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Created November 7, 2019 10:33
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Demonstrates how to print vertex information for the points on an ILxCurve.
import lx
import lxifc
import lxu.command
import modo
class Command(lxu.command.BasicCommand):
def __init__(self):
self.mMeshItems = modo.Scene().selectedByType(lx.symbol.sITYPE_MESH)
def cmd_Flags(self):
return lx.symbol.fCMD_UI
def basic_Enable(self, msg):
return bool(self.mMeshItems)
def PrintCurveData(self, index, curve):
message = "Curve {}\n".format(index)
message += " Curve Length: {}\n".format(curve.Length())
# Get the mesh and polygon for the curve.
attributes = lx.object.Attributes(curve)
meshAttributesIndex = attributes.Lookup("mesh")
mesh = lx.object.Mesh(attributes.Value(meshAttributesIndex, 0))
polygonAttributesIndex = attributes.Lookup("polygon")
polygonAccessor = lx.object.Polygon(attributes.Value(polygonAttributesIndex, 0))
# Get the point accessor the mesh
pointAccessor = lx.object.Point(mesh.PointAccessor())
# Loop over the points on the polygon.
vertexCount = polygonAccessor.VertexCount()
message += " Point Count: {}\n".format(vertexCount)
for i in range(vertexCount):
# The polygon accessor is pointing at the curve polygon - setup the point accessor.
pointID = polygonAccessor.VertexByIndex(i)
message += " Point {}\n".format(i)
message += " Point Index: {}\n".format(pointAccessor.Index())
# Get the point position and print it out.
position = pointAccessor.Pos()
message += " Point Position: [{}, {}, {}]\n".format(position[0], position[1], position[2])
# Find the closest point on the curve to the point position and print the parameter.
parameter = curve.Closest(position)[0]
message += " Point Parameter: {}\n".format(parameter)
print message
def basic_Execute(self, msg, flags):
sceneService = lx.service.Scene()
curveChannel = sceneService.ItemTypeGetTag(sceneService.ItemTypeLookup(lx.symbol.sITYPE_MESH), lx.symbol.sPKG_CURVES_CHANNEL, 0)
channelRead = None
for meshItem in self.mMeshItems:
# Get a channel read object for reading the curve group.
if channelRead == None:
scene = meshItem.Context()
channelRead = lx.object.ChannelRead(scene.Channels(None, lx.service.Selection().GetTime()))
if channelRead == None:
raise lx.result.FAILED
# Read the curve group channel from the item. The curve group contains the curves.
valueReference = lx.object.ValueReference(channelRead.ValueObj(meshItem, meshItem.ChannelLookup(curveChannel)))
# Loop over the curves and print the debug data for each one.
curveGroup = lx.object.CurveGroup(valueReference.GetObject())
curveCount = curveGroup.Count()
for i in range(curveCount):
curve = lx.object.Curve(curveGroup.ByIndex(i))
self.PrintCurveData(i, curve)
lx.bless(Command, "mesh.dumpCurve")
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