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Created March 26, 2021 10:13
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vanilla-extract - Stitches style API demo
import { stitch } from './vanilla-stitches-runtime';
import { stackPattern, buttonPattern } from './styles.css';
const button = stitch(buttonPattern);
const stack = stitch(stackPattern);
document.body.innerHTML = `
<div class="${stack({ space: 'xlarge' })}">
<div class="${stack({ space: 'small' })}">
<button class="${button()}">Button</button>
<button class="${button({ variant: 'purple' })}">Purple button</button>
<div class="${stack()}">
<button class="${button({ size: 'large' })}">Large Button</button>
<button class="${button({
variant: 'purple',
size: 'large',
})}">Large Purple button</button>
import mapValues from 'lodash/mapValues';
import { createGlobalTheme } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
import { createPattern } from './vanilla-stitches-style';
const gray800 = '#888';
const vars = createGlobalTheme(':root', {
color: {
gray400: 'gainsboro',
gray500: 'lightgray',
gray800: gray800,
purple400: 'blueviolet',
purple500: 'darkviolet',
space: {
xsmall: '4px',
small: '8px',
medium: '20px',
large: '28px',
xlarge: '40px',
shadows: {
small: [
`0 2px 4px 0px ${gray800}`,
`0 2px 2px -2px ${gray800}`,
`0 4px 4px -4px ${gray800}`,
].join(', '),
medium: [
`0 2px 4px 0px ${gray800}`,
`0 8px 8px -4px ${gray800}`,
`0 12px 12px -8px ${gray800}`,
].join(', '),
large: [
`0 2px 4px 0px ${gray800}`,
`0 12px 12px -4px ${gray800}`,
`0 20px 20px -12px ${gray800}`,
].join(', '),
export const buttonPattern = createPattern({
appearance: 'none',
border: 'none',
borderRadius: 99999,
lineHeight: 1,
variants: {
variant: {
gray: {
backgroundColor: vars.color.gray400,
':hover': {
backgroundColor: vars.color.gray500,
purple: {
backgroundColor: vars.color.purple400,
color: 'white',
':hover': {
backgroundColor: vars.color.purple500,
size: {
standard: {
fontSize: 13,
height: 25,
large: {
fontSize: 16,
compoundVariants: [
size: 'large',
variant: 'purple',
css: {
boxShadow: vars.shadows.large,
defaultVariants: {
variant: 'gray',
size: 'standard',
export const stackPattern = createPattern({
display: 'flex',
flexDirection: 'column',
alignItems: 'flex-start',
variants: {
space: mapValues(, (spaceValue) => ({
gap: spaceValue,
defaultVariants: {
space: 'medium',
import mapValues from 'lodash/mapValues';
import { style, mapToStyles } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
import { StitchesOptions, StitchesResult, VariantGroups } from './vanilla-stitches-types';
export function createPattern<Variants extends VariantGroups>(
options: StitchesOptions<Variants>,
): StitchesResult<Variants> {
const { variants, defaultVariants, compoundVariants = [], } = options;
const defaultClassName = style(rest);
const variantClassNames = mapValues(variants, (variantGroup) =>
) as StitchesResult<Variants>['variantClassNames'];
const compoundVariantsValues = => {
const { css, ...variantOptions } = cp;
const className = style(css);
return {
return {
import mapValues from 'lodash/mapValues';
import { style, mapToStyles } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
import { StitchesOptions, StitchesResult, VariantGroups } from './vanilla-stitches-types';
export function createPattern<Variants extends VariantGroups>(
options: StitchesOptions<Variants>,
): StitchesResult<Variants> {
const { variants, defaultVariants, compoundVariants = [], } = options;
const defaultClassName = style(rest);
const variantClassNames = mapValues(variants, (variantGroup) =>
) as StitchesResult<Variants>['variantClassNames'];
const compoundVariantsValues = => {
const { css, ...variantOptions } = cp;
const className = style(css);
return {
return {
import { StyleRule } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
export type EnumVariant = Record<string | number, StyleRule>;
export type VariantTypes = EnumVariant;
export type VariantGroups = Record<string, VariantTypes>;
export type VariantSelection<Variants extends VariantGroups> = {
[variantGroup in keyof Variants]?: keyof Variants[variantGroup];
export interface StitchesResult<Variants extends VariantGroups> {
defaultClassName: string;
variantClassNames: {
[P in keyof Variants]: { [P in keyof Variants[keyof Variants]]: string };
defaultVariants?: VariantSelection<Variants>;
compoundVariantsValues: Array<{
className: string;
variantOptions: Omit<CompoundVariant<Variants>, 'css'>;
export type CompoundVariant<
Variants extends VariantGroups
> = VariantSelection<Variants> & {
css: StyleRule;
export type StitchesOptions<Variants extends VariantGroups> = StyleRule & {
variants?: Variants;
defaultVariants?: VariantSelection<Variants>;
compoundVariants?: Array<CompoundVariant<Variants>>;
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CraigCav commented Jun 23, 2021

From twitter:

it appears the vanilla-stitches-runtime.ts file might not have the right content? [...]The content looks the same as the vanilla-stitches-style.ts file, so perhaps that was accidentally committed in it's place?

I've thrown together a codesandbox here to see if I could get this up and running.

As the vanilla-stitches-runtime.ts file above didn't look right, I quickly threw together the following code, which seems to work, but is missing some type definitions for the props value:

import { StitchesResult, VariantGroups } from "./vanilla-stitches-types";

export const stitch = <Variants extends VariantGroups>(
  pattern: StitchesResult<Variants>
) => (props?: any): string => {
  const classNames = [pattern.defaultClassName];

  const propsWithDefaults = {
    ...(pattern.defaultVariants || {}),
    ...(props || {})

  for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(pattern.variantClassNames)) {
    if (name in propsWithDefaults) {
      const propValue = propsWithDefaults[name];
      classNames.push(value[propValue] || "");

  for (const { className, variantOptions } of pattern.compoundVariantsValues) {
    if (
      props &&
        ([name, value]) => propsWithDefaults[name] === value
    ) {

  return classNames.join(" ");

I would definitely be interested in seeing if anyone else has attempted to do something similar to this. The variants API in stitches is 🔥 so combining that with vanilla-extract would be really neat.

I wonder if it's possible to support something similar to stitches responsive-variants with vanilla-extract? It basically lets you say "for small screens use this variant and for large screens use this other variant". I guess with the combinatorial effect of props on media queries, it might lend itself to being paired with sprinkles?

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