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Created December 7, 2020 03:16
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2020-12-07T02:19:35.618Z [DEBUG] plugin.terraform-provider-azurerm_v2.31.1_x5: {"Code":"Conflict","Message":"Cannot modify this site because another operation is in progress. Details: Id: 9c62f530-c668-4880-b4fd-62fd8a10880c, OperationName: Create, CreatedTime: 12/7/2020 2:18:58 AM, RequestId: e22dffde-d5e9-47cd-8e8a-c1181efe058a, EntityType: 3","Target":null,"Details":[{"Message":"Cannot modify this site because another operation is in progress. Details: Id: 9c62f530-c668-4880-b4fd-62fd8a10880c, OperationName: Create, CreatedTime: 12/7/2020 2:18:58 AM, RequestId: e22dffde-d5e9-47cd-8e8a-c1181efe058a, EntityType: 3"},{"Code":"Conflict"},{"ErrorEntity":{"ExtendedCode":"59203","MessageTemplate":"Cannot modify this site because another operation is in progress. Details: {0}","Parameters":["Id: 9c62f530-c668-4880-b4fd-62fd8a10880c, OperationName: Create, CreatedTime: 12/7/2020 2:18:58 AM, RequestId: e22dffde-d5e9-47cd-8e8a-c1181efe058a, EntityType: 3"],"Code":"Conflict","Message":"Cannot modify this site because another operation is in progress. Details: Id: 9c62f530-c668-4880-b4fd-62fd8a10880c, OperationName: Create, CreatedTime: 12/7/2020 2:18:58 AM, RequestId: e22dffde-d5e9-47cd-8e8a-c1181efe058a, EntityType: 3"}}],"Innererror":null}
2020/12/07 02:19:35 [DEBUG] module.terraform-azure-***OUR_MODULE_NAME*** apply errored, but we're indicating that via the Error pointer rather than returning it: web.AppsClient#CreateOrUpdate: Failure sending request: StatusCode=0 -- Original Error: autorest/azure: Service returned an error. Status=<nil> <nil>
2020/12/07 02:19:35 [ERROR] eval: *terraform.EvalApplyPost, err: web.AppsClient#CreateOrUpdate: Failure sending request: StatusCode=0 -- Original Error: autorest/azure: Service returned an error. Status=<nil> <nil>
2020/12/07 02:19:35 [ERROR] eval: *terraform.EvalSequence, err: web.AppsClient#CreateOrUpdate: Failure sending request: StatusCode=0 -- Original Error: autorest/azure: Service returned an error. Status=<nil> <nil>
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