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Created February 12, 2010 23:08
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def test_map_reduce_finalize(self):
"""Ensure finalize is running by simulating "hotness"
ranking with Reddit algorithm.
from time import mktime
class Link(Document):
title = StringField()
up_votes = IntField()
down_votes = IntField()
submitted = DateTimeField()
now = datetime.utcnow()
# Note: Test data taken from a custom Reddit homepage on
# Fri, 12 Feb 2010 14:36:00 -0600. Link ordering should
# reflect order of insertion below.
Link(title = "Google Buzz auto-followed a woman's abusive ex ...",
up_votes = 1079,
down_votes = 553,
submitted = now-timedelta(hours=4)).save()
Link(title = "We did it! Barbie is a computer engineer.",
up_votes = 481,
down_votes = 124,
submitted = now-timedelta(hours=2)).save()
Link(title = "This Is A Mosquito Getting Killed By A Laser",
up_votes = 1446,
down_votes = 530,
Link(title = "Arabic flashcards land physics student in jail.",
up_votes = 215,
down_votes = 105,
submitted = now-timedelta(hours=6)).save()
Link(title = "The Burger Lab: Presenting, the Flood Burger",
up_votes = 48,
down_votes = 17,
submitted = now-timedelta(hours=5)).save()
Link(title="How to see polarization with the naked eye",
up_votes = 74,
down_votes = 13,
submitted = now-timedelta(hours=10)).save()
map_f = """
function() {
emit(this._id, {up_delta: this.up_votes - this.down_votes,
reddit_epoch: new Date(2005, 12, 8, 7, 46, 43, 0).getTime(),
sub_date: this.submitted.getTime()})
reduce_f = """
function(key, values) {
data = values[0];
x = data.up_delta;
// calculate time diff between reddit epoch and submission
sec_since_epoch = data.sub_date - data.reddit_epoch;
sec_since_epoch /= 1000;
// calculate 'Y'
if(x > 0) {
y = 1;
} else if (x = 0) {
y = 0;
} else {
y = -1;
// calculate 'Z', the maximal value
if(Math.abs(x) >= 1) {
z = Math.abs(x);
} else {
z = 1;
return {x: x, y: y, z: z, t_s: sec_since_epoch};
finalize_f = """
function(key, value) {
// f(sec_since_epoch,y,z) = log10(z) + ((y*sec_since_epoch) / 45000)
z_10 = Math.log(value.z) / Math.log(10);
weight = z_10 + ((value.y * value.t_s) / 45000);
return weight;
# ensure both artists are found
results = Link.objects.order_by("-value")
results = results.map_reduce(map_f, reduce_f, finalize_f=finalize_f)
results = list(results)
# do something interesting with results
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