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Created February 22, 2021 17:56
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Infinite Scrolling Cards with GSAP and ScrollTrigger (smooth)
<div class="gallery">
<ul class="cards">
<div class="actions">
<button class="prev">Prev</button>
<button class="next">Next</button>
let iteration = 0; // gets iterated when we scroll all the way to the end or start and wraps around - allows us to smoothly continue the playhead scrubbing in the correct direction.
const spacing = 0.1, // spacing of the cards (stagger)
snap = gsap.utils.snap(spacing), // we'll use this to snap the playhead on the seamlessLoop
cards = gsap.utils.toArray('.cards li'),
seamlessLoop = buildSeamlessLoop(cards, spacing),
scrub =, { // we reuse this tween to smoothly scrub the playhead on the seamlessLoop
totalTime: 0,
duration: 0.5,
ease: "power3",
paused: true
trigger = ScrollTrigger.create({
start: 0,
onUpdate(self) {
if (self.progress === 1 && self.direction > 0 && !self.wrapping) {
} else if (self.progress < 1e-5 && self.direction < 0 && !self.wrapping) {
} else {
scrub.vars.totalTime = (iteration + self.progress) * seamlessLoop.duration();
scrub.invalidate().restart(); // to improve performance, we just invalidate and restart the same tween. No need for overwrites or creating a new tween on each update.
self.wrapping = false;
end: "+=3000",
pin: ".gallery"
// when the user stops scrolling, snap to the closest item.
ScrollTrigger.addEventListener("scrollEnd", () => scrubTo(snap((iteration + trigger.progress) * seamlessLoop.duration())));
function wrapForward(trigger) { // when the ScrollTrigger reaches the end, loop back to the beginning seamlessly
trigger.wrapping = true;
trigger.scroll(trigger.start + 1);
function wrapBackward(trigger) { // when the ScrollTrigger reaches the start again (in reverse), loop back to the end seamlessly
if (iteration < 0) { // to keep the playhead from stopping at the beginning, we jump ahead 10 iterations
iteration = 9;
seamlessLoop.totalTime(seamlessLoop.totalTime() + seamlessLoop.duration() * 10);
scrub.pause(); // otherwise it may update the totalTime right before the trigger updates, making the starting value different than what we just set above.
trigger.wrapping = true;
trigger.scroll(trigger.end - 1);
function scrubTo(totalTime) { // moves the scroll position to the place that corresponds to the totalTime value of the seamlessLoop, and wraps if necessary.
let progress = (totalTime - seamlessLoop.duration() * iteration) / seamlessLoop.duration();
if (progress > 1) {
} else if (progress < 0) {
} else {
trigger.scroll(trigger.start + progress * (trigger.end - trigger.start));
document.querySelector(".next").addEventListener("click", () => scrubTo(scrub.vars.totalTime + spacing));
document.querySelector(".prev").addEventListener("click", () => scrubTo(scrub.vars.totalTime - spacing));
function buildSeamlessLoop(items, spacing) {
let overlap = Math.ceil(1 / spacing), // number of EXTRA animations on either side of the start/end to accommodate the seamless looping
startTime = items.length * spacing + 0.5, // the time on the rawSequence at which we'll start the seamless loop
loopTime = (items.length + overlap) * spacing + 1, // the spot at the end where we loop back to the startTime
rawSequence = gsap.timeline({paused: true}), // this is where all the "real" animations live
seamlessLoop = gsap.timeline({ // this merely scrubs the playhead of the rawSequence so that it appears to seamlessly loop
paused: true,
repeat: -1, // to accommodate infinite scrolling/looping
onRepeat() { // works around a super rare edge case bug that's fixed GSAP 3.6.1
this._time === this._dur && (this._tTime += this._dur - 0.01);
l = items.length + overlap * 2,
time = 0,
i, index, item;
// set initial state of items
gsap.set(items, {xPercent: 400, opacity: 0, scale: 0});
// now loop through and create all the animations in a staggered fashion. Remember, we must create EXTRA animations at the end to accommodate the seamless looping.
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
index = i % items.length;
item = items[index];
time = i * spacing;
rawSequence.fromTo(item, {scale: 0, opacity: 0}, {scale: 1, opacity: 1, zIndex: 100, duration: 0.5, yoyo: true, repeat: 1, ease: "", immediateRender: false}, time)
.fromTo(item, {xPercent: 400}, {xPercent: -400, duration: 1, ease: "none", immediateRender: false}, time);
i <= items.length && seamlessLoop.add("label" + i, time); // we don't really need these, but if you wanted to jump to key spots using labels, here ya go.
// here's where we set up the scrubbing of the playhead to make it appear seamless.
rawSequence.time(startTime);, {
time: loopTime,
duration: loopTime - startTime,
ease: "none"
}).fromTo(rawSequence, {time: overlap * spacing + 1}, {
time: startTime,
duration: startTime - (overlap * spacing + 1),
immediateRender: false,
ease: "none"
return seamlessLoop;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
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not working properly plz guide

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