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Created June 24, 2018 10:32
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pragma solidity ^0.4.19;
contract TokenCuratedRegistry {
// registery information
SmartDevice[] public devicesInRegistery;
uint public registerySize;
// manufacturer information
address manufacturerAddress;
uint manufacturerStakes;
// challanger information
address challangerAddress;
uint challangerStakes;
// device that needs to be added
SmartDevice deviceToAddToRegistry;
// voting
uint forVote;
uint againstVote;
uint constant votesToWin = 5;
structure to store information
about smart device
struct SmartDevice {
uint id;
string name;
string manufacturer;
string softwareVersion;
// constructor
function TokenCuratedRegistry() payable {
registerySize = 0;
add device to the registery and stake
5 ethers form the manufacturer side
function addDevice(uint dId, string dName, string dManufacturer, string dSoftwareVersion) public payable {
deviceToAddToRegistry = SmartDevice(dId, dName, dManufacturer, dSoftwareVersion);
manufacturerAddress = msg.sender;
manufacturerStakes = msg.value;
white hat hacker challanges device and passes in the
device ID and its then voting is done to see if the
person is actually telling the truth.
if right the manufacturer loses his stakes
function challangeDevice(uint deviceID) public payable {
challangerAddress = msg.sender;
challangerStakes = msg.value;
//---------------------------Voting functions---------------------------//
function voteForChallange() public {
function voteAgainstChallange() public {
function checkVotingPoll() {
if (forVote > votesToWin) {
challangerAddress.transfer(challangerStakes + manufacturerStakes);
} else if (againstVote > votesToWin){
manufacturerAddress.transfer(challangerStakes + manufacturerStakes);
pragma solidity ^0.4.11;
// This is a useless import, but it forces EIP20.sol to be compiled. We need its build file for
// the test pipeline.
import "tokens/eip20/EIP20.sol";
contract Migrations {
address public owner;
uint public last_completed_migration;
modifier restricted() {
if (msg.sender == owner) _;
function Migrations() public {
owner = msg.sender;
function setCompleted(uint completed) public restricted {
last_completed_migration = completed;
function upgrade(address new_address) public restricted {
Migrations upgraded = Migrations(new_address);
pragma solidity ^0.4.20;
import "tokens/eip20/EIP20.sol";
import "./PLCRVoting.sol";
import "./ProxyFactory.sol";
contract PLCRFactory {
event newPLCR(address creator, EIP20 token, PLCRVoting plcr);
ProxyFactory public proxyFactory;
PLCRVoting public canonizedPLCR;
/// @dev constructor deploys a new canonical PLCRVoting contract and a proxyFactory.
constructor() {
canonizedPLCR = new PLCRVoting();
proxyFactory = new ProxyFactory();
@dev deploys and initializes a new PLCRVoting contract that consumes a token at an address
supplied by the user.
@param _token an EIP20 token to be consumed by the new PLCR contract
function newPLCRBYOToken(EIP20 _token) public returns (PLCRVoting) {
PLCRVoting plcr = PLCRVoting(proxyFactory.createProxy(canonizedPLCR, ""));
emit newPLCR(msg.sender, _token, plcr);
return plcr;
@dev deploys and initializes a new PLCRVoting contract and an EIP20 to be consumed by the PLCR's
@param _supply the total number of tokens to mint in the EIP20 contract
@param _name the name of the new EIP20 token
@param _decimals the decimal precision to be used in rendering balances in the EIP20 token
@param _symbol the symbol of the new EIP20 token
function newPLCRWithToken(
uint _supply,
string _name,
uint8 _decimals,
string _symbol
) public returns (PLCRVoting) {
// Create a new token and give all the tokens to the PLCR creator
EIP20 token = new EIP20(_supply, _name, _decimals, _symbol);
token.transfer(msg.sender, _supply);
// Create and initialize a new PLCR contract
PLCRVoting plcr = PLCRVoting(proxyFactory.createProxy(canonizedPLCR, ""));
emit newPLCR(msg.sender, token, plcr);
return plcr;
pragma solidity ^0.4.8;
import "tokens/eip20/EIP20Interface.sol";
import "dll/DLL.sol";
import "attrstore/AttributeStore.sol";
import "zeppelin/math/SafeMath.sol";
@title Partial-Lock-Commit-Reveal Voting scheme with ERC20 tokens
@author Team: Aspyn Palatnick, Cem Ozer, Yorke Rhodes
contract PLCRVoting {
// ============
// ============
event _VoteCommitted(uint indexed pollID, uint numTokens, address indexed voter);
event _VoteRevealed(uint indexed pollID, uint numTokens, uint votesFor, uint votesAgainst, uint indexed choice, address indexed voter);
event _PollCreated(uint voteQuorum, uint commitEndDate, uint revealEndDate, uint indexed pollID, address indexed creator);
event _VotingRightsGranted(uint numTokens, address indexed voter);
event _VotingRightsWithdrawn(uint numTokens, address indexed voter);
event _TokensRescued(uint indexed pollID, address indexed voter);
// ============
// ============
using AttributeStore for AttributeStore.Data;
using DLL for DLL.Data;
using SafeMath for uint;
struct Poll {
uint commitEndDate; /// expiration date of commit period for poll
uint revealEndDate; /// expiration date of reveal period for poll
uint voteQuorum; /// number of votes required for a proposal to pass
uint votesFor; /// tally of votes supporting proposal
uint votesAgainst; /// tally of votes countering proposal
mapping(address => bool) didCommit; /// indicates whether an address committed a vote for this poll
mapping(address => bool) didReveal; /// indicates whether an address revealed a vote for this poll
// ============
// ============
uint constant public INITIAL_POLL_NONCE = 0;
uint public pollNonce;
mapping(uint => Poll) public pollMap; // maps pollID to Poll struct
mapping(address => uint) public voteTokenBalance; // maps user's address to voteToken balance
mapping(address => DLL.Data) dllMap;
AttributeStore.Data store;
EIP20Interface public token;
@dev Initializer. Can only be called once.
@param _token The address where the ERC20 token contract is deployed
function init(address _token) public {
require(_token != 0 && address(token) == 0);
token = EIP20Interface(_token);
// ================
// ================
@notice Loads _numTokens ERC20 tokens into the voting contract for one-to-one voting rights
@dev Assumes that msg.sender has approved voting contract to spend on their behalf
@param _numTokens The number of votingTokens desired in exchange for ERC20 tokens
function requestVotingRights(uint _numTokens) public {
require(token.balanceOf(msg.sender) >= _numTokens);
voteTokenBalance[msg.sender] += _numTokens;
require(token.transferFrom(msg.sender, this, _numTokens));
emit _VotingRightsGranted(_numTokens, msg.sender);
@notice Withdraw _numTokens ERC20 tokens from the voting contract, revoking these voting rights
@param _numTokens The number of ERC20 tokens desired in exchange for voting rights
function withdrawVotingRights(uint _numTokens) external {
uint availableTokens = voteTokenBalance[msg.sender].sub(getLockedTokens(msg.sender));
require(availableTokens >= _numTokens);
voteTokenBalance[msg.sender] -= _numTokens;
require(token.transfer(msg.sender, _numTokens));
emit _VotingRightsWithdrawn(_numTokens, msg.sender);
@dev Unlocks tokens locked in unrevealed vote where poll has ended
@param _pollID Integer identifier associated with the target poll
function rescueTokens(uint _pollID) public {
emit _TokensRescued(_pollID, msg.sender);
@dev Unlocks tokens locked in unrevealed votes where polls have ended
@param _pollIDs Array of integer identifiers associated with the target polls
function rescueTokensInMultiplePolls(uint[] _pollIDs) public {
// loop through arrays, rescuing tokens from all
for (uint i = 0; i < _pollIDs.length; i++) {
// =================
// =================
@notice Commits vote using hash of choice and secret salt to conceal vote until reveal
@param _pollID Integer identifier associated with target poll
@param _secretHash Commit keccak256 hash of voter's choice and salt (tightly packed in this order)
@param _numTokens The number of tokens to be committed towards the target poll
@param _prevPollID The ID of the poll that the user has voted the maximum number of tokens in which is still less than or equal to numTokens
function commitVote(uint _pollID, bytes32 _secretHash, uint _numTokens, uint _prevPollID) public {
// if msg.sender doesn't have enough voting rights,
// request for enough voting rights
if (voteTokenBalance[msg.sender] < _numTokens) {
uint remainder = _numTokens.sub(voteTokenBalance[msg.sender]);
// make sure msg.sender has enough voting rights
require(voteTokenBalance[msg.sender] >= _numTokens);
// prevent user from committing to zero node placeholder
require(_pollID != 0);
// prevent user from committing a secretHash of 0
require(_secretHash != 0);
// Check if _prevPollID exists in the user's DLL or if _prevPollID is 0
require(_prevPollID == 0 || dllMap[msg.sender].contains(_prevPollID));
uint nextPollID = dllMap[msg.sender].getNext(_prevPollID);
// edge case: in-place update
if (nextPollID == _pollID) {
nextPollID = dllMap[msg.sender].getNext(_pollID);
require(validPosition(_prevPollID, nextPollID, msg.sender, _numTokens));
dllMap[msg.sender].insert(_prevPollID, _pollID, nextPollID);
bytes32 UUID = attrUUID(msg.sender, _pollID);
store.setAttribute(UUID, "numTokens", _numTokens);
store.setAttribute(UUID, "commitHash", uint(_secretHash));
pollMap[_pollID].didCommit[msg.sender] = true;
emit _VoteCommitted(_pollID, _numTokens, msg.sender);
@notice Commits votes using hashes of choices and secret salts to conceal votes until reveal
@param _pollIDs Array of integer identifiers associated with target polls
@param _secretHashes Array of commit keccak256 hashes of voter's choices and salts (tightly packed in this order)
@param _numsTokens Array of numbers of tokens to be committed towards the target polls
@param _prevPollIDs Array of IDs of the polls that the user has voted the maximum number of tokens in which is still less than or equal to numTokens
function commitVotes(uint[] _pollIDs, bytes32[] _secretHashes, uint[] _numsTokens, uint[] _prevPollIDs) external {
// make sure the array lengths are all the same
require(_pollIDs.length == _secretHashes.length);
require(_pollIDs.length == _numsTokens.length);
require(_pollIDs.length == _prevPollIDs.length);
// loop through arrays, committing each individual vote values
for (uint i = 0; i < _pollIDs.length; i++) {
commitVote(_pollIDs[i], _secretHashes[i], _numsTokens[i], _prevPollIDs[i]);
@dev Compares previous and next poll's committed tokens for sorting purposes
@param _prevID Integer identifier associated with previous poll in sorted order
@param _nextID Integer identifier associated with next poll in sorted order
@param _voter Address of user to check DLL position for
@param _numTokens The number of tokens to be committed towards the poll (used for sorting)
@return valid Boolean indication of if the specified position maintains the sort
function validPosition(uint _prevID, uint _nextID, address _voter, uint _numTokens) public constant returns (bool valid) {
bool prevValid = (_numTokens >= getNumTokens(_voter, _prevID));
// if next is zero node, _numTokens does not need to be greater
bool nextValid = (_numTokens <= getNumTokens(_voter, _nextID) || _nextID == 0);
return prevValid && nextValid;
@notice Reveals vote with choice and secret salt used in generating commitHash to attribute committed tokens
@param _pollID Integer identifier associated with target poll
@param _voteOption Vote choice used to generate commitHash for associated poll
@param _salt Secret number used to generate commitHash for associated poll
function revealVote(uint _pollID, uint _voteOption, uint _salt) public {
// Make sure the reveal period is active
require(pollMap[_pollID].didCommit[msg.sender]); // make sure user has committed a vote for this poll
require(!pollMap[_pollID].didReveal[msg.sender]); // prevent user from revealing multiple times
require(keccak256(_voteOption, _salt) == getCommitHash(msg.sender, _pollID)); // compare resultant hash from inputs to original commitHash
uint numTokens = getNumTokens(msg.sender, _pollID);
if (_voteOption == 1) {// apply numTokens to appropriate poll choice
pollMap[_pollID].votesFor += numTokens;
} else {
pollMap[_pollID].votesAgainst += numTokens;
dllMap[msg.sender].remove(_pollID); // remove the node referring to this vote upon reveal
pollMap[_pollID].didReveal[msg.sender] = true;
emit _VoteRevealed(_pollID, numTokens, pollMap[_pollID].votesFor, pollMap[_pollID].votesAgainst, _voteOption, msg.sender);
@notice Reveals multiple votes with choices and secret salts used in generating commitHashes to attribute committed tokens
@param _pollIDs Array of integer identifiers associated with target polls
@param _voteOptions Array of vote choices used to generate commitHashes for associated polls
@param _salts Array of secret numbers used to generate commitHashes for associated polls
function revealVotes(uint[] _pollIDs, uint[] _voteOptions, uint[] _salts) external {
// make sure the array lengths are all the same
require(_pollIDs.length == _voteOptions.length);
require(_pollIDs.length == _salts.length);
// loop through arrays, revealing each individual vote values
for (uint i = 0; i < _pollIDs.length; i++) {
revealVote(_pollIDs[i], _voteOptions[i], _salts[i]);
@param _pollID Integer identifier associated with target poll
@param _salt Arbitrarily chosen integer used to generate secretHash
@return correctVotes Number of tokens voted for winning option
function getNumPassingTokens(address _voter, uint _pollID, uint _salt) public constant returns (uint correctVotes) {
uint winningChoice = isPassed(_pollID) ? 1 : 0;
bytes32 winnerHash = keccak256(winningChoice, _salt);
bytes32 commitHash = getCommitHash(_voter, _pollID);
require(winnerHash == commitHash);
return getNumTokens(_voter, _pollID);
// ==================
// ==================
@dev Initiates a poll with canonical configured parameters at pollID emitted by PollCreated event
@param _voteQuorum Type of majority (out of 100) that is necessary for poll to be successful
@param _commitDuration Length of desired commit period in seconds
@param _revealDuration Length of desired reveal period in seconds
function startPoll(uint _voteQuorum, uint _commitDuration, uint _revealDuration) public returns (uint pollID) {
pollNonce = pollNonce + 1;
uint commitEndDate = block.timestamp.add(_commitDuration);
uint revealEndDate = commitEndDate.add(_revealDuration);
pollMap[pollNonce] = Poll({
voteQuorum: _voteQuorum,
commitEndDate: commitEndDate,
revealEndDate: revealEndDate,
votesFor: 0,
votesAgainst: 0
emit _PollCreated(_voteQuorum, commitEndDate, revealEndDate, pollNonce, msg.sender);
return pollNonce;
@notice Determines if proposal has passed
@dev Check if votesFor out of totalVotes exceeds votesQuorum (requires pollEnded)
@param _pollID Integer identifier associated with target poll
function isPassed(uint _pollID) constant public returns (bool passed) {
Poll memory poll = pollMap[_pollID];
return (100 * poll.votesFor) > (poll.voteQuorum * (poll.votesFor + poll.votesAgainst));
// ----------------
// ----------------
@dev Gets the total winning votes for reward distribution purposes
@param _pollID Integer identifier associated with target poll
@return Total number of votes committed to the winning option for specified poll
function getTotalNumberOfTokensForWinningOption(uint _pollID) constant public returns (uint numTokens) {
if (isPassed(_pollID))
return pollMap[_pollID].votesFor;
return pollMap[_pollID].votesAgainst;
@notice Determines if poll is over
@dev Checks isExpired for specified poll's revealEndDate
@return Boolean indication of whether polling period is over
function pollEnded(uint _pollID) constant public returns (bool ended) {
return isExpired(pollMap[_pollID].revealEndDate);
@notice Checks if the commit period is still active for the specified poll
@dev Checks isExpired for the specified poll's commitEndDate
@param _pollID Integer identifier associated with target poll
@return Boolean indication of isCommitPeriodActive for target poll
function commitPeriodActive(uint _pollID) constant public returns (bool active) {
return !isExpired(pollMap[_pollID].commitEndDate);
@notice Checks if the reveal period is still active for the specified poll
@dev Checks isExpired for the specified poll's revealEndDate
@param _pollID Integer identifier associated with target poll
function revealPeriodActive(uint _pollID) constant public returns (bool active) {
return !isExpired(pollMap[_pollID].revealEndDate) && !commitPeriodActive(_pollID);
@dev Checks if user has committed for specified poll
@param _voter Address of user to check against
@param _pollID Integer identifier associated with target poll
@return Boolean indication of whether user has committed
function didCommit(address _voter, uint _pollID) constant public returns (bool committed) {
return pollMap[_pollID].didCommit[_voter];
@dev Checks if user has revealed for specified poll
@param _voter Address of user to check against
@param _pollID Integer identifier associated with target poll
@return Boolean indication of whether user has revealed
function didReveal(address _voter, uint _pollID) constant public returns (bool revealed) {
return pollMap[_pollID].didReveal[_voter];
@dev Checks if a poll exists
@param _pollID The pollID whose existance is to be evaluated.
@return Boolean Indicates whether a poll exists for the provided pollID
function pollExists(uint _pollID) constant public returns (bool exists) {
return (_pollID != 0 && _pollID <= pollNonce);
// ---------------------------
// ---------------------------
@dev Gets the bytes32 commitHash property of target poll
@param _voter Address of user to check against
@param _pollID Integer identifier associated with target poll
@return Bytes32 hash property attached to target poll
function getCommitHash(address _voter, uint _pollID) constant public returns (bytes32 commitHash) {
return bytes32(store.getAttribute(attrUUID(_voter, _pollID), "commitHash"));
@dev Wrapper for getAttribute with attrName="numTokens"
@param _voter Address of user to check against
@param _pollID Integer identifier associated with target poll
@return Number of tokens committed to poll in sorted poll-linked-list
function getNumTokens(address _voter, uint _pollID) constant public returns (uint numTokens) {
return store.getAttribute(attrUUID(_voter, _pollID), "numTokens");
@dev Gets top element of sorted poll-linked-list
@param _voter Address of user to check against
@return Integer identifier to poll with maximum number of tokens committed to it
function getLastNode(address _voter) constant public returns (uint pollID) {
return dllMap[_voter].getPrev(0);
@dev Gets the numTokens property of getLastNode
@param _voter Address of user to check against
@return Maximum number of tokens committed in poll specified
function getLockedTokens(address _voter) constant public returns (uint numTokens) {
return getNumTokens(_voter, getLastNode(_voter));
@dev Takes the last node in the user's DLL and iterates backwards through the list searching
for a node with a value less than or equal to the provided _numTokens value. When such a node
is found, if the provided _pollID matches the found nodeID, this operation is an in-place
update. In that case, return the previous node of the node being updated. Otherwise return the
first node that was found with a value less than or equal to the provided _numTokens.
@param _voter The voter whose DLL will be searched
@param _numTokens The value for the numTokens attribute in the node to be inserted
@return the node which the propoded node should be inserted after
function getInsertPointForNumTokens(address _voter, uint _numTokens, uint _pollID)
constant public returns (uint prevNode) {
// Get the last node in the list and the number of tokens in that node
uint nodeID = getLastNode(_voter);
uint tokensInNode = getNumTokens(_voter, nodeID);
// Iterate backwards through the list until reaching the root node
while(nodeID != 0) {
// Get the number of tokens in the current node
tokensInNode = getNumTokens(_voter, nodeID);
if(tokensInNode <= _numTokens) { // We found the insert point!
if(nodeID == _pollID) {
// This is an in-place update. Return the prev node of the node being updated
nodeID = dllMap[_voter].getPrev(nodeID);
// Return the insert point
return nodeID;
// We did not find the insert point. Continue iterating backwards through the list
nodeID = dllMap[_voter].getPrev(nodeID);
// The list is empty, or a smaller value than anything else in the list is being inserted
return nodeID;
// ----------------
// ----------------
@dev Checks if an expiration date has been reached
@param _terminationDate Integer timestamp of date to compare current timestamp with
@return expired Boolean indication of whether the terminationDate has passed
function isExpired(uint _terminationDate) constant public returns (bool expired) {
return (block.timestamp > _terminationDate);
@dev Generates an identifier which associates a user and a poll together
@param _pollID Integer identifier associated with target poll
@return UUID Hash which is deterministic from _user and _pollID
function attrUUID(address _user, uint _pollID) public pure returns (bytes32 UUID) {
return keccak256(_user, _pollID);
* Shoutouts:
* Bytecode origin
* Modified version of Vitalik's
* Credits to Jorge Izquierdo (@izqui) for coming up with this design here:
* Credits to Stefan George (@Georgi87) for inspiration for many of the improvements from Gnosis Safe:
* This version has many improvements over the original @izqui's library like using REVERT instead of THROWing on failed calls.
* It also implements the awesome design pattern for initializing code as seen in Gnosis Safe Factory:
* but unlike this last one it doesn't require that you waste storage on both the proxy and the proxied contracts (v. &
* v0.0.2
* The proxy is now only 60 bytes long in total. Constructor included.
* No functionalities were added. The change was just to make the proxy leaner.
* v0.0.3
* Thanks @dacarley for noticing the incorrect check for the subsequent call to the proxy. 🙌
* Note: I'm creating a new version of this that doesn't need that one call.
* Will add tests and put this in its own repository soon™.
* v0.0.4
* All the merit in this fix + update of the factory is @dacarley 's. 🙌
* Thank you! 😄
* Potential updates can be found at
pragma solidity ^0.4.19;
/* solhint-disable no-inline-assembly, indent, state-visibility, avoid-low-level-calls */
contract ProxyFactory {
event ProxyDeployed(address proxyAddress, address targetAddress);
event ProxiesDeployed(address[] proxyAddresses, address targetAddress);
function createManyProxies(uint256 _count, address _target, bytes _data)
address[] memory proxyAddresses = new address[](_count);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _count; ++i) {
proxyAddresses[i] = createProxyImpl(_target, _data);
ProxiesDeployed(proxyAddresses, _target);
function createProxy(address _target, bytes _data)
returns (address proxyContract)
proxyContract = createProxyImpl(_target, _data);
ProxyDeployed(proxyContract, _target);
function createProxyImpl(address _target, bytes _data)
returns (address proxyContract)
assembly {
let contractCode := mload(0x40) // Find empty storage location using "free memory pointer"
mstore(add(contractCode, 0x0b), _target) // Add target address, with a 11 bytes [i.e. 23 - (32 - 20)] offset to later accomodate first part of the bytecode
mstore(sub(contractCode, 0x09), 0x000000000000000000603160008181600b9039f3600080808080368092803773) // First part of the bytecode, shifted left by 9 bytes, overwrites left padding of target address
mstore(add(contractCode, 0x2b), 0x5af43d828181803e808314602f57f35bfd000000000000000000000000000000) // Final part of bytecode, offset by 43 bytes
proxyContract := create(0, contractCode, 60) // total length 60 bytes
if iszero(extcodesize(proxyContract)) {
revert(0, 0)
// check if the _data.length > 0 and if it is forward it to the newly created contract
let dataLength := mload(_data)
if iszero(iszero(dataLength)) {
if iszero(call(gas, proxyContract, 0, add(_data, 0x20), dataLength, 0, 0)) {
revert(0, 0)
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