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Created December 15, 2011 18:12
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Function that will sum the values of two dictionaries with at least one key shared between them.
def add_dicts(svs):
Performs an "add" operation on multiple SavedSearch attribute dictionaries
to create a single attribute dictionary object by which we can perform
filtering operations between multiple SavedSearch results.
if not svs:
return {}
# Only iterate over the keys that exist in both dictionaries
attr_dicts = (i._attr_dict() for i in svs)
keys = reduce(operator.or_, (set(i) for i in attr_dicts))
results = []
for k in keys:
# The values of the attr dicts on SavedSearch objects are lists,
# so we use the __add__ method on lists to combine all the values
# for a given key across multiple dictionaries with this reduce
# call.
vals = reduce(operator.add, (i.get(k, []) for i in attr_dicts))
# Before appending the results to the `results` list, filter out
# any items in the value list that evaluate to False (e.g. empty
# strings)
results.append((k, filter(lambda x: x, vals)))
# Coerce the `results` list to a dict and return.
return dict(results)
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