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Last active June 26, 2016 02:09
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function supportsWoff2() {
"use strict";
/*global FontFace*/
// Source:
if (!window.FontFace) {
return false;
} else {
var f = new FontFace('t', 'url("data:application/font-woff2,") format("woff2")', {});
return f.status === 'loading';
function loadCSS(href, before, media){
"use strict";
// Arguments explained:
// `href` is the URL for your CSS file.
// `before` optionally defines the element we'll use as a reference for injecting our <link>
// By default, `before` uses the first <script> element in the page.
// However, since the order in which stylesheets are referenced matters, you might need a more specific location in your document.
// If so, pass a different reference element to the `before` argument and it'll insert before that instead
// note: `insertBefore` is used instead of `appendChild`, for safety re:
var ss = window.document.createElement("link");
var ref = before || window.document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
var sheets = window.document.styleSheets;
ss.rel = "stylesheet";
ss.href = href;
// temporarily, set media to something non-matching to ensure it'll fetch without blocking render = "only x";
// inject link
ref.parentNode.insertBefore(ss, ref);
// This function sets the link's media back to `all` so that the stylesheet applies once it loads
// It is designed to poll until document.styleSheets includes the new sheet.
function toggleMedia(){
var defined;
for (var i = 0; i < sheets.length; i++) {
if(sheets[i].href && sheets[i].href.indexOf(href) > -1 ) {
defined = true;
if (defined) { = media || "all";
else {
return ss;
function loadFont(fontName, woffUrl, woff2Url) {
"use strict";
// 0. Many unsupported browsers should stop here
var nua = navigator.userAgent;
var noSupport = !window.addEventListener || (nua.match(/(Android (2|3|4.0|4.1|4.2|4.3))|(Opera (Mini|Mobi))/) && !nua.match(/Chrome/)); // IE8 and below || Android Stock Browser below 4.4 and Opera Mini
if (noSupport) {
function triggerLocalStorage() {
// 1. Setting up localStorage
var loSto = {};
try {
// We set up a proxy variable to help with localStorage, e.g. when cookies are disabled and the browser prevents us accessing it.
// Otherwise some exceptions can be thrown which completely prevent font loading.
loSto = localStorage || {};
} catch(ex) {}
var localStoragePrefix = 'x-font-' + fontName;
var localStorageUrlKey = localStoragePrefix + 'url';
var localStorageCssKey = localStoragePrefix + 'css';
var storedFontUrl = loSto[localStorageUrlKey];
var storedFontCss = loSto[localStorageCssKey];
// 2. Setting up the <style> element, that we are using to apply the base64 encoded font data
var styleElement = document.createElement('style');
styleElement.rel = 'stylesheet';
// Setting styleElement.textContent must be after this line, because of IE9 errors
// 3. Checking whether the font data is already in localStorage and up-to-date
if (storedFontCss && (storedFontUrl === woffUrl || storedFontUrl === woff2Url)) {
// The CSS is still in the localStorage AND it was loaded from one of the current URLs
// 4. Apply the font style sheet
styleElement.textContent = storedFontCss;
} else {
// The data was not present, or loaded from an obsolete URL so we have to load it again
// 5. Checking for WOFF2 support to know which URL we should use
var url = (woff2Url && supportsWoff2()) ? woff2Url : woffUrl; // only WOFF2 / WOFF support
// 6. Fetching the font data from the server
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url);
request.onload = function() {
if (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 400) {
// 7. Updating localStorage with the fresh data and applying the font data
loSto[localStorageUrlKey] = url;
loSto[localStorageCssKey] = styleElement.textContent = request.responseText;
// 9. Test for private browsing so we can still supply fonts
var privateBrowsing = false;
try { localStorage.test = 2; } catch (e) {
privateBrowsing = true;
// 10. Init the font loading
if (privateBrowsing) {
if (supportsWoff2()) {
} else {
} else {
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