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Created July 20, 2015 12:49
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kraehenbuehl harmonizing algorithm
(ns kraehenbuehl.core
(:require [leipzig.scale :as scale]
[leipzig.chord :refer [root triad inversion]]
[ :refer [find-note-name]]))
;eg. (kraehenbuehl (comp scale/G scale/major) [62 64 62 60 59])
;=> ((43 55 59 62) (52 55 59 64) (47 54 59 62) (38 54 57 60) (43 50 55 59))
(declare pitch-class)
(declare triad-with-top)
(defn kraehenbuehl
"Given a leipzig scale function (key) and vec of midi pitches,
return a random four-part harmony generated by the Kraenhenbuehl
method (Knuth, 2011). Final chord may be unresolved."
[key pitches]
(let [leading-tone (pitch-class (key -1))
inversions (flatten (iterate shuffle [0 1 2]))]
(fn [pitch inversion]
(let [triad (triad-with-top pitch inversion key)
notes (map key (vals triad))
; transpose triad root down an octave
bass-note (-> triad :i key (- 12))
bass-note (if (not= leading-tone (pitch-class bass-note))
; correct leading tone to dominant tone
(last (drop-last 2 (take-while #(<= % bass-note) (map key (range -100 100))))))]
(cons bass-note (sort notes))))
(defn pitch-class
"Given a pitch in SPN or midi number, return pitch class.
eg. (pitch-class :Db4) ;=> 'Db'
(pitch-class 'A4') ;=> 'A'
(pitch-class 73) ;=> 'C#'"
(if (number? pitch)
(pitch-class (find-note-name pitch))
(second (re-find #"(\D*)(\d*)" (name pitch)))))
(defn triad-with-top
"Given a pitch ('top'), return the triad in the given key
(inv'th inversion) having 'top' as its top note."
[top inv key]
(first (filter #(= top (apply max (map key (vals %))))
(map #(-> triad (root %) (inversion inv))
(range -100 100)))))
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