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Created December 19, 2021 14:32
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If you're able to set up taquito locally, you can use the wallet.js code below to programmatically place pixels on my Spectrum Color board (hangzhou testnet).

Testnet contract:



(async () => {
  // place red at top left of board
  await place({ color: 3, index: 0 });
  // place pixels in a batch by index:color map
  await placeBatch({
    3: '0', // beige (paper)
    4: '1', // black
    8: '2', // white

The board is 16 x 16. The colors are indexed like so:

0  #e9e3d5 empty (beige paper)
1  #000000 black
2  #f7f7f7 white
3  #E84420 red
4  #F4CD00 yellow
5  #3E58E2 blue
6  #999999 grey
7  #F1892A orange
8  #22A722 green
9  #7F3CAC purple
10 #F391C7 pink
11 #995F29 brown
import { TezosToolkit } from '@taquito/taquito/dist/taquito.es5.js';
import { BeaconWallet } from '@taquito/beacon-wallet/dist/taquito-beacon-wallet.es5.js';
const contractAddress = "KT1MeQytVramwMXJRyksTemX2B7qF4MJoRSG";
const network = "hangzhounet";
const Tezos = new TezosToolkit(`https://${network}`);
let wallet;
const curWalletGlobal = Symbol.for('active-wallet');
const oldWallet = window[curWalletGlobal];
if (oldWallet) {
console.log('Re-using old wallet');
wallet = oldWallet;
export async function disconnect () {
if (wallet) {
await wallet.clearActiveAccount();
export async function connect () {
if (!wallet) {
console.log('Loading wallet');
wallet = new BeaconWallet({
name: 'ColorBoard',
iconUrl: '',
preferredNetwork: network,
eventHandlers: {
handler: async (data) => {
console.log('permission data:', data);
window[curWalletGlobal] = wallet;
// We check the storage and only do a permission request if we don't have an active account yet
// This piece of code should be called on startup to "load" the current address from the user
// If the activeAccount is present, no "permission request" is required again, unless the user "disconnects" first.
const activeAccount = await wallet.client.getActiveAccount()
if (activeAccount == null) {
console.log('Requesting Permissions')
const network = {
type: network
// rpcUrl: '',
await wallet.requestPermissions({ network })
const pkh = await wallet.getPKH();
console.log('pkh', pkh);
export async function place ({ color, index, progress = (() => {}) } = {}) {
progress({ event: 'connect', message: 'Connecting...' });
await connect();
progress({ event: 'contract', message: 'Loading contract...' });
const contract = await;
progress({ event: 'send', message: 'Sending transaction...' });
const op = await contract.methods.default(color, index).send({
amount: 0,
storageLimit: 310
progress({ event: 'confirmation', hash: op.opHash, message: 'Waiting for confirmation: ' + op.opHash });
await op.confirmation(1)
progress({ event: 'finish', message: 'Done' });
export async function placeBatch (changes, { progress = (() => {}) } = {}) {
progress({ event: 'connect', message: 'Connecting...' });
await connect();
progress({ event: 'contract', message: 'Loading contract...' });
const contract = await;
progress({ event: 'send', message: 'Sending transaction...' });
let batch = await Tezos.wallet.batch()
Object.entries(changes).forEach(([ index, color ]) => {
index = parseInt(index, 10);
color = parseInt(color, 10);
batch = batch.withContractCall(contract.methods.default(color, index));
const op = await batch.send({
amount: 0,
storageLimit: 310
progress({ event: 'confirmation', hash: op.opHash, message: 'Waiting for confirmation: ' + op.opHash });
await op.confirmation(1)
progress({ event: 'finish', message: 'Done' });
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