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Last active November 1, 2022 03:19
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Run a React Native Android app in Docker
# Run a react native app on docker
# Ensure you have enough space (>32GB) and plenty of CPU power if you're running in Codespaces
# 1. docker-compose up -d (or right click this file in VS code and choose Compose Up)
# 2. Once started go to http://localhost:6080 (or right click the dev container and choose Open in Browser in VSCode). You should see the android phone starting up
# 3. Log in to your container with `docker exec -it react-native-dev bash` (or right click the dev container and choose Attach Shell in VSCode)
# 4. Run `npm run android` to start your app (can take quite a while the first time you do this)
image: budtmo/docker-android-x86-12.0
network_mode: "service:react-native-dev"
privileged: true
- react-native-dev
image: reactnativecommunity/react-native-android
- ./:/root/app
- gradle:/root/.gradle
working_dir: /root/app
command: "/bin/bash -c 'npm i && npm run start'"
- "6080:6080" #from android service
tty: true
stdin_open: true
container_name: react-native-dev
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