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Forked from dsparks/plyr_NOMINATE.R
Created October 27, 2012 16:18
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Visualizing polarization in congress
# minor changes from script by dsparks
# Letting plyr do the work for us.
# Install and load needed packages
doInstall <- TRUE # Change to FALSE if you don't want packages installed.
toInstall <- c("foreign", "plyr", "Hmisc", "ggplot2")
toInstall <- toInstall[!toInstall%in%library()$results[,1]] #check if present
{install.packages(toInstall, repos = "")}
lapply(toInstall , library, character.only = TRUE)
# See:
dwNominate <- read.dta("")
# Make a re-coded party variable
dwNominate$majorParty <- "Other"
dwNominate$majorParty[dwNominate$party == 100] <- "Democrat"
dwNominate$majorParty[dwNominate$party == 200] <- "Republican"
# Letting plyr do the work for us (most of the functions are from Hmisc)
aggregatedIdeology <- ddply(.data = dwNominate,
.variables = .(cong, majorParty),
.fun = summarise, # Allows the following:
Median = wtd.quantile(dwnom1, 1/bootse1, 1/2),
q25 = wtd.quantile(dwnom1, 1/bootse1, 1/4),
q75 = wtd.quantile(dwnom1, 1/bootse1, 3/4),
q05 = wtd.quantile(dwnom1, 1/bootse1, 1/20),
q95 = wtd.quantile(dwnom1, 1/bootse1, 19/20),
N = length(dwnom1),
.progress = "text") # Because we can.
aggregatedIdeology$majorParty <- factor(aggregatedIdeology$majorParty,
levels = c("Republican", "Democrat", "Other"))
head(aggregatedIdeology) # All of our stats, calculated "by" our .variables
# Plot of ideological distributions
zp1 <- ggplot(aggregatedIdeology,
aes(x = cong, y = Median,
ymin = q05, ymax = q95,
colour = majorParty, alpha = N))
zp1 <- zp1 + geom_linerange(aes(ymin = q25, ymax = q75), # Plot the 90% CI
size = 1) # it inherits x, y, colour and alpha
zp1 <- zp1 + geom_pointrange(size = 1/2) # Plot the IQR
zp1 <- zp1 + scale_colour_brewer(palette = "Set1")
zp1 <- zp1 + theme_bw()
zp1 <- zp1 + ylab("Liberal-Conservative") + xlab("")
zp1 <- zp1 + scale_alpha(guide="none")
zp1 <- zp1 + opts(panel.grid.major = theme_line(colour = NA),
panel.grid.minor = theme_line(colour = NA),
axis.text.x = theme_text(size=16),
axis.text.y = theme_text(colour="white"),
axis.title.y = theme_text(size=16,angle=90),
title = expression("Polarization in U.S. Congress"))
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uses older ggplot2

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