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Created September 21, 2013 18:14
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(defn- copyright
"Stamp a single-page PDF with a copyright statement."
[^PdfStamper s ^Integer i ^String watermark ^Rectangle crop ^PdfReader reader hex-string]
(let [oc (itext/over-content s i)
bgcolor (new BaseColor 255 255 255)
font (. BaseFont createFont
(. BaseFont HELVETICA)
(. BaseFont WINANSI)
(. BaseFont EMBEDDED))
fontcolor (new BaseColor 0 0 0)
font-padding (float 4)
font-size (float 9)
text-angle (float 0)
rect-height (+ font-size font-padding)
media-box (let [pageSize (. reader getPageSize i)]
(if (and crop (or (< (. crop getWidth)
(. pageSize getWidth))
(< (. crop getHeight)
(. pageSize getHeight))))
top (. media-box getTop)
left (. media-box getLeft)
;; iText uses integer values to represent alignment:
align (. PdfContentByte ALIGN_LEFT)]
;; Draw our bounding box in which our copyright will be stamped
(. oc setColorFill bgcolor)
(. oc moveTo (+ left rect-height) top)
(. oc lineTo left top)
(. oc lineTo left (- top rect-height))
(. oc lineTo (+ left rect-height) top)
(. oc fill)
;; Drop our watermark on top of the rectangle we just created
(. oc beginText)
(. oc setColorFill fontcolor)
(. oc setFontAndSize font font-size)
(. oc showTextAligned
align watermark (+ left (/ font-padding 2)) (- top font-size) text-angle)
(. oc endText)))
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