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Last active October 21, 2023 09:11
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Take a photo of earth from space

Get a current photo of earth from space!

All you have to do is run

NOW=$(date -v-20M -u '+%Y/%j/%H')
LATEST=$(aws s3 ls $DIRECTORY --no-sign-request \
| tail -1 \
| awk '{print $NF}')
aws s3 cp ${DIRECTORY}${LATEST} data/ --no-sign-request
from datetime import datetime
import as ccrs
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import metpy # noqa: F401
import numpy as np
import xarray
FILE = ('data/')
C = xarray.open_dataset(FILE)
# Scan's start time, converted to datetime object
scan_start = datetime.strptime(C.time_coverage_start, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ')
# Scan's end time, converted to datetime object
scan_end = datetime.strptime(C.time_coverage_end, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ')
# File creation time, convert to datetime object
file_created = datetime.strptime(C.date_created, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ')
# The 't' variable is the scan's midpoint time
midpoint = str(C['t'].data)[:-8]
scan_mid = datetime.strptime(midpoint, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f')
print('Scan Start : {}'.format(scan_start))
print('Scan midpoint : {}'.format(scan_mid))
print('Scan End : {}'.format(scan_end))
print('File Created : {}'.format(file_created))
print('Scan Duration : {:.2f} minutes'.format((scan_end-scan_start).seconds/60))
# True Color RGB Recipe
# ---------------------
# Color images are a Red-Green-Blue (RGB) composite of three different
# channels. To make a "Natural True Color" image we assign the following
# channels as our R, G, and B values:
# | -- | RED | GREEN | BLUE |
# |----------------------|-------------|----------------|--------------|
# | **Name** | Red Visible | Near-IR Veggie | Blue Visible |
# | **Wavelength** | 0.64 µm | 0.86 µm | 0.47 µm |
# | **Channel** | 2 | 3 | 1 |
# | **Units** | Reflectance | Reflectance | Reflectance |
# | **Range of Values** | 0-1 | 0-1 | 0-1 |
# | **Gamma Correction** | 2.2 | 2.2 | 2.2 |
# Some important details to know about...
# **Value Range**: The data units of channel 1, 2, and 3 are in reflectance and
# have a range of values between 0 and 1. RGB values must also be between 0 and
# 1.
# **Gamma Correction**: A gamma correction is applied to control the brightness
# and make the image not look too dark.
# `corrected_value = value^(1/gamma)`.
# Most displays have a decoding gamma of 2.2. Read more about gamma correction
# at the following links...
# [source1]( and
# [source2](
# **True Green**: The GREEN "veggie" channel on GOES-16 does not measure
# visible green light. Instead, it measures a near-infrared band sensitive to
# chlorophyll. We could use that channel in place of green, but it would make
# the green in our image appear too vibrant. Instead, we will tone-down the
# green channel by interpolating the value to simulate a natural green color.
# `TrueGreen = (0.45*RED) + (0.1*GREEN) + (0.45*BLUE)`
# Now we can begin putting the pieces together...
# In[5]:
# Confirm that each band is the wavelength we are interested in
for band in [2, 3, 1]:
print('{} is {:.2f} {}'.format(
# In[6]:
# Load the three channels into appropriate R, G, and B variables
R = C['CMI_C02'].data
G = C['CMI_C03'].data
B = C['CMI_C01'].data
# In[7]:
# Apply range limits for each channel. RGB values must be between 0 and 1
R = np.clip(R, 0, 1)
G = np.clip(G, 0, 1)
B = np.clip(B, 0, 1)
# In[8]:
# Apply a gamma correction to the image to correct ABI detector brightness
gamma = 2.2
# gamma = 1.8
R = np.power(R, 1/gamma)
G = np.power(G, 1/gamma)
B = np.power(B, 1/gamma)
# In[9]:
# Calculate the "True" Green
G_true = 0.45 * R + 0.1 * G + 0.45 * B
G_true = np.clip(G_true, 0, 1) # apply limits again, just in case.
# Simple Image
# -----------------
# Use `plt.imshow` to get a quick look at the channels and RGB composite we
# created.
# First, plot each channel individually. The deeper the color means the
# satellite is observing more light in that channel. Clouds appear white because
# they reflect lots of red, green, and blue light. Notice that the land reflects
# a lot of "green" in the veggie channel because this channel is sensitive to
# the chlorophyll.
# In[10]:
fig, ([ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4]) = plt.subplots(1, 4, figsize=(16, 3))
ax1.imshow(R, cmap='Reds', vmax=1, vmin=0)
ax1.set_title('Red', fontweight='bold')
ax2.imshow(G, cmap='Greens', vmax=1, vmin=0)
ax2.set_title('Veggie', fontweight='bold')
ax3.imshow(G_true, cmap='Greens', vmax=1, vmin=0)
ax3.set_title('"True" Green', fontweight='bold')
ax4.imshow(B, cmap='Blues', vmax=1, vmin=0)
ax4.set_title('Blue', fontweight='bold')
# The addition of the three channels results in a color image. Combine the three
# channels with a stacked array and display the image with `imshow`.
# In[11]:
# The RGB array with the raw veggie band
RGB_veggie = np.dstack([R, G, B])
# The RGB array for the true color image
RGB = np.dstack([R, G_true, B])
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(16, 6))
# The RGB using the raw veggie band
ax1.set_title('GOES-16 RGB Raw Veggie', fontweight='bold', loc='left',
ax1.set_title('{}'.format(scan_start.strftime('%d %B %Y %H:%M UTC ')),
# The RGB for the true color image
ax2.set_title('GOES-16 RGB True Color', fontweight='bold', loc='left',
ax2.set_title('{}'.format(scan_start.strftime('%d %B %Y %H:%M UTC ')),
# Adjust Image Contrast
# ---------------------
# I think the color looks a little dull. We could get complicated and make a
# Rayleigh correction to the data to fix the blue light scattering, but that can
# be intense. More simply, we can make the colors pop out by adjusting the image
# contrast. Adjusting image contrast is easy to do in Photoshop, and also easy
# to do in Python.
# We are still using the RGB values from the day/night GOES-16 ABI scan.
# Note: you should adjust the contrast _before_ you add in the Clean IR channel.
# In[12]:
def contrast_correction(color, contrast):
Modify the contrast of an RGB
color - an array representing the R, G, and/or B channel
contrast - contrast correction level
F = (259*(contrast + 255))/(255.*259-contrast)
COLOR = F*(color-.5)+.5
COLOR = np.clip(COLOR, 0, 1) # Force value limits 0 through 1.
return COLOR
# Amount of contrast
contrast_amount = 200
# Apply contrast correction
RGB_contrast = contrast_correction(RGB, contrast_amount)
# In[16]:
# Plot on map with Cartopy
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 12))
plt.imshow(RGB_contrast, interpolation="antialiased")
plt.imsave("out/color.png", RGB_contrast)
all: earth.png
earth.png: out/color.png
convert $< \
-resize 2972x1820\> \
-size 3072x1920 xc:black +swap \
-gravity center \
-composite $@
out/color.png: data/
python $<
bash -e $<
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