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Created November 4, 2011 23:38
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Linux Process Memory Info /proc/$PID/status
#!/usr/bin/env python
def _procMemoryGrep(filename, vmkeys):
size_scale = {'kb': 1024.0, 'mb':1048576.0, 'gb':1073741824.0}
values = {}
fd = open(filename)
for line in fd:
for vmkey in vmkeys:
if vmkey in line:
_, size, scale = line.split()
scale = size_scale.get(scale.strip().lower(), 1)
values[vmkey] = float(size.strip()) * scale
return values
class MemoryInfo(object):
_KEYS = [
'VmPeak', # peak virtual memory size
'VmSize', # total program size
'VmLck', # locked memory size
'VmHWM', # peak resident set size ("high water mark")
'VmRSS', # size of memory portions
'VmData', # size of data, stack, and text segments
'VmStk', # size of data, stack, and text segments
'VmExe', # size of text segment
'VmLib', # size of shared library code
'VmPTE', # size of page table entries
'VmSwap', # size of swap usage (the number of referred swapents)
def __init__(self, proc): = proc
self._status = {}
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self._status[key]
def update(self):
self._status = _procMemoryGrep('/proc/%d/status' %, self._KEYS)
def humanSize(size):
human = ((1 << 80, 'YiB'),
(1 << 70, 'ZiB'),
(1 << 60, 'EiB'),
(1 << 50, 'PiB'),
(1 << 40, 'TiB'),
(1 << 30, 'GiB'),
(1 << 20, 'MiB'),
(1 << 10, 'KiB'))
for t, s in human:
if size >= t:
return '%.2f %s' % ((size / t), s)
return '%d bytes' % size
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print 'usage: mem-info <pid>'
print ' mem-info `pidof init`'
mem = MemoryInfo(int(sys.argv[1]))
print 'peak virtual memory size', humanSize(mem['VmPeak'])
print 'total program size', humanSize(mem['VmSize'])
print 'locked memory size', humanSize(mem['VmLck'])
print 'peak resident set size ("high water mark")', humanSize(mem['VmHWM'])
print 'size of memory portions', humanSize(mem['VmRSS'])
print 'size of Data, stack, and text segments', humanSize(mem['VmData'])
print 'size of data, Stack, and text segments', humanSize(mem['VmStk'])
print 'size of text segment', humanSize(mem['VmExe'])
print 'size of shared library code', humanSize(mem['VmLib'])
print 'size of page table entries', humanSize(mem['VmPTE'])
print 'size of swap usage (the number of referred swapents)', humanSize(mem['VmSwap'])
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