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Created November 3, 2018 12:42
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A very nice looking (but terribly inefficient) random function in GLSL.
const canvasSketch = require('canvas-sketch');
const createShader = require('canvas-sketch-util/shader');
const random = require('canvas-sketch-util/random');
// Optionally we can lock the randomness like so
// random.setSeed(10);
// Setup our sketch
const settings = {
context: 'webgl',
dimensions: 'A4',
pixelsPerInch: 300,
attributes: {
antialias: false,
alpha: false,
preserveDrawingBuffer: true
// Your glsl code
const frag = /* glsl */`
precision highp float;
varying vec2 vUv;
uniform sampler2D randomness0;
uniform sampler2D randomness1;
// Use a new seed for each random invocation
float tick = 0.0 / 4096.0;
// A terribly inefficient and over-the-top
// random function (but it looks nice)
float random (in vec2 uv, in float seed) {
float hashA = texture2D(randomness0, vec2(uv.x, 0.5)).r;
float hashB = texture2D(randomness0, vec2(uv.y, 0.5)).r;
float seedMod = mod(seed, 1.0);
float hashC = texture2D(randomness0, vec2(seedMod, 0.5)).g;
float hashABC = mod(hashA + hashB + hashC, 1.0);
float index0 = texture2D(randomness0, vec2(hashABC, 0.5)).b;
float index1 = texture2D(randomness1, vec2(mod(index0 + seed, 1.0), 0.5)).r;
float index2 = texture2D(randomness1, vec2(index1, 0.5)).g;
return texture2D(randomness1, vec2(index2, 0.5)).b;
float random (in vec2 coordinate) {
float f = random(coordinate, tick);
tick += 1.0 / 4096.0; // increment by one random pixel
return f;
void main () {
float d = random(vUv);
vec3 color = vec3(d);
gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(color), 1.0);
// Your sketch, which simply returns the shader
const sketch = ({ gl }) => {
// Create a 4096x1 RGB random data texture
const createRandomTexture = () => {
const randoms = 4096;
const pixels = Array.from(new Array(randoms)).map(() => {
return [ random.value(), random.value(), random.value() ];
const randomness = {
shape: [ pixels.length, 1, 3 ],
type: 'float',
min: 'nearest',
mag: 'nearest',
data: pixels
return randomness;
// Create some REGL data textures
const randomness0 = createRandomTexture();
const randomness1 = createRandomTexture();
return createShader({
// Enable float32 textures
extensions: [
// Pass along WebGL context
// Specify fragment and/or vertex shader strings
// Specify additional uniforms to pass down to the shaders
uniforms: {
canvasSketch(sketch, settings);
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