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Created July 4, 2020 16:05
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Identify gaps and fill them with pyrosetta
from __future__ import annotations
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List
import pyrosetta
class GapData:
chain: str
start: int # PDB index of first missing residue
previous: int # PDB index of the preceeding present residue
pose_i: int # pose index of residue after the cutpoint (will become first was-missing)
end: int # PDB index of last missing residue
sequence: str = ''
def fill_sequence(self, data: List[dict]) -> None:
for peptide in data:
if self.chain in peptide['chains']:
msg = f"Chain {self.chain} peptide ({len(peptide['sequence'])}) is shorter than the span ({self.start}:{self.end})"
assert len(peptide['sequence']) >= self.start - 1, msg
assert len(peptide['sequence']) >= self.end - 1, msg
self.sequence = peptide['sequence'][self.start-1:self.end]
assert self.sequence, 'Empty??!'
raise ValueError(f'Unknown chain in pose {chain}')
def get_pose(self) -> pyrosetta.Pose:
# not used.
pose = pyrosetta.pose_from_sequence(self.sequence)
for i in range(1, pose.total_residue() + 1):
pose.pdb_info().chain(i, self.chain)
pose.pdb_info().number(i, i+self.start - 1)
return pose
def add_to_pose(self, pose: pyrosetta.Pose):
# by extension
chm = pyrosetta.rosetta.core.chemical.ChemicalManager.get_instance()
rts = chm.residue_type_set( 'fa_standard' )
#previous = self.pose_i - 1 #this may have changed!
previous = pose.pdb_info().pdb2pose(res=self.previous, chain=self.chain)
# self.pose_i is the pos of the one after the gap
# it will become the new first added residue
rm_upper = pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.remove_upper_terminus_type_from_conformation_residue
rm_lower = pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.remove_lower_terminus_type_from_conformation_residue
rm_upper(pose.conformation(), previous)
rm_lower(pose.conformation(), previous)
rm_lower(pose.conformation(), previous + 1)
rm_upper(pose.conformation(), previous + 1)
for i, r in enumerate(self.sequence):
res_type = rts.get_representative_type_name1(r)
residue = pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.ResidueFactory.create_residue(res_type)
pose.append_polymer_residue_after_seqpos(residue, previous + i, True)
npos = previous + i + 1
# pose.pdb_info().chain(npos, 'A')
# pose.pdb_info().number(npos, self.previous + i + 1)
rm_lower(pose.conformation(), npos)
rm_upper(pose.conformation(), npos)
# close loop
lm = pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.loop_modeler.LoopModeler()
loops = pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.loops.Loops()
loop = pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.loops.Loop(previous - 1,
npos + 2,
npos) #cutpoint
# these are enabled by default. here for quick changing.
def get_gaps(cls, pose: pyrosetta.Pose) -> List[GapData]:
gaps = []
pose2pdb = pose.pdb_info().pose2pdb
previous_resi, previous_chain = (-1, '禁') # forbidden kanji is deffo not a chain name.
for residue in pose.residues:
resi, chain = map(lambda x: int(x) if x.isdigit() else x, pose2pdb(residue.seqpos()).split())
if residue.is_ligand() or residue.is_metal(): # so why are ligands is_protein?
previous_resi, previous_chain = (-1, '禁')
elif chain != previous_chain:
pass # reset!
elif resi <= previous_resi:
raise ValueError(f'PDB ordering error: {previous_resi, previous_chain, resi, chain}')
elif resi != previous_resi + 1:
start= previous_resi + 1,
end= resi - 1,
pose_i = residue.seqpos(),
previous = previous_resi
pass # countinous.
previous_resi, previous_chain = resi, chain
return gaps
def fix_pose(cls, pose: pyrosetta.Pose, data: List[dict]) -> None:
gaps = cls.get_gaps(pose)
for gap in reversed(gaps):
gap_pose = gap.add_to_pose(pose)
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