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Last active August 8, 2019 19:57
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Progressbar (manual or countdown) for Jupyter notebooks
from IPython.display import display, HTML
import uuid
class Progress:
Add a progressbar.
Using not the HTML5 one.
Note that Jupyter uses an older version: 3.4 (, but I doubt this will be so for long hence the color via style.
Two uses different uses.
>>> Progress().countdown(seconds) = the progressbar counts to n seconds every tick ms
>>> p = Progress(percent=20, label='hello') both percent and label are optional arguments
>>> p.percent = 30
>>> p.label = 'bye'
Do note that `.percent` and `.label` do not check what the real value of the Progress bar is and rely on a previously stored value.
Hence why they are incorrect for `.countdown()`.
This is unavoidable as JS can run a IPython command only when the kernel is idle and this is needed to input values.
Consequently, the method `.update('varname')` is provided which will check.
The argument for .update is the name variable has in the Python mainspace as a string.
Do note the update happens after the cell has finished excecuting. So
>>> p = Progress(percent=20, label='hello')
>>> print(p.percent, p.label) # correct
>>> p.countdown(5)
>>> time.sleep(1)
>>> print(p.percent, p.label) # incorrect
>>> p.update('p')
>>> print(p.percent, p.label) # incorrect within the same cell, correct in next.
The HTML element id of the bar is `.id`.
def __init__(self, percent=0, label=''): = uuid.uuid1().hex
self._percent = percent
self._label = label
display(HTML(f'''<div class="progress">
<div id="{}"
class="progress-bar progress-bar-striped" role="progressbar"
style="background-color: #ffc107; width: {self._percent}%;">
def countdown(self, seconds, tick=1000):
window.timegone = {seconds * self.percent /100}; // zero normally...
window.killTimer = setInterval(() => {{
if(++window.timegone > {seconds}) {{
$('#{}').css('width', '100%')
}} else {{$('#{}').css('width', (window.timegone/{seconds}*100)+'%')}}
}}, {tick});''')
return self
def _set_percent(self, percent):
## sets the progress to that percent
self._percent = percent
if percent < 100:
self._append(code=f"$('#{}').css('width', '{percent}%');")
self._append(code=f"$('#{}').css('width', '100%').css('background-color','#28a745').removeClass('progress-bar-striped');")
return self
def _set_label(self, label):
# add a label
self._label = label
return self
def update(self, name):
## name is a string with the name in the main namespace that the progress instance is called by
self._append(code=f'''IPython.notebook.kernel.execute("{name}._label = '"+$('#{}').html().replace('\\n',' ')+"'");''')
self._append(code=f'''IPython.notebook.kernel.execute("{name}._percent = "+$('#{}').width()/$('#{}').parent().width() * 100);''')
label=property(lambda self: self._label, _set_label)
percent=property(lambda self: self._percent, _set_percent)
def _unbloat(self, n):
# a wee hack to stop newlines appearing.
return f'$("#{n}").parent().parent().hide();'
def _append(self, code, hidden=True):
# adds JS
n = uuid.uuid1().hex
if hidden:
code += '\n'+self._unbloat(n)
display(HTML(f'''<script type="text/javascript" id='{n}'>
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