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Last active September 14, 2016 17:28
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import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
from matplotlib.widgets import Slider
def rescale(xs, ys, params, values):
An example scaling_func that can be provided to interactive_collapse. This
scales the zombie data by the variables alphac, sigma, tau for curves at
various values of alpha (the bite to kill ratio packed into `values`)
# unpack the scaling parameters from the params list
alphac, sigma, tau = params
outx, outy = [], []
for alpha,x,y in zip(values, xs, ys):
return np.array(outx), np.array(outy)
def interactive_collapse(xs, ys, scaling_func, values, params,
param_names=None, param_ranges=None, fig=None):
Interactive scaling collapse utility that allows you to change the scaling
parameters to achieve a good scaling collapse.
xs : ndarray [N, X]
x-values for N one dimensional curves of length X
ys : ndarray [N, X]
y-values for N one dimensional curves of length X corresponding to the xs
scaling_func : function
A function that takes the arguments (xs, ys, params, values) and returns
a set of (xs', ys') that have been scaled appropriately.
values : ndarray [N], [N, Y]
Parameter values at which the data in (xs, ys) was taken. For example,
temperature or system size (or both) for each x,y curve.
params : ndarray [Y']
Parameters which to optimize for the collapse such as exponents,
critical point value, or other non-universal constants
param_names : list [Y'] optional
Names of the parameters which the user will manipulate
param_ranges : list [Y', 2] optional
range for the particular parameters in question
fig : `pl.figure`
Use an existing figure for the scaling collapse
# create the plot itself, clear and resize
if fig is None:
fig = pl.figure()
pl.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, bottom=0.15, right=0.6)
lines = []
out = scaling_func(xs, ys, params, values)
colors = cm.copper(Normalize()(np.arange(len(xs))))
for a, c, x, y in zip(values, colors, out[0], out[1]):
lines.append(pl.loglog(x, y, 'o-', label=str(a), c=c)[0])
# create defaults for values that don't exist
nparams = len(params)
if param_names is None:
param_names = ['param-{}'.format(i) for i in xrange(nparams)]
if param_ranges is None:
param_ranges = [(p-1,p+1) for p in params]
# function to be called when any slider is changed
def update(val):
params = np.array([i.val for i in slider_wgt])
print ' '.join("{}={}".format(k,v) for (k,v) in zip(param_names, params))
out = scaling_func(xs, ys, params, values)
for line, x, y in zip(lines, out[0], out[1]):
# create the widgets to use for the update
slider_axs = []
slider_wgt = []
for i, (param, name, prange) in enumerate(zip(params, param_names, param_ranges)):
axs = pl.axes([0.65, 0.2+0.6*float(i+1)/nparams, 0.25, 0.03], axisbg='white')
wgt = Slider(axs, name, prange[0], prange[1], valinit=param)
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