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Created October 3, 2014 23:38
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* This helper makes it easy to add and access custom colors.
* How to add a color:
@include addColor(carpages, #090);
* How to access a color:
.foo {
color: get($color, carpages)
$color: ();
@mixin addColor($name, $value, $helper: false) {
// Add color to $color map
$color: map-merge($color, ($name: $value)) !global;
// Add helper to CSS
@if $helper == true {
.c--#{$name} {
color: $value;
$use-colors: true;
$color-settings: () !default;
$g-color: map-merge((
grey-interval: 5
), $color-settings);
* @module Social Colors
* @description Easy references to common social colors. These are variables
* that can be handy to use for text colors (esp icons) or backgrounds.
* @markup
.share--facebook { color: get($color, facebook); }
@include addColor(facebook, #3A5998, $use-colors);
@include addColor(twitter, #1AB2E8, $use-colors);
@include addColor(google, #4386F7, $use-colors);
@include addColor(google-plus, #DD4C39, $use-colors);
@include addColor(pinterest, #C9232D, $use-colors);
* @module Grey Colors
* @description Easy reference to the color scale. The scale goes from 0 - 100
* by intervals of 5, where 0 is black, and 100 is white.
* @markup
.foo { color: get($color, g20); }
@for $i from 0 through 100 / map-get($g-color, grey-interval) {
$grey-percent: $i * map-get($g-color, grey-interval);
@include addColor(g + $grey-percent, lighten(#000, $grey-percent), $use-colors)
* This helper makes it easy to add and access custom colors.
* How to add a color:
@include addColor(carpages, #090);
* How to access a color:
.foo {
color: get($color, carpages)
* @module Social Colors
* @description Easy references to common social colors. These are variables
* that can be handy to use for text colors (esp icons) or backgrounds.
* @markup
.share--facebook { color: get($color, facebook); }
.c--facebook {
color: #3A5998;
.c--twitter {
color: #1AB2E8;
.c--google {
color: #4386F7;
.c--google-plus {
color: #DD4C39;
.c--pinterest {
color: #C9232D;
* @module Grey Colors
* @description Easy reference to the color scale. The scale goes from 0 - 100
* by intervals of 5, where 0 is black, and 100 is white.
* @markup
.foo { color: get($color, g20); }
.c--g0 {
color: black;
.c--g5 {
color: #0d0d0d;
.c--g10 {
color: #1a1a1a;
.c--g15 {
color: #262626;
.c--g20 {
color: #333333;
.c--g25 {
color: #404040;
.c--g30 {
color: #4d4d4d;
.c--g35 {
color: #595959;
.c--g40 {
color: #666666;
.c--g45 {
color: #737373;
.c--g50 {
color: gray;
.c--g55 {
color: #8c8c8c;
.c--g60 {
color: #999999;
.c--g65 {
color: #a6a6a6;
.c--g70 {
color: #b3b3b3;
.c--g75 {
color: #bfbfbf;
.c--g80 {
color: #cccccc;
.c--g85 {
color: #d9d9d9;
.c--g90 {
color: #e6e6e6;
.c--g95 {
color: #f2f2f2;
.c--g100 {
color: white;
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