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Last active March 31, 2019 17:01
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(ns babbitt.core
(:require [clojure.math.combinatorics :as combo]))
; insert n at index i in x
; (insert 5 1 [2]) => [2 5]
(defn insert [n i x]
(let [[before after] (split-at i x)]
(vec (concat before [n] after))))
; insert ns at indices js in x
; (inserts [7 8 10] [0 2 3] [1 2 3 4 5]) => [7 1 2 8 3 10 4 5]
(defn inserts [[n & ns] [j & js] x]
(if (empty? js)
(insert n j x)
(inserts ns (map inc js) (insert n j x))))
; generate all possible ordered insertions of ns into x
; (insertions [:A :B] [:F :E]) => ([:A :B :F :E], [:A :F :B :E], ...)
(defn insertions [ns x]
(if (empty? x)
[(into x ns)]
(for [cs (filter #(apply <= %) (combo/selections (range (inc (count x))) (count ns)))]
(inserts ns cs x))))
; generate all possible ordered insertions of ns into multiple xs
; (insertions* [:A :B] [[:F :E] [:E :G]]) => ([:A :B :F :E], [:A :B :E :G], ...)
(defn insertions* [ns xs]
(mapcat identity (for [l xs] (insertions ns l))))
;(generate-partial [[:A :B] [:E :D :F#] [:G]]) => ([:A :B :E :D :F# :G], ...)
(defn generate-partial [[rule & xs]]
(if (empty? xs)
(insertions rule [])
(insertions* rule (generate-partial xs))))
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