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Created March 25, 2012 23:55
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window.performance PerformanceTiming data dump
window.onload = function() {
window.setTimeout(function() {
var p = window.performance, t, output, ns;
if (!p || !p.timing) {
output = '<p>Sorry, you browser doesn\'t support the Navigation Timing API.</p>';
} else {
t = p.timing;
ns = t.navigationStart;
output = '<p>Navigation started at ' + new Date(t.navigationStart).toLocaleString() + '</p>';
output += '<p>redirectStart: ' + (t.redirectStart !== 0 ? (t.redirectStart - ns) + 'ms' : 'n/a') + '</p>';
output += '<p>redirectEnd: ' + (t.redirectEnd !== 0 ? (t.redirectEnd - ns) + 'ms' : 'n/a') + '</p>';
output += '<p><strong>Time taken to redirect (if any): ' + (t.redirectEnd !== 0 ? (t.redirectEnd - t.redirectStart) + 'ms' : 'n/a') + '</strong></p>';
output += '<p>fetchStart: ' + (t.fetchStart - ns) + 'ms</p>';
output += '<p>domainLookupStart: ' + (t.domainLookupStart - ns) + 'ms</p>';
output += '<p><strong>Time taken to load data from app cache (if any): ' + (t.domainLookupStart - t.fetchStart) + 'ms</strong></p>';
output += '<p>domainLookupEnd: ' + (t.domainLookupEnd - ns) + 'ms</p>';
output += '<p><strong>Time taken to perform DNS lookup for ' + location.hostname + ': ' + (t.domainLookupEnd - t.domainLookupStart) + 'ms</strong></p>';
output += '<p>connectStart: ' + (t.connectStart - ns) + 'ms</p>';
output += '<p>secureConnectionStart: ' + (t.secureConnectionStart !== 0 ? (t.secureConnectionStart - ns) + 'ms' : 'n/a') + '</p>';
output += '<p>connectEnd: ' + (t.connectEnd - ns) + 'ms</p>';
output += '<p><strong>Time taken to establish TCP connection: ' + (t.connectEnd - t.connectStart) + 'ms</strong></p>';
output += '<p><strong>Time take to establish SSL connection (if any): ' + (t.secureConnectionStart !== 0 ? (t.connectEnd - t.secureConnectionStart) + 'ms' : 'n/a') + '</strong></p>';
output += '<p>requestStart: ' + (t.requestStart - ns) + 'ms</p>';
output += '<p>responseStart: ' + (t.responseStart - ns) + 'ms</p>';
output += '<p><strong>Time taken to send HTTP request: ' + (t.responseStart - t.requestStart) + 'ms</strong></p>';
output += '<p>responseEnd: ' + (t.responseEnd - ns) + 'ms</p>';
output += '<p><strong>Time taken to receive HTTP response: ' + (t.responseEnd - t.responseStart) + 'ms</strong></p>';
output += '<p>domLoading: ' + (t.domLoading - ns) + 'ms</p>';
output += '<p>domInteractive: ' + (t.domInteractive - ns) + 'ms</p>';
output += '<p><strong>Time take to parse the document: ' + (t.domInteractive - t.domLoading) + 'ms</strong></p>';
output += '<p>domContentLoadedEventStart: ' + (t.domContentLoadedEventStart - ns) + 'ms</p>';
output += '<p><strong>Time taken to execute blocking scripts: ' + (t.domContentLoadedEventStart - t.domInteractive) + 'ms</strong></p>';
output += '<p>domContentLoadedEventEnd: ' + (t.domContentLoadedEventEnd - ns) + 'ms</p>';
output += '<p>domComplete: ' + (t.domComplete - ns) + 'ms</p>';
output += '<p>loadEventStart: ' + (t.loadEventStart - ns) + 'ms</p>';
output += '<p><strong>Time taken to load non-blocking document resources (if any): ' + (t.loadEventStart - t.domContentLoadedEventStart) + 'ms</strong></p>';
output += '<p>loadEventEnd: ' + (t.loadEventEnd - ns) + 'ms</p>';
(document.getElementById('perf-output') || document.body).innerHTML = output;
}, 1000);
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