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Last active November 8, 2023 10:04
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Equation error method for digital IIR filter design; optional iterative solution of exact least squares filter design problem
function [a,b] = eqnerror(M,N,w,D,W,iter);
% [a,b] = eqnerror(M,N,w,D,W,iter);
% IIR filter design using equation error method
% if the input argument 'iter' is specified and if iter > 1, then
% the equation error method is applied iteratively trying to
% determine the true L2 solution of the nonlinear IIR design problem
% M numerator order
% N denominator order
% a denominator coefficients (length N+1), a(1) = 1
% b numerator coefficients (length M+1)
% w frequency vector in [0,pi], where pi is Nyquist
% D desired complex frequency response at frequencies w
% W weight vector defined at frequencies w
% iter optional; number of iterations for non-linear solver
% author: Mathias C. Lang, 2016-02-28
if nargin == 5, iter = 1; end
if ( isempty(iter) || iter <= 0 ), iter = 1; end
if ( max(w) > pi || min(w) < 0 ), error('w must be in [0,pi]'); end
L = length(w);
if ( length(D) != L ), error('D and w must have the same lengths.'); end
if ( length(W) != L ), error('W and w must have the same lengths.'); end
D0 = D(:); w = w(:); W0 = W(:);
A0 = [-D0(:,ones(N,1)).*exp(-1i*w*(1:N)), exp(-1i*w*(0:M))];
den = ones(L,1);
for k = 1:iter,
W = W0./abs(den);
A = A0.*W(:,ones(M+N+1,1)); D = D0.*W;
x = [real(A);imag(A)]\[real(D);imag(D)];
a = [1;x(1:N)]; b = x(N+1:M+N+1);
den = freqz(a,1,w);
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