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Last active March 2, 2020 18:10
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Turns abitrary number into its string representation (e.g. 100 -> "one hundred") up to 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999
#!/usr/bin/env python
from math import ceil, floor, log10
ones = {
1: 'one',
2: 'two',
3: 'three',
4: 'four',
5: 'five',
6: 'six',
7: 'seven',
8: 'eight',
9: 'nine'
tens = {
1: "ten",
2: "twenty",
3: "thirty",
4: "forty",
5: "fifty",
6: "sixty",
7: "seventy",
8: "eighty",
9: "ninety"
def places_list(num):
"""Return a list of integers, where each member is the digit in a
position in `num`.
>> [2, 7, 3]
>> [5, 0, 9]
Reversing this operation can be achieved by multiplying each value by
10 raised to the value's 0-indexed position in the list, e.g.:
places = places_list(372)
sum([i * (10**idx) for idx, i in enumerate(places)])
>> 372
num_log = log10(num)
places = []
fac = int(ceil(num_log))
for i in range(1, fac + 1):
x = num % (10 ** i)
val = x / 10 ** (i - 1)
if ceil(num_log) == floor(num_log):
return places
def group_digits(list_of_digits):
"""Group list of items in groups of 3, at most.
>> [[1,2,3], [4,5,6]]
>> [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7]]
Useful when wanting to group digits by "hundreds."
return [
for i in range(3, len(list_of_digits)+3, 3)
def process_group(group):
tens_and_ones = process_tens_and_ones(*group[:2])
if len(group) <= 2 or (len(group) == 3 and group[2] == 0):
return tens_and_ones
hundreds = "{}-hundred".format(ones[group[2]])
if tens_and_ones:
return "{} and {}".format(hundreds, tens_and_ones)
return hundreds
def process_tens_and_ones(ones_digit, tens_digit=0):
if ones_digit == 0:
# If both digits are zero, return an empty string.
# If only the ones digit is zero, return the correct value from the
# `tens` dict.
if tens_digit == 0:
return ""
return tens[tens_digit]
if tens_digit == 0 :
return ones[ones_digit]
if tens_digit == 1:
return teens(ones_digit)
return "{}-{}".format(tens[tens_digit], ones[ones_digit])
def teens(ones_digit):
"""Return string analog for numbers between 10 and 20, about half of
which are edge cases.
if ones_digit == 1:
return "eleven"
elif ones_digit == 2:
return "twelve"
elif ones_digit == 3:
return "thirteen"
elif ones_digit == 5:
return "fifteen"
return '{}teen'.format(ones[ones_digit % 10])
def main(num):
suffixes = {
0: "",
1: "thousand",
2: "million",
3: "billion",
4: "trillion",
5: "quadrillion",
6: "quintillion",
7: "sextillion",
8: "septillion",
9: "octillion",
10: "nonillion",
11: "decillion",
12: "undecillion"
if num == 0:
return "zero"
negative = num < 0
if negative:
num = abs(num)
ps = places_list(num)
strings = []
for idx, group in enumerate(group_digits(ps)):
value = process_group(group)
if not value:
suffix = suffixes[idx]
if suffix:
value = " ".join([value, suffix])
retval = ", ".join(reversed(strings))
if negative:
retval = 'negative {}'.format(retval)
return retval
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
print main(int(sys.argv[1]))
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