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Created May 19, 2012 16:01
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jQuery - ResponsiveReel
// Simple Slideshow
$(function () {
var visibleClass = 'visible'; // no .
var currentClass = 'current'; // no .
var animationTime = 300; // fade duration
var containerClass = '.slides'; // class on container
var slideItem = 'img'; // what are we sliding?
var slideItems = $(containerClass).find(slideItem); // all slides
var slideNumbers = $(".slide-nav a"); // pagination numbers
var slideNext = $(".next"); // next link
var slidePrev = $(".prev"); // prev link
var totalSlides = parseInt((slideItems.length)); // how many slides?
var animatingSlideId = 0; // we're not animating anything yet
// Function to animate slides
function animateSlides(targetSlideId) {
// Get slide we're meant to be showing
targetSlide = slideItems.filter("[data-slide=" + targetSlideId + "]");
// If target slide isn't shown already and isn't animating
if(!targetSlide.hasClass(visibleClass) && targetSlideId!=animatingSlideId) {
// Set the slide we're animating
animatingSlideId = targetSlideId;
// Animate visible slide out
slideItems.filter("." + visibleClass + "").animate({
opacity: 0
}, animationTime,
function() {
// We're done animating
animatingSlideId = 0;
// Remove visible class from all slides (to be sure)
// Animate target slide in
opacity: 1
}, animationTime,
function() {
// We're done animating
animatingSlideId = 0;
// Set visible slide
// Remove current class from all slide numbers (to be sure)
// Add current class to target slide number item
slideNumbers.filter("[data-slide=" + targetSlideId + "]").addClass('current');
// When triggers are clicked
$(slideNumbers).click(function() {
// Get ID of target slide
targetSlideId = $(this).attr("data-slide");
// Animate slides
return false;
// When 'next' is clicked
$(slideNext).click(function() {
currentSlide = slideItems.filter("." + visibleClass + "").attr("data-slide");
currentSlideId = parseInt(currentSlide);
// If current slide is the last one
if(currentSlideId == totalSlides) {
// Reset target ID to first slide
targetSlideId = 1;
// Otherwise
else {
// Target ID is the next slide
targetSlideId = (currentSlideId + 1);
// Animate slides
return false;
// When 'prev' is clicked
$(slidePrev).click(function() {
currentSlide = slideItems.filter("." + visibleClass + "").attr("data-slide");
currentSlideId = parseInt(currentSlide);
// If current slide is the first one
if(currentSlideId == 1) {
// Reset target ID to last slide
targetSlideId = totalSlides;
// Otherwise
else {
// Target ID is the previous slide
targetSlideId = (currentSlideId - 1);
// Animate slides
return false;
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