For new modules created in 2015, lists the most popular dependents and devDependents.
(sourced July 31, 2015)
lodash 5264 | |
request 2703 | |
async 2580 | |
chalk 2066 | |
underscore 1922 | |
bluebird 1748 | |
debug 1710 | |
commander 1649 | |
express 1647 | |
through2 1467 | |
q 1323 | |
mkdirp 1112 | |
gulp-util 1086 | |
yeoman-generator 1064 | |
colors 1030 | |
moment 1010 | |
minimist 1006 | |
glob 894 | |
body-parser 797 | |
react 795 | |
fs-extra 748 | |
yosay 721 | |
jquery 713 | |
coffee-script 688 | |
cheerio 682 | |
gulp 645 | |
yargs 614 | |
ember-cli-babel 613 | |
object-assign 563 | |
extend 544 | |
node-uuid 455 | |
handlebars 426 | |
inquirer 423 | |
shelljs 421 | |
winston 414 | |
rimraf 403 | |
superagent 402 | |
jade 395 | |
redis 385 | |
xtend 378 | | 372 | |
mocha 369 | |
underscore.string 361 | |
semver 349 | |
promise 348 | |
morgan 346 | |
xml2js 344 | |
js-yaml 343 | |
browserify 340 | |
babel 338 | |
grunt 324 | |
es6-promise 311 | |
mongodb 307 | |
aws-sdk 303 | |
mongoose 301 | |
cookie-parser 298 | |
chai 295 | |
ejs 293 | |
gulp-rename 293 | |
babel-runtime 289 | |
marked 275 | |
uglify-js 271 | |
path 269 | |
meow 266 | |
postcss 265 | |
optimist 264 | |
through 263 | |
mime 257 | |
ws 251 | |
gulp-uglify 240 | |
prompt 234 | |
minimatch 233 | |
uuid 232 | |
mysql 229 | |
ember-cli-htmlbars 224 | |
classnames 219 | |
co 216 | |
del 211 | |
when 209 | |
inherits 205 | |
joi 203 | |
babel-core 201 | |
nan 196 | |
angular 193 | |
merge 192 | |
chokidar 191 | |
ramda 190 | |
express-session 190 | |
gulp-concat 188 | |
serve-favicon 188 | |
concat-stream 185 | |
open 184 | |
event-stream 181 | |
fs 175 | |
readable-stream 173 | |
npm 171 | |
qs 170 | |
connect 169 | |
validator 169 | |
serve-static 168 |
mocha 14031 | |
chai 6764 | |
grunt 4624 | |
gulp 4563 | |
istanbul 3035 | |
grunt-contrib-jshint 3022 | |
tape 2689 | |
should 2673 | |
sinon 2546 | |
browserify 2308 | |
babel 2146 | |
jshint 2139 | |
grunt-contrib-watch 1900 | |
grunt-contrib-clean 1890 | |
coveralls 1801 | |
jshint-stylish 1655 | |
eslint 1590 | |
grunt-contrib-uglify 1515 | |
coffee-script 1487 | |
gulp-mocha 1486 | |
karma 1374 | |
gulp-uglify 1336 | |
gulp-rename 1283 | |
gulp-jshint 1228 | |
load-grunt-tasks 1153 | |
grunt-contrib-nodeunit 1135 | |
grunt-cli 1119 | |
gulp-util 1047 | |
express 1036 | |
sinon-chai 1032 | |
ember-cli 996 | |
webpack 989 | |
broccoli-asset-rev 983 | |
ember-cli-inject-live-reload 980 | |
del 980 | |
ember-export-application-global 972 | |
ember-cli-dependency-checker 963 | |
ember-cli-qunit 962 | |
ember-cli-ic-ajax 945 | |
ember-cli-content-security-policy 920 | |
karma-phantomjs-launcher 885 | |
karma-chrome-launcher 882 | |
grunt-contrib-concat 856 | |
ember-data 852 | |
ember-cli-app-version 850 | |
ember-cli-uglify 849 | |
grunt-contrib-copy 837 | |
jscs 823 | |
grunt-mocha-test 805 | |
uglify-js 790 | |
standard 776 | |
babel-core 776 | |
babel-eslint 758 | |
karma-jasmine 739 | |
gulp-concat 728 | |
gulp-sourcemaps 720 | |
vinyl-source-stream 688 | |
expect.js 673 | |
babel-loader 661 | |
karma-mocha 659 | |
supertest 640 | |
gulp-babel 638 | |
ember-cli-htmlbars 632 | |
lodash 618 | |
time-grunt 604 | |
glob 603 | |
mocha-lcov-reporter 598 | |
rimraf 596 | |
ember-disable-prototype-extensions 578 | |
react 568 | |
ember-try 556 | |
gulp-plumber 556 | |
gulp-load-plugins 554 | |
gulp-istanbul 549 | |
chai-as-promised 540 | |
karma-firefox-launcher 534 | |
run-sequence 534 | |
babelify 515 | |
watchify 515 | |
tap-spec 510 | |
phantomjs 455 | |
karma-coverage 454 | |
jasmine-core 444 | |
webpack-dev-server 442 | |
gulp-coffee 431 | |
gulp-eslint 425 | |
grunt-contrib-connect 397 | |
async 388 | |
ember-disable-proxy-controllers 388 | |
grunt-karma 387 | |
request 373 | |
nock 369 | |
grunt-contrib-coffee 369 | |
nodeunit 365 | |
jsdom 361 | |
gulp-jscs 361 | |
grunt-browserify 358 | |
gulp-bump 358 | |
grunt-release 357 | |
grunt-jscs 354 |