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Last active March 11, 2023 02:02
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quadtree subdivision with ryu (this could probably be written in a more functional style...)
; draws a rectangle on canvas
(fn draw-rect (x y w h) (do
(canvas/line x y (+ x w) y)
(canvas/line (+ x w) y (+ x w) (+ y h))
(canvas/line x (+ y h) (+ x w) (+ y h))
(canvas/line x y x (+ y h))
; array utility - for-each
(fn each (arr itr)
(for (i (length arr))
(itr (array/nth arr i) i arr)))
; array utility - for-map
(fn map (arr itr) (do
(var result [])
(each arr (fn (v idx lst)
(array/push result (itr v idx lst))))
; draws a cell
(fn draw-cell (cell) (do
(var x0 (array/nth cell 0))
(var y0 (array/nth cell 1))
(var x1 (array/nth cell 2))
(var y1 (array/nth cell 3))
(draw-rect x0 y0 (- x1 x0) (- y1 y0))
; fills a cell
(fn fill-cell (cell color) (do
(var x0 (array/nth cell 0))
(var y0 (array/nth cell 1))
(var x1 (array/nth cell 2))
(var y1 (array/nth cell 3))
(canvas/rect x0 y0 (- x1 x0) (- y1 y0) color)
; lerp util
(fn lerp (min max t) (+ (* min (- 1 t)) (* max t)))
; bsp util
(fn bsp (x0 y0 x1 y1 maxDepth) (do
(var cells [])
(if (<= maxDepth 0) (set maxDepth 1))
(fn bsp-inner (cell depth) (do
(if (< depth maxDepth) (do
(var x0 (array/nth cell 0))
(var y0 (array/nth cell 1))
(var x1 (array/nth cell 2))
(var y1 (array/nth cell 3))
(var horiz (> (random) 0.5))
(var fract (random))
(var nd (+ 1 depth))
(var split [])
(if horiz
(set split [ [
x0 y0
(lerp x0 x1 fract) y1
] [
(lerp x0 x1 fract) y0
x1 y1
] ])
(set split [ [
x0 y0
x1 (lerp y0 y1 fract)
] [
x0 (lerp y0 y1 fract)
x1 y1
] ])
(each split (fn (cell) (do
(array/push cells cell)
(bsp-inner cell nd)
(bsp-inner [ x0 y0 x1 y1 ] 0)
; color palettes
(var colors [
"#E84420" "#F4CD00" "#3E58E2"
"#999999" "#F1892A" "#22A722" "#7F3CAC"
"#F391C7" "#995F29" "#3DC1A2" "#D5B3E5"
; set a random seed
(random/seed 128)
; set canvas style
(canvas/fill "#E9E3D5")
; padding for canvas
(var pad 16)
(var depth 8)
; run program on whole canvas
(var cells (bsp pad pad (- width pad) (- height pad) depth))
; first draw with color fill
(each cells (fn (cell) (fill-cell cell (random colors))))
; then with stroke
(each cells draw-cell)
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