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Last active January 20, 2022 23:01
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texture loading

A utility for loading texture in ThreeJS. Will upload to GPU as soon as the texture is loaded, ensuring that it won't cause jank later in your application.


const loadTexture = require('./loadTexture');

// Returns a THREE.Texture object
const texture = loadTexture('foo.jpg', {
  renderer: threeJSRenderer,
  minFilter: THREE.LinearFilter,
  magFilter: THREE.LinearFilter,
  generateMipmaps: false
}, (err, tex) => {
  if (err) console.error('Could not load texture...');
  else console.log('Loaded texture!', tex.image.width, tex.image.height);
const loadImg = require('load-img');
const noop = () => {};
module.exports = function loadTexture (src, opt, cb) {
if (typeof opt === 'function') {
cb = opt;
opt = {};
opt = Object.assign({}, opt);
cb = cb || noop;
const texture = new THREE.Texture(); = src;
texture.encoding = opt.encoding || THREE.LinearEncoding;
setTextureParams(src, texture, opt);
loadImg(src, {
crossOrigin: 'Anonymous'
}, (err, image) => {
if (err) {
const msg = `Could not load texture ${src}`;
return cb(new Error(msg));
texture.image = image;
texture.needsUpdate = true;
if (opt.renderer) {
// Force texture to be uploaded to GPU immediately,
// this will avoid "jank" on first rendered frame
opt.renderer.setTexture2D(texture, 0);
cb(null, texture);
return texture;
function setTextureParams (url, texture, opt) {
if (typeof opt.flipY === 'boolean') texture.flipY = opt.flipY;
if (typeof opt.mapping !== 'undefined') {
texture.mapping = opt.mapping;
if (typeof opt.format !== 'undefined') {
texture.format = opt.format;
} else {
// choose a nice default format
const isJPEG =\.(jpg|jpeg)$/) > 0 ||^data\:image\/jpeg/) === 0;
texture.format = isJPEG ? THREE.RGBFormat : THREE.RGBAFormat;
if (opt.repeat) texture.repeat.copy(opt.repeat);
texture.wrapS = opt.wrapS || THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping;
texture.wrapT = opt.wrapT || THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping;
texture.minFilter = opt.minFilter || THREE.LinearMipMapLinearFilter;
texture.magFilter = opt.magFilter || THREE.LinearFilter;
texture.generateMipmaps = opt.generateMipmaps !== false;
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