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Created April 20, 2011 01:50
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#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int checkCompletion(int pos[3][3]);
int dist(int num, int x, int y);
int bestTile(int tiles[3][3], int & x, int & y);
void printBoard(int tiles[3][3]);
void cloneBoard(int board[3][3]);
Returns a number. The closer to zero this number is, the more complete the
puzzle is. If the value of this number is zero, the puzzle is complete.
int checkCompletion(int pos[3][3])
int total = 0;
for(int x=0;x<3;x++)
for(int y=0;y<3;y++)
total += dist(pos[x][y], x, y);
return total;
Determine the physical number of moves required to put a piece back where it
needs to be.
int dist(int num, int x, int y)
int sXpos = 0, sYpos = 0; // The vars that will store where the num is
sXpos = ((num-1) % 3);
sYpos = ((num-1) / 3);
return abs(x - sXpos) + abs(y - sYpos);
Determines the best tile to move.
int bestTile(int tiles[3][3], int & x, int & y)
int bestX = -1, bestY = -1, bestDist = 0, curDist = 0, potentialDist = 0;
int px, py;
py = 0;
if(px + x < 0 || px + x > 2)
curDist = dist(tiles[y][px + x], px + x, y);
potentialDist = dist(tiles[y][px + x], x, y);
int tempBoard[3][3];
int tx,ty;
for(int ti=0;ti<3;ti++)
for(int tj=0;tj<3;tj++)
tempBoard[ti][tj] = tiles[ti][tj];
tempBoard[y][x] = tiles[y][px + x];
tempBoard[y][px + x] = -1;
tx = px+x;
ty = y;
curDist = bestTile(tiles, tx, ty);
if(curDist > bestDist)
bestX = px + x;
bestY = y;
bestDist = curDist;
px = 0;
curDist = dist(tiles[y][px + x], x, py + y);
potentialDist = dist(tiles[py + y][x], x, y);
int tempBoard[3][3];
int ty, tx;
for(int ti=0;ti<3;ti++)
for(int tj=0;tj<3;tj++)
tempBoard[ti][tj] = tiles[ti][tj];
tempBoard[y][x] = tiles[py + y][x];
tempBoard[py + y][x] = -1;
ty = py + y;
tx = x;
curDist = bestTile(tiles, tx, ty);
if(curDist > bestDist)
bestX = x;
bestY = py + y;
bestDist = curDist;
x = bestX;
y = bestY;
return bestDist;
Prints the game board to the screen.
void printBoard(int tiles[3][3])
cout << endl << "-----" << endl;
for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
for(int j=0;j<3;j++)
cout << " ";
cout << tiles[i][j] << " ";
cout << endl;
cout << "-----" << endl;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int i[3][3] =
{1, 3, 6},
{4, -1, 7},
{2, 5, 8}
int x=1, y=1;
cout << bestTile(i,x,y) << endl;
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