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Created March 21, 2011 10:08
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Save mattattui/879249 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Convert named HTML entities to numeric for XML compatibility
/* html_convert_entities($string) -- convert named HTML entities to
* XML-compatible numeric entities.
function html_convert_entities($string) {
return preg_replace_callback('/&([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+);/S',
'convert_entity', $string);
/* Swap HTML named entity with its numeric equivalent. If the entity
* isn't in the lookup table, this function returns a blank, which
* destroys the character in the output - this is probably the
* desired behaviour when producing XML. */
function convert_entity($matches) {
static $table = array('quot' => '&#34;',
'amp' => '&#38;',
'lt' => '&#60;',
'gt' => '&#62;',
'OElig' => '&#338;',
'oelig' => '&#339;',
'Scaron' => '&#352;',
'scaron' => '&#353;',
'Yuml' => '&#376;',
'circ' => '&#710;',
'tilde' => '&#732;',
'ensp' => '&#8194;',
'emsp' => '&#8195;',
'thinsp' => '&#8201;',
'zwnj' => '&#8204;',
'zwj' => '&#8205;',
'lrm' => '&#8206;',
'rlm' => '&#8207;',
'ndash' => '&#8211;',
'mdash' => '&#8212;',
'lsquo' => '&#8216;',
'rsquo' => '&#8217;',
'sbquo' => '&#8218;',
'ldquo' => '&#8220;',
'rdquo' => '&#8221;',
'bdquo' => '&#8222;',
'dagger' => '&#8224;',
'Dagger' => '&#8225;',
'permil' => '&#8240;',
'lsaquo' => '&#8249;',
'rsaquo' => '&#8250;',
'euro' => '&#8364;',
'fnof' => '&#402;',
'Alpha' => '&#913;',
'Beta' => '&#914;',
'Gamma' => '&#915;',
'Delta' => '&#916;',
'Epsilon' => '&#917;',
'Zeta' => '&#918;',
'Eta' => '&#919;',
'Theta' => '&#920;',
'Iota' => '&#921;',
'Kappa' => '&#922;',
'Lambda' => '&#923;',
'Mu' => '&#924;',
'Nu' => '&#925;',
'Xi' => '&#926;',
'Omicron' => '&#927;',
'Pi' => '&#928;',
'Rho' => '&#929;',
'Sigma' => '&#931;',
'Tau' => '&#932;',
'Upsilon' => '&#933;',
'Phi' => '&#934;',
'Chi' => '&#935;',
'Psi' => '&#936;',
'Omega' => '&#937;',
'alpha' => '&#945;',
'beta' => '&#946;',
'gamma' => '&#947;',
'delta' => '&#948;',
'epsilon' => '&#949;',
'zeta' => '&#950;',
'eta' => '&#951;',
'theta' => '&#952;',
'iota' => '&#953;',
'kappa' => '&#954;',
'lambda' => '&#955;',
'mu' => '&#956;',
'nu' => '&#957;',
'xi' => '&#958;',
'omicron' => '&#959;',
'pi' => '&#960;',
'rho' => '&#961;',
'sigmaf' => '&#962;',
'sigma' => '&#963;',
'tau' => '&#964;',
'upsilon' => '&#965;',
'phi' => '&#966;',
'chi' => '&#967;',
'psi' => '&#968;',
'omega' => '&#969;',
'thetasym' => '&#977;',
'upsih' => '&#978;',
'piv' => '&#982;',
'bull' => '&#8226;',
'hellip' => '&#8230;',
'prime' => '&#8242;',
'Prime' => '&#8243;',
'oline' => '&#8254;',
'frasl' => '&#8260;',
'weierp' => '&#8472;',
'image' => '&#8465;',
'real' => '&#8476;',
'trade' => '&#8482;',
'alefsym' => '&#8501;',
'larr' => '&#8592;',
'uarr' => '&#8593;',
'rarr' => '&#8594;',
'darr' => '&#8595;',
'harr' => '&#8596;',
'crarr' => '&#8629;',
'lArr' => '&#8656;',
'uArr' => '&#8657;',
'rArr' => '&#8658;',
'dArr' => '&#8659;',
'hArr' => '&#8660;',
'forall' => '&#8704;',
'part' => '&#8706;',
'exist' => '&#8707;',
'empty' => '&#8709;',
'nabla' => '&#8711;',
'isin' => '&#8712;',
'notin' => '&#8713;',
'ni' => '&#8715;',
'prod' => '&#8719;',
'sum' => '&#8721;',
'minus' => '&#8722;',
'lowast' => '&#8727;',
'radic' => '&#8730;',
'prop' => '&#8733;',
'infin' => '&#8734;',
'ang' => '&#8736;',
'and' => '&#8743;',
'or' => '&#8744;',
'cap' => '&#8745;',
'cup' => '&#8746;',
'int' => '&#8747;',
'there4' => '&#8756;',
'sim' => '&#8764;',
'cong' => '&#8773;',
'asymp' => '&#8776;',
'ne' => '&#8800;',
'equiv' => '&#8801;',
'le' => '&#8804;',
'ge' => '&#8805;',
'sub' => '&#8834;',
'sup' => '&#8835;',
'nsub' => '&#8836;',
'sube' => '&#8838;',
'supe' => '&#8839;',
'oplus' => '&#8853;',
'otimes' => '&#8855;',
'perp' => '&#8869;',
'sdot' => '&#8901;',
'lceil' => '&#8968;',
'rceil' => '&#8969;',
'lfloor' => '&#8970;',
'rfloor' => '&#8971;',
'lang' => '&#9001;',
'rang' => '&#9002;',
'loz' => '&#9674;',
'spades' => '&#9824;',
'clubs' => '&#9827;',
'hearts' => '&#9829;',
'diams' => '&#9830;',
'nbsp' => '&#160;',
'iexcl' => '&#161;',
'cent' => '&#162;',
'pound' => '&#163;',
'curren' => '&#164;',
'yen' => '&#165;',
'brvbar' => '&#166;',
'sect' => '&#167;',
'uml' => '&#168;',
'copy' => '&#169;',
'ordf' => '&#170;',
'laquo' => '&#171;',
'not' => '&#172;',
'shy' => '&#173;',
'reg' => '&#174;',
'macr' => '&#175;',
'deg' => '&#176;',
'plusmn' => '&#177;',
'sup2' => '&#178;',
'sup3' => '&#179;',
'acute' => '&#180;',
'micro' => '&#181;',
'para' => '&#182;',
'middot' => '&#183;',
'cedil' => '&#184;',
'sup1' => '&#185;',
'ordm' => '&#186;',
'raquo' => '&#187;',
'frac14' => '&#188;',
'frac12' => '&#189;',
'frac34' => '&#190;',
'iquest' => '&#191;',
'Agrave' => '&#192;',
'Aacute' => '&#193;',
'Acirc' => '&#194;',
'Atilde' => '&#195;',
'Auml' => '&#196;',
'Aring' => '&#197;',
'AElig' => '&#198;',
'Ccedil' => '&#199;',
'Egrave' => '&#200;',
'Eacute' => '&#201;',
'Ecirc' => '&#202;',
'Euml' => '&#203;',
'Igrave' => '&#204;',
'Iacute' => '&#205;',
'Icirc' => '&#206;',
'Iuml' => '&#207;',
'ETH' => '&#208;',
'Ntilde' => '&#209;',
'Ograve' => '&#210;',
'Oacute' => '&#211;',
'Ocirc' => '&#212;',
'Otilde' => '&#213;',
'Ouml' => '&#214;',
'times' => '&#215;',
'Oslash' => '&#216;',
'Ugrave' => '&#217;',
'Uacute' => '&#218;',
'Ucirc' => '&#219;',
'Uuml' => '&#220;',
'Yacute' => '&#221;',
'THORN' => '&#222;',
'szlig' => '&#223;',
'agrave' => '&#224;',
'aacute' => '&#225;',
'acirc' => '&#226;',
'atilde' => '&#227;',
'auml' => '&#228;',
'aring' => '&#229;',
'aelig' => '&#230;',
'ccedil' => '&#231;',
'egrave' => '&#232;',
'eacute' => '&#233;',
'ecirc' => '&#234;',
'euml' => '&#235;',
'igrave' => '&#236;',
'iacute' => '&#237;',
'icirc' => '&#238;',
'iuml' => '&#239;',
'eth' => '&#240;',
'ntilde' => '&#241;',
'ograve' => '&#242;',
'oacute' => '&#243;',
'ocirc' => '&#244;',
'otilde' => '&#245;',
'ouml' => '&#246;',
'divide' => '&#247;',
'oslash' => '&#248;',
'ugrave' => '&#249;',
'uacute' => '&#250;',
'ucirc' => '&#251;',
'uuml' => '&#252;',
'yacute' => '&#253;',
'thorn' => '&#254;',
'yuml' => '&#255;'
// Entity not found? Destroy it.
return isset($table[$matches[1]]) ? $table[$matches[1]] : '';
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See for context and a much shorter and (mostly) better alternative.

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sebm commented May 11, 2011

Thanks - I intend on using this to get RSS feeds working in xoxco/PeoplePods#7 !

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@sebm : happy to help. Make sure that the (much) shorter version doesn't work just as well first, though. :)

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sebm commented May 11, 2011

As it turns out, the shorter version does the trick, too. 👏

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axltxl commented Sep 8, 2012

The shorter solution does not make rid of inexistent entities, this one does. Entity translation suits perfect for my project since HTML5 doesn't have such thing as a DTD, and that was causing problems on my HTMLUnknownElement::innerHTML method (which is based on DOMDocumentFragment::appendXML). Thanks a lot for this solution.

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