElement(element) {
element = element[0] || element;
if (element.nodeType) {
return element;
"use strict";
* This var has to be outside the angular factory, otherwise when
* there are multiple material apps on the same page, each app
* will create its own instance of this array and the app's IDs
* will not be unique.
UtilFactory.$inject = ["$document", "$timeout", "$compile", "$rootScope", "$$mdAnimate", "$interpolate", "$log", "$rootElement", "$window", "$$rAF"];
var nextUniqueId = 0;
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.core.util
* @description
* Util
.factory('$mdUtil', UtilFactory);
* @ngInject
function UtilFactory($document, $timeout, $compile, $rootScope, $$mdAnimate, $interpolate, $log, $rootElement, $window, $$rAF) {
// Setup some core variables for the processTemplate method
var startSymbol = $interpolate.startSymbol(),
endSymbol = $interpolate.endSymbol(),
usesStandardSymbols = ((startSymbol === '{{') && (endSymbol === '}}'));
* Checks if the target element has the requested style by key
* @param {DOMElement|JQLite} target Target element
* @param {string} key Style key
* @param {string=} expectedVal Optional expected value
* @returns {boolean} Whether the target element has the style or not
var hasComputedStyle = function (target, key, expectedVal) {
var hasValue = false;
if ( target && target.length ) {
var computedStyles = $window.getComputedStyle(target[0]);
hasValue = angular.isDefined(computedStyles[key]) && (expectedVal ? computedStyles[key] == expectedVal : true);
return hasValue;
function validateCssValue(value) {
return !value ? '0' :
hasPx(value) || hasPercent(value) ? value : value + 'px';
function hasPx(value) {
return String(value).indexOf('px') > -1;
function hasPercent(value) {
return String(value).indexOf('%') > -1;
var $mdUtil = {
dom: {},
now: window.performance ?
angular.bind(window.performance, : || function() {
return new Date().getTime();
* Bi-directional accessor/mutator used to easily update an element's
* property based on the current 'dir'ectional value.
bidi : function(element, property, lValue, rValue) {
var ltr = !($document[0].dir == 'rtl' || $document[0].body.dir == 'rtl');
// If accessor
if ( arguments.length == 0 ) return ltr ? 'ltr' : 'rtl';
// If mutator
var elem = angular.element(element);
if ( ltr && angular.isDefined(lValue)) {
elem.css(property, validateCssValue(lValue));
else if ( !ltr && angular.isDefined(rValue)) {
elem.css(property, validateCssValue(rValue) );
bidiProperty: function (element, lProperty, rProperty, value) {
var ltr = !($document[0].dir == 'rtl' || $document[0].body.dir == 'rtl');
var elem = angular.element(element);
if ( ltr && angular.isDefined(lProperty)) {
elem.css(lProperty, validateCssValue(value));
elem.css(rProperty, '');
else if ( !ltr && angular.isDefined(rProperty)) {
elem.css(rProperty, validateCssValue(value) );
elem.css(lProperty, '');
clientRect: function(element, offsetParent, isOffsetRect) {
var node = getNode(element);
offsetParent = getNode(offsetParent || node.offsetParent || document.body);
var nodeRect = node.getBoundingClientRect();
// The user can ask for an offsetRect: a rect relative to the offsetParent,
// or a clientRect: a rect relative to the page
var offsetRect = isOffsetRect ?
offsetParent.getBoundingClientRect() :
{left: 0, top: 0, width: 0, height: 0};
return {
left: nodeRect.left - offsetRect.left,
top: -,
width: nodeRect.width,
height: nodeRect.height
offsetRect: function(element, offsetParent) {
return $mdUtil.clientRect(element, offsetParent, true);
// Annoying method to copy nodes to an array, thanks to IE
nodesToArray: function(nodes) {
nodes = nodes || [];
var results = [];
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) {
return results;
* Calculate the positive scroll offset
* TODO: Check with pinch-zoom in IE/Chrome;
scrollTop: function(element) {
element = angular.element(element || $document[0].body);
var body = (element[0] == $document[0].body) ? $document[0].body : undefined;
var scrollTop = body ? body.scrollTop + body.parentElement.scrollTop : 0;
// Calculate the positive scroll offset
return scrollTop || Math.abs(element[0].getBoundingClientRect().top);
* Finds the proper focus target by searching the DOM.
* @param containerEl
* @param attributeVal
* @returns {*}
findFocusTarget: function(containerEl, attributeVal) {
var AUTO_FOCUS = this.prefixer('md-autofocus', true);
var elToFocus;
elToFocus = scanForFocusable(containerEl, attributeVal || AUTO_FOCUS);
if ( !elToFocus && attributeVal != AUTO_FOCUS) {
// Scan for deprecated attribute
elToFocus = scanForFocusable(containerEl, this.prefixer('md-auto-focus', true));
if ( !elToFocus ) {
// Scan for fallback to 'universal' API
elToFocus = scanForFocusable(containerEl, AUTO_FOCUS);
return elToFocus;
* Can target and nested children for specified Selector (attribute)
* whose value may be an expression that evaluates to True/False.
function scanForFocusable(target, selector) {
var elFound, items = target[0].querySelectorAll(selector);
// Find the last child element with the focus attribute
if ( items && items.length ){
items.length && angular.forEach(items, function(it) {
it = angular.element(it);
// Check the element for the md-autofocus class to ensure any associated expression
// evaluated to true.
var isFocusable = it.hasClass('md-autofocus');
if (isFocusable) elFound = it;
return elFound;
* Disables scroll around the passed parent element.
* @param element Unused
* @param {!Element|!angular.JQLite} parent Element to disable scrolling within.
* Defaults to body if none supplied.
* @param options Object of options to modify functionality
* - disableScrollMask Boolean of whether or not to create a scroll mask element or
* use the passed parent element.
disableScrollAround: function(element, parent, options) {
$mdUtil.disableScrollAround._count = $mdUtil.disableScrollAround._count || 0;
if ($mdUtil.disableScrollAround._enableScrolling) return $mdUtil.disableScrollAround._enableScrolling;
var body = $document[0].body,
restoreBody = disableBodyScroll(),
restoreElement = disableElementScroll(parent);
return $mdUtil.disableScrollAround._enableScrolling = function() {
if (!--$mdUtil.disableScrollAround._count) {
delete $mdUtil.disableScrollAround._enableScrolling;
// Creates a virtual scrolling mask to absorb touchmove, keyboard, scrollbar clicking, and wheel events
function disableElementScroll(element) {
element = angular.element(element || body);
var scrollMask;
if (options && options.disableScrollMask) {
scrollMask = element;
} else {
element = element[0];
scrollMask = angular.element(
'<div class="md-scroll-mask">' +
' <div class="md-scroll-mask-bar"></div>' +
scrollMask.on('wheel', preventDefault);
scrollMask.on('touchmove', preventDefault);
return function restoreScroll() {'wheel');'touchmove');
delete $mdUtil.disableScrollAround._enableScrolling;
function preventDefault(e) {
// Converts the body to a position fixed block and translate it to the proper scroll position
function disableBodyScroll() {
var htmlNode = body.parentNode;
var restoreHtmlStyle = || '';
var restoreBodyStyle = || '';
var scrollOffset = $mdUtil.scrollTop(body);
var clientWidth = body.clientWidth;
if (body.scrollHeight > body.clientHeight + 1) {
applyStyles(body, {
position: 'fixed',
width: '100%',
top: -scrollOffset + 'px'
}); = 'scroll';
if (body.clientWidth < clientWidth) applyStyles(body, {overflow: 'hidden'});
return function restoreScroll() { = restoreBodyStyle; = restoreHtmlStyle;
body.scrollTop = scrollOffset;
htmlNode.scrollTop = scrollOffset;
function applyStyles(el, styles) {
for (var key in styles) {[key] = styles[key];
enableScrolling: function() {
var method = this.disableScrollAround._enableScrolling;
method && method();
floatingScrollbars: function() {
if (this.floatingScrollbars.cached === undefined) {
var tempNode = angular.element('<div><div></div></div>').css({
width: '100%',
'z-index': -1,
position: 'absolute',
height: '35px',
'overflow-y': 'scroll'
tempNode.children().css('height', '60px');
this.floatingScrollbars.cached = (tempNode[0].offsetWidth == tempNode[0].childNodes[0].offsetWidth);
return this.floatingScrollbars.cached;
// Mobile safari only allows you to set focus in click event listeners...
forceFocus: function(element) {
var node = element[0] || element;
document.addEventListener('click', function focusOnClick(ev) {
if ( === node && ev.$focus) {
node.removeEventListener('click', focusOnClick);
}, true);
var newEvent = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
newEvent.initMouseEvent('click', false, true, window, {}, 0, 0, 0, 0,
false, false, false, false, 0, null);
newEvent.$material = true;
newEvent.$focus = true;
* facade to build md-backdrop element with desired styles
* NOTE: Use $compile to trigger backdrop postLink function
createBackdrop: function(scope, addClass) {
return $compile($mdUtil.supplant('<md-backdrop class="{0}">', [addClass]))(scope);
* supplant() method from Crockford's `Remedial Javascript`
* Equivalent to use of $interpolate; without dependency on
* interpolation symbols and scope. Note: the '{<token>}' can
* be property names, property chains, or array indices.
supplant: function(template, values, pattern) {
pattern = pattern || /\{([^\{\}]*)\}/g;
return template.replace(pattern, function(a, b) {
var p = b.split('.'),
r = values;
try {
for (var s in p) {
if (p.hasOwnProperty(s) ) {
r = r[p[s]];
} catch (e) {
r = a;
return (typeof r === 'string' || typeof r === 'number') ? r : a;
fakeNgModel: function() {
return {
$fake: true,
$setTouched: angular.noop,
$setViewValue: function(value) {
this.$viewValue = value;
this.$viewChangeListeners.forEach(function(cb) {
$isEmpty: function(value) {
return ('' + value).length === 0;
$parsers: [],
$formatters: [],
$viewChangeListeners: [],
$render: angular.noop
// Returns a function, that, as long as it continues to be invoked, will not
// be triggered. The function will be called after it stops being called for
// N milliseconds.
// @param wait Integer value of msecs to delay (since last debounce reset); default value 10 msecs
// @param invokeApply should the $timeout trigger $digest() dirty checking
debounce: function(func, wait, scope, invokeApply) {
var timer;
return function debounced() {
var context = scope,
args =;
timer = $timeout(function() {
timer = undefined;
func.apply(context, args);
}, wait || 10, invokeApply);
// Returns a function that can only be triggered every `delay` milliseconds.
// In other words, the function will not be called unless it has been more
// than `delay` milliseconds since the last call.
throttle: function throttle(func, delay) {
var recent;
return function throttled() {
var context = this;
var args = arguments;
var now = $;
if (!recent || (now - recent > delay)) {
func.apply(context, args);
recent = now;
* Measures the number of milliseconds taken to run the provided callback
* function. Uses a high-precision timer if available.
time: function time(cb) {
var start = $;
return $ - start;
* Create an implicit getter that caches its `getter()`
* lookup value
valueOnUse : function (scope, key, getter) {
var value = null, args =;
var params = (args.length > 3) ? args.slice(3) : [ ];
Object.defineProperty(scope, key, {
get: function () {
if (value === null) value = getter.apply(scope, params);
return value;
* Get a unique ID.
* @returns {string} an unique numeric string
nextUid: function() {
return '' + nextUniqueId++;
// Stop watchers and events from firing on a scope without destroying it,
// by disconnecting it from its parent and its siblings' linked lists.
disconnectScope: function disconnectScope(scope) {
if (!scope) return;
// we can't destroy the root scope or a scope that has been already destroyed
if (scope.$root === scope) return;
if (scope.$$destroyed) return;
var parent = scope.$parent;
scope.$$disconnected = true;
// See Scope.$destroy
if (parent.$$childHead === scope) parent.$$childHead = scope.$$nextSibling;
if (parent.$$childTail === scope) parent.$$childTail = scope.$$prevSibling;
if (scope.$$prevSibling) scope.$$prevSibling.$$nextSibling = scope.$$nextSibling;
if (scope.$$nextSibling) scope.$$nextSibling.$$prevSibling = scope.$$prevSibling;
scope.$$nextSibling = scope.$$prevSibling = null;
// Undo the effects of disconnectScope above.
reconnectScope: function reconnectScope(scope) {
if (!scope) return;
// we can't disconnect the root node or scope already disconnected
if (scope.$root === scope) return;
if (!scope.$$disconnected) return;
var child = scope;
var parent = child.$parent;
child.$$disconnected = false;
// See Scope.$new for this logic...
child.$$prevSibling = parent.$$childTail;
if (parent.$$childHead) {
parent.$$childTail.$$nextSibling = child;
parent.$$childTail = child;
} else {
parent.$$childHead = parent.$$childTail = child;
* getClosest replicates jQuery.closest() to walk up the DOM tree until it finds a matching nodeName
* @param el Element to start walking the DOM from
* @param check Either a string or a function. If a string is passed, it will be evaluated against
* each of the parent nodes' tag name. If a function is passed, the loop will call it with each of
* the parents and will use the return value to determine whether the node is a match.
* @param onlyParent Only start checking from the parent element, not `el`.
getClosest: function getClosest(el, validateWith, onlyParent) {
if ( angular.isString(validateWith) ) {
var tagName = validateWith.toUpperCase();
validateWith = function(el) {
return el.nodeName === tagName;
if (el instanceof angular.element) el = el[0];
if (onlyParent) el = el.parentNode;
if (!el) return null;
do {
if (validateWith(el)) {
return el;
} while (el = el.parentNode);
return null;
* Build polyfill for the Node.contains feature (if needed)
elementContains: function(node, child) {
var hasContains = (window.Node && window.Node.prototype && Node.prototype.contains);
var findFn = hasContains ? angular.bind(node, node.contains) : angular.bind(node, function(arg) {
// compares the positions of two nodes and returns a bitmask
return (node === child) || !!(this.compareDocumentPosition(arg) & 16)
return findFn(child);
* Functional equivalent for $element.filter(‘md-bottom-sheet’)
* useful with interimElements where the element and its container are important...
* @param {[]} elements to scan
* @param {string} name of node to find (e.g. 'md-dialog')
* @param {boolean=} optional flag to allow deep scans; defaults to 'false'.
* @param {boolean=} optional flag to enable log warnings; defaults to false
extractElementByName: function(element, nodeName, scanDeep, warnNotFound) {
var found = scanTree(element);
if (!found && !!warnNotFound) {
$log.warn( $mdUtil.supplant("Unable to find node '{0}' in element '{1}'.",[nodeName, element[0].outerHTML]) );
return angular.element(found || element);
* Breadth-First tree scan for element with matching `nodeName`
function scanTree(element) {
return scanLevel(element) || (!!scanDeep ? scanChildren(element) : null);
* Case-insensitive scan of current elements only (do not descend).
function scanLevel(element) {
if ( element ) {
for (var i = 0, len = element.length; i < len; i++) {
if (element[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() === nodeName) {
return element[i];
return null;
* Scan children of specified node
function scanChildren(element) {
var found;
if ( element ) {
for (var i = 0, len = element.length; i < len; i++) {
var target = element[i];
if ( !found ) {
for (var j = 0, numChild = target.childNodes.length; j < numChild; j++) {
found = found || scanTree([target.childNodes[j]]);
return found;
* Give optional properties with no value a boolean true if attr provided or false otherwise
initOptionalProperties: function(scope, attr, defaults) {
defaults = defaults || {};
angular.forEach(scope.$$isolateBindings, function(binding, key) {
if (binding.optional && angular.isUndefined(scope[key])) {
var attrIsDefined = angular.isDefined(attr[binding.attrName]);
scope[key] = angular.isDefined(defaults[key]) ? defaults[key] : attrIsDefined;
* Alternative to $timeout calls with 0 delay.
* nextTick() coalesces all calls within a single frame
* to minimize $digest thrashing
* @param callback
* @param digest
* @returns {*}
nextTick: function(callback, digest, scope) {
//-- grab function reference for storing state details
var nextTick = $mdUtil.nextTick;
var timeout = nextTick.timeout;
var queue = nextTick.queue || [];
//-- add callback to the queue
queue.push({scope: scope, callback: callback});
//-- set default value for digest
if (digest == null) digest = true;
//-- store updated digest/queue values
nextTick.digest = nextTick.digest || digest;
nextTick.queue = queue;
//-- either return existing timeout or create a new one
return timeout || (nextTick.timeout = $timeout(processQueue, 0, false));
* Grab a copy of the current queue
* Clear the queue for future use
* Process the existing queue
* Trigger digest if necessary
function processQueue() {
var queue = nextTick.queue;
var digest = nextTick.digest;
nextTick.queue = [];
nextTick.timeout = null;
nextTick.digest = false;
queue.forEach(function(queueItem) {
var skip = queueItem.scope && queueItem.scope.$$destroyed;
if (!skip) {
if (digest) $rootScope.$digest();
* Processes a template and replaces the start/end symbols if the application has
* overriden them.
* @param template The template to process whose start/end tags may be replaced.
* @returns {*}
processTemplate: function(template) {
if (usesStandardSymbols) {
return template;
} else {
if (!template || !angular.isString(template)) return template;
return template.replace(/\{\{/g, startSymbol).replace(/}}/g, endSymbol);
* Scan up dom hierarchy for enabled parent;
getParentWithPointerEvents: function (element) {
var parent = element.parent();
// jqLite might return a non-null, but still empty, parent; so check for parent and length
while (hasComputedStyle(parent, 'pointer-events', 'none')) {
parent = parent.parent();
return parent;
getNearestContentElement: function (element) {
var current = element.parent()[0];
// Look for the nearest parent md-content, stopping at the rootElement.
while (current && current !== $rootElement[0] && current !== document.body && current.nodeName.toUpperCase() !== 'MD-CONTENT') {
current = current.parentNode;
return current;
* Checks if the current browser is natively supporting the `sticky` position.
* @returns {string} supported sticky property name
checkStickySupport: function() {
var stickyProp;
var testEl = angular.element('<div>');
var stickyProps = ['sticky', '-webkit-sticky'];
for (var i = 0; i < stickyProps.length; ++i) {
position: stickyProps[i],
top: 0,
'z-index': 2
if (testEl.css('position') == stickyProps[i]) {
stickyProp = stickyProps[i];
return stickyProp;
* Parses an attribute value, mostly a string.
* By default checks for negated values and returns `false´ if present.
* Negated values are: (native falsy) and negative strings like:
* `false` or `0`.
* @param value Attribute value which should be parsed.
* @param negatedCheck When set to false, won't check for negated values.
* @returns {boolean}
parseAttributeBoolean: function(value, negatedCheck) {
return value === '' || !!value && (negatedCheck === false || value !== 'false' && value !== '0');
hasComputedStyle: hasComputedStyle,
* Returns true if the parent form of the element has been submitted.
* @param element An Angular or HTML5 element.
* @returns {boolean}
isParentFormSubmitted: function(element) {
var parent = $mdUtil.getClosest(element, 'form');
var form = parent ? angular.element(parent).controller('form') : null;
return form ? form.$submitted : false;
* Animate the requested element's scrollTop to the requested scrollPosition with basic easing.
* @param element The element to scroll.
* @param scrollEnd The new/final scroll position.
animateScrollTo: function(element, scrollEnd) {
var scrollStart = element.scrollTop;
var scrollChange = scrollEnd - scrollStart;
var scrollingDown = scrollStart < scrollEnd;
var startTime = $;
function scrollChunk() {
var newPosition = calculateNewPosition();
element.scrollTop = newPosition;
if (scrollingDown ? newPosition < scrollEnd : newPosition > scrollEnd) {
function calculateNewPosition() {
var duration = 1000;
var currentTime = $ - startTime;
return ease(currentTime, scrollStart, scrollChange, duration);
function ease(currentTime, start, change, duration) {
// If the duration has passed (which can occur if our app loses focus due to $$rAF), jump
// straight to the proper position
if (currentTime > duration) {
return start + change;
var ts = (currentTime /= duration) * currentTime;
var tc = ts * currentTime;
return start + change * (-2 * tc + 3 * ts);
// Instantiate other namespace utility methods
$mdUtil.dom.animator = $$mdAnimate($mdUtil);
return $mdUtil;
function getNode(el) {
return el[0] || el;
* Since removing jQuery from the demos, some code that uses `element.focus()` is broken.
* We need to add `element.focus()`, because it's testable unlike `element[0].focus`.
angular.element.prototype.focus = angular.element.prototype.focus || function() {
if (this.length) {
return this;
angular.element.prototype.blur = angular.element.prototype.blur || function() {
if (this.length) {
return this;
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.core.aria
* @description
* Aria Expectations for ngMaterial components.
MdAriaService.$inject = ["$$rAF", "$log", "$window", "$interpolate"];
.provider('$mdAria', MdAriaProvider);
* @ngdoc service
* @name $mdAriaProvider
* @module material.core.aria
* @description
* Modify options of the `$mdAria` service, which will be used by most of the Angular Material
* components.
* You are able to disable `$mdAria` warnings, by using the following markup.
* <hljs lang="js">
* app.config(function($mdAriaProvider) {
* // Globally disables all ARIA warnings.
* $mdAriaProvider.disableWarnings();
* });
* </hljs>
function MdAriaProvider() {
var self = this;
* Whether we should show ARIA warnings in the console, if labels are missing on the element
* By default the warnings are enabled
self.showWarnings = true;
return {
disableWarnings: disableWarnings,
$get: ["$$rAF", "$log", "$window", "$interpolate", function($$rAF, $log, $window, $interpolate) {
return MdAriaService.apply(self, arguments);
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdAriaProvider#disableWarnings
* @description Disables all ARIA warnings generated by Angular Material.
function disableWarnings() {
self.showWarnings = false;
* @ngInject
function MdAriaService($$rAF, $log, $window, $interpolate) {
// Load the showWarnings option from the current context and store it inside of a scope variable,
// because the context will be probably lost in some function calls.
var showWarnings = this.showWarnings;
return {
expect: expect,
expectAsync: expectAsync,
expectWithText: expectWithText,
expectWithoutText: expectWithoutText
* Check if expected attribute has been specified on the target element or child
* @param element
* @param attrName
* @param {optional} defaultValue What to set the attr to if no value is found
function expect(element, attrName, defaultValue) {
var node = angular.element(element)[0] || element;
// if node exists and neither it nor its children have the attribute
if (node &&
((!node.hasAttribute(attrName) ||
node.getAttribute(attrName).length === 0) &&
!childHasAttribute(node, attrName))) {
defaultValue = angular.isString(defaultValue) ? defaultValue.trim() : '';
if (defaultValue.length) {
element.attr(attrName, defaultValue);
} else if (showWarnings) {
$log.warn('ARIA: Attribute "', attrName, '", required for accessibility, is missing on node:', node);
function expectAsync(element, attrName, defaultValueGetter) {
// Problem: when retrieving the element's contents synchronously to find the label,
// the text may not be defined yet in the case of a binding.
// There is a higher chance that a binding will be defined if we wait one frame.
$$rAF(function() {
expect(element, attrName, defaultValueGetter());
function expectWithText(element, attrName) {
var content = getText(element) || "";
var hasBinding = content.indexOf($interpolate.startSymbol()) > -1;
if ( hasBinding ) {
expectAsync(element, attrName, function() {
return getText(element);
} else {
expect(element, attrName, content);
function expectWithoutText(element, attrName) {
var content = getText(element);
var hasBinding = content.indexOf($interpolate.startSymbol()) > -1;
if ( !hasBinding && !content) {
expect(element, attrName, content);
function getText(element) {
element = element[0] || element;
var walker = document.createTreeWalker(element, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, false);
var text = '';
var node;
while (node = walker.nextNode()) {
if (!isAriaHiddenNode(node)) {
text += node.textContent;
return text.trim() || '';
function isAriaHiddenNode(node) {
while (node.parentNode && (node = node.parentNode) !== element) {
if (node.getAttribute && node.getAttribute('aria-hidden') === 'true') {
return true;
function childHasAttribute(node, attrName) {
var hasChildren = node.hasChildNodes(),
hasAttr = false;
function isHidden(el) {
var style = el.currentStyle ? el.currentStyle : $window.getComputedStyle(el);
return (style.display === 'none');
if (hasChildren) {
var children = node.childNodes;
for (var i=0; i < children.length; i++) {
var child = children[i];
if (child.nodeType === 1 && child.hasAttribute(attrName)) {
if (!isHidden(child)) {
hasAttr = true;
return hasAttr;
"use strict";
mdCompilerService.$inject = ["$q", "$templateRequest", "$injector", "$compile", "$controller"];angular
.service('$mdCompiler', mdCompilerService);
function mdCompilerService($q, $templateRequest, $injector, $compile, $controller) {
/* jshint validthis: true */
* @ngdoc service
* @name $mdCompiler
* @module material.core
* @description
* The $mdCompiler service is an abstraction of angular's compiler, that allows the developer
* to easily compile an element with a templateUrl, controller, and locals.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="js">
* $mdCompiler.compile({
* templateUrl: 'modal.html',
* controller: 'ModalCtrl',
* locals: {
* modal: myModalInstance;
* }
* }).then(function(compileData) {
* compileData.element; // modal.html's template in an element
*; //attach controller & scope to element
* });
* </hljs>
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdCompiler#compile
* @description A helper to compile an HTML template/templateUrl with a given controller,
* locals, and scope.
* @param {object} options An options object, with the following properties:
* - `controller` - `{(string=|function()=}` Controller fn that should be associated with
* newly created scope or the name of a registered controller if passed as a string.
* - `controllerAs` - `{string=}` A controller alias name. If present the controller will be
* published to scope under the `controllerAs` name.
* - `template` - `{string=}` An html template as a string.
* - `templateUrl` - `{string=}` A path to an html template.
* - `transformTemplate` - `{function(template)=}` A function which transforms the template after
* it is loaded. It will be given the template string as a parameter, and should
* return a a new string representing the transformed template.
* - `resolve` - `{Object.<string, function>=}` - An optional map of dependencies which should
* be injected into the controller. If any of these dependencies are promises, the compiler
* will wait for them all to be resolved, or if one is rejected before the controller is
* instantiated `compile()` will fail..
* * `key` - `{string}`: a name of a dependency to be injected into the controller.
* * `factory` - `{string|function}`: If `string` then it is an alias for a service.
* Otherwise if function, then it is injected and the return value is treated as the
* dependency. If the result is a promise, it is resolved before its value is
* injected into the controller.
* @returns {object=} promise A promise, which will be resolved with a `compileData` object.
* `compileData` has the following properties:
* - `element` - `{element}`: an uncompiled element matching the provided template.
* - `link` - `{function(scope)}`: A link function, which, when called, will compile
* the element and instantiate the provided controller (if given).
* - `locals` - `{object}`: The locals which will be passed into the controller once `link` is
* called. If `bindToController` is true, they will be coppied to the ctrl instead
* - `bindToController` - `bool`: bind the locals to the controller, instead of passing them in.
this.compile = function(options) {
var templateUrl = options.templateUrl;
var template = options.template || '';
var controller = options.controller;
var controllerAs = options.controllerAs;
var resolve = angular.extend({}, options.resolve || {});
var locals = angular.extend({}, options.locals || {});
var transformTemplate = options.transformTemplate || angular.identity;
var bindToController = options.bindToController;
// Take resolve values and invoke them.
// Resolves can either be a string (value: 'MyRegisteredAngularConst'),
// or an invokable 'factory' of sorts: (value: function ValueGetter($dependency) {})
angular.forEach(resolve, function(value, key) {
if (angular.isString(value)) {
resolve[key] = $injector.get(value);
} else {
resolve[key] = $injector.invoke(value);
//Add the locals, which are just straight values to inject
//eg locals: { three: 3 }, will inject three into the controller
angular.extend(resolve, locals);
if (templateUrl) {
resolve.$template = $templateRequest(templateUrl)
.then(function(response) {
return response;
} else {
resolve.$template = $q.when(template);
// Wait for all the resolves to finish if they are promises
return $q.all(resolve).then(function(locals) {
var compiledData;
var template = transformTemplate(locals.$template, options);
var element = options.element || angular.element('<div>').html(template.trim()).contents();
var linkFn = $compile(element);
// Return a linking function that can be used later when the element is ready
return compiledData = {
locals: locals,
element: element,
link: function link(scope) {
locals.$scope = scope;
//Instantiate controller if it exists, because we have scope
if (controller) {
var invokeCtrl = $controller(controller, locals, true, controllerAs);
if (bindToController) {
angular.extend(invokeCtrl.instance, locals);
var ctrl = invokeCtrl();
//See angular-route source for this logic'$ngControllerController', ctrl);
element.children().data('$ngControllerController', ctrl);
// Publish reference to this controller
compiledData.controller = ctrl;
return linkFn(scope);
"use strict";
MdGesture.$inject = ["$$MdGestureHandler", "$$rAF", "$timeout"];
attachToDocument.$inject = ["$mdGesture", "$$MdGestureHandler"];var HANDLERS = {};
/* The state of the current 'pointer'
* The pointer represents the state of the current touch.
* It contains normalized x and y coordinates from DOM events,
* as well as other information abstracted from the DOM.
var pointer, lastPointer, forceSkipClickHijack = false;
* The position of the most recent click if that click was on a label element.
* @type {{x: number, y: number}?}
var lastLabelClickPos = null;
// Used to attach event listeners once when multiple ng-apps are running.
var isInitialized = false;
.module('material.core.gestures', [ ])
.provider('$mdGesture', MdGestureProvider)
.factory('$$MdGestureHandler', MdGestureHandler)
.run( attachToDocument );
* @ngdoc service
* @name $mdGestureProvider
* @module material.core.gestures
* @description
* In some scenarios on Mobile devices (without jQuery), the click events should NOT be hijacked.
* `$mdGestureProvider` is used to configure the Gesture module to ignore or skip click hijacking on mobile
* devices.
* <hljs lang="js">
* app.config(function($mdGestureProvider) {
* // For mobile devices without jQuery loaded, do not
* // intercept click events during the capture phase.
* $mdGestureProvider.skipClickHijack();
* });
* </hljs>
function MdGestureProvider() { }
MdGestureProvider.prototype = {
// Publish access to setter to configure a variable BEFORE the
// $mdGesture service is instantiated...
skipClickHijack: function() {
return forceSkipClickHijack = true;
* $get is used to build an instance of $mdGesture
* @ngInject
$get : ["$$MdGestureHandler", "$$rAF", "$timeout", function($$MdGestureHandler, $$rAF, $timeout) {
return new MdGesture($$MdGestureHandler, $$rAF, $timeout);
* MdGesture factory construction function
* @ngInject
function MdGesture($$MdGestureHandler, $$rAF, $timeout) {
var userAgent = navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window.opera;
var isIos = userAgent.match(/ipad|iphone|ipod/i);
var isAndroid = userAgent.match(/android/i);
var touchActionProperty = getTouchAction();
var hasJQuery = (typeof window.jQuery !== 'undefined') && (angular.element === window.jQuery);
var self = {
handler: addHandler,
register: register,
isIos: isIos,
isAndroid: isAndroid,
// On mobile w/out jQuery, we normally intercept clicks. Should we skip that?
isHijackingClicks: (isIos || isAndroid) && !hasJQuery && !forceSkipClickHijack
if (self.isHijackingClicks) {
var maxClickDistance = 6;
self.handler('click', {
options: {
maxDistance: maxClickDistance
onEnd: checkDistanceAndEmit('click')
self.handler('focus', {
options: {
maxDistance: maxClickDistance
onEnd: function(ev, pointer) {
if (pointer.distance < this.state.options.maxDistance) {
if (canFocus( {
this.dispatchEvent(ev, 'focus', pointer);;
function canFocus(element) {
var focusableElements = ['INPUT', 'SELECT', 'BUTTON', 'TEXTAREA', 'VIDEO', 'AUDIO'];
return (element.getAttribute('tabindex') != '-1') &&
!element.hasAttribute('DISABLED') &&
(element.hasAttribute('tabindex') || element.hasAttribute('href') || element.isContentEditable ||
(focusableElements.indexOf(element.nodeName) != -1));
self.handler('mouseup', {
options: {
maxDistance: maxClickDistance
onEnd: checkDistanceAndEmit('mouseup')
self.handler('mousedown', {
onStart: function(ev) {
this.dispatchEvent(ev, 'mousedown');
function checkDistanceAndEmit(eventName) {
return function(ev, pointer) {
if (pointer.distance < this.state.options.maxDistance) {
this.dispatchEvent(ev, eventName, pointer);
* Register an element to listen for a handler.
* This allows an element to override the default options for a handler.
* Additionally, some handlers like drag and hold only dispatch events if
* the domEvent happens inside an element that's registered to listen for these events.
* @see GestureHandler for how overriding of default options works.
* @example $mdGesture.register(myElement, 'drag', { minDistance: 20, horziontal: false })
function register(element, handlerName, options) {
var handler = HANDLERS[handlerName.replace(/^\$md./, '')];
if (!handler) {
throw new Error('Failed to register element with handler ' + handlerName + '. ' +
'Available handlers: ' + Object.keys(HANDLERS).join(', '));
return handler.registerElement(element, options);
* add a handler to $mdGesture. see below.
function addHandler(name, definition) {
var handler = new $$MdGestureHandler(name);
angular.extend(handler, definition);
HANDLERS[name] = handler;
return self;
* Register handlers. These listen to touch/start/move events, interpret them,
* and dispatch gesture events depending on options & conditions. These are all
* instances of GestureHandler.
* @see GestureHandler
return self
* The press handler dispatches an event on touchdown/touchend.
* It's a simple abstraction of touch/mouse/pointer start and end.
.handler('press', {
onStart: function (ev, pointer) {
this.dispatchEvent(ev, '$md.pressdown');
onEnd: function (ev, pointer) {
this.dispatchEvent(ev, '$md.pressup');
* The hold handler dispatches an event if the user keeps their finger within
* the same <maxDistance> area for <delay> ms.
* The hold handler will only run if a parent of the touch target is registered
* to listen for hold events through $mdGesture.register()
.handler('hold', {
options: {
maxDistance: 6,
delay: 500
onCancel: function () {
onStart: function (ev, pointer) {
// For hold, require a parent to be registered with $mdGesture.register()
// Because we prevent scroll events, this is necessary.
if (!this.state.registeredParent) return this.cancel();
this.state.pos = {x: pointer.x, y: pointer.y};
this.state.timeout = $timeout(angular.bind(this, function holdDelayFn() {
this.dispatchEvent(ev, '$md.hold');
this.cancel(); //we're done!
}), this.state.options.delay, false);
onMove: function (ev, pointer) {
// Don't scroll while waiting for hold.
// If we don't preventDefault touchmove events here, Android will assume we don't
// want to listen to anymore touch events. It will start scrolling and stop sending
// touchmove events.
if (!touchActionProperty && ev.type === 'touchmove') ev.preventDefault();
// If the user moves greater than <maxDistance> pixels, stop the hold timer
// set in onStart
var dx = this.state.pos.x - pointer.x;
var dy = this.state.pos.y - pointer.y;
if (Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) > this.options.maxDistance) {
onEnd: function () {
* The drag handler dispatches a drag event if the user holds and moves his finger greater than
* <minDistance> px in the x or y direction, depending on options.horizontal.
* The drag will be cancelled if the user moves his finger greater than <minDistance>*<cancelMultiplier> in
* the perpendicular direction. Eg if the drag is horizontal and the user moves his finger <minDistance>*<cancelMultiplier>
* pixels vertically, this handler won't consider the move part of a drag.
.handler('drag', {
options: {
minDistance: 6,
horizontal: true,
cancelMultiplier: 1.5
onSetup: function(element, options) {
if (touchActionProperty) {
// We check for horizontal to be false, because otherwise we would overwrite the default opts.
this.oldTouchAction = element[0].style[touchActionProperty];
element[0].style[touchActionProperty] = options.horizontal === false ? 'pan-y' : 'pan-x';
onCleanup: function(element) {
if (this.oldTouchAction) {
element[0].style[touchActionProperty] = this.oldTouchAction;
onStart: function (ev) {
// For drag, require a parent to be registered with $mdGesture.register()
if (!this.state.registeredParent) this.cancel();
onMove: function (ev, pointer) {
var shouldStartDrag, shouldCancel;
// Don't scroll while deciding if this touchmove qualifies as a drag event.
// If we don't preventDefault touchmove events here, Android will assume we don't
// want to listen to anymore touch events. It will start scrolling and stop sending
// touchmove events.
if (!touchActionProperty && ev.type === 'touchmove') ev.preventDefault();
if (!this.state.dragPointer) {
if (this.state.options.horizontal) {
shouldStartDrag = Math.abs(pointer.distanceX) > this.state.options.minDistance;
shouldCancel = Math.abs(pointer.distanceY) > this.state.options.minDistance * this.state.options.cancelMultiplier;
} else {
shouldStartDrag = Math.abs(pointer.distanceY) > this.state.options.minDistance;
shouldCancel = Math.abs(pointer.distanceX) > this.state.options.minDistance * this.state.options.cancelMultiplier;
if (shouldStartDrag) {
// Create a new pointer representing this drag, starting at this point where the drag started.
this.state.dragPointer = makeStartPointer(ev);
updatePointerState(ev, this.state.dragPointer);
this.dispatchEvent(ev, '$md.dragstart', this.state.dragPointer);
} else if (shouldCancel) {
} else {
// Only dispatch dragmove events every frame; any more is unnecessary
dispatchDragMove: $$rAF.throttle(function (ev) {
// Make sure the drag didn't stop while waiting for the next frame
if (this.state.isRunning) {
updatePointerState(ev, this.state.dragPointer);
this.dispatchEvent(ev, '$md.drag', this.state.dragPointer);
onEnd: function (ev, pointer) {
if (this.state.dragPointer) {
updatePointerState(ev, this.state.dragPointer);
this.dispatchEvent(ev, '$md.dragend', this.state.dragPointer);
* The swipe handler will dispatch a swipe event if, on the end of a touch,
* the velocity and distance were high enough.
.handler('swipe', {
options: {
minVelocity: 0.65,
minDistance: 10
onEnd: function (ev, pointer) {
var eventType;
if (Math.abs(pointer.velocityX) > this.state.options.minVelocity &&
Math.abs(pointer.distanceX) > this.state.options.minDistance) {
eventType = pointer.directionX == 'left' ? '$md.swipeleft' : '$md.swiperight';
this.dispatchEvent(ev, eventType);
else if (Math.abs(pointer.velocityY) > this.state.options.minVelocity &&
Math.abs(pointer.distanceY) > this.state.options.minDistance) {
eventType = pointer.directionY == 'up' ? '$md.swipeup' : '$md.swipedown';
this.dispatchEvent(ev, eventType);
function getTouchAction() {
var testEl = document.createElement('div');
var vendorPrefixes = ['', 'webkit', 'Moz', 'MS', 'ms', 'o'];
for (var i = 0; i < vendorPrefixes.length; i++) {
var prefix = vendorPrefixes[i];
var property = prefix ? prefix + 'TouchAction' : 'touchAction';
if (angular.isDefined([property])) {
return property;
* MdGestureHandler
* A GestureHandler is an object which is able to dispatch custom dom events
* based on native dom {touch,pointer,mouse}{start,move,end} events.
* A gesture will manage its lifecycle through the start,move,end, and cancel
* functions, which are called by native dom events.
* A gesture has the concept of 'options' (eg a swipe's required velocity), which can be
* overridden by elements registering through $mdGesture.register()
function GestureHandler (name) { = name;
this.state = {};
function MdGestureHandler() {
var hasJQuery = (typeof window.jQuery !== 'undefined') && (angular.element === window.jQuery);
GestureHandler.prototype = {
options: {},
// jQuery listeners don't work with custom DOMEvents, so we have to dispatch events
// differently when jQuery is loaded
dispatchEvent: hasJQuery ? jQueryDispatchEvent : nativeDispatchEvent,
// These are overridden by the registered handler
onSetup: angular.noop,
onCleanup: angular.noop,
onStart: angular.noop,
onMove: angular.noop,
onEnd: angular.noop,
onCancel: angular.noop,
// onStart sets up a new state for the handler, which includes options from the
// nearest registered parent element of
start: function (ev, pointer) {
if (this.state.isRunning) return;
var parentTarget = this.getNearestParent(;
// Get the options from the nearest registered parent
var parentTargetOptions = parentTarget && parentTarget.$mdGesture[] || {};
this.state = {
isRunning: true,
// Override the default options with the nearest registered parent's options
options: angular.extend({}, this.options, parentTargetOptions),
// Pass in the registered parent node to the state so the onStart listener can use
registeredParent: parentTarget
this.onStart(ev, pointer);
move: function (ev, pointer) {
if (!this.state.isRunning) return;
this.onMove(ev, pointer);
end: function (ev, pointer) {
if (!this.state.isRunning) return;
this.onEnd(ev, pointer);
this.state.isRunning = false;
cancel: function (ev, pointer) {
this.onCancel(ev, pointer);
this.state = {};
// Find and return the nearest parent element that has been registered to
// listen for this handler via $mdGesture.register(element, 'handlerName').
getNearestParent: function (node) {
var current = node;
while (current) {
if ((current.$mdGesture || {})[]) {
return current;
current = current.parentNode;
return null;
// Called from $mdGesture.register when an element registers itself with a handler.
// Store the options the user gave on the DOMElement itself. These options will
// be retrieved with getNearestParent when the handler starts.
registerElement: function (element, options) {
var self = this;
element[0].$mdGesture = element[0].$mdGesture || {};
element[0].$mdGesture[] = options || {};
element.on('$destroy', onDestroy);
self.onSetup(element, options || {});
return onDestroy;
function onDestroy() {
delete element[0].$mdGesture[];'$destroy', onDestroy);
self.onCleanup(element, options || {});
return GestureHandler;
* Dispatch an event with jQuery
* TODO: Make sure this sends bubbling events
* @param srcEvent the original DOM touch event that started this.
* @param eventType the name of the custom event to send (eg 'click' or '$md.drag')
* @param eventPointer the pointer object that matches this event.
function jQueryDispatchEvent(srcEvent, eventType, eventPointer) {
eventPointer = eventPointer || pointer;
var eventObj = new angular.element.Event(eventType);
eventObj.$material = true;
eventObj.pointer = eventPointer;
eventObj.srcEvent = srcEvent;
angular.extend(eventObj, {
clientX: eventPointer.x,
clientY: eventPointer.y,
screenX: eventPointer.x,
screenY: eventPointer.y,
pageX: eventPointer.x,
pageY: eventPointer.y,
ctrlKey: srcEvent.ctrlKey,
altKey: srcEvent.altKey,
shiftKey: srcEvent.shiftKey,
metaKey: srcEvent.metaKey
* NOTE: nativeDispatchEvent is very performance sensitive.
* @param srcEvent the original DOM touch event that started this.
* @param eventType the name of the custom event to send (eg 'click' or '$md.drag')
* @param eventPointer the pointer object that matches this event.
function nativeDispatchEvent(srcEvent, eventType, eventPointer) {
eventPointer = eventPointer || pointer;
var eventObj;
if (eventType === 'click' || eventType == 'mouseup' || eventType == 'mousedown' ) {
eventObj = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
eventType, true, true, window, srcEvent.detail,
eventPointer.x, eventPointer.y, eventPointer.x, eventPointer.y,
srcEvent.ctrlKey, srcEvent.altKey, srcEvent.shiftKey, srcEvent.metaKey,
srcEvent.button, srcEvent.relatedTarget || null
} else {
eventObj = document.createEvent('CustomEvent');
eventObj.initCustomEvent(eventType, true, true, {});
eventObj.$material = true;
eventObj.pointer = eventPointer;
eventObj.srcEvent = srcEvent;;
* Attach Gestures: hook document and check shouldHijack clicks
* @ngInject
function attachToDocument( $mdGesture, $$MdGestureHandler ) {
// Polyfill document.contains for IE11.
// TODO: move to util
document.contains || (document.contains = function (node) {
return document.body.contains(node);
if (!isInitialized && $mdGesture.isHijackingClicks ) {
* If hijack clicks is true, we preventDefault any click that wasn't
* sent by ngMaterial. This is because on older Android & iOS, a false, or 'ghost',
* click event will be sent ~400ms after a touchend event happens.
* The only way to know if this click is real is to prevent any normal
* click events, and add a flag to events sent by material so we know not to prevent those.
* Two exceptions to click events that should be prevented are:
* - click events sent by the keyboard (eg form submit)
* - events that originate from an Ionic app
document.addEventListener('click' , clickHijacker , true);
document.addEventListener('mouseup' , mouseInputHijacker, true);
document.addEventListener('mousedown', mouseInputHijacker, true);
document.addEventListener('focus' , mouseInputHijacker, true);
isInitialized = true;
function mouseInputHijacker(ev) {
var isKeyClick = !ev.clientX && !ev.clientY;
if (!isKeyClick && !ev.$material && !ev.isIonicTap
&& !isInputEventFromLabelClick(ev)) {
function clickHijacker(ev) {
var isKeyClick = ev.clientX === 0 && ev.clientY === 0;
if (!isKeyClick && !ev.$material && !ev.isIonicTap
&& !isInputEventFromLabelClick(ev)) {
lastLabelClickPos = null;
} else {
lastLabelClickPos = null;
if ( == 'label') {
lastLabelClickPos = {x: ev.x, y: ev.y};
// Listen to all events to cover all platforms.
var START_EVENTS = 'mousedown touchstart pointerdown';
var MOVE_EVENTS = 'mousemove touchmove pointermove';
var END_EVENTS = 'mouseup mouseleave touchend touchcancel pointerup pointercancel';
.on(START_EVENTS, gestureStart)
.on(MOVE_EVENTS, gestureMove)
.on(END_EVENTS, gestureEnd)
// For testing
.on('$$mdGestureReset', function gestureClearCache () {
lastPointer = pointer = null;
* When a DOM event happens, run all registered gesture handlers' lifecycle
* methods which match the DOM event.
* Eg when a 'touchstart' event happens, runHandlers('start') will call and
* run `handler.cancel()` and `handler.start()` on all registered handlers.
function runHandlers(handlerEvent, event) {
var handler;
for (var name in HANDLERS) {
handler = HANDLERS[name];
if( handler instanceof $$MdGestureHandler ) {
if (handlerEvent === 'start') {
// Run cancel to reset any handlers' state
handler[handlerEvent](event, pointer);
* gestureStart vets if a start event is legitimate (and not part of a 'ghost click' from iOS/Android)
* If it is legitimate, we initiate the pointer state and mark the current pointer's type
* For example, for a touchstart event, mark the current pointer as a 'touch' pointer, so mouse events
* won't effect it.
function gestureStart(ev) {
// If we're already touched down, abort
if (pointer) return;
var now =;
// iOS & old android bug: after a touch event, a click event is sent 350 ms later.
// If <400ms have passed, don't allow an event of a different type than the previous event
if (lastPointer && !typesMatch(ev, lastPointer) && (now - lastPointer.endTime < 1500)) {
pointer = makeStartPointer(ev);
runHandlers('start', ev);
* If a move event happens of the right type, update the pointer and run all the move handlers.
* "of the right type": if a mousemove happens but our pointer started with a touch event, do nothing.
function gestureMove(ev) {
if (!pointer || !typesMatch(ev, pointer)) return;
updatePointerState(ev, pointer);
runHandlers('move', ev);
* If an end event happens of the right type, update the pointer, run endHandlers, and save the pointer as 'lastPointer'
function gestureEnd(ev) {
if (!pointer || !typesMatch(ev, pointer)) return;
updatePointerState(ev, pointer);
pointer.endTime =;
runHandlers('end', ev);
lastPointer = pointer;
pointer = null;
// ********************
// Module Functions
// ********************
* Initiate the pointer. x, y, and the pointer's type.
function makeStartPointer(ev) {
var point = getEventPoint(ev);
var startPointer = {
// 'p' for pointer events, 'm' for mouse, 't' for touch
type: ev.type.charAt(0)
startPointer.startX = startPointer.x = point.pageX;
startPointer.startY = startPointer.y = point.pageY;
return startPointer;
* return whether the pointer's type matches the event's type.
* Eg if a touch event happens but the pointer has a mouse type, return false.
function typesMatch(ev, pointer) {
return ev && pointer && ev.type.charAt(0) === pointer.type;
* Gets whether the given event is an input event that was caused by clicking on an
* associated label element.
* This is necessary because the browser will, upon clicking on a label element, fire an
* *extra* click event on its associated input (if any). mdGesture is able to flag the label
* click as with `$material` correctly, but not the second input click.
* In order to determine whether an input event is from a label click, we compare the (x, y) for
* the event to the (x, y) for the most recent label click (which is cleared whenever a non-label
* click occurs). Unfortunately, there are no event properties that tie the input and the label
* together (such as relatedTarget).
* @param {MouseEvent} event
* @returns {boolean}
function isInputEventFromLabelClick(event) {
return lastLabelClickPos
&& lastLabelClickPos.x == event.x
&& lastLabelClickPos.y == event.y;
* Update the given pointer based upon the given DOMEvent.
* Distance, velocity, direction, duration, etc
function updatePointerState(ev, pointer) {
var point = getEventPoint(ev);
var x = pointer.x = point.pageX;
var y = pointer.y = point.pageY;
pointer.distanceX = x - pointer.startX;
pointer.distanceY = y - pointer.startY;
pointer.distance = Math.sqrt(
pointer.distanceX * pointer.distanceX + pointer.distanceY * pointer.distanceY
pointer.directionX = pointer.distanceX > 0 ? 'right' : pointer.distanceX < 0 ? 'left' : '';
pointer.directionY = pointer.distanceY > 0 ? 'down' : pointer.distanceY < 0 ? 'up' : '';
pointer.duration = - pointer.startTime;
pointer.velocityX = pointer.distanceX / pointer.duration;
pointer.velocityY = pointer.distanceY / pointer.duration;
* Normalize the point where the DOM event happened whether it's touch or mouse.
* @returns point event obj with pageX and pageY on it.
function getEventPoint(ev) {
ev = ev.originalEvent || ev; // support jQuery events
return (ev.touches && ev.touches[0]) ||
(ev.changedTouches && ev.changedTouches[0]) ||
"use strict";
.provider('$$interimElement', InterimElementProvider);
* @ngdoc service
* @name $$interimElement
* @module material.core
* @description
* Factory that contructs `$$interimElement.$service` services.
* Used internally in material design for elements that appear on screen temporarily.
* The service provides a promise-like API for interacting with the temporary
* elements.
* ```js
* app.service('$mdToast', function($$interimElement) {
* var $mdToast = $$interimElement(toastDefaultOptions);
* return $mdToast;
* });
* ```
* @param {object=} defaultOptions Options used by default for the `show` method on the service.
* @returns {$$interimElement.$service}
function InterimElementProvider() {
InterimElementFactory.$inject = ["$document", "$q", "$$q", "$rootScope", "$timeout", "$rootElement", "$animate", "$mdUtil", "$mdCompiler", "$mdTheming", "$injector"];
createInterimElementProvider.$get = InterimElementFactory;
return createInterimElementProvider;
* Returns a new provider which allows configuration of a new interimElement
* service. Allows configuration of default options & methods for options,
* as well as configuration of 'preset' methods (eg dialog.basic(): basic is a preset method)
function createInterimElementProvider(interimFactoryName) {
factory.$inject = ["$$interimElement", "$injector"];
var EXPOSED_METHODS = ['onHide', 'onShow', 'onRemove'];
var customMethods = {};
var providerConfig = {
presets: {}
var provider = {
setDefaults: setDefaults,
addPreset: addPreset,
addMethod: addMethod,
$get: factory
* all interim elements will come with the 'build' preset
provider.addPreset('build', {
methods: ['controller', 'controllerAs', 'resolve',
'template', 'templateUrl', 'themable', 'transformTemplate', 'parent']
return provider;
* Save the configured defaults to be used when the factory is instantiated
function setDefaults(definition) {
providerConfig.optionsFactory = definition.options;
providerConfig.methods = (definition.methods || []).concat(EXPOSED_METHODS);
return provider;
* Add a method to the factory that isn't specific to any interim element operations
function addMethod(name, fn) {
customMethods[name] = fn;
return provider;
* Save the configured preset to be used when the factory is instantiated
function addPreset(name, definition) {
definition = definition || {};
definition.methods = definition.methods || [];
definition.options = definition.options || function() { return {}; };
if (/^cancel|hide|show$/.test(name)) {
throw new Error("Preset '" + name + "' in " + interimFactoryName + " is reserved!");
if (definition.methods.indexOf('_options') > -1) {
throw new Error("Method '_options' in " + interimFactoryName + " is reserved!");
providerConfig.presets[name] = {
methods: definition.methods.concat(EXPOSED_METHODS),
optionsFactory: definition.options,
argOption: definition.argOption
return provider;
function addPresetMethod(presetName, methodName, method) {
providerConfig.presets[presetName][methodName] = method;
* Create a factory that has the given methods & defaults implementing interimElement
/* @ngInject */
function factory($$interimElement, $injector) {
var defaultMethods;
var defaultOptions;
var interimElementService = $$interimElement();
* publicService is what the developer will be using.
* It has methods hide(), cancel(), show(), build(), and any other
* presets which were set during the config phase.
var publicService = {
hide: interimElementService.hide,
cancel: interimElementService.cancel,
show: showInterimElement,
// Special internal method to destroy an interim element without animations
// used when navigation changes causes a $scope.$destroy() action
destroy : destroyInterimElement
defaultMethods = providerConfig.methods || [];
// This must be invoked after the publicService is initialized
defaultOptions = invokeFactory(providerConfig.optionsFactory, {});
// Copy over the simple custom methods
angular.forEach(customMethods, function(fn, name) {
publicService[name] = fn;
angular.forEach(providerConfig.presets, function(definition, name) {
var presetDefaults = invokeFactory(definition.optionsFactory, {});
var presetMethods = (definition.methods || []).concat(defaultMethods);
// Every interimElement built with a preset has a field called `$type`,
// which matches the name of the preset.
// Eg in preset 'confirm', options.$type === 'confirm'
angular.extend(presetDefaults, { $type: name });
// This creates a preset class which has setter methods for every
// method given in the `.addPreset()` function, as well as every
// method given in the `.setDefaults()` function.
// @example
// .setDefaults({
// methods: ['hasBackdrop', 'clickOutsideToClose', 'escapeToClose', 'targetEvent'],
// options: dialogDefaultOptions
// })
// .addPreset('alert', {
// methods: ['title', 'ok'],
// options: alertDialogOptions
// })
// Set values will be passed to the options when is called.
function Preset(opts) {
this._options = angular.extend({}, presetDefaults, opts);
angular.forEach(presetMethods, function(name) {
Preset.prototype[name] = function(value) {
this._options[name] = value;
return this;
// Create shortcut method for one-linear methods
if (definition.argOption) {
var methodName = 'show' + name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1);
publicService[methodName] = function(arg) {
var config = publicService[name](arg);
// eg $mdDialog.alert() will return a new alert preset
publicService[name] = function(arg) {
// If argOption is supplied, eg `argOption: 'content'`, then we assume
// if the argument is not an options object then it is the `argOption` option.
// @example `$mdToast.simple('hello')` // sets options.content to hello
// // because argOption === 'content'
if (arguments.length && definition.argOption &&
!angular.isObject(arg) && !angular.isArray(arg)) {
return (new Preset())[definition.argOption](arg);
} else {
return new Preset(arg);
return publicService;
function showInterimElement(opts) {
// opts is either a preset which stores its options on an _options field,
// or just an object made up of options
opts = opts || { };
if (opts._options) opts = opts._options;
angular.extend({}, defaultOptions, opts)
* Special method to hide and destroy an interimElement WITHOUT
* any 'leave` or hide animations ( an immediate force hide/remove )
* NOTE: This calls the onRemove() subclass method for each component...
* which must have code to respond to `options.$destroy == true`
function destroyInterimElement(opts) {
return interimElementService.destroy(opts);
* Helper to call $injector.invoke with a local of the factory name for
* this provider.
* If an $mdDialog is providing options for a dialog and tries to inject
* $mdDialog, a circular dependency error will happen.
* We get around that by manually injecting $mdDialog as a local.
function invokeFactory(factory, defaultVal) {
var locals = {};
locals[interimFactoryName] = publicService;
return $injector.invoke(factory || function() { return defaultVal; }, {}, locals);
/* @ngInject */
function InterimElementFactory($document, $q, $$q, $rootScope, $timeout, $rootElement, $animate,
$mdUtil, $mdCompiler, $mdTheming, $injector ) {
return function createInterimElementService() {
var SHOW_CANCELLED = false;
* @ngdoc service
* @name $$interimElement.$service
* @description
* A service used to control inserting and removing an element into the DOM.
var service, stack = [];
// Publish instance $$interimElement service;
// ... used as $mdDialog, $mdToast, $mdMenu, and $mdSelect
return service = {
show: show,
hide: hide,
cancel: cancel,
destroy : destroy,
$injector_: $injector
* @ngdoc method
* @name $$interimElement.$service#show
* @kind function
* @description
* Adds the `$interimElement` to the DOM and returns a special promise that will be resolved or rejected
* with hide or cancel, respectively. To external cancel/hide, developers should use the
* @param {*} options is hashMap of settings
* @returns a Promise
function show(options) {
options = options || {};
var interimElement = new InterimElement(options || {});
// When an interim element is currently showing, we have to cancel it.
// Just hiding it, will resolve the InterimElement's promise, the promise should be
// rejected instead.
var hideExisting = !options.skipHide && stack.length ? service.cancel() : $q.when(true);
// This hide()s only the current interim element before showing the next, new one
// NOTE: this is not reversible (e.g. interim elements are not stackable)
hideExisting.finally(function() {
.catch(function( reason ) {
//$log.error(" error: " + reason );
return reason;
// Return a promise that will be resolved when the interim
// element is hidden or cancelled...
return interimElement.deferred.promise;
* @ngdoc method
* @name $$interimElement.$service#hide
* @kind function
* @description
* Removes the `$interimElement` from the DOM and resolves the promise returned from `show`
* @param {*} resolveParam Data to resolve the promise with
* @returns a Promise that will be resolved after the element has been removed.
function hide(reason, options) {
if ( !stack.length ) return $q.when(reason);
options = options || {};
if (options.closeAll) {
var promise = $q.all(stack.reverse().map(closeElement));
stack = [];
return promise;
} else if (options.closeTo !== undefined) {
return $q.all(stack.splice(options.closeTo).map(closeElement));
} else {
var interim = stack.pop();
return closeElement(interim);
function closeElement(interim) {
.remove(reason, false, options || { })
.catch(function( reason ) {
//$log.error("InterimElement.hide() error: " + reason );
return reason;
return interim.deferred.promise;
* @ngdoc method
* @name $$interimElement.$service#cancel
* @kind function
* @description
* Removes the `$interimElement` from the DOM and rejects the promise returned from `show`
* @param {*} reason Data to reject the promise with
* @returns Promise that will be resolved after the element has been removed.
function cancel(reason, options) {
var interim = stack.pop();
if ( !interim ) return $q.when(reason);
.remove(reason, true, options || { })
.catch(function( reason ) {
//$log.error("InterimElement.cancel() error: " + reason );
return reason;
// Since Angular 1.6.7, promises will be logged to $exceptionHandler when the promise
// is not handling the rejection. We create a pseudo catch handler, which will prevent the
// promise from being logged to the $exceptionHandler.
return interim.deferred.promise.catch(angular.noop);
* Special method to quick-remove the interim element without animations
* Note: interim elements are in "interim containers"
function destroy(target) {
var interim = !target ? stack.shift() : null;
var cntr = angular.element(target).length ? angular.element(target)[0].parentNode : null;
if (cntr) {
// Try to find the interim element in the stack which corresponds to the supplied DOM element.
var filtered = stack.filter(function(entry) {
var currNode = entry.options.element[0];
return (currNode === cntr);
// Note: this function might be called when the element already has been removed, in which
// case we won't find any matches. That's ok.
if (filtered.length > 0) {
interim = filtered[0];
stack.splice(stack.indexOf(interim), 1);
return interim ? interim.remove(SHOW_CANCELLED, false, {'$destroy':true}) : $q.when(SHOW_CANCELLED);
* Internal Interim Element Object
* Used internally to manage the DOM element and related data
function InterimElement(options) {
var self, element, showAction = $q.when(true);
options = configureScopeAndTransitions(options);
return self = {
options : options,
deferred: $q.defer(),
show : createAndTransitionIn,
remove : transitionOutAndRemove
* Compile, link, and show this interim element
* Use optional autoHided and transition-in effects
function createAndTransitionIn() {
return $q(function(resolve, reject) {
// Trigger onCompiling callback before the compilation starts.
// This is useful, when modifying options, which can be influenced by developers.
options.onCompiling && options.onCompiling(options);
.then(function( compiledData ) {
element = linkElement( compiledData, options );
showAction = showElement(element, options, compiledData.controller)
.then(resolve, rejectAll);
}, rejectAll);
function rejectAll(fault) {
// Force the '$md<xxx>.show()' promise to reject
// Continue rejection propagation
* After the show process has finished/rejected:
* - announce 'removing',
* - perform the transition-out, and
* - perform optional clean up scope.
function transitionOutAndRemove(response, isCancelled, opts) {
// abort if the show() and compile failed
if ( !element ) return $q.when(false);
options = angular.extend(options || {}, opts || {});
options.cancelAutoHide && options.cancelAutoHide();
if ( options.$destroy === true ) {
return hideElement(options.element, options).then(function(){
(isCancelled && rejectAll(response)) || resolveAll(response);
} else {
.finally(function() {
hideElement(options.element, options).then(function() {
(isCancelled && rejectAll(response)) || resolveAll(response);
}, rejectAll);
return self.deferred.promise;
* The `show()` returns a promise that will be resolved when the interim
* element is hidden or cancelled...
function resolveAll(response) {
* Force the '$md<xxx>.show()' promise to reject
function rejectAll(fault) {
* Prepare optional isolated scope and prepare $animate with default enter and leave
* transitions for the new element instance.
function configureScopeAndTransitions(options) {
options = options || { };
if ( options.template ) {
options.template = $mdUtil.processTemplate(options.template);
return angular.extend({
preserveScope: false,
cancelAutoHide : angular.noop,
scope: options.scope || $rootScope.$new(options.isolateScope),
* Default usage to enable $animate to transition-in; can be easily overridden via 'options'
onShow: function transitionIn(scope, element, options) {
return $animate.enter(element, options.parent);
* Default usage to enable $animate to transition-out; can be easily overridden via 'options'
onRemove: function transitionOut(scope, element) {
// Element could be undefined if a new element is shown before
// the old one finishes compiling.
return element && $animate.leave(element) || $q.when();
}, options );
* Compile an element with a templateUrl, controller, and locals
function compileElement(options) {
var compiled = !options.skipCompile ? $mdCompiler.compile(options) : null;
return compiled || $q(function (resolve) {
locals: {},
link: function () {
return options.element;
* Link an element with compiled configuration
function linkElement(compileData, options){
angular.extend(compileData.locals, options);
var element =;
// Search for parent at insertion time, if not specified
options.element = element;
options.parent = findParent(element, options);
if (options.themable) $mdTheming(element);
return element;
* Search for parent at insertion time, if not specified
function findParent(element, options) {
var parent = options.parent;
// Search for parent at insertion time, if not specified
if (angular.isFunction(parent)) {
parent = parent(options.scope, element, options);
} else if (angular.isString(parent)) {
parent = angular.element($document[0].querySelector(parent));
} else {
parent = angular.element(parent);
// If parent querySelector/getter function fails, or it's just null,
// find a default.
if (!(parent || {}).length) {
var el;
if ($rootElement[0] && $rootElement[0].querySelector) {
el = $rootElement[0].querySelector(':not(svg) > body');
if (!el) el = $rootElement[0];
if (el.nodeName == '#comment') {
el = $document[0].body;
return angular.element(el);
return parent;
* If auto-hide is enabled, start timer and prepare cancel function
function startAutoHide() {
var autoHideTimer, cancelAutoHide = angular.noop;
if (options.hideDelay) {
autoHideTimer = $timeout(service.hide, options.hideDelay) ;
cancelAutoHide = function() {
// Cache for subsequent use
options.cancelAutoHide = function() {
options.cancelAutoHide = undefined;
* Show the element ( with transitions), notify complete and start
* optional auto-Hide
function showElement(element, options, controller) {
// Trigger onShowing callback before the `show()` starts
var notifyShowing = options.onShowing || angular.noop;
// Trigger onComplete callback when the `show()` finishes
var notifyComplete = options.onComplete || angular.noop;
notifyShowing(options.scope, element, options, controller);
return $q(function (resolve, reject) {
try {
// Start transitionIn
$q.when(options.onShow(options.scope, element, options, controller))
.then(function () {
notifyComplete(options.scope, element, options);
}, reject );
} catch(e) {
function hideElement(element, options) {
var announceRemoving = options.onRemoving || angular.noop;
return $$q(function (resolve, reject) {
try {
// Start transitionIn
var action = $$q.when( options.onRemove(options.scope, element, options) || true );
// Trigger callback *before* the remove operation starts
announceRemoving(element, action);
if ( options.$destroy == true ) {
// For $destroy, onRemove should be synchronous
} else {
// Wait until transition-out is done
action.then(function () {
if (!options.preserveScope && options.scope ) {
}, reject );
} catch(e) {
"use strict";
(function() {
'use strict';
var $mdUtil, $interpolate, $log;
var SUFFIXES = /(-gt)?-(sm|md|lg|print)/g;
var WHITESPACE = /\s+/g;
var FLEX_OPTIONS = ['grow', 'initial', 'auto', 'none', 'noshrink', 'nogrow' ];
var LAYOUT_OPTIONS = ['row', 'column'];
var ALIGNMENT_MAIN_AXIS= [ "", "start", "center", "end", "stretch", "space-around", "space-between" ];
var ALIGNMENT_CROSS_AXIS= [ "", "start", "center", "end", "stretch" ];
var config = {
* Enable directive attribute-to-class conversions
* Developers can use `<body md-layout-css />` to quickly
* disable the Layout directives and prohibit the injection of Layout classNames
enabled: true,
* List of mediaQuery breakpoints and associated suffixes
* [
* { suffix: "sm", mediaQuery: "screen and (max-width: 599px)" },
* { suffix: "md", mediaQuery: "screen and (min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 959px)" }
* ]
breakpoints: []
registerLayoutAPI( angular.module('material.core.layout', ['ng']) );
* registerLayoutAPI()
* The original ngMaterial Layout solution used attribute selectors and CSS.
* ```html
* <div layout="column"> My Content </div>
* ```
* ```css
* [layout] {
* box-sizing: border-box;
* display:flex;
* }
* [layout=column] {
* flex-direction : column
* }
* ```
* Use of attribute selectors creates significant performance impacts in some
* browsers... mainly IE.
* This module registers directives that allow the same layout attributes to be
* interpreted and converted to class selectors. The directive will add equivalent classes to each element that
* contains a Layout directive.
* ```html
* <div layout="column" class="layout layout-column"> My Content </div>
* ```css
* .layout {
* box-sizing: border-box;
* display:flex;
* }
* .layout-column {
* flex-direction : column
* }
* ```
function registerLayoutAPI(module){
var PREFIX_REGEXP = /^((?:x|data)[\:\-_])/i;
var SPECIAL_CHARS_REGEXP = /([\:\-\_]+(.))/g;
// NOTE: these are also defined in constants::MEDIA_PRIORITY and constants::MEDIA
var BREAKPOINTS = [ "", "xs", "gt-xs", "sm", "gt-sm", "md", "gt-md", "lg", "gt-lg", "xl", "print" ];
var API_WITH_VALUES = [ "layout", "flex", "flex-order", "flex-offset", "layout-align" ];
var API_NO_VALUES = [ "show", "hide", "layout-padding", "layout-margin" ];
// Build directive registration functions for the standard Layout API... for all breakpoints.
angular.forEach(BREAKPOINTS, function(mqb) {
// Attribute directives with expected, observable value(s)
angular.forEach( API_WITH_VALUES, function(name){
var fullName = mqb ? name + "-" + mqb : name;
module.directive( directiveNormalize(fullName), attributeWithObserve(fullName));
// Attribute directives with no expected value(s)
angular.forEach( API_NO_VALUES, function(name){
var fullName = mqb ? name + "-" + mqb : name;
module.directive( directiveNormalize(fullName), attributeWithoutValue(fullName));
// Register other, special directive functions for the Layout features:
.provider('$$mdLayout' , function() {
// Publish internal service for Layouts
return {
$get : angular.noop,
validateAttributeValue : validateAttributeValue,
validateAttributeUsage : validateAttributeUsage,
* Easy way to disable/enable the Layout API.
* When disabled, this stops all attribute-to-classname generations
disableLayouts : function(isDisabled) {
config.enabled = (isDisabled !== true);
.directive('mdLayoutCss' , disableLayoutDirective )
.directive('ngCloak' , buildCloakInterceptor('ng-cloak'))
.directive('layoutWrap' , attributeWithoutValue('layout-wrap'))
.directive('layoutNowrap' , attributeWithoutValue('layout-nowrap'))
.directive('layoutNoWrap' , attributeWithoutValue('layout-no-wrap'))
.directive('layoutFill' , attributeWithoutValue('layout-fill'))
// !! Deprecated attributes: use the `-lt` (aka less-than) notations
.directive('layoutLtMd' , warnAttrNotSupported('layout-lt-md', true))
.directive('layoutLtLg' , warnAttrNotSupported('layout-lt-lg', true))
.directive('flexLtMd' , warnAttrNotSupported('flex-lt-md', true))
.directive('flexLtLg' , warnAttrNotSupported('flex-lt-lg', true))
.directive('layoutAlignLtMd', warnAttrNotSupported('layout-align-lt-md'))
.directive('layoutAlignLtLg', warnAttrNotSupported('layout-align-lt-lg'))
.directive('flexOrderLtMd' , warnAttrNotSupported('flex-order-lt-md'))
.directive('flexOrderLtLg' , warnAttrNotSupported('flex-order-lt-lg'))
.directive('offsetLtMd' , warnAttrNotSupported('flex-offset-lt-md'))
.directive('offsetLtLg' , warnAttrNotSupported('flex-offset-lt-lg'))
.directive('hideLtMd' , warnAttrNotSupported('hide-lt-md'))
.directive('hideLtLg' , warnAttrNotSupported('hide-lt-lg'))
.directive('showLtMd' , warnAttrNotSupported('show-lt-md'))
.directive('showLtLg' , warnAttrNotSupported('show-lt-lg'))
// Determine if
.config( detectDisabledLayouts );
* Converts snake_case to camelCase.
* Also there is special case for Moz prefix starting with upper case letter.
* @param name Name to normalize
function directiveNormalize(name) {
return name
.replace(PREFIX_REGEXP, '')
.replace(SPECIAL_CHARS_REGEXP, function(_, separator, letter, offset) {
return offset ? letter.toUpperCase() : letter;
* Detect if any of the HTML tags has a [md-layouts-disabled] attribute;
* If yes, then immediately disable all layout API features
* Note: this attribute should be specified on either the HTML or BODY tags
* @ngInject
function detectDisabledLayouts() {
var isDisabled = !!document.querySelector('[md-layouts-disabled]');
config.enabled = !isDisabled;
* Special directive that will disable ALL Layout conversions of layout
* attribute(s) to classname(s).
* <link rel="stylesheet" href="angular-material.min.css">
* <link rel="stylesheet" href="angular-material.layout.css">
* <body md-layout-css>
* ...
* </body>
* Note: Using md-layout-css directive requires the developer to load the Material
* Layout Attribute stylesheet (which only uses attribute selectors):
* `angular-material.layout.css`
* Another option is to use the LayoutProvider to configure and disable the attribute
* conversions; this would obviate the use of the `md-layout-css` directive
function disableLayoutDirective() {
// Return a 1x-only, first-match attribute directive
config.enabled = false;
return {
restrict : 'A',
priority : '900'
* Tail-hook ngCloak to delay the uncloaking while Layout transformers
* finish processing. Eliminates flicker with Material.Layouts
function buildCloakInterceptor(className) {
return [ '$timeout', function($timeout){
return {
restrict : 'A',
priority : -10, // run after normal ng-cloak
compile : function( element ) {
if (!config.enabled) return angular.noop;
// Re-add the cloak
return function( scope, element ) {
// Wait while layout injectors configure, then uncloak
// NOTE: $rAF does not delay enough... and this is a 1x-only event,
// $timeout is acceptable.
$timeout( function(){
}, 10, false);
// *********************************************************************************
// These functions create registration functions for ngMaterial Layout attribute directives
// This provides easy translation to switch ngMaterial attribute selectors to
// CLASS selectors and directives; which has huge performance implications
// for IE Browsers
// *********************************************************************************
* Creates a directive registration function where a possible dynamic attribute
* value will be observed/watched.
* @param {string} className attribute name; eg `layout-gt-md` with value ="row"
function attributeWithObserve(className) {
return ['$mdUtil', '$interpolate', "$log", function(_$mdUtil_, _$interpolate_, _$log_) {
$mdUtil = _$mdUtil_;
$interpolate = _$interpolate_;
$log = _$log_;
return {
restrict: 'A',
compile: function(element, attr) {
var linkFn;
if (config.enabled) {
// immediately replace static (non-interpolated) invalid values...
validateAttributeUsage(className, attr, element, $log);
validateAttributeValue( className,
getNormalizedAttrValue(className, attr, ""),
buildUpdateFn(element, className, attr)
linkFn = translateWithValueToCssClass;
// Use for postLink to account for transforms after ng-transclude.
return linkFn || angular.noop;
* Add as transformed class selector(s), then
* remove the deprecated attribute selector
function translateWithValueToCssClass(scope, element, attrs) {
var updateFn = updateClassWithValue(element, className, attrs);
var unwatch = attrs.$observe(attrs.$normalize(className), updateFn);
updateFn(getNormalizedAttrValue(className, attrs, ""));
scope.$on("$destroy", function() { unwatch(); });
* Creates a registration function for ngMaterial Layout attribute directive.
* This is a `simple` transpose of attribute usage to class usage; where we ignore
* any attribute value
function attributeWithoutValue(className) {
return ['$mdUtil', '$interpolate', "$log", function(_$mdUtil_, _$interpolate_, _$log_) {
$mdUtil = _$mdUtil_;
$interpolate = _$interpolate_;
$log = _$log_;
return {
restrict: 'A',
compile: function(element, attr) {
var linkFn;
if (config.enabled) {
// immediately replace static (non-interpolated) invalid values...
validateAttributeValue( className,
getNormalizedAttrValue(className, attr, ""),
buildUpdateFn(element, className, attr)
translateToCssClass(null, element);
// Use for postLink to account for transforms after ng-transclude.
linkFn = translateToCssClass;
return linkFn || angular.noop;
* Add as transformed class selector, then
* remove the deprecated attribute selector
function translateToCssClass(scope, element) {
* After link-phase, do NOT remove deprecated layout attribute selector.
* Instead watch the attribute so interpolated data-bindings to layout
* selectors will continue to be supported.
* $observe() the className and update with new class (after removing the last one)
* e.g. `layout="{{layoutDemo.direction}}"` will update...
* NOTE: The value must match one of the specified styles in the CSS.
* For example `flex-gt-md="{{size}}` where `scope.size == 47` will NOT work since
* only breakpoints for 0, 5, 10, 15... 100, 33, 34, 66, 67 are defined.
function updateClassWithValue(element, className) {
var lastClass;
return function updateClassFn(newValue) {
var value = validateAttributeValue(className, newValue || "");
if ( angular.isDefined(value) ) {
if (lastClass) element.removeClass(lastClass);
lastClass = !value ? className : className + "-" + value.replace(WHITESPACE, "-");
* Provide console warning that this layout attribute has been deprecated
function warnAttrNotSupported(className) {
var parts = className.split("-");
return ["$log", function($log) {
$log.warn(className + "has been deprecated. Please use a `" + parts[0] + "-gt-<xxx>` variant.");
return angular.noop;
* Centralize warnings for known flexbox issues (especially IE-related issues)
function validateAttributeUsage(className, attr, element, $log){
var message, usage, url;
var nodeName = element[0].nodeName.toLowerCase();
switch(className.replace(SUFFIXES,"")) {
case "flex":
if ((nodeName == "md-button") || (nodeName == "fieldset")){
// @see
// Use <div flex> wrapper inside (preferred) or outside
usage = "<" + nodeName + " " + className + "></" + nodeName + ">";
url = "";
message = "Markup '{0}' may not work as expected in IE Browsers. Consult '{1}' for details.";
$log.warn( $mdUtil.supplant(message, [usage, url]) );
* For the Layout attribute value, validate or replace with default
* fallback value
function validateAttributeValue(className, value, updateFn) {
var origValue = value;
if (!needsInterpolation(value)) {
switch (className.replace(SUFFIXES,"")) {
case 'layout' :
if ( !findIn(value, LAYOUT_OPTIONS) ) {
value = LAYOUT_OPTIONS[0]; // 'row';
case 'flex' :
if (!findIn(value, FLEX_OPTIONS)) {
if (isNaN(value)) {
value = '';
case 'flex-offset' :
case 'flex-order' :
if (!value || isNaN(+value)) {
value = '0';
case 'layout-align' :
var axis = extractAlignAxis(value);
value = $mdUtil.supplant("{main}-{cross}",axis);
case 'layout-padding' :
case 'layout-margin' :
case 'layout-fill' :
case 'layout-wrap' :
case 'layout-nowrap' :
case 'layout-nowrap' :
value = '';
if (value != origValue) {
(updateFn || angular.noop)(value);
return value;
* Replace current attribute value with fallback value
function buildUpdateFn(element, className, attrs) {
return function updateAttrValue(fallback) {
if (!needsInterpolation(fallback)) {
// Do not modify the element's attribute value; so
// uses '<ui-layout layout="/api/sidebar.html" />' will not
// be affected. Just update the attrs value.
attrs[attrs.$normalize(className)] = fallback;
* See if the original value has interpolation symbols:
* e.g. flex-gt-md="{{triggerPoint}}"
function needsInterpolation(value) {
return (value || "").indexOf($interpolate.startSymbol()) > -1;
function getNormalizedAttrValue(className, attrs, defaultVal) {
var normalizedAttr = attrs.$normalize(className);
return attrs[normalizedAttr] ? attrs[normalizedAttr].replace(WHITESPACE, "-") : defaultVal || null;
function findIn(item, list, replaceWith) {
item = replaceWith && item ? item.replace(WHITESPACE, replaceWith) : item;
var found = false;
if (item) {
list.forEach(function(it) {
it = replaceWith ? it.replace(WHITESPACE, replaceWith) : it;
found = found || (it === item);
return found;
function extractAlignAxis(attrValue) {
var axis = {
main : "start",
cross: "stretch"
}, values;
attrValue = (attrValue || "");
if ( attrValue.indexOf("-") === 0 || attrValue.indexOf(" ") === 0) {
// For missing main-axis values
attrValue = "none" + attrValue;
values = attrValue.toLowerCase().trim().replace(WHITESPACE, "-").split("-");
if ( values.length && (values[0] === "space") ) {
// for main-axis values of "space-around" or "space-between"
values = [ values[0]+"-"+values[1],values[2] ];
if ( values.length > 0 ) axis.main = values[0] || axis.main;
if ( values.length > 1 ) axis.cross = values[1] || axis.cross;
if ( ALIGNMENT_MAIN_AXIS.indexOf(axis.main) < 0 ) axis.main = "start";
if ( ALIGNMENT_CROSS_AXIS.indexOf(axis.cross) < 0 ) axis.cross = "stretch";
return axis;
"use strict";
* @ngdoc service
* @name $$mdMeta
* @module material.core.meta
* @description
* A provider and a service that simplifies meta tags access
* Note: This is intended only for use with dynamic meta tags such as browser color and title.
* Tags that are only processed when the page is rendered (such as `charset`, and `http-equiv`)
* will not work since `$$mdMeta` adds the tags after the page has already been loaded.
* ```js
* app.config(function($$mdMetaProvider) {
* var removeMeta = $$mdMetaProvider.setMeta('meta-name', 'content');
* var metaValue = $$mdMetaProvider.getMeta('meta-name'); // -> 'content'
* removeMeta();
* });
* app.controller('myController', function($$mdMeta) {
* var removeMeta = $$mdMeta.setMeta('meta-name', 'content');
* var metaValue = $$mdMeta.getMeta('meta-name'); // -> 'content'
* removeMeta();
* });
* ```
* @returns {$$mdMeta.$service}
angular.module('material.core.meta', [])
.provider('$$mdMeta', function () {
var head = angular.element(document.head);
var metaElements = {};
* Checks if the requested element was written manually and maps it
* @param {string} name meta tag 'name' attribute value
* @returns {boolean} returns true if there is an element with the requested name
function mapExistingElement(name) {
if (metaElements[name]) {
return true;
var element = document.getElementsByName(name)[0];
if (!element) {
return false;
metaElements[name] = angular.element(element);
return true;
* @ngdoc method
* @name $$mdMeta#setMeta
* @description
* Creates meta element with the 'name' and 'content' attributes,
* if the meta tag is already created than we replace the 'content' value
* @param {string} name meta tag 'name' attribute value
* @param {string} content meta tag 'content' attribute value
* @returns {function} remove function
function setMeta(name, content) {
if (!metaElements[name]) {
var newMeta = angular.element('<meta name="' + name + '" content="' + content + '"/>');
metaElements[name] = newMeta;
else {
metaElements[name].attr('content', content);
return function () {
metaElements[name].attr('content', '');
delete metaElements[name];
* @ngdoc method
* @name $$mdMeta#getMeta
* @description
* Gets the 'content' attribute value of the wanted meta element
* @param {string} name meta tag 'name' attribute value
* @returns {string} content attribute value
function getMeta(name) {
if (!mapExistingElement(name)) {
throw Error('$$mdMeta: could not find a meta tag with the name \'' + name + '\'');
return metaElements[name].attr('content');
var module = {
setMeta: setMeta,
getMeta: getMeta
return angular.extend({}, module, {
$get: function () {
return module;
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.core.componentRegistry
* @description
* A component instance registration service.
* Note: currently this as a private service in the SideNav component.
ComponentRegistry.$inject = ["$log", "$q"];
.factory('$mdComponentRegistry', ComponentRegistry);
* @private
* @ngdoc factory
* @name ComponentRegistry
* @module material.core.componentRegistry
function ComponentRegistry($log, $q) {
var self;
var instances = [ ];
var pendings = { };
return self = {
* Used to print an error when an instance for a handle isn't found.
notFoundError: function(handle, msgContext) {
$log.error( (msgContext || "") + 'No instance found for handle', handle);
* Return all registered instances as an array.
getInstances: function() {
return instances;
* Get a registered instance.
* @param handle the String handle to look up for a registered instance.
get: function(handle) {
if ( !isValidID(handle) ) return null;
var i, j, instance;
for(i = 0, j = instances.length; i < j; i++) {
instance = instances[i];
if(instance.$$mdHandle === handle) {
return instance;
return null;
* Register an instance.
* @param instance the instance to register
* @param handle the handle to identify the instance under.
register: function(instance, handle) {
if ( !handle ) return angular.noop;
instance.$$mdHandle = handle;
return deregister;
* Remove registration for an instance
function deregister() {
var index = instances.indexOf(instance);
if (index !== -1) {
instances.splice(index, 1);
* Resolve any pending promises for this instance
function resolveWhen() {
var dfd = pendings[handle];
if ( dfd ) {
dfd.forEach(function (promise) {
delete pendings[handle];
* Async accessor to registered component instance
* If not available then a promise is created to notify
* all listeners when the instance is registered.
when : function(handle) {
if ( isValidID(handle) ) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var instance = self.get(handle);
if ( instance ) {
deferred.resolve( instance );
} else {
if (pendings[handle] === undefined) {
pendings[handle] = [];
return deferred.promise;
return $q.reject("Invalid `md-component-id` value.");
function isValidID(handle){
return handle && (handle !== "");
"use strict";
(function() {
'use strict';
* @ngdoc service
* @name $mdButtonInkRipple
* @module material.core
* @description
* Provides ripple effects for md-button. See $mdInkRipple service for all possible configuration options.
* @param {object=} scope Scope within the current context
* @param {object=} element The element the ripple effect should be applied to
* @param {object=} options (Optional) Configuration options to override the default ripple configuration
MdButtonInkRipple.$inject = ["$mdInkRipple"];
.factory('$mdButtonInkRipple', MdButtonInkRipple);
function MdButtonInkRipple($mdInkRipple) {
return {
attach: function attachRipple(scope, element, options) {
options = angular.extend(optionsForElement(element), options);
return $mdInkRipple.attach(scope, element, options);
function optionsForElement(element) {
if (element.hasClass('md-icon-button')) {
return {
isMenuItem: element.hasClass('md-menu-item'),
fitRipple: true,
center: true
} else {
return {
isMenuItem: element.hasClass('md-menu-item'),
dimBackground: true
"use strict";
(function() {
'use strict';
* @ngdoc service
* @name $mdCheckboxInkRipple
* @module material.core
* @description
* Provides ripple effects for md-checkbox. See $mdInkRipple service for all possible configuration options.
* @param {object=} scope Scope within the current context
* @param {object=} element The element the ripple effect should be applied to
* @param {object=} options (Optional) Configuration options to override the defaultripple configuration
MdCheckboxInkRipple.$inject = ["$mdInkRipple"];
.factory('$mdCheckboxInkRipple', MdCheckboxInkRipple);
function MdCheckboxInkRipple($mdInkRipple) {
return {
attach: attach
function attach(scope, element, options) {
return $mdInkRipple.attach(scope, element, angular.extend({
center: true,
dimBackground: false,
fitRipple: true
}, options));
"use strict";
(function() {
'use strict';
* @ngdoc service
* @name $mdListInkRipple
* @module material.core
* @description
* Provides ripple effects for md-list. See $mdInkRipple service for all possible configuration options.
* @param {object=} scope Scope within the current context
* @param {object=} element The element the ripple effect should be applied to
* @param {object=} options (Optional) Configuration options to override the defaultripple configuration
MdListInkRipple.$inject = ["$mdInkRipple"];
.factory('$mdListInkRipple', MdListInkRipple);
function MdListInkRipple($mdInkRipple) {
return {
attach: attach
function attach(scope, element, options) {
return $mdInkRipple.attach(scope, element, angular.extend({
center: false,
dimBackground: true,
outline: false,
rippleSize: 'full'
}, options));
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.core.ripple
* @description
* Ripple
InkRippleCtrl.$inject = ["$scope", "$element", "rippleOptions", "$window", "$timeout", "$mdUtil", "$mdColorUtil"];
InkRippleDirective.$inject = ["$mdButtonInkRipple", "$mdCheckboxInkRipple"];
.provider('$mdInkRipple', InkRippleProvider)
.directive('mdInkRipple', InkRippleDirective)
.directive('mdNoInk', attrNoDirective)
.directive('mdNoBar', attrNoDirective)
.directive('mdNoStretch', attrNoDirective);
var DURATION = 450;
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdInkRipple
* @module material.core.ripple
* @description
* The `md-ink-ripple` directive allows you to specify the ripple color or id a ripple is allowed.
* @param {string|boolean} md-ink-ripple A color string `#FF0000` or boolean (`false` or `0`) for preventing ripple
* @usage
* ### String values
* <hljs lang="html">
* <ANY md-ink-ripple="#FF0000">
* Ripples in red
* </ANY>
* <ANY md-ink-ripple="false">
* Not rippling
* </ANY>
* </hljs>
* ### Interpolated values
* <hljs lang="html">
* <ANY md-ink-ripple="{{ randomColor() }}">
* Ripples with the return value of 'randomColor' function
* </ANY>
* <ANY md-ink-ripple="{{ canRipple() }}">
* Ripples if 'canRipple' function return value is not 'false' or '0'
* </ANY>
* </hljs>
function InkRippleDirective ($mdButtonInkRipple, $mdCheckboxInkRipple) {
return {
controller: angular.noop,
link: function (scope, element, attr) {
? $mdCheckboxInkRipple.attach(scope, element)
: $mdButtonInkRipple.attach(scope, element);
* @ngdoc service
* @name $mdInkRipple
* @module material.core.ripple
* @description
* `$mdInkRipple` is a service for adding ripples to any element
* @usage
* <hljs lang="js">
* app.factory('$myElementInkRipple', function($mdInkRipple) {
* return {
* attach: function (scope, element, options) {
* return $mdInkRipple.attach(scope, element, angular.extend({
* center: false,
* dimBackground: true
* }, options));
* }
* };
* });
* app.controller('myController', function ($scope, $element, $myElementInkRipple) {
* $scope.onClick = function (ev) {
* $myElementInkRipple.attach($scope, angular.element(, { center: true });
* }
* });
* </hljs>
* ### Disabling ripples globally
* If you want to disable ink ripples globally, for all components, you can call the
* `disableInkRipple` method in your app's config.
* <hljs lang="js">
* app.config(function ($mdInkRippleProvider) {
* $mdInkRippleProvider.disableInkRipple();
* });
function InkRippleProvider () {
var isDisabledGlobally = false;
return {
disableInkRipple: disableInkRipple,
$get: ["$injector", function($injector) {
return { attach: attach };
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdInkRipple#attach
* @description
* Attaching given scope, element and options to inkRipple controller
* @param {object=} scope Scope within the current context
* @param {object=} element The element the ripple effect should be applied to
* @param {object=} options (Optional) Configuration options to override the defaultRipple configuration
* * `center` - Whether the ripple should start from the center of the container element
* * `dimBackground` - Whether the background should be dimmed with the ripple color
* * `colorElement` - The element the ripple should take its color from, defined by css property `color`
* * `fitRipple` - Whether the ripple should fill the element
function attach (scope, element, options) {
if (isDisabledGlobally || element.controller('mdNoInk')) return angular.noop;
return $injector.instantiate(InkRippleCtrl, {
$scope: scope,
$element: element,
rippleOptions: options
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdInkRipple#disableInkRipple
* @description
* A config-time method that, when called, disables ripples globally.
function disableInkRipple () {
isDisabledGlobally = true;
* Controller used by the ripple service in order to apply ripples
* @ngInject
function InkRippleCtrl ($scope, $element, rippleOptions, $window, $timeout, $mdUtil, $mdColorUtil) {
this.$window = $window;
this.$timeout = $timeout;
this.$mdUtil = $mdUtil;
this.$mdColorUtil = $mdColorUtil;
this.$scope = $scope;
this.$element = $element;
this.options = rippleOptions;
this.mousedown = false;
this.ripples = [];
this.timeout = null; // Stores a reference to the most-recent ripple timeout
this.lastRipple = null;
$mdUtil.valueOnUse(this, 'container', this.createContainer);
// attach method for unit tests
($element.controller('mdInkRipple') || {}).createRipple = angular.bind(this, this.createRipple);
($element.controller('mdInkRipple') || {}).setColor = angular.bind(this, this.color);
* Either remove or unlock any remaining ripples when the user mouses off of the element (either by
* mouseup or mouseleave event)
function autoCleanup (self, cleanupFn) {
if ( self.mousedown || self.lastRipple ) {
self.mousedown = false;
self.$mdUtil.nextTick( angular.bind(self, cleanupFn), false);
* Returns the color that the ripple should be (either based on CSS or hard-coded)
* @returns {string}
InkRippleCtrl.prototype.color = function (value) {
var self = this;
// If assigning a color value, apply it to background and the ripple color
if (angular.isDefined(value)) {
self._color = self._parseColor(value);
// If color lookup, use assigned, defined, or inherited
return self._color || self._parseColor( self.inkRipple() ) || self._parseColor( getElementColor() );
* Finds the color element and returns its text color for use as default ripple color
* @returns {string}
function getElementColor () {
var items = self.options && self.options.colorElement ? self.options.colorElement : [];
var elem = items.length ? items[ 0 ] : self.$element[ 0 ];
return elem ? self.$window.getComputedStyle(elem).color : 'rgb(0,0,0)';
* Updating the ripple colors based on the current inkRipple value
* or the element's computed style color
InkRippleCtrl.prototype.calculateColor = function () {
return this.color();
* Takes a string color and converts it to RGBA format
* @param color {string}
* @param [multiplier] {int}
* @returns {string}
InkRippleCtrl.prototype._parseColor = function parseColor (color, multiplier) {
multiplier = multiplier || 1;
var colorUtil = this.$mdColorUtil;
if (!color) return;
if (color.indexOf('rgba') === 0) return color.replace(/\d?\.?\d*\s*\)\s*$/, (0.1 * multiplier).toString() + ')');
if (color.indexOf('rgb') === 0) return colorUtil.rgbToRgba(color);
if (color.indexOf('#') === 0) return colorUtil.hexToRgba(color);
* Binds events to the root element for
InkRippleCtrl.prototype.bindEvents = function () {
this.$element.on('mousedown', angular.bind(this, this.handleMousedown));
this.$element.on('mouseup touchend', angular.bind(this, this.handleMouseup));
this.$element.on('mouseleave', angular.bind(this, this.handleMouseup));
this.$element.on('touchmove', angular.bind(this, this.handleTouchmove));
* Create a new ripple on every mousedown event from the root element
* @param event {MouseEvent}
InkRippleCtrl.prototype.handleMousedown = function (event) {
if ( this.mousedown ) return;
// When jQuery is loaded, we have to get the original event
if (event.hasOwnProperty('originalEvent')) event = event.originalEvent;
this.mousedown = true;
if ( {
this.createRipple(this.container.prop('clientWidth') / 2, this.container.prop('clientWidth') / 2);
} else {
// We need to calculate the relative coordinates if the target is a sublayer of the ripple element
if (event.srcElement !== this.$element[0]) {
var layerRect = this.$element[0].getBoundingClientRect();
var layerX = event.clientX - layerRect.left;
var layerY = event.clientY -;
this.createRipple(layerX, layerY);
} else {
this.createRipple(event.offsetX, event.offsetY);
* Either remove or unlock any remaining ripples when the user mouses off of the element (either by
* mouseup, touchend or mouseleave event)
InkRippleCtrl.prototype.handleMouseup = function () {
autoCleanup(this, this.clearRipples);
* Either remove or unlock any remaining ripples when the user mouses off of the element (by
* touchmove)
InkRippleCtrl.prototype.handleTouchmove = function () {
autoCleanup(this, this.deleteRipples);
* Cycles through all ripples and attempts to remove them.
InkRippleCtrl.prototype.deleteRipples = function () {
for (var i = 0; i < this.ripples.length; i++) {
this.ripples[ i ].remove();
* Cycles through all ripples and attempts to remove them with fade.
* Depending on logic within `fadeInComplete`, some removals will be postponed.
InkRippleCtrl.prototype.clearRipples = function () {
for (var i = 0; i < this.ripples.length; i++) {
this.fadeInComplete(this.ripples[ i ]);
* Creates the ripple container element
* @returns {*}
InkRippleCtrl.prototype.createContainer = function () {
var container = angular.element('<div class="md-ripple-container"></div>');
return container;
InkRippleCtrl.prototype.clearTimeout = function () {
if (this.timeout) {
this.timeout = null;
InkRippleCtrl.prototype.isRippleAllowed = function () {
var element = this.$element[0];
do {
if (!element.tagName || element.tagName === 'BODY') break;
if (element && angular.isFunction(element.hasAttribute)) {
if (element.hasAttribute('disabled')) return false;
if (this.inkRipple() === 'false' || this.inkRipple() === '0') return false;
} while (element = element.parentNode);
return true;
* The attribute `md-ink-ripple` may be a static or interpolated
* color value OR a boolean indicator (used to disable ripples)
InkRippleCtrl.prototype.inkRipple = function () {
return this.$element.attr('md-ink-ripple');
* Creates a new ripple and adds it to the container. Also tracks ripple in `this.ripples`.
* @param left
* @param top
InkRippleCtrl.prototype.createRipple = function (left, top) {
if (!this.isRippleAllowed()) return;
var ctrl = this;
var colorUtil = ctrl.$mdColorUtil;
var ripple = angular.element('<div class="md-ripple"></div>');
var width = this.$element.prop('clientWidth');
var height = this.$element.prop('clientHeight');
var x = Math.max(Math.abs(width - left), left) * 2;
var y = Math.max(Math.abs(height - top), top) * 2;
var size = getSize(this.options.fitRipple, x, y);
var color = this.calculateColor();
left: left + 'px',
top: top + 'px',
background: 'black',
width: size + 'px',
height: size + 'px',
backgroundColor: colorUtil.rgbaToRgb(color),
borderColor: colorUtil.rgbaToRgb(color)
this.lastRipple = ripple;
// we only want one timeout to be running at a time
this.timeout = this.$timeout(function () {
if (!ctrl.mousedown) ctrl.fadeInComplete(ripple);
}, DURATION * 0.35, false);
if (this.options.dimBackground) this.container.css({ backgroundColor: color });
this.$mdUtil.nextTick(function () {
ripple.addClass('md-ripple-scaled md-ripple-active');
ctrl.$timeout(function () {
}, DURATION, false);
}, false);
function getSize (fit, x, y) {
return fit
? Math.max(x, y)
: Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x, 2) + Math.pow(y, 2));
* After fadeIn finishes, either kicks off the fade-out animation or queues the element for removal on mouseup
* @param ripple
InkRippleCtrl.prototype.fadeInComplete = function (ripple) {
if (this.lastRipple === ripple) {
if (!this.timeout && !this.mousedown) {
} else {
* Kicks off the animation for removing a ripple
* @param ripple {Element}
InkRippleCtrl.prototype.removeRipple = function (ripple) {
var ctrl = this;
var index = this.ripples.indexOf(ripple);
if (index < 0) return;
this.ripples.splice(this.ripples.indexOf(ripple), 1);
if (this.ripples.length === 0) this.container.css({ backgroundColor: '' });
// use a 2-second timeout in order to allow for the animation to finish
// we don't actually care how long the animation takes
this.$timeout(function () {
}, DURATION, false);
* Removes the provided ripple from the DOM
* @param ripple
InkRippleCtrl.prototype.fadeOutComplete = function (ripple) {
this.lastRipple = null;
* Used to create an empty directive. This is used to track flag-directives whose children may have
* functionality based on them.
* Example: `md-no-ink` will potentially be used by all child directives.
function attrNoDirective () {
return { controller: angular.noop };
"use strict";
(function() {
'use strict';
* @ngdoc service
* @name $mdTabInkRipple
* @module material.core
* @description
* Provides ripple effects for md-tabs. See $mdInkRipple service for all possible configuration options.
* @param {object=} scope Scope within the current context
* @param {object=} element The element the ripple effect should be applied to
* @param {object=} options (Optional) Configuration options to override the defaultripple configuration
MdTabInkRipple.$inject = ["$mdInkRipple"];
.factory('$mdTabInkRipple', MdTabInkRipple);
function MdTabInkRipple($mdInkRipple) {
return {
attach: attach
function attach(scope, element, options) {
return $mdInkRipple.attach(scope, element, angular.extend({
center: false,
dimBackground: true,
outline: false,
rippleSize: 'full'
}, options));
"use strict";
angular.module('material.core.theming.palette', [])
.constant('$mdColorPalette', {
'red': {
'50': '#ffebee',
'100': '#ffcdd2',
'200': '#ef9a9a',
'300': '#e57373',
'400': '#ef5350',
'500': '#f44336',
'600': '#e53935',
'700': '#d32f2f',
'800': '#c62828',
'900': '#b71c1c',
'A100': '#ff8a80',
'A200': '#ff5252',
'A400': '#ff1744',
'A700': '#d50000',
'contrastDefaultColor': 'light',
'contrastDarkColors': '50 100 200 300 A100',
'contrastStrongLightColors': '400 500 600 700 A200 A400 A700'
'pink': {
'50': '#fce4ec',
'100': '#f8bbd0',
'200': '#f48fb1',
'300': '#f06292',
'400': '#ec407a',
'500': '#e91e63',
'600': '#d81b60',
'700': '#c2185b',
'800': '#ad1457',
'900': '#880e4f',
'A100': '#ff80ab',
'A200': '#ff4081',
'A400': '#f50057',
'A700': '#c51162',
'contrastDefaultColor': 'light',
'contrastDarkColors': '50 100 200 A100',
'contrastStrongLightColors': '500 600 A200 A400 A700'
'purple': {
'50': '#f3e5f5',
'100': '#e1bee7',
'200': '#ce93d8',
'300': '#ba68c8',
'400': '#ab47bc',
'500': '#9c27b0',
'600': '#8e24aa',
'700': '#7b1fa2',
'800': '#6a1b9a',
'900': '#4a148c',
'A100': '#ea80fc',
'A200': '#e040fb',
'A400': '#d500f9',
'A700': '#aa00ff',
'contrastDefaultColor': 'light',
'contrastDarkColors': '50 100 200 A100',
'contrastStrongLightColors': '300 400 A200 A400 A700'
'deep-purple': {
'50': '#ede7f6',
'100': '#d1c4e9',
'200': '#b39ddb',
'300': '#9575cd',
'400': '#7e57c2',
'500': '#673ab7',
'600': '#5e35b1',
'700': '#512da8',
'800': '#4527a0',
'900': '#311b92',
'A100': '#b388ff',
'A200': '#7c4dff',
'A400': '#651fff',
'A700': '#6200ea',
'contrastDefaultColor': 'light',
'contrastDarkColors': '50 100 200 A100',
'contrastStrongLightColors': '300 400 A200'
'indigo': {
'50': '#e8eaf6',
'100': '#c5cae9',
'200': '#9fa8da',
'300': '#7986cb',
'400': '#5c6bc0',
'500': '#3f51b5',
'600': '#3949ab',
'700': '#303f9f',
'800': '#283593',
'900': '#1a237e',
'A100': '#8c9eff',
'A200': '#536dfe',
'A400': '#3d5afe',
'A700': '#304ffe',
'contrastDefaultColor': 'light',
'contrastDarkColors': '50 100 200 A100',
'contrastStrongLightColors': '300 400 A200 A400'
'blue': {
'50': '#e3f2fd',
'100': '#bbdefb',
'200': '#90caf9',
'300': '#64b5f6',
'400': '#42a5f5',
'500': '#2196f3',
'600': '#1e88e5',
'700': '#1976d2',
'800': '#1565c0',
'900': '#0d47a1',
'A100': '#82b1ff',
'A200': '#448aff',
'A400': '#2979ff',
'A700': '#2962ff',
'contrastDefaultColor': 'light',
'contrastDarkColors': '50 100 200 300 400 A100',
'contrastStrongLightColors': '500 600 700 A200 A400 A700'
'light-blue': {
'50': '#e1f5fe',
'100': '#b3e5fc',
'200': '#81d4fa',
'300': '#4fc3f7',
'400': '#29b6f6',
'500': '#03a9f4',
'600': '#039be5',
'700': '#0288d1',
'800': '#0277bd',
'900': '#01579b',
'A100': '#80d8ff',
'A200': '#40c4ff',
'A400': '#00b0ff',
'A700': '#0091ea',
'contrastDefaultColor': 'dark',
'contrastLightColors': '600 700 800 900 A700',
'contrastStrongLightColors': '600 700 800 A700'
'cyan': {
'50': '#e0f7fa',
'100': '#b2ebf2',
'200': '#80deea',
'300': '#4dd0e1',
'400': '#26c6da',
'500': '#00bcd4',
'600': '#00acc1',
'700': '#0097a7',
'800': '#00838f',
'900': '#006064',
'A100': '#84ffff',
'A200': '#18ffff',
'A400': '#00e5ff',
'A700': '#00b8d4',
'contrastDefaultColor': 'dark',
'contrastLightColors': '700 800 900',
'contrastStrongLightColors': '700 800 900'
'teal': {
'50': '#e0f2f1',
'100': '#b2dfdb',
'200': '#80cbc4',
'300': '#4db6ac',
'400': '#26a69a',
'500': '#009688',
'600': '#00897b',
'700': '#00796b',
'800': '#00695c',
'900': '#004d40',
'A100': '#a7ffeb',
'A200': '#64ffda',
'A400': '#1de9b6',
'A700': '#00bfa5',
'contrastDefaultColor': 'dark',
'contrastLightColors': '500 600 700 800 900',
'contrastStrongLightColors': '500 600 700'
'green': {
'50': '#e8f5e9',
'100': '#c8e6c9',
'200': '#a5d6a7',
'300': '#81c784',
'400': '#66bb6a',
'500': '#4caf50',
'600': '#43a047',
'700': '#388e3c',
'800': '#2e7d32',
'900': '#1b5e20',
'A100': '#b9f6ca',
'A200': '#69f0ae',
'A400': '#00e676',
'A700': '#00c853',
'contrastDefaultColor': 'dark',
'contrastLightColors': '500 600 700 800 900',
'contrastStrongLightColors': '500 600 700'
'light-green': {
'50': '#f1f8e9',
'100': '#dcedc8',
'200': '#c5e1a5',
'300': '#aed581',
'400': '#9ccc65',
'500': '#8bc34a',
'600': '#7cb342',
'700': '#689f38',
'800': '#558b2f',
'900': '#33691e',
'A100': '#ccff90',
'A200': '#b2ff59',
'A400': '#76ff03',
'A700': '#64dd17',
'contrastDefaultColor': 'dark',
'contrastLightColors': '700 800 900',
'contrastStrongLightColors': '700 800 900'
'lime': {
'50': '#f9fbe7',
'100': '#f0f4c3',
'200': '#e6ee9c',
'300': '#dce775',
'400': '#d4e157',
'500': '#cddc39',
'600': '#c0ca33',
'700': '#afb42b',
'800': '#9e9d24',
'900': '#827717',
'A100': '#f4ff81',
'A200': '#eeff41',
'A400': '#c6ff00',
'A700': '#aeea00',
'contrastDefaultColor': 'dark',
'contrastLightColors': '900',
'contrastStrongLightColors': '900'
'yellow': {
'50': '#fffde7',
'100': '#fff9c4',
'200': '#fff59d',
'300': '#fff176',
'400': '#ffee58',
'500': '#ffeb3b',
'600': '#fdd835',
'700': '#fbc02d',
'800': '#f9a825',
'900': '#f57f17',
'A100': '#ffff8d',
'A200': '#ffff00',
'A400': '#ffea00',
'A700': '#ffd600',
'contrastDefaultColor': 'dark'
'amber': {
'50': '#fff8e1',
'100': '#ffecb3',
'200': '#ffe082',
'300': '#ffd54f',
'400': '#ffca28',
'500': '#ffc107',
'600': '#ffb300',
'700': '#ffa000',
'800': '#ff8f00',
'900': '#ff6f00',
'A100': '#ffe57f',
'A200': '#ffd740',
'A400': '#ffc400',
'A700': '#ffab00',
'contrastDefaultColor': 'dark'
'orange': {
'50': '#fff3e0',
'100': '#ffe0b2',
'200': '#ffcc80',
'300': '#ffb74d',
'400': '#ffa726',
'500': '#ff9800',
'600': '#fb8c00',
'700': '#f57c00',
'800': '#ef6c00',
'900': '#e65100',
'A100': '#ffd180',
'A200': '#ffab40',
'A400': '#ff9100',
'A700': '#ff6d00',
'contrastDefaultColor': 'dark',
'contrastLightColors': '800 900',
'contrastStrongLightColors': '800 900'
'deep-orange': {
'50': '#fbe9e7',
'100': '#ffccbc',
'200': '#ffab91',
'300': '#ff8a65',
'400': '#ff7043',
'500': '#ff5722',
'600': '#f4511e',
'700': '#e64a19',
'800': '#d84315',
'900': '#bf360c',
'A100': '#ff9e80',
'A200': '#ff6e40',
'A400': '#ff3d00',
'A700': '#dd2c00',
'contrastDefaultColor': 'light',
'contrastDarkColors': '50 100 200 300 400 A100 A200',
'contrastStrongLightColors': '500 600 700 800 900 A400 A700'
'brown': {
'50': '#efebe9',
'100': '#d7ccc8',
'200': '#bcaaa4',
'300': '#a1887f',
'400': '#8d6e63',
'500': '#795548',
'600': '#6d4c41',
'700': '#5d4037',
'800': '#4e342e',
'900': '#3e2723',
'A100': '#d7ccc8',
'A200': '#bcaaa4',
'A400': '#8d6e63',
'A700': '#5d4037',
'contrastDefaultColor': 'light',
'contrastDarkColors': '50 100 200 A100 A200',
'contrastStrongLightColors': '300 400'
'grey': {
'50': '#fafafa',
'100': '#f5f5f5',
'200': '#eeeeee',
'300': '#e0e0e0',
'400': '#bdbdbd',
'500': '#9e9e9e',
'600': '#757575',
'700': '#616161',
'800': '#424242',
'900': '#212121',
'A100': '#ffffff',
'A200': '#000000',
'A400': '#303030',
'A700': '#616161',
'contrastDefaultColor': 'dark',
'contrastLightColors': '600 700 800 900 A200 A400 A700'
'blue-grey': {
'50': '#eceff1',
'100': '#cfd8dc',
'200': '#b0bec5',
'300': '#90a4ae',
'400': '#78909c',
'500': '#607d8b',
'600': '#546e7a',
'700': '#455a64',
'800': '#37474f',
'900': '#263238',
'A100': '#cfd8dc',
'A200': '#b0bec5',
'A400': '#78909c',
'A700': '#455a64',
'contrastDefaultColor': 'light',
'contrastDarkColors': '50 100 200 300 A100 A200',
'contrastStrongLightColors': '400 500 700'
"use strict";
(function(angular) {
'use strict';
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.core.theming
* @description
* Theming
detectDisabledThemes.$inject = ["$mdThemingProvider"];
ThemingDirective.$inject = ["$mdTheming", "$interpolate", "$log"];
ThemableDirective.$inject = ["$mdTheming"];
ThemingProvider.$inject = ["$mdColorPalette", "$$mdMetaProvider"];
generateAllThemes.$inject = ["$injector", "$mdTheming"];
angular.module('material.core.theming', ['material.core.theming.palette', 'material.core.meta'])
.directive('mdTheme', ThemingDirective)
.directive('mdThemable', ThemableDirective)
.directive('mdThemesDisabled', disableThemesDirective )
.provider('$mdTheming', ThemingProvider)
.config( detectDisabledThemes )
* Detect if the HTML or the BODY tags has a [md-themes-disabled] attribute
* If yes, then immediately disable all theme stylesheet generation and DOM injection
* @ngInject
function detectDisabledThemes($mdThemingProvider) {
var isDisabled = !!document.querySelector('[md-themes-disabled]');
* @ngdoc service
* @name $mdThemingProvider
* @module material.core.theming
* @description Provider to configure the `$mdTheming` service.
* ### Default Theme
* The `$mdThemingProvider` uses by default the following theme configuration:
* - Primary Palette: `Primary`
* - Accent Palette: `Pink`
* - Warn Palette: `Deep-Orange`
* - Background Palette: `Grey`
* If you don't want to use the `md-theme` directive on the elements itself, you may want to overwrite
* the default theme.<br/>
* This can be done by using the following markup.
* <hljs lang="js">
* myAppModule.config(function($mdThemingProvider) {
* $mdThemingProvider
* .theme('default')
* .primaryPalette('blue')
* .accentPalette('teal')
* .warnPalette('red')
* .backgroundPalette('grey');
* });
* </hljs>
* ### Dynamic Themes
* By default, if you change a theme at runtime, the `$mdTheming` service will not detect those changes.<br/>
* If you have an application, which changes its theme on runtime, you have to enable theme watching.
* <hljs lang="js">
* myAppModule.config(function($mdThemingProvider) {
* // Enable theme watching.
* $mdThemingProvider.alwaysWatchTheme(true);
* });
* </hljs>
* ### Custom Theme Styles
* Sometimes you may want to use your own theme styles for some custom components.<br/>
* You are able to register your own styles by using the following markup.
* <hljs lang="js">
* myAppModule.config(function($mdThemingProvider) {
* // Register our custom stylesheet into the theming provider.
* $mdThemingProvider.registerStyles(STYLESHEET);
* });
* </hljs>
* The `registerStyles` method only accepts strings as value, so you're actually not able to load an external
* stylesheet file into the `$mdThemingProvider`.
* If it's necessary to load an external stylesheet, we suggest using a bundler, which supports including raw content,
* like [raw-loader]( for `webpack`.
* <hljs lang="js">
* myAppModule.config(function($mdThemingProvider) {
* // Register your custom stylesheet into the theming provider.
* $mdThemingProvider.registerStyles(require('../styles/my-component.theme.css'));
* });
* </hljs>
* ### Browser color
* Enables browser header coloring
* for more info please visit:
* Options parameter: <br/>
* `theme` - A defined theme via `$mdThemeProvider` to use the palettes from. Default is `default` theme. <br/>
* `palette` - Can be any one of the basic material design palettes, extended defined palettes and 'primary',
* 'accent', 'background' and 'warn'. Default is `primary`. <br/>
* `hue` - The hue from the selected palette. Default is `800`<br/>
* <hljs lang="js">
* myAppModule.config(function($mdThemingProvider) {
* // Enable browser color
* $mdThemingProvider.enableBrowserColor({
* theme: 'myTheme', // Default is 'default'
* palette: 'accent', // Default is 'primary', any basic material palette and extended palettes are available
* hue: '200' // Default is '800'
* });
* });
* </hljs>
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdThemingProvider#registerStyles
* @param {string} styles The styles to be appended to Angular Material's built in theme css.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdThemingProvider#setNonce
* @param {string} nonceValue The nonce to be added as an attribute to the theme style tags.
* Setting a value allows the use of CSP policy without using the unsafe-inline directive.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdThemingProvider#setDefaultTheme
* @param {string} themeName Default theme name to be applied to elements. Default value is `default`.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdThemingProvider#alwaysWatchTheme
* @param {boolean} watch Whether or not to always watch themes for changes and re-apply
* classes when they change. Default is `false`. Enabling can reduce performance.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdThemingProvider#enableBrowserColor
* @param {Object=} options Options object for the browser color<br/>
* `theme` - A defined theme via `$mdThemeProvider` to use the palettes from. Default is `default` theme. <br/>
* `palette` - Can be any one of the basic material design palettes, extended defined palettes and 'primary',
* 'accent', 'background' and 'warn'. Default is `primary`. <br/>
* `hue` - The hue from the selected palette. Default is `800`<br/>
* @returns {Function} remove function of the browser color
/* Some Example Valid Theming Expressions
* =======================================
* Intention group expansion: (valid for primary, accent, warn, background)
* {{primary-100}} - grab shade 100 from the primary palette
* {{primary-100-0.7}} - grab shade 100, apply opacity of 0.7
* {{primary-100-contrast}} - grab shade 100's contrast color
* {{primary-hue-1}} - grab the shade assigned to hue-1 from the primary palette
* {{primary-hue-1-0.7}} - apply 0.7 opacity to primary-hue-1
* {{primary-color}} - Generates .md-hue-1, .md-hue-2, .md-hue-3 with configured shades set for each hue
* {{primary-color-0.7}} - Apply 0.7 opacity to each of the above rules
* {{primary-contrast}} - Generates .md-hue-1, .md-hue-2, .md-hue-3 with configured contrast (ie. text) color shades set for each hue
* {{primary-contrast-0.7}} - Apply 0.7 opacity to each of the above rules
* Foreground expansion: Applies rgba to black/white foreground text
* {{foreground-1}} - used for primary text
* {{foreground-2}} - used for secondary text/divider
* {{foreground-3}} - used for disabled text
* {{foreground-4}} - used for dividers
// In memory generated CSS rules; registered by
var GENERATED = { };
// In memory storage of defined themes and color palettes (both loaded by CSS, and user specified)
// Text Colors on light and dark backgrounds
// @see
name: 'dark',
'1': 'rgba(0,0,0,0.87)',
'2': 'rgba(0,0,0,0.54)',
'3': 'rgba(0,0,0,0.38)',
'4': 'rgba(0,0,0,0.12)'
name: 'light',
'1': 'rgba(255,255,255,1.0)',
'2': 'rgba(255,255,255,0.7)',
'3': 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)',
'4': 'rgba(255,255,255,0.12)'
var DARK_SHADOW = '1px 1px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.4), -1px -1px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.4)';
var LIGHT_SHADOW = '';
var DARK_CONTRAST_COLOR = colorToRgbaArray('rgba(0,0,0,0.87)');
var LIGHT_CONTRAST_COLOR = colorToRgbaArray('rgba(255,255,255,0.87)');
var STRONG_LIGHT_CONTRAST_COLOR = colorToRgbaArray('rgb(255,255,255)');
var THEME_COLOR_TYPES = ['primary', 'accent', 'warn', 'background'];
var DEFAULT_COLOR_TYPE = 'primary';
// A color in a theme will use these hues by default, if not specified by user.
'accent': {
'default': 'A200',
'hue-1': 'A100',
'hue-2': 'A400',
'hue-3': 'A700'
'background': {
'default': '50',
'hue-1': 'A100',
'hue-2': '100',
'hue-3': '300'
'background': {
'default': 'A400',
'hue-1': '800',
'hue-2': '900',
'hue-3': 'A200'
THEME_COLOR_TYPES.forEach(function(colorType) {
// Color types with unspecified default hues will use these default hue values
var defaultDefaultHues = {
'default': '500',
'hue-1': '300',
'hue-2': '800',
'hue-3': 'A100'
if (!LIGHT_DEFAULT_HUES[colorType]) LIGHT_DEFAULT_HUES[colorType] = defaultDefaultHues;
if (!DARK_DEFAULT_HUES[colorType]) DARK_DEFAULT_HUES[colorType] = defaultDefaultHues;
'50', '100', '200', '300', '400', '500', '600',
'700', '800', '900', 'A100', 'A200', 'A400', 'A700'
var themeConfig = {
disableTheming : false, // Generate our themes at run time; also disable stylesheet DOM injection
generateOnDemand : false, // Whether or not themes are to be generated on-demand (vs. eagerly).
registeredStyles : [], // Custom styles registered to be used in the theming of custom components.
nonce : null // Nonce to be added as an attribute to the generated themes style tags.
function ThemingProvider($mdColorPalette, $$mdMetaProvider) {
ThemingService.$inject = ["$rootScope", "$log"];
var THEMES = { };
var themingProvider;
var alwaysWatchTheme = false;
var defaultTheme = 'default';
// Load JS Defined Palettes
angular.extend(PALETTES, $mdColorPalette);
// Default theme defined in core.js
* Adds `theme-color` and `msapplication-navbutton-color` meta tags with the color parameter
* @param {string} color Hex value of the wanted browser color
* @returns {Function} Remove function of the meta tags
var setBrowserColor = function (color) {
// Chrome, Firefox OS and Opera
var removeChrome = $$mdMetaProvider.setMeta('theme-color', color);
// Windows Phone
var removeWindows = $$mdMetaProvider.setMeta('msapplication-navbutton-color', color);
return function () {
* Enables browser header coloring
* for more info please visit:
* The default color is `800` from `primary` palette of the `default` theme
* options are:
* `theme` - A defined theme via `$mdThemeProvider` to use the palettes from. Default is `default` theme
* `palette` - Can be any one of the basic material design palettes, extended defined palettes and 'primary',
* 'accent', 'background' and 'warn'. Default is `primary`
* `hue` - The hue from the selected palette. Default is `800`
* @param {Object=} options Options object for the browser color
* @returns {Function} remove function of the browser color
var enableBrowserColor = function (options) {
options = angular.isObject(options) ? options : {};
var theme = options.theme || 'default';
var hue = options.hue || '800';
var palette = PALETTES[options.palette] ||
PALETTES[THEMES[theme].colors[options.palette || 'primary'].name];
var color = angular.isObject(palette[hue]) ? palette[hue].hex : palette[hue];
return setBrowserColor(color);
return themingProvider = {
definePalette: definePalette,
extendPalette: extendPalette,
theme: registerTheme,
* return a read-only clone of the current theme configuration
configuration : function() {
return angular.extend( { }, themeConfig, {
defaultTheme : defaultTheme,
alwaysWatchTheme : alwaysWatchTheme,
registeredStyles : [].concat(themeConfig.registeredStyles)
* Easy way to disable theming without having to use
* `.constant("$MD_THEME_CSS","");` This disables
* all dynamic theme style sheet generations and injections...
disableTheming: function(isDisabled) {
themeConfig.disableTheming = angular.isUndefined(isDisabled) || !!isDisabled;
registerStyles: function(styles) {
setNonce: function(nonceValue) {
themeConfig.nonce = nonceValue;
generateThemesOnDemand: function(onDemand) {
themeConfig.generateOnDemand = onDemand;
setDefaultTheme: function(theme) {
defaultTheme = theme;
alwaysWatchTheme: function(alwaysWatch) {
alwaysWatchTheme = alwaysWatch;
enableBrowserColor: enableBrowserColor,
$get: ThemingService,
_parseRules: parseRules,
_rgba: rgba
// Example: $mdThemingProvider.definePalette('neonRed', { 50: '#f5fafa', ... });
function definePalette(name, map) {
map = map || {};
PALETTES[name] = checkPaletteValid(name, map);
return themingProvider;
// Returns an new object which is a copy of a given palette `name` with variables from
// `map` overwritten
// Example: var neonRedMap = $mdThemingProvider.extendPalette('red', { 50: '#f5fafafa' });
function extendPalette(name, map) {
return checkPaletteValid(name, angular.extend({}, PALETTES[name] || {}, map) );
// Make sure that palette has all required hues
function checkPaletteValid(name, map) {
var missingColors = VALID_HUE_VALUES.filter(function(field) {
return !map[field];
if (missingColors.length) {
throw new Error("Missing colors %1 in palette %2!"
.replace('%1', missingColors.join(', '))
.replace('%2', name));
return map;
// Register a theme (which is a collection of color palettes to use with various states
// ie. warn, accent, primary )
// Optionally inherit from an existing theme
// $mdThemingProvider.theme('custom-theme').primaryPalette('red');
function registerTheme(name, inheritFrom) {
if (THEMES[name]) return THEMES[name];
inheritFrom = inheritFrom || 'default';
var parentTheme = typeof inheritFrom === 'string' ? THEMES[inheritFrom] : inheritFrom;
var theme = new Theme(name);
if (parentTheme) {
angular.forEach(parentTheme.colors, function(color, colorType) {
theme.colors[colorType] = {
// Make sure a COPY of the hues is given to the child color,
// not the same reference.
hues: angular.extend({}, color.hues)
THEMES[name] = theme;
return theme;
function Theme(name) {
var self = this; = name;
self.colors = {};
self.dark = setDark;
function setDark(isDark) {
isDark = arguments.length === 0 ? true : !!isDark;
// If no change, abort
if (isDark === self.isDark) return;
self.isDark = isDark;
self.foregroundPalette = self.isDark ? LIGHT_FOREGROUND : DARK_FOREGROUND;
self.foregroundShadow = self.isDark ? DARK_SHADOW : LIGHT_SHADOW;
// Light and dark themes have different default hues.
// Go through each existing color type for this theme, and for every
// hue value that is still the default hue value from the previous light/dark setting,
// set it to the default hue value from the new light/dark setting.
var newDefaultHues = self.isDark ? DARK_DEFAULT_HUES : LIGHT_DEFAULT_HUES;
var oldDefaultHues = self.isDark ? LIGHT_DEFAULT_HUES : DARK_DEFAULT_HUES;
angular.forEach(newDefaultHues, function(newDefaults, colorType) {
var color = self.colors[colorType];
var oldDefaults = oldDefaultHues[colorType];
if (color) {
for (var hueName in color.hues) {
if (color.hues[hueName] === oldDefaults[hueName]) {
color.hues[hueName] = newDefaults[hueName];
return self;
THEME_COLOR_TYPES.forEach(function(colorType) {
var defaultHues = (self.isDark ? DARK_DEFAULT_HUES : LIGHT_DEFAULT_HUES)[colorType];
self[colorType + 'Palette'] = function setPaletteType(paletteName, hues) {
var color = self.colors[colorType] = {
name: paletteName,
hues: angular.extend({}, defaultHues, hues)
Object.keys(color.hues).forEach(function(name) {
if (!defaultHues[name]) {
throw new Error("Invalid hue name '%1' in theme %2's %3 color %4. Available hue names: %4"
.replace('%1', name)
.replace('%3', paletteName)
.replace('%4', Object.keys(defaultHues).join(', '))
Object.keys(color.hues).map(function(key) {
return color.hues[key];
}).forEach(function(hueValue) {
if (VALID_HUE_VALUES.indexOf(hueValue) == -1) {
throw new Error("Invalid hue value '%1' in theme %2's %3 color %4. Available hue values: %5"
.replace('%1', hueValue)
.replace('%3', colorType)
.replace('%4', paletteName)
.replace('%5', VALID_HUE_VALUES.join(', '))
return self;
self[colorType + 'Color'] = function() {
var args =;
console.warn('$mdThemingProviderTheme.' + colorType + 'Color() has been deprecated. ' +
'Use $mdThemingProviderTheme.' + colorType + 'Palette() instead.');
return self[colorType + 'Palette'].apply(self, args);
* @ngdoc service
* @name $mdTheming
* @description
* Service that makes an element apply theming related classes to itself.
* ```js
* app.directive('myFancyDirective', function($mdTheming) {
* return {
* restrict: 'e',
* link: function(scope, el, attrs) {
* $mdTheming(el);
* }
* };
* });
* ```
* @param {el=} element to apply theming to
/* @ngInject */
function ThemingService($rootScope, $log) {
// Allow us to be invoked via a linking function signature.
var applyTheme = function (scope, el) {
if (el === undefined) { el = scope; scope = undefined; }
if (scope === undefined) { scope = $rootScope; }
applyTheme.inherit(el, el);
applyTheme.THEMES = angular.extend({}, THEMES);
applyTheme.PALETTES = angular.extend({}, PALETTES);
applyTheme.inherit = inheritTheme;
applyTheme.registered = registered;
applyTheme.defaultTheme = function() { return defaultTheme; };
applyTheme.generateTheme = function(name) { generateTheme(THEMES[name], name, themeConfig.nonce); };
applyTheme.setBrowserColor = enableBrowserColor;
return applyTheme;
* Determine is specified theme name is a valid, registered theme
function registered(themeName) {
if (themeName === undefined || themeName === '') return true;
return applyTheme.THEMES[themeName] !== undefined;
* Get theme name for the element, then update with Theme CSS class
function inheritTheme (el, parent) {
var ctrl = parent.controller('mdTheme');
var attrThemeValue = el.attr('md-theme-watch');
var watchTheme = (alwaysWatchTheme || angular.isDefined(attrThemeValue)) && attrThemeValue != 'false';
if ((alwaysWatchTheme && !registerChangeCallback()) || (!alwaysWatchTheme && watchTheme)) {
el.on('$destroy', $rootScope.$watch(lookupThemeName, updateThemeClass) );
* Find the theme name from the parent controller or element data
function lookupThemeName() {
// As a few components (dialog) add their controllers later, we should also watch for a controller init.
ctrl = parent.controller('mdTheme') ||'$mdThemeController');
return ctrl && ctrl.$mdTheme || (defaultTheme == 'default' ? '' : defaultTheme);
* Remove old theme class and apply a new one
* NOTE: if not a valid theme name, then the current name is not changed
function updateThemeClass(theme) {
if (!theme) return;
if (!registered(theme)) {
$log.warn('Attempted to use unregistered theme \'' + theme + '\'. ' +
'Register it with $mdThemingProvider.theme().');
var oldTheme ='$mdThemeName');
if (oldTheme) el.removeClass('md-' + oldTheme +'-theme');
el.addClass('md-' + theme + '-theme');'$mdThemeName', theme);
if (ctrl) {'$mdThemeController', ctrl);
* Register change callback with parent mdTheme controller
function registerChangeCallback() {
var parentController = parent.controller('mdTheme');
if (!parentController) return false;
el.on('$destroy', parentController.registerChanges( function() {
return true;
function ThemingDirective($mdTheming, $interpolate, $log) {
return {
priority: 100,
link: {
pre: function(scope, el, attrs) {
var registeredCallbacks = [];
var ctrl = {
registerChanges: function (cb, context) {
if (context) {
cb = angular.bind(context, cb);
return function () {
var index = registeredCallbacks.indexOf(cb);
if (index > -1) {
registeredCallbacks.splice(index, 1);
$setTheme: function (theme) {
if (!$mdTheming.registered(theme)) {
$log.warn('attempted to use unregistered theme \'' + theme + '\'');
ctrl.$mdTheme = theme;
registeredCallbacks.forEach(function (cb) {
};'$mdThemeController', ctrl);
attrs.$observe('mdTheme', ctrl.$setTheme);
* Special directive that will disable ALL runtime Theme style generation and DOM injection
* <link rel="stylesheet" href="angular-material.min.css">
* <link rel="stylesheet" href="angular-material.themes.css">
* <body md-themes-disabled>
* ...
* </body>
* Note: Using md-themes-css directive requires the developer to load external
* theme stylesheets; e.g. custom themes from Material-Tools:
* `angular-material.themes.css`
* Another option is to use the ThemingProvider to configure and disable the attribute
* conversions; this would obviate the use of the `md-themes-css` directive
function disableThemesDirective() {
themeConfig.disableTheming = true;
// Return a 1x-only, first-match attribute directive
return {
restrict : 'A',
priority : '900'
function ThemableDirective($mdTheming) {
return $mdTheming;
function parseRules(theme, colorType, rules) {
checkValidPalette(theme, colorType);
rules = rules.replace(/THEME_NAME/g,;
var generatedRules = [];
var color = theme.colors[colorType];
var themeNameRegex = new RegExp('\\.md-' + + '-theme', 'g');
// Matches '{{ primary-color }}', etc
var hueRegex = new RegExp('(\'|")?{{\\s*(' + colorType + ')-(color|contrast)-?(\\d\\.?\\d*)?\\s*}}(\"|\')?','g');
var simpleVariableRegex = /'?"?\{\{\s*([a-zA-Z]+)-(A?\d+|hue\-[0-3]|shadow|default)-?(\d\.?\d*)?(contrast)?\s*\}\}'?"?/g;
var palette = PALETTES[];
// find and replace simple variables where we use a specific hue, not an entire palette
// eg. "{{primary-100}}"
//\(' + THEME_COLOR_TYPES.join('\|') + '\)'
rules = rules.replace(simpleVariableRegex, function(match, colorType, hue, opacity, contrast) {
if (colorType === 'foreground') {
if (hue == 'shadow') {
return theme.foregroundShadow;
} else {
return theme.foregroundPalette[hue] || theme.foregroundPalette['1'];
// `default` is also accepted as a hue-value, because the background palettes are
// using it as a name for the default hue.
if (hue.indexOf('hue') === 0 || hue === 'default') {
hue = theme.colors[colorType].hues[hue];
return rgba( (PALETTES[ theme.colors[colorType].name ][hue] || '')[contrast ? 'contrast' : 'value'], opacity );
// For each type, generate rules for each hue (ie. default, md-hue-1, md-hue-2, md-hue-3)
angular.forEach(color.hues, function(hueValue, hueName) {
var newRule = rules
.replace(hueRegex, function(match, _, colorType, hueType, opacity) {
return rgba(palette[hueValue][hueType === 'color' ? 'value' : 'contrast'], opacity);
if (hueName !== 'default') {
newRule = newRule.replace(themeNameRegex, '.md-' + + '' + hueName);
// Don't apply a selector rule to the default theme, making it easier to override
// styles of the base-component
if ( == 'default') {
var themeRuleRegex = /((?:(?:(?: |>|\.|\w|-|:|\(|\)|\[|\]|"|'|=)+) )?)((?:(?:\w|\.|-)+)?)\.md-default-theme((?: |>|\.|\w|-|:|\(|\)|\[|\]|"|'|=)*)/g;
newRule = newRule.replace(themeRuleRegex, function(match, prefix, target, suffix) {
return match + ', ' + prefix + target + suffix;
return generatedRules;
var rulesByType = {};
// Generate our themes at run time given the state of THEMES and PALETTES
function generateAllThemes($injector, $mdTheming) {
var head = document.head;
var firstChild = head ? head.firstElementChild : null;
var themeCss = !themeConfig.disableTheming && $injector.has('$MD_THEME_CSS') ? $injector.get('$MD_THEME_CSS') : '';
// Append our custom registered styles to the theme stylesheet.
themeCss += themeConfig.registeredStyles.join('');
if ( !firstChild ) return;
if (themeCss.length === 0) return; // no rules, so no point in running this expensive task
// Expose contrast colors for palettes to ensure that text is always readable
angular.forEach(PALETTES, sanitizePalette);
// MD_THEME_CSS is a string generated by the build process that includes all the themable
// components as templates
// Break the CSS into individual rules
var rules = themeCss
.filter(function(rule) { return rule && rule.trim().length; })
.map(function(rule) { return rule.trim() + '}'; });
var ruleMatchRegex = new RegExp('md-(' + THEME_COLOR_TYPES.join('|') + ')', 'g');
THEME_COLOR_TYPES.forEach(function(type) {
rulesByType[type] = '';
// Sort the rules based on type, allowing us to do color substitution on a per-type basis
rules.forEach(function(rule) {
var match = rule.match(ruleMatchRegex);
// First: test that if the rule has '.md-accent', it goes into the accent set of rules
for (var i = 0, type; type = THEME_COLOR_TYPES[i]; i++) {
if (rule.indexOf('.md-' + type) > -1) {
return rulesByType[type] += rule;
// If no eg 'md-accent' class is found, try to just find 'accent' in the rule and guess from
// there
for (i = 0; type = THEME_COLOR_TYPES[i]; i++) {
if (rule.indexOf(type) > -1) {
return rulesByType[type] += rule;
// Default to the primary array
return rulesByType[DEFAULT_COLOR_TYPE] += rule;
// If themes are being generated on-demand, quit here. The user will later manually
// call generateTheme to do this on a theme-by-theme basis.
if (themeConfig.generateOnDemand) return;
angular.forEach($mdTheming.THEMES, function(theme) {
if (!GENERATED[] && !($mdTheming.defaultTheme() !== 'default' && === 'default')) {
generateTheme(theme,, themeConfig.nonce);
// *************************
// Internal functions
// *************************
// The user specifies a 'default' contrast color as either light or dark,
// then explicitly lists which hues are the opposite contrast (eg. A100 has dark, A200 has light)
function sanitizePalette(palette, name) {
var defaultContrast = palette.contrastDefaultColor;
var lightColors = palette.contrastLightColors || [];
var strongLightColors = palette.contrastStrongLightColors || [];
var darkColors = palette.contrastDarkColors || [];
// These colors are provided as space-separated lists
if (typeof lightColors === 'string') lightColors = lightColors.split(' ');
if (typeof strongLightColors === 'string') strongLightColors = strongLightColors.split(' ');
if (typeof darkColors === 'string') darkColors = darkColors.split(' ');
// Cleanup after ourselves
delete palette.contrastDefaultColor;
delete palette.contrastLightColors;
delete palette.contrastStrongLightColors;
delete palette.contrastDarkColors;
// Change { 'A100': '#fffeee' } to { 'A100': { value: '#fffeee', contrast:DARK_CONTRAST_COLOR }
angular.forEach(palette, function(hueValue, hueName) {
if (angular.isObject(hueValue)) return; // Already converted
// Map everything to rgb colors
var rgbValue = colorToRgbaArray(hueValue);
if (!rgbValue) {
throw new Error("Color %1, in palette %2's hue %3, is invalid. Hex or rgb(a) color expected."
.replace('%1', hueValue)
.replace('%3', hueName));
palette[hueName] = {
hex: palette[hueName],
value: rgbValue,
contrast: getContrastColor()
function getContrastColor() {
if (defaultContrast === 'light') {
if (darkColors.indexOf(hueName) > -1) {
} else {
return strongLightColors.indexOf(hueName) > -1 ? STRONG_LIGHT_CONTRAST_COLOR
} else {
if (lightColors.indexOf(hueName) > -1) {
return strongLightColors.indexOf(hueName) > -1 ? STRONG_LIGHT_CONTRAST_COLOR
} else {
function generateTheme(theme, name, nonce) {
var head = document.head;
var firstChild = head ? head.firstElementChild : null;
if (!GENERATED[name]) {
// For each theme, use the color palettes specified for
// `primary`, `warn` and `accent` to generate CSS rules.
THEME_COLOR_TYPES.forEach(function(colorType) {
var styleStrings = parseRules(theme, colorType, rulesByType[colorType]);
while (styleStrings.length) {
var styleContent = styleStrings.shift();
if (styleContent) {
var style = document.createElement('style');
style.setAttribute('md-theme-style', '');
if (nonce) {
style.setAttribute('nonce', nonce);
head.insertBefore(style, firstChild);
GENERATED[] = true;
function checkValidPalette(theme, colorType) {
// If theme attempts to use a palette that doesnt exist, throw error
if (!PALETTES[ (theme.colors[colorType] || {}).name ]) {
throw new Error(
"You supplied an invalid color palette for theme %1's %2 palette. Available palettes: %3"
.replace('%2', colorType)
.replace('%3', Object.keys(PALETTES).join(', '))
function colorToRgbaArray(clr) {
if (angular.isArray(clr) && clr.length == 3) return clr;
if (/^rgb/.test(clr)) {
return clr.replace(/(^\s*rgba?\(|\)\s*$)/g, '').split(',').map(function(value, i) {
return i == 3 ? parseFloat(value, 10) : parseInt(value, 10);
if (clr.charAt(0) == '#') clr = clr.substring(1);
if (!/^([a-fA-F0-9]{3}){1,2}$/g.test(clr)) return;
var dig = clr.length / 3;
var red = clr.substr(0, dig);
var grn = clr.substr(dig, dig);
var blu = clr.substr(dig * 2);
if (dig === 1) {
red += red;
grn += grn;
blu += blu;
return [parseInt(red, 16), parseInt(grn, 16), parseInt(blu, 16)];
function rgba(rgbArray, opacity) {
if ( !rgbArray ) return "rgb('0,0,0')";
if (rgbArray.length == 4) {
rgbArray = angular.copy(rgbArray);
opacity ? rgbArray.pop() : opacity = rgbArray.pop();
return opacity && (typeof opacity == 'number' || (typeof opacity == 'string' && opacity.length)) ?
'rgba(' + rgbArray.join(',') + ',' + opacity + ')' :
'rgb(' + rgbArray.join(',') + ')';
"use strict";
// Polyfill angular < 1.4 (provide $animateCss)
.factory('$$mdAnimate', ["$q", "$timeout", "$mdConstant", "$animateCss", function($q, $timeout, $mdConstant, $animateCss){
// Since $$mdAnimate is injected into $mdUtil... use a wrapper function
// to subsequently inject $mdUtil as an argument to the AnimateDomUtils
return function($mdUtil) {
return AnimateDomUtils( $mdUtil, $q, $timeout, $mdConstant, $animateCss);
* Factory function that requires special injections
function AnimateDomUtils($mdUtil, $q, $timeout, $mdConstant, $animateCss) {
var self;
return self = {
translate3d : function( target, from, to, options ) {
return $animateCss(target,{
// Resolve with reverser function...
return reverseTranslate;
* Specific reversal of the request translate animation above...
function reverseTranslate (newFrom) {
return $animateCss(target, {
to: newFrom || from,
addClass: options.transitionOutClass,
removeClass: options.transitionInClass
* Listen for transitionEnd event (with optional timeout)
* Announce completion or failure via promise handlers
waitTransitionEnd: function (element, opts) {
var TIMEOUT = 3000; // fallback is 3 secs
return $q(function(resolve, reject){
opts = opts || { };
// If there is no transition is found, resolve immediately
// NOTE: using $mdUtil.nextTick() causes delays/issues
if (noTransitionFound(opts.cachedTransitionStyles)) {
var timer = $timeout(finished, opts.timeout || TIMEOUT);
element.on($mdConstant.CSS.TRANSITIONEND, finished);
* Upon timeout or transitionEnd, reject or resolve (respectively) this promise.
* NOTE: Make sure this transitionEnd didn't bubble up from a child
function finished(ev) {
if ( ev && !== element[0]) return;
if ( ev ) $timeout.cancel(timer);$mdConstant.CSS.TRANSITIONEND, finished);
// Never reject since ngAnimate may cause timeouts due missed transitionEnd events
* Checks whether or not there is a transition.
* @param styles The cached styles to use for the calculation. If null, getComputedStyle()
* will be used.
* @returns {boolean} True if there is no transition/duration; false otherwise.
function noTransitionFound(styles) {
styles = styles || window.getComputedStyle(element[0]);
return styles.transitionDuration == '0s' || (!styles.transition && !styles.transitionProperty);
calculateTransformValues: function (element, originator) {
var origin = originator.element;
var bounds = originator.bounds;
if (origin || bounds) {
var originBnds = origin ? self.clientRect(origin) || currentBounds() : self.copyRect(bounds);
var dialogRect = self.copyRect(element[0].getBoundingClientRect());
var dialogCenterPt = self.centerPointFor(dialogRect);
var originCenterPt = self.centerPointFor(originBnds);
return {
centerX: originCenterPt.x - dialogCenterPt.x,
centerY: originCenterPt.y - dialogCenterPt.y,
scaleX: Math.round(100 * Math.min(0.5, originBnds.width / dialogRect.width)) / 100,
scaleY: Math.round(100 * Math.min(0.5, originBnds.height / dialogRect.height)) / 100
return {centerX: 0, centerY: 0, scaleX: 0.5, scaleY: 0.5};
* This is a fallback if the origin information is no longer valid, then the
* origin bounds simply becomes the current bounds for the dialogContainer's parent
function currentBounds() {
var cntr = element ? element.parent() : null;
var parent = cntr ? cntr.parent() : null;
return parent ? self.clientRect(parent) : null;
* Calculate the zoom transform from dialog to origin.
* We use this to set the dialog position immediately;
* then the md-transition-in actually translates back to
* `translate3d(0,0,0) scale(1.0)`...
* NOTE: all values are rounded to the nearest integer
calculateZoomToOrigin: function (element, originator) {
var zoomTemplate = "translate3d( {centerX}px, {centerY}px, 0 ) scale( {scaleX}, {scaleY} )";
var buildZoom = angular.bind(null, $mdUtil.supplant, zoomTemplate);
return buildZoom(self.calculateTransformValues(element, originator));
* Calculate the slide transform from panel to origin.
* NOTE: all values are rounded to the nearest integer
calculateSlideToOrigin: function (element, originator) {
var slideTemplate = "translate3d( {centerX}px, {centerY}px, 0 )";
var buildSlide = angular.bind(null, $mdUtil.supplant, slideTemplate);
return buildSlide(self.calculateTransformValues(element, originator));
* Enhance raw values to represent valid css stylings...
toCss : function( raw ) {
var css = { };
var lookups = 'left top right bottom width height x y min-width min-height max-width max-height';
angular.forEach(raw, function(value,key) {
if ( angular.isUndefined(value) ) return;
if ( lookups.indexOf(key) >= 0 ) {
css[key] = value + 'px';
} else {
switch (key) {
case 'transition':
convertToVendor(key, $mdConstant.CSS.TRANSITION, value);
case 'transform':
convertToVendor(key, $mdConstant.CSS.TRANSFORM, value);
case 'transformOrigin':
convertToVendor(key, $mdConstant.CSS.TRANSFORM_ORIGIN, value);
case 'font-size':
css['font-size'] = value; // font sizes aren't always in px
return css;
function convertToVendor(key, vendor, value) {
angular.forEach(vendor.split(' '), function (key) {
css[key] = value;
* Convert the translate CSS value to key/value pair(s).
toTransformCss: function (transform, addTransition, transition) {
var css = {};
angular.forEach($mdConstant.CSS.TRANSFORM.split(' '), function (key) {
css[key] = transform;
if (addTransition) {
transition = transition || "all 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1) !important";
css.transition = transition;
return css;
* Clone the Rect and calculate the height/width if needed
copyRect: function (source, destination) {
if (!source) return null;
destination = destination || {};
angular.forEach('left top right bottom width height'.split(' '), function (key) {
destination[key] = Math.round(source[key]);
destination.width = destination.width || (destination.right - destination.left);
destination.height = destination.height || (destination.bottom -;
return destination;
* Calculate ClientRect of element; return null if hidden or zero size
clientRect: function (element) {
var bounds = angular.element(element)[0].getBoundingClientRect();
var isPositiveSizeClientRect = function (rect) {
return rect && (rect.width > 0) && (rect.height > 0);
// If the event origin element has zero size, it has probably been hidden.
return isPositiveSizeClientRect(bounds) ? self.copyRect(bounds) : null;
* Calculate 'rounded' center point of Rect
centerPointFor: function (targetRect) {
return targetRect ? {
x: Math.round(targetRect.left + (targetRect.width / 2)),
y: Math.round( + (targetRect.height / 2))
} : { x : 0, y : 0 };
"use strict";
"use strict";
if (angular.version.minor >= 4) {
angular.module('material.core.animate', []);
} else {
(function() {
var forEach = angular.forEach;
var WEBKIT = angular.isDefined(;
var TRANSITION_PROP = WEBKIT ? 'WebkitTransition' : 'transition';
var ANIMATION_PROP = WEBKIT ? 'WebkitAnimation' : 'animation';
var PREFIX = WEBKIT ? '-webkit-' : '';
var TRANSITION_EVENTS = (WEBKIT ? 'webkitTransitionEnd ' : '') + 'transitionend';
var ANIMATION_EVENTS = (WEBKIT ? 'webkitAnimationEnd ' : '') + 'animationend';
var $$ForceReflowFactory = ['$document', function($document) {
return function() {
return $document[0].body.clientWidth + 1;
var $$rAFMutexFactory = ['$$rAF', function($$rAF) {
return function() {
var passed = false;
$$rAF(function() {
passed = true;
return function(fn) {
passed ? fn() : $$rAF(fn);
var $$AnimateRunnerFactory = ['$q', '$$rAFMutex', function($q, $$rAFMutex) {
function AnimateRunner(host) {
this._doneCallbacks = [];
this._runInAnimationFrame = $$rAFMutex();
this._state = 0;
AnimateRunner.prototype = {
setHost: function(host) { = host || {};
done: function(fn) {
if (this._state === DONE_COMPLETE_STATE) {
} else {
progress: angular.noop,
getPromise: function() {
if (!this.promise) {
var self = this;
this.promise = $q(function(resolve, reject) {
self.done(function(status) {
status === false ? reject() : resolve();
return this.promise;
then: function(resolveHandler, rejectHandler) {
return this.getPromise().then(resolveHandler, rejectHandler);
'catch': function(handler) {
return this.getPromise()['catch'](handler);
'finally': function(handler) {
return this.getPromise()['finally'](handler);
pause: function() {
if ( {;
resume: function() {
if ( {;
end: function() {
if ( {;
cancel: function() {
if ( {;
complete: function(response) {
var self = this;
if (self._state === INITIAL_STATE) {
self._state = DONE_PENDING_STATE;
self._runInAnimationFrame(function() {
_resolve: function(response) {
if (this._state !== DONE_COMPLETE_STATE) {
forEach(this._doneCallbacks, function(fn) {
this._doneCallbacks.length = 0;
this._state = DONE_COMPLETE_STATE;
// Polyfill AnimateRunner.all which is used by input animations
AnimateRunner.all = function(runners, callback) {
var count = 0;
var status = true;
forEach(runners, function(runner) {
function onProgress(response) {
status = status && response;
if (++count === runners.length) {
return AnimateRunner;
.module('material.core.animate', [])
.factory('$$forceReflow', $$ForceReflowFactory)
.factory('$$AnimateRunner', $$AnimateRunnerFactory)
.factory('$$rAFMutex', $$rAFMutexFactory)
.factory('$animateCss', ['$window', '$$rAF', '$$AnimateRunner', '$$forceReflow', '$$jqLite', '$timeout', '$animate',
function($window, $$rAF, $$AnimateRunner, $$forceReflow, $$jqLite, $timeout, $animate) {
function init(element, options) {
var temporaryStyles = [];
var node = getDomNode(element);
var areAnimationsAllowed = node && $animate.enabled();
var hasCompleteStyles = false;
var hasCompleteClasses = false;
if (areAnimationsAllowed) {
if (options.transitionStyle) {
temporaryStyles.push([PREFIX + 'transition', options.transitionStyle]);
if (options.keyframeStyle) {
temporaryStyles.push([PREFIX + 'animation', options.keyframeStyle]);
if (options.delay) {
temporaryStyles.push([PREFIX + 'transition-delay', options.delay + 's']);
if (options.duration) {
temporaryStyles.push([PREFIX + 'transition-duration', options.duration + 's']);
hasCompleteStyles = options.keyframeStyle ||
( && (options.duration > 0 || options.transitionStyle));
hasCompleteClasses = !!options.addClass || !!options.removeClass;
blockTransition(element, true);
var hasCompleteAnimation = areAnimationsAllowed && (hasCompleteStyles || hasCompleteClasses);
applyAnimationFromStyles(element, options);
var animationClosed = false;
var events, eventFn;
return {
close: $window.close,
start: function() {
var runner = new $$AnimateRunner();
waitUntilQuiet(function() {
blockTransition(element, false);
if (!hasCompleteAnimation) {
return close();
forEach(temporaryStyles, function(entry) {
var key = entry[0];
var value = entry[1];[camelCase(key)] = value;
applyClasses(element, options);
var timings = computeTimings(element);
if (timings.duration === 0) {
return close();
var moreStyles = [];
if (options.easing) {
if (timings.transitionDuration) {
moreStyles.push([PREFIX + 'transition-timing-function', options.easing]);
if (timings.animationDuration) {
moreStyles.push([PREFIX + 'animation-timing-function', options.easing]);
if (options.delay && timings.animationDelay) {
moreStyles.push([PREFIX + 'animation-delay', options.delay + 's']);
if (options.duration && timings.animationDuration) {
moreStyles.push([PREFIX + 'animation-duration', options.duration + 's']);
forEach(moreStyles, function(entry) {
var key = entry[0];
var value = entry[1];[camelCase(key)] = value;
var maxDelay = timings.delay;
var maxDelayTime = maxDelay * 1000;
var maxDuration = timings.duration;
var maxDurationTime = maxDuration * 1000;
var startTime =;
events = [];
if (timings.transitionDuration) {
if (timings.animationDuration) {
events = events.join(' ');
eventFn = function(event) {
var ev = event.originalEvent || event;
var timeStamp = ev.timeStamp ||;
var elapsedTime = parseFloat(ev.elapsedTime.toFixed(3));
if (Math.max(timeStamp - startTime, 0) >= maxDelayTime && elapsedTime >= maxDuration) {
element.on(events, eventFn);
applyAnimationToStyles(element, options);
$timeout(close, maxDelayTime + maxDurationTime * 1.5, false);
return runner;
function close() {
if (animationClosed) return;
animationClosed = true;
if (events && eventFn) {, eventFn);
applyClasses(element, options);
applyAnimationStyles(element, options);
forEach(temporaryStyles, function(entry) {[camelCase(entry[0])] = '';
return runner;
function applyClasses(element, options) {
if (options.addClass) {
$$jqLite.addClass(element, options.addClass);
options.addClass = null;
if (options.removeClass) {
$$jqLite.removeClass(element, options.removeClass);
options.removeClass = null;
function computeTimings(element) {
var node = getDomNode(element);
var cs = $window.getComputedStyle(node)
var tdr = parseMaxTime(cs[prop('transitionDuration')]);
var adr = parseMaxTime(cs[prop('animationDuration')]);
var tdy = parseMaxTime(cs[prop('transitionDelay')]);
var ady = parseMaxTime(cs[prop('animationDelay')]);
adr *= (parseInt(cs[prop('animationIterationCount')], 10) || 1);
var duration = Math.max(adr, tdr);
var delay = Math.max(ady, tdy);
return {
duration: duration,
delay: delay,
animationDuration: adr,
transitionDuration: tdr,
animationDelay: ady,
transitionDelay: tdy
function prop(key) {
return WEBKIT ? 'Webkit' + key.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + key.substr(1)
: key;
function parseMaxTime(str) {
var maxValue = 0;
var values = (str || "").split(/\s*,\s*/);
forEach(values, function(value) {
// it's always safe to consider only second values and omit `ms` values since
// getComputedStyle will always handle the conversion for us
if (value.charAt(value.length - 1) == 's') {
value = value.substring(0, value.length - 1);
value = parseFloat(value) || 0;
maxValue = maxValue ? Math.max(value, maxValue) : value;
return maxValue;
var cancelLastRAFRequest;
var rafWaitQueue = [];
function waitUntilQuiet(callback) {
if (cancelLastRAFRequest) {
cancelLastRAFRequest(); //cancels the request
cancelLastRAFRequest = $$rAF(function() {
cancelLastRAFRequest = null;
// PLEASE EXAMINE THE `$$forceReflow` service to understand why.
var pageWidth = $$forceReflow();
// we use a for loop to ensure that if the queue is changed
// during this looping then it will consider new requests
for (var i = 0; i < rafWaitQueue.length; i++) {
rafWaitQueue.length = 0;
function applyAnimationStyles(element, options) {
applyAnimationFromStyles(element, options);
applyAnimationToStyles(element, options);
function applyAnimationFromStyles(element, options) {
if (options.from) {
options.from = null;
function applyAnimationToStyles(element, options) {
if ( {
element.css(; = null;
function getDomNode(element) {
for (var i = 0; i < element.length; i++) {
if (element[i].nodeType === 1) return element[i];
function blockTransition(element, bool) {
var node = getDomNode(element);
var key = camelCase(PREFIX + 'transition-delay');[key] = bool ? '-9999s' : '';
return init;
* Older browsers [FF31] expect camelCase
* property keys.
* e.g.
* animation-duration --> animationDuration
function camelCase(str) {
return str.replace(/-[a-z]/g, function(str) {
return str.charAt(1).toUpperCase();
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.autocomplete
* @see js folder for autocomplete implementation
angular.module('material.components.autocomplete', [
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.backdrop
* @description Backdrop
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdBackdrop
* @module material.components.backdrop
* @restrict E
* @description
* `<md-backdrop>` is a backdrop element used by other components, such as dialog and bottom sheet.
* Apply class `opaque` to make the backdrop use the theme backdrop color.
.module('material.components.backdrop', ['material.core'])
.directive('mdBackdrop', ["$mdTheming", "$mdUtil", "$animate", "$rootElement", "$window", "$log", "$$rAF", "$document", function BackdropDirective($mdTheming, $mdUtil, $animate, $rootElement, $window, $log, $$rAF, $document) {
var ERROR_CSS_POSITION = '<md-backdrop> may not work properly in a scrolled, static-positioned parent container.';
return {
restrict: 'E',
link: postLink
function postLink(scope, element, attrs) {
// backdrop may be outside the $rootElement, tell ngAnimate to animate regardless
if ($ $, $rootElement);
var bodyStyles;
$$rAF(function() {
// If body scrolling has been disabled using mdUtil.disableBodyScroll(),
// adjust the 'backdrop' height to account for the fixed 'body' top offset.
// Note that this can be pretty expensive and is better done inside the $$rAF.
bodyStyles = $window.getComputedStyle($document[0].body);
if (bodyStyles.position === 'fixed') {
var resizeHandler = $mdUtil.debounce(function(){
bodyStyles = $window.getComputedStyle($document[0].body);
}, 60, null, false);
angular.element($window).on('resize', resizeHandler);
scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
angular.element($window).off('resize', resizeHandler);
// Often $animate.enter() is used to append the backDrop element
// so let's wait until $animate is done...
var parent = element.parent();
if (parent.length) {
if (parent[0].nodeName === 'BODY') {
element.css('position', 'fixed');
var styles = $window.getComputedStyle(parent[0]);
if (styles.position === 'static') {
// backdrop uses position:absolute and will not work properly with parent position:static (default)
// Only inherit the parent if the backdrop has a parent.
$mdTheming.inherit(element, parent);
function resize() {
var viewportHeight = parseInt(bodyStyles.height, 10) + Math.abs(parseInt(, 10));
element.css('height', viewportHeight + 'px');
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.bottomSheet
* @description
* BottomSheet
MdBottomSheetDirective.$inject = ["$mdBottomSheet"];
MdBottomSheetProvider.$inject = ["$$interimElementProvider"];
.module('material.components.bottomSheet', [
.directive('mdBottomSheet', MdBottomSheetDirective)
.provider('$mdBottomSheet', MdBottomSheetProvider);
/* @ngInject */
function MdBottomSheetDirective($mdBottomSheet) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
link : function postLink(scope, element) {
element.addClass('_md'); // private md component indicator for styling
// When navigation force destroys an interimElement, then
// listen and $destroy() that interim instance...
scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
* @ngdoc service
* @name $mdBottomSheet
* @module material.components.bottomSheet
* @description
* `$mdBottomSheet` opens a bottom sheet over the app and provides a simple promise API.
* ## Restrictions
* - The bottom sheet's template must have an outer `<md-bottom-sheet>` element.
* - Add the `md-grid` class to the bottom sheet for a grid layout.
* - Add the `md-list` class to the bottom sheet for a list layout.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <div ng-controller="MyController">
* <md-button ng-click="openBottomSheet()">
* Open a Bottom Sheet!
* </md-button>
* </div>
* </hljs>
* <hljs lang="js">
* var app = angular.module('app', ['ngMaterial']);
* app.controller('MyController', function($scope, $mdBottomSheet) {
* $scope.openBottomSheet = function() {
* ${
* template: '<md-bottom-sheet>Hello!</md-bottom-sheet>'
* });
* };
* });
* </hljs>
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdBottomSheet#show
* @description
* Show a bottom sheet with the specified options.
* @param {object} options An options object, with the following properties:
* - `templateUrl` - `{string=}`: The url of an html template file that will
* be used as the content of the bottom sheet. Restrictions: the template must
* have an outer `md-bottom-sheet` element.
* - `template` - `{string=}`: Same as templateUrl, except this is an actual
* template string.
* - `scope` - `{object=}`: the scope to link the template / controller to. If none is specified, it will create a new child scope.
* This scope will be destroyed when the bottom sheet is removed unless `preserveScope` is set to true.
* - `preserveScope` - `{boolean=}`: whether to preserve the scope when the element is removed. Default is false
* - `controller` - `{string=}`: The controller to associate with this bottom sheet.
* - `locals` - `{string=}`: An object containing key/value pairs. The keys will
* be used as names of values to inject into the controller. For example,
* `locals: {three: 3}` would inject `three` into the controller with the value
* of 3.
* - `clickOutsideToClose` - `{boolean=}`: Whether the user can click outside the bottom sheet to
* close it. Default true.
* - `disableBackdrop` - `{boolean=}`: When set to true, the bottomsheet will not show a backdrop.
* - `escapeToClose` - `{boolean=}`: Whether the user can press escape to close the bottom sheet.
* Default true.
* - `resolve` - `{object=}`: Similar to locals, except it takes promises as values
* and the bottom sheet will not open until the promises resolve.
* - `controllerAs` - `{string=}`: An alias to assign the controller to on the scope.
* - `parent` - `{element=}`: The element to append the bottom sheet to. The `parent` may be a `function`, `string`,
* `object`, or null. Defaults to appending to the body of the root element (or the root element) of the application.
* e.g. angular.element(document.getElementById('content')) or "#content"
* - `disableParentScroll` - `{boolean=}`: Whether to disable scrolling while the bottom sheet is open.
* Default true.
* @returns {promise} A promise that can be resolved with `$mdBottomSheet.hide()` or
* rejected with `$mdBottomSheet.cancel()`.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdBottomSheet#hide
* @description
* Hide the existing bottom sheet and resolve the promise returned from
* `$`. This call will close the most recently opened/current bottomsheet (if any).
* @param {*=} response An argument for the resolved promise.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdBottomSheet#cancel
* @description
* Hide the existing bottom sheet and reject the promise returned from
* `$`.
* @param {*=} response An argument for the rejected promise.
function MdBottomSheetProvider($$interimElementProvider) {
// how fast we need to flick down to close the sheet, pixels/ms
bottomSheetDefaults.$inject = ["$animate", "$mdConstant", "$mdUtil", "$mdTheming", "$mdBottomSheet", "$rootElement", "$mdGesture", "$log"];
var PADDING = 80; // same as css
return $$interimElementProvider('$mdBottomSheet')
methods: ['disableParentScroll', 'escapeToClose', 'clickOutsideToClose'],
options: bottomSheetDefaults
/* @ngInject */
function bottomSheetDefaults($animate, $mdConstant, $mdUtil, $mdTheming, $mdBottomSheet, $rootElement,
$mdGesture, $log) {
var backdrop;
return {
themable: true,
onShow: onShow,
onRemove: onRemove,
disableBackdrop: false,
escapeToClose: true,
clickOutsideToClose: true,
disableParentScroll: true
function onShow(scope, element, options, controller) {
element = $mdUtil.extractElementByName(element, 'md-bottom-sheet');
// prevent tab focus or click focus on the bottom-sheet container
// Once the md-bottom-sheet has `ng-cloak` applied on his template the opening animation will not work properly.
// This is a very common problem, so we have to notify the developer about this.
if (element.hasClass('ng-cloak')) {
var message = '$mdBottomSheet: using `<md-bottom-sheet ng-cloak >` will affect the bottom-sheet opening animations.';
$log.warn( message, element[0] );
if (!options.disableBackdrop) {
// Add a backdrop that will close on click
backdrop = $mdUtil.createBackdrop(scope, "md-bottom-sheet-backdrop md-opaque");
// Prevent mouse focus on backdrop; ONLY programatic focus allowed.
// This allows clicks on backdrop to propogate to the $rootElement and
// ESC key events to be detected properly.
backdrop[0].tabIndex = -1;
if (options.clickOutsideToClose) {
backdrop.on('click', function() {
$mdTheming.inherit(backdrop, options.parent);
$animate.enter(backdrop, options.parent, null);
var bottomSheet = new BottomSheet(element, options.parent);
options.bottomSheet = bottomSheet;
$mdTheming.inherit(bottomSheet.element, options.parent);
if (options.disableParentScroll) {
options.restoreScroll = $mdUtil.disableScrollAround(bottomSheet.element, options.parent);
return $animate.enter(bottomSheet.element, options.parent, backdrop)
.then(function() {
var focusable = $mdUtil.findFocusTarget(element) || angular.element(
element[0].querySelector('button') ||
element[0].querySelector('a') ||
element[0].querySelector($mdUtil.prefixer('ng-click', true))
) || backdrop;
if (options.escapeToClose) {
options.rootElementKeyupCallback = function(e) {
if (e.keyCode === $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.ESCAPE) {
$rootElement.on('keyup', options.rootElementKeyupCallback);
focusable && focusable.focus();
function onRemove(scope, element, options) {
var bottomSheet = options.bottomSheet;
if (!options.disableBackdrop) $animate.leave(backdrop);
return $animate.leave(bottomSheet.element).then(function() {
if (options.disableParentScroll) {
delete options.restoreScroll;
* BottomSheet class to apply bottom-sheet behavior to an element
function BottomSheet(element, parent) {
var deregister = $mdGesture.register(parent, 'drag', { horizontal: false });
parent.on('$md.dragstart', onDragStart)
.on('$md.drag', onDrag)
.on('$md.dragend', onDragEnd);
return {
element: element,
cleanup: function cleanup() {
deregister();'$md.dragstart', onDragStart);'$md.drag', onDrag);'$md.dragend', onDragEnd);
function onDragStart(ev) {
// Disable transitions on transform so that it feels fast
element.css($mdConstant.CSS.TRANSITION_DURATION, '0ms');
function onDrag(ev) {
var transform = ev.pointer.distanceY;
if (transform < 5) {
// Slow down drag when trying to drag up, and stop after PADDING
transform = Math.max(-PADDING, transform / 2);
element.css($mdConstant.CSS.TRANSFORM, 'translate3d(0,' + (PADDING + transform) + 'px,0)');
function onDragEnd(ev) {
if (ev.pointer.distanceY > 0 &&
(ev.pointer.distanceY > 20 || Math.abs(ev.pointer.velocityY) > CLOSING_VELOCITY)) {
var distanceRemaining = element.prop('offsetHeight') - ev.pointer.distanceY;
var transitionDuration = Math.min(distanceRemaining / ev.pointer.velocityY * 0.75, 500);
element.css($mdConstant.CSS.TRANSITION_DURATION, transitionDuration + 'ms');
} else {
element.css($mdConstant.CSS.TRANSITION_DURATION, '');
element.css($mdConstant.CSS.TRANSFORM, '');
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.button
* @description
* Button
MdButtonDirective.$inject = ["$mdButtonInkRipple", "$mdTheming", "$mdAria", "$timeout"];
MdAnchorDirective.$inject = ["$mdTheming"];
.module('material.components.button', [ 'material.core' ])
.directive('mdButton', MdButtonDirective)
.directive('a', MdAnchorDirective);
* @private
* @restrict E
* @description
* `a` is an anchor directive used to inherit theme colors for md-primary, md-accent, etc.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-content md-theme="myTheme">
* <a href="#chapter1" class="md-accent"></a>
* </md-content>
* </hljs>
function MdAnchorDirective($mdTheming) {
return {
restrict : 'E',
link : function postLink(scope, element) {
// Make sure to inherit theme so stand-alone anchors
// support theme colors for md-primary, md-accent, etc.
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdButton
* @module material.components.button
* @restrict E
* @description
* `<md-button>` is a button directive with optional ink ripples (default enabled).
* If you supply a `href` or `ng-href` attribute, it will become an `<a>` element. Otherwise, it
* will become a `<button>` element. As per the
* [Material Design specifications](
* the FAB button background is filled with the accent color [by default]. The primary color palette
* may be used with the `md-primary` class.
* Developers can also change the color palette of the button, by using the following classes
* - `md-primary`
* - `md-accent`
* - `md-warn`
* See for example
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-button class="md-primary">Primary Button</md-button>
* </hljs>
* Button can be also raised, which means that they will use the current color palette to fill the button.
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-button class="md-accent md-raised">Raised and Accent Button</md-button>
* </hljs>
* It is also possible to disable the focus effect on the button, by using the following markup.
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-button class="md-no-focus">No Focus Style</md-button>
* </hljs>
* @param {boolean=} md-no-ink If present, disable ripple ink effects.
* @param {expression=} ng-disabled En/Disable based on the expression
* @param {string=} md-ripple-size Overrides the default ripple size logic. Options: `full`, `partial`, `auto`
* @param {string=} aria-label Adds alternative text to button for accessibility, useful for icon buttons.
* If no default text is found, a warning will be logged.
* @usage
* Regular buttons:
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-button> Flat Button </md-button>
* <md-button href=""> Flat link </md-button>
* <md-button class="md-raised"> Raised Button </md-button>
* <md-button ng-disabled="true"> Disabled Button </md-button>
* <md-button>
* <md-icon md-svg-src="your/icon.svg"></md-icon>
* Register Now
* </md-button>
* </hljs>
* FAB buttons:
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-button class="md-fab" aria-label="FAB">
* <md-icon md-svg-src="your/icon.svg"></md-icon>
* </md-button>
* <!-- mini-FAB -->
* <md-button class="md-fab md-mini" aria-label="Mini FAB">
* <md-icon md-svg-src="your/icon.svg"></md-icon>
* </md-button>
* <!-- Button with SVG Icon -->
* <md-button class="md-icon-button" aria-label="Custom Icon Button">
* <md-icon md-svg-icon="path/to/your.svg"></md-icon>
* </md-button>
* </hljs>
function MdButtonDirective($mdButtonInkRipple, $mdTheming, $mdAria, $timeout) {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
replace: true,
transclude: true,
template: getTemplate,
link: postLink
function isAnchor(attr) {
return angular.isDefined(attr.href) || angular.isDefined(attr.ngHref) || angular.isDefined(attr.ngLink) || angular.isDefined(attr.uiSref);
function getTemplate(element, attr) {
if (isAnchor(attr)) {
return '<a class="md-button" ng-transclude></a>';
} else {
//If buttons don't have type="button", they will submit forms automatically.
var btnType = (typeof attr.type === 'undefined') ? 'button' : attr.type;
return '<button class="md-button" type="' + btnType + '" ng-transclude></button>';
function postLink(scope, element, attr) {
$mdButtonInkRipple.attach(scope, element);
// Use async expect to support possible bindings in the button label
$mdAria.expectWithoutText(element, 'aria-label');
// For anchor elements, we have to set tabindex manually when the
// element is disabled
if (isAnchor(attr) && angular.isDefined(attr.ngDisabled) ) {
scope.$watch(attr.ngDisabled, function(isDisabled) {
element.attr('tabindex', isDisabled ? -1 : 0);
// disabling click event when disabled is true
element.on('click', function(e){
if (attr.disabled === true) {
if (!element.hasClass('md-no-focus')) {
// restrict focus styles to the keyboard
scope.mouseActive = false;
element.on('mousedown', function() {
scope.mouseActive = true;
scope.mouseActive = false;
}, 100);
.on('focus', function() {
if (scope.mouseActive === false) {
.on('blur', function(ev) {
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.card
* @description
* Card components.
mdCardDirective.$inject = ["$mdTheming"];
angular.module('material.components.card', [
.directive('mdCard', mdCardDirective);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdCard
* @module material.components.card
* @restrict E
* @description
* The `<md-card>` directive is a container element used within `<md-content>` containers.
* An image included as a direct descendant will fill the card's width. If you want to avoid this,
* you can add the `md-image-no-fill` class to the parent element. The `<md-card-content>`
* container will wrap text content and provide padding. An `<md-card-footer>` element can be
* optionally included to put content flush against the bottom edge of the card.
* Action buttons can be included in an `<md-card-actions>` element, similar to `<md-dialog-actions>`.
* You can then position buttons using layout attributes.
* Card is built with:
* * `<md-card-header>` - Header for the card, holds avatar, text and squared image
* - `<md-card-avatar>` - Card avatar
* - `md-user-avatar` - Class for user image
* - `<md-icon>`
* - `<md-card-header-text>` - Contains elements for the card description
* - `md-title` - Class for the card title
* - `md-subhead` - Class for the card sub header
* * `<img>` - Image for the card
* * `<md-card-title>` - Card content title
* - `<md-card-title-text>`
* - `md-headline` - Class for the card content title
* - `md-subhead` - Class for the card content sub header
* - `<md-card-title-media>` - Squared image within the title
* - `md-media-sm` - Class for small image
* - `md-media-md` - Class for medium image
* - `md-media-lg` - Class for large image
* * `<md-card-content>` - Card content
* - `md-media-xl` - Class for extra large image
* * `<md-card-actions>` - Card actions
* - `<md-card-icon-actions>` - Icon actions
* Cards have constant width and variable heights; where the maximum height is limited to what can
* fit within a single view on a platform, but it can temporarily expand as needed.
* @usage
* ### Card with optional footer
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-card>
* <img src="card-image.png" class="md-card-image" alt="image caption">
* <md-card-content>
* <h2>Card headline</h2>
* <p>Card content</p>
* </md-card-content>
* <md-card-footer>
* Card footer
* </md-card-footer>
* </md-card>
* </hljs>
* ### Card with actions
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-card>
* <img src="card-image.png" class="md-card-image" alt="image caption">
* <md-card-content>
* <h2>Card headline</h2>
* <p>Card content</p>
* </md-card-content>
* <md-card-actions layout="row" layout-align="end center">
* <md-button>Action 1</md-button>
* <md-button>Action 2</md-button>
* </md-card-actions>
* </md-card>
* </hljs>
* ### Card with header, image, title actions and content
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-card>
* <md-card-header>
* <md-card-avatar>
* <img class="md-user-avatar" src="avatar.png"/>
* </md-card-avatar>
* <md-card-header-text>
* <span class="md-title">Title</span>
* <span class="md-subhead">Sub header</span>
* </md-card-header-text>
* </md-card-header>
* <img ng-src="card-image.png" class="md-card-image" alt="image caption">
* <md-card-title>
* <md-card-title-text>
* <span class="md-headline">Card headline</span>
* <span class="md-subhead">Card subheader</span>
* </md-card-title-text>
* </md-card-title>
* <md-card-actions layout="row" layout-align="start center">
* <md-button>Action 1</md-button>
* <md-button>Action 2</md-button>
* <md-card-icon-actions>
* <md-button class="md-icon-button" aria-label="icon">
* <md-icon md-svg-icon="icon"></md-icon>
* </md-button>
* </md-card-icon-actions>
* </md-card-actions>
* <md-card-content>
* <p>
* Card content
* </p>
* </md-card-content>
* </md-card>
* </hljs>
function mdCardDirective($mdTheming) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
link: function ($scope, $element, attr) {
$element.addClass('_md'); // private md component indicator for styling
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.chips
* @see js folder for chips implementation
angular.module('material.components.chips', [
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.checkbox
* @description Checkbox module!
MdCheckboxDirective.$inject = ["inputDirective", "$mdAria", "$mdConstant", "$mdTheming", "$mdUtil", "$timeout"];
.module('material.components.checkbox', ['material.core'])
.directive('mdCheckbox', MdCheckboxDirective);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdCheckbox
* @module material.components.checkbox
* @restrict E
* @description
* The checkbox directive is used like the normal [angular checkbox](
* As per the [material design spec](
* the checkbox is in the accent color by default. The primary color palette may be used with
* the `md-primary` class.
* @param {string} ng-model Assignable angular expression to data-bind to.
* @param {string=} name Property name of the form under which the control is published.
* @param {expression=} ng-true-value The value to which the expression should be set when selected.
* @param {expression=} ng-false-value The value to which the expression should be set when not selected.
* @param {string=} ng-change Angular expression to be executed when input changes due to user interaction with the input element.
* @param {boolean=} md-no-ink Use of attribute indicates use of ripple ink effects
* @param {string=} aria-label Adds label to checkbox for accessibility.
* Defaults to checkbox's text. If no default text is found, a warning will be logged.
* @param {expression=} md-indeterminate This determines when the checkbox should be rendered as 'indeterminate'.
* If a truthy expression or no value is passed in the checkbox renders in the md-indeterminate state.
* If falsy expression is passed in it just looks like a normal unchecked checkbox.
* The indeterminate, checked, and unchecked states are mutually exclusive. A box cannot be in any two states at the same time.
* Adding the 'md-indeterminate' attribute overrides any checked/unchecked rendering logic.
* When using the 'md-indeterminate' attribute use 'ng-checked' to define rendering logic instead of using 'ng-model'.
* @param {expression=} ng-checked If this expression evaluates as truthy, the 'md-checked' css class is added to the checkbox and it
* will appear checked.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-checkbox ng-model="isChecked" aria-label="Finished?">
* Finished ?
* </md-checkbox>
* <md-checkbox md-no-ink ng-model="hasInk" aria-label="No Ink Effects">
* No Ink Effects
* </md-checkbox>
* <md-checkbox ng-disabled="true" ng-model="isDisabled" aria-label="Disabled">
* Disabled
* </md-checkbox>
* </hljs>
function MdCheckboxDirective(inputDirective, $mdAria, $mdConstant, $mdTheming, $mdUtil, $timeout) {
inputDirective = inputDirective[0];
return {
restrict: 'E',
transclude: true,
require: '?ngModel',
priority: 210, // Run before ngAria
'<div class="md-container" md-ink-ripple md-ink-ripple-checkbox>' +
'<div class="md-icon"></div>' +
'</div>' +
'<div ng-transclude class="md-label"></div>',
compile: compile
// **********************************************************
// Private Methods
// **********************************************************
function compile (tElement, tAttrs) {
tAttrs.$set('tabindex', tAttrs.tabindex || '0');
tAttrs.$set('type', 'checkbox');
tAttrs.$set('role', tAttrs.type);
return {
pre: function(scope, element) {
// Attach a click handler during preLink, in order to immediately stop propagation
// (especially for ng-click) when the checkbox is disabled.
element.on('click', function(e) {
if (this.hasAttribute('disabled')) {
post: postLink
function postLink(scope, element, attr, ngModelCtrl) {
var isIndeterminate;
ngModelCtrl = ngModelCtrl || $mdUtil.fakeNgModel();
// Redirect focus events to the root element, because IE11 is always focusing the container element instead
// of the md-checkbox element. This causes issues when using ngModelOptions: `updateOnBlur`
element.children().on('focus', function() {
if ($mdUtil.parseAttributeBoolean(attr.mdIndeterminate)) {
scope.$watch(attr.mdIndeterminate, setIndeterminateState);
if (attr.ngChecked) {
scope.$watch(scope.$eval.bind(scope, attr.ngChecked), function(value) {
$$watchExpr('ngDisabled', 'tabindex', {
true: '-1',
false: attr.tabindex
$mdAria.expectWithText(element, 'aria-label');
// Reuse the original input[type=checkbox] directive from Angular core.
// This is a bit hacky as we need our own event listener and own render
// function., {
on: angular.noop,
0: {}
}, attr, [ngModelCtrl]);
scope.mouseActive = false;
element.on('click', listener)
.on('keypress', keypressHandler)
.on('mousedown', function() {
scope.mouseActive = true;
$timeout(function() {
scope.mouseActive = false;
}, 100);
.on('focus', function() {
if (scope.mouseActive === false) {
.on('blur', function() {
ngModelCtrl.$render = render;
function $$watchExpr(expr, htmlAttr, valueOpts) {
if (attr[expr]) {
scope.$watch(attr[expr], function(val) {
if (valueOpts[val]) {
element.attr(htmlAttr, valueOpts[val]);
function keypressHandler(ev) {
var keyCode = ev.which || ev.keyCode;
if (keyCode === $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.SPACE || keyCode === $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.ENTER) {
function listener(ev) {
// skipToggle boolean is used by the switch directive to prevent the click event
// when releasing the drag. There will be always a click if releasing the drag over the checkbox
if (element[0].hasAttribute('disabled') || scope.skipToggle) {
scope.$apply(function() {
// Toggle the checkbox value...
var viewValue = attr.ngChecked ? attr.checked : !ngModelCtrl.$viewValue;
ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(viewValue, ev && ev.type);
function render() {
// Cast the $viewValue to a boolean since it could be undefined
element.toggleClass('md-checked', !!ngModelCtrl.$viewValue && !isIndeterminate);
function setIndeterminateState(newValue) {
isIndeterminate = newValue !== false;
if (isIndeterminate) {
element.attr('aria-checked', 'mixed');
element.toggleClass('md-indeterminate', isIndeterminate);
"use strict";
(function () {
"use strict";
* Use a RegExp to check if the `md-colors="<expression>"` is static string
* or one that should be observed and dynamically interpolated.
MdColorsDirective.$inject = ["$mdColors", "$mdUtil", "$log", "$parse"];
MdColorsService.$inject = ["$mdTheming", "$mdUtil", "$log"];
var STATIC_COLOR_EXPRESSION = /^{((\s|,)*?["'a-zA-Z-]+?\s*?:\s*?('|")[a-zA-Z0-9-.]*('|"))+\s*}$/;
var colorPalettes = null;
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.colors
* @description
* Define $mdColors service and a `md-colors=""` attribute directive
.module('material.components.colors', ['material.core'])
.directive('mdColors', MdColorsDirective)
.service('$mdColors', MdColorsService);
* @ngdoc service
* @name $mdColors
* @module material.components.colors
* @description
* With only defining themes, one couldn't get non ngMaterial elements colored with Material colors,
* `$mdColors` service is used by the md-color directive to convert the 1..n color expressions to RGBA values and will apply
* those values to element as CSS property values.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="js">
* angular.controller('myCtrl', function ($mdColors) {
* var color = $mdColors.getThemeColor('myTheme-red-200-0.5');
* ...
* });
* </hljs>
function MdColorsService($mdTheming, $mdUtil, $log) {
colorPalettes = colorPalettes || Object.keys($mdTheming.PALETTES);
// Publish service instance
return {
applyThemeColors: applyThemeColors,
getThemeColor: getThemeColor,
hasTheme: hasTheme
// ********************************************
// Internal Methods
// ********************************************
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdColors#applyThemeColors
* @description
* Gets a color json object, keys are css properties and values are string of the wanted color
* Then calculate the rgba() values based on the theme color parts
* @param {DOMElement} element the element to apply the styles on.
* @param {object} colorExpression json object, keys are css properties and values are string of the wanted color,
* for example: `{color: 'red-A200-0.3'}`.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="js">
* app.directive('myDirective', function($mdColors) {
* return {
* ...
* link: function (scope, elem) {
* $mdColors.applyThemeColors(elem, {color: 'red'});
* }
* }
* });
* </hljs>
function applyThemeColors(element, colorExpression) {
try {
if (colorExpression) {
// Assign the calculate RGBA color values directly as inline CSS
} catch (e) {
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdColors#getThemeColor
* @description
* Get parsed color from expression
* @param {string} expression string of a color expression (for instance `'red-700-0.8'`)
* @returns {string} a css color expression (for instance `rgba(211, 47, 47, 0.8)`)
* @usage
* <hljs lang="js">
* angular.controller('myCtrl', function ($mdColors) {
* var color = $mdColors.getThemeColor('myTheme-red-200-0.5');
* ...
* });
* </hljs>
function getThemeColor(expression) {
var color = extractColorOptions(expression);
return parseColor(color);
* Return the parsed color
* @param color hashmap of color definitions
* @param contrast whether use contrast color for foreground
* @returns rgba color string
function parseColor(color, contrast) {
contrast = contrast || false;
var rgbValues = $mdTheming.PALETTES[color.palette][color.hue];
rgbValues = contrast ? rgbValues.contrast : rgbValues.value;
return $mdUtil.supplant('rgba({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})',
[rgbValues[0], rgbValues[1], rgbValues[2], rgbValues[3] || color.opacity]
* Convert the color expression into an object with scope-interpolated values
* Then calculate the rgba() values based on the theme color parts
* @results Hashmap of CSS properties with associated `rgba( )` string vales
function interpolateColors(themeColors) {
var rgbColors = {};
var hasColorProperty = themeColors.hasOwnProperty('color');
angular.forEach(themeColors, function (value, key) {
var color = extractColorOptions(value);
var hasBackground = key.indexOf('background') > -1;
rgbColors[key] = parseColor(color);
if (hasBackground && !hasColorProperty) {
rgbColors.color = parseColor(color, true);
return rgbColors;
* Check if expression has defined theme
* e.g.
* 'myTheme-primary' => true
* 'red-800' => false
function hasTheme(expression) {
return angular.isDefined($mdTheming.THEMES[expression.split('-')[0]]);
* For the evaluated expression, extract the color parts into a hash map
function extractColorOptions(expression) {
var parts = expression.split('-');
var hasTheme = angular.isDefined($mdTheming.THEMES[parts[0]]);
var theme = hasTheme ? parts.splice(0, 1)[0] : $mdTheming.defaultTheme();
return {
theme: theme,
palette: extractPalette(parts, theme),
hue: extractHue(parts, theme),
opacity: parts[2] || 1
* Calculate the theme palette name
function extractPalette(parts, theme) {
// If the next section is one of the palettes we assume it's a two word palette
// Two word palette can be also written in camelCase, forming camelCase to dash-case
var isTwoWord = parts.length > 1 && colorPalettes.indexOf(parts[1]) !== -1;
var palette = parts[0].replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1-$2').toLowerCase();
if (isTwoWord) palette = parts[0] + '-' + parts.splice(1, 1);
if (colorPalettes.indexOf(palette) === -1) {
// If the palette is not in the palette list it's one of primary/accent/warn/background
var scheme = $mdTheming.THEMES[theme].colors[palette];
if (!scheme) {
throw new Error($mdUtil.supplant('mdColors: couldn\'t find \'{palette}\' in the palettes.', {palette: palette}));
palette =;
return palette;
function extractHue(parts, theme) {
var themeColors = $mdTheming.THEMES[theme].colors;
if (parts[1] === 'hue') {
var hueNumber = parseInt(parts.splice(2, 1)[0], 10);
if (hueNumber < 1 || hueNumber > 3) {
throw new Error($mdUtil.supplant('mdColors: \'hue-{hueNumber}\' is not a valid hue, can be only \'hue-1\', \'hue-2\' and \'hue-3\'', {hueNumber: hueNumber}));
parts[1] = 'hue-' + hueNumber;
if (!(parts[0] in themeColors)) {
throw new Error($mdUtil.supplant('mdColors: \'hue-x\' can only be used with [{availableThemes}], but was used with \'{usedTheme}\'', {
availableThemes: Object.keys(themeColors).join(', '),
usedTheme: parts[0]
return themeColors[parts[0]].hues[parts[1]];
return parts[1] || themeColors[parts[0] in themeColors ? parts[0] : 'primary'].hues['default'];
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdColors
* @module material.components.colors
* @restrict A
* @description
* `mdColors` directive will apply the theme-based color expression as RGBA CSS style values.
* The format will be similar to our color defining in the scss files:
* ## `[?theme]-[palette]-[?hue]-[?opacity]`
* - [theme] - default value is the default theme
* - [palette] - can be either palette name or primary/accent/warn/background
* - [hue] - default is 500 (hue-x can be used with primary/accent/warn/background)
* - [opacity] - default is 1
* > `?` indicates optional parameter
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <div md-colors="{background: 'myTheme-accent-900-0.43'}">
* <div md-colors="{color: 'red-A100', 'border-color': 'primary-600'}">
* <span>Color demo</span>
* </div>
* </div>
* </hljs>
* `mdColors` directive will automatically watch for changes in the expression if it recognizes an interpolation
* expression or a function. For performance options, you can use `::` prefix to the `md-colors` expression
* to indicate a one-time data binding.
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-card md-colors="::{background: '{{theme}}-primary-700'}">
* </md-card>
* </hljs>
function MdColorsDirective($mdColors, $mdUtil, $log, $parse) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: ['^?mdTheme'],
compile: function (tElem, tAttrs) {
var shouldWatch = shouldColorsWatch();
return function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
var mdThemeController = ctrl[0];
var lastColors = {};
var parseColors = function (theme) {
if (typeof theme !== 'string') {
theme = '';
if (!attrs.mdColors) {
attrs.mdColors = '{}';
* Json.parse() does not work because the keys are not quoted;
* use $parse to convert to a hash map
var colors = $parse(attrs.mdColors)(scope);
* If mdTheme is defined up the DOM tree
* we add mdTheme theme to colors who doesn't specified a theme
* # example
* <hljs lang="html">
* <div md-theme="myTheme">
* <div md-colors="{background: 'primary-600'}">
* <span md-colors="{background: 'mySecondTheme-accent-200'}">Color demo</span>
* </div>
* </div>
* </hljs>
* 'primary-600' will be 'myTheme-primary-600',
* but 'mySecondTheme-accent-200' will stay the same cause it has a theme prefix
if (mdThemeController) {
Object.keys(colors).forEach(function (prop) {
var color = colors[prop];
if (!$mdColors.hasTheme(color)) {
colors[prop] = (theme || mdThemeController.$mdTheme) + '-' + color;
return colors;
var cleanElement = function (colors) {
if (!angular.equals(colors, lastColors)) {
var keys = Object.keys(lastColors);
if (lastColors.background && !keys.color) {
keys.forEach(function (key) {
element.css(key, '');
lastColors = colors;
* Registering for mgTheme changes and asking mdTheme controller run our callback whenever a theme changes
var unregisterChanges = angular.noop;
if (mdThemeController) {
unregisterChanges = mdThemeController.registerChanges(function (theme) {
$mdColors.applyThemeColors(element, parseColors(theme));
scope.$on('$destroy', function () {
try {
if (shouldWatch) {
scope.$watch(parseColors, angular.bind(this,
$mdColors.applyThemeColors, element
), true);
else {
$mdColors.applyThemeColors(element, parseColors());
catch (e) {
function shouldColorsWatch() {
// Simulate 1x binding and mark mdColorsWatch == false
var rawColorExpression = tAttrs.mdColors;
var bindOnce = rawColorExpression.indexOf('::') > -1;
var isStatic = bindOnce ? true : STATIC_COLOR_EXPRESSION.test(tAttrs.mdColors);
// Remove it for the postLink...
tAttrs.mdColors = rawColorExpression.replace('::', '');
var hasWatchAttr = angular.isDefined(tAttrs.mdColorsWatch);
return (bindOnce || isStatic) ? false :
hasWatchAttr ? $mdUtil.parseAttributeBoolean(tAttrs.mdColorsWatch) : true;
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.content
* @description
* Scrollable content
mdContentDirective.$inject = ["$mdTheming"];
angular.module('material.components.content', [
.directive('mdContent', mdContentDirective);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdContent
* @module material.components.content
* @restrict E
* @description
* The `<md-content>` directive is a container element useful for scrollable content. It achieves
* this by setting the CSS `overflow` property to `auto` so that content can properly scroll.
* In general, `<md-content>` components are not designed to be nested inside one another. If
* possible, it is better to make them siblings. This often results in a better user experience as
* having nested scrollbars may confuse the user.
* ## Troubleshooting
* In some cases, you may wish to apply the `md-no-momentum` class to ensure that Safari's
* momentum scrolling is disabled. Momentum scrolling can cause flickering issues while scrolling
* SVG icons and some other components.
* Additionally, we now also offer the `md-no-flicker` class which can be applied to any element
* and uses a Webkit-specific filter of `blur(0px)` that forces GPU rendering of all elements
* inside (which eliminates the flicker on iOS devices).
* _<b>Note:</b> Forcing an element to render on the GPU can have unintended side-effects, especially
* related to the z-index of elements. Please use with caution and only on the elements needed._
* @usage
* Add the `[layout-padding]` attribute to make the content padded.
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-content layout-padding>
* Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ne quod novum mei.
* </md-content>
* </hljs>
function mdContentDirective($mdTheming) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
controller: ['$scope', '$element', ContentController],
link: function(scope, element) {
element.addClass('_md'); // private md component indicator for styling
scope.$broadcast('$mdContentLoaded', element);
function ContentController($scope, $element) {
this.$scope = $scope;
this.$element = $element;
function iosScrollFix(node) {
// If we scroll where there is no more room for the webview to scroll,
// by default the webview itself will scroll up and down, this looks really
// bad. So if we are scrolling to the very top or bottom, add/subtract one
angular.element(node).on('$md.pressdown', function(ev) {
// Only touch events
if (ev.pointer.type !== 't') return;
// Don't let a child content's touchstart ruin it for us.
if (ev.$materialScrollFixed) return;
ev.$materialScrollFixed = true;
if (node.scrollTop === 0) {
node.scrollTop = 1;
} else if (node.scrollHeight === node.scrollTop + node.offsetHeight) {
node.scrollTop -= 1;
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.datepicker
* @description Module for the datepicker component.
angular.module('material.components.datepicker', [
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.dialog
MdDialogDirective.$inject = ["$$rAF", "$mdTheming", "$mdDialog"];
MdDialogProvider.$inject = ["$$interimElementProvider"];
.module('material.components.dialog', [
.directive('mdDialog', MdDialogDirective)
.provider('$mdDialog', MdDialogProvider);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdDialog
* @module material.components.dialog
* @restrict E
* @description
* `<md-dialog>` - The dialog's template must be inside this element.
* Inside, use an `<md-dialog-content>` element for the dialog's content, and use
* an `<md-dialog-actions>` element for the dialog's actions.
* ## CSS
* - `.md-dialog-content` - class that sets the padding on the content as the spec file
* ## Notes
* - If you specify an `id` for the `<md-dialog>`, the `<md-dialog-content>` will have the same `id`
* prefixed with `dialogContent_`.
* @usage
* ### Dialog template
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-dialog aria-label="List dialog">
* <md-dialog-content>
* <md-list>
* <md-list-item ng-repeat="item in items">
* <p>Number {{item}}</p>
* </md-list-item>
* </md-list>
* </md-dialog-content>
* <md-dialog-actions>
* <md-button ng-click="closeDialog()" class="md-primary">Close Dialog</md-button>
* </md-dialog-actions>
* </md-dialog>
* </hljs>
function MdDialogDirective($$rAF, $mdTheming, $mdDialog) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
link: function(scope, element) {
element.addClass('_md'); // private md component indicator for styling
$$rAF(function() {
var images;
var content = element[0].querySelector('md-dialog-content');
if (content) {
images = content.getElementsByTagName('img');
//-- delayed image loading may impact scroll height, check after images are loaded
angular.element(images).on('load', addOverflowClass);
scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
function addOverflowClass() {
element.toggleClass('md-content-overflow', content.scrollHeight > content.clientHeight);
* @ngdoc service
* @name $mdDialog
* @module material.components.dialog
* @description
* `$mdDialog` opens a dialog over the app to inform users about critical information or require
* them to make decisions. There are two approaches for setup: a simple promise API
* and regular object syntax.
* ## Restrictions
* - The dialog is always given an isolate scope.
* - The dialog's template must have an outer `<md-dialog>` element.
* Inside, use an `<md-dialog-content>` element for the dialog's content, and use
* an `<md-dialog-actions>` element for the dialog's actions.
* - Dialogs must cover the entire application to keep interactions inside of them.
* Use the `parent` option to change where dialogs are appended.
* ## Sizing
* - Complex dialogs can be sized with `flex="percentage"`, i.e. `flex="66"`.
* - Default max-width is 80% of the `rootElement` or `parent`.
* ## CSS
* - `.md-dialog-content` - class that sets the padding on the content as the spec file
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <div ng-app="demoApp" ng-controller="EmployeeController">
* <div>
* <md-button ng-click="showAlert()" class="md-raised md-warn">
* Employee Alert!
* </md-button>
* </div>
* <div>
* <md-button ng-click="showDialog($event)" class="md-raised">
* Custom Dialog
* </md-button>
* </div>
* <div>
* <md-button ng-click="closeAlert()" ng-disabled="!hasAlert()" class="md-raised">
* Close Alert
* </md-button>
* </div>
* <div>
* <md-button ng-click="showGreeting($event)" class="md-raised md-primary" >
* Greet Employee
* </md-button>
* </div>
* </div>
* </hljs>
* ### JavaScript: object syntax
* <hljs lang="js">
* (function(angular, undefined){
* "use strict";
* angular
* .module('demoApp', ['ngMaterial'])
* .controller('AppCtrl', AppController);
* function AppController($scope, $mdDialog) {
* var alert;
* $scope.showAlert = showAlert;
* $scope.showDialog = showDialog;
* $scope.items = [1, 2, 3];
* // Internal method
* function showAlert() {
* alert = $mdDialog.alert({
* title: 'Attention',
* textContent: 'This is an example of how easy dialogs can be!',
* ok: 'Close'
* });
* $mdDialog
* .show( alert )
* .finally(function() {
* alert = undefined;
* });
* }
* function showDialog($event) {
* var parentEl = angular.element(document.body);
* ${
* parent: parentEl,
* targetEvent: $event,
* template:
* '<md-dialog aria-label="List dialog">' +
* ' <md-dialog-content>'+
* ' <md-list>'+
* ' <md-list-item ng-repeat="item in items">'+
* ' <p>Number {{item}}</p>' +
* ' </md-item>'+
* ' </md-list>'+
* ' </md-dialog-content>' +
* ' <md-dialog-actions>' +
* ' <md-button ng-click="closeDialog()" class="md-primary">' +
* ' Close Dialog' +
* ' </md-button>' +
* ' </md-dialog-actions>' +
* '</md-dialog>',
* locals: {
* items: $scope.items
* },
* controller: DialogController
* });
* function DialogController($scope, $mdDialog, items) {
* $scope.items = items;
* $scope.closeDialog = function() {
* $mdDialog.hide();
* }
* }
* }
* }
* })(angular);
* </hljs>
* ### Pre-Rendered Dialogs
* By using the `contentElement` option, it is possible to use an already existing element in the DOM.
* <hljs lang="js">
* $scope.showPrerenderedDialog = function() {
* ${
* contentElement: '#myStaticDialog',
* parent: angular.element(document.body)
* });
* };
* </hljs>
* When using a string as value, `$mdDialog` will automatically query the DOM for the specified CSS selector.
* <hljs lang="html">
* <div style="visibility: hidden">
* <div class="md-dialog-container" id="myStaticDialog">
* <md-dialog>
* This is a pre-rendered dialog.
* </md-dialog>
* </div>
* </div>
* </hljs>
* **Notice**: It is important, to use the `.md-dialog-container` as the content element, otherwise the dialog
* will not show up.
* It also possible to use a DOM element for the `contentElement` option.
* - `contentElement: document.querySelector('#myStaticDialog')`
* - `contentElement: angular.element(TEMPLATE)`
* When using a `template` as content element, it will be not compiled upon open.
* This allows you to compile the element yourself and use it each time the dialog opens.
* ### Custom Presets
* Developers are also able to create their own preset, which can be easily used without repeating
* their options each time.
* <hljs lang="js">
* $mdDialogProvider.addPreset('testPreset', {
* options: function() {
* return {
* template:
* '<md-dialog>' +
* 'This is a custom preset' +
* '</md-dialog>',
* controllerAs: 'dialog',
* bindToController: true,
* clickOutsideToClose: true,
* escapeToClose: true
* };
* }
* });
* </hljs>
* After you created your preset at config phase, you can easily access it.
* <hljs lang="js">
* $
* $mdDialog.testPreset()
* );
* </hljs>
* ### JavaScript: promise API syntax, custom dialog template
* <hljs lang="js">
* (function(angular, undefined){
* "use strict";
* angular
* .module('demoApp', ['ngMaterial'])
* .controller('EmployeeController', EmployeeEditor)
* .controller('GreetingController', GreetingController);
* // Fictitious Employee Editor to show how to use simple and complex dialogs.
* function EmployeeEditor($scope, $mdDialog) {
* var alert;
* $scope.showAlert = showAlert;
* $scope.closeAlert = closeAlert;
* $scope.showGreeting = showCustomGreeting;
* $scope.hasAlert = function() { return !!alert };
* $scope.userName = $scope.userName || 'Bobby';
* // Dialog #1 - Show simple alert dialog and cache
* // reference to dialog instance
* function showAlert() {
* alert = $mdDialog.alert()
* .title('Attention, ' + $scope.userName)
* .textContent('This is an example of how easy dialogs can be!')
* .ok('Close');
* $mdDialog
* .show( alert )
* .finally(function() {
* alert = undefined;
* });
* }
* // Close the specified dialog instance and resolve with 'finished' flag
* // Normally this is not needed, just use '$mdDialog.hide()' to close
* // the most recent dialog popup.
* function closeAlert() {
* $mdDialog.hide( alert, "finished" );
* alert = undefined;
* }
* // Dialog #2 - Demonstrate more complex dialogs construction and popup.
* function showCustomGreeting($event) {
* ${
* targetEvent: $event,
* template:
* '<md-dialog>' +
* ' <md-dialog-content>Hello {{ employee }}!</md-dialog-content>' +
* ' <md-dialog-actions>' +
* ' <md-button ng-click="closeDialog()" class="md-primary">' +
* ' Close Greeting' +
* ' </md-button>' +
* ' </md-dialog-actions>' +
* '</md-dialog>',
* controller: 'GreetingController',
* onComplete: afterShowAnimation,
* locals: { employee: $scope.userName }
* });
* // When the 'enter' animation finishes...
* function afterShowAnimation(scope, element, options) {
* // post-show code here: DOM element focus, etc.
* }
* }
* // Dialog #3 - Demonstrate use of ControllerAs and passing $scope to dialog
* // Here we used ng-controller="GreetingController as vm" and
* // $scope.vm === <controller instance>
* function showCustomGreeting() {
* ${
* clickOutsideToClose: true,
* scope: $scope, // use parent scope in template
* preserveScope: true, // do not forget this if use parent scope
* // Since GreetingController is instantiated with ControllerAs syntax
* // AND we are passing the parent '$scope' to the dialog, we MUST
* // use 'vm.<xxx>' in the template markup
* template: '<md-dialog>' +
* ' <md-dialog-content>' +
* ' Hi There {{vm.employee}}' +
* ' </md-dialog-content>' +
* '</md-dialog>',
* controller: function DialogController($scope, $mdDialog) {
* $scope.closeDialog = function() {
* $mdDialog.hide();
* }
* }
* });
* }
* }
* // Greeting controller used with the more complex 'showCustomGreeting()' custom dialog
* function GreetingController($scope, $mdDialog, employee) {
* // Assigned from construction <code>locals</code> options...
* $scope.employee = employee;
* $scope.closeDialog = function() {
* // Easily hides most recent dialog shown...
* // no specific instance reference is needed.
* $mdDialog.hide();
* };
* }
* })(angular);
* </hljs>
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdDialog#alert
* @description
* Builds a preconfigured dialog with the specified message.
* @returns {obj} an `$mdDialogPreset` with the chainable configuration methods:
* - $mdDialogPreset#title(string) - Sets the alert title.
* - $mdDialogPreset#textContent(string) - Sets the alert message.
* - $mdDialogPreset#htmlContent(string) - Sets the alert message as HTML. Requires ngSanitize
* module to be loaded. HTML is not run through Angular's compiler.
* - $mdDialogPreset#ok(string) - Sets the alert "Okay" button text.
* - $mdDialogPreset#theme(string) - Sets the theme of the alert dialog.
* - $mdDialogPreset#targetEvent(DOMClickEvent=) - A click's event object. When passed in as an option,
* the location of the click will be used as the starting point for the opening animation
* of the the dialog.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdDialog#confirm
* @description
* Builds a preconfigured dialog with the specified message. You can call show and the promise returned
* will be resolved only if the user clicks the confirm action on the dialog.
* @returns {obj} an `$mdDialogPreset` with the chainable configuration methods:
* Additionally, it supports the following methods:
* - $mdDialogPreset#title(string) - Sets the confirm title.
* - $mdDialogPreset#textContent(string) - Sets the confirm message.
* - $mdDialogPreset#htmlContent(string) - Sets the confirm message as HTML. Requires ngSanitize
* module to be loaded. HTML is not run through Angular's compiler.
* - $mdDialogPreset#ok(string) - Sets the confirm "Okay" button text.
* - $mdDialogPreset#cancel(string) - Sets the confirm "Cancel" button text.
* - $mdDialogPreset#theme(string) - Sets the theme of the confirm dialog.
* - $mdDialogPreset#targetEvent(DOMClickEvent=) - A click's event object. When passed in as an option,
* the location of the click will be used as the starting point for the opening animation
* of the the dialog.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdDialog#prompt
* @description
* Builds a preconfigured dialog with the specified message and input box. You can call show and the promise returned
* will be resolved only if the user clicks the prompt action on the dialog, passing the input value as the first argument.
* @returns {obj} an `$mdDialogPreset` with the chainable configuration methods:
* Additionally, it supports the following methods:
* - $mdDialogPreset#title(string) - Sets the prompt title.
* - $mdDialogPreset#textContent(string) - Sets the prompt message.
* - $mdDialogPreset#htmlContent(string) - Sets the prompt message as HTML. Requires ngSanitize
* module to be loaded. HTML is not run through Angular's compiler.
* - $mdDialogPreset#placeholder(string) - Sets the placeholder text for the input.
* - $mdDialogPreset#initialValue(string) - Sets the initial value for the prompt input.
* - $mdDialogPreset#ok(string) - Sets the prompt "Okay" button text.
* - $mdDialogPreset#cancel(string) - Sets the prompt "Cancel" button text.
* - $mdDialogPreset#theme(string) - Sets the theme of the prompt dialog.
* - $mdDialogPreset#targetEvent(DOMClickEvent=) - A click's event object. When passed in as an option,
* the location of the click will be used as the starting point for the opening animation
* of the the dialog.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdDialog#show
* @description
* Show a dialog with the specified options.
* @param {object} optionsOrPreset Either provide an `$mdDialogPreset` returned from `alert()`, and
* `confirm()`, or an options object with the following properties:
* - `templateUrl` - `{string=}`: The url of a template that will be used as the content
* of the dialog.
* - `template` - `{string=}`: HTML template to show in the dialog. This **must** be trusted HTML
* with respect to Angular's [$sce service]($sce).
* This template should **never** be constructed with any kind of user input or user data.
* - `contentElement` - `{string|Element}`: Instead of using a template, which will be compiled each time a
* dialog opens, you can also use a DOM element.<br/>
* * When specifying an element, which is present on the DOM, `$mdDialog` will temporary fetch the element into
* the dialog and restores it at the old DOM position upon close.
* * When specifying a string, the string be used as a CSS selector, to lookup for the element in the DOM.
* - `autoWrap` - `{boolean=}`: Whether or not to automatically wrap the template with a
* `<md-dialog>` tag if one is not provided. Defaults to true. Can be disabled if you provide a
* custom dialog directive.
* - `targetEvent` - `{DOMClickEvent=}`: A click's event object. When passed in as an option,
* the location of the click will be used as the starting point for the opening animation
* of the the dialog.
* - `openFrom` - `{string|Element|object}`: The query selector, DOM element or the Rect object
* that is used to determine the bounds (top, left, height, width) from which the Dialog will
* originate.
* - `closeTo` - `{string|Element|object}`: The query selector, DOM element or the Rect object
* that is used to determine the bounds (top, left, height, width) to which the Dialog will
* target.
* - `scope` - `{object=}`: the scope to link the template / controller to. If none is specified,
* it will create a new isolate scope.
* This scope will be destroyed when the dialog is removed unless `preserveScope` is set to true.
* - `preserveScope` - `{boolean=}`: whether to preserve the scope when the element is removed. Default is false
* - `disableParentScroll` - `{boolean=}`: Whether to disable scrolling while the dialog is open.
* Default true.
* - `hasBackdrop` - `{boolean=}`: Whether there should be an opaque backdrop behind the dialog.
* Default true.
* - `clickOutsideToClose` - `{boolean=}`: Whether the user can click outside the dialog to
* close it. Default false.
* - `escapeToClose` - `{boolean=}`: Whether the user can press escape to close the dialog.
* Default true.
* - `focusOnOpen` - `{boolean=}`: An option to override focus behavior on open. Only disable if
* focusing some other way, as focus management is required for dialogs to be accessible.
* Defaults to true.
* - `controller` - `{function|string=}`: The controller to associate with the dialog. The controller
* will be injected with the local `$mdDialog`, which passes along a scope for the dialog.
* - `locals` - `{object=}`: An object containing key/value pairs. The keys will be used as names
* of values to inject into the controller. For example, `locals: {three: 3}` would inject
* `three` into the controller, with the value 3. If `bindToController` is true, they will be
* copied to the controller instead.
* - `bindToController` - `bool`: bind the locals to the controller, instead of passing them in.
* - `resolve` - `{object=}`: Similar to locals, except it takes promises as values, and the
* dialog will not open until all of the promises resolve.
* - `controllerAs` - `{string=}`: An alias to assign the controller to on the scope.
* - `parent` - `{element=}`: The element to append the dialog to. Defaults to appending
* to the root element of the application.
* - `onShowing` - `function(scope, element)`: Callback function used to announce the show() action is
* starting.
* - `onComplete` - `function(scope, element)`: Callback function used to announce when the show() action is
* finished.
* - `onRemoving` - `function(element, removePromise)`: Callback function used to announce the
* close/hide() action is starting. This allows developers to run custom animations
* in parallel the close animations.
* - `fullscreen` `{boolean=}`: An option to toggle whether the dialog should show in fullscreen
* or not. Defaults to `false`.
* @returns {promise} A promise that can be resolved with `$mdDialog.hide()` or
* rejected with `$mdDialog.cancel()`.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdDialog#hide
* @description
* Hide an existing dialog and resolve the promise returned from `$`.
* @param {*=} response An argument for the resolved promise.
* @returns {promise} A promise that is resolved when the dialog has been closed.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdDialog#cancel
* @description
* Hide an existing dialog and reject the promise returned from `$`.
* @param {*=} response An argument for the rejected promise.
* @returns {promise} A promise that is resolved when the dialog has been closed.
function MdDialogProvider($$interimElementProvider) {
// Elements to capture and redirect focus when the user presses tab at the dialog boundary.
advancedDialogOptions.$inject = ["$mdDialog", "$mdConstant"];
dialogDefaultOptions.$inject = ["$mdDialog", "$mdAria", "$mdUtil", "$mdConstant", "$animate", "$document", "$window", "$rootElement", "$log", "$injector", "$mdTheming"];
var topFocusTrap, bottomFocusTrap;
return $$interimElementProvider('$mdDialog')
methods: ['disableParentScroll', 'hasBackdrop', 'clickOutsideToClose', 'escapeToClose',
'targetEvent', 'closeTo', 'openFrom', 'parent', 'fullscreen', 'contentElement'],
options: dialogDefaultOptions
.addPreset('alert', {
methods: ['title', 'htmlContent', 'textContent', 'content', 'ariaLabel', 'ok', 'theme',
options: advancedDialogOptions
.addPreset('confirm', {
methods: ['title', 'htmlContent', 'textContent', 'content', 'ariaLabel', 'ok', 'cancel',
'theme', 'css'],
options: advancedDialogOptions
.addPreset('prompt', {
methods: ['title', 'htmlContent', 'textContent', 'initialValue', 'content', 'placeholder', 'ariaLabel',
'ok', 'cancel', 'theme', 'css'],
options: advancedDialogOptions
/* @ngInject */
function advancedDialogOptions($mdDialog, $mdConstant) {
return {
template: [
'<md-dialog md-theme="{{ dialog.theme }}" aria-label="{{ dialog.ariaLabel }}" ng-class="dialog.css">',
' <md-dialog-content class="md-dialog-content" role="document" tabIndex="-1">',
' <h2 class="md-title">{{ dialog.title }}</h2>',
' <div ng-if="::dialog.mdHtmlContent" class="md-dialog-content-body" ',
' ng-bind-html="::dialog.mdHtmlContent"></div>',
' <div ng-if="::!dialog.mdHtmlContent" class="md-dialog-content-body">',
' <p>{{::dialog.mdTextContent}}</p>',
' </div>',
' <md-input-container md-no-float ng-if="::dialog.$type == \'prompt\'" class="md-prompt-input-container">',
' <input ng-keypress="dialog.keypress($event)" md-autofocus ng-model="dialog.result" ' +
' placeholder="{{::dialog.placeholder}}">',
' </md-input-container>',
' </md-dialog-content>',
' <md-dialog-actions>',
' <md-button ng-if="dialog.$type === \'confirm\' || dialog.$type === \'prompt\'"' +
' ng-click="dialog.abort()" class="md-primary md-cancel-button">',
' {{ dialog.cancel }}',
' </md-button>',
' <md-button ng-click="dialog.hide()" class="md-primary md-confirm-button" md-autofocus="dialog.$type===\'alert\'">',
' {{ dialog.ok }}',
' </md-button>',
' </md-dialog-actions>',
].join('').replace(/\s\s+/g, ''),
controller: function mdDialogCtrl() {
var isPrompt = this.$type == 'prompt';
if (isPrompt && this.initialValue) {
this.result = this.initialValue;
this.hide = function() {
$mdDialog.hide(isPrompt ? this.result : true);
this.abort = function() {
this.keypress = function($event) {
if ($event.keyCode === $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.ENTER) {
controllerAs: 'dialog',
bindToController: true,
/* @ngInject */
function dialogDefaultOptions($mdDialog, $mdAria, $mdUtil, $mdConstant, $animate, $document, $window, $rootElement,
$log, $injector, $mdTheming) {
return {
hasBackdrop: true,
isolateScope: true,
onCompiling: beforeCompile,
onShow: onShow,
onShowing: beforeShow,
onRemove: onRemove,
clickOutsideToClose: false,
escapeToClose: true,
targetEvent: null,
contentElement: null,
closeTo: null,
openFrom: null,
focusOnOpen: true,
disableParentScroll: true,
autoWrap: true,
fullscreen: false,
transformTemplate: function(template, options) {
// Make the dialog container focusable, because otherwise the focus will be always redirected to
// an element outside of the container, and the focus trap won't work probably..
// Also the tabindex is needed for the `escapeToClose` functionality, because
// the keyDown event can't be triggered when the focus is outside of the container.
return '<div class="md-dialog-container" tabindex="-1">' + validatedTemplate(template) + '</div>';
* The specified template should contain a <md-dialog> wrapper element....
function validatedTemplate(template) {
if (options.autoWrap && !/<\/md-dialog>/g.test(template)) {
return '<md-dialog>' + (template || '') + '</md-dialog>';
} else {
return template || '';
function beforeCompile(options) {
// Automatically apply the theme, if the user didn't specify a theme explicitly.
// Those option changes need to be done, before the compilation has started, because otherwise
// the option changes will be not available in the $mdCompilers locales.
if (options.contentElement) {
options.restoreContentElement = installContentElement(options);
function beforeShow(scope, element, options, controller) {
if (controller) {
controller.mdHtmlContent = controller.htmlContent || options.htmlContent || '';
controller.mdTextContent = controller.textContent || options.textContent ||
controller.content || options.content || '';
if (controller.mdHtmlContent && !$injector.has('$sanitize')) {
throw Error('The ngSanitize module must be loaded in order to use htmlContent.');
if (controller.mdHtmlContent && controller.mdTextContent) {
throw Error('md-dialog cannot have both `htmlContent` and `textContent`');
/** Show method for dialogs */
function onShow(scope, element, options, controller) {
var dialogElement = element.find('md-dialog');
// Once a dialog has `ng-cloak` applied on his template the dialog animation will not work properly.
// This is a very common problem, so we have to notify the developer about this.
if (dialogElement.hasClass('ng-cloak')) {
var message = '$mdDialog: using `<md-dialog ng-cloak >` will affect the dialog opening animations.';
$log.warn( message, element[0] );
configureAria(dialogElement, options);
showBackdrop(scope, element, options);
activateListeners(element, options);
return dialogPopIn(element, options)
.then(function() {
lockScreenReader(element, options);
* Check to see if they used the deprecated .md-actions class and log a warning
function warnDeprecatedActions() {
if (element[0].querySelector('.md-actions')) {
$log.warn('Using a class of md-actions is deprecated, please use <md-dialog-actions>.');
* For alerts, focus on content... otherwise focus on
* the close button (or equivalent)
function focusOnOpen() {
if (options.focusOnOpen) {
var target = $mdUtil.findFocusTarget(element) || findCloseButton() || dialogElement;
* If no element with class dialog-close, try to find the last
* button child in md-actions and assume it is a close button.
* If we find no actions at all, log a warning to the console.
function findCloseButton() {
var closeButton = element[0].querySelector('.dialog-close');
if (!closeButton) {
var actionButtons = element[0].querySelectorAll('.md-actions button, md-dialog-actions button');
closeButton = actionButtons[actionButtons.length - 1];
return closeButton;
* Remove function for all dialogs
function onRemove(scope, element, options) {
// Remove the focus traps that we added earlier for keeping focus within the dialog.
if (topFocusTrap && topFocusTrap.parentNode) {
if (bottomFocusTrap && bottomFocusTrap.parentNode) {
// For navigation $destroy events, do a quick, non-animated removal,
// but for normal closes (from clicks, etc) animate the removal
return !!options.$destroy ? detachAndClean() : animateRemoval().then( detachAndClean );
* For normal closes, animate the removal.
* For forced closes (like $destroy events), skip the animations
function animateRemoval() {
return dialogPopOut(element, options);
* Detach the element
function detachAndClean() {
// Only remove the element, if it's not provided through the contentElement option.
if (!options.contentElement) {
} else {
if (!options.$destroy) options.origin.focus();
function detectTheming(options) {
// Only detect the theming, if the developer didn't specify the theme specifically.
if (options.theme) return;
options.theme = $mdTheming.defaultTheme();
if (options.targetEvent && {
var targetEl = angular.element(;
// Once the user specifies a targetEvent, we will automatically try to find the correct
// nested theme.
options.theme = (targetEl.controller('mdTheme') || {}).$mdTheme || options.theme;
* Installs a content element to the current $$interimElement provider options.
* @returns {Function} Function to restore the content element at its old DOM location.
function installContentElement(options) {
var contentEl = options.contentElement;
var restoreFn = null;
if (angular.isString(contentEl)) {
contentEl = document.querySelector(contentEl);
restoreFn = createRestoreFn(contentEl);
} else {
contentEl = contentEl[0] || contentEl;
// When the element is visible in the DOM, then we restore it at close of the dialog.
// Otherwise it will be removed from the DOM after close.
if (document.contains(contentEl)) {
restoreFn = createRestoreFn(contentEl);
} else {
restoreFn = function() {
// Overwrite the options to use the content element.
options.element = angular.element(contentEl);
options.skipCompile = true;
return restoreFn;
function createRestoreFn(element) {
var parent = element.parentNode;
var nextSibling = element.nextElementSibling;
return function() {
if (!nextSibling) {
// When the element didn't had any sibling, then it can be simply appended to the
// parent, because it plays no role, which index it had before.
} else {
// When the element had a sibling, which marks the previous position of the element
// in the DOM, we insert it correctly before the sibling, to have the same index as
// before.
parent.insertBefore(element, nextSibling);
* Capture originator/trigger/from/to element information (if available)
* and the parent container for the dialog; defaults to the $rootElement
* unless overridden in the options.parent
function captureParentAndFromToElements(options) {
options.origin = angular.extend({
element: null,
bounds: null,
focus: angular.noop
}, options.origin || {});
options.parent = getDomElement(options.parent, $rootElement);
options.closeTo = getBoundingClientRect(getDomElement(options.closeTo));
options.openFrom = getBoundingClientRect(getDomElement(options.openFrom));
if ( options.targetEvent ) {
options.origin = getBoundingClientRect(, options.origin);
* Identify the bounding RECT for the target element
function getBoundingClientRect (element, orig) {
var source = angular.element((element || {}));
if (source && source.length) {
// Compute and save the target element's bounding rect, so that if the
// element is hidden when the dialog closes, we can shrink the dialog
// back to the same position it expanded from.
// Checking if the source is a rect object or a DOM element
var bounds = {top:0,left:0,height:0,width:0};
var hasFn = angular.isFunction(source[0].getBoundingClientRect);
return angular.extend(orig || {}, {
element : hasFn ? source : undefined,
bounds : hasFn ? source[0].getBoundingClientRect() : angular.extend({}, bounds, source[0]),
focus : angular.bind(source, source.focus),
* If the specifier is a simple string selector, then query for
* the DOM element.
function getDomElement(element, defaultElement) {
if (angular.isString(element)) {
element = $document[0].querySelector(element);
// If we have a reference to a raw dom element, always wrap it in jqLite
return angular.element(element || defaultElement);
* Listen for escape keys and outside clicks to auto close
function activateListeners(element, options) {
var window = angular.element($window);
var onWindowResize = $mdUtil.debounce(function() {
stretchDialogContainerToViewport(element, options);
}, 60);
var removeListeners = [];
var smartClose = function() {
// Only 'confirm' dialogs have a cancel button... escape/clickOutside will
// cancel or fallback to hide.
var closeFn = ( options.$type == 'alert' ) ? $mdDialog.hide : $mdDialog.cancel;
$mdUtil.nextTick(closeFn, true);
if (options.escapeToClose) {
var parentTarget = options.parent;
var keyHandlerFn = function(ev) {
if (ev.keyCode === $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.ESCAPE) {
// Add keydown listeners
element.on('keydown', keyHandlerFn);
parentTarget.on('keydown', keyHandlerFn);
// Queue remove listeners function
removeListeners.push(function() {'keydown', keyHandlerFn);'keydown', keyHandlerFn);
// Register listener to update dialog on window resize
window.on('resize', onWindowResize);
removeListeners.push(function() {'resize', onWindowResize);
if (options.clickOutsideToClose) {
var target = element;
var sourceElem;
// Keep track of the element on which the mouse originally went down
// so that we can only close the backdrop when the 'click' started on it.
// A simple 'click' handler does not work,
// it sets the target object as the element the mouse went down on.
var mousedownHandler = function(ev) {
sourceElem =;
// We check if our original element and the target is the backdrop
// because if the original was the backdrop and the target was inside the dialog
// we don't want to dialog to close.
var mouseupHandler = function(ev) {
if (sourceElem === target[0] && === target[0]) {
// Add listeners
target.on('mousedown', mousedownHandler);
target.on('mouseup', mouseupHandler);
// Queue remove listeners function
removeListeners.push(function() {'mousedown', mousedownHandler);'mouseup', mouseupHandler);
// Attach specific `remove` listener handler
options.deactivateListeners = function() {
removeListeners.forEach(function(removeFn) {
options.deactivateListeners = null;
* Show modal backdrop element...
function showBackdrop(scope, element, options) {
if (options.disableParentScroll) {
// !! DO this before creating the backdrop; since disableScrollAround()
// configures the scroll offset; which is used by mdBackDrop postLink()
options.restoreScroll = $mdUtil.disableScrollAround(element, options.parent);
if (options.hasBackdrop) {
options.backdrop = $mdUtil.createBackdrop(scope, "md-dialog-backdrop md-opaque");
$animate.enter(options.backdrop, options.parent);
* Hide modal backdrop element...
options.hideBackdrop = function hideBackdrop($destroy) {
if (options.backdrop) {
if ( !!$destroy ) options.backdrop.remove();
else $animate.leave(options.backdrop);
if (options.disableParentScroll) {
delete options.restoreScroll;
options.hideBackdrop = null;
* Inject ARIA-specific attributes appropriate for Dialogs
function configureAria(element, options) {
var role = (options.$type === 'alert') ? 'alertdialog' : 'dialog';
var dialogContent = element.find('md-dialog-content');
var existingDialogId = element.attr('id');
var dialogContentId = 'dialogContent_' + (existingDialogId || $mdUtil.nextUid());
'role': role,
'tabIndex': '-1'
if (dialogContent.length === 0) {
dialogContent = element;
// If the dialog element already had an ID, don't clobber it.
if (existingDialogId) {
dialogContentId = existingDialogId;
dialogContent.attr('id', dialogContentId);
element.attr('aria-describedby', dialogContentId);
if (options.ariaLabel) {
$mdAria.expect(element, 'aria-label', options.ariaLabel);
else {
$mdAria.expectAsync(element, 'aria-label', function() {
var words = dialogContent.text().split(/\s+/);
if (words.length > 3) words = words.slice(0, 3).concat('...');
return words.join(' ');
// Set up elements before and after the dialog content to capture focus and
// redirect back into the dialog.
topFocusTrap = document.createElement('div');
topFocusTrap.tabIndex = 0;
bottomFocusTrap = topFocusTrap.cloneNode(false);
// When focus is about to move out of the dialog, we want to intercept it and redirect it
// back to the dialog element.
var focusHandler = function() {
topFocusTrap.addEventListener('focus', focusHandler);
bottomFocusTrap.addEventListener('focus', focusHandler);
// The top focus trap inserted immeidately before the md-dialog element (as a sibling).
// The bottom focus trap is inserted at the very end of the md-dialog element (as a child).
element[0].parentNode.insertBefore(topFocusTrap, element[0]);
* Prevents screen reader interaction behind modal window
* on swipe interfaces
function lockScreenReader(element, options) {
var isHidden = true;
// get raw DOM node
options.unlockScreenReader = function() {
isHidden = false;
options.unlockScreenReader = null;
* Walk DOM to apply or remove aria-hidden on sibling nodes
* and parent sibling nodes
function walkDOM(element) {
while (element.parentNode) {
if (element === document.body) {
var children = element.parentNode.children;
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
// skip over child if it is an ascendant of the dialog
// or a script or style tag
if (element !== children[i] && !isNodeOneOf(children[i], ['SCRIPT', 'STYLE'])) {
children[i].setAttribute('aria-hidden', isHidden);
walkDOM(element = element.parentNode);
* Ensure the dialog container fill-stretches to the viewport
function stretchDialogContainerToViewport(container, options) {
var isFixed = $window.getComputedStyle($document[0].body).position == 'fixed';
var backdrop = options.backdrop ? $window.getComputedStyle(options.backdrop[0]) : null;
var height = backdrop ? Math.min($document[0].body.clientHeight, Math.ceil(Math.abs(parseInt(backdrop.height, 10)))) : 0;
var previousStyles = {
top: container.css('top'),
height: container.css('height')
top: (isFixed ? $mdUtil.scrollTop(options.parent) : 0) + 'px',
height: height ? height + 'px' : '100%'
return function() {
// Reverts the modified styles back to the previous values.
// This is needed for contentElements, which should have the same styles after close
// as before.
* Dialog open and pop-in animation
function dialogPopIn(container, options) {
// Add the `md-dialog-container` to the DOM
options.reverseContainerStretch = stretchDialogContainerToViewport(container, options);
var dialogEl = container.find('md-dialog');
var animator = $mdUtil.dom.animator;
var buildTranslateToOrigin = animator.calculateZoomToOrigin;
var translateOptions = {transitionInClass: 'md-transition-in', transitionOutClass: 'md-transition-out'};
var from = animator.toTransformCss(buildTranslateToOrigin(dialogEl, options.openFrom || options.origin));
var to = animator.toTransformCss(""); // defaults to center display (or parent or $rootElement)
dialogEl.toggleClass('md-dialog-fullscreen', !!options.fullscreen);
return animator
.translate3d(dialogEl, from, to, translateOptions)
.then(function(animateReversal) {
// Build a reversal translate function synced to this translation...
options.reverseAnimate = function() {
delete options.reverseAnimate;
if (options.closeTo) {
// Using the opposite classes to create a close animation to the closeTo element
translateOptions = {transitionInClass: 'md-transition-out', transitionOutClass: 'md-transition-in'};
from = to;
to = animator.toTransformCss(buildTranslateToOrigin(dialogEl, options.closeTo));
return animator
.translate3d(dialogEl, from, to,translateOptions);
return animateReversal(
to = animator.toTransformCss(
// in case the origin element has moved or is hidden,
// let's recalculate the translateCSS
buildTranslateToOrigin(dialogEl, options.origin)
// Function to revert the generated animation styles on the dialog element.
// Useful when using a contentElement instead of a template.
options.clearAnimate = function() {
delete options.clearAnimate;
// Remove the transition classes, added from $animateCSS, since those can't be removed
// by reversely running the animator.
].join(' '));
// Run the animation reversely to remove the previous added animation styles.
return animator.translate3d(dialogEl, to, animator.toTransformCss(''), {});
return true;
* Dialog close and pop-out animation
function dialogPopOut(container, options) {
return options.reverseAnimate().then(function() {
if (options.contentElement) {
// When we use a contentElement, we want the element to be the same as before.
// That means, that we have to clear all the animation properties, like transform.
* Utility function to filter out raw DOM nodes
function isNodeOneOf(elem, nodeTypeArray) {
if (nodeTypeArray.indexOf(elem.nodeName) !== -1) {
return true;
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.divider
* @description Divider module!
MdDividerDirective.$inject = ["$mdTheming"];
angular.module('material.components.divider', [
.directive('mdDivider', MdDividerDirective);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdDivider
* @module material.components.divider
* @restrict E
* @description
* Dividers group and separate content within lists and page layouts using strong visual and spatial distinctions. This divider is a thin rule, lightweight enough to not distract the user from content.
* @param {boolean=} md-inset Add this attribute to activate the inset divider style.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-divider></md-divider>
* <md-divider md-inset></md-divider>
* </hljs>
function MdDividerDirective($mdTheming) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
link: $mdTheming
"use strict";
(function() {
'use strict';
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.fabActions
MdFabActionsDirective.$inject = ["$mdUtil"];
.module('material.components.fabActions', ['material.core'])
.directive('mdFabActions', MdFabActionsDirective);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdFabActions
* @module material.components.fabActions
* @restrict E
* @description
* The `<md-fab-actions>` directive is used inside of a `<md-fab-speed-dial>` or
* `<md-fab-toolbar>` directive to mark an element (or elements) as the actions and setup the
* proper event listeners.
* @usage
* See the `<md-fab-speed-dial>` or `<md-fab-toolbar>` directives for example usage.
function MdFabActionsDirective($mdUtil) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
require: ['^?mdFabSpeedDial', '^?mdFabToolbar'],
compile: function(element, attributes) {
var children = element.children();
var hasNgRepeat = $mdUtil.prefixer().hasAttribute(children, 'ng-repeat');
// Support both ng-repeat and static content
if (hasNgRepeat) {
} else {
// Wrap every child in a new div and add a class that we can scale/fling independently
children.wrap('<div class="md-fab-action-item">');
"use strict";
(function() {
'use strict';
MdFabController.$inject = ["$scope", "$element", "$animate", "$mdUtil", "$mdConstant", "$timeout"];
angular.module('material.components.fabShared', ['material.core'])
.controller('MdFabController', MdFabController);
function MdFabController($scope, $element, $animate, $mdUtil, $mdConstant, $timeout) {
var vm = this;
// NOTE: We use async eval(s) below to avoid conflicts with any existing digest loops = function() {
$scope.$evalAsync("vm.isOpen = true");
vm.close = function() {
// Async eval to avoid conflicts with existing digest loops
$scope.$evalAsync("vm.isOpen = false");
// Focus the trigger when the element closes so users can still tab to the next item
// Toggle the open/close state when the trigger is clicked
vm.toggle = function() {
$scope.$evalAsync("vm.isOpen = !vm.isOpen");
var initialAnimationAttempts = 0;
function setupDefaults() {
// Set the default direction to 'down' if none is specified
vm.direction = vm.direction || 'down';
// Set the default to be closed
vm.isOpen = vm.isOpen || false;
// Start the keyboard interaction at the first action
// Add an animations waiting class so we know not to run
function setupListeners() {
var eventTypes = [
'click', 'focusin', 'focusout'
// Add our listeners
angular.forEach(eventTypes, function(eventType) {
$element.on(eventType, parseEvents);
// Remove our listeners when destroyed
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
angular.forEach(eventTypes, function(eventType) {
$, parseEvents);
// remove any attached keyboard handlers in case element is removed while
// speed dial is open
var closeTimeout;
function parseEvents(event) {
// If the event is a click, just handle it
if (event.type == 'click') {
// If we focusout, set a timeout to close the element
if (event.type == 'focusout' && !closeTimeout) {
closeTimeout = $timeout(function() {
}, 100, false);
// If we see a focusin and there is a timeout about to run, cancel it so we stay open
if (event.type == 'focusin' && closeTimeout) {
closeTimeout = null;
function resetActionIndex() {
vm.currentActionIndex = -1;
function setupWatchers() {
// Watch for changes to the direction and update classes/attributes
$scope.$watch('vm.direction', function(newDir, oldDir) {
// Add the appropriate classes so we can target the direction in the CSS
$animate.removeClass($element, 'md-' + oldDir);
$animate.addClass($element, 'md-' + newDir);
// Reset the action index since it may have changed
var trigger, actions;
// Watch for changes to md-open
$scope.$watch('vm.isOpen', function(isOpen) {
// Reset the action index since it may have changed
// We can't get the trigger/actions outside of the watch because the component hasn't been
// linked yet, so we wait until the first watch fires to cache them.
if (!trigger || !actions) {
trigger = getTriggerElement();
actions = getActionsElement();
if (isOpen) {
} else {
var toAdd = isOpen ? 'md-is-open' : '';
var toRemove = isOpen ? '' : 'md-is-open';
// Set the proper ARIA attributes
trigger.attr('aria-haspopup', true);
trigger.attr('aria-expanded', isOpen);
actions.attr('aria-hidden', !isOpen);
// Animate the CSS classes
$animate.setClass($element, toAdd, toRemove);
function fireInitialAnimations() {
// If the element is actually visible on the screen
if ($element[0].scrollHeight > 0) {
// Fire our animation
$animate.addClass($element, '_md-animations-ready').then(function() {
// Remove the waiting class
// Otherwise, try for up to 1 second before giving up
else if (initialAnimationAttempts < 10) {
$timeout(fireInitialAnimations, 100);
// Increment our counter
initialAnimationAttempts = initialAnimationAttempts + 1;
function enableKeyboard() {
$element.on('keydown', keyPressed);
// On the next tick, setup a check for outside clicks; we do this on the next tick to avoid
// clicks/touches that result in the isOpen attribute changing (e.g. a bound radio button)
$mdUtil.nextTick(function() {
angular.element(document).on('click touchend', checkForOutsideClick);
// TODO: On desktop, we should be able to reset the indexes so you cannot tab through, but
// this breaks accessibility, especially on mobile, since you have no arrow keys to press
function disableKeyboard() {
$'keydown', keyPressed);
angular.element(document).off('click touchend', checkForOutsideClick);
function checkForOutsideClick(event) {
if ( {
var closestTrigger = $mdUtil.getClosest(, 'md-fab-trigger');
var closestActions = $mdUtil.getClosest(, 'md-fab-actions');
if (!closestTrigger && !closestActions) {
function keyPressed(event) {
switch (event.which) {
case $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.ESCAPE: vm.close(); event.preventDefault(); return false;
case $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.LEFT_ARROW: doKeyLeft(event); return false;
case $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.UP_ARROW: doKeyUp(event); return false;
case $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.RIGHT_ARROW: doKeyRight(event); return false;
case $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.DOWN_ARROW: doKeyDown(event); return false;
function doActionPrev(event) {
focusAction(event, -1);
function doActionNext(event) {
focusAction(event, 1);
function focusAction(event, direction) {
var actions = resetActionTabIndexes();
// Increment/decrement the counter with restrictions
vm.currentActionIndex = vm.currentActionIndex + direction;
vm.currentActionIndex = Math.min(actions.length - 1, vm.currentActionIndex);
vm.currentActionIndex = Math.max(0, vm.currentActionIndex);
// Focus the element
var focusElement = angular.element(actions[vm.currentActionIndex]).children()[0];
angular.element(focusElement).attr('tabindex', 0);
// Make sure the event doesn't bubble and cause something else
function resetActionTabIndexes() {
// Grab all of the actions
var actions = getActionsElement()[0].querySelectorAll('.md-fab-action-item');
// Disable all other actions for tabbing
angular.forEach(actions, function(action) {
angular.element(angular.element(action).children()[0]).attr('tabindex', -1);
return actions;
function doKeyLeft(event) {
if (vm.direction === 'left') {
} else {
function doKeyUp(event) {
if (vm.direction === 'down') {
} else {
function doKeyRight(event) {
if (vm.direction === 'left') {
} else {
function doKeyDown(event) {
if (vm.direction === 'up') {
} else {
function isTrigger(element) {
return $mdUtil.getClosest(element, 'md-fab-trigger');
function isAction(element) {
return $mdUtil.getClosest(element, 'md-fab-actions');
function handleItemClick(event) {
if (isTrigger( {
if (isAction( {
function getTriggerElement() {
return $element.find('md-fab-trigger');
function getActionsElement() {
return $element.find('md-fab-actions');
"use strict";
(function() {
'use strict';
* The duration of the CSS animation in milliseconds.
* @type {number}
MdFabSpeedDialFlingAnimation.$inject = ["$timeout"];
MdFabSpeedDialScaleAnimation.$inject = ["$timeout"];
var cssAnimationDuration = 300;
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.fabSpeedDial
// Declare our module
.module('material.components.fabSpeedDial', [
// Register our directive
.directive('mdFabSpeedDial', MdFabSpeedDialDirective)
// Register our custom animations
.animation('.md-fling', MdFabSpeedDialFlingAnimation)
.animation('.md-scale', MdFabSpeedDialScaleAnimation)
// Register a service for each animation so that we can easily inject them into unit tests
.service('mdFabSpeedDialFlingAnimation', MdFabSpeedDialFlingAnimation)
.service('mdFabSpeedDialScaleAnimation', MdFabSpeedDialScaleAnimation);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdFabSpeedDial
* @module material.components.fabSpeedDial
* @restrict E
* @description
* The `<md-fab-speed-dial>` directive is used to present a series of popup elements (usually
* `<md-button>`s) for quick access to common actions.
* There are currently two animations available by applying one of the following classes to
* the component:
* - `md-fling` - The speed dial items appear from underneath the trigger and move into their
* appropriate positions.
* - `md-scale` - The speed dial items appear in their proper places by scaling from 0% to 100%.
* You may also easily position the trigger by applying one one of the following classes to the
* `<md-fab-speed-dial>` element:
* - `md-fab-top-left`
* - `md-fab-top-right`
* - `md-fab-bottom-left`
* - `md-fab-bottom-right`
* These CSS classes use `position: absolute`, so you need to ensure that the container element
* also uses `position: absolute` or `position: relative` in order for them to work.
* Additionally, you may use the standard `ng-mouseenter` and `ng-mouseleave` directives to
* open or close the speed dial. However, if you wish to allow users to hover over the empty
* space where the actions will appear, you must also add the `md-hover-full` class to the speed
* dial element. Without this, the hover effect will only occur on top of the trigger.
* See the demos for more information.
* ## Troubleshooting
* If your speed dial shows the closing animation upon launch, you may need to use `ng-cloak` on
* the parent container to ensure that it is only visible once ready. We have plans to remove this
* necessity in the future.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-fab-speed-dial md-direction="up" class="md-fling">
* <md-fab-trigger>
* <md-button aria-label="Add..."><md-icon icon="/img/icons/plus.svg"></md-icon></md-button>
* </md-fab-trigger>
* <md-fab-actions>
* <md-button aria-label="Add User">
* <md-icon icon="/img/icons/user.svg"></md-icon>
* </md-button>
* <md-button aria-label="Add Group">
* <md-icon icon="/img/icons/group.svg"></md-icon>
* </md-button>
* </md-fab-actions>
* </md-fab-speed-dial>
* </hljs>
* @param {string} md-direction From which direction you would like the speed dial to appear
* relative to the trigger element.
* @param {expression=} md-open Programmatically control whether or not the speed-dial is visible.
function MdFabSpeedDialDirective() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
direction: '@?mdDirection',
isOpen: '=?mdOpen'
bindToController: true,
controller: 'MdFabController',
controllerAs: 'vm',
link: FabSpeedDialLink
function FabSpeedDialLink(scope, element) {
// Prepend an element to hold our CSS variables so we can use them in the animations below
element.prepend('<div class="_md-css-variables"></div>');
function MdFabSpeedDialFlingAnimation($timeout) {
function delayDone(done) { $timeout(done, cssAnimationDuration, false); }
function runAnimation(element) {
// Don't run if we are still waiting and we are not ready
if (element.hasClass('md-animations-waiting') && !element.hasClass('_md-animations-ready')) {
var el = element[0];
var ctrl = element.controller('mdFabSpeedDial');
var items = el.querySelectorAll('.md-fab-action-item');
// Grab our trigger element
var triggerElement = el.querySelector('md-fab-trigger');
// Grab our element which stores CSS variables
var variablesElement = el.querySelector('._md-css-variables');
// Setup JS variables based on our CSS variables
var startZIndex = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(variablesElement).zIndex);
// Always reset the items to their natural position/state
angular.forEach(items, function(item, index) {
var styles =;
styles.transform = styles.webkitTransform = '';
styles.transitionDelay = '';
styles.opacity = 1;
// Make the items closest to the trigger have the highest z-index
styles.zIndex = (items.length - index) + startZIndex;
// Set the trigger to be above all of the actions so they disappear behind it. = startZIndex + items.length + 1;
// If the control is closed, hide the items behind the trigger
if (!ctrl.isOpen) {
angular.forEach(items, function(item, index) {
var newPosition, axis;
var styles =;
// Make sure to account for differences in the dimensions of the trigger verses the items
// so that we can properly center everything; this helps hide the item's shadows behind
// the trigger.
var triggerItemHeightOffset = (triggerElement.clientHeight - item.clientHeight) / 2;
var triggerItemWidthOffset = (triggerElement.clientWidth - item.clientWidth) / 2;
switch (ctrl.direction) {
case 'up':
newPosition = (item.scrollHeight * (index + 1) + triggerItemHeightOffset);
axis = 'Y';
case 'down':
newPosition = -(item.scrollHeight * (index + 1) + triggerItemHeightOffset);
axis = 'Y';
case 'left':
newPosition = (item.scrollWidth * (index + 1) + triggerItemWidthOffset);
axis = 'X';
case 'right':
newPosition = -(item.scrollWidth * (index + 1) + triggerItemWidthOffset);
axis = 'X';
var newTranslate = 'translate' + axis + '(' + newPosition + 'px)';
styles.transform = styles.webkitTransform = newTranslate;
return {
addClass: function(element, className, done) {
if (element.hasClass('md-fling')) {
} else {
removeClass: function(element, className, done) {
function MdFabSpeedDialScaleAnimation($timeout) {
function delayDone(done) { $timeout(done, cssAnimationDuration, false); }
var delay = 65;
function runAnimation(element) {
var el = element[0];
var ctrl = element.controller('mdFabSpeedDial');
var items = el.querySelectorAll('.md-fab-action-item');
// Grab our element which stores CSS variables
var variablesElement = el.querySelector('._md-css-variables');
// Setup JS variables based on our CSS variables
var startZIndex = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(variablesElement).zIndex);
// Always reset the items to their natural position/state
angular.forEach(items, function(item, index) {
var styles =,
offsetDelay = index * delay;
styles.opacity = ctrl.isOpen ? 1 : 0;
styles.transform = styles.webkitTransform = ctrl.isOpen ? 'scale(1)' : 'scale(0)';
styles.transitionDelay = (ctrl.isOpen ? offsetDelay : (items.length - offsetDelay)) + 'ms';
// Make the items closest to the trigger have the highest z-index
styles.zIndex = (items.length - index) + startZIndex;
return {
addClass: function(element, className, done) {
removeClass: function(element, className, done) {
"use strict";
(function() {
'use strict';
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.fabToolbar
// Declare our module
.module('material.components.fabToolbar', [
// Register our directive
.directive('mdFabToolbar', MdFabToolbarDirective)
// Register our custom animations
.animation('.md-fab-toolbar', MdFabToolbarAnimation)
// Register a service for the animation so that we can easily inject it into unit tests
.service('mdFabToolbarAnimation', MdFabToolbarAnimation);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdFabToolbar
* @module material.components.fabToolbar
* @restrict E
* @description
* The `<md-fab-toolbar>` directive is used present a toolbar of elements (usually `<md-button>`s)
* for quick access to common actions when a floating action button is activated (via click or
* keyboard navigation).
* You may also easily position the trigger by applying one one of the following classes to the
* `<md-fab-toolbar>` element:
* - `md-fab-top-left`
* - `md-fab-top-right`
* - `md-fab-bottom-left`
* - `md-fab-bottom-right`
* These CSS classes use `position: absolute`, so you need to ensure that the container element
* also uses `position: absolute` or `position: relative` in order for them to work.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-fab-toolbar md-direction='left'>
* <md-fab-trigger>
* <md-button aria-label="Add..."><md-icon icon="/img/icons/plus.svg"></md-icon></md-button>
* </md-fab-trigger>
* <md-toolbar>
* <md-fab-actions>
* <md-button aria-label="Add User">
* <md-icon icon="/img/icons/user.svg"></md-icon>
* </md-button>
* <md-button aria-label="Add Group">
* <md-icon icon="/img/icons/group.svg"></md-icon>
* </md-button>
* </md-fab-actions>
* </md-toolbar>
* </md-fab-toolbar>
* </hljs>
* @param {string} md-direction From which direction you would like the toolbar items to appear
* relative to the trigger element. Supports `left` and `right` directions.
* @param {expression=} md-open Programmatically control whether or not the toolbar is visible.
function MdFabToolbarDirective() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
transclude: true,
template: '<div class="md-fab-toolbar-wrapper">' +
' <div class="md-fab-toolbar-content" ng-transclude></div>' +
scope: {
direction: '@?mdDirection',
isOpen: '=?mdOpen'
bindToController: true,
controller: 'MdFabController',
controllerAs: 'vm',
link: link
function link(scope, element, attributes) {
// Add the base class for animations
// Prepend the background element to the trigger's button
.prepend('<div class="md-fab-toolbar-background"></div>');
function MdFabToolbarAnimation() {
function runAnimation(element, className, done) {
// If no className was specified, don't do anything
if (!className) {
var el = element[0];
var ctrl = element.controller('mdFabToolbar');
// Grab the relevant child elements
var backgroundElement = el.querySelector('.md-fab-toolbar-background');
var triggerElement = el.querySelector('md-fab-trigger button');
var toolbarElement = el.querySelector('md-toolbar');
var iconElement = el.querySelector('md-fab-trigger button md-icon');
var actions = element.find('md-fab-actions').children();
// If we have both elements, use them to position the new background
if (triggerElement && backgroundElement) {
// Get our variables
var color = window.getComputedStyle(triggerElement).getPropertyValue('background-color');
var width = el.offsetWidth;
var height = el.offsetHeight;
// Make it twice as big as it should be since we scale from the center
var scale = 2 * (width / triggerElement.offsetWidth);
// Set some basic styles no matter what animation we're doing = color; = width + 'px';
// If we're open
if (ctrl.isOpen) {
// Turn on toolbar pointer events when closed = 'inherit'; = triggerElement.offsetWidth + 'px'; = triggerElement.offsetHeight + 'px'; = 'scale(' + scale + ')';
// Set the next close animation to have the proper delays = '0ms';
iconElement && ( = '.3s');
// Apply a transition delay to actions
angular.forEach(actions, function(action, index) { = (actions.length - index) * 25 + 'ms';
} else {
// Turn off toolbar pointer events when closed = 'none';
// Scale it back down to the trigger's size = 'scale(1)';
// Reset the position = '0';
if (element.hasClass('md-right')) { = '0'; = null;
if (element.hasClass('md-left')) { = '0'; = null;
// Set the next open animation to have the proper delays = '200ms';
iconElement && ( = '0ms');
// Apply a transition delay to actions
angular.forEach(actions, function(action, index) { = 200 + (index * 25) + 'ms';
return {
addClass: function(element, className, done) {
runAnimation(element, className, done);
removeClass: function(element, className, done) {
runAnimation(element, className, done);
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.gridList
GridListController.$inject = ["$mdUtil"];
GridLayoutFactory.$inject = ["$mdUtil"];
GridListDirective.$inject = ["$interpolate", "$mdConstant", "$mdGridLayout", "$mdMedia"];
GridTileDirective.$inject = ["$mdMedia"];
angular.module('material.components.gridList', ['material.core'])
.directive('mdGridList', GridListDirective)
.directive('mdGridTile', GridTileDirective)
.directive('mdGridTileFooter', GridTileCaptionDirective)
.directive('mdGridTileHeader', GridTileCaptionDirective)
.factory('$mdGridLayout', GridLayoutFactory);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdGridList
* @module material.components.gridList
* @restrict E
* @description
* Grid lists are an alternative to standard list views. Grid lists are distinct
* from grids used for layouts and other visual presentations.
* A grid list is best suited to presenting a homogenous data type, typically
* images, and is optimized for visual comprehension and differentiating between
* like data types.
* A grid list is a continuous element consisting of tessellated, regular
* subdivisions called cells that contain tiles (`md-grid-tile`).
* <img src="//"
* style="width: 300px; height: auto; margin-right: 16px;" alt="Concept of grid explained visually">
* <img src="//"
* style="width: 300px; height: auto;" alt="Grid concepts legend">
* Cells are arrayed vertically and horizontally within the grid.
* Tiles hold content and can span one or more cells vertically or horizontally.
* ### Responsive Attributes
* The `md-grid-list` directive supports "responsive" attributes, which allow
* different `md-cols`, `md-gutter` and `md-row-height` values depending on the
* currently matching media query.
* In order to set a responsive attribute, first define the fallback value with
* the standard attribute name, then add additional attributes with the
* following convention: `{base-attribute-name}-{media-query-name}="{value}"`
* (ie. `md-cols-lg="8"`)
* @param {number} md-cols Number of columns in the grid.
* @param {string} md-row-height One of
* <ul>
* <li>CSS length - Fixed height rows (eg. `8px` or `1rem`)</li>
* <li>`{width}:{height}` - Ratio of width to height (eg.
* `md-row-height="16:9"`)</li>
* <li>`"fit"` - Height will be determined by subdividing the available
* height by the number of rows</li>
* </ul>
* @param {string=} md-gutter The amount of space between tiles in CSS units
* (default 1px)
* @param {expression=} md-on-layout Expression to evaluate after layout. Event
* object is available as `$event`, and contains performance information.
* @usage
* Basic:
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-grid-list md-cols="5" md-gutter="1em" md-row-height="4:3">
* <md-grid-tile></md-grid-tile>
* </md-grid-list>
* </hljs>
* Fixed-height rows:
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-grid-list md-cols="4" md-row-height="200px" ...>
* <md-grid-tile></md-grid-tile>
* </md-grid-list>
* </hljs>
* Fit rows:
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-grid-list md-cols="4" md-row-height="fit" style="height: 400px;" ...>
* <md-grid-tile></md-grid-tile>
* </md-grid-list>
* </hljs>
* Using responsive attributes:
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-grid-list
* md-cols-sm="2"
* md-cols-md="4"
* md-cols-lg="8"
* md-cols-gt-lg="12"
* ...>
* <md-grid-tile></md-grid-tile>
* </md-grid-list>
* </hljs>
function GridListDirective($interpolate, $mdConstant, $mdGridLayout, $mdMedia) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
controller: GridListController,
scope: {
mdOnLayout: '&'
link: postLink
function postLink(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
element.addClass('_md'); // private md component indicator for styling
// Apply semantics
element.attr('role', 'list');
// Provide the controller with a way to trigger layouts.
ctrl.layoutDelegate = layoutDelegate;
var invalidateLayout = angular.bind(ctrl, ctrl.invalidateLayout),
unwatchAttrs = watchMedia();
scope.$on('$destroy', unwatchMedia);
* Watches for changes in media, invalidating layout as necessary.
function watchMedia() {
for (var mediaName in $mdConstant.MEDIA) {
$mdMedia(mediaName); // initialize
return $mdMedia.watchResponsiveAttributes(
['md-cols', 'md-row-height', 'md-gutter'], attrs, layoutIfMediaMatch);
function unwatchMedia() {
ctrl.layoutDelegate = angular.noop;
for (var mediaName in $mdConstant.MEDIA) {
* Performs grid layout if the provided mediaName matches the currently
* active media type.
function layoutIfMediaMatch(mediaName) {
if (mediaName == null) {
// TODO(shyndman): It would be nice to only layout if we have
// instances of attributes using this media type
} else if ($mdMedia(mediaName)) {
var lastLayoutProps;
* Invokes the layout engine, and uses its results to lay out our
* tile elements.
* @param {boolean} tilesInvalidated Whether tiles have been
* added/removed/moved since the last layout. This is to avoid situations
* where tiles are replaced with properties identical to their removed
* counterparts.
function layoutDelegate(tilesInvalidated) {
var tiles = getTileElements();
var props = {
tileSpans: getTileSpans(tiles),
colCount: getColumnCount(),
rowMode: getRowMode(),
rowHeight: getRowHeight(),
gutter: getGutter()
if (!tilesInvalidated && angular.equals(props, lastLayoutProps)) {
var performance =
$mdGridLayout(props.colCount, props.tileSpans, tiles)
.map(function(tilePositions, rowCount) {
return {
grid: {
element: element,
style: getGridStyle(props.colCount, rowCount,
props.gutter, props.rowMode, props.rowHeight)
tiles:, i) {
return {
element: angular.element(tiles[i]),
style: getTileStyle(ps.position, ps.spans,
props.colCount, rowCount,
props.gutter, props.rowMode, props.rowHeight)
// Report layout
$event: {
performance: performance
lastLayoutProps = props;
// Use $interpolate to do some simple string interpolation as a convenience.
var startSymbol = $interpolate.startSymbol();
var endSymbol = $interpolate.endSymbol();
// Returns an expression wrapped in the interpolator's start and end symbols.
function expr(exprStr) {
return startSymbol + exprStr + endSymbol;
// The amount of space a single 1x1 tile would take up (either width or height), used as
// a basis for other calculations. This consists of taking the base size percent (as would be
// if evenly dividing the size between cells), and then subtracting the size of one gutter.
// However, since there are no gutters on the edges, each tile only uses a fration
// (gutterShare = numGutters / numCells) of the gutter size. (Imagine having one gutter per
// tile, and then breaking up the extra gutter on the edge evenly among the cells).
var UNIT = $interpolate(expr('share') + '% - (' + expr('gutter') + ' * ' + expr('gutterShare') + ')');
// The horizontal or vertical position of a tile, e.g., the 'top' or 'left' property value.
// The position comes the size of a 1x1 tile plus gutter for each previous tile in the
// row/column (offset).
var POSITION = $interpolate('calc((' + expr('unit') + ' + ' + expr('gutter') + ') * ' + expr('offset') + ')');
// The actual size of a tile, e.g., width or height, taking rowSpan or colSpan into account.
// This is computed by multiplying the base unit by the rowSpan/colSpan, and then adding back
// in the space that the gutter would normally have used (which was already accounted for in
// the base unit calculation).
var DIMENSION = $interpolate('calc((' + expr('unit') + ') * ' + expr('span') + ' + (' + expr('span') + ' - 1) * ' + expr('gutter') + ')');
* Gets the styles applied to a tile element described by the given parameters.
* @param {{row: number, col: number}} position The row and column indices of the tile.
* @param {{row: number, col: number}} spans The rowSpan and colSpan of the tile.
* @param {number} colCount The number of columns.
* @param {number} rowCount The number of rows.
* @param {string} gutter The amount of space between tiles. This will be something like
* '5px' or '2em'.
* @param {string} rowMode The row height mode. Can be one of:
* 'fixed': all rows have a fixed size, given by rowHeight,
* 'ratio': row height defined as a ratio to width, or
* 'fit': fit to the grid-list element height, divinding evenly among rows.
* @param {string|number} rowHeight The height of a row. This is only used for 'fixed' mode and
* for 'ratio' mode. For 'ratio' mode, this is the *ratio* of width-to-height (e.g., 0.75).
* @returns {Object} Map of CSS properties to be applied to the style element. Will define
* values for top, left, width, height, marginTop, and paddingTop.
function getTileStyle(position, spans, colCount, rowCount, gutter, rowMode, rowHeight) {
// TODO(shyndman): There are style caching opportunities here.
// Percent of the available horizontal space that one column takes up.
var hShare = (1 / colCount) * 100;
// Fraction of the gutter size that each column takes up.
var hGutterShare = (colCount - 1) / colCount;
// Base horizontal size of a column.
var hUnit = UNIT({share: hShare, gutterShare: hGutterShare, gutter: gutter});
// The width and horizontal position of each tile is always calculated the same way, but the
// height and vertical position depends on the rowMode.
var style = {
left: POSITION({ unit: hUnit, offset: position.col, gutter: gutter }),
width: DIMENSION({ unit: hUnit, span: spans.col, gutter: gutter }),
// resets
paddingTop: '',
marginTop: '',
top: '',
height: ''
switch (rowMode) {
case 'fixed':
// In fixed mode, simply use the given rowHeight. = POSITION({ unit: rowHeight, offset: position.row, gutter: gutter });
style.height = DIMENSION({ unit: rowHeight, span: spans.row, gutter: gutter });
case 'ratio':
// Percent of the available vertical space that one row takes up. Here, rowHeight holds
// the ratio value. For example, if the width:height ratio is 4:3, rowHeight = 1.333.
var vShare = hShare / rowHeight;
// Base veritcal size of a row.
var vUnit = UNIT({ share: vShare, gutterShare: hGutterShare, gutter: gutter });
// padidngTop and marginTop are used to maintain the given aspect ratio, as
// a percentage-based value for these properties is applied to the *width* of the
// containing block. See
style.paddingTop = DIMENSION({ unit: vUnit, span: spans.row, gutter: gutter});
style.marginTop = POSITION({ unit: vUnit, offset: position.row, gutter: gutter });
case 'fit':
// Fraction of the gutter size that each column takes up.
var vGutterShare = (rowCount - 1) / rowCount;
// Percent of the available vertical space that one row takes up.
var vShare = (1 / rowCount) * 100;
// Base vertical size of a row.
var vUnit = UNIT({share: vShare, gutterShare: vGutterShare, gutter: gutter}); = POSITION({unit: vUnit, offset: position.row, gutter: gutter});
style.height = DIMENSION({unit: vUnit, span: spans.row, gutter: gutter});
return style;
function getGridStyle(colCount, rowCount, gutter, rowMode, rowHeight) {
var style = {};
switch(rowMode) {
case 'fixed':
style.height = DIMENSION({ unit: rowHeight, span: rowCount, gutter: gutter });
style.paddingBottom = '';
case 'ratio':
// rowHeight is width / height
var hGutterShare = colCount === 1 ? 0 : (colCount - 1) / colCount,
hShare = (1 / colCount) * 100,
vShare = hShare * (1 / rowHeight),
vUnit = UNIT({ share: vShare, gutterShare: hGutterShare, gutter: gutter });
style.height = '';
style.paddingBottom = DIMENSION({ unit: vUnit, span: rowCount, gutter: gutter});
case 'fit':
// noop, as the height is user set
return style;
function getTileElements() {
return [], function(ele) {
return ele.tagName == 'MD-GRID-TILE' && !ele.$$mdDestroyed;
* Gets an array of objects containing the rowspan and colspan for each tile.
* @returns {Array<{row: number, col: number}>}
function getTileSpans(tileElements) {
return [], function(ele) {
var ctrl = angular.element(ele).controller('mdGridTile');
return {
row: parseInt(
$mdMedia.getResponsiveAttribute(ctrl.$attrs, 'md-rowspan'), 10) || 1,
col: parseInt(
$mdMedia.getResponsiveAttribute(ctrl.$attrs, 'md-colspan'), 10) || 1
function getColumnCount() {
var colCount = parseInt($mdMedia.getResponsiveAttribute(attrs, 'md-cols'), 10);
if (isNaN(colCount)) {
throw 'md-grid-list: md-cols attribute was not found, or contained a non-numeric value';
return colCount;
function getGutter() {
return applyDefaultUnit($mdMedia.getResponsiveAttribute(attrs, 'md-gutter') || 1);
function getRowHeight() {
var rowHeight = $mdMedia.getResponsiveAttribute(attrs, 'md-row-height');
if (!rowHeight) {
throw 'md-grid-list: md-row-height attribute was not found';
switch (getRowMode()) {
case 'fixed':
return applyDefaultUnit(rowHeight);
case 'ratio':
var whRatio = rowHeight.split(':');
return parseFloat(whRatio[0]) / parseFloat(whRatio[1]);
case 'fit':
return 0; // N/A
function getRowMode() {
var rowHeight = $mdMedia.getResponsiveAttribute(attrs, 'md-row-height');
if (!rowHeight) {
throw 'md-grid-list: md-row-height attribute was not found';
if (rowHeight == 'fit') {
return 'fit';
} else if (rowHeight.indexOf(':') !== -1) {
return 'ratio';
} else {
return 'fixed';
function applyDefaultUnit(val) {
return /\D$/.test(val) ? val : val + 'px';
/* @ngInject */
function GridListController($mdUtil) {
this.layoutInvalidated = false;
this.tilesInvalidated = false;
this.$timeout_ = $mdUtil.nextTick;
this.layoutDelegate = angular.noop;
GridListController.prototype = {
invalidateTiles: function() {
this.tilesInvalidated = true;
invalidateLayout: function() {
if (this.layoutInvalidated) {
this.layoutInvalidated = true;
this.$timeout_(angular.bind(this, this.layout));
layout: function() {
try {
} finally {
this.layoutInvalidated = false;
this.tilesInvalidated = false;
/* @ngInject */
function GridLayoutFactory($mdUtil) {
var defaultAnimator = GridTileAnimator;
* Set the reflow animator callback
GridLayout.animateWith = function(customAnimator) {
defaultAnimator = !angular.isFunction(customAnimator) ? GridTileAnimator : customAnimator;
return GridLayout;
* Publish layout function
function GridLayout(colCount, tileSpans) {
var self, layoutInfo, gridStyles, layoutTime, mapTime, reflowTime;
layoutTime = $mdUtil.time(function() {
layoutInfo = calculateGridFor(colCount, tileSpans);
return self = {
* An array of objects describing each tile's position in the grid.
layoutInfo: function() {
return layoutInfo;
* Maps grid positioning to an element and a set of styles using the
* provided updateFn.
map: function(updateFn) {
mapTime = $mdUtil.time(function() {
var info = self.layoutInfo();
gridStyles = updateFn(info.positioning, info.rowCount);
return self;
* Default animator simply sets the element.css( <styles> ). An alternate
* animator can be provided as an argument. The function has the following
* signature:
* function({grid: {element: JQLite, style: Object}, tiles: Array<{element: JQLite, style: Object}>)
reflow: function(animatorFn) {
reflowTime = $mdUtil.time(function() {
var animator = animatorFn || defaultAnimator;
animator(gridStyles.grid, gridStyles.tiles);
return self;
* Timing for the most recent layout run.
performance: function() {
return {
tileCount: tileSpans.length,
layoutTime: layoutTime,
mapTime: mapTime,
reflowTime: reflowTime,
totalTime: layoutTime + mapTime + reflowTime
* Default Gridlist animator simple sets the css for each element;
* NOTE: any transitions effects must be manually set in the CSS.
* e.g.
* md-grid-tile {
* transition: all 700ms ease-out 50ms;
* }
function GridTileAnimator(grid, tiles) {
tiles.forEach(function(t) {
* Calculates the positions of tiles.
* The algorithm works as follows:
* An Array<Number> with length colCount (spaceTracker) keeps track of
* available tiling positions, where elements of value 0 represents an
* empty position. Space for a tile is reserved by finding a sequence of
* 0s with length <= than the tile's colspan. When such a space has been
* found, the occupied tile positions are incremented by the tile's
* rowspan value, as these positions have become unavailable for that
* many rows.
* If the end of a row has been reached without finding space for the
* tile, spaceTracker's elements are each decremented by 1 to a minimum
* of 0. Rows are searched in this fashion until space is found.
function calculateGridFor(colCount, tileSpans) {
var curCol = 0,
curRow = 0,
spaceTracker = newSpaceTracker();
return {
positioning:, i) {
return {
spans: spans,
position: reserveSpace(spans, i)
rowCount: curRow + Math.max.apply(Math, spaceTracker)
function reserveSpace(spans, i) {
if (spans.col > colCount) {
throw 'md-grid-list: Tile at position ' + i + ' has a colspan ' +
'(' + spans.col + ') that exceeds the column count ' +
'(' + colCount + ')';
var start = 0,
end = 0;
// TODO(shyndman): This loop isn't strictly necessary if you can
// determine the minimum number of rows before a space opens up. To do
// this, recognize that you've iterated across an entire row looking for
// space, and if so fast-forward by the minimum rowSpan count. Repeat
// until the required space opens up.
while (end - start < spans.col) {
if (curCol >= colCount) {
start = spaceTracker.indexOf(0, curCol);
if (start === -1 || (end = findEnd(start + 1)) === -1) {
start = end = 0;
curCol = end + 1;
adjustRow(start, spans.col, spans.row);
curCol = start + spans.col;
return {
col: start,
row: curRow
function nextRow() {
curCol = 0;
adjustRow(0, colCount, -1); // Decrement row spans by one
function adjustRow(from, cols, by) {
for (var i = from; i < from + cols; i++) {
spaceTracker[i] = Math.max(spaceTracker[i] + by, 0);
function findEnd(start) {
var i;
for (i = start; i < spaceTracker.length; i++) {
if (spaceTracker[i] !== 0) {
return i;
if (i === spaceTracker.length) {
return i;
function newSpaceTracker() {
var tracker = [];
for (var i = 0; i < colCount; i++) {
return tracker;
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdGridTile
* @module material.components.gridList
* @restrict E
* @description
* Tiles contain the content of an `md-grid-list`. They span one or more grid
* cells vertically or horizontally, and use `md-grid-tile-{footer,header}` to
* display secondary content.
* ### Responsive Attributes
* The `md-grid-tile` directive supports "responsive" attributes, which allow
* different `md-rowspan` and `md-colspan` values depending on the currently
* matching media query.
* In order to set a responsive attribute, first define the fallback value with
* the standard attribute name, then add additional attributes with the
* following convention: `{base-attribute-name}-{media-query-name}="{value}"`
* (ie. `md-colspan-sm="4"`)
* @param {number=} md-colspan The number of columns to span (default 1). Cannot
* exceed the number of columns in the grid. Supports interpolation.
* @param {number=} md-rowspan The number of rows to span (default 1). Supports
* interpolation.
* @usage
* With header:
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-grid-tile>
* <md-grid-tile-header>
* <h3>This is a header</h3>
* </md-grid-tile-header>
* </md-grid-tile>
* </hljs>
* With footer:
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-grid-tile>
* <md-grid-tile-footer>
* <h3>This is a footer</h3>
* </md-grid-tile-footer>
* </md-grid-tile>
* </hljs>
* Spanning multiple rows/columns:
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-grid-tile md-colspan="2" md-rowspan="3">
* </md-grid-tile>
* </hljs>
* Responsive attributes:
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-grid-tile md-colspan="1" md-colspan-sm="3" md-colspan-md="5">
* </md-grid-tile>
* </hljs>
function GridTileDirective($mdMedia) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
require: '^mdGridList',
template: '<figure ng-transclude></figure>',
transclude: true,
scope: {},
// Simple controller that exposes attributes to the grid directive
controller: ["$attrs", function($attrs) {
this.$attrs = $attrs;
link: postLink
function postLink(scope, element, attrs, gridCtrl) {
// Apply semantics
element.attr('role', 'listitem');
// If our colspan or rowspan changes, trigger a layout
var unwatchAttrs = $mdMedia.watchResponsiveAttributes(['md-colspan', 'md-rowspan'],
attrs, angular.bind(gridCtrl, gridCtrl.invalidateLayout));
// Tile registration/deregistration
scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
// Mark the tile as destroyed so it is no longer considered in layout,
// even if the DOM element sticks around (like during a leave animation)
element[0].$$mdDestroyed = true;
if (angular.isDefined(scope.$parent.$index)) {
scope.$watch(function() { return scope.$parent.$index; },
function indexChanged(newIdx, oldIdx) {
if (newIdx === oldIdx) {
function GridTileCaptionDirective() {
return {
template: '<figcaption ng-transclude></figcaption>',
transclude: true
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.icon
* @description
* Icon
angular.module('material.components.icon', ['material.core']);
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.input
mdInputContainerDirective.$inject = ["$mdTheming", "$parse"];
inputTextareaDirective.$inject = ["$mdUtil", "$window", "$mdAria", "$timeout", "$mdGesture"];
mdMaxlengthDirective.$inject = ["$animate", "$mdUtil"];
placeholderDirective.$inject = ["$compile"];
ngMessageDirective.$inject = ["$mdUtil"];
mdSelectOnFocusDirective.$inject = ["$timeout"];
mdInputInvalidMessagesAnimation.$inject = ["$$AnimateRunner", "$animateCss", "$mdUtil"];
ngMessagesAnimation.$inject = ["$$AnimateRunner", "$animateCss", "$mdUtil"];
ngMessageAnimation.$inject = ["$$AnimateRunner", "$animateCss", "$mdUtil"];
angular.module('material.components.input', [
.directive('mdInputContainer', mdInputContainerDirective)
.directive('label', labelDirective)
.directive('input', inputTextareaDirective)
.directive('textarea', inputTextareaDirective)
.directive('mdMaxlength', mdMaxlengthDirective)
.directive('placeholder', placeholderDirective)
.directive('ngMessages', ngMessagesDirective)
.directive('ngMessage', ngMessageDirective)
.directive('ngMessageExp', ngMessageDirective)
.directive('mdSelectOnFocus', mdSelectOnFocusDirective)
.animation('.md-input-invalid', mdInputInvalidMessagesAnimation)
.animation('.md-input-messages-animation', ngMessagesAnimation)
.animation('.md-input-message-animation', ngMessageAnimation)
// Register a service for each animation so that we can easily inject them into unit tests
.service('mdInputInvalidAnimation', mdInputInvalidMessagesAnimation)
.service('mdInputMessagesAnimation', ngMessagesAnimation)
.service('mdInputMessageAnimation', ngMessageAnimation);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdInputContainer
* @module material.components.input
* @restrict E
* @description
* `<md-input-container>` is the parent of any input or textarea element.
* Input and textarea elements will not behave properly unless the md-input-container
* parent is provided.
* A single `<md-input-container>` should contain only one `<input>` element, otherwise it will throw an error.
* <b>Exception:</b> Hidden inputs (`<input type="hidden" />`) are ignored and will not throw an error, so
* you may combine these with other inputs.
* <b>Note:</b> When using `ngMessages` with your input element, make sure the message and container elements
* are *block* elements, otherwise animations applied to the messages will not look as intended. Either use a `div` and
* apply the `ng-message` and `ng-messages` classes respectively, or use the `md-block` class on your element.
* @param md-is-error {expression=} When the given expression evaluates to true, the input container
* will go into error state. Defaults to erroring if the input has been touched and is invalid.
* @param md-no-float {boolean=} When present, `placeholder` attributes on the input will not be converted to floating
* labels.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-input-container>
* <label>Username</label>
* <input type="text" ng-model="">
* </md-input-container>
* <md-input-container>
* <label>Description</label>
* <textarea ng-model="user.description"></textarea>
* </md-input-container>
* </hljs>
* <h3>When disabling floating labels</h3>
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-input-container md-no-float>
* <input type="text" placeholder="Non-Floating Label">
* </md-input-container>
* </hljs>
function mdInputContainerDirective($mdTheming, $parse) {
ContainerCtrl.$inject = ["$scope", "$element", "$attrs", "$animate"];
var LEFT_SELECTORS = INPUT_TAGS.reduce(function(selectors, isel) {
return selectors.concat(['md-icon ~ ' + isel, '.md-icon ~ ' + isel]);
}, []).join(",");
var RIGHT_SELECTORS = INPUT_TAGS.reduce(function(selectors, isel) {
return selectors.concat([isel + ' ~ md-icon', isel + ' ~ .md-icon']);
}, []).join(",");
return {
restrict: 'E',
compile: compile,
controller: ContainerCtrl
function compile(tElement) {
// Check for both a left & right icon
var leftIcon = tElement[0].querySelector(LEFT_SELECTORS);
var rightIcon = tElement[0].querySelector(RIGHT_SELECTORS);
if (leftIcon) { tElement.addClass('md-icon-left'); }
if (rightIcon) { tElement.addClass('md-icon-right'); }
return function postLink(scope, element) {
function ContainerCtrl($scope, $element, $attrs, $animate) {
var self = this;
self.isErrorGetter = $attrs.mdIsError && $parse($attrs.mdIsError);
self.delegateClick = function() {
self.element = $element;
self.setFocused = function(isFocused) {
$element.toggleClass('md-input-focused', !!isFocused);
self.setHasValue = function(hasValue) {
$element.toggleClass('md-input-has-value', !!hasValue);
self.setHasPlaceholder = function(hasPlaceholder) {
$element.toggleClass('md-input-has-placeholder', !!hasPlaceholder);
self.setInvalid = function(isInvalid) {
if (isInvalid) {
$animate.addClass($element, 'md-input-invalid');
} else {
$animate.removeClass($element, 'md-input-invalid');
$scope.$watch(function() {
return self.label && self.input;
}, function(hasLabelAndInput) {
if (hasLabelAndInput && !self.label.attr('for')) {
self.label.attr('for', self.input.attr('id'));
function labelDirective() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
require: '^?mdInputContainer',
link: function(scope, element, attr, containerCtrl) {
if (!containerCtrl || attr.mdNoFloat || element.hasClass('md-container-ignore')) return;
containerCtrl.label = element;
scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
containerCtrl.label = null;
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdInput
* @restrict E
* @module material.components.input
* @description
* You can use any `<input>` or `<textarea>` element as a child of an `<md-input-container>`. This
* allows you to build complex forms for data entry.
* When the input is required and uses a floating label, then the label will automatically contain
* an asterisk (`*`).<br/>
* This behavior can be disabled by using the `md-no-asterisk` attribute.
* @param {number=} md-maxlength The maximum number of characters allowed in this input. If this is
* specified, a character counter will be shown underneath the input.<br/><br/>
* The purpose of **`md-maxlength`** is exactly to show the max length counter text. If you don't
* want the counter text and only need "plain" validation, you can use the "simple" `ng-maxlength`
* or maxlength attributes.<br/><br/>
* **Note:** Only valid for text/string inputs (not numeric).
* @param {string=} aria-label Aria-label is required when no label is present. A warning message
* will be logged in the console if not present.
* @param {string=} placeholder An alternative approach to using aria-label when the label is not
* PRESENT. The placeholder text is copied to the aria-label attribute.
* @param md-no-autogrow {boolean=} When present, textareas will not grow automatically.
* @param md-no-asterisk {boolean=} When present, an asterisk will not be appended to the inputs floating label
* @param md-no-resize {boolean=} Disables the textarea resize handle.
* @param {number=} max-rows The maximum amount of rows for a textarea.
* @param md-detect-hidden {boolean=} When present, textareas will be sized properly when they are
* revealed after being hidden. This is off by default for performance reasons because it
* guarantees a reflow every digest cycle.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-input-container>
* <label>Color</label>
* <input type="text" ng-model="color" required md-maxlength="10">
* </md-input-container>
* </hljs>
* <h3>With Errors</h3>
* `md-input-container` also supports errors using the standard `ng-messages` directives and
* animates the messages when they become visible using from the `ngEnter`/`ngLeave` events or
* the `ngShow`/`ngHide` events.
* By default, the messages will be hidden until the input is in an error state. This is based off
* of the `md-is-error` expression of the `md-input-container`. This gives the user a chance to
* fill out the form before the errors become visible.
* <hljs lang="html">
* <form name="colorForm">
* <md-input-container>
* <label>Favorite Color</label>
* <input name="favoriteColor" ng-model="favoriteColor" required>
* <div ng-messages="colorForm.favoriteColor.$error">
* <div ng-message="required">This is required!</div>
* </div>
* </md-input-container>
* </form>
* </hljs>
* We automatically disable this auto-hiding functionality if you provide any of the following
* visibility directives on the `ng-messages` container:
* - `ng-if`
* - `ng-show`/`ng-hide`
* - `ng-switch-when`/`ng-switch-default`
* You can also disable this functionality manually by adding the `md-auto-hide="false"` expression
* to the `ng-messages` container. This may be helpful if you always want to see the error messages
* or if you are building your own visibilty directive.
* _<b>Note:</b> The `md-auto-hide` attribute is a static string that is only checked upon
* initialization of the `ng-messages` directive to see if it equals the string `false`._
* <hljs lang="html">
* <form name="userForm">
* <md-input-container>
* <label>Last Name</label>
* <input name="lastName" ng-model="lastName" required md-maxlength="10" minlength="4">
* <div ng-messages="userForm.lastName.$error" ng-show="userForm.lastName.$dirty">
* <div ng-message="required">This is required!</div>
* <div ng-message="md-maxlength">That's too long!</div>
* <div ng-message="minlength">That's too short!</div>
* </div>
* </md-input-container>
* <md-input-container>
* <label>Biography</label>
* <textarea name="bio" ng-model="biography" required md-maxlength="150"></textarea>
* <div ng-messages="$error" ng-show="$dirty">
* <div ng-message="required">This is required!</div>
* <div ng-message="md-maxlength">That's too long!</div>
* </div>
* </md-input-container>
* <md-input-container>
* <input aria-label='title' ng-model='title'>
* </md-input-container>
* <md-input-container>
* <input placeholder='title' ng-model='title'>
* </md-input-container>
* </form>
* </hljs>
* <h3>Notes</h3>
* - Requires [ngMessages](
* - Behaves like the [AngularJS input directive](
* The `md-input` and `md-input-container` directives use very specific positioning to achieve the
* error animation effects. Therefore, it is *not* advised to use the Layout system inside of the
* `<md-input-container>` tags. Instead, use relative or absolute positioning.
* <h3>Textarea directive</h3>
* The `textarea` element within a `md-input-container` has the following specific behavior:
* - By default the `textarea` grows as the user types. This can be disabled via the `md-no-autogrow`
* attribute.
* - If a `textarea` has the `rows` attribute, it will treat the `rows` as the minimum height and will
* continue growing as the user types. For example a textarea with `rows="3"` will be 3 lines of text
* high initially. If no rows are specified, the directive defaults to 1.
* - The textarea's height gets set on initialization, as well as while the user is typing. In certain situations
* (e.g. while animating) the directive might have been initialized, before the element got it's final height. In
* those cases, you can trigger a resize manually by broadcasting a `md-resize-textarea` event on the scope.
* - If you wan't a `textarea` to stop growing at a certain point, you can specify the `max-rows` attribute.
* - The textarea's bottom border acts as a handle which users can drag, in order to resize the element vertically.
* Once the user has resized a `textarea`, the autogrowing functionality becomes disabled. If you don't want a
* `textarea` to be resizeable by the user, you can add the `md-no-resize` attribute.
function inputTextareaDirective($mdUtil, $window, $mdAria, $timeout, $mdGesture) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
require: ['^?mdInputContainer', '?ngModel', '?^form'],
link: postLink
function postLink(scope, element, attr, ctrls) {
var containerCtrl = ctrls[0];
var hasNgModel = !!ctrls[1];
var ngModelCtrl = ctrls[1] || $mdUtil.fakeNgModel();
var parentForm = ctrls[2];
var isReadonly = angular.isDefined(attr.readonly);
var mdNoAsterisk = $mdUtil.parseAttributeBoolean(attr.mdNoAsterisk);
var tagName = element[0].tagName.toLowerCase();
if (!containerCtrl) return;
if (attr.type === 'hidden') {
element.attr('aria-hidden', 'true');
} else if (containerCtrl.input) {
if (containerCtrl.input[0].contains(element[0])) {
} else {
throw new Error("<md-input-container> can only have *one* <input>, <textarea> or <md-select> child element!");
containerCtrl.input = element;
// Add an error spacer div after our input to provide space for the char counter and any ng-messages
var errorsSpacer = angular.element('<div class="md-errors-spacer">');
if (!containerCtrl.label) {
$mdAria.expect(element, 'aria-label', attr.placeholder);
if (!element.attr('id')) {
element.attr('id', 'input_' + $mdUtil.nextUid());
// This works around a Webkit issue where number inputs, placed in a flexbox, that have
// a `min` and `max` will collapse to about 1/3 of their proper width. Please check #7349
// for more info. Also note that we don't override the `step` if the user has specified it,
// in order to prevent some unexpected behaviour.
if (tagName === 'input' && attr.type === 'number' && attr.min && attr.max && !attr.step) {
element.attr('step', 'any');
} else if (tagName === 'textarea') {
// If the input doesn't have an ngModel, it may have a static value. For that case,
// we have to do one initial check to determine if the container should be in the
// "has a value" state.
if (!hasNgModel) {
var isErrorGetter = containerCtrl.isErrorGetter || function() {
return ngModelCtrl.$invalid && (ngModelCtrl.$touched || (parentForm && parentForm.$submitted));
scope.$watch(isErrorGetter, containerCtrl.setInvalid);
// When the developer uses the ngValue directive for the input, we have to observe the attribute, because
// Angular's ngValue directive is just setting the `value` attribute.
if (attr.ngValue) {
attr.$observe('value', inputCheckValue);
element.on('input', inputCheckValue);
if (!isReadonly) {
.on('focus', function(ev) {
$mdUtil.nextTick(function() {
.on('blur', function(ev) {
$mdUtil.nextTick(function() {
scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
containerCtrl.input = null;
/** Gets run through ngModel's pipeline and set the `has-value` class on the container. */
function ngModelPipelineCheckValue(arg) {
return arg;
function setupAttributeWatchers() {
if (containerCtrl.label) {
attr.$observe('required', function (value) {
// We don't need to parse the required value, it's always a boolean because of angular's
// required directive.
containerCtrl.label.toggleClass('md-required', value && !mdNoAsterisk);
function inputCheckValue() {
// An input's value counts if its length > 0,
// or if the input's validity state says it has bad input (eg string in a number input)
containerCtrl.setHasValue(element.val().length > 0 || (element[0].validity || {}).badInput);
function setupTextarea() {
var isAutogrowing = !attr.hasOwnProperty('mdNoAutogrow');
if (!isAutogrowing) return;
// Can't check if height was or not explicity set,
// so rows attribute will take precedence if present
var minRows = attr.hasOwnProperty('rows') ? parseInt(attr.rows) : NaN;
var maxRows = attr.hasOwnProperty('maxRows') ? parseInt(attr.maxRows) : NaN;
var scopeResizeListener = scope.$on('md-resize-textarea', growTextarea);
var lineHeight = null;
var node = element[0];
// This timeout is necessary, because the browser needs a little bit
// of time to calculate the `clientHeight` and `scrollHeight`.
$timeout(function() {
}, 10, false);
// We could leverage ngModel's $parsers here, however it
// isn't reliable, because Angular trims the input by default,
// which means that growTextarea won't fire when newlines and
// spaces are added.
element.on('input', growTextarea);
// We should still use the $formatters, because they fire when
// the value was changed from outside the textarea.
if (hasNgModel) {
if (!minRows) {
element.attr('rows', 1);
angular.element($window).on('resize', growTextarea);
scope.$on('$destroy', disableAutogrow);
function growTextarea() {
// temporarily disables element's flex so its height 'runs free'
.attr('rows', 1)
.css('height', 'auto')
var height = getHeight();
if (!lineHeight) {
// offsetHeight includes padding which can throw off our value
var originalPadding = element[0].style.padding || '';
lineHeight = element.css('padding', 0).prop('offsetHeight');
element[0].style.padding = originalPadding;
if (minRows && lineHeight) {
height = Math.max(height, lineHeight * minRows);
if (maxRows && lineHeight) {
var maxHeight = lineHeight * maxRows;
if (maxHeight < height) {
element.attr('md-no-autogrow', '');
height = maxHeight;
} else {
if (lineHeight) {
element.attr('rows', Math.round(height / lineHeight));
.css('height', height + 'px')
function getHeight() {
var offsetHeight = node.offsetHeight;
var line = node.scrollHeight - offsetHeight;
return offsetHeight + Math.max(line, 0);
function formattersListener(value) {
return value;
function disableAutogrow() {
if (!isAutogrowing) return;
isAutogrowing = false;
angular.element($window).off('resize', growTextarea);
scopeResizeListener && scopeResizeListener();
.attr('md-no-autogrow', '')
.off('input', growTextarea);
if (hasNgModel) {
var listenerIndex = ngModelCtrl.$formatters.indexOf(formattersListener);
if (listenerIndex > -1) {
ngModelCtrl.$formatters.splice(listenerIndex, 1);
function attachResizeHandle() {
if (attr.hasOwnProperty('mdNoResize')) return;
var handle = angular.element('<div class="md-resize-handle"></div>');
var isDragging = false;
var dragStart = null;
var startHeight = 0;
var container = containerCtrl.element;
var dragGestureHandler = $mdGesture.register(handle, 'drag', { horizontal: false });
element.wrap('<div class="md-resize-wrapper">').after(handle);
handle.on('mousedown', onMouseDown);
.on('$md.dragstart', onDragStart)
.on('$md.drag', onDrag)
.on('$md.dragend', onDragEnd);
scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
.off('mousedown', onMouseDown)
.off('$md.dragstart', onDragStart)
.off('$md.drag', onDrag)
.off('$md.dragend', onDragEnd);
handle = null;
container = null;
dragGestureHandler = null;
function onMouseDown(ev) {
isDragging = true;
dragStart = ev.clientY;
startHeight = parseFloat(element.css('height')) || element.prop('offsetHeight');
function onDragStart(ev) {
if (!isDragging) return;
function onDrag(ev) {
if (!isDragging) return;
element.css('height', startHeight + (ev.pointer.y - dragStart) - $mdUtil.scrollTop() + 'px');
function onDragEnd(ev) {
if (!isDragging) return;
isDragging = false;
// Attach a watcher to detect when the textarea gets shown.
if (attr.hasOwnProperty('mdDetectHidden')) {
var handleHiddenChange = function() {
var wasHidden = false;
return function() {
var isHidden = node.offsetHeight === 0;
if (isHidden === false && wasHidden === true) {
wasHidden = isHidden;
// Check every digest cycle whether the visibility of the textarea has changed.
// Queue up to run after the digest cycle is complete.
scope.$watch(function() {
$mdUtil.nextTick(handleHiddenChange, false);
return true;
function mdMaxlengthDirective($animate, $mdUtil) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: ['ngModel', '^mdInputContainer'],
link: postLink
function postLink(scope, element, attr, ctrls) {
var maxlength;
var ngModelCtrl = ctrls[0];
var containerCtrl = ctrls[1];
var charCountEl, errorsSpacer;
// Wait until the next tick to ensure that the input has setup the errors spacer where we will
// append our counter
$mdUtil.nextTick(function() {
errorsSpacer = angular.element(containerCtrl.element[0].querySelector('.md-errors-spacer'));
charCountEl = angular.element('<div class="md-char-counter">');
// Append our character counter inside the errors spacer
// Stop model from trimming. This makes it so whitespace
// over the maxlength still counts as invalid.
attr.$set('ngTrim', 'false');
element.on('input keydown keyup', function() {
renderCharCount(); //make sure it's called with no args
scope.$watch(attr.mdMaxlength, function(value) {
maxlength = value;
if (angular.isNumber(value) && value > 0) {
if (!charCountEl.parent().length) {
$animate.enter(charCountEl, errorsSpacer);
} else {
ngModelCtrl.$validators['md-maxlength'] = function(modelValue, viewValue) {
if (!angular.isNumber(maxlength) || maxlength < 0) {
return true;
return ( modelValue || element.val() || viewValue || '' ).length <= maxlength;
function renderCharCount(value) {
// If we have not been appended to the body yet; do not render
if (!charCountEl.parent) {
return value;
// Force the value into a string since it may be a number,
// which does not have a length property.
charCountEl.text(String(element.val() || value || '').length + ' / ' + maxlength);
return value;
function placeholderDirective($compile) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: '^^?mdInputContainer',
priority: 200,
link: {
// Note that we need to do this in the pre-link, as opposed to the post link, if we want to
// support data bindings in the placeholder. This is necessary, because we have a case where
// we transfer the placeholder value to the `<label>` and we remove it from the original `<input>`.
// If we did this in the post-link, Angular would have set up the observers already and would be
// re-adding the attribute, even though we removed it from the element.
pre: preLink
function preLink(scope, element, attr, inputContainer) {
// If there is no input container, just return
if (!inputContainer) return;
var label = inputContainer.element.find('label');
var noFloat = inputContainer.element.attr('md-no-float');
// If we have a label, or they specify the md-no-float attribute, just return
if ((label && label.length) || noFloat === '' || scope.$eval(noFloat)) {
// Add a placeholder class so we can target it in the CSS
// md-select handles placeholders on it's own
if (element[0].nodeName != 'MD-SELECT') {
// Move the placeholder expression to the label
var newLabel = angular.element('<label ng-click="delegateClick()" tabindex="-1">' + attr.placeholder + '</label>');
// Note that we unset it via `attr`, in order to get Angular
// to remove any observers that it might have set up. Otherwise
// the attribute will be added on the next digest.
attr.$set('placeholder', null);
// We need to compile the label manually in case it has any bindings.
// A gotcha here is that we first add the element to the DOM and we compile
// it later. This is necessary, because if we compile the element beforehand,
// it won't be able to find the `mdInputContainer` controller.
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdSelectOnFocus
* @module material.components.input
* @restrict A
* @description
* The `md-select-on-focus` directive allows you to automatically select the element's input text on focus.
* <h3>Notes</h3>
* - The use of `md-select-on-focus` is restricted to `<input>` and `<textarea>` elements.
* @usage
* <h3>Using with an Input</h3>
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-input-container>
* <label>Auto Select</label>
* <input type="text" md-select-on-focus>
* </md-input-container>
* </hljs>
* <h3>Using with a Textarea</h3>
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-input-container>
* <label>Auto Select</label>
* <textarea md-select-on-focus>This text will be selected on focus.</textarea>
* </md-input-container>
* </hljs>
function mdSelectOnFocusDirective($timeout) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: postLink
function postLink(scope, element, attr) {
if (element[0].nodeName !== 'INPUT' && element[0].nodeName !== "TEXTAREA") return;
var preventMouseUp = false;
.on('focus', onFocus)
.on('mouseup', onMouseUp);
scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
.off('focus', onFocus)
.off('mouseup', onMouseUp);
function onFocus() {
preventMouseUp = true;
$timeout(function() {
// Use HTMLInputElement#select to fix firefox select issues.
// The debounce is here for Edge's sake, otherwise the selection doesn't work.
// This should be reset from inside the `focus`, because the event might
// have originated from something different than a click, e.g. a keyboard event.
preventMouseUp = false;
}, 1, false);
// Prevents the default action of the first `mouseup` after a focus.
// This is necessary, because browsers fire a `mouseup` right after the element
// has been focused. In some browsers (Firefox in particular) this can clear the
// selection. There are examples of the problem in issue #7487.
function onMouseUp(event) {
if (preventMouseUp) {
var visibilityDirectives = ['ngIf', 'ngShow', 'ngHide', 'ngSwitchWhen', 'ngSwitchDefault'];
function ngMessagesDirective() {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
link: postLink,
// This is optional because we don't want target *all* ngMessage instances, just those inside of
// mdInputContainer.
require: '^^?mdInputContainer'
function postLink(scope, element, attrs, inputContainer) {
// If we are not a child of an input container, don't do anything
if (!inputContainer) return;
// Add our animation class
element.toggleClass('md-input-messages-animation', true);
// Add our md-auto-hide class to automatically hide/show messages when container is invalid
element.toggleClass('md-auto-hide', true);
// If we see some known visibility directives, remove the md-auto-hide class
if (attrs.mdAutoHide == 'false' || hasVisibiltyDirective(attrs)) {
element.toggleClass('md-auto-hide', false);
function hasVisibiltyDirective(attrs) {
return visibilityDirectives.some(function(attr) {
return attrs[attr];
function ngMessageDirective($mdUtil) {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
compile: compile,
priority: 100
function compile(tElement) {
if (!isInsideInputContainer(tElement)) {
// When the current element is inside of a document fragment, then we need to check for an input-container
// in the postLink, because the element will be later added to the DOM and is currently just in a temporary
// fragment, which causes the input-container check to fail.
if (isInsideFragment()) {
return function (scope, element) {
if (isInsideInputContainer(element)) {
// Inside of the postLink function, a ngMessage directive will be a comment element, because it's
// currently hidden. To access the shown element, we need to use the element from the compile function.
} else {
function isInsideFragment() {
var nextNode = tElement[0];
while (nextNode = nextNode.parentNode) {
if (nextNode.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
return true;
return false;
function isInsideInputContainer(element) {
return !!$mdUtil.getClosest(element, "md-input-container");
function initMessageElement(element) {
// Add our animation class
element.toggleClass('md-input-message-animation', true);
var $$AnimateRunner, $animateCss, $mdUtil;
function mdInputInvalidMessagesAnimation($$AnimateRunner, $animateCss, $mdUtil) {
saveSharedServices($$AnimateRunner, $animateCss, $mdUtil);
return {
addClass: function(element, className, done) {
showInputMessages(element, done);
// NOTE: We do not need the removeClass method, because the message ng-leave animation will fire
function ngMessagesAnimation($$AnimateRunner, $animateCss, $mdUtil) {
saveSharedServices($$AnimateRunner, $animateCss, $mdUtil);
return {
enter: function(element, done) {
showInputMessages(element, done);
leave: function(element, done) {
hideInputMessages(element, done);
addClass: function(element, className, done) {
if (className == "ng-hide") {
hideInputMessages(element, done);
} else {
removeClass: function(element, className, done) {
if (className == "ng-hide") {
showInputMessages(element, done);
} else {
function ngMessageAnimation($$AnimateRunner, $animateCss, $mdUtil) {
saveSharedServices($$AnimateRunner, $animateCss, $mdUtil);
return {
enter: function(element, done) {
var animator = showMessage(element);
leave: function(element, done) {
var animator = hideMessage(element);
function showInputMessages(element, done) {
var animators = [], animator;
var messages = getMessagesElement(element);
angular.forEach(messages.children(), function(child) {
animator = showMessage(angular.element(child));
$$AnimateRunner.all(animators, done);
function hideInputMessages(element, done) {
var animators = [], animator;
var messages = getMessagesElement(element);
angular.forEach(messages.children(), function(child) {
animator = hideMessage(angular.element(child));
$$AnimateRunner.all(animators, done);
function showMessage(element) {
var height = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(element[0]).height);
var topMargin = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(element[0]).marginTop);
var messages = getMessagesElement(element);
var container = getInputElement(element);
// Check to see if the message is already visible so we can skip
var alreadyVisible = (topMargin > -height);
// If we have the md-auto-hide class, the md-input-invalid animation will fire, so we can skip
if (alreadyVisible || (messages.hasClass('md-auto-hide') && !container.hasClass('md-input-invalid'))) {
return $animateCss(element, {});
return $animateCss(element, {
event: 'enter',
structural: true,
from: {"opacity": 0, "margin-top": -height + "px"},
to: {"opacity": 1, "margin-top": "0"},
duration: 0.3
function hideMessage(element) {
var height = element[0].offsetHeight;
var styles = window.getComputedStyle(element[0]);
// If we are already hidden, just return an empty animation
if (styles.opacity == 0) {
return $animateCss(element, {});
// Otherwise, animate
return $animateCss(element, {
event: 'leave',
structural: true,
from: {"opacity": 1, "margin-top": 0},
to: {"opacity": 0, "margin-top": -height + "px"},
duration: 0.3
function getInputElement(element) {
var inputContainer = element.controller('mdInputContainer');
return inputContainer.element;
function getMessagesElement(element) {
// If we are a ng-message element, we need to traverse up the DOM tree
if (element.hasClass('md-input-message-animation')) {
return angular.element($mdUtil.getClosest(element, function(node) {
return node.classList.contains('md-input-messages-animation');
// Otherwise, we can traverse down
return angular.element(element[0].querySelector('.md-input-messages-animation'));
function saveSharedServices(_$$AnimateRunner_, _$animateCss_, _$mdUtil_) {
$$AnimateRunner = _$$AnimateRunner_;
$animateCss = _$animateCss_;
$mdUtil = _$mdUtil_;
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.list
* @description
* List module
MdListController.$inject = ["$scope", "$element", "$mdListInkRipple"];
mdListDirective.$inject = ["$mdTheming"];
mdListItemDirective.$inject = ["$mdAria", "$mdConstant", "$mdUtil", "$timeout"];
angular.module('material.components.list', [
.controller('MdListController', MdListController)
.directive('mdList', mdListDirective)
.directive('mdListItem', mdListItemDirective);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdList
* @module material.components.list
* @restrict E
* @description
* The `<md-list>` directive is a list container for 1..n `<md-list-item>` tags.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-list>
* <md-list-item class="md-2-line" ng-repeat="item in todos">
* <md-checkbox ng-model="item.done"></md-checkbox>
* <div class="md-list-item-text">
* <h3>{{item.title}}</h3>
* <p>{{item.description}}</p>
* </div>
* </md-list-item>
* </md-list>
* </hljs>
function mdListDirective($mdTheming) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
compile: function(tEl) {
tEl[0].setAttribute('role', 'list');
return $mdTheming;
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdListItem
* @module material.components.list
* @restrict E
* @description
* A `md-list-item` element can be used to represent some information in a row.<br/>
* @usage
* ### Single Row Item
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-list-item>
* <span>Single Row Item</span>
* </md-list-item>
* </hljs>
* ### Multiple Lines
* By using the following markup, you will be able to have two lines inside of one `md-list-item`.
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-list-item class="md-2-line">
* <div class="md-list-item-text" layout="column">
* <p>First Line</p>
* <p>Second Line</p>
* </div>
* </md-list-item>
* </hljs>
* It is also possible to have three lines inside of one list item.
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-list-item class="md-3-line">
* <div class="md-list-item-text" layout="column">
* <p>First Line</p>
* <p>Second Line</p>
* <p>Third Line</p>
* </div>
* </md-list-item>
* </hljs>
* ### Secondary Items
* Secondary items are elements which will be aligned at the end of the `md-list-item`.
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-list-item>
* <span>Single Row Item</span>
* <md-button class="md-secondary">
* Secondary Button
* </md-button>
* </md-list-item>
* </hljs>
* It also possible to have multiple secondary items inside of one `md-list-item`.
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-list-item>
* <span>Single Row Item</span>
* <md-button class="md-secondary">First Button</md-button>
* <md-button class="md-secondary">Second Button</md-button>
* </md-list-item>
* </hljs>
* ### Proxy Item
* Proxies are elements, which will execute their specific action on click<br/>
* Currently supported proxy items are
* - `md-checkbox` (Toggle)
* - `md-switch` (Toggle)
* - `md-menu` (Open)
* This means, when using a supported proxy item inside of `md-list-item`, the list item will
* become clickable and executes the associated action of the proxy element on click.
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-list-item>
* <span>First Line</span>
* <md-checkbox class="md-secondary"></md-checkbox>
* </md-list-item>
* </hljs>
* The `md-checkbox` element will be automatically detected as a proxy element and will toggle on click.
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-list-item>
* <span>First Line</span>
* <md-switch class="md-secondary"></md-switch>
* </md-list-item>
* </hljs>
* The recognized `md-switch` will toggle its state, when the user clicks on the `md-list-item`.
* It is also possible to have a `md-menu` inside of a `md-list-item`.
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-list-item>
* <p>Click anywhere to fire the secondary action</p>
* <md-menu class="md-secondary">
* <md-button class="md-icon-button">
* <md-icon md-svg-icon="communication:message"></md-icon>
* </md-button>
* <md-menu-content width="4">
* <md-menu-item>
* <md-button>
* Redial
* </md-button>
* </md-menu-item>
* <md-menu-item>
* <md-button>
* Check voicemail
* </md-button>
* </md-menu-item>
* <md-menu-divider></md-menu-divider>
* <md-menu-item>
* <md-button>
* Notifications
* </md-button>
* </md-menu-item>
* </md-menu-content>
* </md-menu>
* </md-list-item>
* </hljs>
* The menu will automatically open, when the users clicks on the `md-list-item`.<br/>
* If the developer didn't specify any position mode on the menu, the `md-list-item` will automatically detect the
* position mode and applies it to the `md-menu`.
* ### Avatars
* Sometimes you may want to have some avatars inside of the `md-list-item `.<br/>
* You are able to create a optimized icon for the list item, by applying the `.md-avatar` class on the `<img>` element.
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-list-item>
* <img src="my-avatar.png" class="md-avatar">
* <span>Alan Turing</span>
* </hljs>
* When using `<md-icon>` for an avater, you have to use the `.md-avatar-icon` class.
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-list-item>
* <md-icon class="md-avatar-icon" md-svg-icon="avatars:timothy"></md-icon>
* <span>Timothy Kopra</span>
* </md-list-item>
* </hljs>
* In cases, you have a `md-list-item`, which doesn't have any avatar,
* but you want to align it with the other avatar items, you have to use the `.md-offset` class.
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-list-item class="md-offset">
* <span>Jon Doe</span>
* </md-list-item>
* </hljs>
* ### DOM modification
* The `md-list-item` component automatically detects if the list item should be clickable.
* ---
* If the `md-list-item` is clickable, we wrap all content inside of a `<div>` and create
* an overlaying button, which will will execute the given actions (like `ng-href`, `ng-click`)
* We create an overlaying button, instead of wrapping all content inside of the button,
* because otherwise some elements may not be clickable inside of the button.
* ---
* When using a secondary item inside of your list item, the `md-list-item` component will automatically create
* a secondary container at the end of the `md-list-item`, which contains all secondary items.
* The secondary item container is not static, because otherwise the overflow will not work properly on the
* list item.
function mdListItemDirective($mdAria, $mdConstant, $mdUtil, $timeout) {
var proxiedTypes = ['md-checkbox', 'md-switch', 'md-menu'];
return {
restrict: 'E',
controller: 'MdListController',
compile: function(tEl, tAttrs) {
// Check for proxy controls (no ng-click on parent, and a control inside)
var secondaryItems = tEl[0].querySelectorAll('.md-secondary');
var hasProxiedElement;
var proxyElement;
var itemContainer = tEl;
tEl[0].setAttribute('role', 'listitem');
if (tAttrs.ngClick || tAttrs.ngDblclick || tAttrs.ngHref || tAttrs.href || tAttrs.uiSref || tAttrs.ngAttrUiSref) {
} else {
for (var i = 0, type; type = proxiedTypes[i]; ++i) {
if (proxyElement = tEl[0].querySelector(type)) {
hasProxiedElement = true;
if (hasProxiedElement) {
} else if (!tEl[0].querySelector('md-button:not(.md-secondary):not(.md-exclude)')) {
if (hasProxiedElement && proxyElement.nodeName === "MD-MENU") {
function setupToggleAria() {
var toggleTypes = ['md-switch', 'md-checkbox'];
var toggle;
for (var i = 0, toggleType; toggleType = toggleTypes[i]; ++i) {
if (toggle = tEl.find(toggleType)[0]) {
if (!toggle.hasAttribute('aria-label')) {
var p = tEl.find('p')[0];
if (!p) return;
toggle.setAttribute('aria-label', 'Toggle ' + p.textContent);
function setupProxiedMenu() {
var menuEl = angular.element(proxyElement);
var isEndAligned = menuEl.parent().hasClass('md-secondary-container') ||
proxyElement.parentNode.firstElementChild !== proxyElement;
var xAxisPosition = 'left';
if (isEndAligned) {
// When the proxy item is aligned at the end of the list, we have to set the origin to the end.
xAxisPosition = 'right';
// Set the position mode / origin of the proxied menu.
if (!menuEl.attr('md-position-mode')) {
menuEl.attr('md-position-mode', xAxisPosition + ' target');
// Apply menu open binding to menu button
var menuOpenButton = menuEl.children().eq(0);
if (!hasClickEvent(menuOpenButton[0])) {
menuOpenButton.attr('ng-click', '$mdOpenMenu($event)');
if (!menuOpenButton.attr('aria-label')) {
menuOpenButton.attr('aria-label', 'Open List Menu');
function wrapIn(type) {
if (type == 'div') {
itemContainer = angular.element('<div class="md-no-style md-list-item-inner">');
} else {
// Element which holds the default list-item content.
itemContainer = angular.element(
'<div class="md-button md-no-style">'+
' <div class="md-list-item-inner"></div>'+
// Button which shows ripple and executes primary action.
var buttonWrap = angular.element(
'<md-button class="md-no-style"></md-button>'
buttonWrap[0].setAttribute('aria-label', tEl[0].textContent);
copyAttributes(tEl[0], buttonWrap[0]);
// We allow developers to specify the `md-no-focus` class, to disable the focus style
// on the button executor. Once more classes should be forwarded, we should probably make the
// class forward more generic.
if (tEl.hasClass('md-no-focus')) {
// Append the button wrap before our list-item content, because it will overlay in relative.
tEl[0].setAttribute('tabindex', '-1');
function wrapSecondaryItems() {
var secondaryItemsWrapper = angular.element('<div class="md-secondary-container">');
angular.forEach(secondaryItems, function(secondaryItem) {
wrapSecondaryItem(secondaryItem, secondaryItemsWrapper);
function wrapSecondaryItem(secondaryItem, container) {
// If the current secondary item is not a button, but contains a ng-click attribute,
// the secondary item will be automatically wrapped inside of a button.
if (secondaryItem && !isButton(secondaryItem) && secondaryItem.hasAttribute('ng-click')) {
$mdAria.expect(secondaryItem, 'aria-label');
var buttonWrapper = angular.element('<md-button class="md-secondary md-icon-button">');
// Copy the attributes from the secondary item to the generated button.
// We also support some additional attributes from the secondary item,
// because some developers may use a ngIf, ngHide, ngShow on their item.
copyAttributes(secondaryItem, buttonWrapper[0], ['ng-if', 'ng-hide', 'ng-show']);
secondaryItem.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1');
secondaryItem = buttonWrapper[0];
if (secondaryItem && (!hasClickEvent(secondaryItem) || (!tAttrs.ngClick && isProxiedElement(secondaryItem)))) {
// In this case we remove the secondary class, so we can identify it later, when we searching for the
// proxy items.
* Copies attributes from a source element to the destination element
* By default the function will copy the most necessary attributes, supported
* by the button executor for clickable list items.
* @param source Element with the specified attributes
* @param destination Element which will retrieve the attributes
* @param extraAttrs Additional attributes, which will be copied over.
function copyAttributes(source, destination, extraAttrs) {
var copiedAttrs = $mdUtil.prefixer([
'ng-if', 'ng-click', 'ng-dblclick', 'aria-label', 'ng-disabled', 'ui-sref',
'href', 'ng-href', 'target', 'ng-attr-ui-sref', 'ui-sref-opts'
if (extraAttrs) {
copiedAttrs = copiedAttrs.concat($mdUtil.prefixer(extraAttrs));
angular.forEach(copiedAttrs, function(attr) {
if (source.hasAttribute(attr)) {
destination.setAttribute(attr, source.getAttribute(attr));
function isProxiedElement(el) {
return proxiedTypes.indexOf(el.nodeName.toLowerCase()) != -1;
function isButton(el) {
var nodeName = el.nodeName.toUpperCase();
return nodeName == "MD-BUTTON" || nodeName == "BUTTON";
function hasClickEvent (element) {
var attr = element.attributes;
for (var i = 0; i < attr.length; i++) {
if (tAttrs.$normalize(attr[i].name) === 'ngClick') return true;
return false;
return postLink;
function postLink($scope, $element, $attr, ctrl) {
$element.addClass('_md'); // private md component indicator for styling
var proxies = [],
firstElement = $element[0].firstElementChild,
isButtonWrap = $element.hasClass('_md-button-wrap'),
clickChild = isButtonWrap ? firstElement.firstElementChild : firstElement,
hasClick = clickChild && hasClickEvent(clickChild);
if ($element.hasClass('md-proxy-focus') && proxies.length) {
angular.forEach(proxies, function(proxy) {
proxy = angular.element(proxy);
$scope.mouseActive = false;
proxy.on('mousedown', function() {
$scope.mouseActive = true;
$scope.mouseActive = false;
}, 100);
.on('focus', function() {
if ($scope.mouseActive === false) { $element.addClass('md-focused'); }
proxy.on('blur', function proxyOnBlur() {
$element.removeClass('md-focused');'blur', proxyOnBlur);
function computeProxies() {
if (firstElement && firstElement.children && !hasClick) {
angular.forEach(proxiedTypes, function(type) {
// All elements which are not capable for being used a proxy have the .md-secondary class
// applied. These items had been sorted out in the secondary wrap function.
angular.forEach(firstElement.querySelectorAll(type + ':not(.md-secondary)'), function(child) {
function computeClickable() {
if (proxies.length == 1 || hasClick) {
if (!hasClick) {
ctrl.attachRipple($scope, angular.element($element[0].querySelector('.md-no-style')));
function isEventFromControl(event) {
var forbiddenControls = ['md-slider'];
// If there is no path property in the event, then we can assume that the event was not bubbled.
if (!event.path) {
return forbiddenControls.indexOf( !== -1;
// We iterate the event path up and check for a possible component.
// Our maximum index to search, is the list item root.
var maxPath = event.path.indexOf($element.children()[0]);
for (var i = 0; i < maxPath; i++) {
if (forbiddenControls.indexOf(event.path[i].tagName.toLowerCase()) !== -1) {
return true;
var clickChildKeypressListener = function(e) {
if ( != 'INPUT' && != 'TEXTAREA' && ! {
var keyCode = e.which || e.keyCode;
if (keyCode == $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.SPACE) {
if (clickChild) {;
if (!hasClick && !proxies.length) {
clickChild && clickChild.addEventListener('keypress', clickChildKeypressListener);
if (proxies.length == 1 && clickChild) {
$element.children().eq(0).on('click', function(e) {
// When the event is coming from an control and it should not trigger the proxied element
// then we are skipping.
if (isEventFromControl(e)) return;
var parentButton = $mdUtil.getClosest(, 'BUTTON');
if (!parentButton && clickChild.contains( {
angular.forEach(proxies, function(proxy) {
if ( !== proxy && !proxy.contains( {
if (proxy.nodeName === 'MD-MENU') {
proxy = proxy.children[0];
$scope.$on('$destroy', function () {
clickChild && clickChild.removeEventListener('keypress', clickChildKeypressListener);
* @private
* @ngdoc controller
* @name MdListController
* @module material.components.list
function MdListController($scope, $element, $mdListInkRipple) {
var ctrl = this;
ctrl.attachRipple = attachRipple;
function attachRipple (scope, element) {
var options = {};
$mdListInkRipple.attach(scope, element, options);
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name
angular.module('', [
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name
angular.module('material.components.menuBar', [
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.navBar
MdNavBarController.$inject = ["$element", "$scope", "$timeout", "$mdConstant"];
MdNavItem.$inject = ["$$rAF"];
MdNavItemController.$inject = ["$element"];
MdNavBar.$inject = ["$mdAria", "$mdTheming"];
angular.module('material.components.navBar', ['material.core'])
.controller('MdNavBarController', MdNavBarController)
.directive('mdNavBar', MdNavBar)
.controller('MdNavItemController', MdNavItemController)
.directive('mdNavItem', MdNavItem);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdNavBar
* @module material.components.navBar
* @restrict E
* @description
* The `<md-nav-bar>` directive renders a list of material tabs that can be used
* for top-level page navigation. Unlike `<md-tabs>`, it has no concept of a tab
* body and no bar pagination.
* Because it deals with page navigation, certain routing concepts are built-in.
* Route changes via via ng-href, ui-sref, or ng-click events are supported.
* Alternatively, the user could simply watch currentNavItem for changes.
* Accessibility functionality is implemented as a site navigator with a
* listbox, according to
* @param {string=} mdSelectedNavItem The name of the current tab; this must
* match the name attribute of `<md-nav-item>`
* @param {string=} navBarAriaLabel An aria-label for the nav-bar
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-nav-bar md-selected-nav-item="currentNavItem">
* <md-nav-item md-nav-click="goto('page1')" name="page1">Page One</md-nav-item>
* <md-nav-item md-nav-sref="app.page2" name="page2">Page Two</md-nav-item>
* <md-nav-item md-nav-href="#page3" name="page3">Page Three</md-nav-item>
* </md-nav-bar>
* <hljs lang="js">
* (function() {
* ‘use strict’;
* $rootScope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', function(event, current) {
* $scope.currentLink = getCurrentLinkFromRoute(current);
* });
* });
* </hljs>
* mdNavItem
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdNavItem
* @module material.components.navBar
* @restrict E
* @description
* `<md-nav-item>` describes a page navigation link within the `<md-nav-bar>`
* component. It renders an md-button as the actual link.
* Exactly one of the mdNavClick, mdNavHref, mdNavSref attributes are required to be
* specified.
* @param {Function=} mdNavClick Function which will be called when the
* link is clicked to change the page. Renders as an `ng-click`.
* @param {string=} mdNavHref url to transition to when this link is clicked.
* Renders as an `ng-href`.
* @param {string=} mdNavSref Ui-router state to transition to when this link is
* clicked. Renders as a `ui-sref`.
* @param {string=} name The name of this link. Used by the nav bar to know
* which link is currently selected.
* @usage
* See `<md-nav-bar>` for usage.
function MdNavBar($mdAria, $mdTheming) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
transclude: true,
controller: MdNavBarController,
controllerAs: 'ctrl',
bindToController: true,
scope: {
'mdSelectedNavItem': '=?',
'navBarAriaLabel': '@?',
'<div class="md-nav-bar">' +
'<nav role="navigation">' +
'<ul class="_md-nav-bar-list" ng-transclude role="listbox"' +
'tabindex="0"' +
'ng-focus="ctrl.onFocus()"' +
'ng-blur="ctrl.onBlur()"' +
'ng-keydown="ctrl.onKeydown($event)"' +
'aria-label="{{ctrl.navBarAriaLabel}}">' +
'</ul>' +
'</nav>' +
'<md-nav-ink-bar></md-nav-ink-bar>' +
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
if (!ctrl.navBarAriaLabel) {
$mdAria.expectAsync(element, 'aria-label', angular.noop);
* Controller for the nav-bar component.
* Accessibility functionality is implemented as a site navigator with a
* listbox, according to
* @param {!angular.JQLite} $element
* @param {!angular.Scope} $scope
* @param {!angular.Timeout} $timeout
* @param {!Object} $mdConstant
* @constructor
* @final
* @ngInject
function MdNavBarController($element, $scope, $timeout, $mdConstant) {
// Injected variables
/** @private @const {!angular.Timeout} */
this._$timeout = $timeout;
/** @private @const {!angular.Scope} */
this._$scope = $scope;
/** @private @const {!Object} */
this._$mdConstant = $mdConstant;
// Data-bound variables.
/** @type {string} */
/** @type {string} */
// State variables.
/** @type {?angular.JQLite} */
this._navBarEl = $element[0];
/** @type {?angular.JQLite} */
var self = this;
// need to wait for transcluded content to be available
var deregisterTabWatch = this._$scope.$watch(function() {
return self._navBarEl.querySelectorAll('._md-nav-button').length;
function(newLength) {
if (newLength > 0) {
* Initializes the tab components once they exist.
* @private
MdNavBarController.prototype._initTabs = function() {
this._inkbar = angular.element(this._navBarEl.getElementsByTagName('md-nav-ink-bar')[0]);
var self = this;
this._$timeout(function() {
self._updateTabs(self.mdSelectedNavItem, undefined);
this._$scope.$watch('ctrl.mdSelectedNavItem', function(newValue, oldValue) {
// Wait a digest before update tabs for products doing
// anything dynamic in the template.
self._$timeout(function() {
self._updateTabs(newValue, oldValue);
* Set the current tab to be selected.
* @param {string|undefined} newValue New current tab name.
* @param {string|undefined} oldValue Previous tab name.
* @private
MdNavBarController.prototype._updateTabs = function(newValue, oldValue) {
var self = this;
var tabs = this._getTabs();
var oldIndex = -1;
var newIndex = -1;
var newTab = this._getTabByName(newValue);
var oldTab = this._getTabByName(oldValue);
if (oldTab) {
oldIndex = tabs.indexOf(oldTab);
if (newTab) {
newIndex = tabs.indexOf(newTab);
this._$timeout(function() {
self._updateInkBarStyles(newTab, newIndex, oldIndex);
* Repositions the ink bar to the selected tab.
* @private
MdNavBarController.prototype._updateInkBarStyles = function(tab, newIndex, oldIndex) {
this._inkbar.toggleClass('_md-left', newIndex < oldIndex)
.toggleClass('_md-right', newIndex > oldIndex);
this._inkbar.css({display: newIndex < 0 ? 'none' : ''});
var tabEl = tab.getButtonEl();
var left = tabEl.offsetLeft;
this._inkbar.css({left: left + 'px', width: tabEl.offsetWidth + 'px'});
* Returns an array of the current tabs.
* @return {!Array<!NavItemController>}
* @private
MdNavBarController.prototype._getTabs = function() {
var linkArray =
return {
return angular.element(el).controller('mdNavItem')
* Returns the tab with the specified name.
* @param {string} name The name of the tab, found in its name attribute.
* @return {!NavItemController|undefined}
* @private
MdNavBarController.prototype._getTabByName = function(name) {
return this._findTab(function(tab) {
return tab.getName() == name;
* Returns the selected tab.
* @return {!NavItemController|undefined}
* @private
MdNavBarController.prototype._getSelectedTab = function() {
return this._findTab(function(tab) {
return tab.isSelected()
* Returns the focused tab.
* @return {!NavItemController|undefined}
MdNavBarController.prototype.getFocusedTab = function() {
return this._findTab(function(tab) {
return tab.hasFocus()
* Find a tab that matches the specified function.
* @private
MdNavBarController.prototype._findTab = function(fn) {
var tabs = this._getTabs();
for (var i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) {
if (fn(tabs[i])) {
return tabs[i];
return null;
* Direct focus to the selected tab when focus enters the nav bar.
MdNavBarController.prototype.onFocus = function() {
var tab = this._getSelectedTab();
if (tab) {
* Clear tab focus when focus leaves the nav bar.
MdNavBarController.prototype.onBlur = function() {
var tab = this.getFocusedTab();
if (tab) {
* Move focus from oldTab to newTab.
* @param {!NavItemController} oldTab
* @param {!NavItemController} newTab
* @private
MdNavBarController.prototype._moveFocus = function(oldTab, newTab) {
* Responds to keypress events.
* @param {!Event} e
MdNavBarController.prototype.onKeydown = function(e) {
var keyCodes = this._$mdConstant.KEY_CODE;
var tabs = this._getTabs();
var focusedTab = this.getFocusedTab();
if (!focusedTab) return;
var focusedTabIndex = tabs.indexOf(focusedTab);
// use arrow keys to navigate between tabs
switch (e.keyCode) {
case keyCodes.UP_ARROW:
case keyCodes.LEFT_ARROW:
if (focusedTabIndex > 0) {
this._moveFocus(focusedTab, tabs[focusedTabIndex - 1]);
case keyCodes.DOWN_ARROW:
case keyCodes.RIGHT_ARROW:
if (focusedTabIndex < tabs.length - 1) {
this._moveFocus(focusedTab, tabs[focusedTabIndex + 1]);
case keyCodes.SPACE:
case keyCodes.ENTER:
// timeout to avoid a "digest already in progress" console error
this._$timeout(function() {
* @ngInject
function MdNavItem($$rAF) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
require: ['mdNavItem', '^mdNavBar'],
controller: MdNavItemController,
bindToController: true,
controllerAs: 'ctrl',
replace: true,
transclude: true,
'<li class="md-nav-item" role="option" aria-selected="{{ctrl.isSelected()}}">' +
'<md-button ng-if="ctrl.mdNavSref" class="_md-nav-button md-accent"' +
'ng-class="ctrl.getNgClassMap()"' +
'tabindex="-1"' +
'ui-sref="{{ctrl.mdNavSref}}">' +
'<span ng-transclude class="_md-nav-button-text"></span>' +
'</md-button>' +
'<md-button ng-if="ctrl.mdNavHref" class="_md-nav-button md-accent"' +
'ng-class="ctrl.getNgClassMap()"' +
'tabindex="-1"' +
'ng-href="{{ctrl.mdNavHref}}">' +
'<span ng-transclude class="_md-nav-button-text"></span>' +
'</md-button>' +
'<md-button ng-if="ctrl.mdNavClick" class="_md-nav-button md-accent"' +
'ng-class="ctrl.getNgClassMap()"' +
'tabindex="-1"' +
'ng-click="ctrl.mdNavClick()">' +
'<span ng-transclude class="_md-nav-button-text"></span>' +
'</md-button>' +
scope: {
'mdNavClick': '&?',
'mdNavHref': '@?',
'mdNavSref': '@?',
'name': '@',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, controllers) {
var mdNavItem = controllers[0];
var mdNavBar = controllers[1];
// When accessing the element's contents synchronously, they
// may not be defined yet because of transclusion. There is a higher chance
// that it will be accessible if we wait one frame.
$$rAF(function() {
if (! { = angular.element(element[0].querySelector('._md-nav-button-text'))
var navButton = angular.element(element[0].querySelector('._md-nav-button'));
navButton.on('click', function() {
mdNavBar.mdSelectedNavItem =;
* Controller for the nav-item component.
* @param {!angular.JQLite} $element
* @constructor
* @final
* @ngInject
function MdNavItemController($element) {
/** @private @const {!angular.JQLite} */
this._$element = $element;
// Data-bound variables
/** @const {?Function} */
/** @const {?string} */
/** @const {?string} */;
// State variables
/** @private {boolean} */
this._selected = false;
/** @private {boolean} */
this._focused = false;
var hasNavClick = !!($element.attr('md-nav-click'));
var hasNavHref = !!($element.attr('md-nav-href'));
var hasNavSref = !!($element.attr('md-nav-sref'));
// Cannot specify more than one nav attribute
if ((hasNavClick ? 1:0) + (hasNavHref ? 1:0) + (hasNavSref ? 1:0) > 1) {
throw Error(
'Must specify exactly one of md-nav-click, md-nav-href, ' +
'md-nav-sref for nav-item directive');
* Returns a map of class names and values for use by ng-class.
* @return {!Object<string,boolean>}
MdNavItemController.prototype.getNgClassMap = function() {
return {
'md-active': this._selected,
'md-primary': this._selected,
'md-unselected': !this._selected,
'md-focused': this._focused,
* Get the name attribute of the tab.
* @return {string}
MdNavItemController.prototype.getName = function() {
* Get the button element associated with the tab.
* @return {!Element}
MdNavItemController.prototype.getButtonEl = function() {
return this._$element[0].querySelector('._md-nav-button');
* Set the selected state of the tab.
* @param {boolean} isSelected
MdNavItemController.prototype.setSelected = function(isSelected) {
this._selected = isSelected;
* @return {boolean}
MdNavItemController.prototype.isSelected = function() {
return this._selected;
* Set the focused state of the tab.
* @param {boolean} isFocused
MdNavItemController.prototype.setFocused = function(isFocused) {
this._focused = isFocused;
* @return {boolean}
MdNavItemController.prototype.hasFocus = function() {
return this._focused;
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.panel
MdPanelService.$inject = ["$rootElement", "$rootScope", "$injector", "$window"];
.module('material.components.panel', [
.service('$mdPanel', MdPanelService);
* @ngdoc service
* @name $mdPanel
* @module material.components.panel
* @description
* `$mdPanel` is a robust, low-level service for creating floating panels on
* the screen. It can be used to implement tooltips, dialogs, pop-ups, etc.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="js">
* (function(angular, undefined) {
* ‘use strict’;
* angular
* .module('demoApp', ['ngMaterial'])
* .controller('DemoDialogController', DialogController);
* var panelRef;
* function showPanel($event) {
* var panelPosition = $mdPanel.newPanelPosition()
* .absolute()
* .top('50%')
* .left('50%');
* var panelAnimation = $mdPanel.newPanelAnimation()
* .targetEvent($event)
* .defaultAnimation('md-panel-animate-fly')
* .closeTo('.show-button');
* var config = {
* attachTo: angular.element(document.body),
* controller: DialogController,
* controllerAs: 'ctrl',
* position: panelPosition,
* animation: panelAnimation,
* targetEvent: $event,
* templateUrl: 'dialog-template.html',
* clickOutsideToClose: true,
* escapeToClose: true,
* focusOnOpen: true
* }
* $
* .then(function(result) {
* panelRef = result;
* });
* }
* function DialogController(MdPanelRef, toppings) {
* var toppings;
* function closeDialog() {
* MdPanelRef && MdPanelRef.close();
* }
* }
* })(angular);
* </hljs>
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdPanel#create
* @description
* Creates a panel with the specified options.
* @param config {!Object=} Specific configuration object that may contain the
* following properties:
* - `id` - `{string=}`: An ID to track the panel by. When an ID is provided,
* the created panel is added to a tracked panels object. Any subsequent
* requests made to create a panel with that ID are ignored. This is useful
* in having the panel service not open multiple panels from the same user
* interaction when there is no backdrop and events are propagated. Defaults
* to an arbitrary string that is not tracked.
* - `template` - `{string=}`: HTML template to show in the panel. This
* **must** be trusted HTML with respect to Angular’s
* [$sce service]($sce).
* - `templateUrl` - `{string=}`: The URL that will be used as the content of
* the panel.
* - `controller` - `{(function|string)=}`: The controller to associate with
* the panel. The controller can inject a reference to the returned
* panelRef, which allows the panel to be closed, hidden, and shown. Any
* fields passed in through locals or resolve will be bound to the
* controller.
* - `controllerAs` - `{string=}`: An alias to assign the controller to on
* the scope.
* - `bindToController` - `{boolean=}`: Binds locals to the controller
* instead of passing them in. Defaults to true, as this is a best
* practice.
* - `locals` - `{Object=}`: An object containing key/value pairs. The keys
* will be used as names of values to inject into the controller. For
* example, `locals: {three: 3}` would inject `three` into the controller,
* with the value 3.
* - `resolve` - `{Object=}`: Similar to locals, except it takes promises as
* values. The panel will not open until all of the promises resolve.
* - `attachTo` - `{(string|!angular.JQLite|!Element)=}`: The element to
* attach the panel to. Defaults to appending to the root element of the
* application.
* - `propagateContainerEvents` - `{boolean=}`: Whether pointer or touch
* events should be allowed to propagate 'go through' the container, aka the
* wrapper, of the panel. Defaults to false.
* - `panelClass` - `{string=}`: A css class to apply to the panel element.
* This class should define any borders, box-shadow, etc. for the panel.
* - `zIndex` - `{number=}`: The z-index to place the panel at.
* Defaults to 80.
* - `position` - `{MdPanelPosition=}`: An MdPanelPosition object that
* specifies the alignment of the panel. For more information, see
* `MdPanelPosition`.
* - `clickOutsideToClose` - `{boolean=}`: Whether the user can click
* outside the panel to close it. Defaults to false.
* - `escapeToClose` - `{boolean=}`: Whether the user can press escape to
* close the panel. Defaults to false.
* - `trapFocus` - `{boolean=}`: Whether focus should be trapped within the
* panel. If `trapFocus` is true, the user will not be able to interact
* with the rest of the page until the panel is dismissed. Defaults to
* false.
* - `focusOnOpen` - `{boolean=}`: An option to override focus behavior on
* open. Only disable if focusing some other way, as focus management is
* required for panels to be accessible. Defaults to true.
* - `fullscreen` - `{boolean=}`: Whether the panel should be full screen.
* Applies the class `._md-panel-fullscreen` to the panel on open. Defaults
* to false.
* - `animation` - `{MdPanelAnimation=}`: An MdPanelAnimation object that
* specifies the animation of the panel. For more information, see
* `MdPanelAnimation`.
* - `hasBackdrop` - `{boolean=}`: Whether there should be an opaque backdrop
* behind the panel. Defaults to false.
* - `disableParentScroll` - `{boolean=}`: Whether the user can scroll the
* page behind the panel. Defaults to false.
* - `onDomAdded` - `{function=}`: Callback function used to announce when
* the panel is added to the DOM.
* - `onOpenComplete` - `{function=}`: Callback function used to announce
* when the open() action is finished.
* - `onRemoving` - `{function=}`: Callback function used to announce the
* close/hide() action is starting.
* - `onDomRemoved` - `{function=}`: Callback function used to announce when
* the panel is removed from the DOM.
* - `origin` - `{(string|!angular.JQLite|!Element)=}`: The element to focus
* on when the panel closes. This is commonly the element which triggered
* the opening of the panel. If you do not use `origin`, you need to control
* the focus manually.
* @returns {!MdPanelRef} panelRef
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdPanel#open
* @description
* Calls the create method above, then opens the panel. This is a shortcut for
* creating and then calling open manually. If custom methods need to be
* called when the panel is added to the DOM or opened, do not use this method.
* Instead create the panel, chain promises on the domAdded and openComplete
* methods, and call open from the returned panelRef.
* @param {!Object=} config Specific configuration object that may contain
* the properties defined in `$mdPanel.create`.
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise<!MdPanelRef>} panelRef A promise that resolves
* to an instance of the panel.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdPanel#newPanelPosition
* @description
* Returns a new instance of the MdPanelPosition object. Use this to create
* the position config object.
* @returns {!MdPanelPosition} panelPosition
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdPanel#newPanelAnimation
* @description
* Returns a new instance of the MdPanelAnimation object. Use this to create
* the animation config object.
* @returns {!MdPanelAnimation} panelAnimation
* MdPanelRef *
* @ngdoc type
* @name MdPanelRef
* @module material.components.panel
* @description
* A reference to a created panel. This reference contains a unique id for the
* panel, along with the following properties:
* - `id` - `{string}`: The unique id for the panel. This id is used to track
* when a panel was interacted with.
* - `config` - `{!Object=}`: The entire config object that was used in
* create.
* - `isAttached` - `{boolean}`: Whether the panel is attached to the DOM.
* Visibility to the user does not factor into isAttached.
* - `panelContainer` - `{angular.JQLite}`: The wrapper element containing the
* panel. This property is added in order to have access to the `addClass`,
* `removeClass`, `toggleClass`, etc methods.
* - `panelEl` - `{angular.JQLite}`: The panel element. This property is added
* in order to have access to the `addClass`, `removeClass`, `toggleClass`,
* etc methods.
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelRef#open
* @description
* Attaches and shows the panel.
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise} A promise that is resolved when the panel is
* opened.
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelRef#close
* @description
* Hides and detaches the panel. Note that this will **not** destroy the panel.
* If you don't intend on using the panel again, call the {@link #destroy
* destroy} method afterwards.
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise} A promise that is resolved when the panel is
* closed.
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelRef#attach
* @description
* Create the panel elements and attach them to the DOM. The panel will be
* hidden by default.
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise} A promise that is resolved when the panel is
* attached.
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelRef#detach
* @description
* Removes the panel from the DOM. This will NOT hide the panel before removing
* it.
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise} A promise that is resolved when the panel is
* detached.
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelRef#show
* @description
* Shows the panel.
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise} A promise that is resolved when the panel has
* shown and animations are completed.
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelRef#hide
* @description
* Hides the panel.
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise} A promise that is resolved when the panel has
* hidden and animations are completed.
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelRef#destroy
* @description
* Destroys the panel. The panel cannot be opened again after this is called.
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelRef#addClass
* @deprecated
* This method is in the process of being deprecated in favor of using the panel
* and container JQLite elements that are referenced in the MdPanelRef object.
* Full deprecation is scheduled for material 1.2.
* @description
* Adds a class to the panel. DO NOT use this hide/show the panel.
* @param {string} newClass class to be added.
* @param {boolean} toElement Whether or not to add the class to the panel
* element instead of the container.
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelRef#removeClass
* @deprecated
* This method is in the process of being deprecated in favor of using the panel
* and container JQLite elements that are referenced in the MdPanelRef object.
* Full deprecation is scheduled for material 1.2.
* @description
* Removes a class from the panel. DO NOT use this to hide/show the panel.
* @param {string} oldClass Class to be removed.
* @param {boolean} fromElement Whether or not to remove the class from the
* panel element instead of the container.
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelRef#toggleClass
* @deprecated
* This method is in the process of being deprecated in favor of using the panel
* and container JQLite elements that are referenced in the MdPanelRef object.
* Full deprecation is scheduled for material 1.2.
* @description
* Toggles a class on the panel. DO NOT use this to hide/show the panel.
* @param {string} toggleClass Class to be toggled.
* @param {boolean} onElement Whether or not to remove the class from the panel
* element instead of the container.
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelRef#updatePosition
* @description
* Updates the position configuration of a panel. Use this to update the
* position of a panel that is open, without having to close and re-open the
* panel.
* @param {!MdPanelPosition} position
* MdPanelPosition *
* @ngdoc type
* @name MdPanelPosition
* @module material.components.panel
* @description
* Object for configuring the position of the panel.
* @usage
* #### Centering the panel
* <hljs lang="js">
* new MdPanelPosition().absolute().center();
* </hljs>
* #### Overlapping the panel with an element
* <hljs lang="js">
* new MdPanelPosition()
* .relativeTo(someElement)
* .addPanelPosition(
* $mdPanel.xPosition.ALIGN_START,
* $mdPanel.yPosition.ALIGN_TOPS
* );
* </hljs>
* #### Aligning the panel with the bottom of an element
* <hljs lang="js">
* new MdPanelPosition()
* .relativeTo(someElement)
* .addPanelPosition($mdPanel.xPosition.CENTER, $mdPanel.yPosition.BELOW);
* </hljs>
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelPosition#absolute
* @description
* Positions the panel absolutely relative to the parent element. If the parent
* is document.body, this is equivalent to positioning the panel absolutely
* within the viewport.
* @returns {!MdPanelPosition}
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelPosition#relativeTo
* @description
* Positions the panel relative to a specific element.
* @param {string|!Element|!angular.JQLite} element Query selector, DOM element,
* or angular element to position the panel with respect to.
* @returns {!MdPanelPosition}
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelPosition#top
* @description
* Sets the value of `top` for the panel. Clears any previously set vertical
* position.
* @param {string=} top Value of `top`. Defaults to '0'.
* @returns {!MdPanelPosition}
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelPosition#bottom
* @description
* Sets the value of `bottom` for the panel. Clears any previously set vertical
* position.
* @param {string=} bottom Value of `bottom`. Defaults to '0'.
* @returns {!MdPanelPosition}
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelPosition#start
* @description
* Sets the panel to the start of the page - `left` if `ltr` or `right` for
* `rtl`. Clears any previously set horizontal position.
* @param {string=} start Value of position. Defaults to '0'.
* @returns {!MdPanelPosition}
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelPosition#end
* @description
* Sets the panel to the end of the page - `right` if `ltr` or `left` for `rtl`.
* Clears any previously set horizontal position.
* @param {string=} end Value of position. Defaults to '0'.
* @returns {!MdPanelPosition}
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelPosition#left
* @description
* Sets the value of `left` for the panel. Clears any previously set
* horizontal position.
* @param {string=} left Value of `left`. Defaults to '0'.
* @returns {!MdPanelPosition}
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelPosition#right
* @description
* Sets the value of `right` for the panel. Clears any previously set
* horizontal position.
* @param {string=} right Value of `right`. Defaults to '0'.
* @returns {!MdPanelPosition}
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelPosition#centerHorizontally
* @description
* Centers the panel horizontally in the viewport. Clears any previously set
* horizontal position.
* @returns {!MdPanelPosition}
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelPosition#centerVertically
* @description
* Centers the panel vertically in the viewport. Clears any previously set
* vertical position.
* @returns {!MdPanelPosition}
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelPosition#center
* @description
* Centers the panel horizontally and vertically in the viewport. This is
* equivalent to calling both `centerHorizontally` and `centerVertically`.
* Clears any previously set horizontal and vertical positions.
* @returns {!MdPanelPosition}
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelPosition#addPanelPosition
* @description
* Sets the x and y position for the panel relative to another element. Can be
* called multiple times to specify an ordered list of panel positions. The
* first position which allows the panel to be completely on-screen will be
* chosen; the last position will be chose whether it is on-screen or not.
* xPosition must be one of the following values available on
* $mdPanel.xPosition:
* *************
* * *
* * PANEL *
* * *
* *************
* A B C D E
* A: OFFSET_START (for LTR displays)
* B: ALIGN_START (for LTR displays)
* D: ALIGN_END (for LTR displays)
* E: OFFSET_END (for LTR displays)
* yPosition must be one of the following values available on
* $mdPanel.yPosition:
* F
* G *************
* * *
* H * PANEL *
* * *
* I *************
* J
* @param {string} xPosition
* @param {string} yPosition
* @returns {!MdPanelPosition}
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelPosition#withOffsetX
* @description
* Sets the value of the offset in the x-direction.
* @param {string} offsetX
* @returns {!MdPanelPosition}
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelPosition#withOffsetY
* @description
* Sets the value of the offset in the y-direction.
* @param {string} offsetY
* @returns {!MdPanelPosition}
* MdPanelAnimation *
* @ngdoc object
* @name MdPanelAnimation
* @description
* Animation configuration object. To use, create an MdPanelAnimation with the
* desired properties, then pass the object as part of $mdPanel creation.
* Example:
* var panelAnimation = new MdPanelAnimation()
* .openFrom(myButtonEl)
* .closeTo('.my-button')
* .withAnimation($mdPanel.animation.SCALE);
* $mdPanel.create({
* animation: panelAnimation
* });
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelAnimation#openFrom
* @description
* Specifies where to start the open animation. `openFrom` accepts a
* click event object, query selector, DOM element, or a Rect object that
* is used to determine the bounds. When passed a click event, the location
* of the click will be used as the position to start the animation.
* @param {string|!Element|!Event|{top: number, left: number}}
* @returns {!MdPanelAnimation}
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelAnimation#closeTo
* @description
* Specifies where to animate the panel close. `closeTo` accepts a
* query selector, DOM element, or a Rect object that is used to determine
* the bounds.
* @param {string|!Element|{top: number, left: number}}
* @returns {!MdPanelAnimation}
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelAnimation#withAnimation
* @description
* Specifies the animation class.
* There are several default animations that can be used:
* ($mdPanel.animation)
* SLIDE: The panel slides in and out from the specified
* elements. It will not fade in or out.
* SCALE: The panel scales in and out. Slide and fade are
* included in this animation.
* FADE: The panel fades in and out.
* Custom classes will by default fade in and out unless
* "transition: opacity 1ms" is added to the to custom class.
* @param {string|{open: string, close: string}} cssClass
* @returns {!MdPanelAnimation}
// Default z-index for the panel.
var defaultZIndex = 80;
var MD_PANEL_HIDDEN = '_md-panel-hidden';
var FOCUS_TRAP_TEMPLATE = angular.element(
'<div class="_md-panel-focus-trap" tabindex="0"></div>');
* A service that is used for controlling/displaying panels on the screen.
* @param {!angular.JQLite} $rootElement
* @param {!angular.Scope} $rootScope
* @param {!angular.$injector} $injector
* @param {!angular.$window} $window
* @final @constructor @ngInject
function MdPanelService($rootElement, $rootScope, $injector, $window) {
* Default config options for the panel.
* Anything angular related needs to be done later. Therefore
* scope: $rootScope.$new(true),
* attachTo: $rootElement,
* are added later.
* @private {!Object}
this._defaultConfigOptions = {
bindToController: true,
clickOutsideToClose: false,
disableParentScroll: false,
escapeToClose: false,
focusOnOpen: true,
fullscreen: false,
hasBackdrop: false,
propagateContainerEvents: false,
transformTemplate: angular.bind(this, this._wrapTemplate),
trapFocus: false,
zIndex: defaultZIndex
/** @private {!Object} */
this._config = {};
/** @private @const */
this._$rootElement = $rootElement;
/** @private @const */
this._$rootScope = $rootScope;
/** @private @const */
this._$injector = $injector;
/** @private @const */
this._$window = $window;
/** @private {!Object<string, !MdPanelRef>} */
this._trackedPanels = {};
* Default animations that can be used within the panel.
* @type {enum}
this.animation = MdPanelAnimation.animation;
* Possible values of xPosition for positioning the panel relative to
* another element.
* @type {enum}
this.xPosition = MdPanelPosition.xPosition;
* Possible values of yPosition for positioning the panel relative to
* another element.
* @type {enum}
this.yPosition = MdPanelPosition.yPosition;
* Creates a panel with the specified options.
* @param {!Object=} config Configuration object for the panel.
* @returns {!MdPanelRef}
MdPanelService.prototype.create = function(config) {
config = config || {};
// If the passed-in config contains an ID and the ID is within _trackedPanels,
// return the tracked panel.
if (angular.isDefined( && this._trackedPanels[]) {
return this._trackedPanels[];
// If no ID is set within the passed-in config, then create an arbitrary ID.
this._config = {
id: || 'panel_' + this._$injector.get('$mdUtil').nextUid(),
scope: this._$rootScope.$new(true),
attachTo: this._$rootElement
angular.extend(this._config, this._defaultConfigOptions, config);
var panelRef = new MdPanelRef(this._config, this._$injector);
this._trackedPanels[] = panelRef;
return panelRef;
* Creates and opens a panel with the specified options.
* @param {!Object=} config Configuration object for the panel.
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise<!MdPanelRef>} The panel created from create.
*/ = function(config) {
var panelRef = this.create(config);
return {
return panelRef;
* Returns a new instance of the MdPanelPosition. Use this to create the
* positioning object.
* @returns {!MdPanelPosition}
MdPanelService.prototype.newPanelPosition = function() {
return new MdPanelPosition(this._$injector);
* Returns a new instance of the MdPanelAnimation. Use this to create the
* animation object.
* @returns {!MdPanelAnimation}
MdPanelService.prototype.newPanelAnimation = function() {
return new MdPanelAnimation(this._$injector);
* Wraps the users template in two elements, md-panel-outer-wrapper, which
* covers the entire attachTo element, and md-panel, which contains only the
* template. This allows the panel control over positioning, animations,
* and similar properties.
* @param {string} origTemplate The original template.
* @returns {string} The wrapped template.
* @private
MdPanelService.prototype._wrapTemplate = function(origTemplate) {
var template = origTemplate || '';
// The panel should be initially rendered offscreen so we can calculate
// height and width for positioning.
return '' +
'<div class="md-panel-outer-wrapper">' +
' <div class="md-panel" style="left: -9999px;">' + template + '</div>' +
* MdPanelRef *
* A reference to a created panel. This reference contains a unique id for the
* panel, along with properties/functions used to control the panel.
* @param {!Object} config
* @param {!angular.$injector} $injector
* @final @constructor
function MdPanelRef(config, $injector) {
// Injected variables.
/** @private @const {!angular.$q} */
this._$q = $injector.get('$q');
/** @private @const {!angular.$mdCompiler} */
this._$mdCompiler = $injector.get('$mdCompiler');
/** @private @const {!angular.$mdConstant} */
this._$mdConstant = $injector.get('$mdConstant');
/** @private @const {!angular.$mdUtil} */
this._$mdUtil = $injector.get('$mdUtil');
/** @private @const {!angular.Scope} */
this._$rootScope = $injector.get('$rootScope');
/** @private @const {!angular.$animate} */
this._$animate = $injector.get('$animate');
/** @private @const {!MdPanelRef} */
this._$mdPanel = $injector.get('$mdPanel');
/** @private @const {!angular.$log} */
this._$log = $injector.get('$log');
/** @private @const {!angular.$window} */
this._$window = $injector.get('$window');
/** @private @const {!Function} */
this._$$rAF = $injector.get('$$rAF');
// Public variables.
* Unique id for the panelRef.
* @type {string}
*/ =;
/** @type {!Object} */
this.config = config;
/** @type {!angular.JQLite|undefined} */
/** @type {!angular.JQLite|undefined} */
* Whether the panel is attached. This is synchronous. When attach is called,
* isAttached is set to true. When detach is called, isAttached is set to
* false.
* @type {boolean}
this.isAttached = false;
// Private variables.
/** @private {Array<function()>} */
this._removeListeners = [];
/** @private {!angular.JQLite|undefined} */
/** @private {!angular.JQLite|undefined} */
/** @private {!$mdPanel|undefined} */
/** @private {Function?} */
this._restoreScroll = null;
* Opens an already created and configured panel. If the panel is already
* visible, does nothing.
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise<!MdPanelRef>} A promise that is resolved when
* the panel is opened and animations finish.
*/ = function() {
var self = this;
return this._$q(function(resolve, reject) {
var done = self._done(resolve, self);
var show = self._simpleBind(, self);
* Closes the panel.
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise<!MdPanelRef>} A promise that is resolved when
* the panel is closed and animations finish.
MdPanelRef.prototype.close = function() {
var self = this;
return this._$q(function(resolve, reject) {
var done = self._done(resolve, self);
var detach = self._simpleBind(self.detach, self);
* Attaches the panel. The panel will be hidden afterwards.
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise<!MdPanelRef>} A promise that is resolved when
* the panel is attached.
MdPanelRef.prototype.attach = function() {
if (this.isAttached && this.panelEl) {
return this._$q.when(this);
var self = this;
return this._$q(function(resolve, reject) {
var done = self._done(resolve, self);
var onDomAdded = self.config['onDomAdded'] || angular.noop;
var addListeners = function(response) {
self.isAttached = true;
return response;
* Only detaches the panel. Will NOT hide the panel first.
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise<!MdPanelRef>} A promise that is resolved when
* the panel is detached.
MdPanelRef.prototype.detach = function() {
if (!this.isAttached) {
return this._$q.when(this);
var self = this;
var onDomRemoved = self.config['onDomRemoved'] || angular.noop;
var detachFn = function() {
// Remove the focus traps that we added earlier for keeping focus within
// the panel.
if (self._topFocusTrap && self._topFocusTrap.parentNode) {
if (self._bottomFocusTrap && self._bottomFocusTrap.parentNode) {
self.isAttached = false;
return self._$q.when(self);
if (this._restoreScroll) {
this._restoreScroll = null;
return this._$q(function(resolve, reject) {
var done = self._done(resolve, self);
self._backdropRef ? self._backdropRef.detach() : true
* Destroys the panel. The Panel cannot be opened again after this.
MdPanelRef.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.config.locals = null;
* Shows the panel.
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise<!MdPanelRef>} A promise that is resolved when
* the panel has shown and animations finish.
*/ = function() {
if (!this.panelContainer) {
return this._$q(function(resolve, reject) {
reject('Panel does not exist yet. Call open() or attach().');
if (!this.panelContainer.hasClass(MD_PANEL_HIDDEN)) {
return this._$q.when(this);
var self = this;
var animatePromise = function() {
return self._animateOpen();
return this._$q(function(resolve, reject) {
var done = self._done(resolve, self);
var onOpenComplete = self.config['onOpenComplete'] || angular.noop;
self._backdropRef ? : self,
animatePromise().then(function() { self._focusOnOpen(); }, reject)
* Hides the panel.
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise<!MdPanelRef>} A promise that is resolved when
* the panel has hidden and animations finish.
MdPanelRef.prototype.hide = function() {
if (!this.panelContainer) {
return this._$q(function(resolve, reject) {
reject('Panel does not exist yet. Call open() or attach().');
if (this.panelContainer.hasClass(MD_PANEL_HIDDEN)) {
return this._$q.when(this);
var self = this;
return this._$q(function(resolve, reject) {
var done = self._done(resolve, self);
var onRemoving = self.config['onRemoving'] || angular.noop;
var focusOnOrigin = function() {
var origin = self.config['origin'];
if (origin) {
var hidePanel = function() {
self._backdropRef ? self._backdropRef.hide() : self,
]).then(done, reject);
* Add a class to the panel. DO NOT use this to hide/show the panel.
* @deprecated
* This method is in the process of being deprecated in favor of using the panel
* and container JQLite elements that are referenced in the MdPanelRef object.
* Full deprecation is scheduled for material 1.2.
* @param {string} newClass Class to be added.
* @param {boolean} toElement Whether or not to add the class to the panel
* element instead of the container.
MdPanelRef.prototype.addClass = function(newClass, toElement) {
'The addClass method is in the process of being deprecated. ' +
'Full deprecation is scheduled for the Angular Material 1.2 release. ' +
'To achieve the same results, use the panelContainer or panelEl ' +
'JQLite elements that are referenced in MdPanelRef.');
if (!this.panelContainer) {
throw new Error('Panel does not exist yet. Call open() or attach().');
if (!toElement && !this.panelContainer.hasClass(newClass)) {
} else if (toElement && !this.panelEl.hasClass(newClass)) {
* Remove a class from the panel. DO NOT use this to hide/show the panel.
* @deprecated
* This method is in the process of being deprecated in favor of using the panel
* and container JQLite elements that are referenced in the MdPanelRef object.
* Full deprecation is scheduled for material 1.2.
* @param {string} oldClass Class to be removed.
* @param {boolean} fromElement Whether or not to remove the class from the
* panel element instead of the container.
MdPanelRef.prototype.removeClass = function(oldClass, fromElement) {
'The removeClass method is in the process of being deprecated. ' +
'Full deprecation is scheduled for the Angular Material 1.2 release. ' +
'To achieve the same results, use the panelContainer or panelEl ' +
'JQLite elements that are referenced in MdPanelRef.');
if (!this.panelContainer) {
throw new Error('Panel does not exist yet. Call open() or attach().');
if (!fromElement && this.panelContainer.hasClass(oldClass)) {
} else if (fromElement && this.panelEl.hasClass(oldClass)) {
* Toggle a class on the panel. DO NOT use this to hide/show the panel.
* @deprecated
* This method is in the process of being deprecated in favor of using the panel
* and container JQLite elements that are referenced in the MdPanelRef object.
* Full deprecation is scheduled for material 1.2.
* @param {string} toggleClass The class to toggle.
* @param {boolean} onElement Whether or not to toggle the class on the panel
* element instead of the container.
MdPanelRef.prototype.toggleClass = function(toggleClass, onElement) {
'The toggleClass method is in the process of being deprecated. ' +
'Full deprecation is scheduled for the Angular Material 1.2 release. ' +
'To achieve the same results, use the panelContainer or panelEl ' +
'JQLite elements that are referenced in MdPanelRef.');
if (!this.panelContainer) {
throw new Error('Panel does not exist yet. Call open() or attach().');
if (!onElement) {
} else {
* Creates a panel and adds it to the dom.
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise} A promise that is resolved when the panel is
* created.
* @private
MdPanelRef.prototype._createPanel = function() {
var self = this;
return this._$q(function(resolve, reject) {
if (!self.config.locals) {
self.config.locals = {};
self.config.locals.mdPanelRef = self;
.then(function(compileData) {
self.panelContainer =['scope']);
if (self.config['disableParentScroll']) {
self._restoreScroll = self._$mdUtil.disableScrollAround(
{ disableScrollMask: true }
self.panelEl = angular.element(
// Add a custom CSS class to the panel element.
if (self.config['panelClass']) {
// Handle click and touch events for the panel container.
if (self.config['propagateContainerEvents']) {
self.panelContainer.css('pointer-events', 'none');
// Panel may be outside the $rootElement, tell ngAnimate to animate
// regardless.
if (self._$ {
self._addStyles().then(function() {
}, reject);
}, reject);
* Adds the styles for the panel, such as positioning and z-index.
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise<!MdPanelRef>}
* @private
MdPanelRef.prototype._addStyles = function() {
var self = this;
return this._$q(function(resolve) {
self.panelContainer.css('z-index', self.config['zIndex']);
self.panelEl.css('z-index', self.config['zIndex'] + 1);
var hideAndResolve = function() {
// Remove left: -9999px and add hidden class.
self.panelEl.css('left', '');
if (self.config['fullscreen']) {
return; // Don't setup positioning.
var positionConfig = self.config['position'];
if (!positionConfig) {
return; // Don't setup positioning.
// Wait for angular to finish processing the template, then position it
// correctly. This is necessary so that the panel will have a defined height
// and width.
self._$rootScope['$$postDigest'](function() {
* Updates the position configuration of a panel
* @param {!MdPanelPosition} position
MdPanelRef.prototype.updatePosition = function(position) {
if (!this.panelContainer) {
throw new Error('Panel does not exist yet. Call open() or attach().');
this.config['position'] = position;
* Calculates and updates the position of the panel.
* @param {boolean=} init
* @private
MdPanelRef.prototype._updatePosition = function(init) {
var positionConfig = this.config['position'];
if (positionConfig) {
// Hide the panel now that position is known.
if (init) {
// Use the vendor prefixed version of transform.
var prefixedTransform = this._$mdConstant.CSS.TRANSFORM;
this.panelEl.css(prefixedTransform, positionConfig.getTransform());
* Focuses on the panel or the first focus target.
* @private
MdPanelRef.prototype._focusOnOpen = function() {
if (this.config['focusOnOpen']) {
// Wait for the template to finish rendering to guarantee md-autofocus has
// finished adding the class md-autofocus, otherwise the focusable element
// isn't available to focus.
var self = this;
this._$rootScope['$$postDigest'](function() {
var target = self._$mdUtil.findFocusTarget(self.panelEl) ||
* Shows the backdrop.
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise} A promise that is resolved when the backdrop
* is created and attached.
* @private
MdPanelRef.prototype._createBackdrop = function() {
if (this.config.hasBackdrop) {
if (!this._backdropRef) {
var backdropAnimation = this._$mdPanel.newPanelAnimation()
open: '_md-opaque-enter',
close: '_md-opaque-leave'
var backdropConfig = {
animation: backdropAnimation,
attachTo: this.config.attachTo,
focusOnOpen: false,
panelClass: '_md-panel-backdrop',
zIndex: this.config.zIndex - 1
this._backdropRef = this._$mdPanel.create(backdropConfig);
if (!this._backdropRef.isAttached) {
return this._backdropRef.attach();
* Listen for escape keys and outside clicks to auto close.
* @private
MdPanelRef.prototype._addEventListeners = function() {
* Remove event listeners added in _addEventListeners.
* @private
MdPanelRef.prototype._removeEventListeners = function() {
this._removeListeners && this._removeListeners.forEach(function(removeFn) {
this._removeListeners = [];
* Setup the escapeToClose event listeners.
* @private
MdPanelRef.prototype._configureEscapeToClose = function() {
if (this.config['escapeToClose']) {
var parentTarget = getElement(this.config['attachTo']);
var self = this;
var keyHandlerFn = function(ev) {
if (ev.keyCode === self._$mdConstant.KEY_CODE.ESCAPE) {
// Add keydown listeners
this.panelContainer.on('keydown', keyHandlerFn);
parentTarget.on('keydown', keyHandlerFn);
// Queue remove listeners function
this._removeListeners.push(function() {'keydown', keyHandlerFn);'keydown', keyHandlerFn);
* Setup the clickOutsideToClose event listeners.
* @private
MdPanelRef.prototype._configureClickOutsideToClose = function() {
if (this.config['clickOutsideToClose']) {
var target = this.panelContainer;
var sourceElem;
// Keep track of the element on which the mouse originally went down
// so that we can only close the backdrop when the 'click' started on it.
// A simple 'click' handler does not work,
// it sets the target object as the element the mouse went down on.
var mousedownHandler = function(ev) {
sourceElem =;
// We check if our original element and the target is the backdrop
// because if the original was the backdrop and the target was inside the
// panel we don't want to panel to close.
var self = this;
var mouseupHandler = function(ev) {
if (sourceElem === target[0] && === target[0]) {
// Add listeners
target.on('mousedown', mousedownHandler);
target.on('mouseup', mouseupHandler);
// Queue remove listeners function
this._removeListeners.push(function() {'mousedown', mousedownHandler);'mouseup', mouseupHandler);
* Configures the listeners for updating the panel position on scroll.
* @private
MdPanelRef.prototype._configureScrollListener = function() {
var updatePosition = angular.bind(this, this._updatePosition);
var debouncedUpdatePosition = this._$$rAF.throttle(updatePosition);
var self = this;
var onScroll = function() {
if (!self.config['disableParentScroll']) {
// Add listeners.
this._$window.addEventListener('scroll', onScroll, true);
// Queue remove listeners function.
this._removeListeners.push(function() {
self._$window.removeEventListener('scroll', onScroll, true);
* Setup the focus traps. These traps will wrap focus when tabbing past the
* panel. When shift-tabbing, the focus will stick in place.
* @private
MdPanelRef.prototype._configureTrapFocus = function() {
// Focus doesn't remain instead of the panel without this.
this.panelEl.attr('tabIndex', '-1');
if (this.config['trapFocus']) {
var element = this.panelEl;
// Set up elements before and after the panel to capture focus and
// redirect back into the panel.
this._topFocusTrap = FOCUS_TRAP_TEMPLATE.clone()[0];
this._bottomFocusTrap = FOCUS_TRAP_TEMPLATE.clone()[0];
// When focus is about to move out of the panel, we want to intercept it
// and redirect it back to the panel element.
var focusHandler = function() {
this._topFocusTrap.addEventListener('focus', focusHandler);
this._bottomFocusTrap.addEventListener('focus', focusHandler);
// Queue remove listeners function
this._removeListeners.push(this._simpleBind(function() {
this._topFocusTrap.removeEventListener('focus', focusHandler);
this._bottomFocusTrap.removeEventListener('focus', focusHandler);
}, this));
// The top focus trap inserted immediately before the md-panel element (as
// a sibling). The bottom focus trap inserted immediately after the
// md-panel element (as a sibling).
element[0].parentNode.insertBefore(this._topFocusTrap, element[0]);
* Animate the panel opening.
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise} A promise that is resolved when the panel has
* animated open.
* @private
MdPanelRef.prototype._animateOpen = function() {
var animationConfig = this.config['animation'];
if (!animationConfig) {
// Promise is in progress, return it.
return this._$q.when(this);
var self = this;
return this._$q(function(resolve) {
var done = self._done(resolve, self);
var warnAndOpen = function() {
'MdPanel Animations failed. Showing panel without animating.');
.then(done, warnAndOpen);
* Animate the panel closing.
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise} A promise that is resolved when the panel has
* animated closed.
* @private
MdPanelRef.prototype._animateClose = function() {
var animationConfig = this.config['animation'];
if (!animationConfig) {
return this._$q.when(this);
var self = this;
return this._$q(function(resolve) {
var done = function() {
var warnAndClose = function() {
'MdPanel Animations failed. Hiding panel without animating.');
.then(done, warnAndClose);
* Faster, more basic than angular.bind
* @param {function} callback
* @param {!Object} self
* @return {function} Callback function with a bound self.
MdPanelRef.prototype._simpleBind = function(callback, self) {
return function(value) {
return callback.apply(self, value);
* @param {function} callback
* @param {!Object} self
* @return {function} Callback function with a self param.
MdPanelRef.prototype._done = function(callback, self) {
return function() {
* MdPanelPosition *
* Position configuration object. To use, create an MdPanelPosition with the
* desired properties, then pass the object as part of $mdPanel creation.
* Example:
* var panelPosition = new MdPanelPosition()
* .relativeTo(myButtonEl)
* .addPanelPosition(
* $mdPanel.xPosition.CENTER,
* $mdPanel.yPosition.ALIGN_TOPS
* );
* $mdPanel.create({
* position: panelPosition
* });
* @param {!angular.$injector} $injector
* @final @constructor
function MdPanelPosition($injector) {
/** @private @const {!angular.$window} */
this._$window = $injector.get('$window');
/** @private {boolean} */
this._isRTL = $injector.get('$mdUtil').bidi() === 'rtl';
/** @private {boolean} */
this._absolute = false;
/** @private {!angular.JQLite} */
/** @private {string} */
this._top = '';
/** @private {string} */
this._bottom = '';
/** @private {string} */
this._left = '';
/** @private {string} */
this._right = '';
/** @private {!Array<string>} */
this._translateX = [];
/** @private {!Array<string>} */
this._translateY = [];
/** @private {!Array<{x:string, y:string}>} */
this._positions = [];
/** @private {?{x:string, y:string}} */
* Possible values of xPosition.
* @enum {string}
MdPanelPosition.xPosition = {
CENTER: 'center',
ALIGN_START: 'align-start',
ALIGN_END: 'align-end',
OFFSET_START: 'offset-start',
OFFSET_END: 'offset-end'
* Possible values of yPosition.
* @enum {string}
MdPanelPosition.yPosition = {
CENTER: 'center',
ALIGN_TOPS: 'align-tops',
ALIGN_BOTTOMS: 'align-bottoms',
ABOVE: 'above',
BELOW: 'below'
* Possible values of absolute position.
* @enum {string}
MdPanelPosition.absPosition = {
TOP: 'top',
RIGHT: 'right',
BOTTOM: 'bottom',
LEFT: 'left'
* Sets absolute positioning for the panel.
* @return {!MdPanelPosition}
MdPanelPosition.prototype.absolute = function() {
this._absolute = true;
return this;
* Sets the value of a position for the panel. Clears any previously set
* position.
* @param {string} position Position to set
* @param {string=} value Value of the position. Defaults to '0'.
* @returns {!MdPanelPosition}
* @private
MdPanelPosition.prototype._setPosition = function(position, value) {
if (position === MdPanelPosition.absPosition.RIGHT ||
position === MdPanelPosition.absPosition.LEFT) {
this._left = this._right = '';
} else if (
position === MdPanelPosition.absPosition.BOTTOM ||
position === MdPanelPosition.absPosition.TOP) {
this._top = this._bottom = '';
} else {
var positions = Object.keys(MdPanelPosition.absPosition).join()
throw new Error('Position must be one of ' + positions + '.');
this['_' + position] = angular.isString(value) ? value : '0';
return this;
* Sets the value of `top` for the panel. Clears any previously set vertical
* position.
* @param {string=} top Value of `top`. Defaults to '0'.
* @returns {!MdPanelPosition}
*/ = function(top) {
return this._setPosition(MdPanelPosition.absPosition.TOP, top);
* Sets the value of `bottom` for the panel. Clears any previously set vertical
* position.
* @param {string=} bottom Value of `bottom`. Defaults to '0'.
* @returns {!MdPanelPosition}
MdPanelPosition.prototype.bottom = function(bottom) {
return this._setPosition(MdPanelPosition.absPosition.BOTTOM, bottom);
* Sets the panel to the start of the page - `left` if `ltr` or `right` for
* `rtl`. Clears any previously set horizontal position.
* @param {string=} start Value of position. Defaults to '0'.
* @returns {!MdPanelPosition}
MdPanelPosition.prototype.start = function(start) {
var position = this._isRTL ? MdPanelPosition.absPosition.RIGHT : MdPanelPosition.absPosition.LEFT;
return this._setPosition(position, start);
* Sets the panel to the end of the page - `right` if `ltr` or `left` for `rtl`.
* Clears any previously set horizontal position.
* @param {string=} end Value of position. Defaults to '0'.
* @returns {!MdPanelPosition}
MdPanelPosition.prototype.end = function(end) {
var position = this._isRTL ? MdPanelPosition.absPosition.LEFT : MdPanelPosition.absPosition.RIGHT;
return this._setPosition(position, end);
* Sets the value of `left` for the panel. Clears any previously set
* horizontal position.
* @param {string=} left Value of `left`. Defaults to '0'.
* @returns {!MdPanelPosition}
MdPanelPosition.prototype.left = function(left) {
return this._setPosition(MdPanelPosition.absPosition.LEFT, left);
* Sets the value of `right` for the panel. Clears any previously set
* horizontal position.
* @param {string=} right Value of `right`. Defaults to '0'.
* @returns {!MdPanelPosition}
MdPanelPosition.prototype.right = function(right) {
return this._setPosition(MdPanelPosition.absPosition.RIGHT, right);
* Centers the panel horizontally in the viewport. Clears any previously set
* horizontal position.
* @returns {!MdPanelPosition}
MdPanelPosition.prototype.centerHorizontally = function() {
this._left = '50%';
this._right = '';
this._translateX = ['-50%'];
return this;
* Centers the panel vertically in the viewport. Clears any previously set
* vertical position.
* @returns {!MdPanelPosition}
MdPanelPosition.prototype.centerVertically = function() {
this._top = '50%';
this._bottom = '';
this._translateY = ['-50%'];
return this;
* Centers the panel horizontally and vertically in the viewport. This is
* equivalent to calling both `centerHorizontally` and `centerVertically`.
* Clears any previously set horizontal and vertical positions.
* @returns {!MdPanelPosition}
*/ = function() {
return this.centerHorizontally().centerVertically();
* Sets element for relative positioning.
* @param {string|!Element|!angular.JQLite} element Query selector, DOM element,
* or angular element to set the panel relative to.
* @returns {!MdPanelPosition}
MdPanelPosition.prototype.relativeTo = function(element) {
this._absolute = false;
this._relativeToEl = getElement(element);
return this;
* Sets the x and y positions for the panel relative to another element.
* @param {string} xPosition must be one of the MdPanelPosition.xPosition
* values.
* @param {string} yPosition must be one of the MdPanelPosition.yPosition
* values.
* @returns {!MdPanelPosition}
MdPanelPosition.prototype.addPanelPosition = function(xPosition, yPosition) {
if (!this._relativeToEl) {
throw new Error('addPanelPosition can only be used with relative ' +
'positioning. Set relativeTo first.');
x: xPosition,
y: yPosition,
return this;
* Ensures that yPosition is a valid position name. Throw an exception if not.
* @param {string} yPosition
MdPanelPosition.prototype._validateYPosition = function(yPosition) {
// empty is ok
if (yPosition == null) {
var positionKeys = Object.keys(MdPanelPosition.yPosition);
var positionValues = [];
for (var key, i = 0; key = positionKeys[i]; i++) {
var position = MdPanelPosition.yPosition[key];
if (position === yPosition) {
throw new Error('Panel y position only accepts the following values:\n' +
positionValues.join(' | '));
* Ensures that xPosition is a valid position name. Throw an exception if not.
* @param {string} xPosition
MdPanelPosition.prototype._validateXPosition = function(xPosition) {
// empty is ok
if (xPosition == null) {
var positionKeys = Object.keys(MdPanelPosition.xPosition);
var positionValues = [];
for (var key, i = 0; key = positionKeys[i]; i++) {
var position = MdPanelPosition.xPosition[key];
if (position === xPosition) {
throw new Error('Panel x Position only accepts the following values:\n' +
positionValues.join(' | '));
* Sets the value of the offset in the x-direction. This will add to any
* previously set offsets.
* @param {string} offsetX
* @returns {!MdPanelPosition}
MdPanelPosition.prototype.withOffsetX = function(offsetX) {
return this;
* Sets the value of the offset in the y-direction. This will add to any
* previously set offsets.
* @param {string} offsetY
* @returns {!MdPanelPosition}
MdPanelPosition.prototype.withOffsetY = function(offsetY) {
return this;
* Gets the value of `top` for the panel.
* @returns {string}
MdPanelPosition.prototype.getTop = function() {
return this._top;
* Gets the value of `bottom` for the panel.
* @returns {string}
MdPanelPosition.prototype.getBottom = function() {
return this._bottom;
* Gets the value of `left` for the panel.
* @returns {string}
MdPanelPosition.prototype.getLeft = function() {
return this._left;
* Gets the value of `right` for the panel.
* @returns {string}
MdPanelPosition.prototype.getRight = function() {
return this._right;
* Gets the value of `transform` for the panel.
* @returns {string}
MdPanelPosition.prototype.getTransform = function() {
var translateX = this._reduceTranslateValues('translateX', this._translateX);
var translateY = this._reduceTranslateValues('translateY', this._translateY);
// It's important to trim the result, because the browser will ignore the set
// operation if the string contains only whitespace.
return (translateX + ' ' + translateY).trim();
* True if the panel is completely on-screen with this positioning; false
* otherwise.
* @param {!angular.JQLite} panelEl
* @return {boolean}
MdPanelPosition.prototype._isOnscreen = function(panelEl) {
// this works because we always use fixed positioning for the panel,
// which is relative to the viewport.
// TODO(gmoothart): take into account _translateX and _translateY to the
// extent feasible.
var left = parseInt(this.getLeft());
var top = parseInt(this.getTop());
var right = left + panelEl[0].offsetWidth;
var bottom = top + panelEl[0].offsetHeight;
return (left >= 0) &&
(top >= 0) &&
(bottom <= this._$window.innerHeight) &&
(right <= this._$window.innerWidth);
* Gets the first x/y position that can fit on-screen.
* @returns {{x: string, y: string}}
MdPanelPosition.prototype.getActualPosition = function() {
return this._actualPosition;
* Reduces a list of translate values to a string that can be used within
* transform.
* @param {string} translateFn
* @param {!Array<string>} values
* @returns {string}
* @private
MdPanelPosition.prototype._reduceTranslateValues =
function(translateFn, values) {
return {
return translateFn + '(' + translation + ')';
}).join(' ');
* Sets the panel position based on the created panel element and best x/y
* positioning.
* @param {!angular.JQLite} panelEl
* @private
MdPanelPosition.prototype._setPanelPosition = function(panelEl) {
// Only calculate the position if necessary.
if (this._absolute) {
if (this._actualPosition) {
this._calculatePanelPosition(panelEl, this._actualPosition);
for (var i = 0; i < this._positions.length; i++) {
this._actualPosition = this._positions[i];
this._calculatePanelPosition(panelEl, this._actualPosition);
if (this._isOnscreen(panelEl)) {
* Switches between 'start' and 'end'.
* @param {string} position Horizontal position of the panel
* @returns {string} Reversed position
* @private
MdPanelPosition.prototype._reverseXPosition = function(position) {
if (position === MdPanelPosition.xPosition.CENTER) {
var start = 'start';
var end = 'end';
return position.indexOf(start) > -1 ? position.replace(start, end) : position.replace(end, start);
* Handles horizontal positioning in rtl or ltr environments.
* @param {string} position Horizontal position of the panel
* @returns {string} The correct position according the page direction
* @private
MdPanelPosition.prototype._bidi = function(position) {
return this._isRTL ? this._reverseXPosition(position) : position;
* Calculates the panel position based on the created panel element and the
* provided positioning.
* @param {!angular.JQLite} panelEl
* @param {!{x:string, y:string}} position
* @private
MdPanelPosition.prototype._calculatePanelPosition = function(panelEl, position) {
var panelBounds = panelEl[0].getBoundingClientRect();
var panelWidth = panelBounds.width;
var panelHeight = panelBounds.height;
var targetBounds = this._relativeToEl[0].getBoundingClientRect();
var targetLeft = targetBounds.left;
var targetRight = targetBounds.right;
var targetWidth = targetBounds.width;
switch (this._bidi(position.x)) {
case MdPanelPosition.xPosition.OFFSET_START:
this._left = targetLeft - panelWidth + 'px';
case MdPanelPosition.xPosition.ALIGN_END:
this._left = targetRight - panelWidth + 'px';
case MdPanelPosition.xPosition.CENTER:
var left = targetLeft + (0.5 * targetWidth) - (0.5 * panelWidth);
this._left = left + 'px';
case MdPanelPosition.xPosition.ALIGN_START:
this._left = targetLeft + 'px';
case MdPanelPosition.xPosition.OFFSET_END:
this._left = targetRight + 'px';
var targetTop =;
var targetBottom = targetBounds.bottom;
var targetHeight = targetBounds.height;
switch (position.y) {
case MdPanelPosition.yPosition.ABOVE:
this._top = targetTop - panelHeight + 'px';
case MdPanelPosition.yPosition.ALIGN_BOTTOMS:
this._top = targetBottom - panelHeight + 'px';
case MdPanelPosition.yPosition.CENTER:
var top = targetTop + (0.5 * targetHeight) - (0.5 * panelHeight);
this._top = top + 'px';
case MdPanelPosition.yPosition.ALIGN_TOPS:
this._top = targetTop + 'px';
case MdPanelPosition.yPosition.BELOW:
this._top = targetBottom + 'px';
* MdPanelAnimation *
* Animation configuration object. To use, create an MdPanelAnimation with the
* desired properties, then pass the object as part of $mdPanel creation.
* Example:
* var panelAnimation = new MdPanelAnimation()
* .openFrom(myButtonEl)
* .closeTo('.my-button')
* .withAnimation($mdPanel.animation.SCALE);
* $mdPanel.create({
* animation: panelAnimation
* });
* @param {!angular.$injector} $injector
* @final @constructor
function MdPanelAnimation($injector) {
/** @private @const {!angular.$mdUtil} */
this._$mdUtil = $injector.get('$mdUtil');
* @private {{element: !angular.JQLite|undefined, bounds: !DOMRect}|
* undefined}
* @private {{element: !angular.JQLite|undefined, bounds: !DOMRect}|
* undefined}
/** @private {string|{open: string, close: string}} */
this._animationClass = '';
* Possible default animations.
* @enum {string}
MdPanelAnimation.animation = {
SLIDE: 'md-panel-animate-slide',
SCALE: 'md-panel-animate-scale',
FADE: 'md-panel-animate-fade'
* Specifies where to start the open animation. `openFrom` accepts a
* click event object, query selector, DOM element, or a Rect object that
* is used to determine the bounds. When passed a click event, the location
* of the click will be used as the position to start the animation.
* @param {string|!Element|!Event|{top: number, left: number}} openFrom
* @returns {!MdPanelAnimation}
MdPanelAnimation.prototype.openFrom = function(openFrom) {
// Check if 'openFrom' is an Event.
openFrom = ? : openFrom;
this._openFrom = this._getPanelAnimationTarget(openFrom);
if (!this._closeTo) {
this._closeTo = this._openFrom;
return this;
* Specifies where to animate the panel close. `closeTo` accepts a
* query selector, DOM element, or a Rect object that is used to determine
* the bounds.
* @param {string|!Element|{top: number, left: number}} closeTo
* @returns {!MdPanelAnimation}
MdPanelAnimation.prototype.closeTo = function(closeTo) {
this._closeTo = this._getPanelAnimationTarget(closeTo);
return this;
* Returns the element and bounds for the animation target.
* @param {string|!Element|{top: number, left: number}} location
* @returns {{element: !angular.JQLite|undefined, bounds: !DOMRect}}
* @private
MdPanelAnimation.prototype._getPanelAnimationTarget = function(location) {
if (angular.isDefined( || angular.isDefined(location.left)) {
return {
element: undefined,
bounds: {
top: || 0,
left: location.left || 0
} else {
return this._getBoundingClientRect(getElement(location));
* Specifies the animation class.
* There are several default animations that can be used:
* (MdPanelAnimation.animation)
* SLIDE: The panel slides in and out from the specified
* elements.
* SCALE: The panel scales in and out.
* FADE: The panel fades in and out.
* @param {string|{open: string, close: string}} cssClass
* @returns {!MdPanelAnimation}
MdPanelAnimation.prototype.withAnimation = function(cssClass) {
this._animationClass = cssClass;
return this;
* Animate the panel open.
* @param {!angular.JQLite} panelEl
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise} A promise that is resolved when the open
* animation is complete.
MdPanelAnimation.prototype.animateOpen = function(panelEl) {
var animator = this._$mdUtil.dom.animator;
var animationOptions = {};
// Include the panel transformations when calculating the animations.
var panelTransform = panelEl[0].style.transform || '';
var openFrom = animator.toTransformCss(panelTransform);
var openTo = animator.toTransformCss(panelTransform);
switch (this._animationClass) {
case MdPanelAnimation.animation.SLIDE:
// Slide should start with opacity: 1.
panelEl.css('opacity', '1');
animationOptions = {
transitionInClass: '_md-panel-animate-enter'
var openSlide = animator.calculateSlideToOrigin(
panelEl, this._openFrom) || '';
openFrom = animator.toTransformCss(openSlide + ' ' + panelTransform);
case MdPanelAnimation.animation.SCALE:
animationOptions = {
transitionInClass: '_md-panel-animate-enter'
var openScale = animator.calculateZoomToOrigin(
panelEl, this._openFrom) || '';
openFrom = animator.toTransformCss(openScale + ' ' + panelTransform);
case MdPanelAnimation.animation.FADE:
animationOptions = {
transitionInClass: '_md-panel-animate-enter'
if (angular.isString(this._animationClass)) {
animationOptions = {
transitionInClass: this._animationClass
} else {
animationOptions = {
transitionInClass: this._animationClass['open'],
transitionOutClass: this._animationClass['close'],
return animator
.translate3d(panelEl, openFrom, openTo, animationOptions);
* Animate the panel close.
* @param {!angular.JQLite} panelEl
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise} A promise that resolves when the close
* animation is complete.
MdPanelAnimation.prototype.animateClose = function(panelEl) {
var animator = this._$mdUtil.dom.animator;
var reverseAnimationOptions = {};
// Include the panel transformations when calculating the animations.
var panelTransform = panelEl[0].style.transform || '';
var closeFrom = animator.toTransformCss(panelTransform);
var closeTo = animator.toTransformCss(panelTransform);
switch (this._animationClass) {
case MdPanelAnimation.animation.SLIDE:
// Slide should start with opacity: 1.
panelEl.css('opacity', '1');
reverseAnimationOptions = {
transitionInClass: '_md-panel-animate-leave'
var closeSlide = animator.calculateSlideToOrigin(
panelEl, this._closeTo) || '';
closeTo = animator.toTransformCss(closeSlide + ' ' + panelTransform);
case MdPanelAnimation.animation.SCALE:
reverseAnimationOptions = {
transitionInClass: '_md-panel-animate-scale-out _md-panel-animate-leave'
var closeScale = animator.calculateZoomToOrigin(
panelEl, this._closeTo) || '';
closeTo = animator.toTransformCss(closeScale + ' ' + panelTransform);
case MdPanelAnimation.animation.FADE:
reverseAnimationOptions = {
transitionInClass: '_md-panel-animate-fade-out _md-panel-animate-leave'
if (angular.isString(this._animationClass)) {
reverseAnimationOptions = {
transitionOutClass: this._animationClass
} else {
reverseAnimationOptions = {
transitionInClass: this._animationClass['close'],
transitionOutClass: this._animationClass['open']
return animator
.translate3d(panelEl, closeFrom, closeTo, reverseAnimationOptions);
* Set the height and width to match the panel if not provided.
* @param {!angular.JQLite} panelEl
* @private
MdPanelAnimation.prototype._fixBounds = function(panelEl) {
var panelWidth = panelEl[0].offsetWidth;
var panelHeight = panelEl[0].offsetHeight;
if (this._openFrom && this._openFrom.bounds.height == null) {
this._openFrom.bounds.height = panelHeight;
if (this._openFrom && this._openFrom.bounds.width == null) {
this._openFrom.bounds.width = panelWidth;
if (this._closeTo && this._closeTo.bounds.height == null) {
this._closeTo.bounds.height = panelHeight;
if (this._closeTo && this._closeTo.bounds.width == null) {
this._closeTo.bounds.width = panelWidth;
* Identify the bounding RECT for the target element.
* @param {!angular.JQLite} element
* @returns {{element: !angular.JQLite|undefined, bounds: !DOMRect}}
* @private
MdPanelAnimation.prototype._getBoundingClientRect = function(element) {
if (element instanceof angular.element) {
return {
element: element,
bounds: element[0].getBoundingClientRect()
* Util Methods *
* Returns the angular element associated with a css selector or element.
* @param el {string|!angular.JQLite|!Element}
* @returns {!angular.JQLite}
function getElement(el) {
var queryResult = angular.isString(el) ?
document.querySelector(el) : el;
return angular.element(queryResult);
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.progressCircular
* @description Module for a circular progressbar
angular.module('material.components.progressCircular', ['material.core']);
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.progressLinear
* @description Linear Progress module!
MdProgressLinearDirective.$inject = ["$mdTheming", "$mdUtil", "$log"];
angular.module('material.components.progressLinear', [
.directive('mdProgressLinear', MdProgressLinearDirective);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdProgressLinear
* @module material.components.progressLinear
* @restrict E
* @description
* The linear progress directive is used to make loading content
* in your app as delightful and painless as possible by minimizing
* the amount of visual change a user sees before they can view
* and interact with content.
* Each operation should only be represented by one activity indicator
* For example: one refresh operation should not display both a
* refresh bar and an activity circle.
* For operations where the percentage of the operation completed
* can be determined, use a determinate indicator. They give users
* a quick sense of how long an operation will take.
* For operations where the user is asked to wait a moment while
* something finishes up, and it’s not necessary to expose what's
* happening behind the scenes and how long it will take, use an
* indeterminate indicator.
* @param {string} md-mode Select from one of four modes: determinate, indeterminate, buffer or query.
* Note: if the `md-mode` value is set as undefined or specified as 1 of the four (4) valid modes, then `indeterminate`
* will be auto-applied as the mode.
* Note: if not configured, the `md-mode="indeterminate"` will be auto injected as an attribute. If `value=""` is also specified, however,
* then `md-mode="determinate"` would be auto-injected instead.
* @param {number=} value In determinate and buffer modes, this number represents the percentage of the primary progress bar. Default: 0
* @param {number=} md-buffer-value In the buffer mode, this number represents the percentage of the secondary progress bar. Default: 0
* @param {boolean=} ng-disabled Determines whether to disable the progress element.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-progress-linear md-mode="determinate" value="..."></md-progress-linear>
* <md-progress-linear md-mode="determinate" ng-value="..."></md-progress-linear>
* <md-progress-linear md-mode="indeterminate"></md-progress-linear>
* <md-progress-linear md-mode="buffer" value="..." md-buffer-value="..."></md-progress-linear>
* <md-progress-linear md-mode="query"></md-progress-linear>
* </hljs>
function MdProgressLinearDirective($mdTheming, $mdUtil, $log) {
var MODE_DETERMINATE = "determinate";
var MODE_INDETERMINATE = "indeterminate";
var MODE_BUFFER = "buffer";
var MODE_QUERY = "query";
var DISABLED_CLASS = "_md-progress-linear-disabled";
return {
restrict: 'E',
template: '<div class="md-container">' +
'<div class="md-dashed"></div>' +
'<div class="md-bar md-bar1"></div>' +
'<div class="md-bar md-bar2"></div>' +
compile: compile
function compile(tElement, tAttrs, transclude) {
tElement.attr('aria-valuemin', 0);
tElement.attr('aria-valuemax', 100);
tElement.attr('role', 'progressbar');
return postLink;
function postLink(scope, element, attr) {
var lastMode;
var isDisabled = attr.hasOwnProperty('disabled');
var toVendorCSS = $mdUtil.dom.animator.toCss;
var bar1 = angular.element(element[0].querySelector('.md-bar1'));
var bar2 = angular.element(element[0].querySelector('.md-bar2'));
var container = angular.element(element[0].querySelector('.md-container'));
.attr('md-mode', mode())
.toggleClass(DISABLED_CLASS, isDisabled);
* Watch the value, md-buffer-value, and md-mode attributes
function watchAttributes() {
attr.$observe('value', function(value) {
var percentValue = clamp(value);
element.attr('aria-valuenow', percentValue);
if (mode() != MODE_QUERY) animateIndicator(bar2, percentValue);
attr.$observe('mdBufferValue', function(value) {
animateIndicator(bar1, clamp(value));
attr.$observe('disabled', function(value) {
if (value === true || value === false) {
isDisabled = !!value;
} else {
isDisabled = angular.isDefined(value);
element.toggleClass(DISABLED_CLASS, isDisabled);
container.toggleClass(lastMode, !isDisabled);
attr.$observe('mdMode', function(mode) {
if (lastMode) container.removeClass( lastMode );
switch( mode ) {
container.addClass( lastMode = "md-mode-" + mode );
container.addClass( lastMode = "md-mode-" + MODE_INDETERMINATE );
* Auto-defaults the mode to either `determinate` or `indeterminate` mode; if not specified
function validateMode() {
if ( angular.isUndefined(attr.mdMode) ) {
var hasValue = angular.isDefined(attr.value);
var info = "Auto-adding the missing md-mode='{0}' to the ProgressLinear element";
//$log.debug( $mdUtil.supplant(info, [mode]) );
element.attr("md-mode", mode);
attr.mdMode = mode;
* Is the md-mode a valid option?
function mode() {
var value = (attr.mdMode || "").trim();
if ( value ) {
switch(value) {
return value;
* Manually set CSS to animate the Determinate indicator based on the specified
* percentage value (0-100).
function animateIndicator(target, value) {
if ( isDisabled || !mode() ) return;
var to = $mdUtil.supplant("translateX({0}%) scale({1},1)", [ (value-100)/2, value/100 ]);
var styles = toVendorCSS({ transform : to });
angular.element(target).css( styles );
* Clamps the value to be between 0 and 100.
* @param {number} value The value to clamp.
* @returns {number}
function clamp(value) {
return Math.max(0, Math.min(value || 0, 100));
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.radioButton
* @description radioButton module!
mdRadioGroupDirective.$inject = ["$mdUtil", "$mdConstant", "$mdTheming", "$timeout"];
mdRadioButtonDirective.$inject = ["$mdAria", "$mdUtil", "$mdTheming"];
angular.module('material.components.radioButton', [
.directive('mdRadioGroup', mdRadioGroupDirective)
.directive('mdRadioButton', mdRadioButtonDirective);
* @ngdoc directive
* @module material.components.radioButton
* @name mdRadioGroup
* @restrict E
* @description
* The `<md-radio-group>` directive identifies a grouping
* container for the 1..n grouped radio buttons; specified using nested
* `<md-radio-button>` tags.
* As per the [material design spec](
* the radio button is in the accent color by default. The primary color palette may be used with
* the `md-primary` class.
* Note: `<md-radio-group>` and `<md-radio-button>` handle tabindex differently
* than the native `<input type='radio'>` controls. Whereas the native controls
* force the user to tab through all the radio buttons, `<md-radio-group>`
* is focusable, and by default the `<md-radio-button>`s are not.
* @param {string} ng-model Assignable angular expression to data-bind to.
* @param {boolean=} md-no-ink Use of attribute indicates flag to disable ink ripple effects.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-radio-group ng-model="selected">
* <md-radio-button
* ng-repeat="d in colorOptions"
* ng-value="d.value" aria-label="{{ d.label }}">
* {{ d.label }}
* </md-radio-button>
* </md-radio-group>
* </hljs>
function mdRadioGroupDirective($mdUtil, $mdConstant, $mdTheming, $timeout) {
RadioGroupController.prototype = createRadioGroupControllerProto();
return {
restrict: 'E',
controller: ['$element', RadioGroupController],
require: ['mdRadioGroup', '?ngModel'],
link: { pre: linkRadioGroup }
function linkRadioGroup(scope, element, attr, ctrls) {
element.addClass('_md'); // private md component indicator for styling
var rgCtrl = ctrls[0];
var ngModelCtrl = ctrls[1] || $mdUtil.fakeNgModel();
scope.mouseActive = false;
'role': 'radiogroup',
'tabIndex': element.attr('tabindex') || '0'
.on('keydown', keydownListener)
.on('mousedown', function(event) {
scope.mouseActive = true;
$timeout(function() {
scope.mouseActive = false;
}, 100);
.on('focus', function() {
if(scope.mouseActive === false) {
.on('blur', function() {
function setFocus() {
if (!element.hasClass('md-focused')) { element.addClass('md-focused'); }
function keydownListener(ev) {
var keyCode = ev.which || ev.keyCode;
// Only listen to events that we originated ourselves
// so that we don't trigger on things like arrow keys in
// inputs.
if (keyCode != $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.ENTER &&
ev.currentTarget != {
switch (keyCode) {
case $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.LEFT_ARROW:
case $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.UP_ARROW:
case $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.RIGHT_ARROW:
case $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.DOWN_ARROW:
case $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.ENTER:
var form = angular.element($mdUtil.getClosest(element[0], 'form'));
if (form.length > 0) {
function RadioGroupController($element) {
this._radioButtonRenderFns = [];
this.$element = $element;
function createRadioGroupControllerProto() {
return {
init: function(ngModelCtrl) {
this._ngModelCtrl = ngModelCtrl;
this._ngModelCtrl.$render = angular.bind(this, this.render);
add: function(rbRender) {
remove: function(rbRender) {
var index = this._radioButtonRenderFns.indexOf(rbRender);
if (index !== -1) {
this._radioButtonRenderFns.splice(index, 1);
render: function() {
this._radioButtonRenderFns.forEach(function(rbRender) {
setViewValue: function(value, eventType) {
this._ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(value, eventType);
// update the other radio buttons as well
getViewValue: function() {
return this._ngModelCtrl.$viewValue;
selectNext: function() {
return changeSelectedButton(this.$element, 1);
selectPrevious: function() {
return changeSelectedButton(this.$element, -1);
setActiveDescendant: function (radioId) {
this.$element.attr('aria-activedescendant', radioId);
isDisabled: function() {
return this.$element[0].hasAttribute('disabled');
* Change the radio group's selected button by a given increment.
* If no button is selected, select the first button.
function changeSelectedButton(parent, increment) {
// Coerce all child radio buttons into an array, then wrap then in an iterator
var buttons = $mdUtil.iterator(parent[0].querySelectorAll('md-radio-button'), true);
if (buttons.count()) {
var validate = function (button) {
// If disabled, then NOT valid
return !angular.element(button).attr("disabled");
var selected = parent[0].querySelector('');
var target = buttons[increment < 0 ? 'previous' : 'next'](selected, validate) || buttons.first();
// Activate radioButton's click listener (triggerHandler won't create a real click event)
* @ngdoc directive
* @module material.components.radioButton
* @name mdRadioButton
* @restrict E
* @description
* The `<md-radio-button>`directive is the child directive required to be used within `<md-radio-group>` elements.
* While similar to the `<input type="radio" ng-model="" value="">` directive,
* the `<md-radio-button>` directive provides ink effects, ARIA support, and
* supports use within named radio groups.
* @param {string} ngModel Assignable angular expression to data-bind to.
* @param {string=} ngChange Angular expression to be executed when input changes due to user
* interaction with the input element.
* @param {string} ngValue Angular expression which sets the value to which the expression should
* be set when selected.
* @param {string} value The value to which the expression should be set when selected.
* @param {string=} name Property name of the form under which the control is published.
* @param {string=} aria-label Adds label to radio button for accessibility.
* Defaults to radio button's text. If no text content is available, a warning will be logged.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-radio-button value="1" aria-label="Label 1">
* Label 1
* </md-radio-button>
* <md-radio-button ng-model="color" ng-value="specialValue" aria-label="Green">
* Green
* </md-radio-button>
* </hljs>
function mdRadioButtonDirective($mdAria, $mdUtil, $mdTheming) {
var CHECKED_CSS = 'md-checked';
return {
restrict: 'E',
require: '^mdRadioGroup',
transclude: true,
template: '<div class="md-container" md-ink-ripple md-ink-ripple-checkbox>' +
'<div class="md-off"></div>' +
'<div class="md-on"></div>' +
'</div>' +
'<div ng-transclude class="md-label"></div>',
link: link
function link(scope, element, attr, rgCtrl) {
var lastChecked;
configureAria(element, scope);
function initialize() {
if (!rgCtrl) {
throw 'RadioButton: No RadioGroupController could be found.';
attr.$observe('value', render);
.on('click', listener)
.on('$destroy', function() {
function listener(ev) {
if (element[0].hasAttribute('disabled') || rgCtrl.isDisabled()) return;
scope.$apply(function() {
rgCtrl.setViewValue(attr.value, ev && ev.type);
* Add or remove the `.md-checked` class from the RadioButton (and conditionally its parent).
* Update the `aria-activedescendant` attribute.
function render() {
var checked = (rgCtrl.getViewValue() == attr.value);
if (checked === lastChecked) {
lastChecked = checked;
element.attr('aria-checked', checked);
if (checked) {
} else {
* If the radioButton is inside a div, then add class so highlighting will work...
function markParentAsChecked(addClass ) {
if ( element.parent()[0].nodeName != "MD-RADIO-GROUP") {
element.parent()[ !!addClass ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](CHECKED_CSS);
* Inject ARIA-specific attributes appropriate for each radio button
function configureAria( element, scope ){
scope.ariaId = buildAriaID();
'id' : scope.ariaId,
'role' : 'radio',
'aria-checked' : 'false'
$mdAria.expectWithText(element, 'aria-label');
* Build a unique ID for each radio button that will be used with aria-activedescendant.
* Preserve existing ID if already specified.
* @returns {*|string}
function buildAriaID() {
return || ( 'radio' + "_" + $mdUtil.nextUid() );
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name
### TODO - POST RC1 ###
- [ ] Abstract placement logic in $mdSelect service to $mdMenu service
SelectDirective.$inject = ["$mdSelect", "$mdUtil", "$mdConstant", "$mdTheming", "$mdAria", "$compile", "$parse"];
SelectMenuDirective.$inject = ["$parse", "$mdUtil", "$mdConstant", "$mdTheming"];
OptionDirective.$inject = ["$mdButtonInkRipple", "$mdUtil"];
SelectProvider.$inject = ["$$interimElementProvider"];
var selectNextId = 0;
angular.element('<div class="md-container"><div class="md-icon"></div></div>');
angular.module('', [
.directive('mdSelect', SelectDirective)
.directive('mdSelectMenu', SelectMenuDirective)
.directive('mdOption', OptionDirective)
.directive('mdOptgroup', OptgroupDirective)
.directive('mdSelectHeader', SelectHeaderDirective)
.provider('$mdSelect', SelectProvider);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdSelect
* @restrict E
* @module
* @description Displays a select box, bound to an ng-model.
* When the select is required and uses a floating label, then the label will automatically contain
* an asterisk (`*`). This behavior can be disabled by using the `md-no-asterisk` attribute.
* By default, the select will display with an underline to match other form elements. This can be
* disabled by applying the `md-no-underline` CSS class.
* ### Option Params
* When applied, `md-option-empty` will mark the option as "empty" allowing the option to clear the
* select and put it back in it's default state. You may supply this attribute on any option you
* wish, however, it is automatically applied to an option whose `value` or `ng-value` are not
* defined.
* **Automatically Applied**
* - `<md-option>`
* - `<md-option value>`
* - `<md-option value="">`
* - `<md-option ng-value>`
* - `<md-option ng-value="">`
* **NOT Automatically Applied**
* - `<md-option ng-value="1">`
* - `<md-option ng-value="''">`
* - `<md-option ng-value="undefined">`
* - `<md-option value="undefined">` (this evaluates to the string `"undefined"`)
* - <code ng-non-bindable>&lt;md-option ng-value="{{someValueThatMightBeUndefined}}"&gt;</code>
* **Note:** A value of `undefined` ***is considered a valid value*** (and does not auto-apply this
* attribute) since you may wish this to be your "Not Available" or "None" option.
* **Note:** Using the `value` attribute (as opposed to `ng-value`) always evaluates to a string, so
* `value="null"` will require the test `ng-if="myValue != 'null'"` rather than `ng-if="!myValue"`.
* @param {expression} ng-model The model!
* @param {boolean=} multiple Whether it's multiple.
* @param {expression=} md-on-close Expression to be evaluated when the select is closed.
* @param {expression=} md-on-open Expression to be evaluated when opening the select.
* Will hide the select options and show a spinner until the evaluated promise resolves.
* @param {expression=} md-selected-text Expression to be evaluated that will return a string
* to be displayed as a placeholder in the select input box when it is closed.
* @param {string=} placeholder Placeholder hint text.
* @param md-no-asterisk {boolean=} When set to true, an asterisk will not be appended to the
* floating label. **Note:** This attribute is only evaluated once; it is not watched.
* @param {string=} aria-label Optional label for accessibility. Only necessary if no placeholder or
* explicit label is present.
* @param {string=} md-container-class Class list to get applied to the `.md-select-menu-container`
* element (for custom styling).
* @usage
* With a placeholder (label and aria-label are added dynamically)
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-input-container>
* <md-select
* ng-model="someModel"
* placeholder="Select a state">
* <md-option ng-value="opt" ng-repeat="opt in neighborhoods2">{{ opt }}</md-option>
* </md-select>
* </md-input-container>
* </hljs>
* With an explicit label
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-input-container>
* <label>State</label>
* <md-select
* ng-model="someModel">
* <md-option ng-value="opt" ng-repeat="opt in neighborhoods2">{{ opt }}</md-option>
* </md-select>
* </md-input-container>
* </hljs>
* With a select-header
* When a developer needs to put more than just a text label in the
* md-select-menu, they should use the md-select-header.
* The user can put custom HTML inside of the header and style it to their liking.
* One common use case of this would be a sticky search bar.
* When using the md-select-header the labels that would previously be added to the
* OptGroupDirective are ignored.
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-input-container>
* <md-select ng-model="someModel">
* <md-select-header>
* <span> Neighborhoods - </span>
* </md-select-header>
* <md-option ng-value="opt" ng-repeat="opt in neighborhoods2">{{ opt }}</md-option>
* </md-select>
* </md-input-container>
* </hljs>
* ## Selects and object equality
* When using a `md-select` to pick from a list of objects, it is important to realize how javascript handles
* equality. Consider the following example:
* <hljs lang="js">
* angular.controller('MyCtrl', function($scope) {
* $scope.users = [
* { id: 1, name: 'Bob' },
* { id: 2, name: 'Alice' },
* { id: 3, name: 'Steve' }
* ];
* $scope.selectedUser = { id: 1, name: 'Bob' };
* });
* </hljs>
* <hljs lang="html">
* <div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
* <md-select ng-model="selectedUser">
* <md-option ng-value="user" ng-repeat="user in users">{{ }}</md-option>
* </md-select>
* </div>
* </hljs>
* At first one might expect that the select should be populated with "Bob" as the selected user. However,
* this is not true. To determine whether something is selected,
* `ngModelController` is looking at whether `$scope.selectedUser == (any user in $scope.users);`;
* Javascript's `==` operator does not check for deep equality (ie. that all properties
* on the object are the same), but instead whether the objects are *the same object in memory*.
* In this case, we have two instances of identical objects, but they exist in memory as unique
* entities. Because of this, the select will have no value populated for a selected user.
* To get around this, `ngModelController` provides a `track by` option that allows us to specify a different
* expression which will be used for the equality operator. As such, we can update our `html` to
* make use of this by specifying the `ng-model-options="{trackBy: '$'}"` on the `md-select`
* element. This converts our equality expression to be
* `$ == (any id in $ { return; }));`
* which results in Bob being selected as desired.
* Working HTML:
* <hljs lang="html">
* <div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
* <md-select ng-model="selectedUser" ng-model-options="{trackBy: '$'}">
* <md-option ng-value="user" ng-repeat="user in users">{{ }}</md-option>
* </md-select>
* </div>
* </hljs>
function SelectDirective($mdSelect, $mdUtil, $mdConstant, $mdTheming, $mdAria, $compile, $parse) {
var keyCodes = $mdConstant.KEY_CODE;
var NAVIGATION_KEYS = [keyCodes.SPACE, keyCodes.ENTER, keyCodes.UP_ARROW, keyCodes.DOWN_ARROW];
return {
restrict: 'E',
require: ['^?mdInputContainer', 'mdSelect', 'ngModel', '?^form'],
compile: compile,
controller: function() {
} // empty placeholder controller to be initialized in link
function compile(element, attr) {
// add the select value that will hold our placeholder or selected option value
var valueEl = angular.element('<md-select-value><span></span></md-select-value>');
valueEl.append('<span class="md-select-icon" aria-hidden="true"></span>');
if (!valueEl[0].hasAttribute('id')) {
valueEl.attr('id', 'select_value_label_' + $mdUtil.nextUid());
// There's got to be an md-content inside. If there's not one, let's add it.
if (!element.find('md-content').length) {
// Add progress spinner for md-options-loading
if (attr.mdOnOpen) {
// Show progress indicator while loading async
// Use ng-hide for `display:none` so the indicator does not interfere with the options list
'<div>' +
' <md-progress-circular md-mode="indeterminate" ng-if="$$loadingAsyncDone === false" md-diameter="25px"></md-progress-circular>' +
// Hide list [of item options] while loading async
.attr('ng-show', '$$loadingAsyncDone');
if ( {
var autofillClone = angular.element('<select class="md-visually-hidden">');
'aria-hidden': 'true',
'tabindex': '-1'
var opts = element.find('md-option');
angular.forEach(opts, function(el) {
var newEl = angular.element('<option>' + el.innerHTML + '</option>');
if (el.hasAttribute('ng-value')) newEl.attr('ng-value', el.getAttribute('ng-value'));
else if (el.hasAttribute('value')) newEl.attr('value', el.getAttribute('value'));
// Adds an extra option that will hold the selected value for the
// cases where the select is a part of a non-angular form. This can be done with a ng-model,
// however if the `md-option` is being `ng-repeat`-ed, Angular seems to insert a similar
// `option` node, but with a value of `? string: <value> ?` which would then get submitted.
// This also goes around having to prepend a dot to the name attribute.
'<option ng-value="' + attr.ngModel + '" selected></option>'
var isMultiple = $mdUtil.parseAttributeBoolean(attr.multiple);
// Use everything that's left inside element.contents() as the contents of the menu
var multipleContent = isMultiple ? 'multiple' : '';
var selectTemplate = '' +
'<div class="md-select-menu-container" aria-hidden="true">' +
'<md-select-menu {0}>{1}</md-select-menu>' +
selectTemplate = $mdUtil.supplant(selectTemplate, [multipleContent, element.html()]);
attr.$set('tabindex', 0);
return function postLink(scope, element, attr, ctrls) {
var untouched = true;
var isDisabled, ariaLabelBase;
var containerCtrl = ctrls[0];
var mdSelectCtrl = ctrls[1];
var ngModelCtrl = ctrls[2];
var formCtrl = ctrls[3];
// grab a reference to the select menu value label
var valueEl = element.find('md-select-value');
var isReadonly = angular.isDefined(attr.readonly);
var disableAsterisk = $mdUtil.parseAttributeBoolean(attr.mdNoAsterisk);
if (disableAsterisk) {
if (containerCtrl) {
var isErrorGetter = containerCtrl.isErrorGetter || function() {
return ngModelCtrl.$invalid && (ngModelCtrl.$touched || (formCtrl && formCtrl.$submitted));
if (containerCtrl.input) {
// We ignore inputs that are in the md-select-header (one
// case where this might be useful would be adding as searchbox)
if (element.find('md-select-header').find('input')[0] !== containerCtrl.input[0]) {
throw new Error("<md-input-container> can only have *one* child <input>, <textarea> or <select> element!");
containerCtrl.input = element;
if (!containerCtrl.label) {
$mdAria.expect(element, 'aria-label', element.attr('placeholder'));
scope.$watch(isErrorGetter, containerCtrl.setInvalid);
var selectContainer, selectScope, selectMenuCtrl;
if (formCtrl && angular.isDefined(attr.multiple)) {
$mdUtil.nextTick(function() {
var hasModelValue = ngModelCtrl.$modelValue || ngModelCtrl.$viewValue;
if (hasModelValue) {
var originalRender = ngModelCtrl.$render;
ngModelCtrl.$render = function() {
attr.$observe('placeholder', ngModelCtrl.$render);
if (containerCtrl && containerCtrl.label) {
attr.$observe('required', function (value) {
// Toggle the md-required class on the input containers label, because the input container is automatically
// applying the asterisk indicator on the label.
containerCtrl.label.toggleClass('md-required', value && !disableAsterisk);
mdSelectCtrl.setLabelText = function(text) {
if (attr.mdSelectedText) {
text = $parse(attr.mdSelectedText)(scope);
} else {
// Use placeholder attribute, otherwise fallback to the md-input-container label
var tmpPlaceholder = attr.placeholder ||
(containerCtrl && containerCtrl.label ? containerCtrl.label.text() : '');
text = text || tmpPlaceholder || '';
var target = valueEl.children().eq(0);
mdSelectCtrl.setIsPlaceholder = function(isPlaceholder) {
if (isPlaceholder) {
if (containerCtrl && containerCtrl.label) {
} else {
if (containerCtrl && containerCtrl.label) {
if (!isReadonly) {
.on('focus', function(ev) {
// Always focus the container (if we have one) so floating labels and other styles are
// applied properly
containerCtrl && containerCtrl.setFocused(true);
// Attach before ngModel's blur listener to stop propagation of blur event
// to prevent from setting $touched.
element.on('blur', function(event) {
if (untouched) {
untouched = false;
if (selectScope._mdSelectIsOpen) {
if (selectScope._mdSelectIsOpen) return;
containerCtrl && containerCtrl.setFocused(false);
mdSelectCtrl.triggerClose = function() {
scope.$$postDigest(function() {
function initAriaLabel() {
var labelText = element.attr('aria-label') || element.attr('placeholder');
if (!labelText && containerCtrl && containerCtrl.label) {
labelText = containerCtrl.label.text();
ariaLabelBase = labelText;
$mdAria.expect(element, 'aria-label', labelText);
scope.$watch(function() {
return selectMenuCtrl.selectedLabels();
}, syncLabelText);
function syncLabelText() {
if (selectContainer) {
selectMenuCtrl = selectMenuCtrl || selectContainer.find('md-select-menu').controller('mdSelectMenu');
function syncAriaLabel() {
if (!ariaLabelBase) return;
var ariaLabels = selectMenuCtrl.selectedLabels({mode: 'aria'});
element.attr('aria-label', ariaLabels.length ? ariaLabelBase + ': ' + ariaLabels : ariaLabelBase);
var deregisterWatcher;
attr.$observe('ngMultiple', function(val) {
if (deregisterWatcher) deregisterWatcher();
var parser = $parse(val);
deregisterWatcher = scope.$watch(function() {
return parser(scope);
}, function(multiple, prevVal) {
if (multiple === undefined && prevVal === undefined) return; // assume compiler did a good job
if (multiple) {
element.attr('multiple', 'multiple');
} else {
element.attr('aria-multiselectable', multiple ? 'true' : 'false');
if (selectContainer) {
originalRender = ngModelCtrl.$render;
ngModelCtrl.$render = function() {
attr.$observe('disabled', function(disabled) {
if (angular.isString(disabled)) {
disabled = true;
// Prevent click event being registered twice
if (isDisabled !== undefined && isDisabled === disabled) {
isDisabled = disabled;
if (disabled) {
.attr({'aria-disabled': 'true'})
.off('click', openSelect)
.off('keydown', handleKeypress);
} else {
.attr({'tabindex': attr.tabindex, 'aria-disabled': 'false'})
.on('click', openSelect)
.on('keydown', handleKeypress);
if (!attr.hasOwnProperty('disabled') && !attr.hasOwnProperty('ngDisabled')) {
element.attr({'aria-disabled': 'false'});
element.on('click', openSelect);
element.on('keydown', handleKeypress);
var ariaAttrs = {
role: 'listbox',
'aria-expanded': 'false',
'aria-multiselectable': isMultiple && !attr.ngMultiple ? 'true' : 'false'
if (!element[0].hasAttribute('id')) { = 'select_' + $mdUtil.nextUid();
var containerId = 'select_container_' + $mdUtil.nextUid();
selectContainer.attr('id', containerId);
ariaAttrs['aria-owns'] = containerId;
scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
.finally(function() {
if (containerCtrl) {
containerCtrl.input = null;
function inputCheckValue() {
// The select counts as having a value if one or more options are selected,
// or if the input's validity state says it has bad input (eg string in a number input)
containerCtrl && containerCtrl.setHasValue(selectMenuCtrl.selectedLabels().length > 0 || (element[0].validity || {}).badInput);
function findSelectContainer() {
selectContainer = angular.element(
selectScope = scope;
if (attr.mdContainerClass) {
var value = selectContainer[0].getAttribute('class') + ' ' + attr.mdContainerClass;
selectContainer[0].setAttribute('class', value);
selectMenuCtrl = selectContainer.find('md-select-menu').controller('mdSelectMenu');
selectMenuCtrl.init(ngModelCtrl, attr.ngModel);
element.on('$destroy', function() {
function handleKeypress(e) {
if ($mdConstant.isNavigationKey(e)) {
// prevent page scrolling on interaction
} else {
if ($mdConstant.isInputKey(e) || $mdConstant.isNumPadKey(e)) {
var node = selectMenuCtrl.optNodeForKeyboardSearch(e);
if (!node || node.hasAttribute('disabled')) return;
var optionCtrl = angular.element(node).controller('mdOption');
if (!selectMenuCtrl.isMultiple) {
}, optionCtrl.value);
function openSelect() {
selectScope._mdSelectIsOpen = true;
element.attr('aria-expanded', 'true');
scope: selectScope,
preserveScope: true,
skipCompile: true,
element: selectContainer,
target: element[0],
selectCtrl: mdSelectCtrl,
preserveElement: true,
hasBackdrop: true,
loadingAsync: attr.mdOnOpen ? scope.$eval(attr.mdOnOpen) || true : false
}).finally(function() {
selectScope._mdSelectIsOpen = false;
element.attr('aria-expanded', 'false');
function SelectMenuDirective($parse, $mdUtil, $mdConstant, $mdTheming) {
// We want the scope to be set to 'false' so an isolated scope is not created
// which would interfere with the md-select-header's access to the
// parent scope.
SelectMenuController.$inject = ["$scope", "$attrs", "$element"];
return {
restrict: 'E',
require: ['mdSelectMenu'],
scope: false,
controller: SelectMenuController,
link: {pre: preLink}
// We use preLink instead of postLink to ensure that the select is initialized before
// its child options run postLink.
function preLink(scope, element, attr, ctrls) {
var selectCtrl = ctrls[0];
element.addClass('_md'); // private md component indicator for styling
element.on('click', clickListener);
element.on('keypress', keyListener);
function keyListener(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 13 || e.keyCode == 32) {
function clickListener(ev) {
var option = $mdUtil.getClosest(, 'md-option');
var optionCtrl = option && angular.element(option).data('$mdOptionController');
if (!option || !optionCtrl) return;
if (option.hasAttribute('disabled')) {
return false;
var optionHashKey = selectCtrl.hashGetter(optionCtrl.value);
var isSelected = angular.isDefined(selectCtrl.selected[optionHashKey]);
scope.$apply(function() {
if (selectCtrl.isMultiple) {
if (isSelected) {
} else {, optionCtrl.value);
} else {
if (!isSelected) {
selectCtrl.deselect(Object.keys(selectCtrl.selected)[0]);, optionCtrl.value);
function SelectMenuController($scope, $attrs, $element) {
var self = this;
self.isMultiple = angular.isDefined($attrs.multiple);
// selected is an object with keys matching all of the selected options' hashed values
self.selected = {};
// options is an object with keys matching every option's hash value,
// and values matching every option's controller.
self.options = {};
$scope.$watchCollection(function() {
return self.options;
}, function() {
var deregisterCollectionWatch;
var defaultIsEmpty;
self.setMultiple = function(isMultiple) {
var ngModel = self.ngModel;
defaultIsEmpty = defaultIsEmpty || ngModel.$isEmpty;
self.isMultiple = isMultiple;
if (deregisterCollectionWatch) deregisterCollectionWatch();
if (self.isMultiple) {
ngModel.$validators['md-multiple'] = validateArray;
ngModel.$render = renderMultiple;
// watchCollection on the model because by default ngModel only watches the model's
// reference. This allowed the developer to also push and pop from their array.
$scope.$watchCollection(self.modelBinding, function(value) {
if (validateArray(value)) renderMultiple(value);
ngModel.$isEmpty = function(value) {
return !value || value.length === 0;
} else {
delete ngModel.$validators['md-multiple'];
ngModel.$render = renderSingular;
function validateArray(modelValue, viewValue) {
// If a value is truthy but not an array, reject it.
// If value is undefined/falsy, accept that it's an empty array.
return angular.isArray(modelValue || viewValue || []);
var searchStr = '';
var clearSearchTimeout, optNodes, optText;
self.optNodeForKeyboardSearch = function(e) {
clearSearchTimeout && clearTimeout(clearSearchTimeout);
clearSearchTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
clearSearchTimeout = undefined;
searchStr = '';
optText = undefined;
optNodes = undefined;
// Support 1-9 on numpad
var keyCode = e.keyCode - ($mdConstant.isNumPadKey(e) ? 48 : 0);
searchStr += String.fromCharCode(keyCode);
var search = new RegExp('^' + searchStr, 'i');
if (!optNodes) {
optNodes = $element.find('md-option');
optText = new Array(optNodes.length);
angular.forEach(optNodes, function(el, i) {
optText[i] = el.textContent.trim();
for (var i = 0; i < optText.length; ++i) {
if (search.test(optText[i])) {
return optNodes[i];
self.init = function(ngModel, binding) {
self.ngModel = ngModel;
self.modelBinding = binding;
// Setup a more robust version of isEmpty to ensure value is a valid option
self.ngModel.$isEmpty = function($viewValue) {
// We have to transform the viewValue into the hashKey, because otherwise the
// OptionCtrl may not exist. Developers may have specified a trackBy function.
return !self.options[self.hashGetter($viewValue)];
// Allow users to provide `ng-model="foo" ng-model-options="{trackBy: ''}"` so
// that we can properly compare objects set on the model to the available options
if (ngModel.$options && ngModel.$options.trackBy) {
var trackByLocals = {};
var trackByParsed = $parse(ngModel.$options.trackBy);
self.hashGetter = function(value, valueScope) {
trackByLocals.$value = value;
return trackByParsed(valueScope || $scope, trackByLocals);
// If the user doesn't provide a trackBy, we automatically generate an id for every
// value passed in
} else {
self.hashGetter = function getHashValue(value) {
if (angular.isObject(value)) {
return 'object_' + (value.$$mdSelectId || (value.$$mdSelectId = ++selectNextId));
return value;
self.selectedLabels = function(opts) {
opts = opts || {};
var mode = opts.mode || 'html';
var selectedOptionEls = $mdUtil.nodesToArray($element[0].querySelectorAll('md-option[selected]'));
if (selectedOptionEls.length) {
var mapFn;
if (mode == 'html') {
// Map the given element to its innerHTML string. If the element has a child ripple
// container remove it from the HTML string, before returning the string.
mapFn = function(el) {
// If we do not have a `value` or `ng-value`, assume it is an empty option which clears the select
if (el.hasAttribute('md-option-empty')) {
return '';
var html = el.innerHTML;
// Remove the ripple container from the selected option, copying it would cause a CSP violation.
var rippleContainer = el.querySelector('.md-ripple-container');
if (rippleContainer) {
html = html.replace(rippleContainer.outerHTML, '');
// Remove the checkbox container, because it will cause the label to wrap inside of the placeholder.
// It should be not displayed inside of the label element.
var checkboxContainer = el.querySelector('.md-container');
if (checkboxContainer) {
html = html.replace(checkboxContainer.outerHTML, '');
return html;
} else if (mode == 'aria') {
mapFn = function(el) { return el.hasAttribute('aria-label') ? el.getAttribute('aria-label') : el.textContent; };
return', ');
} else {
return '';
}; = function(hashKey, hashedValue) {
var option = self.options[hashKey];
option && option.setSelected(true);
self.selected[hashKey] = hashedValue;
self.deselect = function(hashKey) {
var option = self.options[hashKey];
option && option.setSelected(false);
delete self.selected[hashKey];
self.addOption = function(hashKey, optionCtrl) {
if (angular.isDefined(self.options[hashKey])) {
throw new Error('Duplicate md-option values are not allowed in a select. ' +
'Duplicate value "' + optionCtrl.value + '" found.');
self.options[hashKey] = optionCtrl;
// If this option's value was already in our ngModel, go ahead and select it.
if (angular.isDefined(self.selected[hashKey])) {, optionCtrl.value);
// When the current $modelValue of the ngModel Controller is using the same hash as
// the current option, which will be added, then we can be sure, that the validation
// of the option has occurred before the option was added properly.
// This means, that we have to manually trigger a new validation of the current option.
if (angular.isDefined(self.ngModel.$modelValue) && self.hashGetter(self.ngModel.$modelValue) === hashKey) {
self.removeOption = function(hashKey) {
delete self.options[hashKey];
// Don't deselect an option when it's removed - the user's ngModel should be allowed
// to have values that do not match a currently available option.
self.refreshViewValue = function() {
var values = [];
var option;
for (var hashKey in self.selected) {
// If this hashKey has an associated option, push that option's value to the model.
if ((option = self.options[hashKey])) {
} else {
// Otherwise, the given hashKey has no associated option, and we got it
// from an ngModel value at an earlier time. Push the unhashed value of
// this hashKey to the model.
// This allows the developer to put a value in the model that doesn't yet have
// an associated option.
var usingTrackBy = self.ngModel.$options && self.ngModel.$options.trackBy;
var newVal = self.isMultiple ? values : values[0];
var prevVal = self.ngModel.$modelValue;
if (usingTrackBy ? !angular.equals(prevVal, newVal) : prevVal != newVal) {
function renderMultiple() {
var newSelectedValues = self.ngModel.$modelValue || self.ngModel.$viewValue || [];
if (!angular.isArray(newSelectedValues)) return;
var oldSelected = Object.keys(self.selected);
var newSelectedHashes =;
var deselected = oldSelected.filter(function(hash) {
return newSelectedHashes.indexOf(hash) === -1;
newSelectedHashes.forEach(function(hashKey, i) {, newSelectedValues[i]);
function renderSingular() {
var value = self.ngModel.$viewValue || self.ngModel.$modelValue;
Object.keys(self.selected).forEach(self.deselect);, value);
function OptionDirective($mdButtonInkRipple, $mdUtil) {
OptionController.$inject = ["$element"];
return {
restrict: 'E',
require: ['mdOption', '^^mdSelectMenu'],
controller: OptionController,
compile: compile
function compile(element, attr) {
// Manual transclusion to avoid the extra inner <span> that ng-transclude generates
element.append(angular.element('<div class="md-text">').append(element.contents()));
element.attr('tabindex', attr.tabindex || '0');
if (!hasDefinedValue(attr)) {
element.attr('md-option-empty', '');
return postLink;
function hasDefinedValue(attr) {
var value = attr.value;
var ngValue = attr.ngValue;
return value || ngValue;
function postLink(scope, element, attr, ctrls) {
var optionCtrl = ctrls[0];
var selectCtrl = ctrls[1];
if (selectCtrl.isMultiple) {
if (angular.isDefined(attr.ngValue)) {
scope.$watch(attr.ngValue, setOptionValue);
} else if (angular.isDefined(attr.value)) {
} else {
scope.$watch(function() {
return element.text().trim();
}, setOptionValue);
attr.$observe('disabled', function(disabled) {
if (disabled) {
element.attr('tabindex', '-1');
} else {
element.attr('tabindex', '0');
scope.$$postDigest(function() {
attr.$observe('selected', function(selected) {
if (!angular.isDefined(selected)) return;
if (typeof selected == 'string') selected = true;
if (selected) {
if (!selectCtrl.isMultiple) {
}, optionCtrl.value);
} else {
$mdButtonInkRipple.attach(scope, element);
function setOptionValue(newValue, oldValue, prevAttempt) {
if (!selectCtrl.hashGetter) {
if (!prevAttempt) {
scope.$$postDigest(function() {
setOptionValue(newValue, oldValue, true);
var oldHashKey = selectCtrl.hashGetter(oldValue, scope);
var newHashKey = selectCtrl.hashGetter(newValue, scope);
optionCtrl.hashKey = newHashKey;
optionCtrl.value = newValue;
selectCtrl.removeOption(oldHashKey, optionCtrl);
selectCtrl.addOption(newHashKey, optionCtrl);
scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
selectCtrl.removeOption(optionCtrl.hashKey, optionCtrl);
function configureAria() {
var ariaAttrs = {
'role': 'option',
'aria-selected': 'false'
if (!element[0].hasAttribute('id')) { = 'select_option_' + $mdUtil.nextUid();
function OptionController($element) {
this.selected = false;
this.setSelected = function(isSelected) {
if (isSelected && !this.selected) {
'selected': 'selected',
'aria-selected': 'true'
} else if (!isSelected && this.selected) {
$element.attr('aria-selected', 'false');
this.selected = isSelected;
function OptgroupDirective() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
compile: compile
function compile(el, attrs) {
// If we have a select header element, we don't want to add the normal label
// header.
if (!hasSelectHeader()) {
function hasSelectHeader() {
return el.parent().find('md-select-header').length;
function setupLabelElement() {
var labelElement = el.find('label');
if (!labelElement.length) {
labelElement = angular.element('<label>');
if (attrs.label) labelElement.text(attrs.label);
function SelectHeaderDirective() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
function SelectProvider($$interimElementProvider) {
selectDefaultOptions.$inject = ["$mdSelect", "$mdConstant", "$mdUtil", "$window", "$q", "$$rAF", "$animateCss", "$animate", "$document"];
return $$interimElementProvider('$mdSelect')
methods: ['target'],
options: selectDefaultOptions
/* @ngInject */
function selectDefaultOptions($mdSelect, $mdConstant, $mdUtil, $window, $q, $$rAF, $animateCss, $animate, $document) {
var ERROR_TARGET_EXPECTED = "$ expected a target element in but got '{0}'!";
var animator = $mdUtil.dom.animator;
var keyCodes = $mdConstant.KEY_CODE;
return {
parent: 'body',
themable: true,
onShow: onShow,
onRemove: onRemove,
hasBackdrop: true,
disableParentScroll: true
* Interim-element onRemove logic....
function onRemove(scope, element, opts) {
opts = opts || { };
// For navigation $destroy events, do a quick, non-animated removal,
// but for normal closes (from clicks, etc) animate the removal
return (opts.$destroy === true) ? cleanElement() : animateRemoval().then( cleanElement );
* For normal closes (eg clicks), animate the removal.
* For forced closes (like $destroy events from navigation),
* skip the animations
function animateRemoval() {
return $animateCss(element, {addClass: 'md-leave'}).start();
* Restore the element to a closed state
function cleanElement() {
element.attr('aria-hidden', 'true');
element[0].style.display = 'none';
if (!opts.$destroy && opts.restoreFocus) {;
* Interim-element onShow logic....
function onShow(scope, element, opts) {
sanitizeAndConfigure(scope, opts);
opts.hideBackdrop = showBackdrop(scope, element, opts);
return showDropDown(scope, element, opts)
.then(function(response) {
element.attr('aria-hidden', 'false');
opts.alreadyOpen = true;
opts.cleanupInteraction = activateInteraction();
opts.cleanupResizing = activateResizing();
return response;
}, opts.hideBackdrop);
// ************************************
// Closure Functions
// ************************************
* Attach the select DOM element(s) and animate to the correct positions
* and scalings...
function showDropDown(scope, element, opts) {
return $q(function(resolve, reject) {
try {
$animateCss(element, {removeClass: 'md-leave', duration: 0})
} catch (e) {
* Initialize container and dropDown menu positions/scale, then animate
* to show... and autoFocus.
function positionAndFocusMenu() {
return $q(function(resolve) {
if (opts.isRemoved) return $q.reject(false);
var info = calculateMenuPositions(scope, element, opts);
$$rAF(function() {
info.dropDown.element.css(animator.toCss({transform: ''}));
* Show modal backdrop element...
function showBackdrop(scope, element, options) {
// If we are not within a dialog...
if (options.disableParentScroll && !$mdUtil.getClosest(, 'MD-DIALOG')) {
// !! DO this before creating the backdrop; since disableScrollAround()
// configures the scroll offset; which is used by mdBackDrop postLink()
options.restoreScroll = $mdUtil.disableScrollAround(options.element, options.parent);
} else {
options.disableParentScroll = false;
if (options.hasBackdrop) {
// Override duration to immediately show invisible backdrop
options.backdrop = $mdUtil.createBackdrop(scope, "md-select-backdrop md-click-catcher");
$animate.enter(options.backdrop, $document[0].body, null, {duration: 0});
* Hide modal backdrop element...
return function hideBackdrop() {
if (options.backdrop) options.backdrop.remove();
if (options.disableParentScroll) options.restoreScroll();
delete options.restoreScroll;
function autoFocus(focusedNode) {
if (focusedNode && !focusedNode.hasAttribute('disabled')) {
* Check for valid opts and set some sane defaults
function sanitizeAndConfigure(scope, options) {
var selectEl = element.find('md-select-menu');
if (! {
throw new Error($mdUtil.supplant(ERROR_TARGET_EXPECTED, []));
angular.extend(options, {
isRemoved: false,
target: angular.element(, //make sure it's not a naked dom node
parent: angular.element(options.parent),
selectEl: selectEl,
contentEl: element.find('md-content'),
optionNodes: selectEl[0].getElementsByTagName('md-option')
* Configure various resize listeners for screen changes
function activateResizing() {
var debouncedOnResize = (function(scope, target, options) {
return function() {
if (options.isRemoved) return;
var updates = calculateMenuPositions(scope, target, options);
var container = updates.container;
var dropDown = updates.dropDown;
})(scope, element, opts);
var window = angular.element($window);
window.on('resize', debouncedOnResize);
window.on('orientationchange', debouncedOnResize);
// Publish deactivation closure...
return function deactivateResizing() {
// Disable resizing handlers'resize', debouncedOnResize);'orientationchange', debouncedOnResize);
* If asynchronously loading, watch and update internal
* '$$loadingAsyncDone' flag
function watchAsyncLoad() {
if (opts.loadingAsync && !opts.isRemoved) {
scope.$$loadingAsyncDone = false;
.then(function() {
scope.$$loadingAsyncDone = true;
delete opts.loadingAsync;
}).then(function() {
function activateInteraction() {
if (opts.isRemoved) return;
var dropDown = opts.selectEl;
var selectCtrl = dropDown.controller('mdSelectMenu') || {};
// Close on backdrop click
opts.backdrop && opts.backdrop.on('click', onBackdropClick);
// Escape to close
// Cycling of options, and closing on enter
dropDown.on('keydown', onMenuKeyDown);
dropDown.on('click', checkCloseMenu);
return function cleanupInteraction() {
opts.backdrop &&'click', onBackdropClick);'keydown', onMenuKeyDown);'click', checkCloseMenu);
opts.isRemoved = true;
// ************************************
// Closure Functions
// ************************************
function onBackdropClick(e) {
opts.restoreFocus = false;
$mdUtil.nextTick($mdSelect.hide, true);
function onMenuKeyDown(ev) {
switch (ev.keyCode) {
case keyCodes.UP_ARROW:
return focusPrevOption();
case keyCodes.DOWN_ARROW:
return focusNextOption();
case keyCodes.SPACE:
case keyCodes.ENTER:
var option = $mdUtil.getClosest(, 'md-option');
if (option) {
type: 'click',
target: option
case keyCodes.TAB:
case keyCodes.ESCAPE:
opts.restoreFocus = true;
$mdUtil.nextTick($mdSelect.hide, true);
if ($mdConstant.isInputKey(ev) || $mdConstant.isNumPadKey(ev)) {
var optNode = dropDown.controller('mdSelectMenu').optNodeForKeyboardSearch(ev);
opts.focusedNode = optNode || opts.focusedNode;
optNode && optNode.focus();
function focusOption(direction) {
var optionsArray = $mdUtil.nodesToArray(opts.optionNodes);
var index = optionsArray.indexOf(opts.focusedNode);
var newOption;
do {
if (index === -1) {
// We lost the previously focused element, reset to first option
index = 0;
} else if (direction === 'next' && index < optionsArray.length - 1) {
} else if (direction === 'prev' && index > 0) {
newOption = optionsArray[index];
if (newOption.hasAttribute('disabled')) newOption = undefined;
} while (!newOption && index < optionsArray.length - 1 && index > 0);
newOption && newOption.focus();
opts.focusedNode = newOption;
function focusNextOption() {
function focusPrevOption() {
function checkCloseMenu(ev) {
if (ev && ( ev.type == 'click') && (ev.currentTarget != dropDown[0])) return;
if ( mouseOnScrollbar() ) return;
var option = $mdUtil.getClosest(, 'md-option');
if (option && option.hasAttribute && !option.hasAttribute('disabled')) {
if (!selectCtrl.isMultiple) {
opts.restoreFocus = true;
$mdUtil.nextTick(function () {
}, true);
* check if the mouseup event was on a scrollbar
function mouseOnScrollbar() {
var clickOnScrollbar = false;
if (ev && (ev.currentTarget.children.length > 0)) {
var child = ev.currentTarget.children[0];
var hasScrollbar = child.scrollHeight > child.clientHeight;
if (hasScrollbar && child.children.length > 0) {
var relPosX = ev.pageX - ev.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect().left;
if (relPosX > child.querySelector('md-option').offsetWidth)
clickOnScrollbar = true;
return clickOnScrollbar;
* To notify listeners that the Select menu has closed,
* trigger the [optional] user-defined expression
function announceClosed(opts) {
var mdSelect = opts.selectCtrl;
if (mdSelect) {
var menuController = opts.selectEl.controller('mdSelectMenu');
mdSelect.setLabelText(menuController ? menuController.selectedLabels() : '');
* Calculate the
function calculateMenuPositions(scope, element, opts) {
containerNode = element[0],
targetNode =[0].children[0], // target the label
parentNode = $document[0].body,
selectNode = opts.selectEl[0],
contentNode = opts.contentEl[0],
parentRect = parentNode.getBoundingClientRect(),
targetRect = targetNode.getBoundingClientRect(),
shouldOpenAroundTarget = false,
bounds = {
left: parentRect.left + SELECT_EDGE_MARGIN,
bottom: parentRect.height - SELECT_EDGE_MARGIN,
right: parentRect.width - SELECT_EDGE_MARGIN - ($mdUtil.floatingScrollbars() ? 16 : 0)
spaceAvailable = {
top: -,
left: targetRect.left - bounds.left,
right: bounds.right - (targetRect.left + targetRect.width),
bottom: bounds.bottom - ( + targetRect.height)
maxWidth = parentRect.width - SELECT_EDGE_MARGIN * 2,
selectedNode = selectNode.querySelector('md-option[selected]'),
optionNodes = selectNode.getElementsByTagName('md-option'),
optgroupNodes = selectNode.getElementsByTagName('md-optgroup'),
isScrollable = calculateScrollable(element, contentNode),
var loading = isPromiseLike(opts.loadingAsync);
if (!loading) {
// If a selected node, center around that
if (selectedNode) {
centeredNode = selectedNode;
// If there are option groups, center around the first option group
} else if (optgroupNodes.length) {
centeredNode = optgroupNodes[0];
// Otherwise - if we are not loading async - center around the first optionNode
} else if (optionNodes.length) {
centeredNode = optionNodes[0];
// In case there are no options, center on whatever's in there... (eg progress indicator)
} else {
centeredNode = contentNode.firstElementChild || contentNode;
} else {
// If loading, center on progress indicator
centeredNode = contentNode.firstElementChild || contentNode;
if (contentNode.offsetWidth > maxWidth) {['max-width'] = maxWidth + 'px';
} else { = null;
if (shouldOpenAroundTarget) {['min-width'] = targetRect.width + 'px';
// Remove padding before we compute the position of the menu
if (isScrollable) {
var focusedNode = centeredNode;
if ((focusedNode.tagName || '').toUpperCase() === 'MD-OPTGROUP') {
focusedNode = optionNodes[0] || contentNode.firstElementChild || contentNode;
centeredNode = focusedNode;
// Cache for autoFocus()
opts.focusedNode = focusedNode;
// Get the selectMenuRect *after* max-width is possibly set above = 'block';
var selectMenuRect = selectNode.getBoundingClientRect();
var centeredRect = getOffsetRect(centeredNode);
if (centeredNode) {
var centeredStyle = $window.getComputedStyle(centeredNode);
centeredRect.paddingLeft = parseInt(centeredStyle.paddingLeft, 10) || 0;
centeredRect.paddingRight = parseInt(centeredStyle.paddingRight, 10) || 0;
if (isScrollable) {
var scrollBuffer = contentNode.offsetHeight / 2;
contentNode.scrollTop = + centeredRect.height / 2 - scrollBuffer;
if ( < scrollBuffer) {
contentNode.scrollTop = Math.min(,
contentNode.scrollTop + scrollBuffer -
} else if (spaceAvailable.bottom < scrollBuffer) {
contentNode.scrollTop = Math.max( + centeredRect.height - selectMenuRect.height,
contentNode.scrollTop - scrollBuffer + spaceAvailable.bottom
var left, top, transformOrigin, minWidth, fontSize;
if (shouldOpenAroundTarget) {
left = targetRect.left;
top = + targetRect.height;
transformOrigin = '50% 0';
if (top + selectMenuRect.height > bounds.bottom) {
top = - selectMenuRect.height;
transformOrigin = '50% 100%';
} else {
left = (targetRect.left + centeredRect.left - centeredRect.paddingLeft) + 2;
top = Math.floor( + targetRect.height / 2 - centeredRect.height / 2 - + contentNode.scrollTop) + 2;
transformOrigin = (centeredRect.left + targetRect.width / 2) + 'px ' +
( + centeredRect.height / 2 - contentNode.scrollTop) + 'px 0px';
minWidth = Math.min(targetRect.width + centeredRect.paddingLeft + centeredRect.paddingRight, maxWidth);
fontSize = window.getComputedStyle(targetNode)['font-size'];
// Keep left and top within the window
var containerRect = containerNode.getBoundingClientRect();
var scaleX = Math.round(100 * Math.min(targetRect.width / selectMenuRect.width, 1.0)) / 100;
var scaleY = Math.round(100 * Math.min(targetRect.height / selectMenuRect.height, 1.0)) / 100;
return {
container: {
element: angular.element(containerNode),
styles: {
left: Math.floor(clamp(bounds.left, left, bounds.right - containerRect.width)),
top: Math.floor(clamp(, top, bounds.bottom - containerRect.height)),
'min-width': minWidth,
'font-size': fontSize
dropDown: {
element: angular.element(selectNode),
styles: {
transformOrigin: transformOrigin,
transform: !opts.alreadyOpen ? $mdUtil.supplant('scale({0},{1})', [scaleX, scaleY]) : ""
function isPromiseLike(obj) {
return obj && angular.isFunction(obj.then);
function clamp(min, n, max) {
return Math.max(min, Math.min(n, max));
function getOffsetRect(node) {
return node ? {
left: node.offsetLeft,
top: node.offsetTop,
width: node.offsetWidth,
height: node.offsetHeight
} : {left: 0, top: 0, width: 0, height: 0};
function calculateScrollable(element, contentNode) {
var isScrollable = false;
try {
var oldDisplay = element[0].style.display;
// Set the element's display to block so that this calculation is correct
element[0].style.display = 'block';
isScrollable = contentNode.scrollHeight > contentNode.offsetHeight;
// Reset it back afterwards
element[0].style.display = oldDisplay;
} finally {
// Nothing to do
return isScrollable;
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.showHide
// Add additional handlers to ng-show and ng-hide that notify directives
// contained within that they should recompute their size.
// These run in addition to Angular's built-in ng-hide and ng-show directives.
angular.module('material.components.showHide', [
.directive('ngShow', createDirective('ngShow', true))
.directive('ngHide', createDirective('ngHide', false));
function createDirective(name, targetValue) {
return ['$mdUtil', '$window', function($mdUtil, $window) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
multiElement: true,
link: function($scope, $element, $attr) {
var unregister = $scope.$on('$md-resize-enable', function() {
var node = $element[0];
var cachedTransitionStyles = node.nodeType === $window.Node.ELEMENT_NODE ?
$window.getComputedStyle(node) : {};
$scope.$watch($attr[name], function(value) {
if (!!value === targetValue) {
$mdUtil.nextTick(function() {
var opts = {
cachedTransitionStyles: cachedTransitionStyles
$mdUtil.dom.animator.waitTransitionEnd($element, opts).then(function() {
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.sidenav
* @description
* A Sidenav QP component.
SidenavService.$inject = ["$mdComponentRegistry", "$mdUtil", "$q", "$log"];
SidenavDirective.$inject = ["$mdMedia", "$mdUtil", "$mdConstant", "$mdTheming", "$animate", "$compile", "$parse", "$log", "$q", "$document"];
SidenavController.$inject = ["$scope", "$element", "$attrs", "$mdComponentRegistry", "$q"];
.module('material.components.sidenav', [
.factory('$mdSidenav', SidenavService )
.directive('mdSidenav', SidenavDirective)
.directive('mdSidenavFocus', SidenavFocusDirective)
.controller('$mdSidenavController', SidenavController);
* @ngdoc service
* @name $mdSidenav
* @module material.components.sidenav
* @description
* `$mdSidenav` makes it easy to interact with multiple sidenavs
* in an app. When looking up a sidenav instance, you can either look
* it up synchronously or wait for it to be initializied asynchronously.
* This is done by passing the second argument to `$mdSidenav`.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="js">
* // Async lookup for sidenav instance; will resolve when the instance is available
* $mdSidenav(componentId, true).then(function(instance) {
* $log.debug( componentId + "is now ready" );
* });
* // Sync lookup for sidenav instance; this will resolve immediately.
* $mdSidenav(componentId).then(function(instance) {
* $log.debug( componentId + "is now ready" );
* });
* // Async toggle the given sidenav;
* // when instance is known ready and lazy lookup is not needed.
* $mdSidenav(componentId)
* .toggle()
* .then(function(){
* $log.debug('toggled');
* });
* // Async open the given sidenav
* $mdSidenav(componentId)
* .open()
* .then(function(){
* $log.debug('opened');
* });
* // Async close the given sidenav
* $mdSidenav(componentId)
* .close()
* .then(function(){
* $log.debug('closed');
* });
* // Sync check to see if the specified sidenav is set to be open
* $mdSidenav(componentId).isOpen();
* // Sync check to whether given sidenav is locked open
* // If this is true, the sidenav will be open regardless of close()
* $mdSidenav(componentId).isLockedOpen();
* // On close callback to handle close, backdrop click or escape key pressed
* // Callback happens BEFORE the close action occurs.
* $mdSidenav(componentId).onClose(function () {
* $log.debug('closing');
* });
* </hljs>
function SidenavService($mdComponentRegistry, $mdUtil, $q, $log) {
var errorMsg = "SideNav '{0}' is not available! Did you use md-component-id='{0}'?";
var service = {
find : findInstance, // sync - returns proxy API
waitFor : waitForInstance // async - returns promise
* Service API that supports three (3) usages:
* $mdSidenav().find("left") // sync (must already exist) or returns undefined
* $mdSidenav("left").toggle(); // sync (must already exist) or returns reject promise;
* $mdSidenav("left",true).then( function(left){ // async returns instance when available
* left.toggle();
* });
return function(handle, enableWait) {
if ( angular.isUndefined(handle) ) return service;
var shouldWait = enableWait === true;
var instance = service.find(handle, shouldWait);
return !instance && shouldWait ? service.waitFor(handle) :
!instance && angular.isUndefined(enableWait) ? addLegacyAPI(service, handle) : instance;
* For failed instance/handle lookups, older-clients expect an response object with noops
* that include `rejected promise APIs`
function addLegacyAPI(service, handle) {
var falseFn = function() { return false; };
var rejectFn = function() {
return $q.when($mdUtil.supplant(errorMsg, [handle || ""]));
return angular.extend({
isLockedOpen : falseFn,
isOpen : falseFn,
toggle : rejectFn,
open : rejectFn,
close : rejectFn,
onClose : angular.noop,
then : function(callback) {
return waitForInstance(handle)
.then(callback || angular.noop);
}, service);
* Synchronously lookup the controller instance for the specified sidNav instance which has been
* registered with the markup `md-component-id`
function findInstance(handle, shouldWait) {
var instance = $mdComponentRegistry.get(handle);
if (!instance && !shouldWait) {
// Report missing instance
$log.error( $mdUtil.supplant(errorMsg, [handle || ""]) );
// The component has not registered itself... most like NOT yet created
// return null to indicate that the Sidenav is not in the DOM
return undefined;
return instance;
* Asynchronously wait for the component instantiation,
* Deferred lookup of component instance using $component registry
function waitForInstance(handle) {
return $mdComponentRegistry.when(handle).catch($log.error);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdSidenavFocus
* @module material.components.sidenav
* @restrict A
* @description
* `mdSidenavFocus` provides a way to specify the focused element when a sidenav opens.
* This is completely optional, as the sidenav itself is focused by default.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-sidenav>
* <form>
* <md-input-container>
* <label for="testInput">Label</label>
* <input id="testInput" type="text" md-sidenav-focus>
* </md-input-container>
* </form>
* </md-sidenav>
* </hljs>
function SidenavFocusDirective() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: '^mdSidenav',
link: function(scope, element, attr, sidenavCtrl) {
// @see $mdUtil.findFocusTarget(...)
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdSidenav
* @module material.components.sidenav
* @restrict E
* @description
* A Sidenav component that can be opened and closed programatically.
* By default, upon opening it will slide out on top of the main content area.
* For keyboard and screen reader accessibility, focus is sent to the sidenav wrapper by default.
* It can be overridden with the `md-autofocus` directive on the child element you want focused.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <div layout="row" ng-controller="MyController">
* <md-sidenav md-component-id="left" class="md-sidenav-left">
* Left Nav!
* </md-sidenav>
* <md-content>
* Center Content
* <md-button ng-click="openLeftMenu()">
* Open Left Menu
* </md-button>
* </md-content>
* <md-sidenav md-component-id="right"
* md-is-locked-open="$mdMedia('min-width: 333px')"
* class="md-sidenav-right">
* <form>
* <md-input-container>
* <label for="testInput">Test input</label>
* <input id="testInput" type="text"
* ng-model="data" md-autofocus>
* </md-input-container>
* </form>
* </md-sidenav>
* </div>
* </hljs>
* <hljs lang="js">
* var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ngMaterial']);
* app.controller('MyController', function($scope, $mdSidenav) {
* $scope.openLeftMenu = function() {
* $mdSidenav('left').toggle();
* };
* });
* </hljs>
* @param {expression=} md-is-open A model bound to whether the sidenav is opened.
* @param {boolean=} md-disable-backdrop When present in the markup, the sidenav will not show a backdrop.
* @param {string=} md-component-id componentId to use with $mdSidenav service.
* @param {expression=} md-is-locked-open When this expression evaluates to true,
* the sidenav 'locks open': it falls into the content's flow instead
* of appearing over it. This overrides the `md-is-open` attribute.
* @param {string=} md-disable-scroll-target Selector, pointing to an element, whose scrolling will
* be disabled when the sidenav is opened. By default this is the sidenav's direct parent.
* The $mdMedia() service is exposed to the is-locked-open attribute, which
* can be given a media query or one of the `sm`, `gt-sm`, `md`, `gt-md`, `lg` or `gt-lg` presets.
* Examples:
* - `<md-sidenav md-is-locked-open="shouldLockOpen"></md-sidenav>`
* - `<md-sidenav md-is-locked-open="$mdMedia('min-width: 1000px')"></md-sidenav>`
* - `<md-sidenav md-is-locked-open="$mdMedia('sm')"></md-sidenav>` (locks open on small screens)
function SidenavDirective($mdMedia, $mdUtil, $mdConstant, $mdTheming, $animate, $compile, $parse, $log, $q, $document) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
isOpen: '=?mdIsOpen'
controller: '$mdSidenavController',
compile: function(element) {
element.attr('tabIndex', '-1');
return postLink;
* Directive Post Link function...
function postLink(scope, element, attr, sidenavCtrl) {
var lastParentOverFlow;
var backdrop;
var disableScrollTarget = null;
var triggeringElement = null;
var previousContainerStyles;
var promise = $q.when(true);
var isLockedOpenParsed = $parse(attr.mdIsLockedOpen);
var isLocked = function() {
return isLockedOpenParsed(scope.$parent, {
$media: function(arg) {
$log.warn("$media is deprecated for is-locked-open. Use $mdMedia instead.");
return $mdMedia(arg);
$mdMedia: $mdMedia
if (attr.mdDisableScrollTarget) {
disableScrollTarget = $document[0].querySelector(attr.mdDisableScrollTarget);
if (disableScrollTarget) {
disableScrollTarget = angular.element(disableScrollTarget);
} else {
$log.warn($mdUtil.supplant('mdSidenav: couldn\'t find element matching ' +
'selector "{selector}". Falling back to parent.', { selector: attr.mdDisableScrollTarget }));
if (!disableScrollTarget) {
disableScrollTarget = element.parent();
// Only create the backdrop if the backdrop isn't disabled.
if (!attr.hasOwnProperty('mdDisableBackdrop')) {
backdrop = $mdUtil.createBackdrop(scope, "md-sidenav-backdrop md-opaque ng-enter");
element.addClass('_md'); // private md component indicator for styling
// The backdrop should inherit the sidenavs theme,
// because the backdrop will take its parent theme by default.
if ( backdrop ) $mdTheming.inherit(backdrop, element);
element.on('$destroy', function() {
backdrop && backdrop.remove();
scope.$on('$destroy', function(){
backdrop && backdrop.remove();
scope.$watch(isLocked, updateIsLocked);
scope.$watch('isOpen', updateIsOpen);
// Publish special accessor for the Controller instance
sidenavCtrl.$toggleOpen = toggleOpen;
* Toggle the DOM classes to indicate `locked`
* @param isLocked
function updateIsLocked(isLocked, oldValue) {
scope.isLockedOpen = isLocked;
if (isLocked === oldValue) {
element.toggleClass('md-locked-open', !!isLocked);
} else {
$animate[isLocked ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](element, 'md-locked-open');
if (backdrop) {
backdrop.toggleClass('md-locked-open', !!isLocked);
* Toggle the SideNav view and attach/detach listeners
* @param isOpen
function updateIsOpen(isOpen) {
// Support deprecated md-sidenav-focus attribute as fallback
var focusEl = $mdUtil.findFocusTarget(element) || $mdUtil.findFocusTarget(element,'[md-sidenav-focus]') || element;
var parent = element.parent();
parent[isOpen ? 'on' : 'off']('keydown', onKeyDown);
if (backdrop) backdrop[isOpen ? 'on' : 'off']('click', close);
var restorePositioning = updateContainerPositions(parent, isOpen);
if ( isOpen ) {
// Capture upon opening..
triggeringElement = $document[0].activeElement;
return promise = $q.all([
isOpen && backdrop ? $animate.enter(backdrop, parent) : backdrop ?
$animate.leave(backdrop) : $q.when(true),
$animate[isOpen ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass'](element, 'md-closed')
]).then(function() {
// Perform focus when animations are ALL done...
if (scope.isOpen) {
focusEl && focusEl.focus();
// Restores the positioning on the sidenav and backdrop.
restorePositioning && restorePositioning();
function updateContainerPositions(parent, willOpen) {
var drawerEl = element[0];
var scrollTop = parent[0].scrollTop;
if (willOpen && scrollTop) {
previousContainerStyles = {
// When the parent is scrolled down, then we want to be able to show the sidenav at the current scroll
// position. We're moving the sidenav down to the correct scroll position and apply the height of the
// parent, to increase the performance. Using 100% as height, will impact the performance heavily.
var positionStyle = {
top: scrollTop + 'px',
bottom: 'auto',
height: parent[0].clientHeight + 'px'
// Apply the new position styles to the sidenav and backdrop.
// When the sidenav is closing and we have previous defined container styles,
// then we return a restore function, which resets the sidenav and backdrop.
if (!willOpen && previousContainerStyles) {
return function() { =; = previousContainerStyles.bottom; = previousContainerStyles.height;
backdrop[0] = null;
backdrop[0].style.bottom = null;
backdrop[0].style.height = null;
previousContainerStyles = null;
* Prevent parent scrolling (when the SideNav is open)
function disableParentScroll(disabled) {
if ( disabled && !lastParentOverFlow ) {
lastParentOverFlow = disableScrollTarget.css('overflow');
disableScrollTarget.css('overflow', 'hidden');
} else if (angular.isDefined(lastParentOverFlow)) {
disableScrollTarget.css('overflow', lastParentOverFlow);
lastParentOverFlow = undefined;
* Toggle the sideNav view and publish a promise to be resolved when
* the view animation finishes.
* @param isOpen
* @returns {*}
function toggleOpen( isOpen ) {
if (scope.isOpen == isOpen ) {
return $q.when(true);
} else {
if (scope.isOpen && sidenavCtrl.onCloseCb) sidenavCtrl.onCloseCb();
return $q(function(resolve){
// Toggle value to force an async `updateIsOpen()` to run
scope.isOpen = isOpen;
$mdUtil.nextTick(function() {
// When the current `updateIsOpen()` animation finishes
promise.then(function(result) {
if ( !scope.isOpen ) {
// reset focus to originating element (if available) upon close
triggeringElement && triggeringElement.focus();
triggeringElement = null;
* Auto-close sideNav when the `escape` key is pressed.
* @param evt
function onKeyDown(ev) {
var isEscape = (ev.keyCode === $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.ESCAPE);
return isEscape ? close(ev) : $q.when(true);
* With backdrop `clicks` or `escape` key-press, immediately
* apply the CSS close transition... Then notify the controller
* to close() and perform its own actions.
function close(ev) {
return sidenavCtrl.close();
* @private
* @ngdoc controller
* @name SidenavController
* @module material.components.sidenav
function SidenavController($scope, $element, $attrs, $mdComponentRegistry, $q) {
var self = this;
// Use Default internal method until overridden by directive postLink
// Synchronous getters
self.isOpen = function() { return !!$scope.isOpen; };
self.isLockedOpen = function() { return !!$scope.isLockedOpen; };
// Synchronous setters
self.onClose = function (callback) {
self.onCloseCb = callback;
return self;
// Async actions = function() { return self.$toggleOpen( true ); };
self.close = function() { return self.$toggleOpen( false ); };
self.toggle = function() { return self.$toggleOpen( !$scope.isOpen ); };
self.$toggleOpen = function(value) { return $q.when($scope.isOpen = value); };
self.destroy = $mdComponentRegistry.register(self, $attrs.mdComponentId);
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.slider
SliderDirective.$inject = ["$$rAF", "$window", "$mdAria", "$mdUtil", "$mdConstant", "$mdTheming", "$mdGesture", "$parse", "$log", "$timeout"];
angular.module('material.components.slider', [
.directive('mdSlider', SliderDirective)
.directive('mdSliderContainer', SliderContainerDirective);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdSliderContainer
* @module material.components.slider
* @restrict E
* @description
* The `<md-slider-container>` contains slider with two other elements.
* @usage
* <h4>Normal Mode</h4>
* <hljs lang="html">
* </hljs>
function SliderContainerDirective() {
return {
controller: function () {},
compile: function (elem) {
var slider = elem.find('md-slider');
if (!slider) {
var vertical = slider.attr('md-vertical');
if (vertical !== undefined) {
elem.attr('md-vertical', '');
if(!slider.attr('flex')) {
slider.attr('flex', '');
return function postLink(scope, element, attr, ctrl) {
element.addClass('_md'); // private md component indicator for styling
// We have to manually stop the $watch on ngDisabled because it exists
// on the parent scope, and won't be automatically destroyed when
// the component is destroyed.
function setDisable(value) {
element.children().attr('disabled', value);
element.find('input').attr('disabled', value);
var stopDisabledWatch = angular.noop;
if (attr.disabled) {
else if (attr.ngDisabled) {
stopDisabledWatch = scope.$watch(attr.ngDisabled, function (value) {
scope.$on('$destroy', function () {
var initialMaxWidth;
ctrl.fitInputWidthToTextLength = function (length) {
var input = element[0].querySelector('md-input-container');
if (input) {
var computedStyle = getComputedStyle(input);
var minWidth = parseInt(computedStyle.minWidth);
var padding = parseInt(computedStyle.padding) * 2;
initialMaxWidth = initialMaxWidth || parseInt(computedStyle.maxWidth);
var newMaxWidth = Math.max(initialMaxWidth, minWidth + padding + (minWidth / 2 * length)); = newMaxWidth + 'px';
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdSlider
* @module material.components.slider
* @restrict E
* @description
* The `<md-slider>` component allows the user to choose from a range of
* values.
* As per the [material design spec](
* the slider is in the accent color by default. The primary color palette may be used with
* the `md-primary` class.
* It has two modes: 'normal' mode, where the user slides between a wide range
* of values, and 'discrete' mode, where the user slides between only a few
* select values.
* To enable discrete mode, add the `md-discrete` attribute to a slider,
* and use the `step` attribute to change the distance between
* values the user is allowed to pick.
* @usage
* <h4>Normal Mode</h4>
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-slider ng-model="myValue" min="5" max="500">
* </md-slider>
* </hljs>
* <h4>Discrete Mode</h4>
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-slider md-discrete ng-model="myDiscreteValue" step="10" min="10" max="130">
* </md-slider>
* </hljs>
* <h4>Invert Mode</h4>
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-slider md-invert ng-model="myValue" step="10" min="10" max="130">
* </md-slider>
* </hljs>
* @param {boolean=} md-discrete Whether to enable discrete mode.
* @param {boolean=} md-invert Whether to enable invert mode.
* @param {number=} step The distance between values the user is allowed to pick. Default 1.
* @param {number=} min The minimum value the user is allowed to pick. Default 0.
* @param {number=} max The maximum value the user is allowed to pick. Default 100.
* @param {number=} round The amount of numbers after the decimal point, maximum is 6 to prevent scientific notation. Default 3.
function SliderDirective($$rAF, $window, $mdAria, $mdUtil, $mdConstant, $mdTheming, $mdGesture, $parse, $log, $timeout) {
return {
scope: {},
require: ['?ngModel', '?^mdSliderContainer'],
'<div class="md-slider-wrapper">' +
'<div class="md-slider-content">' +
'<div class="md-track-container">' +
'<div class="md-track"></div>' +
'<div class="md-track md-track-fill"></div>' +
'<div class="md-track-ticks"></div>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="md-thumb-container">' +
'<div class="md-thumb"></div>' +
'<div class="md-focus-thumb"></div>' +
'<div class="md-focus-ring"></div>' +
'<div class="md-sign">' +
'<span class="md-thumb-text"></span>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="md-disabled-thumb"></div>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
compile: compile
// **********************************************************
// Private Methods
// **********************************************************
function compile (tElement, tAttrs) {
var wrapper = angular.element(tElement[0].getElementsByClassName('md-slider-wrapper'));
var tabIndex = tAttrs.tabindex || 0;
wrapper.attr('tabindex', tabIndex);
if (tAttrs.disabled || tAttrs.ngDisabled) wrapper.attr('tabindex', -1);
wrapper.attr('role', 'slider');
$mdAria.expect(tElement, 'aria-label');
return postLink;
function postLink(scope, element, attr, ctrls) {
var ngModelCtrl = ctrls[0] || {
// Mock ngModelController if it doesn't exist to give us
// the minimum functionality needed
$setViewValue: function(val) {
this.$viewValue = val;
this.$viewChangeListeners.forEach(function(cb) { cb(); });
$parsers: [],
$formatters: [],
$viewChangeListeners: []
var containerCtrl = ctrls[1];
var container = angular.element($mdUtil.getClosest(element, '_md-slider-container', true));
var isDisabled = attr.ngDisabled ? angular.bind(null, $parse(attr.ngDisabled), scope.$parent) : function () {
return element[0].hasAttribute('disabled');
var thumb = angular.element(element[0].querySelector('.md-thumb'));
var thumbText = angular.element(element[0].querySelector('.md-thumb-text'));
var thumbContainer = thumb.parent();
var trackContainer = angular.element(element[0].querySelector('.md-track-container'));
var activeTrack = angular.element(element[0].querySelector('.md-track-fill'));
var tickContainer = angular.element(element[0].querySelector('.md-track-ticks'));
var wrapper = angular.element(element[0].getElementsByClassName('md-slider-wrapper'));
var content = angular.element(element[0].getElementsByClassName('md-slider-content'));
var throttledRefreshDimensions = $mdUtil.throttle(refreshSliderDimensions, 5000);
// Default values, overridable by attrs
var vertical = angular.isDefined(attr.mdVertical);
var discrete = angular.isDefined(attr.mdDiscrete);
var invert = angular.isDefined(attr.mdInvert);
angular.isDefined(attr.min) ? attr.$observe('min', updateMin) : updateMin(0);
angular.isDefined(attr.max) ? attr.$observe('max', updateMax) : updateMax(100);
angular.isDefined(attr.step)? attr.$observe('step', updateStep) : updateStep(1);
angular.isDefined(attr.round)? attr.$observe('round', updateRound) : updateRound(DEFAULT_ROUND);
// We have to manually stop the $watch on ngDisabled because it exists
// on the parent scope, and won't be automatically destroyed when
// the component is destroyed.
var stopDisabledWatch = angular.noop;
if (attr.ngDisabled) {
stopDisabledWatch = scope.$parent.$watch(attr.ngDisabled, updateAriaDisabled);
$mdGesture.register(wrapper, 'drag', { horizontal: !vertical });
scope.mouseActive = false;
.on('keydown', keydownListener)
.on('mousedown', mouseDownListener)
.on('focus', focusListener)
.on('blur', blurListener)
.on('$md.pressdown', onPressDown)
.on('$md.pressup', onPressUp)
.on('$md.dragstart', onDragStart)
.on('$md.drag', onDrag)
.on('$md.dragend', onDragEnd);
// On resize, recalculate the slider's dimensions and re-render
function updateAll() {
setTimeout(updateAll, 0);
var debouncedUpdateAll = $$rAF.throttle(updateAll);
angular.element($window).on('resize', debouncedUpdateAll);
scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
angular.element($window).off('resize', debouncedUpdateAll);
ngModelCtrl.$render = ngModelRender;
* Attributes
var min;
var max;
var step;
var round;
function updateMin(value) {
min = parseFloat(value);
element.attr('aria-valuemin', value);
function updateMax(value) {
max = parseFloat(value);
element.attr('aria-valuemax', value);
function updateStep(value) {
step = parseFloat(value);
function updateRound(value) {
// Set max round digits to 6, after 6 the input uses scientific notation
round = minMaxValidator(parseInt(value), 0, 6);
function updateAriaDisabled() {
element.attr('aria-disabled', !!isDisabled());
// Draw the ticks with canvas.
// The alternative to drawing ticks with canvas is to draw one element for each tick,
// which could quickly become a performance bottleneck.
var tickCanvas, tickCtx;
function redrawTicks() {
if (!discrete || isDisabled()) return;
if ( angular.isUndefined(step) ) return;
if ( step <= 0 ) {
var msg = 'Slider step value must be greater than zero when in discrete mode';
throw new Error(msg);
var numSteps = Math.floor( (max - min) / step );
if (!tickCanvas) {
tickCanvas = angular.element('<canvas>').css('position', 'absolute');
tickCtx = tickCanvas[0].getContext('2d');
var dimensions = getSliderDimensions();
// If `dimensions` doesn't have height and width it might be the first attempt so we will refresh dimensions
if (dimensions && !dimensions.height && !dimensions.width) {
dimensions = sliderDimensions;
tickCanvas[0].width = dimensions.width;
tickCanvas[0].height = dimensions.height;
var distance;
for (var i = 0; i <= numSteps; i++) {
var trackTicksStyle = $window.getComputedStyle(tickContainer[0]);
tickCtx.fillStyle = trackTicksStyle.color || 'black';
distance = Math.floor((vertical ? dimensions.height : dimensions.width) * (i / numSteps));
tickCtx.fillRect(vertical ? 0 : distance - 1,
vertical ? distance - 1 : 0,
vertical ? dimensions.width : 2,
vertical ? 2 : dimensions.height);
function clearTicks() {
if(tickCanvas && tickCtx) {
var dimensions = getSliderDimensions();
tickCtx.clearRect(0, 0, dimensions.width, dimensions.height);
* Refreshing Dimensions
var sliderDimensions = {};
function refreshSliderDimensions() {
sliderDimensions = trackContainer[0].getBoundingClientRect();
function getSliderDimensions() {
return sliderDimensions;
* left/right/up/down arrow listener
function keydownListener(ev) {
if (isDisabled()) return;
var changeAmount;
if (vertical ? ev.keyCode === $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.DOWN_ARROW : ev.keyCode === $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.LEFT_ARROW) {
changeAmount = -step;
} else if (vertical ? ev.keyCode === $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.UP_ARROW : ev.keyCode === $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.RIGHT_ARROW) {
changeAmount = step;
changeAmount = invert ? -changeAmount : changeAmount;
if (changeAmount) {
if (ev.metaKey || ev.ctrlKey || ev.altKey) {
changeAmount *= 4;
scope.$evalAsync(function() {
setModelValue(ngModelCtrl.$viewValue + changeAmount);
function mouseDownListener() {
scope.mouseActive = true;
$timeout(function() {
scope.mouseActive = false;
}, 100);
function focusListener() {
if (scope.mouseActive === false) {
function blurListener() {
* ngModel setters and validators
function setModelValue(value) {
ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue( minMaxValidator(stepValidator(value)) );
function ngModelRender() {
if (isNaN(ngModelCtrl.$viewValue)) {
ngModelCtrl.$viewValue = ngModelCtrl.$modelValue;
ngModelCtrl.$viewValue = minMaxValidator(ngModelCtrl.$viewValue);
var percent = valueToPercent(ngModelCtrl.$viewValue);
scope.modelValue = ngModelCtrl.$viewValue;
element.attr('aria-valuenow', ngModelCtrl.$viewValue);
thumbText.text( ngModelCtrl.$viewValue );
function minMaxValidator(value, minValue, maxValue) {
if (angular.isNumber(value)) {
minValue = angular.isNumber(minValue) ? minValue : min;
maxValue = angular.isNumber(maxValue) ? maxValue : max;
return Math.max(minValue, Math.min(maxValue, value));
function stepValidator(value) {
if (angular.isNumber(value)) {
var formattedValue = (Math.round((value - min) / step) * step + min);
formattedValue = (Math.round(formattedValue * Math.pow(10, round)) / Math.pow(10, round));
if (containerCtrl && containerCtrl.fitInputWidthToTextLength){
$mdUtil.debounce(function () {
}, 100)();
return formattedValue;
* @param percent 0-1
function setSliderPercent(percent) {
percent = clamp(percent);
var thumbPosition = (percent * 100) + '%';
var activeTrackPercent = invert ? (1 - percent) * 100 + '%' : thumbPosition;
if (vertical) {
thumbContainer.css('bottom', thumbPosition);
else {
$mdUtil.bidiProperty(thumbContainer, 'left', 'right', thumbPosition);
activeTrack.css(vertical ? 'height' : 'width', activeTrackPercent);
element.toggleClass((invert ? 'md-max' : 'md-min'), percent === 0);
element.toggleClass((invert ? 'md-min' : 'md-max'), percent === 1);
* Slide listeners
var isDragging = false;
function onPressDown(ev) {
if (isDisabled()) return;
var exactVal = percentToValue( positionToPercent( vertical ? ev.pointer.y : ev.pointer.x ));
var closestVal = minMaxValidator( stepValidator(exactVal) );
scope.$apply(function() {
setModelValue( closestVal );
setSliderPercent( valueToPercent(closestVal));
function onPressUp(ev) {
if (isDisabled()) return;
var exactVal = percentToValue( positionToPercent( vertical ? ev.pointer.y : ev.pointer.x ));
var closestVal = minMaxValidator( stepValidator(exactVal) );
scope.$apply(function() {
function onDragStart(ev) {
if (isDisabled()) return;
isDragging = true;
function onDrag(ev) {
if (!isDragging) return;
function onDragEnd(ev) {
if (!isDragging) return;
isDragging = false;
function setSliderFromEvent(ev) {
// While panning discrete, update only the
// visual positioning but not the model value.
if ( discrete ) adjustThumbPosition( vertical ? ev.pointer.y : ev.pointer.x );
else doSlide( vertical ? ev.pointer.y : ev.pointer.x );
* Slide the UI by changing the model value
* @param x
function doSlide( x ) {
scope.$evalAsync( function() {
setModelValue( percentToValue( positionToPercent(x) ));
* Slide the UI without changing the model (while dragging/panning)
* @param x
function adjustThumbPosition( x ) {
var exactVal = percentToValue( positionToPercent( x ));
var closestVal = minMaxValidator( stepValidator(exactVal) );
setSliderPercent( positionToPercent(x) );
thumbText.text( closestVal );
* Clamps the value to be between 0 and 1.
* @param {number} value The value to clamp.
* @returns {number}
function clamp(value) {
return Math.max(0, Math.min(value || 0, 1));
* Convert position on slider to percentage value of offset from beginning...
* @param position
* @returns {number}
function positionToPercent( position ) {
var offset = vertical ? : sliderDimensions.left;
var size = vertical ? sliderDimensions.height : sliderDimensions.width;
var calc = (position - offset) / size;
if (!vertical && $mdUtil.bidi() === 'rtl') {
calc = 1 - calc;
return Math.max(0, Math.min(1, vertical ? 1 - calc : calc));
* Convert percentage offset on slide to equivalent model value
* @param percent
* @returns {*}
function percentToValue( percent ) {
var adjustedPercent = invert ? (1 - percent) : percent;
return (min + adjustedPercent * (max - min));
function valueToPercent( val ) {
var percent = (val - min) / (max - min);
return invert ? (1 - percent) : percent;
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.sticky
* @description
* Sticky effects for md
MdSticky.$inject = ["$mdConstant", "$$rAF", "$mdUtil", "$compile"];
.module('material.components.sticky', [
.factory('$mdSticky', MdSticky);
* @ngdoc service
* @name $mdSticky
* @module material.components.sticky
* @description
* The `$mdSticky`service provides a mixin to make elements sticky.
* Whenever the current browser supports stickiness natively, the `$mdSticky` service will just
* use the native browser stickiness.
* By default the `$mdSticky` service compiles the cloned element, when not specified through the `elementClone`
* parameter, in the same scope as the actual element lives.
* <h3>Notes</h3>
* When using an element which is containing a compiled directive, which changed its DOM structure during compilation,
* you should compile the clone yourself using the plain template.<br/><br/>
* See the right usage below:
* <hljs lang="js">
* angular.module('myModule')
* .directive('stickySelect', function($mdSticky, $compile) {
* '<md-select ng-model="selected">' +
* '<md-option>Option 1</md-option>' +
* '</md-select>';
* return {
* restrict: 'E',
* replace: true,
* template: SELECT_TEMPLATE,
* link: function(scope,element) {
* $mdSticky(scope, element, $compile(SELECT_TEMPLATE)(scope));
* }
* };
* });
* </hljs>
* @usage
* <hljs lang="js">
* angular.module('myModule')
* .directive('stickyText', function($mdSticky, $compile) {
* return {
* restrict: 'E',
* template: '<span>Sticky Text</span>',
* link: function(scope,element) {
* $mdSticky(scope, element);
* }
* };
* });
* </hljs>
* @returns A `$mdSticky` function that takes three arguments:
* - `scope`
* - `element`: The element that will be 'sticky'
* - `elementClone`: A clone of the element, that will be shown
* when the user starts scrolling past the original element.
* If not provided, it will use the result of `element.clone()` and compiles it in the given scope.
function MdSticky($mdConstant, $$rAF, $mdUtil, $compile) {
var browserStickySupport = $mdUtil.checkStickySupport();
* Registers an element as sticky, used internally by directives to register themselves
return function registerStickyElement(scope, element, stickyClone) {
var contentCtrl = element.controller('mdContent');
if (!contentCtrl) return;
if (browserStickySupport) {
position: browserStickySupport,
top: 0,
'z-index': 2
} else {
var $$sticky = contentCtrl.$'$$sticky');
if (!$$sticky) {
$$sticky = setupSticky(contentCtrl);
contentCtrl.$'$$sticky', $$sticky);
// Compile our cloned element, when cloned in this service, into the given scope.
var cloneElement = stickyClone || $compile(element.clone())(scope);
var deregister = $$sticky.add(element, cloneElement);
scope.$on('$destroy', deregister);
function setupSticky(contentCtrl) {
var contentEl = contentCtrl.$element;
// Refresh elements is very expensive, so we use the debounced
// version when possible.
var debouncedRefreshElements = $$rAF.throttle(refreshElements);
// setupAugmentedScrollEvents gives us `$scrollstart` and `$scroll`,
// more reliable than `scroll` on android.
contentEl.on('$scrollstart', debouncedRefreshElements);
contentEl.on('$scroll', onScroll);
var self;
return self = {
prev: null,
current: null, //the currently stickied item
next: null,
items: [],
add: add,
refreshElements: refreshElements
* Public
// Add an element and its sticky clone to this content's sticky collection
function add(element, stickyClone) {
var item = {
element: element,
clone: stickyClone
$mdUtil.nextTick(function() {
return function remove() {
self.items.forEach(function(item, index) {
if (item.element[0] === element[0]) {
self.items.splice(index, 1);
function refreshElements() {
// Sort our collection of elements by their current position in the DOM.
// We need to do this because our elements' order of being added may not
// be the same as their order of display.
self.items = self.items.sort(function(a, b) {
return < ? -1 : 1;
// Find which item in the list should be active,
// based upon the content's current scroll position
var item;
var currentScrollTop = contentEl.prop('scrollTop');
for (var i = self.items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (currentScrollTop > self.items[i].top) {
item = self.items[i];
* Private
// Find the `top` of an item relative to the content element,
// and also the height.
function refreshPosition(item) {
// Find the top of an item by adding to the offsetHeight until we reach the
// content element.
var current = item.element[0]; = 0;
item.left = 0;
item.right = 0;
while (current && current !== contentEl[0]) { += current.offsetTop;
item.left += current.offsetLeft;
if ( current.offsetParent ){
item.right += current.offsetParent.offsetWidth - current.offsetWidth - current.offsetLeft; //Compute offsetRight
current = current.offsetParent;
item.height = item.element.prop('offsetHeight');
var defaultVal = $mdUtil.floatingScrollbars() ? '0' : undefined;
$mdUtil.bidi(item.clone, 'margin-left', item.left, defaultVal);
$mdUtil.bidi(item.clone, 'margin-right', defaultVal, item.right);
// As we scroll, push in and select the correct sticky element.
function onScroll() {
var scrollTop = contentEl.prop('scrollTop');
var isScrollingDown = scrollTop > (onScroll.prevScrollTop || 0);
// Store the previous scroll so we know which direction we are scrolling
onScroll.prevScrollTop = scrollTop;
// AT TOP (not scrolling)
if (scrollTop === 0) {
// If we're at the top, just clear the current item and return
// SCROLLING DOWN (going towards the next item)
if (isScrollingDown) {
// If we've scrolled down past the next item's position, sticky it and return
if ( && <= scrollTop) {
// If the next item is close to the current one, push the current one up out of the way
if (self.current && && - scrollTop <= {
translate(self.current, scrollTop + ( - - scrollTop));
// SCROLLING UP (not at the top & not scrolling down; must be scrolling up)
if (!isScrollingDown) {
// If we've scrolled up past the previous item's position, sticky it and return
if (self.current && self.prev && scrollTop < {
// If the next item is close to the current one, pull the current one down into view
if ( && self.current && (scrollTop >= ( - self.current.height))) {
translate(self.current, scrollTop + ( - scrollTop - self.current.height));
// Otherwise, just move the current item to the proper place (scrolling up or down)
if (self.current) {
translate(self.current, scrollTop);
function setCurrentItem(item) {
if (self.current === item) return;
// Deactivate currently active item
if (self.current) {
translate(self.current, null);
setStickyState(self.current, null);
// Activate new item if given
if (item) {
setStickyState(item, 'active');
self.current = item;
var index = self.items.indexOf(item);
// If index === -1, index + 1 = 0. It works out. = self.items[index + 1];
self.prev = self.items[index - 1];
setStickyState(, 'next');
setStickyState(self.prev, 'prev');
function setStickyState(item, state) {
if (!item || item.state === state) return;
if (item.state) {
item.clone.attr('sticky-prev-state', item.state);
item.element.attr('sticky-prev-state', item.state);
item.clone.attr('sticky-state', state);
item.element.attr('sticky-state', state);
item.state = state;
function translate(item, amount) {
if (!item) return;
if (amount === null || amount === undefined) {
if (item.translateY) {
item.translateY = null;
item.clone.css($mdConstant.CSS.TRANSFORM, '');
} else {
item.translateY = amount;
$mdUtil.bidi( item.clone, $mdConstant.CSS.TRANSFORM,
'translate3d(' + item.left + 'px,' + amount + 'px,0)',
'translateY(' + amount + 'px)'
// Android 4.4 don't accurately give scroll events.
// To fix this problem, we setup a fake scroll event. We say:
// > If a scroll or touchmove event has happened in the last DELAY milliseconds,
// then send a `$scroll` event every animationFrame.
// Additionally, we add $scrollstart and $scrollend events.
function setupAugmentedScrollEvents(element) {
var isScrolling;
var lastScrollTime;
element.on('scroll touchmove', function() {
if (!isScrolling) {
isScrolling = true;
lastScrollTime = +$;
function loopScrollEvent() {
if (+$ - lastScrollTime > SCROLL_END_DELAY) {
isScrolling = false;
} else {
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.subheader
* @description
* SubHeader module
* Subheaders are special list tiles that delineate distinct sections of a
* list or grid list and are typically related to the current filtering or
* sorting criteria. Subheader tiles are either displayed inline with tiles or
* can be associated with content, for example, in an adjacent column.
* Upon scrolling, subheaders remain pinned to the top of the screen and remain
* pinned until pushed on or off screen by the next subheader. @see [Material
* Design Specifications](
* > To improve the visual grouping of content, use the system color for your subheaders.
MdSubheaderDirective.$inject = ["$mdSticky", "$compile", "$mdTheming", "$mdUtil"];
.module('material.components.subheader', [
.directive('mdSubheader', MdSubheaderDirective);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdSubheader
* @module material.components.subheader
* @restrict E
* @description
* The `md-subheader` directive creates a sticky subheader for a section.
* Developers are able to disable the stickiness of the subheader by using the following markup
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-subheader class="md-no-sticky">Not Sticky</md-subheader>
* </hljs>
* ### Notes
* - The `md-subheader` directive uses the <a ng-href="api/service/$mdSticky">$mdSticky</a> service
* to make the subheader sticky.
* > Whenever the current browser doesn't support stickiness natively, the subheader
* will be compiled twice to create a sticky clone of the subheader.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-subheader>Online Friends</md-subheader>
* </hljs>
function MdSubheaderDirective($mdSticky, $compile, $mdTheming, $mdUtil) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
transclude: true,
template: (
'<div class="md-subheader _md">' +
' <div class="md-subheader-inner">' +
' <div class="md-subheader-content"></div>' +
' </div>' +
link: function postLink(scope, element, attr, controllers, transclude) {
// Remove the ngRepeat attribute from the root element, because we don't want to compile
// the ngRepeat for the sticky clone again.
$mdUtil.prefixer().removeAttribute(element, 'ng-repeat');
var outerHTML = element[0].outerHTML;
function getContent(el) {
return angular.element(el[0].querySelector('.md-subheader-content'));
// Transclude the user-given contents of the subheader
// the conventional way.
transclude(scope, function(clone) {
// Create another clone, that uses the outer and inner contents
// of the element, that will be 'stickied' as the user scrolls.
if (!element.hasClass('md-no-sticky')) {
transclude(scope, function(clone) {
// If the user adds an ng-if or ng-repeat directly to the md-subheader element, the
// compiled clone below will only be a comment tag (since they replace their elements with
// a comment) which cannot be properly passed to the $mdSticky; so we wrap it in our own
// DIV to ensure we have something $mdSticky can use
var wrapper = $compile('<div class="md-subheader-wrapper">' + outerHTML + '</div>')(scope);
// Delay initialization until after any `ng-if`/`ng-repeat`/etc has finished before
// attempting to create the clone
$mdUtil.nextTick(function() {
// Append our transcluded clone into the wrapper.
// We don't have to recompile the element again, because the clone is already
// compiled in it's transclusion scope. If we recompile the outerHTML of the new clone, we would lose
// our ngIf's and other previous registered bindings / properties.
// Make the element sticky and provide the stickyClone our self, to avoid recompilation of the subheader
// element.
$mdSticky(scope, element, wrapper);
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.swipe
* @description Swipe module!
* @ngdoc directive
* @module material.components.swipe
* @name mdSwipeLeft
* @restrict A
* @description
* The md-swipe-left directive allows you to specify custom behavior when an element is swiped
* left.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <div md-swipe-left="onSwipeLeft()">Swipe me left!</div>
* </hljs>
* @ngdoc directive
* @module material.components.swipe
* @name mdSwipeRight
* @restrict A
* @description
* The md-swipe-right directive allows you to specify custom behavior when an element is swiped
* right.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <div md-swipe-right="onSwipeRight()">Swipe me right!</div>
* </hljs>
* @ngdoc directive
* @module material.components.swipe
* @name mdSwipeUp
* @restrict A
* @description
* The md-swipe-up directive allows you to specify custom behavior when an element is swiped
* up.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <div md-swipe-up="onSwipeUp()">Swipe me up!</div>
* </hljs>
* @ngdoc directive
* @module material.components.swipe
* @name mdSwipeDown
* @restrict A
* @description
* The md-swipe-down directive allows you to specify custom behavior when an element is swiped
* down.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <div md-swipe-down="onSwipDown()">Swipe me down!</div>
* </hljs>
angular.module('material.components.swipe', ['material.core'])
.directive('mdSwipeLeft', getDirective('SwipeLeft'))
.directive('mdSwipeRight', getDirective('SwipeRight'))
.directive('mdSwipeUp', getDirective('SwipeUp'))
.directive('mdSwipeDown', getDirective('SwipeDown'));
function getDirective(name) {
DirectiveFactory.$inject = ["$parse"];
var directiveName = 'md' + name;
var eventName = '$md.' + name.toLowerCase();
return DirectiveFactory;
/* @ngInject */
function DirectiveFactory($parse) {
return { restrict: 'A', link: postLink };
function postLink(scope, element, attr) {
var fn = $parse(attr[directiveName]);
element.on(eventName, function(ev) {
scope.$applyAsync(function() { fn(scope, { $event: ev }); });
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.switch
MdSwitch.$inject = ["mdCheckboxDirective", "$mdUtil", "$mdConstant", "$parse", "$$rAF", "$mdGesture", "$timeout"];
angular.module('material.components.switch', [
.directive('mdSwitch', MdSwitch);
* @ngdoc directive
* @module material.components.switch
* @name mdSwitch
* @restrict E
* The switch directive is used very much like the normal [angular checkbox](
* As per the [material design spec](
* the switch is in the accent color by default. The primary color palette may be used with
* the `md-primary` class.
* @param {string} ng-model Assignable angular expression to data-bind to.
* @param {string=} name Property name of the form under which the control is published.
* @param {expression=} ng-true-value The value to which the expression should be set when selected.
* @param {expression=} ng-false-value The value to which the expression should be set when not selected.
* @param {string=} ng-change Angular expression to be executed when input changes due to user interaction with the input element.
* @param {expression=} ng-disabled En/Disable based on the expression.
* @param {boolean=} md-no-ink Use of attribute indicates use of ripple ink effects.
* @param {string=} aria-label Publish the button label used by screen-readers for accessibility. Defaults to the switch's text.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-switch ng-model="isActive" aria-label="Finished?">
* Finished ?
* </md-switch>
* <md-switch md-no-ink ng-model="hasInk" aria-label="No Ink Effects">
* No Ink Effects
* </md-switch>
* <md-switch ng-disabled="true" ng-model="isDisabled" aria-label="Disabled">
* Disabled
* </md-switch>
* </hljs>
function MdSwitch(mdCheckboxDirective, $mdUtil, $mdConstant, $parse, $$rAF, $mdGesture, $timeout) {
var checkboxDirective = mdCheckboxDirective[0];
return {
restrict: 'E',
priority: 210, // Run before ngAria
transclude: true,
'<div class="md-container">' +
'<div class="md-bar"></div>' +
'<div class="md-thumb-container">' +
'<div class="md-thumb" md-ink-ripple md-ink-ripple-checkbox></div>' +
'</div>' +
'<div ng-transclude class="md-label"></div>',
require: '?ngModel',
compile: mdSwitchCompile
function mdSwitchCompile(element, attr) {
var checkboxLink = checkboxDirective.compile(element, attr).post;
// No transition on initial load.
return function (scope, element, attr, ngModel) {
ngModel = ngModel || $mdUtil.fakeNgModel();
var disabledGetter = null;
if (attr.disabled != null) {
disabledGetter = function() { return true; };
} else if (attr.ngDisabled) {
disabledGetter = $parse(attr.ngDisabled);
var thumbContainer = angular.element(element[0].querySelector('.md-thumb-container'));
var switchContainer = angular.element(element[0].querySelector('.md-container'));
// no transition on initial load
$$rAF(function() {
checkboxLink(scope, element, attr, ngModel);
if (disabledGetter) {
scope.$watch(disabledGetter, function(isDisabled) {
element.attr('tabindex', isDisabled ? -1 : 0);
// These events are triggered by setup drag
$mdGesture.register(switchContainer, 'drag');
.on('$md.dragstart', onDragStart)
.on('$md.drag', onDrag)
.on('$md.dragend', onDragEnd);
var drag;
function onDragStart(ev) {
// Don't go if the switch is disabled.
if (disabledGetter && disabledGetter(scope)) return;
drag = {width: thumbContainer.prop('offsetWidth')};
function onDrag(ev) {
if (!drag) return;
ev.srcEvent && ev.srcEvent.preventDefault();
var percent = ev.pointer.distanceX / drag.width;
//if checked, start from right. else, start from left
var translate = ngModel.$viewValue ? 1 + percent : percent;
// Make sure the switch stays inside its bounds, 0-1%
translate = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, translate));
thumbContainer.css($mdConstant.CSS.TRANSFORM, 'translate3d(' + (100*translate) + '%,0,0)');
drag.translate = translate;
function onDragEnd(ev) {
if (!drag) return;
thumbContainer.css($mdConstant.CSS.TRANSFORM, '');
// We changed if there is no distance (this is a click a click),
// or if the drag distance is >50% of the total.
var isChanged = ngModel.$viewValue ? drag.translate < 0.5 : drag.translate > 0.5;
if (isChanged) {
drag = null;
// Wait for incoming mouse click
scope.skipToggle = true;
$timeout(function() {
scope.skipToggle = false;
}, 1);
function applyModelValue(newValue) {
scope.$apply(function() {
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.tabs
* @description
* Tabs, created with the `<md-tabs>` directive provide *tabbed* navigation with different styles.
* The Tabs component consists of clickable tabs that are aligned horizontally side-by-side.
* Features include support for:
* - static or dynamic tabs,
* - responsive designs,
* - accessibility support (ARIA),
* - tab pagination,
* - external or internal tab content,
* - focus indicators and arrow-key navigations,
* - programmatic lookup and access to tab controllers, and
* - dynamic transitions through different tab contents.
* @see js folder for tabs implementation
angular.module('material.components.tabs', [
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.toast
* @description
* Toast
MdToastDirective.$inject = ["$mdToast"];
MdToastProvider.$inject = ["$$interimElementProvider"];
angular.module('material.components.toast', [
.directive('mdToast', MdToastDirective)
.provider('$mdToast', MdToastProvider);
/* @ngInject */
function MdToastDirective($mdToast) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
link: function postLink(scope, element) {
element.addClass('_md'); // private md component indicator for styling
// When navigation force destroys an interimElement, then
// listen and $destroy() that interim instance...
scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
* @ngdoc service
* @name $mdToast
* @module material.components.toast
* @description
* `$mdToast` is a service to build a toast notification on any position
* on the screen with an optional duration, and provides a simple promise API.
* The toast will be always positioned at the `bottom`, when the screen size is
* between `600px` and `959px` (`sm` breakpoint)
* ## Restrictions on custom toasts
* - The toast's template must have an outer `<md-toast>` element.
* - For a toast action, use element with class `md-action`.
* - Add the class `md-capsule` for curved corners.
* ### Custom Presets
* Developers are also able to create their own preset, which can be easily used without repeating
* their options each time.
* <hljs lang="js">
* $mdToastProvider.addPreset('testPreset', {
* options: function() {
* return {
* template:
* '<md-toast>' +
* '<div class="md-toast-content">' +
* 'This is a custom preset' +
* '</div>' +
* '</md-toast>',
* controllerAs: 'toast',
* bindToController: true
* };
* }
* });
* </hljs>
* After you created your preset at config phase, you can easily access it.
* <hljs lang="js">
* $
* $mdToast.testPreset()
* );
* </hljs>
* ## Parent container notes
* The toast is positioned using absolute positioning relative to its first non-static parent
* container. Thus, if the requested parent container uses static positioning, we will temporarily
* set its positioning to `relative` while the toast is visible and reset it when the toast is
* hidden.
* Because of this, it is usually best to ensure that the parent container has a fixed height and
* prevents scrolling by setting the `overflow: hidden;` style. Since the position is based off of
* the parent's height, the toast may be mispositioned if you allow the parent to scroll.
* You can, however, have a scrollable element inside of the container; just make sure the
* container itself does not scroll.
* <hljs lang="html">
* <div layout-fill id="toast-container">
* <md-content>
* I can have lots of content and scroll!
* </md-content>
* </div>
* </hljs>
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <div ng-controller="MyController">
* <md-button ng-click="openToast()">
* Open a Toast!
* </md-button>
* </div>
* </hljs>
* <hljs lang="js">
* var app = angular.module('app', ['ngMaterial']);
* app.controller('MyController', function($scope, $mdToast) {
* $scope.openToast = function($event) {
* $$mdToast.simple().textContent('Hello!'));
* // Could also do $mdToast.showSimple('Hello');
* };
* });
* </hljs>
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdToast#showSimple
* @param {string} message The message to display inside the toast
* @description
* Convenience method which builds and shows a simple toast.
* @returns {promise} A promise that can be resolved with `$mdToast.hide()` or
* rejected with `$mdToast.cancel()`.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdToast#simple
* @description
* Builds a preconfigured toast.
* @returns {obj} a `$mdToastPreset` with the following chainable configuration methods.
* _**Note:** These configuration methods are provided in addition to the methods provided by
* the `build()` and `show()` methods below._
* <table class="md-api-table methods">
* <thead>
* <tr>
* <th>Method</th>
* <th>Description</th>
* </tr>
* </thead>
* <tbody>
* <tr>
* <td>`.textContent(string)`</td>
* <td>Sets the toast content to the specified string</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>`.action(string)`</td>
* <td>
* Adds an action button. <br/>
* If clicked, the promise (returned from `show()`)
* will resolve with the value `'ok'`; otherwise, it is resolved with `true` after a `hideDelay`
* timeout
* </td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>`.highlightAction(boolean)`</td>
* <td>
* Whether or not the action button will have an additional highlight class.<br/>
* By default the `accent` color will be applied to the action button.
* </td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>`.highlightClass(string)`</td>
* <td>
* If set, the given class will be applied to the highlighted action button.<br/>
* This allows you to specify the highlight color easily. Highlight classes are `md-primary`, `md-warn`
* and `md-accent`
* </td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>`.capsule(boolean)`</td>
* <td>Whether or not to add the `md-capsule` class to the toast to provide rounded corners</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>`.theme(string)`</td>
* <td>Sets the theme on the toast to the requested theme. Default is `$mdThemingProvider`'s default.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>`.toastClass(string)`</td>
* <td>Sets a class on the toast element</td>
* </tr>
* </tbody>
* </table>
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdToast#updateTextContent
* @description
* Updates the content of an existing toast. Useful for updating things like counts, etc.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdToast#build
* @description
* Creates a custom `$mdToastPreset` that you can configure.
* @returns {obj} a `$mdToastPreset` with the chainable configuration methods for shows' options (see below).
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdToast#show
* @description Shows the toast.
* @param {object} optionsOrPreset Either provide an `$mdToastPreset` returned from `simple()`
* and `build()`, or an options object with the following properties:
* - `templateUrl` - `{string=}`: The url of an html template file that will
* be used as the content of the toast. Restrictions: the template must
* have an outer `md-toast` element.
* - `template` - `{string=}`: Same as templateUrl, except this is an actual
* template string.
* - `autoWrap` - `{boolean=}`: Whether or not to automatically wrap the template content with a
* `<div class="md-toast-content">` if one is not provided. Defaults to true. Can be disabled if you provide a
* custom toast directive.
* - `scope` - `{object=}`: the scope to link the template / controller to. If none is specified, it will create a new child scope.
* This scope will be destroyed when the toast is removed unless `preserveScope` is set to true.
* - `preserveScope` - `{boolean=}`: whether to preserve the scope when the element is removed. Default is false
* - `hideDelay` - `{number=}`: How many milliseconds the toast should stay
* active before automatically closing. Set to 0 or false to have the toast stay open until
* closed manually. Default: 3000.
* - `position` - `{string=}`: Sets the position of the toast. <br/>
* Available: any combination of `'bottom'`, `'left'`, `'top'`, `'right'`, `'end'` and `'start'`.
* The properties `'end'` and `'start'` are dynamic and can be used for RTL support.<br/>
* Default combination: `'bottom left'`.
* - `toastClass` - `{string=}`: A class to set on the toast element.
* - `controller` - `{string=}`: The controller to associate with this toast.
* The controller will be injected the local `$mdToast.hide( )`, which is a function
* used to hide the toast.
* - `locals` - `{string=}`: An object containing key/value pairs. The keys will
* be used as names of values to inject into the controller. For example,
* `locals: {three: 3}` would inject `three` into the controller with the value
* of 3.
* - `bindToController` - `bool`: bind the locals to the controller, instead of passing them in.
* - `resolve` - `{object=}`: Similar to locals, except it takes promises as values
* and the toast will not open until the promises resolve.
* - `controllerAs` - `{string=}`: An alias to assign the controller to on the scope.
* - `parent` - `{element=}`: The element to append the toast to. Defaults to appending
* to the root element of the application.
* @returns {promise} A promise that can be resolved with `$mdToast.hide()` or
* rejected with `$mdToast.cancel()`. `$mdToast.hide()` will resolve either with a Boolean
* value == 'true' or the value passed as an argument to `$mdToast.hide()`.
* And `$mdToast.cancel()` will resolve the promise with a Boolean value == 'false'
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdToast#hide
* @description
* Hide an existing toast and resolve the promise returned from `$`.
* @param {*=} response An argument for the resolved promise.
* @returns {promise} a promise that is called when the existing element is removed from the DOM.
* The promise is resolved with either a Boolean value == 'true' or the value passed as the
* argument to `.hide()`.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdToast#cancel
* @description
* `DEPRECATED` - The promise returned from opening a toast is used only to notify about the closing of the toast.
* As such, there isn't any reason to also allow that promise to be rejected,
* since it's not clear what the difference between resolve and reject would be.
* Hide the existing toast and reject the promise returned from
* `$`.
* @param {*=} response An argument for the rejected promise.
* @returns {promise} a promise that is called when the existing element is removed from the DOM
* The promise is resolved with a Boolean value == 'false'.
function MdToastProvider($$interimElementProvider) {
// Differentiate promise resolves: hide timeout (value == true) and hide action clicks (value == ok).
toastDefaultOptions.$inject = ["$animate", "$mdToast", "$mdUtil", "$mdMedia"];
var ACTION_RESOLVE = 'ok';
var activeToastContent;
var $mdToast = $$interimElementProvider('$mdToast')
methods: ['position', 'hideDelay', 'capsule', 'parent', 'position', 'toastClass'],
options: toastDefaultOptions
.addPreset('simple', {
argOption: 'textContent',
methods: ['textContent', 'content', 'action', 'highlightAction', 'highlightClass', 'theme', 'parent' ],
options: /* @ngInject */ ["$mdToast", "$mdTheming", function($mdToast, $mdTheming) {
return {
'<md-toast md-theme="{{ toast.theme }}" ng-class="{\'md-capsule\': toast.capsule}">' +
' <div class="md-toast-content">' +
' <span class="md-toast-text" role="alert" aria-relevant="all" aria-atomic="true">' +
' {{ toast.content }}' +
' </span>' +
' <md-button class="md-action" ng-if="toast.action" ng-click="toast.resolve()" ' +
' ng-class="highlightClasses">' +
' {{ toast.action }}' +
' </md-button>' +
' </div>' +
controller: /* @ngInject */ ["$scope", function mdToastCtrl($scope) {
var self = this;
if (self.highlightAction) {
$scope.highlightClasses = [
$scope.$watch(function() { return activeToastContent; }, function() {
self.content = activeToastContent;
this.resolve = function() {
$mdToast.hide( ACTION_RESOLVE );
theme: $mdTheming.defaultTheme(),
controllerAs: 'toast',
bindToController: true
.addMethod('updateTextContent', updateTextContent)
.addMethod('updateContent', updateTextContent);
function updateTextContent(newContent) {
activeToastContent = newContent;
return $mdToast;
/* @ngInject */
function toastDefaultOptions($animate, $mdToast, $mdUtil, $mdMedia) {
var SWIPE_EVENTS = '$md.swipeleft $md.swiperight $md.swipeup $md.swipedown';
return {
onShow: onShow,
onRemove: onRemove,
toastClass: '',
position: 'bottom left',
themable: true,
hideDelay: 3000,
autoWrap: true,
transformTemplate: function(template, options) {
var shouldAddWrapper = options.autoWrap && template && !/md-toast-content/g.test(template);
if (shouldAddWrapper) {
// Root element of template will be <md-toast>. We need to wrap all of its content inside of
// of <div class="md-toast-content">. All templates provided here should be static, developer-controlled
// content (meaning we're not attempting to guard against XSS).
var templateRoot = document.createElement('md-template');
templateRoot.innerHTML = template;
// Iterate through all root children, to detect possible md-toast directives.
for (var i = 0; i < templateRoot.children.length; i++) {
if (templateRoot.children[i].nodeName === 'MD-TOAST') {
var wrapper = angular.element('<div class="md-toast-content">');
// Wrap the children of the `md-toast` directive in jqLite, to be able to append multiple
// nodes with the same execution.
// Append the new wrapped element to the `md-toast` directive.
// We have to return the innerHTMl, because we do not want to have the `md-template` element to be
// the root element of our interimElement.
return templateRoot.innerHTML;
return template || '';
function onShow(scope, element, options) {
activeToastContent = options.textContent || options.content; // support deprecated #content method
var isSmScreen = !$mdMedia('gt-sm');
element = $mdUtil.extractElementByName(element, 'md-toast', true);
options.element = element;
options.onSwipe = function(ev, gesture) {
//Add the relevant swipe class to the element so it can animate correctly
var swipe = ev.type.replace('$md.','');
var direction = swipe.replace('swipe', '');
// If the swipe direction is down/up but the toast came from top/bottom don't fade away
// Unless the screen is small, then the toast always on bottom
if ((direction === 'down' && options.position.indexOf('top') != -1 && !isSmScreen) ||
(direction === 'up' && (options.position.indexOf('bottom') != -1 || isSmScreen))) {
if ((direction === 'left' || direction === 'right') && isSmScreen) {
element.addClass('md-' + swipe);
options.openClass = toastOpenClass(options.position);
// 'top left' -> 'md-top md-left'
// static is the default position
if ($mdUtil.hasComputedStyle(options.parent, 'position', 'static')) {
options.parent.css('position', 'relative');
element.on(SWIPE_EVENTS, options.onSwipe);
element.addClass(isSmScreen ? 'md-bottom' : options.position.split(' ').map(function(pos) {
return 'md-' + pos;
}).join(' '));
if (options.parent) options.parent.addClass('md-toast-animating');
return $animate.enter(element, options.parent).then(function() {
if (options.parent) options.parent.removeClass('md-toast-animating');
function onRemove(scope, element, options) {, options.onSwipe);
if (options.parent) options.parent.addClass('md-toast-animating');
if (options.openClass) options.parent.removeClass(options.openClass);
return ((options.$destroy == true) ? element.remove() : $animate.leave(element))
.then(function () {
if (options.parent) options.parent.removeClass('md-toast-animating');
if ($mdUtil.hasComputedStyle(options.parent, 'position', 'static')) {
options.parent.css('position', '');
function toastOpenClass(position) {
// For mobile, always open full-width on bottom
if (!$mdMedia('gt-xs')) {
return 'md-toast-open-bottom';
return 'md-toast-open-' +
(position.indexOf('top') > -1 ? 'top' : 'bottom');
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.toolbar
mdToolbarDirective.$inject = ["$$rAF", "$mdConstant", "$mdUtil", "$mdTheming", "$animate"];
angular.module('material.components.toolbar', [
.directive('mdToolbar', mdToolbarDirective);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdToolbar
* @module material.components.toolbar
* @restrict E
* @description
* `md-toolbar` is used to place a toolbar in your app.
* Toolbars are usually used above a content area to display the title of the
* current page, and show relevant action buttons for that page.
* You can change the height of the toolbar by adding either the
* `md-medium-tall` or `md-tall` class to the toolbar.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <div layout="column" layout-fill>
* <md-toolbar>
* <div class="md-toolbar-tools">
* <span>My App's Title</span>
* <!-- fill up the space between left and right area -->
* <span flex></span>
* <md-button>
* Right Bar Button
* </md-button>
* </div>
* </md-toolbar>
* <md-content>
* Hello!
* </md-content>
* </div>
* </hljs>
* @param {boolean=} md-scroll-shrink Whether the header should shrink away as
* the user scrolls down, and reveal itself as the user scrolls up.
* _**Note (1):** for scrollShrink to work, the toolbar must be a sibling of a
* `md-content` element, placed before it. See the scroll shrink demo._
* _**Note (2):** The `md-scroll-shrink` attribute is only parsed on component
* initialization, it does not watch for scope changes._
* @param {number=} md-shrink-speed-factor How much to change the speed of the toolbar's
* shrinking by. For example, if 0.25 is given then the toolbar will shrink
* at one fourth the rate at which the user scrolls down. Default 0.5.
function mdToolbarDirective($$rAF, $mdConstant, $mdUtil, $mdTheming, $animate) {
var translateY = angular.bind(null, $mdUtil.supplant, 'translate3d(0,{0}px,0)');
return {
template: '',
restrict: 'E',
link: function(scope, element, attr) {
element.addClass('_md'); // private md component indicator for styling
$mdUtil.nextTick(function () {
element.addClass('_md-toolbar-transitions'); // adding toolbar transitions after digest
}, false);
if (angular.isDefined(attr.mdScrollShrink)) {
function setupScrollShrink() {
var toolbarHeight;
var contentElement;
var disableScrollShrink = angular.noop;
// Current "y" position of scroll
// Store the last scroll top position
var y = 0;
var prevScrollTop = 0;
var shrinkSpeedFactor = attr.mdShrinkSpeedFactor || 0.5;
var debouncedContentScroll = $$rAF.throttle(onContentScroll);
var debouncedUpdateHeight = $mdUtil.debounce(updateToolbarHeight, 5 * 1000);
// Wait for $mdContentLoaded event from mdContent directive.
// If the mdContent element is a sibling of our toolbar, hook it up
// to scroll events.
scope.$on('$mdContentLoaded', onMdContentLoad);
// If the toolbar is used inside an ng-if statement, we may miss the
// $mdContentLoaded event, so we attempt to fake it if we have a
// md-content close enough.
attr.$observe('mdScrollShrink', onChangeScrollShrink);
// If the toolbar has ngShow or ngHide we need to update height immediately as it changed
// and not wait for $mdUtil.debounce to happen
if (attr.ngShow) { scope.$watch(attr.ngShow, updateToolbarHeight); }
if (attr.ngHide) { scope.$watch(attr.ngHide, updateToolbarHeight); }
// If the scope is destroyed (which could happen with ng-if), make sure
// to disable scroll shrinking again
scope.$on('$destroy', disableScrollShrink);
function onChangeScrollShrink(shrinkWithScroll) {
var closestContent = element.parent().find('md-content');
// If we have a content element, fake the call; this might still fail
// if the content element isn't a sibling of the toolbar
if (!contentElement && closestContent.length) {
onMdContentLoad(null, closestContent);
// Evaluate the expression
shrinkWithScroll = scope.$eval(shrinkWithScroll);
// Disable only if the attribute's expression evaluates to false
if (shrinkWithScroll === false) {
} else {
disableScrollShrink = enableScrollShrink();
function onMdContentLoad($event, newContentEl) {
// Toolbar and content must be siblings
if (newContentEl && element.parent()[0] === newContentEl.parent()[0]) {
// unhook old content event listener if exists
if (contentElement) {'scroll', debouncedContentScroll);
contentElement = newContentEl;
disableScrollShrink = enableScrollShrink();
function onContentScroll(e) {
var scrollTop = e ? : prevScrollTop;
y = Math.min(
toolbarHeight / shrinkSpeedFactor,
Math.max(0, y + scrollTop - prevScrollTop)
element.css($mdConstant.CSS.TRANSFORM, translateY([-y * shrinkSpeedFactor]));
contentElement.css($mdConstant.CSS.TRANSFORM, translateY([(toolbarHeight - y) * shrinkSpeedFactor]));
prevScrollTop = scrollTop;
$mdUtil.nextTick(function() {
var hasWhiteFrame = element.hasClass('md-whiteframe-z1');
if (hasWhiteFrame && !y) {
$animate.removeClass(element, 'md-whiteframe-z1');
} else if (!hasWhiteFrame && y) {
$animate.addClass(element, 'md-whiteframe-z1');
function enableScrollShrink() {
if (!contentElement) return angular.noop; // no md-content
contentElement.on('scroll', debouncedContentScroll);
contentElement.attr('scroll-shrink', 'true');
$mdUtil.nextTick(updateToolbarHeight, false);
return function disableScrollShrink() {'scroll', debouncedContentScroll);
contentElement.attr('scroll-shrink', 'false');
function updateToolbarHeight() {
toolbarHeight = element.prop('offsetHeight');
// Add a negative margin-top the size of the toolbar to the content el.
// The content will start transformed down the toolbarHeight amount,
// so everything looks normal.
// As the user scrolls down, the content will be transformed up slowly
// to put the content underneath where the toolbar was.
var margin = (-toolbarHeight * shrinkSpeedFactor) + 'px';
"margin-top": margin,
"margin-bottom": margin
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.tooltip
MdTooltipDirective.$inject = ["$timeout", "$window", "$$rAF", "$document", "$mdUtil", "$mdTheming", "$rootElement", "$animate", "$q", "$interpolate"];
.module('material.components.tooltip', [ 'material.core' ])
.directive('mdTooltip', MdTooltipDirective);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdTooltip
* @module material.components.tooltip
* @description
* Tooltips are used to describe elements that are interactive and primarily graphical (not textual).
* Place a `<md-tooltip>` as a child of the element it describes.
* A tooltip will activate when the user focuses, hovers over, or touches the parent.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-button class="md-fab md-accent" aria-label="Play">
* <md-tooltip>
* Play Music
* </md-tooltip>
* <md-icon icon="img/icons/ic_play_arrow_24px.svg"></md-icon>
* </md-button>
* </hljs>
* @param {expression=} md-visible Boolean bound to whether the tooltip is currently visible.
* @param {number=} md-delay How many milliseconds to wait to show the tooltip after the user focuses, hovers, or touches the
* parent. Defaults to 0ms on non-touch devices and 75ms on touch.
* @param {boolean=} md-autohide If present or provided with a boolean value, the tooltip will hide on mouse leave, regardless of focus
* @param {string=} md-direction Which direction would you like the tooltip to go? Supports left, right, top, and bottom. Defaults to bottom.
function MdTooltipDirective($timeout, $window, $$rAF, $document, $mdUtil, $mdTheming, $rootElement,
$animate, $q, $interpolate) {
var ENTER_EVENTS = 'focus touchstart mouseenter';
var LEAVE_EVENTS = 'blur touchcancel mouseleave';
var SHOW_CLASS = 'md-show';
return {
restrict: 'E',
transclude: true,
priority: 210, // Before ngAria
template: '<div class="md-content _md" ng-transclude></div>',
scope: {
delay: '=?mdDelay',
visible: '=?mdVisible',
autohide: '=?mdAutohide',
direction: '@?mdDirection' // only expect raw or interpolated string value; not expression
compile: function(tElement, tAttr) {
if (!tAttr.mdDirection) {
tAttr.$set('mdDirection', 'bottom');
return postLink;
function postLink(scope, element, attr) {
var parent = $mdUtil.getParentWithPointerEvents(element),
content = angular.element(element[0].getElementsByClassName('md-content')[0]),
tooltipParent = angular.element(document.body),
showTimeout = null,
debouncedOnResize = $$rAF.throttle(function () { updatePosition(); });
if ($ $, parent);
// Initialize element
// Default origin transform point is 'center top'
// positionTooltip() is always relative to center top
function setDefaults () {
scope.delay = scope.delay || TOOLTIP_SHOW_DELAY;
function updateContentOrigin() {
var origin = 'center top';
switch (scope.direction) {
case 'left' : origin = 'right center'; break;
case 'right' : origin = 'left center'; break;
case 'top' : origin = 'center bottom'; break;
case 'bottom': origin = 'center top'; break;
content.css('transform-origin', origin);
function onVisibleChanged (isVisible) {
if (isVisible) showTooltip();
else hideTooltip();
function configureWatchers () {
if (element[0] && 'MutationObserver' in $window) {
var attributeObserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
.forEach(function (mutation) {
if (mutation.attributeName === 'md-visible') {
if (!scope.visibleWatcher)
scope.visibleWatcher = scope.$watch('visible', onVisibleChanged );
if (mutation.attributeName === 'md-direction') {
attributeObserver.observe(element[0], { attributes: true });
// build watcher only if mdVisible is being used
if (attr.hasOwnProperty('mdVisible')) {
scope.visibleWatcher = scope.$watch('visible', onVisibleChanged );
} else { // MutationObserver not supported
scope.visibleWatcher = scope.$watch('visible', onVisibleChanged );
scope.$watch('direction', updatePosition );
var onElementDestroy = function() {
// Clean up if the element or parent was removed via jqLite's .remove.
// A couple of notes:
// - In these cases the scope might not have been destroyed, which is why we
// destroy it manually. An example of this can be having `md-visible="false"` and
// adding tooltips while they're invisible. If `md-visible` becomes true, at some
// point, you'd usually get a lot of inputs.
// - We use `.one`, not `.on`, because this only needs to fire once. If we were
// using `.on`, it would get thrown into an infinite loop.
// - This kicks off the scope's `$destroy` event which finishes the cleanup.'$destroy', onElementDestroy);'$destroy', onElementDestroy);
scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
attributeObserver && attributeObserver.disconnect();
// Updates the aria-label when the element text changes. This watch
// doesn't need to be set up if the element doesn't have any data
// bindings.
if (element.text().indexOf($interpolate.startSymbol()) > -1) {
scope.$watch(function() {
return element.text().trim();
}, addAriaLabel);
function addAriaLabel (override) {
if ((override || !parent.attr('aria-label')) && !parent.text().trim()) {
var rawText = override || element.text().trim();
var interpolatedText = $interpolate(rawText)(parent.scope());
parent.attr('aria-label', interpolatedText);
function manipulateElement () {
element.attr('role', 'tooltip');
function bindEvents () {
var mouseActive = false;
// add an mutationObserver when there is support for it
// and the need for it in the form of viable host(parent[0])
if (parent[0] && 'MutationObserver' in $window) {
// use an mutationObserver to tackle #2602
var attributeObserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
if (mutations.some(function (mutation) {
return (mutation.attributeName === 'disabled' && parent[0].disabled);
})) {
$mdUtil.nextTick(function() {
attributeObserver.observe(parent[0], { attributes: true});
// Store whether the element was focused when the window loses focus.
var windowBlurHandler = function() {
elementFocusedOnWindowBlur = document.activeElement === parent[0];
var elementFocusedOnWindowBlur = false;
function windowScrollHandler() {
.on('blur', windowBlurHandler)
.on('resize', debouncedOnResize);
document.addEventListener('scroll', windowScrollHandler, true);
scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
.off('blur', windowBlurHandler)
.off('resize', debouncedOnResize);
.off(ENTER_EVENTS, enterHandler)
.off(LEAVE_EVENTS, leaveHandler)
.off('mousedown', mousedownHandler);
// Trigger the handler in case any the tooltip was still visible.
document.removeEventListener('scroll', windowScrollHandler, true);
attributeObserver && attributeObserver.disconnect();
var enterHandler = function(e) {
// Prevent the tooltip from showing when the window is receiving focus.
if (e.type === 'focus' && elementFocusedOnWindowBlur) {
elementFocusedOnWindowBlur = false;
} else if (!scope.visible) {
parent.on(LEAVE_EVENTS, leaveHandler);
// If the user is on a touch device, we should bind the tap away after
// the `touched` in order to prevent the tooltip being removed immediately.
if (e.type === 'touchstart') {'touchend', function() {
$mdUtil.nextTick(function() {
$'touchend', leaveHandler);
}, false);
var leaveHandler = function () {
var autohide = scope.hasOwnProperty('autohide') ? scope.autohide : attr.hasOwnProperty('mdAutohide');
if (autohide || mouseActive || $document[0].activeElement !== parent[0]) {
// When a show timeout is currently in progress, then we have to cancel it.
// Otherwise the tooltip will remain showing without focus or hover.
if (showTimeout) {
setVisible.queued = false;
showTimeout = null;
}, leaveHandler);
mouseActive = false;
var mousedownHandler = function() {
mouseActive = true;
// to avoid `synthetic clicks` we listen to mousedown instead of `click`
parent.on('mousedown', mousedownHandler);
parent.on(ENTER_EVENTS, enterHandler);
function setVisible (value) {
// break if passed value is already in queue or there is no queue and passed value is current in the scope
if (setVisible.queued && setVisible.value === !!value || !setVisible.queued && scope.visible === !!value) return;
setVisible.value = !!value;
if (!setVisible.queued) {
if (value) {
setVisible.queued = true;
showTimeout = $timeout(function() {
scope.visible = setVisible.value;
setVisible.queued = false;
showTimeout = null;
if (!scope.visibleWatcher) {
}, scope.delay);
} else {
$mdUtil.nextTick(function() {
scope.visible = false;
if (!scope.visibleWatcher)
function showTooltip() {
// Do not show the tooltip if the text is empty.
if (!element[0].textContent.trim()) return;
// Insert the element and position at top left, so we can get the position
// and check if we should display it
element.css({top: 0, left: 0});
// Check if we should display it or not.
// This handles hide-* and show-* along with any user defined css
if ( $mdUtil.hasComputedStyle(element, 'display', 'none')) {
scope.visible = false;
$animate.addClass(content, SHOW_CLASS).then(function() {
function hideTooltip() {
$animate.removeClass(content, SHOW_CLASS).then(function(){
if (!scope.visible) element.detach();
function updatePosition() {
if ( !scope.visible ) return;
function positionTooltip() {
var tipRect = $mdUtil.offsetRect(element, tooltipParent);
var parentRect = $mdUtil.offsetRect(parent, tooltipParent);
var newPosition = getPosition(scope.direction);
var offsetParent = element.prop('offsetParent');
// If the user provided a direction, just nudge the tooltip onto the screen
// Otherwise, recalculate based on 'top' since default is 'bottom'
if (scope.direction) {
newPosition = fitInParent(newPosition);
} else if (offsetParent && > offsetParent.scrollHeight - tipRect.height - TOOLTIP_WINDOW_EDGE_SPACE) {
newPosition = fitInParent(getPosition('top'));
left: newPosition.left + 'px',
top: + 'px'
function fitInParent (pos) {
var newPosition = { left: pos.left, top: };
newPosition.left = Math.min( newPosition.left, tooltipParent.prop('scrollWidth') - tipRect.width - TOOLTIP_WINDOW_EDGE_SPACE );
newPosition.left = Math.max( newPosition.left, TOOLTIP_WINDOW_EDGE_SPACE ); = Math.min(, tooltipParent.prop('scrollHeight') - tipRect.height - TOOLTIP_WINDOW_EDGE_SPACE ); = Math.max(, TOOLTIP_WINDOW_EDGE_SPACE );
return newPosition;
function getPosition (dir) {
return dir === 'left'
? { left: parentRect.left - tipRect.width - TOOLTIP_WINDOW_EDGE_SPACE,
top: + parentRect.height / 2 - tipRect.height / 2 }
: dir === 'right'
? { left: parentRect.left + parentRect.width + TOOLTIP_WINDOW_EDGE_SPACE,
top: + parentRect.height / 2 - tipRect.height / 2 }
: dir === 'top'
? { left: parentRect.left + parentRect.width / 2 - tipRect.width / 2,
top: - tipRect.height - TOOLTIP_WINDOW_EDGE_SPACE }
: { left: parentRect.left + parentRect.width / 2 - tipRect.width / 2,
top: + parentRect.height + TOOLTIP_WINDOW_EDGE_SPACE };
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.virtualRepeat
VirtualRepeatContainerController.$inject = ["$$rAF", "$mdUtil", "$parse", "$rootScope", "$window", "$scope", "$element", "$attrs"];
VirtualRepeatController.$inject = ["$scope", "$element", "$attrs", "$browser", "$document", "$rootScope", "$$rAF", "$mdUtil"];
VirtualRepeatDirective.$inject = ["$parse"];
angular.module('material.components.virtualRepeat', [
.directive('mdVirtualRepeatContainer', VirtualRepeatContainerDirective)
.directive('mdVirtualRepeat', VirtualRepeatDirective);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdVirtualRepeatContainer
* @module material.components.virtualRepeat
* @restrict E
* @description
* `md-virtual-repeat-container` provides the scroll container for md-virtual-repeat.
* VirtualRepeat is a limited substitute for ng-repeat that renders only
* enough DOM nodes to fill the container and recycling them as the user scrolls.
* Once an element is not visible anymore, the VirtualRepeat recycles it and will reuse it for
* another visible item by replacing the previous dataset with the new one.
* ### Common Issues
* > When having one-time bindings inside of the view template, the VirtualRepeat will not properly
* > update the bindings for new items, since the view will be recycled.
* ### Notes
* > The VirtualRepeat is a similar implementation to the Android
* [RecyclerView](
* <!-- This comment forces a break between blockquotes //-->
* > Please also review the <a ng-href="api/directive/mdVirtualRepeat">VirtualRepeat</a>
* documentation for more information.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-virtual-repeat-container md-top-index="topIndex">
* <div md-virtual-repeat="i in items" md-item-size="20">Hello {{i}}!</div>
* </md-virtual-repeat-container>
* </hljs>
* @param {number=} md-top-index Binds the index of the item that is at the top of the scroll
* container to $scope. It can both read and set the scroll position.
* @param {boolean=} md-orient-horizontal Whether the container should scroll horizontally
* (defaults to orientation and scrolling vertically).
* @param {boolean=} md-auto-shrink When present, the container will shrink to fit
* the number of items when that number is less than its original size.
* @param {number=} md-auto-shrink-min Minimum number of items that md-auto-shrink
* will shrink to (default: 0).
function VirtualRepeatContainerDirective() {
return {
controller: VirtualRepeatContainerController,
template: virtualRepeatContainerTemplate,
compile: function virtualRepeatContainerCompile($element, $attrs) {
? 'md-orient-horizontal'
: 'md-orient-vertical');
function virtualRepeatContainerTemplate($element) {
return '<div class="md-virtual-repeat-scroller">' +
'<div class="md-virtual-repeat-sizer"></div>' +
'<div class="md-virtual-repeat-offsetter">' +
$element[0].innerHTML +
* Maximum size, in pixels, that can be explicitly set to an element. The actual value varies
* between browsers, but IE11 has the very lowest size at a mere 1,533,917px. Ideally we could
* *compute* this value, but Firefox always reports an element to have a size of zero if it
* goes over the max, meaning that we'd have to binary search for the value.
* @const {number}
var MAX_ELEMENT_SIZE = 1533917;
* Number of additional elements to render above and below the visible area inside
* of the virtual repeat container. A higher number results in less flicker when scrolling
* very quickly in Safari, but comes with a higher rendering and dirty-checking cost.
* @const {number}
var NUM_EXTRA = 3;
/** @ngInject */
function VirtualRepeatContainerController(
$$rAF, $mdUtil, $parse, $rootScope, $window, $scope, $element, $attrs) {
this.$rootScope = $rootScope;
this.$scope = $scope;
this.$element = $element;
this.$attrs = $attrs;
/** @type {number} The width or height of the container */
this.size = 0;
/** @type {number} The scroll width or height of the scroller */
this.scrollSize = 0;
/** @type {number} The scrollLeft or scrollTop of the scroller */
this.scrollOffset = 0;
/** @type {boolean} Whether the scroller is oriented horizontally */
this.horizontal = this.$attrs.hasOwnProperty('mdOrientHorizontal');
/** @type {!VirtualRepeatController} The repeater inside of this container */
this.repeater = null;
/** @type {boolean} Whether auto-shrink is enabled */
this.autoShrink = this.$attrs.hasOwnProperty('mdAutoShrink');
/** @type {number} Minimum number of items to auto-shrink to */
this.autoShrinkMin = parseInt(this.$attrs.mdAutoShrinkMin, 10) || 0;
/** @type {?number} Original container size when shrank */
this.originalSize = null;
/** @type {number} Amount to offset the total scroll size by. */
this.offsetSize = parseInt(this.$attrs.mdOffsetSize, 10) || 0;
/** @type {?string} height or width element style on the container prior to auto-shrinking. */
this.oldElementSize = null;
if (this.$attrs.mdTopIndex) {
/** @type {function(angular.Scope): number} Binds to topIndex on Angular scope */
this.bindTopIndex = $parse(this.$attrs.mdTopIndex);
/** @type {number} The index of the item that is at the top of the scroll container */
this.topIndex = this.bindTopIndex(this.$scope);
if (!angular.isDefined(this.topIndex)) {
this.topIndex = 0;
this.bindTopIndex.assign(this.$scope, 0);
this.$scope.$watch(this.bindTopIndex, angular.bind(this, function(newIndex) {
if (newIndex !== this.topIndex) {
} else {
this.topIndex = 0;
this.scroller = $element[0].querySelector('.md-virtual-repeat-scroller');
this.sizer = this.scroller.querySelector('.md-virtual-repeat-sizer');
this.offsetter = this.scroller.querySelector('.md-virtual-repeat-offsetter');
// After the dom stablizes, measure the initial size of the container and
// make a best effort at re-measuring as it changes.
var boundUpdateSize = angular.bind(this, this.updateSize);
$$rAF(angular.bind(this, function() {
var debouncedUpdateSize = $mdUtil.debounce(boundUpdateSize, 10, null, false);
var jWindow = angular.element($window);
// Make one more attempt to get the size if it is 0.
// This is not by any means a perfect approach, but there's really no
// silver bullet here.
if (!this.size) {
jWindow.on('resize', debouncedUpdateSize);
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {'resize', debouncedUpdateSize);
$scope.$on('$md-resize', boundUpdateSize);
/** Called by the md-virtual-repeat inside of the container at startup. */
VirtualRepeatContainerController.prototype.register = function(repeaterCtrl) {
this.repeater = repeaterCtrl;
.on('scroll wheel touchmove touchend', angular.bind(this, this.handleScroll_));
/** @return {boolean} Whether the container is configured for horizontal scrolling. */
VirtualRepeatContainerController.prototype.isHorizontal = function() {
return this.horizontal;
/** @return {number} The size (width or height) of the container. */
VirtualRepeatContainerController.prototype.getSize = function() {
return this.size;
* Resizes the container.
* @private
* @param {number} size The new size to set.
VirtualRepeatContainerController.prototype.setSize_ = function(size) {
var dimension = this.getDimensionName_();
this.size = size;
this.$element[0].style[dimension] = size + 'px';
VirtualRepeatContainerController.prototype.unsetSize_ = function() {
this.$element[0].style[this.getDimensionName_()] = this.oldElementSize;
this.oldElementSize = null;
/** Instructs the container to re-measure its size. */
VirtualRepeatContainerController.prototype.updateSize = function() {
// If the original size is already determined, we can skip the update.
if (this.originalSize) return;
this.size = this.isHorizontal()
? this.$element[0].clientWidth
: this.$element[0].clientHeight;
// Recheck the scroll position after updating the size. This resolves
// problems that can result if the scroll position was measured while the
// element was display: none or detached from the document.
this.repeater && this.repeater.containerUpdated();
/** @return {number} The container's scrollHeight or scrollWidth. */
VirtualRepeatContainerController.prototype.getScrollSize = function() {
return this.scrollSize;
VirtualRepeatContainerController.prototype.getDimensionName_ = function() {
return this.isHorizontal() ? 'width' : 'height';
* Sets the scroller element to the specified size.
* @private
* @param {number} size The new size.
VirtualRepeatContainerController.prototype.sizeScroller_ = function(size) {
var dimension = this.getDimensionName_();
var crossDimension = this.isHorizontal() ? 'height' : 'width';
// Clear any existing dimensions.
this.sizer.innerHTML = '';
// If the size falls within the browser's maximum explicit size for a single element, we can
// set the size and be done. Otherwise, we have to create children that add up the the desired
// size.
if (size < MAX_ELEMENT_SIZE) {[dimension] = size + 'px';
} else {[dimension] = 'auto';[crossDimension] = 'auto';
// Divide the total size we have to render into N max-size pieces.
var numChildren = Math.floor(size / MAX_ELEMENT_SIZE);
// Element template to clone for each max-size piece.
var sizerChild = document.createElement('div');[dimension] = MAX_ELEMENT_SIZE + 'px';[crossDimension] = '1px';
for (var i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
// Re-use the element template for the remainder.[dimension] = (size - (numChildren * MAX_ELEMENT_SIZE)) + 'px';
* If auto-shrinking is enabled, shrinks or unshrinks as appropriate.
* @private
* @param {number} size The new size.
VirtualRepeatContainerController.prototype.autoShrink_ = function(size) {
var shrinkSize = Math.max(size, this.autoShrinkMin * this.repeater.getItemSize());
if (this.autoShrink && shrinkSize !== this.size) {
if (this.oldElementSize === null) {
this.oldElementSize = this.$element[0].style[this.getDimensionName_()];
var currentSize = this.originalSize || this.size;
if (!currentSize || shrinkSize < currentSize) {
if (!this.originalSize) {
this.originalSize = this.size;
// Now we update the containers size, because shrinking is enabled.
} else if (this.originalSize !== null) {
// Set the size back to our initial size.
var _originalSize = this.originalSize;
this.originalSize = null;
// We determine the repeaters size again, if the original size was zero.
// The originalSize needs to be null, to be able to determine the size.
if (!_originalSize) this.updateSize();
// Apply the original size or the determined size back to the container, because
// it has been overwritten before, in the shrink block.
this.setSize_(_originalSize || this.size);
* Sets the scrollHeight or scrollWidth. Called by the repeater based on
* its item count and item size.
* @param {number} itemsSize The total size of the items.
VirtualRepeatContainerController.prototype.setScrollSize = function(itemsSize) {
var size = itemsSize + this.offsetSize;
if (this.scrollSize === size) return;
this.scrollSize = size;
/** @return {number} The container's current scroll offset. */
VirtualRepeatContainerController.prototype.getScrollOffset = function() {
return this.scrollOffset;
* Scrolls to a given scrollTop position.
* @param {number} position
VirtualRepeatContainerController.prototype.scrollTo = function(position) {
this.scroller[this.isHorizontal() ? 'scrollLeft' : 'scrollTop'] = position;
* Scrolls the item with the given index to the top of the scroll container.
* @param {number} index
VirtualRepeatContainerController.prototype.scrollToIndex = function(index) {
var itemSize = this.repeater.getItemSize();
var itemsLength = this.repeater.itemsLength;
if(index > itemsLength) {
index = itemsLength - 1;
this.scrollTo(itemSize * index);
VirtualRepeatContainerController.prototype.resetScroll = function() {
VirtualRepeatContainerController.prototype.handleScroll_ = function() {
var doc = angular.element(document)[0];
var ltr = doc.dir != 'rtl' && doc.body.dir != 'rtl';
if(!ltr && !this.maxSize) {
this.scroller.scrollLeft = this.scrollSize;
this.maxSize = this.scroller.scrollLeft;
var offset = this.isHorizontal() ?
(ltr?this.scroller.scrollLeft : this.maxSize - this.scroller.scrollLeft)
: this.scroller.scrollTop;
if (offset === this.scrollOffset || offset > this.scrollSize - this.size) return;
var itemSize = this.repeater.getItemSize();
if (!itemSize) return;
var numItems = Math.max(0, Math.floor(offset / itemSize) - NUM_EXTRA);
var transform = (this.isHorizontal() ? 'translateX(' : 'translateY(') +
(!this.isHorizontal() || ltr ? (numItems * itemSize) : - (numItems * itemSize)) + 'px)';
this.scrollOffset = offset; = transform; = transform;
if (this.bindTopIndex) {
var topIndex = Math.floor(offset / itemSize);
if (topIndex !== this.topIndex && topIndex < this.repeater.getItemCount()) {
this.topIndex = topIndex;
this.bindTopIndex.assign(this.$scope, topIndex);
if (!this.$rootScope.$$phase) this.$scope.$digest();
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdVirtualRepeat
* @module material.components.virtualRepeat
* @restrict A
* @priority 1000
* @description
* `md-virtual-repeat` specifies an element to repeat using virtual scrolling.
* Virtual repeat is a limited substitute for ng-repeat that renders only
* enough dom nodes to fill the container and recycling them as the user scrolls.
* Arrays, but not objects are supported for iteration.
* Track by, as alias, and (key, value) syntax are not supported.
* > <b>Note:</b> Please also review the
* <a ng-href="api/directive/mdVirtualRepeatContainer">VirtualRepeatContainer</a> documentation
* for more information.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-virtual-repeat-container>
* <div md-virtual-repeat="i in items">Hello {{i}}!</div>
* </md-virtual-repeat-container>
* <md-virtual-repeat-container md-orient-horizontal>
* <div md-virtual-repeat="i in items" md-item-size="20">Hello {{i}}!</div>
* </md-virtual-repeat-container>
* </hljs>
* @param {number=} md-item-size The height or width of the repeated elements (which must be
* identical for each element). Optional. Will attempt to read the size from the dom if missing,
* but still assumes that all repeated nodes have same height or width.
* @param {string=} md-extra-name Evaluates to an additional name to which the current iterated item
* can be assigned on the repeated scope (needed for use in `md-autocomplete`).
* @param {boolean=} md-on-demand When present, treats the md-virtual-repeat argument as an object
* that can fetch rows rather than an array.
* **NOTE:** This object must implement the following interface with two (2) methods:
* - `getItemAtIndex: function(index) [object]` The item at that index or null if it is not yet
* loaded (it should start downloading the item in that case).
* - `getLength: function() [number]` The data length to which the repeater container
* should be sized. Ideally, when the count is known, this method should return it.
* Otherwise, return a higher number than the currently loaded items to produce an
* infinite-scroll behavior.
function VirtualRepeatDirective($parse) {
return {
controller: VirtualRepeatController,
priority: 1000,
require: ['mdVirtualRepeat', '^^mdVirtualRepeatContainer'],
restrict: 'A',
terminal: true,
transclude: 'element',
compile: function VirtualRepeatCompile($element, $attrs) {
var expression = $attrs.mdVirtualRepeat;
var match = expression.match(/^\s*([\s\S]+?)\s+in\s+([\s\S]+?)\s*$/);
var repeatName = match[1];
var repeatListExpression = $parse(match[2]);
var extraName = $attrs.mdExtraName && $parse($attrs.mdExtraName);
return function VirtualRepeatLink($scope, $element, $attrs, ctrl, $transclude) {
ctrl[0].link_(ctrl[1], $transclude, repeatName, repeatListExpression, extraName);
/** @ngInject */
function VirtualRepeatController($scope, $element, $attrs, $browser, $document, $rootScope,
$$rAF, $mdUtil) {
this.$scope = $scope;
this.$element = $element;
this.$attrs = $attrs;
this.$browser = $browser;
this.$document = $document;
this.$rootScope = $rootScope;
this.$$rAF = $$rAF;
/** @type {boolean} Whether we are in on-demand mode. */
this.onDemand = $mdUtil.parseAttributeBoolean($attrs.mdOnDemand);
/** @type {!Function} Backup reference to $browser.$$checkUrlChange */
this.browserCheckUrlChange = $browser.$$checkUrlChange;
/** @type {number} Most recent starting repeat index (based on scroll offset) */
this.newStartIndex = 0;
/** @type {number} Most recent ending repeat index (based on scroll offset) */
this.newEndIndex = 0;
/** @type {number} Most recent end visible index (based on scroll offset) */
this.newVisibleEnd = 0;
/** @type {number} Previous starting repeat index (based on scroll offset) */
this.startIndex = 0;
/** @type {number} Previous ending repeat index (based on scroll offset) */
this.endIndex = 0;
// TODO: measure width/height of first element from dom if not provided.
// getComputedStyle?
/** @type {?number} Height/width of repeated elements. */
this.itemSize = $scope.$eval($attrs.mdItemSize) || null;
/** @type {boolean} Whether this is the first time that items are rendered. */
this.isFirstRender = true;
* @private {boolean} Whether the items in the list are already being updated. Used to prevent
* nested calls to virtualRepeatUpdate_.
this.isVirtualRepeatUpdating_ = false;
/** @type {number} Most recently seen length of items. */
this.itemsLength = 0;
* @type {!Function} Unwatch callback for item size (when md-items-size is
* not specified), or angular.noop otherwise.
this.unwatchItemSize_ = angular.noop;
* Presently rendered blocks by repeat index.
* @type {Object<number, !VirtualRepeatController.Block}
this.blocks = {};
/** @type {Array<!VirtualRepeatController.Block>} A pool of presently unused blocks. */
this.pooledBlocks = [];
$scope.$on('$destroy', angular.bind(this, this.cleanupBlocks_));
* An object representing a repeated item.
* @typedef {{element: !jqLite, new: boolean, scope: !angular.Scope}}
* Called at startup by the md-virtual-repeat postLink function.
* @param {!VirtualRepeatContainerController} container The container's controller.
* @param {!Function} transclude The repeated element's bound transclude function.
* @param {string} repeatName The left hand side of the repeat expression, indicating
* the name for each item in the array.
* @param {!Function} repeatListExpression A compiled expression based on the right hand side
* of the repeat expression. Points to the array to repeat over.
* @param {string|undefined} extraName The optional extra repeatName.
VirtualRepeatController.prototype.link_ =
function(container, transclude, repeatName, repeatListExpression, extraName) {
this.container = container;
this.transclude = transclude;
this.repeatName = repeatName;
this.rawRepeatListExpression = repeatListExpression;
this.extraName = extraName;
this.sized = false;
this.repeatListExpression = angular.bind(this, this.repeatListExpression_);
/** @private Cleans up unused blocks. */
VirtualRepeatController.prototype.cleanupBlocks_ = function() {
angular.forEach(this.pooledBlocks, function cleanupBlock(block) {
/** @private Attempts to set itemSize by measuring a repeated element in the dom */
VirtualRepeatController.prototype.readItemSize_ = function() {
if (this.itemSize) {
// itemSize was successfully read in a different asynchronous call.
this.items = this.repeatListExpression(this.$scope);
this.parentNode = this.$element[0].parentNode;
var block = this.getBlock_(0);
if (!block.element[0].parentNode) {
this.itemSize = block.element[0][
this.container.isHorizontal() ? 'offsetWidth' : 'offsetHeight'] || null;
this.blocks[0] = block;
if (this.itemSize) {
* Returns the user-specified repeat list, transforming it into an array-like
* object in the case of infinite scroll/dynamic load mode.
* @param {!angular.Scope} The scope.
* @return {!Array|!Object} An array or array-like object for iteration.
VirtualRepeatController.prototype.repeatListExpression_ = function(scope) {
var repeatList = this.rawRepeatListExpression(scope);
if (this.onDemand && repeatList) {
var virtualList = new VirtualRepeatModelArrayLike(repeatList);
virtualList.$$includeIndexes(this.newStartIndex, this.newVisibleEnd);
return virtualList;
} else {
return repeatList;
* Called by the container. Informs us that the containers scroll or size has
* changed.
VirtualRepeatController.prototype.containerUpdated = function() {
// If itemSize is unknown, attempt to measure it.
if (!this.itemSize) {
// Make sure to clean up watchers if we can (see #8178)
if(this.unwatchItemSize_ && this.unwatchItemSize_ !== angular.noop){
this.unwatchItemSize_ = this.$scope.$watchCollection(
angular.bind(this, function(items) {
if (items && items.length) {
if (!this.$rootScope.$$phase) this.$scope.$digest();
} else if (!this.sized) {
this.items = this.repeatListExpression(this.$scope);
if (!this.sized) {
this.sized = true;
angular.bind(this, function(items, oldItems) {
if (!this.isVirtualRepeatUpdating_) {
this.virtualRepeatUpdate_(items, oldItems);
if (this.newStartIndex !== this.startIndex ||
this.newEndIndex !== this.endIndex ||
this.container.getScrollOffset() > this.container.getScrollSize()) {
if (this.items instanceof VirtualRepeatModelArrayLike) {
this.items.$$includeIndexes(this.newStartIndex, this.newEndIndex);
this.virtualRepeatUpdate_(this.items, this.items);
* Called by the container. Returns the size of a single repeated item.
* @return {?number} Size of a repeated item.
VirtualRepeatController.prototype.getItemSize = function() {
return this.itemSize;
* Called by the container. Returns the size of a single repeated item.
* @return {?number} Size of a repeated item.
VirtualRepeatController.prototype.getItemCount = function() {
return this.itemsLength;
* Updates the order and visible offset of repeated blocks in response to scrolling
* or items updates.
* @private
VirtualRepeatController.prototype.virtualRepeatUpdate_ = function(items, oldItems) {
this.isVirtualRepeatUpdating_ = true;
var itemsLength = items && items.length || 0;
var lengthChanged = false;
// If the number of items shrank, keep the scroll position.
if (this.items && itemsLength < this.items.length && this.container.getScrollOffset() !== 0) {
this.items = items;
var previousScrollOffset = this.container.getScrollOffset();
if (itemsLength !== this.itemsLength) {
lengthChanged = true;
this.itemsLength = itemsLength;
this.items = items;
if (items !== oldItems || lengthChanged) {
this.parentNode = this.$element[0].parentNode;
if (lengthChanged) {
this.container.setScrollSize(itemsLength * this.itemSize);
if (this.isFirstRender) {
this.isFirstRender = false;
var startIndex = this.$attrs.mdStartIndex ?
this.$scope.$eval(this.$attrs.mdStartIndex) :
// Detach and pool any blocks that are no longer in the viewport.
Object.keys(this.blocks).forEach(function(blockIndex) {
var index = parseInt(blockIndex, 10);
if (index < this.newStartIndex || index >= this.newEndIndex) {
}, this);
// Add needed blocks.
// For performance reasons, temporarily block browser url checks as we digest
// the restored block scopes ($$checkUrlChange reads window.location to
// check for changes and trigger route change, etc, which we don't need when
// trying to scroll at 60fps).
this.$browser.$$checkUrlChange = angular.noop;
var i, block,
newStartBlocks = [],
newEndBlocks = [];
// Collect blocks at the top.
for (i = this.newStartIndex; i < this.newEndIndex && this.blocks[i] == null; i++) {
block = this.getBlock_(i);
this.updateBlock_(block, i);
// Update blocks that are already rendered.
for (; this.blocks[i] != null; i++) {
this.updateBlock_(this.blocks[i], i);
var maxIndex = i - 1;
// Collect blocks at the end.
for (; i < this.newEndIndex; i++) {
block = this.getBlock_(i);
this.updateBlock_(block, i);
// Attach collected blocks to the document.
if (newStartBlocks.length) {
if (newEndBlocks.length) {
this.blocks[maxIndex] && this.blocks[maxIndex].element[0].nextSibling);
// Restore $$checkUrlChange.
this.$browser.$$checkUrlChange = this.browserCheckUrlChange;
this.startIndex = this.newStartIndex;
this.endIndex = this.newEndIndex;
this.isVirtualRepeatUpdating_ = false;
* @param {number} index Where the block is to be in the repeated list.
* @return {!VirtualRepeatController.Block} A new or pooled block to place at the specified index.
* @private
VirtualRepeatController.prototype.getBlock_ = function(index) {
if (this.pooledBlocks.length) {
return this.pooledBlocks.pop();
var block;
this.transclude(angular.bind(this, function(clone, scope) {
block = {
element: clone,
new: true,
scope: scope
this.updateScope_(scope, index);
return block;
* Updates and if not in a digest cycle, digests the specified block's scope to the data
* at the specified index.
* @param {!VirtualRepeatController.Block} block The block whose scope should be updated.
* @param {number} index The index to set.
* @private
VirtualRepeatController.prototype.updateBlock_ = function(block, index) {
this.blocks[index] = block;
if (! &&
(block.scope.$index === index && block.scope[this.repeatName] === this.items[index])) {
} = false;
// Update and digest the block's scope.
this.updateScope_(block.scope, index);
// Perform digest before reattaching the block.
// Any resulting synchronous dom mutations should be much faster as a result.
// This might break some directives, but I'm going to try it for now.
if (!this.$rootScope.$$phase) {
* Updates scope to the data at the specified index.
* @param {!angular.Scope} scope The scope which should be updated.
* @param {number} index The index to set.
* @private
VirtualRepeatController.prototype.updateScope_ = function(scope, index) {
scope.$index = index;
scope[this.repeatName] = this.items && this.items[index];
if (this.extraName) scope[this.extraName(this.$scope)] = this.items[index];
* Pools the block at the specified index (Pulls its element out of the dom and stores it).
* @param {number} index The index at which the block to pool is stored.
* @private
VirtualRepeatController.prototype.poolBlock_ = function(index) {
delete this.blocks[index];
* Produces a dom fragment containing the elements from the list of blocks.
* @param {!Array<!VirtualRepeatController.Block>} blocks The blocks whose elements
* should be added to the document fragment.
* @return {DocumentFragment}
* @private
VirtualRepeatController.prototype.domFragmentFromBlocks_ = function(blocks) {
var fragment = this.$document[0].createDocumentFragment();
blocks.forEach(function(block) {
return fragment;
* Updates start and end indexes based on length of repeated items and container size.
* @private
VirtualRepeatController.prototype.updateIndexes_ = function() {
var itemsLength = this.items ? this.items.length : 0;
var containerLength = Math.ceil(this.container.getSize() / this.itemSize);
this.newStartIndex = Math.max(0, Math.min(
itemsLength - containerLength,
Math.floor(this.container.getScrollOffset() / this.itemSize)));
this.newVisibleEnd = this.newStartIndex + containerLength + NUM_EXTRA;
this.newEndIndex = Math.min(itemsLength, this.newVisibleEnd);
this.newStartIndex = Math.max(0, this.newStartIndex - NUM_EXTRA);
* This VirtualRepeatModelArrayLike class enforces the interface requirements
* for infinite scrolling within a mdVirtualRepeatContainer. An object with this
* interface must implement the following interface with two (2) methods:
* getItemAtIndex: function(index) -> item at that index or null if it is not yet
* loaded (It should start downloading the item in that case).
* getLength: function() -> number The data legnth to which the repeater container
* should be sized. Ideally, when the count is known, this method should return it.
* Otherwise, return a higher number than the currently loaded items to produce an
* infinite-scroll behavior.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-virtual-repeat-container md-orient-horizontal>
* <div md-virtual-repeat="i in items" md-on-demand>
* Hello {{i}}!
* </div>
* </md-virtual-repeat-container>
* </hljs>
function VirtualRepeatModelArrayLike(model) {
if (!angular.isFunction(model.getItemAtIndex) ||
!angular.isFunction(model.getLength)) {
throw Error('When md-on-demand is enabled, the Object passed to md-virtual-repeat must implement ' +
'functions getItemAtIndex() and getLength() ');
this.model = model;
VirtualRepeatModelArrayLike.prototype.$$includeIndexes = function(start, end) {
for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
if (!this.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
this[i] = this.model.getItemAtIndex(i);
this.length = this.model.getLength();
function abstractMethod() {
throw Error('Non-overridden abstract method called.');
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.whiteframe
MdWhiteframeDirective.$inject = ["$log"];
.module('material.components.whiteframe', ['material.core'])
.directive('mdWhiteframe', MdWhiteframeDirective);
* @ngdoc directive
* @module material.components.whiteframe
* @name mdWhiteframe
* @description
* The md-whiteframe directive allows you to apply an elevation shadow to an element.
* The attribute values needs to be a number between 1 and 24 or -1.
* When set to -1 no style is applied.
* ### Notes
* - If there is no value specified it defaults to 4dp.
* - If the value is not valid it defaults to 4dp.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <div md-whiteframe="3">
* <span>Elevation of 3dp</span>
* </div>
* </hljs>
* <hljs lang="html">
* <div md-whiteframe="-1">
* <span>No elevation shadow applied</span>
* </div>
* </hljs>
* <hljs lang="html">
* <div ng-init="elevation = 5" md-whiteframe="{{elevation}}">
* <span>Elevation of 5dp with an interpolated value</span>
* </div>
* </hljs>
function MdWhiteframeDirective($log) {
var DISABLE_DP = -1;
var MIN_DP = 1;
var MAX_DP = 24;
var DEFAULT_DP = 4;
return {
link: postLink
function postLink(scope, element, attr) {
var oldClass = '';
attr.$observe('mdWhiteframe', function(elevation) {
elevation = parseInt(elevation, 10) || DEFAULT_DP;
if (elevation != DISABLE_DP && (elevation > MAX_DP || elevation < MIN_DP)) {
$log.warn('md-whiteframe attribute value is invalid. It should be a number between ' + MIN_DP + ' and ' + MAX_DP, element[0]);
elevation = DEFAULT_DP;
var newClass = elevation == DISABLE_DP ? '' : 'md-whiteframe-' + elevation + 'dp';
attr.$updateClass(newClass, oldClass);
oldClass = newClass;
"use strict";
MdAutocompleteCtrl.$inject = ["$scope", "$element", "$mdUtil", "$mdConstant", "$mdTheming", "$window", "$animate", "$rootElement", "$attrs", "$q", "$log"];angular
.controller('MdAutocompleteCtrl', MdAutocompleteCtrl);
var ITEM_HEIGHT = 41,
INPUT_PADDING = 2; // Padding provided by `md-input-container`
function MdAutocompleteCtrl ($scope, $element, $mdUtil, $mdConstant, $mdTheming, $window,
$animate, $rootElement, $attrs, $q, $log) {
// Internal Variables.
var ctrl = this,
itemParts = $scope.itemsExpr.split(/ in /i),
itemExpr = itemParts[ 1 ],
elements = null,
cache = {},
noBlur = false,
selectedItemWatchers = [],
hasFocus = false,
lastCount = 0,
fetchesInProgress = 0,
enableWrapScroll = null,
inputModelCtrl = null;
// Public Exported Variables with handlers
defineProperty('hidden', handleHiddenChange, true);
// Public Exported Variables
ctrl.scope = $scope;
ctrl.parent = $scope.$parent;
ctrl.itemName = itemParts[ 0 ];
ctrl.matches = [];
ctrl.loading = false;
ctrl.hidden = true;
ctrl.index = null;
ctrl.messages = []; = $mdUtil.nextUid();
ctrl.isDisabled = null;
ctrl.isRequired = null;
ctrl.isReadonly = null;
ctrl.hasNotFound = false;
// Public Exported Methods
ctrl.keydown = keydown;
ctrl.blur = blur;
ctrl.focus = focus;
ctrl.clear = clearValue; = select;
ctrl.listEnter = onListEnter;
ctrl.listLeave = onListLeave;
ctrl.mouseUp = onMouseup;
ctrl.getCurrentDisplayValue = getCurrentDisplayValue;
ctrl.registerSelectedItemWatcher = registerSelectedItemWatcher;
ctrl.unregisterSelectedItemWatcher = unregisterSelectedItemWatcher;
ctrl.notFoundVisible = notFoundVisible;
ctrl.loadingIsVisible = loadingIsVisible;
ctrl.positionDropdown = positionDropdown;
return init();
//-- initialization methods
* Initialize the controller, setup watchers, gather elements
function init () {
$mdUtil.initOptionalProperties($scope, $attrs, { searchText: '', selectedItem: null });
$mdUtil.nextTick(function () {
// Forward all focus events to the input element when autofocus is enabled
if ($scope.autofocus) {
$element.on('focus', focusInputElement);
function updateModelValidators() {
if (!$scope.requireMatch || !inputModelCtrl) return;
inputModelCtrl.$setValidity('md-require-match', !!$scope.selectedItem);
* Calculates the dropdown's position and applies the new styles to the menu element
* @returns {*}
function positionDropdown () {
if (!elements) return $mdUtil.nextTick(positionDropdown, false, $scope);
var hrect = elements.wrap.getBoundingClientRect(),
vrect = elements.snap.getBoundingClientRect(),
root = elements.root.getBoundingClientRect(),
top = vrect.bottom -,
bot = root.bottom -,
left = hrect.left - root.left,
width = hrect.width,
offset = getVerticalOffset(),
// Adjust the width to account for the padding provided by `md-input-container`
if ($attrs.mdFloatingLabel) {
width -= INPUT_PADDING * 2;
styles = {
left: left + 'px',
minWidth: width + 'px',
maxWidth: Math.max(hrect.right - root.left, root.right - hrect.left) - MENU_PADDING + 'px'
if (top > bot && root.height - hrect.bottom - MENU_PADDING < MAX_HEIGHT) { = 'auto';
styles.bottom = bot + 'px';
styles.maxHeight = Math.min(MAX_HEIGHT, - - MENU_PADDING) + 'px';
} else { = (top - offset) + 'px';
styles.bottom = 'auto';
styles.maxHeight = Math.min(MAX_HEIGHT, root.bottom + $mdUtil.scrollTop() - hrect.bottom - MENU_PADDING) + 'px';
$mdUtil.nextTick(correctHorizontalAlignment, false);
* Calculates the vertical offset for floating label examples to account for ngMessages
* @returns {number}
function getVerticalOffset () {
var offset = 0;
var inputContainer = $element.find('md-input-container');
if (inputContainer.length) {
var input = inputContainer.find('input');
offset = inputContainer.prop('offsetHeight');
offset -= input.prop('offsetTop');
offset -= input.prop('offsetHeight');
// add in the height left up top for the floating label text
offset += inputContainer.prop('offsetTop');
return offset;
* Makes sure that the menu doesn't go off of the screen on either side.
function correctHorizontalAlignment () {
var dropdown = elements.scrollContainer.getBoundingClientRect(),
styles = {};
if (dropdown.right > root.right - MENU_PADDING) {
styles.left = (hrect.right - dropdown.width) + 'px';
* Moves the dropdown menu to the body tag in order to avoid z-index and overflow issues.
function moveDropdown () {
if (!elements.$.root.length) return;
if ($ $$.scrollContainer, $rootElement);
* Sends focus to the input element.
function focusInputElement () {
* Sets up any watchers used by autocomplete
function configureWatchers () {
var wait = parseInt($scope.delay, 10) || 0;
$attrs.$observe('disabled', function (value) { ctrl.isDisabled = $mdUtil.parseAttributeBoolean(value, false); });
$attrs.$observe('required', function (value) { ctrl.isRequired = $mdUtil.parseAttributeBoolean(value, false); });
$attrs.$observe('readonly', function (value) { ctrl.isReadonly = $mdUtil.parseAttributeBoolean(value, false); });
$scope.$watch('searchText', wait ? $mdUtil.debounce(handleSearchText, wait) : handleSearchText);
$scope.$watch('selectedItem', selectedItemChange);
angular.element($window).on('resize', positionDropdown);
$scope.$on('$destroy', cleanup);
* Removes any events or leftover elements created by this controller
function cleanup () {
if (!ctrl.hidden) {
angular.element($window).off('resize', positionDropdown);
if ( elements ){
var items = ['ul', 'scroller', 'scrollContainer', 'input'];
angular.forEach(items, function(key){
* Gathers all of the elements needed for this controller
function gatherElements () {
elements = {
main: $element[0],
scrollContainer: $element[0].querySelector('.md-virtual-repeat-container'),
scroller: $element[0].querySelector('.md-virtual-repeat-scroller'),
ul: $element.find('ul')[0],
input: $element.find('input')[0],
wrap: $element.find('md-autocomplete-wrap')[0],
root: document.body
}; = elements.ul.getElementsByTagName('li');
elements.snap = getSnapTarget();
elements.$ = getAngularElements(elements);
inputModelCtrl = elements.$.input.controller('ngModel');
* Finds the element that the menu will base its position on
* @returns {*}
function getSnapTarget () {
for (var element = $element; element.length; element = element.parent()) {
if (angular.isDefined(element.attr('md-autocomplete-snap'))) return element[ 0 ];
return elements.wrap;
* Gathers angular-wrapped versions of each element
* @param elements
* @returns {{}}
function getAngularElements (elements) {
var obj = {};
for (var key in elements) {
if (elements.hasOwnProperty(key)) obj[ key ] = angular.element(elements[ key ]);
return obj;
//-- event/change handlers
* Handles changes to the `hidden` property.
* @param hidden
* @param oldHidden
function handleHiddenChange (hidden, oldHidden) {
if (!hidden && oldHidden) {
if (elements) {
enableWrapScroll = disableElementScrollEvents(angular.element(elements.wrap));
} else if (hidden && !oldHidden) {
if (enableWrapScroll) {
enableWrapScroll = null;
* Disables scrolling for a specific element
function disableElementScrollEvents(element) {
function preventDefault(e) {
element.on('wheel', preventDefault);
element.on('touchmove', preventDefault);
return function() {'wheel', preventDefault);'touchmove', preventDefault);
* When the user mouses over the dropdown menu, ignore blur events.
function onListEnter () {
noBlur = true;
* When the user's mouse leaves the menu, blur events may hide the menu again.
function onListLeave () {
if (!hasFocus && !ctrl.hidden) elements.input.focus();
noBlur = false;
ctrl.hidden = shouldHide();
* When the mouse button is released, send focus back to the input field.
function onMouseup () {
* Handles changes to the selected item.
* @param selectedItem
* @param previousSelectedItem
function selectedItemChange (selectedItem, previousSelectedItem) {
if (selectedItem) {
getDisplayValue(selectedItem).then(function (val) {
$scope.searchText = val;
handleSelectedItemChange(selectedItem, previousSelectedItem);
} else if (previousSelectedItem && $scope.searchText) {
getDisplayValue(previousSelectedItem).then(function(displayValue) {
// Clear the searchText, when the selectedItem is set to null.
// Do not clear the searchText, when the searchText isn't matching with the previous
// selected item.
if (displayValue.toString().toLowerCase() === $scope.searchText.toLowerCase()) {
$scope.searchText = '';
if (selectedItem !== previousSelectedItem) announceItemChange();
* Use the user-defined expression to announce changes each time a new item is selected
function announceItemChange () {
angular.isFunction($scope.itemChange) && $scope.itemChange(getItemAsNameVal($scope.selectedItem));
* Use the user-defined expression to announce changes each time the search text is changed
function announceTextChange () {
angular.isFunction($scope.textChange) && $scope.textChange();
* Calls any external watchers listening for the selected item. Used in conjunction with
* `registerSelectedItemWatcher`.
* @param selectedItem
* @param previousSelectedItem
function handleSelectedItemChange (selectedItem, previousSelectedItem) {
selectedItemWatchers.forEach(function (watcher) { watcher(selectedItem, previousSelectedItem); });
* Register a function to be called when the selected item changes.
* @param cb
function registerSelectedItemWatcher (cb) {
if (selectedItemWatchers.indexOf(cb) == -1) {
* Unregister a function previously registered for selected item changes.
* @param cb
function unregisterSelectedItemWatcher (cb) {
var i = selectedItemWatchers.indexOf(cb);
if (i != -1) {
selectedItemWatchers.splice(i, 1);
* Handles changes to the searchText property.
* @param searchText
* @param previousSearchText
function handleSearchText (searchText, previousSearchText) {
ctrl.index = getDefaultIndex();
// do nothing on init
if (searchText === previousSearchText) return;
getDisplayValue($scope.selectedItem).then(function (val) {
// clear selected item if search text no longer matches it
if (searchText !== val) {
$scope.selectedItem = null;
// trigger change event if available
if (searchText !== previousSearchText) announceTextChange();
// cancel results if search text is not long enough
if (!isMinLengthMet()) {
ctrl.matches = [];
} else {
* Handles input blur event, determines if the dropdown should hide.
function blur($event) {
hasFocus = false;
if (!noBlur) {
ctrl.hidden = shouldHide();
evalAttr('ngBlur', { $event: $event });
* Force blur on input element
* @param forceBlur
function doBlur(forceBlur) {
if (forceBlur) {
noBlur = false;
hasFocus = false;
* Handles input focus event, determines if the dropdown should show.
function focus($event) {
hasFocus = true;
if (isSearchable() && isMinLengthMet()) {
ctrl.hidden = shouldHide();
evalAttr('ngFocus', { $event: $event });
* Handles keyboard input.
* @param event
function keydown (event) {
switch (event.keyCode) {
case $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.DOWN_ARROW:
if (ctrl.loading) return;
ctrl.index = Math.min(ctrl.index + 1, ctrl.matches.length - 1);
case $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.UP_ARROW:
if (ctrl.loading) return;
ctrl.index = ctrl.index < 0 ? ctrl.matches.length - 1 : Math.max(0, ctrl.index - 1);
case $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.TAB:
// If we hit tab, assume that we've left the list so it will close
if (ctrl.hidden || ctrl.loading || ctrl.index < 0 || ctrl.matches.length < 1) return;
case $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.ENTER:
if (ctrl.hidden || ctrl.loading || ctrl.index < 0 || ctrl.matches.length < 1) return;
if (hasSelection()) return;
case $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.ESCAPE:
event.preventDefault(); // Prevent browser from always clearing input
if (!shouldProcessEscape()) return;
if ($scope.searchText && hasEscapeOption('clear')) {
// Manually hide (needed for mdNotFound support)
ctrl.hidden = true;
if (hasEscapeOption('blur')) {
// Force the component to blur if they hit escape
//-- getters
* Returns the minimum length needed to display the dropdown.
* @returns {*}
function getMinLength () {
return angular.isNumber($scope.minLength) ? $scope.minLength : 1;
* Returns the display value for an item.
* @param item
* @returns {*}
function getDisplayValue (item) {
return $q.when(getItemText(item) || item).then(function(itemText) {
if (itemText && !angular.isString(itemText)) {
$log.warn('md-autocomplete: Could not resolve display value to a string. ' +
'Please check the `md-item-text` attribute.');
return itemText;
* Getter function to invoke user-defined expression (in the directive)
* to convert your object to a single string.
function getItemText (item) {
return (item && $scope.itemText) ? $scope.itemText(getItemAsNameVal(item)) : null;
* Returns the locals object for compiling item templates.
* @param item
* @returns {{}}
function getItemAsNameVal (item) {
if (!item) return undefined;
var locals = {};
if (ctrl.itemName) locals[ ctrl.itemName ] = item;
return locals;
* Returns the default index based on whether or not autoselect is enabled.
* @returns {number}
function getDefaultIndex () {
return $scope.autoselect ? 0 : -1;
* Sets the loading parameter and updates the hidden state.
* @param value {boolean} Whether or not the component is currently loading.
function setLoading(value) {
if (ctrl.loading != value) {
ctrl.loading = value;
// Always refresh the hidden variable as something else might have changed
ctrl.hidden = shouldHide();
* Determines if the menu should be hidden.
* @returns {boolean}
function shouldHide () {
if (!isSearchable()) return true; // Hide when not able to query
else return !shouldShow(); // Hide when the dropdown is not able to show.
* Determines whether the autocomplete is able to query within the current state.
* @returns {boolean}
function isSearchable() {
if (ctrl.loading && !hasMatches()) return false; // No query when query is in progress.
else if (hasSelection()) return false; // No query if there is already a selection
else if (!hasFocus) return false; // No query if the input does not have focus
return true;
* Determines if the escape keydown should be processed
* @returns {boolean}
function shouldProcessEscape() {
return hasEscapeOption('blur') || !ctrl.hidden || ctrl.loading || hasEscapeOption('clear') && $scope.searchText;
* Determines if an escape option is set
* @returns {boolean}
function hasEscapeOption(option) {
return !$scope.escapeOptions || $scope.escapeOptions.toLowerCase().indexOf(option) !== -1;
* Determines if the menu should be shown.
* @returns {boolean}
function shouldShow() {
return (isMinLengthMet() && hasMatches()) || notFoundVisible();
* Returns true if the search text has matches.
* @returns {boolean}
function hasMatches() {
return ctrl.matches.length ? true : false;
* Returns true if the autocomplete has a valid selection.
* @returns {boolean}
function hasSelection() {
return ctrl.scope.selectedItem ? true : false;
* Returns true if the loading indicator is, or should be, visible.
* @returns {boolean}
function loadingIsVisible() {
return ctrl.loading && !hasSelection();
* Returns the display value of the current item.
* @returns {*}
function getCurrentDisplayValue () {
return getDisplayValue(ctrl.matches[ ctrl.index ]);
* Determines if the minimum length is met by the search text.
* @returns {*}
function isMinLengthMet () {
return ($scope.searchText || '').length >= getMinLength();
//-- actions
* Defines a public property with a handler and a default value.
* @param key
* @param handler
* @param value
function defineProperty (key, handler, value) {
Object.defineProperty(ctrl, key, {
get: function () { return value; },
set: function (newValue) {
var oldValue = value;
value = newValue;
handler(newValue, oldValue);
* Selects the item at the given index.
* @param index
function select (index) {
//-- force form to update state for validation
$mdUtil.nextTick(function () {
getDisplayValue(ctrl.matches[ index ]).then(function (val) {
var ngModel = elements.$.input.controller('ngModel');
}).finally(function () {
$scope.selectedItem = ctrl.matches[ index ];
}, false);
* Clears the searchText value and selected item.
function clearValue () {
* Clears the selected item
function clearSelectedItem () {
// Reset our variables
ctrl.index = 0;
ctrl.matches = [];
* Clears the searchText value
function clearSearchText () {
// Set the loading to true so we don't see flashes of content.
// The flashing will only occur when an async request is running.
// So the loading process will stop when the results had been retrieved.
$scope.searchText = '';
// Normally, triggering the change / input event is unnecessary, because the browser detects it properly.
// But some browsers are not detecting it properly, which means that we have to trigger the event.
// Using the `input` is not working properly, because for example IE11 is not supporting the `input` event.
// The `change` event is a good alternative and is supported by all supported browsers.
var eventObj = document.createEvent('CustomEvent');
eventObj.initCustomEvent('change', true, true, { value: '' });
// For some reason, firing the above event resets the value of $scope.searchText if
// $scope.searchText has a space character at the end, so we blank it one more time and then
// focus.
$scope.searchText = '';
* Fetches the results for the provided search text.
* @param searchText
function fetchResults (searchText) {
var items = $scope.$parent.$eval(itemExpr),
term = searchText.toLowerCase(),
isList = angular.isArray(items),
isPromise = !!items.then; // Every promise should contain a `then` property
if (isList) onResultsRetrieved(items);
else if (isPromise) handleAsyncResults(items);
function handleAsyncResults(items) {
if ( !items ) return;
items = $q.when(items);
$mdUtil.nextTick(function () {
if (--fetchesInProgress === 0) {
},true, $scope);
function onResultsRetrieved(matches) {
cache[term] = matches;
// Just cache the results if the request is now outdated.
// The request becomes outdated, when the new searchText has changed during the result fetching.
if ((searchText || '') !== ($scope.searchText || '')) {
* Updates the ARIA messages
function updateMessages () {
getCurrentDisplayValue().then(function (msg) {
ctrl.messages = [ getCountMessage(), msg ];
* Returns the ARIA message for how many results match the current query.
* @returns {*}
function getCountMessage () {
if (lastCount === ctrl.matches.length) return '';
lastCount = ctrl.matches.length;
switch (ctrl.matches.length) {
case 0:
return 'There are no matches available.';
case 1:
return 'There is 1 match available.';
return 'There are ' + ctrl.matches.length + ' matches available.';
* Makes sure that the focused element is within view.
function updateScroll () {
if (![0]) return;
var height =[0].offsetHeight,
top = height * ctrl.index,
bot = top + height,
hgt = elements.scroller.clientHeight,
scrollTop = elements.scroller.scrollTop;
if (top < scrollTop) {
} else if (bot > scrollTop + hgt) {
scrollTo(bot - hgt);
function isPromiseFetching() {
return fetchesInProgress !== 0;
function scrollTo (offset) {
function notFoundVisible () {
var textLength = (ctrl.scope.searchText || '').length;
return ctrl.hasNotFound && !hasMatches() && (!ctrl.loading || isPromiseFetching()) && textLength >= getMinLength() && (hasFocus || noBlur) && !hasSelection();
* Starts the query to gather the results for the current searchText. Attempts to return cached
* results first, then forwards the process to `fetchResults` if necessary.
function handleQuery () {
var searchText = $scope.searchText || '';
var term = searchText.toLowerCase();
// If caching is enabled and the current searchText is stored in the cache
if (!$scope.noCache && cache[term]) {
// The results should be handled as same as a normal un-cached request does.
} else {
ctrl.hidden = shouldHide();
* Handles the retrieved results by showing them in the autocompletes dropdown.
* @param results Retrieved results
function handleResults(results) {
ctrl.matches = results;
ctrl.hidden = shouldHide();
// If loading is in progress, then we'll end the progress. This is needed for example,
// when the `clear` button was clicked, because there we always show the loading process, to prevent flashing.
if (ctrl.loading) setLoading(false);
if ($scope.selectOnMatch) selectItemOnMatch();
* If there is only one matching item and the search text matches its display value exactly,
* automatically select that item. Note: This function is only called if the user uses the
* `md-select-on-match` flag.
function selectItemOnMatch () {
var searchText = $scope.searchText,
matches = ctrl.matches,
item = matches[ 0 ];
if (matches.length === 1) getDisplayValue(item).then(function (displayValue) {
var isMatching = searchText == displayValue;
if ($scope.matchInsensitive && !isMatching) {
isMatching = searchText.toLowerCase() == displayValue.toLowerCase();
if (isMatching) select(0);
* Evaluates an attribute expression against the parent scope.
* @param {String} attr Name of the attribute to be evaluated.
* @param {Object?} locals Properties to be injected into the evaluation context.
function evalAttr(attr, locals) {
if ($attrs[attr]) {
$scope.$parent.$eval($attrs[attr], locals || {});
"use strict";
MdAutocomplete.$inject = ["$$mdSvgRegistry"];angular
.directive('mdAutocomplete', MdAutocomplete);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdAutocomplete
* @module material.components.autocomplete
* @description
* `<md-autocomplete>` is a special input component with a drop-down of all possible matches to a
* custom query. This component allows you to provide real-time suggestions as the user types
* in the input area.
* To start, you will need to specify the required parameters and provide a template for your
* results. The content inside `md-autocomplete` will be treated as a template.
* In more complex cases, you may want to include other content such as a message to display when
* no matches were found. You can do this by wrapping your template in `md-item-template` and
* adding a tag for `md-not-found`. An example of this is shown below.
* To reset the displayed value you must clear both values for `md-search-text` and `md-selected-item`.
* ### Validation
* You can use `ng-messages` to include validation the same way that you would normally validate;
* however, if you want to replicate a standard input with a floating label, you will have to
* do the following:
* - Make sure that your template is wrapped in `md-item-template`
* - Add your `ng-messages` code inside of `md-autocomplete`
* - Add your validation properties to `md-autocomplete` (ie. `required`)
* - Add a `name` to `md-autocomplete` (to be used on the generated `input`)
* There is an example below of how this should look.
* ### Notes
* The `md-autocomplete` uses the the <a ng-href="api/directive/mdVirtualRepeatContainer">VirtualRepeat</a>
* directive for displaying the results inside of the dropdown.<br/>
* > When encountering issues regarding the item template please take a look at the
* <a ng-href="api/directive/mdVirtualRepeatContainer">VirtualRepeatContainer</a> documentation.
* @param {expression} md-items An expression in the format of `item in items` to iterate over
* matches for your search.
* @param {expression=} md-selected-item-change An expression to be run each time a new item is
* selected
* @param {expression=} md-search-text-change An expression to be run each time the search text
* updates
* @param {expression=} md-search-text A model to bind the search query text to
* @param {object=} md-selected-item A model to bind the selected item to
* @param {expression=} md-item-text An expression that will convert your object to a single string.
* @param {string=} placeholder Placeholder text that will be forwarded to the input.
* @param {boolean=} md-no-cache Disables the internal caching that happens in autocomplete
* @param {boolean=} ng-disabled Determines whether or not to disable the input field
* @param {boolean=} md-require-match When set to true, the autocomplete will add a validator,
* which will evaluate to false, when no item is currently selected.
* @param {number=} md-min-length Specifies the minimum length of text before autocomplete will
* make suggestions
* @param {number=} md-delay Specifies the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait before looking
* for results
* @param {boolean=} md-autofocus If true, the autocomplete will be automatically focused when a `$mdDialog`,
* `$mdBottomsheet` or `$mdSidenav`, which contains the autocomplete, is opening. <br/><br/>
* Also the autocomplete will immediately focus the input element.
* @param {boolean=} md-no-asterisk When present, asterisk will not be appended to the floating label
* @param {boolean=} md-autoselect If set to true, the first item will be automatically selected
* in the dropdown upon open.
* @param {string=} md-menu-class This will be applied to the dropdown menu for styling
* @param {string=} md-floating-label This will add a floating label to autocomplete and wrap it in
* `md-input-container`
* @param {string=} md-input-name The name attribute given to the input element to be used with
* FormController
* @param {string=} md-select-on-focus When present the inputs text will be automatically selected
* on focus.
* @param {string=} md-input-id An ID to be added to the input element
* @param {number=} md-input-minlength The minimum length for the input's value for validation
* @param {number=} md-input-maxlength The maximum length for the input's value for validation
* @param {boolean=} md-select-on-match When set, autocomplete will automatically select exact
* the item if the search text is an exact match. <br/><br/>
* Exact match means that there is only one match showing up.
* @param {boolean=} md-match-case-insensitive When set and using `md-select-on-match`, autocomplete
* will select on case-insensitive match
* @param {string=} md-escape-options Override escape key logic. Default is `blur clear`.<br/>
* Options: `blur | clear`, `none`
* @usage
* ### Basic Example
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-autocomplete
* md-selected-item="selectedItem"
* md-search-text="searchText"
* md-items="item in getMatches(searchText)"
* md-item-text="item.display">
* <span md-highlight-text="searchText">{{item.display}}</span>
* </md-autocomplete>
* </hljs>
* ### Example with "not found" message
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-autocomplete
* md-selected-item="selectedItem"
* md-search-text="searchText"
* md-items="item in getMatches(searchText)"
* md-item-text="item.display">
* <md-item-template>
* <span md-highlight-text="searchText">{{item.display}}</span>
* </md-item-template>
* <md-not-found>
* No matches found.
* </md-not-found>
* </md-autocomplete>
* </hljs>
* In this example, our code utilizes `md-item-template` and `md-not-found` to specify the
* different parts that make up our component.
* ### Example with validation
* <hljs lang="html">
* <form name="autocompleteForm">
* <md-autocomplete
* required
* md-input-name="autocomplete"
* md-selected-item="selectedItem"
* md-search-text="searchText"
* md-items="item in getMatches(searchText)"
* md-item-text="item.display">
* <md-item-template>
* <span md-highlight-text="searchText">{{item.display}}</span>
* </md-item-template>
* <div ng-messages="autocompleteForm.autocomplete.$error">
* <div ng-message="required">This field is required</div>
* </div>
* </md-autocomplete>
* </form>
* </hljs>
* In this example, our code utilizes `md-item-template` and `ng-messages` to specify
* input validation for the field.
function MdAutocomplete ($$mdSvgRegistry) {
return {
controller: 'MdAutocompleteCtrl',
controllerAs: '$mdAutocompleteCtrl',
scope: {
inputName: '@mdInputName',
inputMinlength: '@mdInputMinlength',
inputMaxlength: '@mdInputMaxlength',
searchText: '=?mdSearchText',
selectedItem: '=?mdSelectedItem',
itemsExpr: '@mdItems',
itemText: '&mdItemText',
placeholder: '@placeholder',
noCache: '=?mdNoCache',
requireMatch: '=?mdRequireMatch',
selectOnMatch: '=?mdSelectOnMatch',
matchInsensitive: '=?mdMatchCaseInsensitive',
itemChange: '&?mdSelectedItemChange',
textChange: '&?mdSearchTextChange',
minLength: '=?mdMinLength',
delay: '=?mdDelay',
autofocus: '=?mdAutofocus',
floatingLabel: '@?mdFloatingLabel',
autoselect: '=?mdAutoselect',
menuClass: '@?mdMenuClass',
inputId: '@?mdInputId',
escapeOptions: '@?mdEscapeOptions'
link: function(scope, element, attrs, controller) {
// Retrieve the state of using a md-not-found template by using our attribute, which will
// be added to the element in the template function.
controller.hasNotFound = !!element.attr('md-has-not-found');
template: function (element, attr) {
var noItemsTemplate = getNoItemsTemplate(),
itemTemplate = getItemTemplate(),
leftover = element.html(),
tabindex = attr.tabindex;
// Set our attribute for the link function above which runs later.
// We will set an attribute, because otherwise the stored variables will be trashed when
// removing the element is hidden while retrieving the template. For example when using ngIf.
if (noItemsTemplate) element.attr('md-has-not-found', true);
// Always set our tabindex of the autocomplete directive to -1, because our input
// will hold the actual tabindex.
element.attr('tabindex', '-1');
return '\
ng-class="{ \'md-whiteframe-z1\': !floatingLabel, \'md-menu-showing\': !$mdAutocompleteCtrl.hidden }">\
' + getInputElement() + '\
class="' + (attr.mdFloatingLabel ? 'md-inline' : '') + '"\
class="md-autocomplete-suggestions-container md-whiteframe-z1"\
ng-class="{ \'md-not-found\': $mdAutocompleteCtrl.notFoundVisible() }"\
<ul class="md-autocomplete-suggestions"\
<li md-virtual-repeat="item in $mdAutocompleteCtrl.matches"\
ng-class="{ selected: $index === $mdAutocompleteCtrl.index }"\
' + itemTemplate + '\
</li>' + noItemsTemplate + '\
<p ng-repeat="message in $mdAutocompleteCtrl.messages track by $index" ng-if="message">{{message}}</p>\
function getItemTemplate() {
var templateTag = element.find('md-item-template').detach(),
html = templateTag.length ? templateTag.html() : element.html();
if (!templateTag.length) element.empty();
return '<md-autocomplete-parent-scope md-autocomplete-replace>' + html + '</md-autocomplete-parent-scope>';
function getNoItemsTemplate() {
var templateTag = element.find('md-not-found').detach(),
template = templateTag.length ? templateTag.html() : '';
return template
? '<li ng-if="$mdAutocompleteCtrl.notFoundVisible()"\
md-autocomplete-parent-scope>' + template + '</li>'
: '';
function getInputElement () {
if (attr.mdFloatingLabel) {
return '\
<md-input-container ng-if="floatingLabel">\
<input type="search"\
' + (tabindex != null ? 'tabindex="' + tabindex + '"' : '') + '\
id="{{ inputId || \'fl-input-\' + $ }}"\
ng-model-options="{ allowInvalid: true }"\
' + (attr.mdNoAsterisk != null ? 'md-no-asterisk="' + attr.mdNoAsterisk + '"' : '') + '\
' + (attr.mdSelectOnFocus != null ? 'md-select-on-focus=""' : '') + '\
<div md-autocomplete-parent-scope md-autocomplete-replace>' + leftover + '</div>\
} else {
return '\
<input type="search"\
' + (tabindex != null ? 'tabindex="' + tabindex + '"' : '') + '\
id="{{ inputId || \'input-\' + $ }}"\
' + (attr.mdSelectOnFocus != null ? 'md-select-on-focus=""' : '') + '\
ng-if="$mdAutocompleteCtrl.scope.searchText && !$mdAutocompleteCtrl.isDisabled"\
<md-icon md-svg-src="' + $$mdSvgRegistry.mdClose + '"></md-icon>\
<span class="md-visually-hidden">Clear</span>\
"use strict";
MdAutocompleteItemScopeDirective.$inject = ["$compile", "$mdUtil"];angular
.directive('mdAutocompleteParentScope', MdAutocompleteItemScopeDirective);
function MdAutocompleteItemScopeDirective($compile, $mdUtil) {
return {
restrict: 'AE',
compile: compile,
terminal: true,
transclude: 'element'
function compile(tElement, tAttr, transclude) {
return function postLink(scope, element, attr) {
var ctrl = scope.$mdAutocompleteCtrl;
var newScope = ctrl.parent.$new();
var itemName = ctrl.itemName;
// Watch for changes to our scope's variables and copy them to the new scope
watchVariable('$index', '$index');
watchVariable('item', itemName);
// Ensure that $digest calls on our scope trigger $digest on newScope.
// Link the element against newScope.
transclude(newScope, function(clone) {
* Creates a watcher for variables that are copied from the parent scope
* @param variable
* @param alias
function watchVariable(variable, alias) {
newScope[alias] = scope[variable];
scope.$watch(variable, function(value) {
$mdUtil.nextTick(function() {
newScope[alias] = value;
* Creates watchers on scope and newScope that ensure that for any
* $digest of scope, newScope is also $digested.
function connectScopes() {
var scopeDigesting = false;
var newScopeDigesting = false;
scope.$watch(function() {
if (newScopeDigesting || scopeDigesting) {
scopeDigesting = true;
scope.$$postDigest(function() {
if (!newScopeDigesting) {
scopeDigesting = newScopeDigesting = false;
newScope.$watch(function() {
newScopeDigesting = true;
"use strict";
MdHighlightCtrl.$inject = ["$scope", "$element", "$attrs"];angular
.controller('MdHighlightCtrl', MdHighlightCtrl);
function MdHighlightCtrl ($scope, $element, $attrs) {
this.$scope = $scope;
this.$element = $element;
this.$attrs = $attrs;
// Cache the Regex to avoid rebuilding each time.
this.regex = null;
MdHighlightCtrl.prototype.init = function(unsafeTermFn, unsafeContentFn) {
this.flags = this.$attrs.mdHighlightFlags || '';
this.unregisterFn = this.$scope.$watch(function($scope) {
return {
term: unsafeTermFn($scope),
contentText: unsafeContentFn($scope)
}.bind(this), this.onRender.bind(this), true);
this.$element.on('$destroy', this.unregisterFn);
* Triggered once a new change has been recognized and the highlighted
* text needs to be updated.
MdHighlightCtrl.prototype.onRender = function(state, prevState) {
var contentText = state.contentText;
/* Update the regex if it's outdated, because we don't want to rebuilt it constantly. */
if (this.regex === null || state.term !== prevState.term) {
this.regex = this.createRegex(state.term, this.flags);
/* If a term is available apply the regex to the content */
if (state.term) {
} else {
* Decomposes the specified text into different tokens (whether match or not).
* Breaking down the string guarantees proper XSS protection due to the native browser
* escaping of unsafe text.
MdHighlightCtrl.prototype.applyRegex = function(text) {
var tokens = this.resolveTokens(text);
tokens.forEach(function (token) {
if (token.isMatch) {
var tokenEl = angular.element('<span class="highlight">').text(token.text);
} else {
* Decomposes the specified text into different tokens by running the regex against the text.
MdHighlightCtrl.prototype.resolveTokens = function(string) {
var tokens = [];
var lastIndex = 0;
// Use replace here, because it supports global and single regular expressions at same time.
string.replace(this.regex, function(match, index) {
appendToken(lastIndex, index);
text: match,
isMatch: true
lastIndex = index + match.length;
// Append the missing text as a token.
return tokens;
function appendToken(from, to) {
var targetText = string.slice(from, to);
targetText && tokens.push(targetText);
/** Creates a regex for the specified text with the given flags. */
MdHighlightCtrl.prototype.createRegex = function(term, flags) {
var startFlag = '', endFlag = '';
var regexTerm = this.sanitizeRegex(term);
if (flags.indexOf('^') >= 0) startFlag = '^';
if (flags.indexOf('$') >= 0) endFlag = '$';
return new RegExp(startFlag + regexTerm + endFlag, flags.replace(/[$\^]/g, ''));
/** Sanitizes a regex by removing all common RegExp identifiers */
MdHighlightCtrl.prototype.sanitizeRegex = function(term) {
return term && term.toString().replace(/[\\\^\$\*\+\?\.\(\)\|\{}\[\]]/g, '\\$&');
"use strict";
MdHighlight.$inject = ["$interpolate", "$parse"];angular
.directive('mdHighlightText', MdHighlight);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdHighlightText
* @module material.components.autocomplete
* @description
* The `md-highlight-text` directive allows you to specify text that should be highlighted within
* an element. Highlighted text will be wrapped in `<span class="highlight"></span>` which can
* be styled through CSS. Please note that child elements may not be used with this directive.
* @param {string} md-highlight-text A model to be searched for
* @param {string=} md-highlight-flags A list of flags (loosely based on JavaScript RexExp flags).
* #### **Supported flags**:
* - `g`: Find all matches within the provided text
* - `i`: Ignore case when searching for matches
* - `$`: Only match if the text ends with the search term
* - `^`: Only match if the text begins with the search term
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <input placeholder="Enter a search term..." ng-model="searchTerm" type="text" />
* <ul>
* <li ng-repeat="result in results" md-highlight-text="searchTerm">
* {{result.text}}
* </li>
* </ul>
* </hljs>
function MdHighlight ($interpolate, $parse) {
return {
terminal: true,
controller: 'MdHighlightCtrl',
compile: function mdHighlightCompile(tElement, tAttr) {
var termExpr = $parse(tAttr.mdHighlightText);
var unsafeContentExpr = $interpolate(tElement.html());
return function mdHighlightLink(scope, element, attr, ctrl) {
ctrl.init(termExpr, unsafeContentExpr);
"use strict";
MdChipCtrl.$inject = ["$scope", "$element", "$mdConstant", "$timeout", "$mdUtil"];angular
.controller('MdChipCtrl', MdChipCtrl);
* Controller for the MdChip component. Responsible for handling keyboard
* events and editting the chip if needed.
* @param $scope
* @param $element
* @param $mdConstant
* @param $timeout
* @param $mdUtil
* @constructor
function MdChipCtrl ($scope, $element, $mdConstant, $timeout, $mdUtil) {
* @type {$scope}
this.$scope = $scope;
* @type {$element}
this.$element = $element;
* @type {$mdConstant}
this.$mdConstant = $mdConstant;
* @type {$timeout}
this.$timeout = $timeout;
* @type {$mdUtil}
this.$mdUtil = $mdUtil;
* @type {boolean}
this.isEditting = false;
* @type {MdChipsCtrl}
this.parentController = undefined;
* @type {boolean}
this.enableChipEdit = false;
* @param {MdChipsCtrl} controller
MdChipCtrl.prototype.init = function(controller) {
this.parentController = controller;
this.enableChipEdit = this.parentController.enableChipEdit;
if (this.enableChipEdit) {
this.$element.on('keydown', this.chipKeyDown.bind(this));
this.$element.on('mousedown', this.chipMouseDown.bind(this));
* @return {Object}
MdChipCtrl.prototype.getChipContent = function() {
var chipContents = this.$element[0].getElementsByClassName('md-chip-content');
return angular.element(chipContents[0]);
* @return {Object}
MdChipCtrl.prototype.getContentElement = function() {
return angular.element(this.getChipContent().children()[0]);
* @return {number}
MdChipCtrl.prototype.getChipIndex = function() {
return parseInt(this.$element.attr('index'));
* Presents an input element to edit the contents of the chip.
MdChipCtrl.prototype.goOutOfEditMode = function() {
if (!this.isEditting) return;
this.isEditting = false;
this.getChipContent()[0].contentEditable = 'false';
var chipIndex = this.getChipIndex();
var content = this.getContentElement().text();
if (content) {
this.$mdUtil.nextTick(function() {
if (this.parentController.selectedChip === chipIndex) {
} else {
* Given an HTML element. Selects contents of it.
* @param node
MdChipCtrl.prototype.selectNodeContents = function(node) {
var range, selection;
if (document.body.createTextRange) {
range = document.body.createTextRange();
} else if (window.getSelection) {
selection = window.getSelection();
range = document.createRange();
* Presents an input element to edit the contents of the chip.
MdChipCtrl.prototype.goInEditMode = function() {
this.isEditting = true;
this.getChipContent()[0].contentEditable = 'true';
this.getChipContent().on('blur', function() {
* Handles the keydown event on the chip element. If enable-chip-edit attribute is
* set to true, space or enter keys can trigger going into edit mode. Enter can also
* trigger submitting if the chip is already being edited.
* @param event
MdChipCtrl.prototype.chipKeyDown = function(event) {
if (!this.isEditting &&
(event.keyCode === this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE.ENTER ||
event.keyCode === this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE.SPACE)) {
} else if (this.isEditting &&
event.keyCode === this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE.ENTER) {
* Handles the double click event
MdChipCtrl.prototype.chipMouseDown = function() {
if(this.getChipIndex() == this.parentController.selectedChip &&
this.enableChipEdit &&
!this.isEditting) {
"use strict";
MdChip.$inject = ["$mdTheming", "$mdUtil"];angular
.directive('mdChip', MdChip);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdChip
* @module material.components.chips
* @description
* `<md-chip>` is a component used within `<md-chips>` and is responsible for rendering individual
* chips.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-chip>{{$chip}}</md-chip>
* </hljs>
// This hint text is hidden within a chip but used by screen readers to
// inform the user how they can interact with a chip.
<span ng-if="!$mdChipsCtrl.readonly" class="md-visually-hidden">\
* MDChip Directive Definition
* @param $mdTheming
* @param $mdUtil
* @ngInject
function MdChip($mdTheming, $mdUtil) {
var hintTemplate = $mdUtil.processTemplate(DELETE_HINT_TEMPLATE);
return {
restrict: 'E',
require: ['^?mdChips', 'mdChip'],
compile: compile,
controller: 'MdChipCtrl'
function compile(element, attr) {
// Append the delete template
return function postLink(scope, element, attr, ctrls) {
var chipsController = ctrls.shift();
var chipController = ctrls.shift();
if (chipsController) {
.on('blur', function () {
"use strict";
MdChipRemove.$inject = ["$timeout"];angular
.directive('mdChipRemove', MdChipRemove);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdChipRemove
* @restrict A
* @module material.components.chips
* @description
* Designates an element to be used as the delete button for a chip. <br/>
* This element is passed as a child of the `md-chips` element.
* The designated button will be just appended to the chip and removes the given chip on click.<br/>
* By default the button is not being styled by the `md-chips` component.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-chips>
* <button md-chip-remove="">
* <md-icon md-svg-icon="md-close"></md-icon>
* </button>
* </md-chips>
* </hljs>
* MdChipRemove Directive Definition.
* @param $timeout
* @returns {{restrict: string, require: string[], link: Function, scope: boolean}}
* @constructor
function MdChipRemove ($timeout) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: '^mdChips',
scope: false,
link: postLink
function postLink(scope, element, attr, ctrl) {
element.on('click', function(event) {
scope.$apply(function() {
// Child elements aren't available until after a $timeout tick as they are hidden by an
// `ng-if`. see
$timeout(function() {
element.attr({ tabindex: -1, 'aria-hidden': true });
element.find('button').attr('tabindex', '-1');
"use strict";
MdChipTransclude.$inject = ["$compile"];angular
.directive('mdChipTransclude', MdChipTransclude);
function MdChipTransclude ($compile) {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
terminal: true,
link: link,
scope: false
function link (scope, element, attr) {
var ctrl = scope.$parent.$mdChipsCtrl,
newScope = ctrl.parent.$new(false, ctrl.parent);
newScope.$$replacedScope = scope;
newScope.$chip = scope.$chip;
newScope.$index = scope.$index;
newScope.$mdChipsCtrl = ctrl;
var newHtml = ctrl.$scope.$eval(attr.mdChipTransclude);
"use strict";
MdChipsCtrl.$inject = ["$scope", "$attrs", "$mdConstant", "$log", "$element", "$timeout", "$mdUtil"];angular
.controller('MdChipsCtrl', MdChipsCtrl);
* Controller for the MdChips component. Responsible for adding to and
* removing from the list of chips, marking chips as selected, and binding to
* the models of various input components.
* @param $scope
* @param $attrs
* @param $mdConstant
* @param $log
* @param $element
* @param $timeout
* @param $mdUtil
* @constructor
function MdChipsCtrl ($scope, $attrs, $mdConstant, $log, $element, $timeout, $mdUtil) {
/** @type {$timeout} **/
this.$timeout = $timeout;
/** @type {Object} */
this.$mdConstant = $mdConstant;
/** @type {angular.$scope} */
this.$scope = $scope;
/** @type {angular.$scope} */
this.parent = $scope.$parent;
/** @type {$log} */
this.$log = $log;
/** @type {$element} */
this.$element = $element;
/** @type {angular.NgModelController} */
this.ngModelCtrl = null;
/** @type {angular.NgModelController} */
this.userInputNgModelCtrl = null;
/** @type {MdAutocompleteCtrl} */
this.autocompleteCtrl = null;
/** @type {Element} */
this.userInputElement = null;
/** @type {Array.<Object>} */
this.items = [];
/** @type {number} */
this.selectedChip = -1;
/** @type {string} */
this.enableChipEdit = $mdUtil.parseAttributeBoolean($attrs.mdEnableChipEdit);
/** @type {string} */
this.addOnBlur = $mdUtil.parseAttributeBoolean($attrs.mdAddOnBlur);
* Hidden hint text for how to delete a chip. Used to give context to screen readers.
* @type {string}
this.deleteHint = 'Press delete to remove this chip.';
* Hidden label for the delete button. Used to give context to screen readers.
* @type {string}
this.deleteButtonLabel = 'Remove';
* Model used by the input element.
* @type {string}
this.chipBuffer = '';
* Whether to use the transformChip expression to transform the chip buffer
* before appending it to the list.
* @type {boolean}
this.useTransformChip = false;
* Whether to use the onAdd expression to notify of chip additions.
* @type {boolean}
this.useOnAdd = false;
* Whether to use the onRemove expression to notify of chip removals.
* @type {boolean}
this.useOnRemove = false;
* Whether to use the onSelect expression to notify the component's user
* after selecting a chip from the list.
* @type {boolean}
* Handles the keydown event on the input element: by default <enter> appends
* the buffer to the chip list, while backspace removes the last chip in the
* list if the current buffer is empty.
* @param event
MdChipsCtrl.prototype.inputKeydown = function(event) {
var chipBuffer = this.getChipBuffer();
// If we have an autocomplete, and it handled the event, we have nothing to do
if (this.autocompleteCtrl && event.isDefaultPrevented && event.isDefaultPrevented()) {
if (event.keyCode === this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE.BACKSPACE) {
// Only select and focus the previous chip, if the current caret position of the
// input element is at the beginning.
if (this.getCursorPosition( !== 0) {
if (this.items.length) {
this.selectAndFocusChipSafe(this.items.length - 1);
// By default <enter> appends the buffer to the chip list.
if (!this.separatorKeys || this.separatorKeys.length < 1) {
this.separatorKeys = [this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE.ENTER];
// Support additional separator key codes in an array of `md-separator-keys`.
if (this.separatorKeys.indexOf(event.keyCode) !== -1) {
if ((this.autocompleteCtrl && this.requireMatch) || !chipBuffer) return;
// Only append the chip and reset the chip buffer if the max chips limit isn't reached.
if (this.hasMaxChipsReached()) return;
* Returns the cursor position of the specified input element.
* @param element HTMLInputElement
* @returns {Number} Cursor Position of the input.
MdChipsCtrl.prototype.getCursorPosition = function(element) {
* Figure out whether the current input for the chips buffer is valid for using
* the selectionStart / end property to retrieve the cursor position.
* Some browsers do not allow the use of those attributes, on different input types.
try {
if (element.selectionStart === element.selectionEnd) {
return element.selectionStart;
} catch (e) {
if (!element.value) {
return 0;
* Updates the content of the chip at given index
* @param chipIndex
* @param chipContents
MdChipsCtrl.prototype.updateChipContents = function(chipIndex, chipContents){
if(chipIndex >= 0 && chipIndex < this.items.length) {
this.items[chipIndex] = chipContents;
* Returns true if a chip is currently being edited. False otherwise.
* @return {boolean}
MdChipsCtrl.prototype.isEditingChip = function() {
return !!this.$element[0].getElementsByClassName('_md-chip-editing').length;
MdChipsCtrl.prototype.isRemovable = function() {
// Return false if we have static chips
if (!this.ngModelCtrl) {
return false;
return this.readonly ? this.removable :
angular.isDefined(this.removable) ? this.removable : true;
* Handles the keydown event on the chip elements: backspace removes the selected chip, arrow
* keys switch which chips is active
* @param event
MdChipsCtrl.prototype.chipKeydown = function (event) {
if (this.getChipBuffer()) return;
if (this.isEditingChip()) return;
switch (event.keyCode) {
case this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE.BACKSPACE:
case this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE.DELETE:
if (this.selectedChip < 0) return;
// Cancel the delete action only after the event cancel. Otherwise the page will go back.
if (!this.isRemovable()) return;
case this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE.LEFT_ARROW:
if (this.selectedChip < 0) this.selectedChip = this.items.length;
if (this.items.length) this.selectAndFocusChipSafe(this.selectedChip - 1);
case this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE.RIGHT_ARROW:
this.selectAndFocusChipSafe(this.selectedChip + 1);
case this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE.ESCAPE:
case this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE.TAB:
if (this.selectedChip < 0) return;
* Get the input's placeholder - uses `placeholder` when list is empty and `secondary-placeholder`
* when the list is non-empty. If `secondary-placeholder` is not provided, `placeholder` is used
* always.
MdChipsCtrl.prototype.getPlaceholder = function() {
// Allow `secondary-placeholder` to be blank.
var useSecondary = (this.items && this.items.length &&
(this.secondaryPlaceholder == '' || this.secondaryPlaceholder));
return useSecondary ? this.secondaryPlaceholder : this.placeholder;
* Removes chip at {@code index} and selects the adjacent chip.
* @param index
MdChipsCtrl.prototype.removeAndSelectAdjacentChip = function(index) {
var selIndex = this.getAdjacentChipIndex(index);
this.$timeout(angular.bind(this, function () {
* Sets the selected chip index to -1.
MdChipsCtrl.prototype.resetSelectedChip = function() {
this.selectedChip = -1;
* Gets the index of an adjacent chip to select after deletion. Adjacency is
* determined as the next chip in the list, unless the target chip is the
* last in the list, then it is the chip immediately preceding the target. If
* there is only one item in the list, -1 is returned (select none).
* The number returned is the index to select AFTER the target has been
* removed.
* If the current chip is not selected, then -1 is returned to select none.
MdChipsCtrl.prototype.getAdjacentChipIndex = function(index) {
var len = this.items.length - 1;
return (len == 0) ? -1 :
(index == len) ? index -1 : index;
* Append the contents of the buffer to the chip list. This method will first
* call out to the md-transform-chip method, if provided.
* @param newChip
MdChipsCtrl.prototype.appendChip = function(newChip) {
if (this.useTransformChip && this.transformChip) {
var transformedChip = this.transformChip({'$chip': newChip});
// Check to make sure the chip is defined before assigning it, otherwise, we'll just assume
// they want the string version.
if (angular.isDefined(transformedChip)) {
newChip = transformedChip;
// If items contains an identical object to newChip, do not append
if (angular.isObject(newChip)){
var identical = this.items.some(function(item){
return angular.equals(newChip, item);
if (identical) return;
// Check for a null (but not undefined), or existing chip and cancel appending
if (newChip == null || this.items.indexOf(newChip) + 1) return;
// Append the new chip onto our list
var index = this.items.push(newChip);
// Update model validation
// If they provide the md-on-add attribute, notify them of the chip addition
if (this.useOnAdd && this.onAdd) {
this.onAdd({ '$chip': newChip, '$index': index });
* Sets whether to use the md-transform-chip expression. This expression is
* bound to scope and controller in {@code MdChipsDirective} as
* {@code transformChip}. Due to the nature of directive scope bindings, the
* controller cannot know on its own/from the scope whether an expression was
* actually provided.
MdChipsCtrl.prototype.useTransformChipExpression = function() {
this.useTransformChip = true;
* Sets whether to use the md-on-add expression. This expression is
* bound to scope and controller in {@code MdChipsDirective} as
* {@code onAdd}. Due to the nature of directive scope bindings, the
* controller cannot know on its own/from the scope whether an expression was
* actually provided.
MdChipsCtrl.prototype.useOnAddExpression = function() {
this.useOnAdd = true;
* Sets whether to use the md-on-remove expression. This expression is
* bound to scope and controller in {@code MdChipsDirective} as
* {@code onRemove}. Due to the nature of directive scope bindings, the
* controller cannot know on its own/from the scope whether an expression was
* actually provided.
MdChipsCtrl.prototype.useOnRemoveExpression = function() {
this.useOnRemove = true;
* Sets whether to use the md-on-select expression. This expression is
* bound to scope and controller in {@code MdChipsDirective} as
* {@code onSelect}. Due to the nature of directive scope bindings, the
* controller cannot know on its own/from the scope whether an expression was
* actually provided.
MdChipsCtrl.prototype.useOnSelectExpression = function() {
this.useOnSelect = true;
* Gets the input buffer. The input buffer can be the model bound to the
* default input item {@code this.chipBuffer}, the {@code selectedItem}
* model of an {@code md-autocomplete}, or, through some magic, the model
* bound to any inpput or text area element found within a
* {@code md-input-container} element.
* @return {Object|string}
MdChipsCtrl.prototype.getChipBuffer = function() {
return !this.userInputElement ? this.chipBuffer :
this.userInputNgModelCtrl ? this.userInputNgModelCtrl.$viewValue :
* Resets the input buffer for either the internal input or user provided input element.
MdChipsCtrl.prototype.resetChipBuffer = function() {
if (this.userInputElement) {
if (this.userInputNgModelCtrl) {
} else {
this.userInputElement[0].value = '';
} else {
this.chipBuffer = '';
MdChipsCtrl.prototype.hasMaxChipsReached = function() {
if (angular.isString(this.maxChips)) this.maxChips = parseInt(this.maxChips, 10) || 0;
return this.maxChips > 0 && this.items.length >= this.maxChips;
* Updates the validity properties for the ngModel.
MdChipsCtrl.prototype.validateModel = function() {
this.ngModelCtrl.$setValidity('md-max-chips', !this.hasMaxChipsReached());
* Removes the chip at the given index.
* @param index
MdChipsCtrl.prototype.removeChip = function(index) {
var removed = this.items.splice(index, 1);
// Update model validation
if (removed && removed.length && this.useOnRemove && this.onRemove) {
this.onRemove({ '$chip': removed[0], '$index': index });
MdChipsCtrl.prototype.removeChipAndFocusInput = function (index) {
if (this.autocompleteCtrl) {
// Always hide the autocomplete dropdown before focusing the autocomplete input.
// Wait for the input to move horizontally, because the chip was removed.
// This can lead to an incorrect dropdown position.
this.autocompleteCtrl.hidden = true;
} else {
* Selects the chip at `index`,
* @param index
MdChipsCtrl.prototype.selectAndFocusChipSafe = function(index) {
if (!this.items.length) {
if (index === this.items.length) return this.onFocus();
index = Math.max(index, 0);
index = Math.min(index, this.items.length - 1);
* Marks the chip at the given index as selected.
* @param index
MdChipsCtrl.prototype.selectChip = function(index) {
if (index >= -1 && index <= this.items.length) {
this.selectedChip = index;
// Fire the onSelect if provided
if (this.useOnSelect && this.onSelect) {
this.onSelect({'$chip': this.items[this.selectedChip] });
} else {
this.$log.warn('Selected Chip index out of bounds; ignoring.');
* Selects the chip at `index` and gives it focus.
* @param index
MdChipsCtrl.prototype.selectAndFocusChip = function(index) {
if (index != -1) {
* Call `focus()` on the chip at `index`
MdChipsCtrl.prototype.focusChip = function(index) {
this.$element[0].querySelector('md-chip[index="' + index + '"] .md-chip-content').focus();
* Configures the required interactions with the ngModel Controller.
* Specifically, set {@code this.items} to the {@code NgModelCtrl#$viewVale}.
* @param ngModelCtrl
MdChipsCtrl.prototype.configureNgModel = function(ngModelCtrl) {
this.ngModelCtrl = ngModelCtrl;
var self = this;
ngModelCtrl.$render = function() {
// model is updated. do something.
self.items = self.ngModelCtrl.$viewValue;
MdChipsCtrl.prototype.onFocus = function () {
var input = this.$element[0].querySelector('input');
input && input.focus();
MdChipsCtrl.prototype.onInputFocus = function () {
this.inputHasFocus = true;
MdChipsCtrl.prototype.onInputBlur = function () {
this.inputHasFocus = false;
var chipBuffer = this.getChipBuffer().trim();
// Update the custom chip validators.
var isModelValid = this.ngModelCtrl.$valid;
if (this.userInputNgModelCtrl) {
isModelValid &= this.userInputNgModelCtrl.$valid;
// Only append the chip and reset the chip buffer if the chips and input ngModel is valid.
if (this.addOnBlur && chipBuffer && isModelValid) {
* Configure event bindings on a user-provided input element.
* @param inputElement
MdChipsCtrl.prototype.configureUserInput = function(inputElement) {
this.userInputElement = inputElement;
// Find the NgModelCtrl for the input element
var ngModelCtrl = inputElement.controller('ngModel');
// `.controller` will look in the parent as well.
if (ngModelCtrl != this.ngModelCtrl) {
this.userInputNgModelCtrl = ngModelCtrl;
var scope = this.$scope;
var ctrl = this;
// Run all of the events using evalAsync because a focus may fire a blur in the same digest loop
var scopeApplyFn = function(event, fn) {
scope.$evalAsync(angular.bind(ctrl, fn, event));
// Bind to keydown and focus events of input
.attr({ tabindex: 0 })
.on('keydown', function(event) { scopeApplyFn(event, ctrl.inputKeydown) })
.on('focus', function(event) { scopeApplyFn(event, ctrl.onInputFocus) })
.on('blur', function(event) { scopeApplyFn(event, ctrl.onInputBlur) })
MdChipsCtrl.prototype.configureAutocomplete = function(ctrl) {
if (ctrl) {
this.autocompleteCtrl = ctrl;
ctrl.registerSelectedItemWatcher(angular.bind(this, function (item) {
if (item) {
// Only append the chip and reset the chip buffer if the max chips limit isn't reached.
if (this.hasMaxChipsReached()) return;
.on('focus',angular.bind(this, this.onInputFocus) )
.on('blur', angular.bind(this, this.onInputBlur) );
MdChipsCtrl.prototype.hasFocus = function () {
return this.inputHasFocus || this.selectedChip >= 0;
"use strict";
MdChips.$inject = ["$mdTheming", "$mdUtil", "$compile", "$log", "$timeout", "$$mdSvgRegistry"];angular
.directive('mdChips', MdChips);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdChips
* @module material.components.chips
* @description
* `<md-chips>` is an input component for building lists of strings or objects. The list items are
* displayed as 'chips'. This component can make use of an `<input>` element or an
* `<md-autocomplete>` element.
* ### Custom templates
* A custom template may be provided to render the content of each chip. This is achieved by
* specifying an `<md-chip-template>` element containing the custom content as a child of
* `<md-chips>`.
* Note: Any attributes on
* `<md-chip-template>` will be dropped as only the innerHTML is used for the chip template. The
* variables `$chip` and `$index` are available in the scope of `<md-chip-template>`, representing
* the chip object and its index in the list of chips, respectively.
* To override the chip delete control, include an element (ideally a button) with the attribute
* `md-chip-remove`. A click listener to remove the chip will be added automatically. The element
* is also placed as a sibling to the chip content (on which there are also click listeners) to
* avoid a nested ng-click situation.
* <h3> Pending Features </h3>
* <ul style="padding-left:20px;">
* <ul>Style
* <li>Colours for hover, press states (ripple?).</li>
* </ul>
* <ul>Validation
* <li>allow a validation callback</li>
* <li>hilighting style for invalid chips</li>
* </ul>
* <ul>Item mutation
* <li>Support `
* <md-chip-edit>` template, show/hide the edit element on tap/click? double tap/double
* click?
* </li>
* </ul>
* <ul>Truncation and Disambiguation (?)
* <li>Truncate chip text where possible, but do not truncate entries such that two are
* indistinguishable.</li>
* </ul>
* <ul>Drag and Drop
* <li>Drag and drop chips between related `<md-chips>` elements.
* </li>
* </ul>
* </ul>
* <span style="font-size:.8em;text-align:center">
* Warning: This component is a WORK IN PROGRESS. If you use it now,
* it will probably break on you in the future.
* </span>
* Sometimes developers want to limit the amount of possible chips.<br/>
* You can specify the maximum amount of chips by using the following markup.
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-chips
* ng-model="myItems"
* placeholder="Add an item"
* md-max-chips="5">
* </md-chips>
* </hljs>
* In some cases, you have an autocomplete inside of the `md-chips`.<br/>
* When the maximum amount of chips has been reached, you can also disable the autocomplete selection.<br/>
* Here is an example markup.
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-chips ng-model="myItems" md-max-chips="5">
* <md-autocomplete ng-hide="myItems.length > 5" ...></md-autocomplete>
* </md-chips>
* </hljs>
* @param {string=|object=} ng-model A model to bind the list of items to
* @param {string=} placeholder Placeholder text that will be forwarded to the input.
* @param {string=} secondary-placeholder Placeholder text that will be forwarded to the input,
* displayed when there is at least one item in the list
* @param {boolean=} md-removable Enables or disables the deletion of chips through the
* removal icon or the Delete/Backspace key. Defaults to true.
* @param {boolean=} readonly Disables list manipulation (deleting or adding list items), hiding
* the input and delete buttons. If no `ng-model` is provided, the chips will automatically be
* marked as readonly.<br/><br/>
* When `md-removable` is not defined, the `md-remove` behavior will be overwritten and disabled.
* @param {string=} md-enable-chip-edit Set this to "true" to enable editing of chip contents. The user can
* go into edit mode with pressing "space", "enter", or double clicking on the chip. Chip edit is only
* supported for chips with basic template.
* @param {number=} md-max-chips The maximum number of chips allowed to add through user input.
* <br/><br/>The validation property `md-max-chips` can be used when the max chips
* amount is reached.
* @param {boolean=} md-add-on-blur When set to true, remaining text inside of the input will
* be converted into a new chip on blur.
* @param {expression} md-transform-chip An expression of form `myFunction($chip)` that when called
* expects one of the following return values:
* - an object representing the `$chip` input string
* - `undefined` to simply add the `$chip` input string, or
* - `null` to prevent the chip from being appended
* @param {expression=} md-on-add An expression which will be called when a chip has been
* added.
* @param {expression=} md-on-remove An expression which will be called when a chip has been
* removed.
* @param {expression=} md-on-select An expression which will be called when a chip is selected.
* @param {boolean} md-require-match If true, and the chips template contains an autocomplete,
* only allow selection of pre-defined chips (i.e. you cannot add new ones).
* @param {string=} delete-hint A string read by screen readers instructing users that pressing
* the delete key will remove the chip.
* @param {string=} delete-button-label A label for the delete button. Also hidden and read by
* screen readers.
* @param {expression=} md-separator-keys An array of key codes used to separate chips.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-chips
* ng-model="myItems"
* placeholder="Add an item"
* readonly="isReadOnly">
* </md-chips>
* </hljs>
* <h3>Validation</h3>
* When using [ngMessages](, you can show errors based
* on our custom validators.
* <hljs lang="html">
* <form name="userForm">
* <md-chips
* name="fruits"
* ng-model="myItems"
* placeholder="Add an item"
* md-max-chips="5">
* </md-chips>
* <div ng-messages="userForm.fruits.$error" ng-if="userForm.$dirty">
* <div ng-message="md-max-chips">You reached the maximum amount of chips</div>
* </div>
* </form>
* </hljs>
ng-class="{ \'md-focused\': $mdChipsCtrl.hasFocus(), \
\'md-readonly\': !$mdChipsCtrl.ngModelCtrl || $mdChipsCtrl.readonly,\
\'md-removable\': $mdChipsCtrl.isRemovable() }"\
<md-chip ng-repeat="$chip in $mdChipsCtrl.items"\
ng-class="{\'md-focused\': $mdChipsCtrl.selectedChip == $index, \'md-readonly\': !$mdChipsCtrl.ngModelCtrl || $mdChipsCtrl.readonly}">\
<div class="md-chip-content"\
ng-click="!$mdChipsCtrl.readonly && $mdChipsCtrl.focusChip($index)"\
ng-focus="!$mdChipsCtrl.readonly && $mdChipsCtrl.selectChip($index)"\
<div ng-if="$mdChipsCtrl.isRemovable()"\
<div class="md-chip-input-container" ng-if="!$mdChipsCtrl.readonly && $mdChipsCtrl.ngModelCtrl">\
<div md-chip-transclude="$mdChipsCtrl.chipInputTemplate"></div>\
<md-icon md-svg-src="{{ $mdChipsCtrl.mdCloseIcon }}"></md-icon>\
<span class="md-visually-hidden">\
* MDChips Directive Definition
function MdChips ($mdTheming, $mdUtil, $compile, $log, $timeout, $$mdSvgRegistry) {
// Run our templates through $mdUtil.processTemplate() to allow custom start/end symbols
var templates = getTemplates();
return {
template: function(element, attrs) {
// Clone the element into an attribute. By prepending the attribute
// name with '$', Angular won't write it into the DOM. The cloned
// element propagates to the link function via the attrs argument,
// where various contained-elements can be consumed.
attrs['$mdUserTemplate'] = element.clone();
return templates.chips;
require: ['mdChips'],
restrict: 'E',
controller: 'MdChipsCtrl',
controllerAs: '$mdChipsCtrl',
bindToController: true,
compile: compile,
scope: {
readonly: '=readonly',
removable: '=mdRemovable',
placeholder: '@',
secondaryPlaceholder: '@',
maxChips: '@mdMaxChips',
transformChip: '&mdTransformChip',
onAppend: '&mdOnAppend',
onAdd: '&mdOnAdd',
onRemove: '&mdOnRemove',
onSelect: '&mdOnSelect',
deleteHint: '@',
deleteButtonLabel: '@',
separatorKeys: '=?mdSeparatorKeys',
requireMatch: '=?mdRequireMatch'
* Builds the final template for `md-chips` and returns the postLink function.
* Building the template involves 3 key components:
* static chips
* chip template
* input control
* If no `ng-model` is provided, only the static chip work needs to be done.
* If no user-passed `md-chip-template` exists, the default template is used. This resulting
* template is appended to the chip content element.
* The remove button may be overridden by passing an element with an md-chip-remove attribute.
* If an `input` or `md-autocomplete` element is provided by the caller, it is set aside for
* transclusion later. The transclusion happens in `postLink` as the parent scope is required.
* If no user input is provided, a default one is appended to the input container node in the
* template.
* Static Chips (i.e. `md-chip` elements passed from the caller) are gathered and set aside for
* transclusion in the `postLink` function.
* @param element
* @param attr
* @returns {Function}
function compile(element, attr) {
// Grab the user template from attr and reset the attribute to null.
var userTemplate = attr['$mdUserTemplate'];
attr['$mdUserTemplate'] = null;
var chipTemplate = getTemplateByQuery('md-chips>md-chip-template');
var chipRemoveSelector = $mdUtil
.map(function(attr) {
return 'md-chips>*[' + attr + ']';
// Set the chip remove, chip contents and chip input templates. The link function will put
// them on the scope for transclusion later.
var chipRemoveTemplate = getTemplateByQuery(chipRemoveSelector) || templates.remove,
chipContentsTemplate = chipTemplate || templates.default,
chipInputTemplate = getTemplateByQuery('md-chips>md-autocomplete')
|| getTemplateByQuery('md-chips>input')
|| templates.input,
staticChips = userTemplate.find('md-chip');
// Warn of malformed template. See #2545
if (userTemplate[0].querySelector('md-chip-template>*[md-chip-remove]')) {
$log.warn('invalid placement of md-chip-remove within md-chip-template.');
function getTemplateByQuery (query) {
if (!attr.ngModel) return;
var element = userTemplate[0].querySelector(query);
return element && element.outerHTML;
* Configures controller and transcludes.
return function postLink(scope, element, attrs, controllers) {
$mdUtil.initOptionalProperties(scope, attr);
var mdChipsCtrl = controllers[0];
if(chipTemplate) {
// Chip editing functionality assumes we are using the default chip template.
mdChipsCtrl.enableChipEdit = false;
mdChipsCtrl.chipContentsTemplate = chipContentsTemplate;
mdChipsCtrl.chipRemoveTemplate = chipRemoveTemplate;
mdChipsCtrl.chipInputTemplate = chipInputTemplate;
mdChipsCtrl.mdCloseIcon = $$mdSvgRegistry.mdClose;
.attr({ 'aria-hidden': true, tabindex: -1 })
.on('focus', function () { mdChipsCtrl.onFocus(); });
if (attr.ngModel) {
// If an `md-transform-chip` attribute was set, tell the controller to use the expression
// before appending chips.
if (attrs.mdTransformChip) mdChipsCtrl.useTransformChipExpression();
// If an `md-on-append` attribute was set, tell the controller to use the expression
// when appending chips.
// DEPRECATED: Will remove in official 1.0 release
if (attrs.mdOnAppend) mdChipsCtrl.useOnAppendExpression();
// If an `md-on-add` attribute was set, tell the controller to use the expression
// when adding chips.
if (attrs.mdOnAdd) mdChipsCtrl.useOnAddExpression();
// If an `md-on-remove` attribute was set, tell the controller to use the expression
// when removing chips.
if (attrs.mdOnRemove) mdChipsCtrl.useOnRemoveExpression();
// If an `md-on-select` attribute was set, tell the controller to use the expression
// when selecting chips.
if (attrs.mdOnSelect) mdChipsCtrl.useOnSelectExpression();
// The md-autocomplete and input elements won't be compiled until after this directive
// is complete (due to their nested nature). Wait a tick before looking for them to
// configure the controller.
if (chipInputTemplate != templates.input) {
// The autocomplete will not appear until the readonly attribute is not true (i.e.
// false or undefined), so we have to watch the readonly and then on the next tick
// after the chip transclusion has run, we can configure the autocomplete and user
// input.
scope.$watch('$mdChipsCtrl.readonly', function(readonly) {
if (!readonly) {
if (chipInputTemplate.indexOf('<md-autocomplete') === 0) {
var autocompleteEl = element.find('md-autocomplete');
// At the next tick, if we find an input, make sure it has the md-input class
$mdUtil.nextTick(function() {
var input = element.find('input');
input && input.toggleClass('md-input', true);
// Compile with the parent's scope and prepend any static chips to the wrapper.
if (staticChips.length > 0) {
var compiledStaticChips = $compile(staticChips.clone())(scope.$parent);
$timeout(function() { element.find('md-chips-wrap').prepend(compiledStaticChips); });
function getTemplates() {
return {
chips: $mdUtil.processTemplate(MD_CHIPS_TEMPLATE),
input: $mdUtil.processTemplate(CHIP_INPUT_TEMPLATE),
default: $mdUtil.processTemplate(CHIP_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE),
remove: $mdUtil.processTemplate(CHIP_REMOVE_TEMPLATE)
"use strict";
.controller('MdContactChipsCtrl', MdContactChipsCtrl);
* Controller for the MdContactChips component
* @constructor
function MdContactChipsCtrl () {
/** @type {Object} */
this.selectedItem = null;
/** @type {string} */
this.searchText = '';
MdContactChipsCtrl.prototype.queryContact = function(searchText) {
var results = this.contactQuery({'$query': searchText});
return this.filterSelected ?
results.filter(angular.bind(this, this.filterSelectedContacts)) : results;
MdContactChipsCtrl.prototype.itemName = function(item) {
return item[this.contactName];
MdContactChipsCtrl.prototype.filterSelectedContacts = function(contact) {
return this.contacts.indexOf(contact) == -1;
"use strict";
MdContactChips.$inject = ["$mdTheming", "$mdUtil"];angular
.directive('mdContactChips', MdContactChips);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdContactChips
* @module material.components.chips
* @description
* `<md-contact-chips>` is an input component based on `md-chips` and makes use of an
* `md-autocomplete` element. The component allows the caller to supply a query expression which
* returns a list of possible contacts. The user can select one of these and add it to the list of
* chips.
* You may also use the `md-highlight-text` directive along with its parameters to control the
* appearance of the matched text inside of the contacts' autocomplete popup.
* @param {string=|object=} ng-model A model to bind the list of items to
* @param {string=} placeholder Placeholder text that will be forwarded to the input.
* @param {string=} secondary-placeholder Placeholder text that will be forwarded to the input,
* displayed when there is at least on item in the list
* @param {expression} md-contacts An expression expected to return contacts matching the search
* test, `$query`. If this expression involves a promise, a loading bar is displayed while
* waiting for it to resolve.
* @param {string} md-contact-name The field name of the contact object representing the
* contact's name.
* @param {string} md-contact-email The field name of the contact object representing the
* contact's email address.
* @param {string} md-contact-image The field name of the contact object representing the
* contact's image.
* @param {expression=} filter-selected Whether to filter selected contacts from the list of
* suggestions shown in the autocomplete. This attribute has been removed but may come back.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-contact-chips
* ng-model="ctrl.contacts"
* md-contacts="ctrl.querySearch($query)"
* md-contact-name="name"
* md-contact-image="image"
* md-contact-email="email"
* placeholder="To">
* </md-contact-chips>
* </hljs>
<md-chips class="md-contact-chips"\
md-items="item in $mdContactChipsCtrl.queryContact($mdContactChipsCtrl.searchText)"\
placeholder="{{$mdContactChipsCtrl.contacts.length == 0 ?\
$mdContactChipsCtrl.placeholder : $mdContactChipsCtrl.secondaryPlaceholder}}">\
<div class="md-contact-suggestion">\
<img \
ng-if="item[$mdContactChipsCtrl.contactImage]" />\
<span class="md-contact-name" md-highlight-text="$mdContactChipsCtrl.searchText"\
<span class="md-contact-email" >{{item[$mdContactChipsCtrl.contactEmail]}}</span>\
<div class="md-contact-avatar">\
<img \
ng-if="$chip[$mdContactChipsCtrl.contactImage]" />\
<div class="md-contact-name">\
* MDContactChips Directive Definition
* @param $mdTheming
* @returns {*}
* @ngInject
function MdContactChips($mdTheming, $mdUtil) {
return {
template: function(element, attrs) {
restrict: 'E',
controller: 'MdContactChipsCtrl',
controllerAs: '$mdContactChipsCtrl',
bindToController: true,
compile: compile,
scope: {
contactQuery: '&mdContacts',
placeholder: '@',
secondaryPlaceholder: '@',
contactName: '@mdContactName',
contactImage: '@mdContactImage',
contactEmail: '@mdContactEmail',
contacts: '=ngModel',
requireMatch: '=?mdRequireMatch',
highlightFlags: '@?mdHighlightFlags'
function compile(element, attr) {
return function postLink(scope, element, attrs, controllers) {
$mdUtil.initOptionalProperties(scope, attr);
element.attr('tabindex', '-1');
"use strict";
(function() {
'use strict';
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdCalendar
* @module material.components.datepicker
* @param {Date} ng-model The component's model. Should be a Date object.
* @param {Date=} md-min-date Expression representing the minimum date.
* @param {Date=} md-max-date Expression representing the maximum date.
* @param {(function(Date): boolean)=} md-date-filter Function expecting a date and returning a boolean whether it can be selected or not.
* @description
* `<md-calendar>` is a component that renders a calendar that can be used to select a date.
* It is a part of the `<md-datepicker` pane, however it can also be used on it's own.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-calendar ng-model="birthday"></md-calendar>
* </hljs>
CalendarCtrl.$inject = ["$element", "$scope", "$$mdDateUtil", "$mdUtil", "$mdConstant", "$mdTheming", "$$rAF", "$attrs", "$mdDateLocale"];
.directive('mdCalendar', calendarDirective);
// TODO(jelbourn): Mac Cmd + left / right == Home / End
// TODO(jelbourn): Refactor month element creation to use cloneNode (performance).
// TODO(jelbourn): Define virtual scrolling constants (compactness) users can override.
// TODO(jelbourn): Animated month transition on ng-model change (virtual-repeat)
// TODO(jelbourn): Scroll snapping (virtual repeat)
// TODO(jelbourn): Remove superfluous row from short months (virtual-repeat)
// TODO(jelbourn): Month headers stick to top when scrolling.
// TODO(jelbourn): Previous month opacity is lowered when partially scrolled out of view.
// TODO(jelbourn): Support md-calendar standalone on a page (as a tabstop w/ aria-live
// announcement and key handling).
// Read-only calendar (not just date-picker).
function calendarDirective() {
return {
template: function(tElement, tAttr) {
// TODO(crisbeto): This is a workaround that allows the calendar to work, without
// a datepicker, until issue #8585 gets resolved. It can safely be removed
// afterwards. This ensures that the virtual repeater scrolls to the proper place on load by
// deferring the execution until the next digest. It's necessary only if the calendar is used
// without a datepicker, otherwise it's already wrapped in an ngIf.
var extraAttrs = tAttr.hasOwnProperty('ngIf') ? '' : 'ng-if="calendarCtrl.isInitialized"';
var template = '' +
'<div ng-switch="calendarCtrl.currentView" ' + extraAttrs + '>' +
'<md-calendar-year ng-switch-when="year"></md-calendar-year>' +
'<md-calendar-month ng-switch-default></md-calendar-month>' +
return template;
scope: {
minDate: '=mdMinDate',
maxDate: '=mdMaxDate',
dateFilter: '=mdDateFilter',
_currentView: '@mdCurrentView'
require: ['ngModel', 'mdCalendar'],
controller: CalendarCtrl,
controllerAs: 'calendarCtrl',
bindToController: true,
link: function(scope, element, attrs, controllers) {
var ngModelCtrl = controllers[0];
var mdCalendarCtrl = controllers[1];
* Occasionally the hideVerticalScrollbar method might read an element's
* width as 0, because it hasn't been laid out yet. This value will be used
* as a fallback, in order to prevent scenarios where the element's width
* would otherwise have been set to 0. This value is the "usual" width of a
* calendar within a floating calendar pane.
/** Next identifier for calendar instance. */
var nextUniqueId = 0;
* Controller for the mdCalendar component.
* @ngInject @constructor
function CalendarCtrl($element, $scope, $$mdDateUtil, $mdUtil,
$mdConstant, $mdTheming, $$rAF, $attrs, $mdDateLocale) {
/** @final {!angular.JQLite} */
this.$element = $element;
/** @final {!angular.Scope} */
this.$scope = $scope;
/** @final */
this.dateUtil = $$mdDateUtil;
/** @final */
this.$mdUtil = $mdUtil;
/** @final */
this.keyCode = $mdConstant.KEY_CODE;
/** @final */
this.$$rAF = $$rAF;
/** @final {Date} */ = this.dateUtil.createDateAtMidnight();
/** @type {!angular.NgModelController} */
this.ngModelCtrl = null;
* The currently visible calendar view. Note the prefix on the scope value,
* which is necessary, because the datepicker seems to reset the real one value if the
* calendar is open, but the value on the datepicker's scope is empty.
* @type {String}
this.currentView = this._currentView || 'month';
/** @type {String} Class applied to the selected date cell. */
this.SELECTED_DATE_CLASS = 'md-calendar-selected-date';
/** @type {String} Class applied to the cell for today. */
this.TODAY_CLASS = 'md-calendar-date-today';
/** @type {String} Class applied to the focused cell. */
this.FOCUSED_DATE_CLASS = 'md-focus';
/** @final {number} Unique ID for this calendar instance. */ = nextUniqueId++;
* The date that is currently focused or showing in the calendar. This will initially be set
* to the ng-model value if set, otherwise to today. It will be updated as the user navigates
* to other months. The cell corresponding to the displayDate does not necesarily always have
* focus in the document (such as for cases when the user is scrolling the calendar).
* @type {Date}
this.displayDate = null;
* The selected date. Keep track of this separately from the ng-model value so that we
* can know, when the ng-model value changes, what the previous value was before it's updated
* in the component's UI.
* @type {Date}
this.selectedDate = null;
* The first date that can be rendered by the calendar. The default is taken
* from the mdDateLocale provider and is limited by the mdMinDate.
* @type {Date}
this.firstRenderableDate = null;
* The last date that can be rendered by the calendar. The default comes
* from the mdDateLocale provider and is limited by the maxDate.
* @type {Date}
this.lastRenderableDate = null;
* Used to toggle initialize the root element in the next digest.
* @type {Boolean}
this.isInitialized = false;
* Cache for the width of the element without a scrollbar. Used to hide the scrollbar later on
* and to avoid extra reflows when switching between views.
* @type {Number}
this.width = 0;
* Caches the width of the scrollbar in order to be used when hiding it and to avoid extra reflows.
* @type {Number}
this.scrollbarWidth = 0;
// Unless the user specifies so, the calendar should not be a tab stop.
// This is necessary because ngAria might add a tabindex to anything with an ng-model
// (based on whether or not the user has turned that particular feature on/off).
if (!$attrs.tabindex) {
$element.attr('tabindex', '-1');
var boundKeyHandler = angular.bind(this, this.handleKeyEvent);
// Bind the keydown handler to the body, in order to handle cases where the focused
// element gets removed from the DOM and stops propagating click events.
angular.element(document.body).on('keydown', boundKeyHandler);
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
angular.element(document.body).off('keydown', boundKeyHandler);
if (this.minDate && this.minDate > $mdDateLocale.firstRenderableDate) {
this.firstRenderableDate = this.minDate;
} else {
this.firstRenderableDate = $mdDateLocale.firstRenderableDate;
if (this.maxDate && this.maxDate < $mdDateLocale.lastRenderableDate) {
this.lastRenderableDate = this.maxDate;
} else {
this.lastRenderableDate = $mdDateLocale.lastRenderableDate;
* Sets up the controller's reference to ngModelController.
* @param {!angular.NgModelController} ngModelCtrl
CalendarCtrl.prototype.configureNgModel = function(ngModelCtrl) {
var self = this;
self.ngModelCtrl = ngModelCtrl;
self.$mdUtil.nextTick(function() {
self.isInitialized = true;
ngModelCtrl.$render = function() {
var value = this.$viewValue;
// Notify the child scopes of any changes.
self.$scope.$broadcast('md-calendar-parent-changed', value);
// Set up the selectedDate if it hasn't been already.
if (!self.selectedDate) {
self.selectedDate = value;
// Also set up the displayDate.
if (!self.displayDate) {
self.displayDate = self.selectedDate ||;
* Sets the ng-model value for the calendar and emits a change event.
* @param {Date} date
CalendarCtrl.prototype.setNgModelValue = function(date) {
var value = this.dateUtil.createDateAtMidnight(date);
this.$scope.$emit('md-calendar-change', value);
return value;
* Sets the current view that should be visible in the calendar
* @param {string} newView View name to be set.
* @param {number|Date} time Date object or a timestamp for the new display date.
CalendarCtrl.prototype.setCurrentView = function(newView, time) {
var self = this;
self.$mdUtil.nextTick(function() {
self.currentView = newView;
if (time) {
self.displayDate = angular.isDate(time) ? time : new Date(time);
* Focus the cell corresponding to the given date.
* @param {Date} date The date to be focused.
CalendarCtrl.prototype.focus = function(date) {
if (this.dateUtil.isValidDate(date)) {
var previousFocus = this.$element[0].querySelector('.md-focus');
if (previousFocus) {
var cellId = this.getDateId(date, this.currentView);
var cell = document.getElementById(cellId);
if (cell) {
this.displayDate = date;
} else {
var rootElement = this.$element[0].querySelector('[ng-switch]');
if (rootElement) {
* Normalizes the key event into an action name. The action will be broadcast
* to the child controllers.
* @param {KeyboardEvent} event
* @returns {String} The action that should be taken, or null if the key
* does not match a calendar shortcut.
CalendarCtrl.prototype.getActionFromKeyEvent = function(event) {
var keyCode = this.keyCode;
switch (event.which) {
case keyCode.ENTER: return 'select';
case keyCode.RIGHT_ARROW: return 'move-right';
case keyCode.LEFT_ARROW: return 'move-left';
// TODO(crisbeto): Might want to reconsider using metaKey, because it maps
// to the "Windows" key on PC, which opens the start menu or resizes the browser.
case keyCode.DOWN_ARROW: return event.metaKey ? 'move-page-down' : 'move-row-down';
case keyCode.UP_ARROW: return event.metaKey ? 'move-page-up' : 'move-row-up';
case keyCode.PAGE_DOWN: return 'move-page-down';
case keyCode.PAGE_UP: return 'move-page-up';
case keyCode.HOME: return 'start';
case keyCode.END: return 'end';
default: return null;
* Handles a key event in the calendar with the appropriate action. The action will either
* be to select the focused date or to navigate to focus a new date.
* @param {KeyboardEvent} event
CalendarCtrl.prototype.handleKeyEvent = function(event) {
var self = this;
this.$scope.$apply(function() {
// Capture escape and emit back up so that a wrapping component
// (such as a date-picker) can decide to close.
if (event.which == self.keyCode.ESCAPE || event.which == self.keyCode.TAB) {
if (event.which == self.keyCode.TAB) {
// Broadcast the action that any child controllers should take.
var action = self.getActionFromKeyEvent(event);
if (action) {
self.$scope.$broadcast('md-calendar-parent-action', action);
* Hides the vertical scrollbar on the calendar scroller of a child controller by
* setting the width on the calendar scroller and the `overflow: hidden` wrapper
* around the scroller, and then setting a padding-right on the scroller equal
* to the width of the browser's scrollbar.
* This will cause a reflow.
* @param {object} childCtrl The child controller whose scrollbar should be hidden.
CalendarCtrl.prototype.hideVerticalScrollbar = function(childCtrl) {
var self = this;
var element = childCtrl.$element[0];
var scrollMask = element.querySelector('.md-calendar-scroll-mask');
if (self.width > 0) {
} else {
self.$$rAF(function() {
var scroller = childCtrl.calendarScroller;
self.scrollbarWidth = scroller.offsetWidth - scroller.clientWidth;
self.width = element.querySelector('table').offsetWidth;
function setWidth() {
var width = self.width || FALLBACK_WIDTH;
var scrollbarWidth = self.scrollbarWidth;
var scroller = childCtrl.calendarScroller; = width + 'px'; = (width + scrollbarWidth) + 'px'; = scrollbarWidth + 'px';
* Gets an identifier for a date unique to the calendar instance for internal
* purposes. Not to be displayed.
* @param {Date} date The date for which the id is being generated
* @param {string} namespace Namespace for the id. (month, year etc.)
* @returns {string}
CalendarCtrl.prototype.getDateId = function(date, namespace) {
if (!namespace) {
throw new Error('A namespace for the date id has to be specified.');
return [
* Util to trigger an extra digest on a parent scope, in order to to ensure that
* any child virtual repeaters have updated. This is necessary, because the virtual
* repeater doesn't update the $index the first time around since the content isn't
* in place yet. The case, in which this is an issue, is when the repeater has less
* than a page of content (e.g. a month or year view has a min or max date).
CalendarCtrl.prototype.updateVirtualRepeat = function() {
var scope = this.$scope;
var virtualRepeatResizeListener = scope.$on('$md-resize-enable', function() {
if (!scope.$$phase) {
"use strict";
(function() {
'use strict';
CalendarMonthCtrl.$inject = ["$element", "$scope", "$animate", "$q", "$$mdDateUtil", "$mdDateLocale"];
.directive('mdCalendarMonth', calendarDirective);
* Height of one calendar month tbody. This must be made known to the virtual-repeat and is
* subsequently used for scrolling to specific months.
var TBODY_HEIGHT = 265;
* Height of a calendar month with a single row. This is needed to calculate the offset for
* rendering an extra month in virtual-repeat that only contains one row.
/** Private directive that represents a list of months inside the calendar. */
function calendarDirective() {
return {
'<table aria-hidden="true" class="md-calendar-day-header"><thead></thead></table>' +
'<div class="md-calendar-scroll-mask">' +
'<md-virtual-repeat-container class="md-calendar-scroll-container" ' +
'md-offset-size="' + (TBODY_SINGLE_ROW_HEIGHT - TBODY_HEIGHT) + '">' +
'<table role="grid" tabindex="0" class="md-calendar" aria-readonly="true">' +
'<tbody ' +
'md-calendar-month-body ' +
'role="rowgroup" ' +
'md-virtual-repeat="i in monthCtrl.items" ' +
'md-month-offset="$index" ' +
'class="md-calendar-month" ' +
'md-start-index="monthCtrl.getSelectedMonthIndex()" ' +
'md-item-size="' + TBODY_HEIGHT + '"></tbody>' +
'</table>' +
'</md-virtual-repeat-container>' +
require: ['^^mdCalendar', 'mdCalendarMonth'],
controller: CalendarMonthCtrl,
controllerAs: 'monthCtrl',
bindToController: true,
link: function(scope, element, attrs, controllers) {
var calendarCtrl = controllers[0];
var monthCtrl = controllers[1];
* Controller for the calendar month component.
* @ngInject @constructor
function CalendarMonthCtrl($element, $scope, $animate, $q,
$$mdDateUtil, $mdDateLocale) {
/** @final {!angular.JQLite} */
this.$element = $element;
/** @final {!angular.Scope} */
this.$scope = $scope;
/** @final {!angular.$animate} */
this.$animate = $animate;
/** @final {!angular.$q} */
this.$q = $q;
/** @final */
this.dateUtil = $$mdDateUtil;
/** @final */
this.dateLocale = $mdDateLocale;
/** @final {HTMLElement} */
this.calendarScroller = $element[0].querySelector('.md-virtual-repeat-scroller');
/** @type {boolean} */
this.isInitialized = false;
/** @type {boolean} */
this.isMonthTransitionInProgress = false;
var self = this;
* Handles a click event on a date cell.
* Created here so that every cell can use the same function instance.
* @this {HTMLTableCellElement} The cell that was clicked.
this.cellClickHandler = function() {
var timestamp = $$mdDateUtil.getTimestampFromNode(this);
self.$scope.$apply(function() {
* Handles click events on the month headers. Switches
* the calendar to the year view.
* @this {HTMLTableCellElement} The cell that was clicked.
this.headerClickHandler = function() {
self.calendarCtrl.setCurrentView('year', $$mdDateUtil.getTimestampFromNode(this));
/*** Initialization ***/
* Initialize the controller by saving a reference to the calendar and
* setting up the object that will be iterated by the virtual repeater.
CalendarMonthCtrl.prototype.initialize = function(calendarCtrl) {
* Dummy array-like object for virtual-repeat to iterate over. The length is the total
* number of months that can be viewed. We add 2 months: one to include the current month
* and one for the last dummy month.
* This is shorter than ideal because of a (potential) Firefox bug
this.items = {
length: this.dateUtil.getMonthDistance(
) + 2
this.calendarCtrl = calendarCtrl;
// Fire the initial render, since we might have missed it the first time it fired.
calendarCtrl.ngModelCtrl && calendarCtrl.ngModelCtrl.$render();
* Gets the "index" of the currently selected date as it would be in the virtual-repeat.
* @returns {number}
CalendarMonthCtrl.prototype.getSelectedMonthIndex = function() {
var calendarCtrl = this.calendarCtrl;
return this.dateUtil.getMonthDistance(
calendarCtrl.displayDate || calendarCtrl.selectedDate ||
* Change the selected date in the calendar (ngModel value has already been changed).
* @param {Date} date
CalendarMonthCtrl.prototype.changeSelectedDate = function(date) {
var self = this;
var calendarCtrl = self.calendarCtrl;
var previousSelectedDate = calendarCtrl.selectedDate;
calendarCtrl.selectedDate = date;
this.changeDisplayDate(date).then(function() {
var selectedDateClass = calendarCtrl.SELECTED_DATE_CLASS;
var namespace = 'month';
// Remove the selected class from the previously selected date, if any.
if (previousSelectedDate) {
var prevDateCell = document.getElementById(calendarCtrl.getDateId(previousSelectedDate, namespace));
if (prevDateCell) {
prevDateCell.setAttribute('aria-selected', 'false');
// Apply the select class to the new selected date if it is set.
if (date) {
var dateCell = document.getElementById(calendarCtrl.getDateId(date, namespace));
if (dateCell) {
dateCell.setAttribute('aria-selected', 'true');
* Change the date that is being shown in the calendar. If the given date is in a different
* month, the displayed month will be transitioned.
* @param {Date} date
CalendarMonthCtrl.prototype.changeDisplayDate = function(date) {
// Initialization is deferred until this function is called because we want to reflect
// the starting value of ngModel.
if (!this.isInitialized) {
this.isInitialized = true;
return this.$q.when();
// If trying to show an invalid date or a transition is in progress, do nothing.
if (!this.dateUtil.isValidDate(date) || this.isMonthTransitionInProgress) {
return this.$q.when();
this.isMonthTransitionInProgress = true;
var animationPromise = this.animateDateChange(date);
this.calendarCtrl.displayDate = date;
var self = this;
animationPromise.then(function() {
self.isMonthTransitionInProgress = false;
return animationPromise;
* Animates the transition from the calendar's current month to the given month.
* @param {Date} date
* @returns {angular.$q.Promise} The animation promise.
CalendarMonthCtrl.prototype.animateDateChange = function(date) {
if (this.dateUtil.isValidDate(date)) {
var monthDistance = this.dateUtil.getMonthDistance(this.calendarCtrl.firstRenderableDate, date);
this.calendarScroller.scrollTop = monthDistance * TBODY_HEIGHT;
return this.$q.when();
* Builds and appends a day-of-the-week header to the calendar.
* This should only need to be called once during initialization.
CalendarMonthCtrl.prototype.buildWeekHeader = function() {
var firstDayOfWeek = this.dateLocale.firstDayOfWeek;
var shortDays = this.dateLocale.shortDays;
var row = document.createElement('tr');
for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
var th = document.createElement('th');
th.textContent = shortDays[(i + firstDayOfWeek) % 7];
* Attaches listeners for the scope events that are broadcast by the calendar.
CalendarMonthCtrl.prototype.attachScopeListeners = function() {
var self = this;
self.$scope.$on('md-calendar-parent-changed', function(event, value) {
self.$scope.$on('md-calendar-parent-action', angular.bind(this, this.handleKeyEvent));
* Handles the month-specific keyboard interactions.
* @param {Object} event Scope event object passed by the calendar.
* @param {String} action Action, corresponding to the key that was pressed.
CalendarMonthCtrl.prototype.handleKeyEvent = function(event, action) {
var calendarCtrl = this.calendarCtrl;
var displayDate = calendarCtrl.displayDate;
if (action === 'select') {
} else {
var date = null;
var dateUtil = this.dateUtil;
switch (action) {
case 'move-right': date = dateUtil.incrementDays(displayDate, 1); break;
case 'move-left': date = dateUtil.incrementDays(displayDate, -1); break;
case 'move-page-down': date = dateUtil.incrementMonths(displayDate, 1); break;
case 'move-page-up': date = dateUtil.incrementMonths(displayDate, -1); break;
case 'move-row-down': date = dateUtil.incrementDays(displayDate, 7); break;
case 'move-row-up': date = dateUtil.incrementDays(displayDate, -7); break;
case 'start': date = dateUtil.getFirstDateOfMonth(displayDate); break;
case 'end': date = dateUtil.getLastDateOfMonth(displayDate); break;
if (date) {
date = this.dateUtil.clampDate(date, calendarCtrl.minDate, calendarCtrl.maxDate);
this.changeDisplayDate(date).then(function() {
"use strict";
(function() {
'use strict';
mdCalendarMonthBodyDirective.$inject = ["$compile", "$$mdSvgRegistry"];
CalendarMonthBodyCtrl.$inject = ["$element", "$$mdDateUtil", "$mdDateLocale"];
.directive('mdCalendarMonthBody', mdCalendarMonthBodyDirective);
* Private directive consumed by md-calendar-month. Having this directive lets the calender use
* md-virtual-repeat and also cleanly separates the month DOM construction functions from
* the rest of the calendar controller logic.
* @ngInject
function mdCalendarMonthBodyDirective($compile, $$mdSvgRegistry) {
var ARROW_ICON = $compile('<md-icon md-svg-src="' +
$$mdSvgRegistry.mdTabsArrow + '"></md-icon>')({})[0];
return {
require: ['^^mdCalendar', '^^mdCalendarMonth', 'mdCalendarMonthBody'],
scope: { offset: '=mdMonthOffset' },
controller: CalendarMonthBodyCtrl,
controllerAs: 'mdMonthBodyCtrl',
bindToController: true,
link: function(scope, element, attrs, controllers) {
var calendarCtrl = controllers[0];
var monthCtrl = controllers[1];
var monthBodyCtrl = controllers[2];
monthBodyCtrl.calendarCtrl = calendarCtrl;
monthBodyCtrl.monthCtrl = monthCtrl;
monthBodyCtrl.arrowIcon = ARROW_ICON.cloneNode(true);
// The virtual-repeat re-uses the same DOM elements, so there are only a limited number
// of repeated items that are linked, and then those elements have their bindings updated.
// Since the months are not generated by bindings, we simply regenerate the entire thing
// when the binding (offset) changes.
scope.$watch(function() { return monthBodyCtrl.offset; }, function(offset, oldOffset) {
if (offset !== oldOffset) {
* Controller for a single calendar month.
* @ngInject @constructor
function CalendarMonthBodyCtrl($element, $$mdDateUtil, $mdDateLocale) {
/** @final {!angular.JQLite} */
this.$element = $element;
/** @final */
this.dateUtil = $$mdDateUtil;
/** @final */
this.dateLocale = $mdDateLocale;
/** @type {Object} Reference to the month view. */
this.monthCtrl = null;
/** @type {Object} Reference to the calendar. */
this.calendarCtrl = null;
* Number of months from the start of the month "items" that the currently rendered month
* occurs. Set via angular data binding.
* @type {number}
this.offset = null;
* Date cell to focus after appending the month to the document.
* @type {HTMLElement}
this.focusAfterAppend = null;
/** Generate and append the content for this month to the directive element. */
CalendarMonthBodyCtrl.prototype.generateContent = function() {
var date = this.dateUtil.incrementMonths(this.calendarCtrl.firstRenderableDate, this.offset);
if (this.focusAfterAppend) {
this.focusAfterAppend = null;
* Creates a single cell to contain a date in the calendar with all appropriate
* attributes and classes added. If a date is given, the cell content will be set
* based on the date.
* @param {Date=} opt_date
* @returns {HTMLElement}
CalendarMonthBodyCtrl.prototype.buildDateCell = function(opt_date) {
var monthCtrl = this.monthCtrl;
var calendarCtrl = this.calendarCtrl;
// TODO(jelbourn): cloneNode is likely a faster way of doing this.
var cell = document.createElement('td');
cell.tabIndex = -1;
cell.setAttribute('role', 'gridcell');
if (opt_date) {
cell.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1');
cell.setAttribute('aria-label', this.dateLocale.longDateFormatter(opt_date)); = calendarCtrl.getDateId(opt_date, 'month');
// Use `data-timestamp` attribute because IE10 does not support the `dataset` property.
cell.setAttribute('data-timestamp', opt_date.getTime());
// TODO(jelourn): Doing these comparisons for class addition during generation might be slow.
// It may be better to finish the construction and then query the node and add the class.
if (this.dateUtil.isSameDay(opt_date, {
if (this.dateUtil.isValidDate(calendarCtrl.selectedDate) &&
this.dateUtil.isSameDay(opt_date, calendarCtrl.selectedDate)) {
cell.setAttribute('aria-selected', 'true');
var cellText = this.dateLocale.dates[opt_date.getDate()];
if (this.isDateEnabled(opt_date)) {
// Add a indicator for select, hover, and focus states.
var selectionIndicator = document.createElement('span');
selectionIndicator.textContent = cellText;
cell.addEventListener('click', monthCtrl.cellClickHandler);
if (calendarCtrl.displayDate && this.dateUtil.isSameDay(opt_date, calendarCtrl.displayDate)) {
this.focusAfterAppend = cell;
} else {
cell.textContent = cellText;
return cell;
* Check whether date is in range and enabled
* @param {Date=} opt_date
* @return {boolean} Whether the date is enabled.
CalendarMonthBodyCtrl.prototype.isDateEnabled = function(opt_date) {
return this.dateUtil.isDateWithinRange(opt_date,
this.calendarCtrl.minDate, this.calendarCtrl.maxDate) &&
|| this.calendarCtrl.dateFilter(opt_date));
* Builds a `tr` element for the calendar grid.
* @param rowNumber The week number within the month.
* @returns {HTMLElement}
CalendarMonthBodyCtrl.prototype.buildDateRow = function(rowNumber) {
var row = document.createElement('tr');
row.setAttribute('role', 'row');
// Because of an NVDA bug (with Firefox), the row needs an aria-label in order
// to prevent the entire row being read aloud when the user moves between rows.
// See
row.setAttribute('aria-label', this.dateLocale.weekNumberFormatter(rowNumber));
return row;
* Builds the <tbody> content for the given date's month.
* @param {Date=} opt_dateInMonth
* @returns {DocumentFragment} A document fragment containing the <tr> elements.
CalendarMonthBodyCtrl.prototype.buildCalendarForMonth = function(opt_dateInMonth) {
var date = this.dateUtil.isValidDate(opt_dateInMonth) ? opt_dateInMonth : new Date();
var firstDayOfMonth = this.dateUtil.getFirstDateOfMonth(date);
var firstDayOfTheWeek = this.getLocaleDay_(firstDayOfMonth);
var numberOfDaysInMonth = this.dateUtil.getNumberOfDaysInMonth(date);
// Store rows for the month in a document fragment so that we can append them all at once.
var monthBody = document.createDocumentFragment();
var rowNumber = 1;
var row = this.buildDateRow(rowNumber);
// If this is the final month in the list of items, only the first week should render,
// so we should return immediately after the first row is complete and has been
// attached to the body.
var isFinalMonth = this.offset === this.monthCtrl.items.length - 1;
// Add a label for the month. If the month starts on a Sun/Mon/Tues, the month label
// goes on a row above the first of the month. Otherwise, the month label takes up the first
// two cells of the first row.
var blankCellOffset = 0;
var monthLabelCell = document.createElement('td');
var monthLabelCellContent = document.createElement('span');
monthLabelCellContent.textContent = this.dateLocale.monthHeaderFormatter(date);
// If the entire month is after the max date, render the label as a disabled state.
if (this.calendarCtrl.maxDate && firstDayOfMonth > this.calendarCtrl.maxDate) {
} else {
monthLabelCell.addEventListener('click', this.monthCtrl.headerClickHandler);
monthLabelCell.setAttribute('data-timestamp', firstDayOfMonth.getTime());
monthLabelCell.setAttribute('aria-label', this.dateLocale.monthFormatter(date));
if (firstDayOfTheWeek <= 2) {
monthLabelCell.setAttribute('colspan', '7');
var monthLabelRow = this.buildDateRow();
monthBody.insertBefore(monthLabelRow, row);
if (isFinalMonth) {
return monthBody;
} else {
blankCellOffset = 3;
monthLabelCell.setAttribute('colspan', '3');
// Add a blank cell for each day of the week that occurs before the first of the month.
// For example, if the first day of the month is a Tuesday, add blank cells for Sun and Mon.
// The blankCellOffset is needed in cases where the first N cells are used by the month label.
for (var i = blankCellOffset; i < firstDayOfTheWeek; i++) {
// Add a cell for each day of the month, keeping track of the day of the week so that
// we know when to start a new row.
var dayOfWeek = firstDayOfTheWeek;
var iterationDate = firstDayOfMonth;
for (var d = 1; d <= numberOfDaysInMonth; d++) {
// If we've reached the end of the week, start a new row.
if (dayOfWeek === 7) {
// We've finished the first row, so we're done if this is the final month.
if (isFinalMonth) {
return monthBody;
dayOfWeek = 0;
row = this.buildDateRow(rowNumber);
var cell = this.buildDateCell(iterationDate);
// Ensure that the last row of the month has 7 cells.
while (row.childNodes.length < 7) {
// Ensure that all months have 6 rows. This is necessary for now because the virtual-repeat
// requires that all items have exactly the same height.
while (monthBody.childNodes.length < 6) {
var whitespaceRow = this.buildDateRow();
for (var j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
return monthBody;
* Gets the day-of-the-week index for a date for the current locale.
* @private
* @param {Date} date
* @returns {number} The column index of the date in the calendar.
CalendarMonthBodyCtrl.prototype.getLocaleDay_ = function(date) {
return (date.getDay() + (7 - this.dateLocale.firstDayOfWeek)) % 7;
"use strict";
(function() {
'use strict';
CalendarYearCtrl.$inject = ["$element", "$scope", "$animate", "$q", "$$mdDateUtil"];
.directive('mdCalendarYear', calendarDirective);
* Height of one calendar year tbody. This must be made known to the virtual-repeat and is
* subsequently used for scrolling to specific years.
var TBODY_HEIGHT = 88;
/** Private component, representing a list of years in the calendar. */
function calendarDirective() {
return {
'<div class="md-calendar-scroll-mask">' +
'<md-virtual-repeat-container class="md-calendar-scroll-container">' +
'<table role="grid" tabindex="0" class="md-calendar" aria-readonly="true">' +
'<tbody ' +
'md-calendar-year-body ' +
'role="rowgroup" ' +
'md-virtual-repeat="i in yearCtrl.items" ' +
'md-year-offset="$index" class="md-calendar-year" ' +
'md-start-index="yearCtrl.getFocusedYearIndex()" ' +
'md-item-size="' + TBODY_HEIGHT + '"></tbody>' +
'</table>' +
'</md-virtual-repeat-container>' +
require: ['^^mdCalendar', 'mdCalendarYear'],
controller: CalendarYearCtrl,
controllerAs: 'yearCtrl',
bindToController: true,
link: function(scope, element, attrs, controllers) {
var calendarCtrl = controllers[0];
var yearCtrl = controllers[1];
* Controller for the mdCalendar component.
* @ngInject @constructor
function CalendarYearCtrl($element, $scope, $animate, $q, $$mdDateUtil) {
/** @final {!angular.JQLite} */
this.$element = $element;
/** @final {!angular.Scope} */
this.$scope = $scope;
/** @final {!angular.$animate} */
this.$animate = $animate;
/** @final {!angular.$q} */
this.$q = $q;
/** @final */
this.dateUtil = $$mdDateUtil;
/** @final {HTMLElement} */
this.calendarScroller = $element[0].querySelector('.md-virtual-repeat-scroller');
/** @type {boolean} */
this.isInitialized = false;
/** @type {boolean} */
this.isMonthTransitionInProgress = false;
var self = this;
* Handles a click event on a date cell.
* Created here so that every cell can use the same function instance.
* @this {HTMLTableCellElement} The cell that was clicked.
this.cellClickHandler = function() {
self.calendarCtrl.setCurrentView('month', $$mdDateUtil.getTimestampFromNode(this));
* Initialize the controller by saving a reference to the calendar and
* setting up the object that will be iterated by the virtual repeater.
CalendarYearCtrl.prototype.initialize = function(calendarCtrl) {
* Dummy array-like object for virtual-repeat to iterate over. The length is the total
* number of years that can be viewed. We add 1 extra in order to include the current year.
this.items = {
length: this.dateUtil.getYearDistance(
) + 1
this.calendarCtrl = calendarCtrl;
// Fire the initial render, since we might have missed it the first time it fired.
calendarCtrl.ngModelCtrl && calendarCtrl.ngModelCtrl.$render();
* Gets the "index" of the currently selected date as it would be in the virtual-repeat.
* @returns {number}
CalendarYearCtrl.prototype.getFocusedYearIndex = function() {
var calendarCtrl = this.calendarCtrl;
return this.dateUtil.getYearDistance(
calendarCtrl.displayDate || calendarCtrl.selectedDate ||
* Change the date that is highlighted in the calendar.
* @param {Date} date
CalendarYearCtrl.prototype.changeDate = function(date) {
// Initialization is deferred until this function is called because we want to reflect
// the starting value of ngModel.
if (!this.isInitialized) {
this.isInitialized = true;
return this.$q.when();
} else if (this.dateUtil.isValidDate(date) && !this.isMonthTransitionInProgress) {
var self = this;
var animationPromise = this.animateDateChange(date);
self.isMonthTransitionInProgress = true;
self.calendarCtrl.displayDate = date;
return animationPromise.then(function() {
self.isMonthTransitionInProgress = false;
* Animates the transition from the calendar's current month to the given month.
* @param {Date} date
* @returns {angular.$q.Promise} The animation promise.
CalendarYearCtrl.prototype.animateDateChange = function(date) {
if (this.dateUtil.isValidDate(date)) {
var monthDistance = this.dateUtil.getYearDistance(this.calendarCtrl.firstRenderableDate, date);
this.calendarScroller.scrollTop = monthDistance * TBODY_HEIGHT;
return this.$q.when();
* Handles the year-view-specific keyboard interactions.
* @param {Object} event Scope event object passed by the calendar.
* @param {String} action Action, corresponding to the key that was pressed.
CalendarYearCtrl.prototype.handleKeyEvent = function(event, action) {
var calendarCtrl = this.calendarCtrl;
var displayDate = calendarCtrl.displayDate;
if (action === 'select') {
this.changeDate(displayDate).then(function() {
calendarCtrl.setCurrentView('month', displayDate);
} else {
var date = null;
var dateUtil = this.dateUtil;
switch (action) {
case 'move-right': date = dateUtil.incrementMonths(displayDate, 1); break;
case 'move-left': date = dateUtil.incrementMonths(displayDate, -1); break;
case 'move-row-down': date = dateUtil.incrementMonths(displayDate, 6); break;
case 'move-row-up': date = dateUtil.incrementMonths(displayDate, -6); break;
if (date) {
var min = calendarCtrl.minDate ? dateUtil.getFirstDateOfMonth(calendarCtrl.minDate) : null;
var max = calendarCtrl.maxDate ? dateUtil.getFirstDateOfMonth(calendarCtrl.maxDate) : null;
date = dateUtil.getFirstDateOfMonth(this.dateUtil.clampDate(date, min, max));
this.changeDate(date).then(function() {
* Attaches listeners for the scope events that are broadcast by the calendar.
CalendarYearCtrl.prototype.attachScopeListeners = function() {
var self = this;
self.$scope.$on('md-calendar-parent-changed', function(event, value) {
self.$scope.$on('md-calendar-parent-action', angular.bind(self, self.handleKeyEvent));
"use strict";
(function() {
'use strict';
CalendarYearBodyCtrl.$inject = ["$element", "$$mdDateUtil", "$mdDateLocale"];
.directive('mdCalendarYearBody', mdCalendarYearDirective);
* Private component, consumed by the md-calendar-year, which separates the DOM construction logic
* and allows for the year view to use md-virtual-repeat.
function mdCalendarYearDirective() {
return {
require: ['^^mdCalendar', '^^mdCalendarYear', 'mdCalendarYearBody'],
scope: { offset: '=mdYearOffset' },
controller: CalendarYearBodyCtrl,
controllerAs: 'mdYearBodyCtrl',
bindToController: true,
link: function(scope, element, attrs, controllers) {
var calendarCtrl = controllers[0];
var yearCtrl = controllers[1];
var yearBodyCtrl = controllers[2];
yearBodyCtrl.calendarCtrl = calendarCtrl;
yearBodyCtrl.yearCtrl = yearCtrl;
scope.$watch(function() { return yearBodyCtrl.offset; }, function(offset, oldOffset) {
if (offset !== oldOffset) {
* Controller for a single year.
* @ngInject @constructor
function CalendarYearBodyCtrl($element, $$mdDateUtil, $mdDateLocale) {
/** @final {!angular.JQLite} */
this.$element = $element;
/** @final */
this.dateUtil = $$mdDateUtil;
/** @final */
this.dateLocale = $mdDateLocale;
/** @type {Object} Reference to the calendar. */
this.calendarCtrl = null;
/** @type {Object} Reference to the year view. */
this.yearCtrl = null;
* Number of months from the start of the month "items" that the currently rendered month
* occurs. Set via angular data binding.
* @type {number}
this.offset = null;
* Date cell to focus after appending the month to the document.
* @type {HTMLElement}
this.focusAfterAppend = null;
/** Generate and append the content for this year to the directive element. */
CalendarYearBodyCtrl.prototype.generateContent = function() {
var date = this.dateUtil.incrementYears(this.calendarCtrl.firstRenderableDate, this.offset);
if (this.focusAfterAppend) {
this.focusAfterAppend = null;
* Creates a single cell to contain a year in the calendar.
* @param {number} opt_year Four-digit year.
* @param {number} opt_month Zero-indexed month.
* @returns {HTMLElement}
CalendarYearBodyCtrl.prototype.buildMonthCell = function(year, month) {
var calendarCtrl = this.calendarCtrl;
var yearCtrl = this.yearCtrl;
var cell = this.buildBlankCell();
// Represent this month/year as a date.
var firstOfMonth = new Date(year, month, 1);
cell.setAttribute('aria-label', this.dateLocale.monthFormatter(firstOfMonth)); = calendarCtrl.getDateId(firstOfMonth, 'year');
// Use `data-timestamp` attribute because IE10 does not support the `dataset` property.
cell.setAttribute('data-timestamp', firstOfMonth.getTime());
if (this.dateUtil.isSameMonthAndYear(firstOfMonth, {
if (this.dateUtil.isValidDate(calendarCtrl.selectedDate) &&
this.dateUtil.isSameMonthAndYear(firstOfMonth, calendarCtrl.selectedDate)) {
cell.setAttribute('aria-selected', 'true');
var cellText = this.dateLocale.shortMonths[month];
if (this.dateUtil.isMonthWithinRange(firstOfMonth,
calendarCtrl.minDate, calendarCtrl.maxDate)) {
var selectionIndicator = document.createElement('span');
selectionIndicator.textContent = cellText;
cell.addEventListener('click', yearCtrl.cellClickHandler);
if (calendarCtrl.displayDate && this.dateUtil.isSameMonthAndYear(firstOfMonth, calendarCtrl.displayDate)) {
this.focusAfterAppend = cell;
} else {
cell.textContent = cellText;
return cell;
* Builds a blank cell.
* @return {HTMLTableCellElement}
CalendarYearBodyCtrl.prototype.buildBlankCell = function() {
var cell = document.createElement('td');
cell.tabIndex = -1;
cell.setAttribute('role', 'gridcell');
cell.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1');
return cell;
* Builds the <tbody> content for the given year.
* @param {Date} date Date for which the content should be built.
* @returns {DocumentFragment} A document fragment containing the months within the year.
CalendarYearBodyCtrl.prototype.buildCalendarForYear = function(date) {
// Store rows for the month in a document fragment so that we can append them all at once.
var year = date.getFullYear();
var yearBody = document.createDocumentFragment();
var monthCell, i;
// First row contains label and Jan-Jun.
var firstRow = document.createElement('tr');
var labelCell = document.createElement('td');
labelCell.className = 'md-calendar-month-label';
labelCell.textContent = year;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
firstRow.appendChild(this.buildMonthCell(year, i));
// Second row contains a blank cell and Jul-Dec.
var secondRow = document.createElement('tr');
for (i = 6; i < 12; i++) {
secondRow.appendChild(this.buildMonthCell(year, i));
return yearBody;
"use strict";
(function() {
'use strict';
* @ngdoc service
* @name $mdDateLocaleProvider
* @module material.components.datepicker
* @description
* The `$mdDateLocaleProvider` is the provider that creates the `$mdDateLocale` service.
* This provider that allows the user to specify messages, formatters, and parsers for date
* internationalization. The `$mdDateLocale` service itself is consumed by Angular Material
* components that deal with dates.
* @property {(Array<string>)=} months Array of month names (in order).
* @property {(Array<string>)=} shortMonths Array of abbreviated month names.
* @property {(Array<string>)=} days Array of the days of the week (in order).
* @property {(Array<string>)=} shortDays Array of abbreviated dayes of the week.
* @property {(Array<string>)=} dates Array of dates of the month. Only necessary for locales
* using a numeral system other than [1, 2, 3...].
* @property {(Array<string>)=} firstDayOfWeek The first day of the week. Sunday = 0, Monday = 1,
* etc.
* @property {(function(string): Date)=} parseDate Function to parse a date object from a string.
* @property {(function(Date): string)=} formatDate Function to format a date object to a string.
* @property {(function(Date): string)=} monthHeaderFormatter Function that returns the label for
* a month given a date.
* @property {(function(Date): string)=} monthFormatter Function that returns the full name of a month
* for a giben date.
* @property {(function(number): string)=} weekNumberFormatter Function that returns a label for
* a week given the week number.
* @property {(string)=} msgCalendar Translation of the label "Calendar" for the current locale.
* @property {(string)=} msgOpenCalendar Translation of the button label "Open calendar" for the
* current locale.
* @property {Date=} firstRenderableDate The date from which the datepicker calendar will begin
* rendering. Note that this will be ignored if a minimum date is set. Defaults to January 1st 1880.
* @property {Date=} lastRenderableDate The last date that will be rendered by the datepicker
* calendar. Note that this will be ignored if a maximum date is set. Defaults to January 1st 2130.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="js">
* myAppModule.config(function($mdDateLocaleProvider) {
* // Example of a French localization.
* $mdDateLocaleProvider.months = ['janvier', 'février', 'mars', ...];
* $mdDateLocaleProvider.shortMonths = ['janv', 'févr', 'mars', ...];
* $mdDateLocaleProvider.days = ['dimanche', 'lundi', 'mardi', ...];
* $mdDateLocaleProvider.shortDays = ['Di', 'Lu', 'Ma', ...];
* // Can change week display to start on Monday.
* $mdDateLocaleProvider.firstDayOfWeek = 1;
* // Optional.
* $mdDateLocaleProvider.dates = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ...];
* // Example uses moment.js to parse and format dates.
* $mdDateLocaleProvider.parseDate = function(dateString) {
* var m = moment(dateString, 'L', true);
* return m.isValid() ? m.toDate() : new Date(NaN);
* };
* $mdDateLocaleProvider.formatDate = function(date) {
* var m = moment(date);
* return m.isValid() ? m.format('L') : '';
* };
* $mdDateLocaleProvider.monthHeaderFormatter = function(date) {
* return myShortMonths[date.getMonth()] + ' ' + date.getFullYear();
* };
* // In addition to date display, date components also need localized messages
* // for aria-labels for screen-reader users.
* $mdDateLocaleProvider.weekNumberFormatter = function(weekNumber) {
* return 'Semaine ' + weekNumber;
* };
* $mdDateLocaleProvider.msgCalendar = 'Calendrier';
* $mdDateLocaleProvider.msgOpenCalendar = 'Ouvrir le calendrier';
* // You can also set when your calendar begins and ends.
* $mdDateLocaleProvider.firstRenderableDate = new Date(1776, 6, 4);
* $mdDateLocaleProvider.lastRenderableDate = new Date(2012, 11, 21);
* });
* </hljs>
angular.module('material.components.datepicker').config(["$provide", function($provide) {
// TODO(jelbourn): Assert provided values are correctly formatted. Need assertions.
/** @constructor */
function DateLocaleProvider() {
/** Array of full month names. E.g., ['January', 'Febuary', ...] */
this.months = null;
/** Array of abbreviated month names. E.g., ['Jan', 'Feb', ...] */
this.shortMonths = null;
/** Array of full day of the week names. E.g., ['Monday', 'Tuesday', ...] */
this.days = null;
/** Array of abbreviated dat of the week names. E.g., ['M', 'T', ...] */
this.shortDays = null;
/** Array of dates of a month (1 - 31). Characters might be different in some locales. */
this.dates = null;
/** Index of the first day of the week. 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, etc. */
this.firstDayOfWeek = 0;
* Function that converts the date portion of a Date to a string.
* @type {(function(Date): string)}
this.formatDate = null;
* Function that converts a date string to a Date object (the date portion)
* @type {function(string): Date}
this.parseDate = null;
* Function that formats a Date into a month header string.
* @type {function(Date): string}
this.monthHeaderFormatter = null;
* Function that formats a week number into a label for the week.
* @type {function(number): string}
this.weekNumberFormatter = null;
* Function that formats a date into a long aria-label that is read
* when the focused date changes.
* @type {function(Date): string}
this.longDateFormatter = null;
* ARIA label for the calendar "dialog" used in the datepicker.
* @type {string}
this.msgCalendar = '';
* ARIA label for the datepicker's "Open calendar" buttons.
* @type {string}
this.msgOpenCalendar = '';
* Factory function that returns an instance of the dateLocale service.
* @ngInject
* @param $locale
* @returns {DateLocale}
DateLocaleProvider.prototype.$get = function($locale, $filter) {
* Default date-to-string formatting function.
* @param {!Date} date
* @returns {string}
function defaultFormatDate(date) {
if (!date) {
return '';
// All of the dates created through ng-material *should* be set to midnight.
// If we encounter a date where the localeTime shows at 11pm instead of midnight,
// we have run into an issue with DST where we need to increment the hour by one:
// var d = new Date(1992, 9, 8, 0, 0, 0);
// d.toLocaleString(); // == "10/7/1992, 11:00:00 PM"
var localeTime = date.toLocaleTimeString();
var formatDate = date;
if (date.getHours() == 0 &&
(localeTime.indexOf('11:') !== -1 || localeTime.indexOf('23:') !== -1)) {
formatDate = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), 1, 0, 0);
return $filter('date')(formatDate, 'M/d/yyyy');
* Default string-to-date parsing function.
* @param {string} dateString
* @returns {!Date}
function defaultParseDate(dateString) {
return new Date(dateString);
* Default function to determine whether a string makes sense to be
* parsed to a Date object.
* This is very permissive and is just a basic sanity check to ensure that
* things like single integers aren't able to be parsed into dates.
* @param {string} dateString
* @returns {boolean}
function defaultIsDateComplete(dateString) {
dateString = dateString.trim();
// Looks for three chunks of content (either numbers or text) separated
// by delimiters.
var re = /^(([a-zA-Z]{3,}|[0-9]{1,4})([ \.,]+|[\/\-])){2}([a-zA-Z]{3,}|[0-9]{1,4})$/;
return re.test(dateString);
* Default date-to-string formatter to get a month header.
* @param {!Date} date
* @returns {string}
function defaultMonthHeaderFormatter(date) {
return service.shortMonths[date.getMonth()] + ' ' + date.getFullYear();
* Default formatter for a month.
* @param {!Date} date
* @returns {string}
function defaultMonthFormatter(date) {
return service.months[date.getMonth()] + ' ' + date.getFullYear();
* Default week number formatter.
* @param number
* @returns {string}
function defaultWeekNumberFormatter(number) {
return 'Week ' + number;
* Default formatter for date cell aria-labels.
* @param {!Date} date
* @returns {string}
function defaultLongDateFormatter(date) {
// Example: 'Thursday June 18 2015'
return [
].join(' ');
// The default "short" day strings are the first character of each day,
// e.g., "Monday" => "M".
var defaultShortDays = $ {
return day.substring(0, 1);
// The default dates are simply the numbers 1 through 31.
var defaultDates = Array(32);
for (var i = 1; i <= 31; i++) {
defaultDates[i] = i;
// Default ARIA messages are in English (US).
var defaultMsgCalendar = 'Calendar';
var defaultMsgOpenCalendar = 'Open calendar';
// Default start/end dates that are rendered in the calendar.
var defaultFirstRenderableDate = new Date(1880, 0, 1);
var defaultLastRendereableDate = new Date(defaultFirstRenderableDate.getFullYear() + 250, 0, 1);
var service = {
months: this.months || $locale.DATETIME_FORMATS.MONTH,
shortMonths: this.shortMonths || $locale.DATETIME_FORMATS.SHORTMONTH,
days: this.days || $locale.DATETIME_FORMATS.DAY,
shortDays: this.shortDays || defaultShortDays,
dates: this.dates || defaultDates,
firstDayOfWeek: this.firstDayOfWeek || 0,
formatDate: this.formatDate || defaultFormatDate,
parseDate: this.parseDate || defaultParseDate,
isDateComplete: this.isDateComplete || defaultIsDateComplete,
monthHeaderFormatter: this.monthHeaderFormatter || defaultMonthHeaderFormatter,
monthFormatter: this.monthFormatter || defaultMonthFormatter,
weekNumberFormatter: this.weekNumberFormatter || defaultWeekNumberFormatter,
longDateFormatter: this.longDateFormatter || defaultLongDateFormatter,
msgCalendar: this.msgCalendar || defaultMsgCalendar,
msgOpenCalendar: this.msgOpenCalendar || defaultMsgOpenCalendar,
firstRenderableDate: this.firstRenderableDate || defaultFirstRenderableDate,
lastRenderableDate: this.lastRenderableDate || defaultLastRendereableDate
return service;
DateLocaleProvider.prototype.$get.$inject = ["$locale", "$filter"];
$provide.provider('$mdDateLocale', new DateLocaleProvider());
"use strict";
(function() {
'use strict';
* Utility for performing date calculations to facilitate operation of the calendar and
* datepicker.
angular.module('material.components.datepicker').factory('$$mdDateUtil', function() {
return {
getFirstDateOfMonth: getFirstDateOfMonth,
getNumberOfDaysInMonth: getNumberOfDaysInMonth,
getDateInNextMonth: getDateInNextMonth,
getDateInPreviousMonth: getDateInPreviousMonth,
isInNextMonth: isInNextMonth,
isInPreviousMonth: isInPreviousMonth,
getDateMidpoint: getDateMidpoint,
isSameMonthAndYear: isSameMonthAndYear,
getWeekOfMonth: getWeekOfMonth,
incrementDays: incrementDays,
incrementMonths: incrementMonths,
getLastDateOfMonth: getLastDateOfMonth,
isSameDay: isSameDay,
getMonthDistance: getMonthDistance,
isValidDate: isValidDate,
setDateTimeToMidnight: setDateTimeToMidnight,
createDateAtMidnight: createDateAtMidnight,
isDateWithinRange: isDateWithinRange,
incrementYears: incrementYears,
getYearDistance: getYearDistance,
clampDate: clampDate,
getTimestampFromNode: getTimestampFromNode,
isMonthWithinRange: isMonthWithinRange
* Gets the first day of the month for the given date's month.
* @param {Date} date
* @returns {Date}
function getFirstDateOfMonth(date) {
return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), 1);
* Gets the number of days in the month for the given date's month.
* @param date
* @returns {number}
function getNumberOfDaysInMonth(date) {
return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, 0).getDate();
* Get an arbitrary date in the month after the given date's month.
* @param date
* @returns {Date}
function getDateInNextMonth(date) {
return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, 1);
* Get an arbitrary date in the month before the given date's month.
* @param date
* @returns {Date}
function getDateInPreviousMonth(date) {
return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() - 1, 1);
* Gets whether two dates have the same month and year.
* @param {Date} d1
* @param {Date} d2
* @returns {boolean}
function isSameMonthAndYear(d1, d2) {
return d1.getFullYear() === d2.getFullYear() && d1.getMonth() === d2.getMonth();
* Gets whether two dates are the same day (not not necesarily the same time).
* @param {Date} d1
* @param {Date} d2
* @returns {boolean}
function isSameDay(d1, d2) {
return d1.getDate() == d2.getDate() && isSameMonthAndYear(d1, d2);
* Gets whether a date is in the month immediately after some date.
* @param {Date} startDate The date from which to compare.
* @param {Date} endDate The date to check.
* @returns {boolean}
function isInNextMonth(startDate, endDate) {
var nextMonth = getDateInNextMonth(startDate);
return isSameMonthAndYear(nextMonth, endDate);
* Gets whether a date is in the month immediately before some date.
* @param {Date} startDate The date from which to compare.
* @param {Date} endDate The date to check.
* @returns {boolean}
function isInPreviousMonth(startDate, endDate) {
var previousMonth = getDateInPreviousMonth(startDate);
return isSameMonthAndYear(endDate, previousMonth);
* Gets the midpoint between two dates.
* @param {Date} d1
* @param {Date} d2
* @returns {Date}
function getDateMidpoint(d1, d2) {
return createDateAtMidnight((d1.getTime() + d2.getTime()) / 2);
* Gets the week of the month that a given date occurs in.
* @param {Date} date
* @returns {number} Index of the week of the month (zero-based).
function getWeekOfMonth(date) {
var firstDayOfMonth = getFirstDateOfMonth(date);
return Math.floor((firstDayOfMonth.getDay() + date.getDate() - 1) / 7);
* Gets a new date incremented by the given number of days. Number of days can be negative.
* @param {Date} date
* @param {number} numberOfDays
* @returns {Date}
function incrementDays(date, numberOfDays) {
return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate() + numberOfDays);
* Gets a new date incremented by the given number of months. Number of months can be negative.
* If the date of the given month does not match the target month, the date will be set to the
* last day of the month.
* @param {Date} date
* @param {number} numberOfMonths
* @returns {Date}
function incrementMonths(date, numberOfMonths) {
// If the same date in the target month does not actually exist, the Date object will
// automatically advance *another* month by the number of missing days.
// For example, if you try to go from Jan. 30 to Feb. 30, you'll end up on March 2.
// So, we check if the month overflowed and go to the last day of the target month instead.
var dateInTargetMonth = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + numberOfMonths, 1);
var numberOfDaysInMonth = getNumberOfDaysInMonth(dateInTargetMonth);
if (numberOfDaysInMonth < date.getDate()) {
} else {
return dateInTargetMonth;
* Get the integer distance between two months. This *only* considers the month and year
* portion of the Date instances.
* @param {Date} start
* @param {Date} end
* @returns {number} Number of months between `start` and `end`. If `end` is before `start`
* chronologically, this number will be negative.
function getMonthDistance(start, end) {
return (12 * (end.getFullYear() - start.getFullYear())) + (end.getMonth() - start.getMonth());
* Gets the last day of the month for the given date.
* @param {Date} date
* @returns {Date}
function getLastDateOfMonth(date) {
return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), getNumberOfDaysInMonth(date));
* Checks whether a date is valid.
* @param {Date} date
* @return {boolean} Whether the date is a valid Date.
function isValidDate(date) {
return date != null && date.getTime && !isNaN(date.getTime());
* Sets a date's time to midnight.
* @param {Date} date
function setDateTimeToMidnight(date) {
if (isValidDate(date)) {
date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
* Creates a date with the time set to midnight.
* Drop-in replacement for two forms of the Date constructor:
* 1. No argument for Date representing now.
* 2. Single-argument value representing number of seconds since Unix Epoch
* or a Date object.
* @param {number|Date=} opt_value
* @return {Date} New date with time set to midnight.
function createDateAtMidnight(opt_value) {
var date;
if (angular.isUndefined(opt_value)) {
date = new Date();
} else {
date = new Date(opt_value);
return date;
* Checks if a date is within a min and max range, ignoring the time component.
* If minDate or maxDate are not dates, they are ignored.
* @param {Date} date
* @param {Date} minDate
* @param {Date} maxDate
function isDateWithinRange(date, minDate, maxDate) {
var dateAtMidnight = createDateAtMidnight(date);
var minDateAtMidnight = isValidDate(minDate) ? createDateAtMidnight(minDate) : null;
var maxDateAtMidnight = isValidDate(maxDate) ? createDateAtMidnight(maxDate) : null;
return (!minDateAtMidnight || minDateAtMidnight <= dateAtMidnight) &&
(!maxDateAtMidnight || maxDateAtMidnight >= dateAtMidnight);
* Gets a new date incremented by the given number of years. Number of years can be negative.
* See `incrementMonths` for notes on overflow for specific dates.
* @param {Date} date
* @param {number} numberOfYears
* @returns {Date}
function incrementYears(date, numberOfYears) {
return incrementMonths(date, numberOfYears * 12);
* Get the integer distance between two years. This *only* considers the year portion of the
* Date instances.
* @param {Date} start
* @param {Date} end
* @returns {number} Number of months between `start` and `end`. If `end` is before `start`
* chronologically, this number will be negative.
function getYearDistance(start, end) {
return end.getFullYear() - start.getFullYear();
* Clamps a date between a minimum and a maximum date.
* @param {Date} date Date to be clamped
* @param {Date=} minDate Minimum date
* @param {Date=} maxDate Maximum date
* @return {Date}
function clampDate(date, minDate, maxDate) {
var boundDate = date;
if (minDate && date < minDate) {
boundDate = new Date(minDate.getTime());
if (maxDate && date > maxDate) {
boundDate = new Date(maxDate.getTime());
return boundDate;
* Extracts and parses the timestamp from a DOM node.
* @param {HTMLElement} node Node from which the timestamp will be extracted.
* @return {number} Time since epoch.
function getTimestampFromNode(node) {
if (node && node.hasAttribute('data-timestamp')) {
return Number(node.getAttribute('data-timestamp'));
* Checks if a month is within a min and max range, ignoring the date and time components.
* If minDate or maxDate are not dates, they are ignored.
* @param {Date} date
* @param {Date} minDate
* @param {Date} maxDate
function isMonthWithinRange(date, minDate, maxDate) {
var month = date.getMonth();
var year = date.getFullYear();
return (!minDate || minDate.getFullYear() < year || minDate.getMonth() <= month) &&
(!maxDate || maxDate.getFullYear() > year || maxDate.getMonth() >= month);
"use strict";
(function() {
'use strict';
// TODO(jelbourn): Demo that uses moment.js
// TODO(jelbourn): make sure this plays well with validation and ngMessages.
// TODO(jelbourn): calendar pane doesn't open up outside of visible viewport.
// TODO(jelbourn): forward more attributes to the internal input (required, autofocus, etc.)
// TODO(jelbourn): something better for mobile (calendar panel takes up entire screen?)
// TODO(jelbourn): input behavior (masking? auto-complete?)
DatePickerCtrl.$inject = ["$scope", "$element", "$attrs", "$window", "$mdConstant", "$mdTheming", "$mdUtil", "$mdDateLocale", "$$mdDateUtil", "$$rAF", "$mdGesture", "$filter"];
datePickerDirective.$inject = ["$$mdSvgRegistry", "$mdUtil", "$mdAria", "inputDirective"];
.directive('mdDatepicker', datePickerDirective);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdDatepicker
* @module material.components.datepicker
* @param {Date} ng-model The component's model. Expects a JavaScript Date object.
* @param {Object=} ng-model-options Allows tuning of the way in which `ng-model` is being updated. Also allows
* for a timezone to be specified. <a href="">Read more at the ngModelOptions docs.</a>
* @param {expression=} ng-change Expression evaluated when the model value changes.
* @param {expression=} ng-focus Expression evaluated when the input is focused or the calendar is opened.
* @param {expression=} ng-blur Expression evaluated when focus is removed from the input or the calendar is closed.
* @param {Date=} md-min-date Expression representing a min date (inclusive).
* @param {Date=} md-max-date Expression representing a max date (inclusive).
* @param {(function(Date): boolean)=} md-date-filter Function expecting a date and returning a boolean whether it can be selected or not.
* @param {String=} md-placeholder The date input placeholder value.
* @param {String=} md-open-on-focus When present, the calendar will be opened when the input is focused.
* @param {Boolean=} md-is-open Expression that can be used to open the datepicker's calendar on-demand.
* @param {String=} md-current-view Default open view of the calendar pane. Can be either "month" or "year".
* @param {String=} md-hide-icons Determines which datepicker icons should be hidden. Note that this may cause the
* datepicker to not align properly with other components. **Use at your own risk.** Possible values are:
* * `"all"` - Hides all icons.
* * `"calendar"` - Only hides the calendar icon.
* * `"triangle"` - Only hides the triangle icon.
* @param {boolean=} ng-disabled Whether the datepicker is disabled.
* @param {boolean=} ng-required Whether a value is required for the datepicker.
* @description
* `<md-datepicker>` is a component used to select a single date.
* For information on how to configure internationalization for the date picker,
* see `$mdDateLocaleProvider`.
* This component supports [ngMessages](
* Supported attributes are:
* * `required`: whether a required date is not set.
* * `mindate`: whether the selected date is before the minimum allowed date.
* * `maxdate`: whether the selected date is after the maximum allowed date.
* * `debounceInterval`: ms to delay input processing (since last debounce reset); default value 500ms
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-datepicker ng-model="birthday"></md-datepicker>
* </hljs>
function datePickerDirective($$mdSvgRegistry, $mdUtil, $mdAria, inputDirective) {
return {
template: function(tElement, tAttrs) {
// Buttons are not in the tab order because users can open the calendar via keyboard
// interaction on the text input, and multiple tab stops for one component (picker)
// may be confusing.
var hiddenIcons = tAttrs.mdHideIcons;
var ariaLabelValue = tAttrs.ariaLabel || tAttrs.mdPlaceholder;
var calendarButton = (hiddenIcons === 'all' || hiddenIcons === 'calendar') ? '' :
'<md-button class="md-datepicker-button md-icon-button" type="button" ' +
'tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true" ' +
'ng-click="ctrl.openCalendarPane($event)">' +
'<md-icon class="md-datepicker-calendar-icon" aria-label="md-calendar" ' +
'md-svg-src="' + $$mdSvgRegistry.mdCalendar + '"></md-icon>' +
var triangleButton = (hiddenIcons === 'all' || hiddenIcons === 'triangle') ? '' :
'<md-button type="button" md-no-ink ' +
'class="md-datepicker-triangle-button md-icon-button" ' +
'ng-click="ctrl.openCalendarPane($event)" ' +
'aria-label="{{::ctrl.dateLocale.msgOpenCalendar}}">' +
'<div class="md-datepicker-expand-triangle"></div>' +
return calendarButton +
'<div class="md-datepicker-input-container" ng-class="{\'md-datepicker-focused\': ctrl.isFocused}">' +
'<input ' +
(ariaLabelValue ? 'aria-label="' + ariaLabelValue + '" ' : '') +
'class="md-datepicker-input" ' +
'aria-haspopup="true" ' +
'ng-focus="ctrl.setFocused(true)" ' +
'ng-blur="ctrl.setFocused(false)"> ' +
triangleButton +
'</div>' +
// This pane will be detached from here and re-attached to the document body.
'<div class="md-datepicker-calendar-pane md-whiteframe-z1">' +
'<div class="md-datepicker-input-mask">' +
'<div class="md-datepicker-input-mask-opaque"></div>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="md-datepicker-calendar">' +
'<md-calendar role="dialog" aria-label="{{::ctrl.dateLocale.msgCalendar}}" ' +
'md-current-view="{{::ctrl.currentView}}"' +
'md-min-date="ctrl.minDate"' +
'md-max-date="ctrl.maxDate"' +
'md-date-filter="ctrl.dateFilter"' +
'ng-model="" ng-if="ctrl.isCalendarOpen">' +
'</md-calendar>' +
'</div>' +
require: ['ngModel', 'mdDatepicker', '?^mdInputContainer', '?^form'],
scope: {
minDate: '=mdMinDate',
maxDate: '=mdMaxDate',
placeholder: '@mdPlaceholder',
currentView: '@mdCurrentView',
dateFilter: '=mdDateFilter',
isOpen: '=?mdIsOpen',
debounceInterval: '=mdDebounceInterval'
controller: DatePickerCtrl,
controllerAs: 'ctrl',
bindToController: true,
link: function(scope, element, attr, controllers) {
var ngModelCtrl = controllers[0];
var mdDatePickerCtrl = controllers[1];
var mdInputContainer = controllers[2];
var parentForm = controllers[3];
var mdNoAsterisk = $mdUtil.parseAttributeBoolean(attr.mdNoAsterisk);
mdDatePickerCtrl.configureNgModel(ngModelCtrl, mdInputContainer, inputDirective);
if (mdInputContainer) {
// We need to move the spacer after the datepicker itself,
// because md-input-container adds it after the
// md-datepicker-input by default. The spacer gets wrapped in a
// div, because it floats and gets aligned next to the datepicker.
// There are easier ways of working around this with CSS (making the
// datepicker 100% wide, change the `display` etc.), however they
// break the alignment with any other form controls.
var spacer = element[0].querySelector('.md-errors-spacer');
if (spacer) {
mdInputContainer.input = element;
.toggleClass(HAS_ICON_CLASS, attr.mdHideIcons !== 'calendar' && attr.mdHideIcons !== 'all');
if (!mdInputContainer.label) {
$mdAria.expect(element, 'aria-label', attr.mdPlaceholder);
} else if(!mdNoAsterisk) {
attr.$observe('required', function(value) {
mdInputContainer.label.toggleClass('md-required', !!value);
scope.$watch(mdInputContainer.isErrorGetter || function() {
return ngModelCtrl.$invalid && (ngModelCtrl.$touched || (parentForm && parentForm.$submitted));
}, mdInputContainer.setInvalid);
} else if (parentForm) {
// If invalid, highlights the input when the parent form is submitted.
var parentSubmittedWatcher = scope.$watch(function() {
return parentForm.$submitted;
}, function(isSubmitted) {
if (isSubmitted) {
/** Additional offset for the input's `size` attribute, which is updated based on its content. */
/** Class applied to the container if the date is invalid. */
var INVALID_CLASS = 'md-datepicker-invalid';
/** Class applied to the datepicker when it's open. */
var OPEN_CLASS = 'md-datepicker-open';
/** Class applied to the md-input-container, if a datepicker is placed inside it */
var INPUT_CONTAINER_CLASS = '_md-datepicker-floating-label';
/** Class to be applied when the calendar icon is enabled. */
var HAS_ICON_CLASS = '_md-datepicker-has-calendar-icon';
/** Default time in ms to debounce input event by. */
* Height of the calendar pane used to check if the pane is going outside the boundary of
* the viewport. See calendar.scss for how $md-calendar-height is computed; an extra 20px is
* also added to space the pane away from the exact edge of the screen.
* This is computed statically now, but can be changed to be measured if the circumstances
* of calendar sizing are changed.
* Width of the calendar pane used to check if the pane is going outside the boundary of
* the viewport. See calendar.scss for how $md-calendar-width is computed; an extra 20px is
* also added to space the pane away from the exact edge of the screen.
* This is computed statically now, but can be changed to be measured if the circumstances
* of calendar sizing are changed.
* Controller for md-datepicker.
* @ngInject @constructor
function DatePickerCtrl($scope, $element, $attrs, $window, $mdConstant,
$mdTheming, $mdUtil, $mdDateLocale, $$mdDateUtil, $$rAF, $mdGesture, $filter) {
/** @final */
this.$window = $window;
/** @final */
this.dateLocale = $mdDateLocale;
/** @final */
this.dateUtil = $$mdDateUtil;
/** @final */
this.$mdConstant = $mdConstant;
/* @final */
this.$mdUtil = $mdUtil;
/** @final */
this.$$rAF = $$rAF;
* The root document element. This is used for attaching a top-level click handler to
* close the calendar panel when a click outside said panel occurs. We use `documentElement`
* instead of body because, when scrolling is disabled, some browsers consider the body element
* to be completely off the screen and propagate events directly to the html element.
* @type {!angular.JQLite}
this.documentElement = angular.element(document.documentElement);
/** @type {!angular.NgModelController} */
this.ngModelCtrl = null;
/** @type {HTMLInputElement} */
this.inputElement = $element[0].querySelector('input');
/** @final {!angular.JQLite} */
this.ngInputElement = angular.element(this.inputElement);
/** @type {HTMLElement} */
this.inputContainer = $element[0].querySelector('.md-datepicker-input-container');
/** @type {HTMLElement} Floating calendar pane. */
this.calendarPane = $element[0].querySelector('.md-datepicker-calendar-pane');
/** @type {HTMLElement} Calendar icon button. */
this.calendarButton = $element[0].querySelector('.md-datepicker-button');
* Element covering everything but the input in the top of the floating calendar pane.
* @type {!angular.JQLite}
this.inputMask = angular.element($element[0].querySelector('.md-datepicker-input-mask-opaque'));
/** @final {!angular.JQLite} */
this.$element = $element;
/** @final {!angular.Attributes} */
this.$attrs = $attrs;
/** @final {!angular.Scope} */
this.$scope = $scope;
/** @type {Date} */ = null;
/** @type {boolean} */
this.isFocused = false;
/** @type {boolean} */
this.setDisabled($element[0].disabled || angular.isString($attrs.disabled));
/** @type {boolean} Whether the date-picker's calendar pane is open. */
this.isCalendarOpen = false;
/** @type {boolean} Whether the calendar should open when the input is focused. */
this.openOnFocus = $attrs.hasOwnProperty('mdOpenOnFocus');
/** @final */
this.mdInputContainer = null;
* Element from which the calendar pane was opened. Keep track of this so that we can return
* focus to it when the pane is closed.
* @type {HTMLElement}
this.calendarPaneOpenedFrom = null;
/** @type {String} Unique id for the calendar pane. */ = 'md-date-pane' + $mdUtil.nextUid();
/** Pre-bound click handler is saved so that the event listener can be removed. */
this.bodyClickHandler = angular.bind(this, this.handleBodyClick);
* Name of the event that will trigger a close. Necessary to sniff the browser, because
* the resize event doesn't make sense on mobile and can have a negative impact since it
* triggers whenever the browser zooms in on a focused input.
this.windowEventName = ($mdGesture.isIos || $mdGesture.isAndroid) ? 'orientationchange' : 'resize';
/** Pre-bound close handler so that the event listener can be removed. */
this.windowEventHandler = $mdUtil.debounce(angular.bind(this, this.closeCalendarPane), 100);
/** Pre-bound handler for the window blur event. Allows for it to be removed later. */
this.windowBlurHandler = angular.bind(this, this.handleWindowBlur);
/** The built-in Angular date filter. */
this.ngDateFilter = $filter('date');
/** @type {Number} Extra margin for the left side of the floating calendar pane. */
this.leftMargin = 20;
/** @type {Number} Extra margin for the top of the floating calendar. Gets determined on the first open. */
this.topMargin = null;
// Unless the user specifies so, the datepicker should not be a tab stop.
// This is necessary because ngAria might add a tabindex to anything with an ng-model
// (based on whether or not the user has turned that particular feature on/off).
if ($attrs.tabindex) {
this.ngInputElement.attr('tabindex', $attrs.tabindex);
$attrs.$set('tabindex', null);
} else {
$attrs.$set('tabindex', '-1');
var self = this;
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
if ($attrs.mdIsOpen) {
$scope.$watch('ctrl.isOpen', function(shouldBeOpen) {
if (shouldBeOpen) {
target: self.inputElement
} else {
* Sets up the controller's reference to ngModelController and
* applies Angular's `input[type="date"]` directive.
* @param {!angular.NgModelController} ngModelCtrl Instance of the ngModel controller.
* @param {Object} mdInputContainer Instance of the mdInputContainer controller.
* @param {Object} inputDirective Config for Angular's `input` directive.
DatePickerCtrl.prototype.configureNgModel = function(ngModelCtrl, mdInputContainer, inputDirective) {
this.ngModelCtrl = ngModelCtrl;
this.mdInputContainer = mdInputContainer;
// The input needs to be [type="date"] in order to be picked up by Angular.
this.$attrs.$set('type', 'date');
// Invoke the `input` directive link function, adding a stub for the element.
// This allows us to re-use Angular's logic for setting the timezone via ng-model-options.
// It works by calling the link function directly which then adds the proper `$parsers` and
// `$formatters` to the ngModel controller.
inputDirective[0].link.pre(this.$scope, {
on: angular.noop,
val: angular.noop,
0: {}
}, this.$attrs, [ngModelCtrl]);
var self = this;
// Responds to external changes to the model value.
self.ngModelCtrl.$formatters.push(function(value) {
if (value && !(value instanceof Date)) {
throw Error('The ng-model for md-datepicker must be a Date instance. ' +
'Currently the model is a: ' + (typeof value));
} = value;
self.inputElement.value = self.dateLocale.formatDate(value);
self.mdInputContainer && self.mdInputContainer.setHasValue(!!value);
return value;
// Responds to external error state changes (e.g. ng-required based on another input).
ngModelCtrl.$viewChangeListeners.unshift(angular.bind(this, this.updateErrorState));
* Attach event listeners for both the text input and the md-calendar.
* Events are used instead of ng-model so that updates don't infinitely update the other
* on a change. This should also be more performant than using a $watch.
DatePickerCtrl.prototype.attachChangeListeners = function() {
var self = this;
self.$scope.$on('md-calendar-change', function(event, date) {
self.setModelValue(date); = date;
self.inputElement.value = self.dateLocale.formatDate(date);
self.mdInputContainer && self.mdInputContainer.setHasValue(!!date);
self.ngInputElement.on('input', angular.bind(self, self.resizeInputElement));
var debounceInterval = angular.isDefined(this.debounceInterval) ?
this.debounceInterval : DEFAULT_DEBOUNCE_INTERVAL;
self.ngInputElement.on('input', self.$mdUtil.debounce(self.handleInputEvent,
debounceInterval, self));
/** Attach event listeners for user interaction. */
DatePickerCtrl.prototype.attachInteractionListeners = function() {
var self = this;
var $scope = this.$scope;
var keyCodes = this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE;
// Add event listener through angular so that we can triggerHandler in unit tests.
self.ngInputElement.on('keydown', function(event) {
if (event.altKey && event.keyCode == keyCodes.DOWN_ARROW) {
if (self.openOnFocus) {
self.ngInputElement.on('focus', angular.bind(self, self.openCalendarPane));
angular.element(self.$window).on('blur', self.windowBlurHandler);
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
angular.element(self.$window).off('blur', self.windowBlurHandler);
$scope.$on('md-calendar-close', function() {
* Capture properties set to the date-picker and imperitively handle internal changes.
* This is done to avoid setting up additional $watches.
DatePickerCtrl.prototype.installPropertyInterceptors = function() {
var self = this;
if (this.$attrs.ngDisabled) {
// The expression is to be evaluated against the directive element's scope and not
// the directive's isolate scope.
var scope = this.$scope.$parent;
if (scope) {
scope.$watch(this.$attrs.ngDisabled, function(isDisabled) {
Object.defineProperty(this, 'placeholder', {
get: function() { return self.inputElement.placeholder; },
set: function(value) { self.inputElement.placeholder = value || ''; }
* Sets whether the date-picker is disabled.
* @param {boolean} isDisabled
DatePickerCtrl.prototype.setDisabled = function(isDisabled) {
this.isDisabled = isDisabled;
this.inputElement.disabled = isDisabled;
if (this.calendarButton) {
this.calendarButton.disabled = isDisabled;
* Sets the custom ngModel.$error flags to be consumed by ngMessages. Flags are:
* - mindate: whether the selected date is before the minimum date.
* - maxdate: whether the selected flag is after the maximum date.
* - filtered: whether the selected date is allowed by the custom filtering function.
* - valid: whether the entered text input is a valid date
* The 'required' flag is handled automatically by ngModel.
* @param {Date=} opt_date Date to check. If not given, defaults to the datepicker's model value.
DatePickerCtrl.prototype.updateErrorState = function(opt_date) {
var date = opt_date ||;
// Clear any existing errors to get rid of anything that's no longer relevant.
if (this.dateUtil.isValidDate(date)) {
// Force all dates to midnight in order to ignore the time portion.
date = this.dateUtil.createDateAtMidnight(date);
if (this.dateUtil.isValidDate(this.minDate)) {
var minDate = this.dateUtil.createDateAtMidnight(this.minDate);
this.ngModelCtrl.$setValidity('mindate', date >= minDate);
if (this.dateUtil.isValidDate(this.maxDate)) {
var maxDate = this.dateUtil.createDateAtMidnight(this.maxDate);
this.ngModelCtrl.$setValidity('maxdate', date <= maxDate);
if (angular.isFunction(this.dateFilter)) {
this.ngModelCtrl.$setValidity('filtered', this.dateFilter(date));
} else {
// The date is seen as "not a valid date" if there is *something* set
// (i.e.., not null or undefined), but that something isn't a valid date.
this.ngModelCtrl.$setValidity('valid', date == null);
// TODO(jelbourn): Change this to classList.toggle when we stop using PhantomJS in unit tests
// because it doesn't conform to the DOMTokenList spec.
// See
if (!this.ngModelCtrl.$valid) {
/** Clears any error flags set by `updateErrorState`. */
DatePickerCtrl.prototype.clearErrorState = function() {
['mindate', 'maxdate', 'filtered', 'valid'].forEach(function(field) {
this.ngModelCtrl.$setValidity(field, true);
}, this);
/** Resizes the input element based on the size of its content. */
DatePickerCtrl.prototype.resizeInputElement = function() {
this.inputElement.size = this.inputElement.value.length + EXTRA_INPUT_SIZE;
* Sets the model value if the user input is a valid date.
* Adds an invalid class to the input element if not.
DatePickerCtrl.prototype.handleInputEvent = function() {
var inputString = this.inputElement.value;
var parsedDate = inputString ? this.dateLocale.parseDate(inputString) : null;
// An input string is valid if it is either empty (representing no date)
// or if it parses to a valid date that the user is allowed to select.
var isValidInput = inputString == '' || (
this.dateUtil.isValidDate(parsedDate) &&
this.dateLocale.isDateComplete(inputString) &&
// The datepicker's model is only updated when there is a valid input.
if (isValidInput) {
this.setModelValue(parsedDate); = parsedDate;
* Check whether date is in range and enabled
* @param {Date=} opt_date
* @return {boolean} Whether the date is enabled.
DatePickerCtrl.prototype.isDateEnabled = function(opt_date) {
return this.dateUtil.isDateWithinRange(opt_date, this.minDate, this.maxDate) &&
(!angular.isFunction(this.dateFilter) || this.dateFilter(opt_date));
/** Position and attach the floating calendar to the document. */
DatePickerCtrl.prototype.attachCalendarPane = function() {
var calendarPane = this.calendarPane;
var body = document.body; = '';
this.mdInputContainer && this.mdInputContainer.element.addClass(OPEN_CLASS);
var elementRect = this.inputContainer.getBoundingClientRect();
var bodyRect = body.getBoundingClientRect();
if (!this.topMargin || this.topMargin < 0) {
this.topMargin = (this.inputMask.parent().prop('clientHeight') - this.ngInputElement.prop('clientHeight')) / 2;
// Check to see if the calendar pane would go off the screen. If so, adjust position
// accordingly to keep it within the viewport.
var paneTop = - - this.topMargin;
var paneLeft = elementRect.left - bodyRect.left - this.leftMargin;
// If ng-material has disabled body scrolling (for example, if a dialog is open),
// then it's possible that the already-scrolled body has a negative top/left. In this case,
// we want to treat the "real" top as (0 - In a normal scrolling situation,
// though, the top of the viewport
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